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Vucic: Extraordinary elections possible (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced the possibility of extraordinary elections, RTS reported, adding he would make a decision on that soon.

He said early elections are possible if the situation regarding Kosovo remains unchanged, respectively if Pristina does not abolish tariffs, so the talks can not continue.

“It is possible, in this case, to go for slightly earlier elections, if such decisions are made, and would they we shall see,” Vucic told journalists after visiting the hospital for children in Belgrade.

“If tariffs are not abolished, there are no talks and it is clear,” Vucic said, adding “that our aim is to preserve the current peace and stability, and should sometime in the future, political stakeholders or political circumstances change, the talks would continue.”

Asked to comment on the US President Trump’s letter saying that normalization of relations with Pristina should include mutual recognitions between Belgrade and Pristina, Vucic said that “if one expected the greatest power would change its stance on Kosovo, then that one is rather naive.” According to Vucic the US has recognized Kosovo and it is not possible to change that decision. He added, he understands the wishes of the American President in relation to Kosovo, but that Serbia also has wishes, needs and its plans.

“By respecting wishes of all, we will see how to preserve our interests in the best way without confronting with America, because we neither can do that, nor we need it and find it normal to do,” Vucic said.