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“Court for KLA crimes makes no sense, if Thaci does not go there, and he will go” (Tanjug)

Pristina journalist Vehbi Kajtazi said he believes Kosovo President Hashim Thaci would go to The Hauge, adding he believes the Special Court for KLA crimes would make no sense, if Thaci is not indicted, Tanjug news agency reported.

According to Tanjug, Kajtazi said this in “Pressing” broadcast on TV 7. “I expect (Hashim) Thaci to be indicted and to go to the Hague in March, he could be questioned in March,” Kajtazi said.

He also noted “the biggest crimes in Kosovo occurred after the war,” and that he expects Thaci would be questioned over Kosovo intelligence service (SHIK), but also over other structures that evolved from the KLA and were active.

Kajtazi expects Thaci would be questioned over concrete cases, murders of people and attempts of murders, as well as other attacks of which many took place after the conflict.

In this context, Kajtazi mentioned the cases of Xhemal Mustafa, Smajlo Hajdarij, Gani Geci, Adem Salihaj, Agim Veliu, Ejup Visoka, Shaban Muja and Ismet Raci.

Initiative for Kosovo MP, Milajim Zeka said two days ago that Thaci can expect invitation for the Special Court. “The Court was created for Hashim Thaci exclusively, and not for you (journalists) and me. He can make hundred agreements with Serbia, but he will can run away from the Special Court,” Zeka said.

He also added, that Thaci had twice or three times contacts with the Special Court representatives. Kosovo lawyer Toma Gashi also said Thaci would not be able to avoid Special Court in The Hague, if he receives an invitation.

Speaking for TV Dukadjini, Gashi said in case he is invited, Thaci would respond to the Special Court.