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Samardzic: Division of Kosovo “smokescreen” (Danas)

Professor at Faculty of Political Sciences and former Serbian Minister for Kosovo and Metohija, Slobodan Samardzic said that talks on Kosovo division “represent a smokescreen concealing the truth that state leadership of Serbia would sign an act of recognition of Kosovo,” Danas daily reported.

As the last round on surrender already started, Serbian media start talking about division. Isn’t this suspicious? The story is that simple and infantile, that the only loud noise made by creators and messengers can remove part of sanity in finding out its basic function, Samardzic said in a written statement.

And it is a smoke screen concealing the truth that the state leadership of Serbia would sign an act on Kosovo recognition, Samardzic added.

He claims the authorities accepted a proposal from the West, to surrender Kosovo, while the West would tolerate different deceptions of the Serbian public, where in recent times illusion division of the province also belongs, Danas daily reported.