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Belgrade Media Report 30 October 2019



Dacic to attend UN SC session dedicated to Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic will represent Serbia tomorrow at a session of the UN Security Council in New York. The report of the UN Secretary-General on the work of UNMIK for the period from 16 May to 15 September will be examined at the session. Dacic will present Serbia’s view of the report and our evaluation of the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the activity of UNMIK.


Vucic: Serbia to behave as a sovereign country (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said late Tuesday after a meeting at the EU headquarters in Brussels that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn had given him friendly assurances that it is important to keep Serbia on the European path. Speaking to reporters, Vucic said he had accepted that, but added that he had responded that Serbia would build its European path as a sovereign country and that it would behave as one, while maintaining good relations with everyone else. Today, it is very difficult to get an answer to the question of "what it is that we need to do to see benefits and when we can expect EU membership if we do our job," he said. He said the EU officials had asked him about a "greater visibility" of Serbian-Russian relations, especially in the military sphere. "When we want to buy arms from Western European countries, they keep asking us: 'What do you need this, or that, for,' and it has been going on for three years... Emmanuel Macron is the only one who has changed his stance, saying: 'You want the Mistral? Here it is,'" Vucic said. "I now do not have to explain things to anyone because we have a sovereign country," he said, asking: "Is our money no good?"


Vucic: Situation with dialogue more difficult than it seems (RTS)


Asked following the joint dinner of Western Balkans leaders and the outgoing EU High Representatives Federica Mogherini whether the resumption of the dialogue with Pristina was discussed at the meeting, Vucic said that they did but didn’t wish to present details of the talks. “We did talk, but I don’t wish to use the opportunity to present what I had said. What I said was not pleasant for everyone. I do not want to gain political points. My job is to take care of peace and stability and that is why I will not speak about details,” said Vucic. Asked whether it was possible to conduct dialogue having in mind the current situation, Vucic said the situation was difficult, much more than it seems.


Dacic on Bytyqi brothers case: US Congress resolution presents a form of pressure (RTS)


The resolution whereby the US Congress House of Representatives request the resolution of the case of the murder of the Bytyqi brothers will not impact relations between Serbia and the US, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). “From the political aspect, the resolution will not have consequences on breaking relations with the US, but this shows they are not giving up. This is one form of pressure, but that is counter-productive with us,” says Dacic. He says that the murder of the Bytyqi brothers is undoubtedly a serious crime, that the perpetrators need to be punished, but that it is certainly not a matter of a political decision as to who is responsible. He recalls that an FBI team came to Serbia and talked with the witnesses who were also interrogated by our prosecution, adding: “The US has given itself the right in the last century to be able to conduct investigations into murders of their citizens throughout the world. In accordance with this, they sent their team here. The FBI has the authority to launch an investigation if it is not satisfied with our result.” However, Dacic notes that in this case at issue are not American tourists who came on vacation to Serbia, but KLA fighters, of the so-called Atlantic brigade composed of 400 US citizens of Albanian descent. He notes that the Bytyqi family gave $500,000 worth of donations to the KLA before the war began.

“When US citizens go to the Islamic State or Al Kaida then they are terrorists, when US citizens join the KLA that was on the list of terrorist organizations, then they came to our state as US citizens, fought, had uniforms of military forces against who we waged a war. Whether they committed war crimes in the KLA this is also a question,” said Dacic.


Exceptional bilateral relations of Serbia, Cyprus (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with Minister of Defense of the Republic of Cyprus Savvas Angelides, who is on a two-day official visit to the Republic of Serbia at the invitation of Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin. In a cordial conversation, the two sides confirmed the extraordinary bilateral relations between the two countries based on the historically established closeness and friendship of the two peoples and the two states. They expressed a strong and principled mutual support to the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Cyprus, and the Cypriot side expressed full support to the process of European integration of the Republic of Serbia, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Djuric: Pristina taking region to new destabilization (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric met on Tuesday with the newly appointed Norwegian Ambassador to Serbia Jørn Eugene Gjelstad and acquainted him with the political-security situation in the province, warning that pressures on the Serbs in the province are increasing on daily basis and that politicians in Pristina are taking the region to a new destabilization. The leaders of the Albanian parties that won the largest number of votes at the recently held parliamentary elections are reducing with their political messages the chances for the resumption of a productive Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, said Djuric. According to him, it is inappropriate and impermissible to relativize obligations assumed by Pristina in the course of the Brussels dialogue, especially the obligations that refer to the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. “For starters, Belgrade expects the new political majority in Pristina, instead of the Greater Albanian propaganda, to urgently withdraw taxes and start implementing what had been agreed in the Brussels dialogue,” said Djuric.




