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Vucic: I am coming to Kosovo in September to talk about future (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said yesterday he would come to Kosovo in September to talk to Serbs about the future of Kosovo and Metohija, adding that no decision would be made without them, RTS reported.

“Not a single decision will be made without you, not a single decision, and I will come to Kosovo and Metohija in September, because I want to talk to all of you and tell you what will be new in the talks on the future of Kosovo, to make common plans, to jointly build and to live together,” Vucic said addressing the attendees at a meeting in Mitrovica North during the visit of Marko Djuric and Nikola Selakovic.

Vucic announced that Serbia will start this and next year to develop major infrastructure projects in Kosovo and Metohija, both south and north of the Ibar River, they would work on water supply, sewage systems and they would invest more money than ever before.

He pointed out that those who are accusing the authorities in Serbia and the Serbian List of being bad, have “shown who they are - the ones who do not want the Serbs to have anything in Kosovo and Metohija, who do not want Serbs to live in a good part as free people and those are the ones who are against the presence of Serbia in Kosovo”.

He promised he would build a kindergarten in Strpce and not only that, but everything that is needed, from the water supply system in Zubin Potok, to everything that should be done in Leposavic, Zvecan, Mitrovica North and Gracanica.

“As for the solution, we are far from any solution, but we will continue to fight and therefore I ask for your support, because you know best who is fighting for Kosovo and Metohija and you know who is with you” Vucic concluded, RTS reported.