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Countermeasures against Pristina "on hold" (Danas, TV Pink)

Although the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said earlier if Pristina does not revoke the tariffs on goods from Serbia by May 6, a special session of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Main Board would take place, after which Belgrade would present countermeasures against Pristina, there are yet no announcements as when this session might happen, Danas daily reports.

The daily further writes that according to unofficial information from the SNS ranks, the session might take place next weekend, after Vucic’s meeting with Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini in Rome on May 8, and his return from Tirana where “Brdo Brioni” summit is happening on May 9.

Speaking for TV Pink over the weekend Vucic noted that while he does not succumb to the pressure, Kosovo would in the future get independence and sovereignty on its entire territory, not because he would recognize it but because the solution he was offering didn’t pass. Vucic however, did not say precisely what solution he was offering and to whom it has been offered.

He blamed tremendous pressure from certain countries and their intelligence services that mobilized complete political, media and other resources in different countries to prevent that solution happen. He also criticized the Serbian opposition for failing to take part in an internal dialogue on Kosovo and present their proposal on how to resolve the Kosovo issue and yet fiercely criticized him.

Reacting on Vucic’s statement where he shifted the blame for Kosovo independence to the Serbian opposition, the leader of the New Party (NS) Zoran Zivkovic said it is a way for Vucic to escape accountability.

“He talks about the dialogue? Maybe with Simo Spasic. He tried to have no dialogue with anybody else. He talks about some good solution, but he never said what this good solution is about. He makes coalition with war criminals from Pristina, including Haradinaj, Thaci and others. It is an illusion of the international community to expect that war profiters (…) from Belgrade and Pristina would bring the peace to this region (…)”. Zivkovic underlined.