B&H Presidency members meet with Hahn, Dzaferovic and Komsic advocate Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H (TV1)


Leaders of the Western Balkans countries, including members of the Presidency Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will attend on Tuesday evening a working dinner with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini in Brussels. This is also farewell meeting with Mogherini, because her five-year term expires in December. Among other things, participants of this meeting are expected to discuss joint challenges and achievements in the region. Reporter reminded that Mogherini stated earlier that the EU enlargement was one of successful stories in the previous period. She also expressed discontent with the fact opening of the EU accession negotiations talks with North Macedonia and Albania has been postponed. Reporter noted that Mogherini’s successor Josep Borrell announced that the Western Balkans region will be priority of the EU’s foreign policy in upcoming period. Prior to meeting with Mogherini, members of the Presidency of B&H met with European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn. During this meeting Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic emphasized that they advocate the Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H, while member of the Presidency Milorad Dodik underlined that he supports the EU path of B&H. Dzaferovic said that there is currently a problem in B&H where certain persons fail to abide by the rule of law. He said that the Cabinets of the tripartite Presidency have been working on a document which would enable cooperation with NATO, in line with the previously adopted decisions in B&H. Regional cooperation was also discussed regarding the EU accession of Western Balkan countries, as well as the decision to halt accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia. Dzaferovic said that it was stated that accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia will not commence until certain reforms are carried out within the EU, even though most members deem that the two processes could have been carried out at the same time. The migrant crisis in B&H was also discussed and Komsic said that that the EU is ready to help B&H and that B&H does not have the right to decline this offer since people’s lives are at stake and that help from the EU to secure the Eastern border as well as take care of the migrants currently in the state should not be refused. Komsic and Dzaferovic agreed that EU perspective of B&H has no alternative and that all B&H leaders must work towards achieving this goal. When talking about the formation of authorities and conditions stated in the process, Dzaferovic and Komsic said they insist on respecting all previously adopted decisions in regard to B&H’s paths towards the EU and the NATO. Dodik said he fully supports the EU path, but would never agree to B&H joining the NATO. This means that condition that states we must adopt the Annual National Program (ANP), prior to electing the new Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM), is unacceptable for us, Dodik underlined. During a farewell dinner with Mogherini in Brussels on Tuesday evening, leaders of the Western Balkans expressed regret with a decision of the EU not to open accession negotiations with the Republic of the North Macedonia and Albania. The officials agreed that the European integration of the Western Balkans remains the key goal, as the joint interest of the EU and the region. According to the press release of the Mogherini’s Cabinet, leaders of the Western Balkans exchanged their views with Mogherini following the dinner. The press release reads: “Once again, partners from the Western Balkans confirmed strong commitment to the European perspective, continuation of reforms, primarily for the benefit of their citizens as well as regional cooperation and good-neighborly relations”. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Montenegro’s President Milo Djukanovic, President of the self-declared Kosovo Hashim Thaci, Prime Minister of the North Macedonia Zoran Zaev, as well as all three members of the B&H Presidency attended the dinner. Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama did not attend the dinner due to previously-scheduled visit to Greece.


Inzko meets Palmer and Cormack, stresses urgent need of formation of authorities (FTV)


