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Serbian FM Dacic: Pristina has no place in Helsinki (RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic believes that EU Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, by inviting Pristina to attend Helsinki meeting, where EU candidate countries are invited, is trying to create a presidency that Belgrade should accept, but which, he adds, certainly won't happen.

Dacic says that the name of another brave country that has withdrawn its decision on recognizing Kosovo's independence will be announced after Vucic's return from New York.

For the first time, at the end of her term, Federica Mogherini changed her practice and invited Pristina to the meeting, Dacic recalled in a statement to Tanjug. Dacic added that because of Pristina, she changed the format of the event and said that she had invited and "partners", RTS quoted Belgrade based news agency Tanjug.

According to him, that meeting in Helsinki, despite the participation of Pristina, will not be an opportunity to discuss the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Belgrade will go to the meeting, not because we think Pristina should participate, but since they changed the format and used the Gymnich formula, to let them know that Belgrade does not approve the move, Dacic said.

Dacic believes Mogherini called Pristina so they cannot say that she did nothing for them.

"And so, she invited them. So far, she has invited them to lunch and now to a formal meeting but changing the term, they are not candidates but partners," Dacic said, assessing that these are all games.

However, these are games that do not bring any benefit, only bring political damage, said the head of Serbian diplomacy.

Dacic said it was true that 15 countries withdrew and suspended recognition of Kosovo. He was asked what the 15th county was that withdrew recognition, as Togo was mentioned by media, while he personally said Somalia was on its way to question its decision because of Somaliland.

"It is true that 15 countries withdrew and suspended recognition of Kosovo. That decision was not made yesterday, they addressed a note on the St. Vitus Day (Vidovdan), which sends a message, and I have not discovered yet which one was it, and will not until the president returns," said Dacic.