Ahead of his semi-annual address to the United Nations Security Council, where he will present his report on the overall status of peace implementation in B&H, High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko visited Washington and met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Maureen Cormack on Monday. Inzko, Palmer and Cormack discussed the urgent need to complete the authority formation process at all levels, while at the same time respecting B&H’s international commitments. Highlighting the frequent challenges to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, the HR underlined the need for full compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement, in particular improving the overall functioning of state-level institutions and strengthening of the rule of law. FTV quoted Inzko as saying: "On this path, the international community is willing to assist B&H in its efforts towards making this better future a reality.” Inzko also met with Presiding Arbitrator of the Arbitral Tribunal for Brcko, Ambassador Clint Williamson. During the meeting, Inzko underlined that the significance of the District of Brcko for the stability of the entire B&H is well known. For that reason, according to Inzko, local authorities must invest additional efforts to create a new trend that would show change is possible if they focus on issues of importance for citizens. Later Inzko met with John Erath, Deputy Senior Director for European Affairs at the US National Security Council (NSC) of the White House, and discussed the situation in B&H. HR Inzko presented his views about the situation in B&H, underlining that over a year passed after the general elections and that authorities at all levels should be formed without further delays, also taking into account B&H’s international commitments. The HR also said that the positive, forward-looking, agenda so far failed to prevail over the divisive issues and rhetoric, underscoring that there is a need for a change in B&H where politicians must abandon current destructive policies and form a new approach, which would put the needs of the citizens in the first place. “There is an alarming exodus of people from B&H due to political instability, the lack of rule of law and the lack of economic opportunities, which only a new way of politics, a change of paradigm can stop,” said HR Inzko.


Zvizdic: Meeting organized by Lajcak will not contribute to progress in process of formation of authorities (Hayat)


SDA Vice President (VP) Denis Zvizdic said on Tuesday that the meeting that former High Representative, Slovakian Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Miroslav Lajcak organized with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is the move which will not contribute to the progress in the process of formation of authorities. According to Zvizdic, this is already seen practice of unilateral informing and meeting. Zvizdic stated that it is very strange that Lajcak neglects stances of relevant collocutors from B&H and he prefers stances of Dodik, who disputes heritage of Lajcak and all other HRs.


Dodik: RS will demand talks with Federation of B&H on matter of Bonn powers (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that Republika Srpska (RS) will demand talks with the Federation of B&H on the matter of – as he was quoted – “imposed Bonn powers”. Dodik noted that the RS parliament will soon discuss the products of “scams of the Bonn powers” like the SDA Program Declaration, adding that it is necessary to primarily tackle illegalities produced by the High Representative (HR), although various political authorities stand behind him. Speaking about formation of the authorities in B&H, Dodik noted that election winners from the RS are losing interest in formation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). According to Dodik, “someone” tried to create a government out of the B&H CoM, although the Constitution of B&H clearly reads that the CoM is the auxiliary body to the B&H Presidency. In his opinion, a story about strengthening capacities of the CoM is another scam of the Bonn powers. Dodik considers that no one from the RS should support that story and that many issues will appear on the table if the Federation of B&H agrees to talk about it. “We are going into this systematically and I am announcing it very clearly. We want to talk about army, indirect taxes, the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office, the intelligence service, the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) – all in a new manner. We want to see what the interests here are. If they (Federation of B&H) do not want to talk, that is fine. In that case, we would return to the RS parliament one day and pass our own decisions,” the B&H Presidency member specified. The Presidency member stressed that several attempts to form the authorities in B&H have failed, due to imposing of conditions. Dodik warned that the RS parliament’s Resolution on Military Neutrality cannot be violated and that the RS will not accept the Annual National Program (ANP) for NATO or the membership in NATO only to form the B&H CoM. Dodik stressed that the RS does not lack anything, even without the CoM, saying: “We in the RS have shown that we can exist and that it is not a huge tragedy if there is no the CoM.”


ECHR renders ruling in ‘Baralija vs. B&H’ case (FTV)


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg rendered on Tuesday a unanimous ruling in favor of Irma Baralija who sued B&H because of failure to hold local elections in Mostar. The ECHR's ruling orders B&H to amend its relevant laws within six months so that elections could finally be held in Mostar. If B&H political actors do not adopt appropriate regulations, the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H should impose a temporary solution. Reacting to the ECHR's verdict, Baralija said that she is satisfied and that elections in Mostar will finally be held next year. “I am sick of hearing for ten years from both sides in Mostar that this cannot be done because Croats will outvote us; or that that cannot be done because Bosniaks will (outvote us). I do not care about that. I want to live in a normal city,” Baralija underlined.

Representatives of the B&H CC stated that they will first wait and see what B&H lawmakers will do and then decide on next steps. The B&H CC stated in a press release that if the authorities in B&H do not comply with their obligation, the B&H CC will review the need for it to intervene and inform the public about it. President of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H Zlatko Knezevic commented the ECHR’s ruling and emphasized that legislative authorities are ones that should react in this case and change electoral legislation. He wondered whether B&H needs legislative authorities if the B&H CC is establishing unconstitutionality and also imposing regulations. “This is called constitutional dictatorship,” stressed Knezevic. According to the President of B&H CC, the ruling of the ECHR in the abovementioned case is “a test decision” in which it transfers responsibility for implementation of its ruling from fundamental elements of parliamentary democracy to other body that is not competent for this issue. Knezevic went on to say that the attempt to resolve some problem can be interpreted as well-intended activity, adding that it is not the situation in case when such attempts create a new problem. Knezevic concluded that he understands the ruling of the ECHR, because – from their point of view - someone has to be accountable for implementation of their ruling. The ECHR ruling rejected the authority’s stance that the delay was caused by efforts to agree on a power-sharing formula. All parties can appeal the ECHR ruling within a three-month period. The last local elections in Mostar had been held in 2008 and the city had been governed since 2012 by a mayor who did not have the required democratic legitimacy, said the ECHR. “Such a situation was incompatible with the rule of law. The Court could not, therefore, accept the government’s justification for the prolonged delay in enforcing the ruling, namely the difficulties in establishing a long-term and effective power-sharing mechanism for the City Council so as to maintain peace and to facilitate dialogue between different ethnic groups in Mostar. The State had, therefore, failed to comply with its duty to take measures to protect Miss Baralija from discriminatory treatment on the grounds of her place of residence and to hold democratic elections in Mostar,” said the ECHR.


President receives her Albanian counterpart in Zagreb (HRT)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic received her Albanian counterpart Ilir Meta in Zagreb on Tuesday. Meta is on an official state visit to Croatia. The two leaders confirmed that bilateral ties between the two countries are excellent, especially on the economic front, with bilateral trade doubling in 2019. They also noted that both countries share a common interest in maintaining stability in the region, especially with regard to illegal migration, and that this stability is being achieved through various political initiatives and the NATO alliance.

"Regarding migration, it is necessary to emphasize that it represents a challenge of special significance to Albania and Croatia. We need to seek out a sustainable and permanent solution to the conflicts that create migration, and commit ourselves to efforts aimed at stabilization," President Grabar Kitarovic said. Also addressed was Albania’s path towards membership of the European Union. "Given that Albania and North Macedonia, in spite of a recommendation from the European Commission, have not been given a date for negotiations due to a French veto, we are pleased that Croatia, the next holder of the presidency of the Council of the European Union, has outlined as one of its priorities bringing all of the countries of the region closer to European integration," President Meta said.


The Prespa treaty can’t be implemented without the EU accession talks (Republika)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev now says that the Prespa treaty can’t be implemented without the EU accession talks. Zaev told Euronews that the implementation of the Prespa treaty will be affected if Macedonia doesn’t open its EU accession talks. While Euronews is yet to air the full interview, Greek ANA – MPA news agency is reporting that he linked the domestic implementation of the name change treaty with Macedonia opening the EU accession chapters – as provided in article 1(10) of the Prespa treaty. There is a link between the implementation of the treaty and the opening and closing of the accession chapters. Especially in the domestic implementation in some instances. There is a link and our Greek friends accepted that we can do that for the future of North Macedonia in the European Union. And in this context, the Prespa treaty can’t be implemented, Zaev reportedly told Euronews. The article is clearly meant to prevent Greece from vetoing Macedonia’s EU accession talks again, an obligation Greece assumed as early in 1995, with the Interim Accord, but then promptly ignored. Greece did not block the opening of accession talks in Brussels – France did the honors this time – but it did push against the decoupling of Macedonia from Albania, which contributed to the veto, given the higher level of opposition Albania had encountered. Zaev’s statement comes only days after the pledged to implement the treaty in full, regardless of whether Macedonia opens the EU accession talks. Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov joined in the chorus of voices announcing a suspension in the implementation of the treaty. Dimitrov said that the implementation of the Prespa treaty will be put into question if EU accession talks don’t begin, citing article 1(10) which conditions the domestic use of the name “North Macedonia” with the opening of accession talks. Regarding the internal documents. there is a condition tying it to the EU accession talks. The Prespa treaty can’t be implemented in full unless we are in the EU, Dimitrov said.


Dimitrov and Osmani discuss EU’s decision in Parliament Committee (Nezavisen vesnik)


Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani told MPs Tuesday the European Council decision not to give North Macedonia a date for the start of accession negotiations is an injustice and historic mistake. VMRO-DPMNE MPs abandoned the session prior to Osmani and Dimitrov’s remarks, labeling it as a government party. The Parliament’s Committee on European Affairs held a thematic session dedicated to the country’s Euro-integration processes, following the recent European Council decision to postpone the start of the EU accession negotiations.

“The Prespa Agreement cannot be fully implemented if we aren’t included in the process to join the European Union” Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov told a session of the Committee on European Affairs with MPs debating the decision of the EU leaders not to set a date for start of negotiations with the country. “Under the Prespa Agreement, full implementation of our obligations is related to the EU accession process. As regards the existing documents and materials issued at home, our obligations start and end five years counting from the opening of chapters,” noted Dimitrov. Although NATO membership is a sure thing, the Minister said, it doesn’t mean we have to undermine the fulfillment of one of the two key strategic goals. “NATO secures security, predictability and investments.” “We’ve lost a generation, but we mustn’t fall into the same trap. Instead of the narrative of victim, we should choose the narrative of victor. It’s hard, but we’ll find a hole, we’ll get out and move forward. And by moving forward, we are going to help Europe, help ourselves and also help our neighbors in the region. I’d like to conclude with a Churchill quote: Never give in, never give in!” FM Dimitrov said. “The European Council decision in June 2018 launched the explanatory screening, which is mandatory prior to the start of the accession negotiations. Let’s be clear, EU’s non-decision and lack of consensus is an injustice and a historic mistake,” said Deputy PM Osmani. He said that regardless of the outcome, North Macedonia is a model of functional multiethnic democracy on the Balkans, a country observing European principles of equality, solidarity, compromises, a country closing all major issues with neighbors or internal relations among different ethnic communities. “The feeling of disappointment from the EU must not steer us away from the European values and the reform path, the road of making friends in our neighbors, creating a functional multiethnic society, a European state observing European rules, standards and values. Because our only path has always been and will continue to be the European perspective. There is no backing off,” added Osmani.


Pendarovski-Palmer: Western Balkan countries have no alternatives to EU membership (Republika)


The 25th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations between the US and Republic of Macedonia which will be marked next year as well as the expected Macedonia’s NATO membership, would be an additional impetus to further strengthening the strategic partnership between the two friendly states, said President Stevo Pendarovski who met the visiting United States Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer on Tuesday. Pendarovski thanked the US Senate for the ratification of Macedonia’s NATO Accession Protocol and expressed confidence that the US will continue its unreserved support for achieving Macedonia’s strategic goals. Pendarovski stressed the importance of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recent visit to Macedonia, assessing it as a confirmation of the strategic partnership between the two countries and the shared commitment to a stable and prosperous region. At the meeting, Pendarovski stressed that there are no alternatives for the Western Balkan countries other than EU membership.


Sekerinska-Palmer: Strong US support to Macedonia and its Euro-Atlantic perspectives (Republika)


Defense Minister Radmila Shekerinska met the visiting United States Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer on Tuesday. The meeting focused on the NATO perspective of the country which is quite clear with the ratification of the US Senate and 25 other NATO member states, Macedonia will soon be confirmed as the 30th NATO member state.

Palmer reaffirmed US support to our country and to the country’s European perspective. US Senate ratification and US Secretary of State Pompeo’s visit are strong evidence of US strategic partnership and support to Macedonia. The European Council’s failure to adopt decision to start negotiations does not change our decision to work towards achieving our strategic goals, membership in the European Union and NATO, said Sekerinska. They concluded that defense co-operation between the two countries is at its highest level and that Macedonia’s NATO membership will strengthen that co-operation.


Palmer: US strongly supports Macedonia and its European path (Republika)


I’m coming here to reaffirm and reinforce America’s strong support for North Macedonia and its European path and perspective, United States Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer said Tuesday. After meeting with Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, he expressed satisfaction that he is in Skopje again and, as he said, has the opportunity to meet with friends and discuss the latest developments in the region and Europe. “I come immediately after the ratification of the NATO Accession Protocol by the US Senate. This is the best time to be here, also following the recent visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. I am here to reaffirm and strengthen the strong US support for Macedonia and its European path and perspective,” Palmer said. This is the first stop, Palmer said, followed by a visit to Belgrade, Pristina and Athens. Dimitrov and Palmer discussed the country’s Euro-Atlantic perspectives, its membership in NATO, as well as EU integration, and regional issues. “We talked about the NATO membership and how important it is to open the European chapter, to Macedonian interests and to Washington’s interests. We once fell into the trap of victimhood and disappointment in 2008 and I think it won’t take us far if we fall again. We have to be persistent and get the last excuse, that is the law on public prosecution. To come out even more prepared and persistent,” said Dimitrov and added that there is a need to find a way to jointly realize both our interests and those of the member states.


Sela waiting for Kasami and Gashi to reconcile, Thaci out of the picture (Nezavisen vesnik)


Alliance for Albanians leader Zijadin Sela is waiting for the fighting friends of BESA – Bilal Kasami and Afrim Gashi – to overcome their misunderstandings and then join the battle to oust DUI from power. In the possible coalition against the ruling DUI, there would be room for everyone except Menduh Thaci’s DPA, whom Sela considers a close ally of Ali Ahmeti. However, the DPA membership is welcomed to join the Alliance. Five and a half months before the early parliamentary elections, Albanian political parties make the latest calculations before the April 12th, 2020 vote. The stakes are high: DUI is struggling to stay in power where it has spent 15 of its 17 years of existence, with the opposition sensing that now is the time to tear down the bastion, which they say is for personal gain rather than promotion of the rights of Albanians and improving the lives of citizens. “According to our polls, the Alliance for Albanians will win if it goes to the polls alone. DUI’s time is over. However, to make victory more credible, we are open to cooperation with both BESA of Kasami and Gashi’s Alternative. It is up to them to see whether they can put aside their personal animosity, and in the interests of greater goals join forces and defeat the clientelistic DUI”, a senior Alliance for Albanians official told Nezavisen Vesnik newspaper. He says that numbers constantly show that his party has the highest rating among the citizens, making it common for the Alliance to head any possible coalition. “We are aware that the party’s leader Sela will not be a term holder in the new government, because it is not realistic to expect that the Alliance and the possible coalition partners will win more votes than the two largest Macedonian parties, but if we act together, we will gain respectable support, after which we can push and deliver on the program and the promises we make to citizens. In this battle, DPA members and supporters are also welcome. We invite them to join the Alliance for Albanians. The invitation does not apply to their president Menduh Thaci, whom we consider to be Ahmeti’s obedient servant, because his actions have helped DUI stay in power all these years,” the official told Nezavisen Vesnik. Afrim Gashi, who formed the Alternative after the BESA conflict and with his three MPs are part of the ruling majority, says all options are open. “Whether we will go to the polls in coalition with the opposition, with the DUI, just with the Alliance or on our own, we have not decided yet. The early elections are months away, a lot of things can happen. All options are open,” Afrim Gashi told Nezavisen Vesnik. Kasami is also convinced that the majority of Albanians want DUI in opposition, which is why it is ready to coalition with all parties both from the government (Alternative, DPA, NDP) as well as the opposition. “We are raising the stakes and we are calling for a general unification of Albanians in order to overthrow DUI once and for all. We would like a pre-election coalition to be sure that the opposition vote will bring about change in the country, but if that does not happen, we would like some kind of cooperation with the Alliance for the Albanians after the elections, as we now have closer positions as opposition parties,” Kasami pointed out. The DUI is not worried about calls for consolidation of the Albanian opposition. But Ahmeti’s overwhelming optimism at the start of the election campaign informally launched, according to analysts, has no real basis given the DUI’s dramatic drop in voter turnout, which occurred between the two election cycles in 2014 and 2016. . In 2014, the DUI won 153,000 votes, and two years later only 86,000, a figure that was more or less confirmed by the councilors’ mandates in the 2017 local elections. Those local elections shifted the order of the parties in the Albanian political bloc. If the DUI stagnated and Besa lost about 10,000 votes from the 57,000 won in the parliamentary elections ten months earlier, the only party that has grown since is the Alliance, which managed to win over 50,000 votes (35,000 parliamentary votes) and surpass Besa, which they already cooperated with in the recent presidential elections when they backed presidential candidate Blerim Reka. “I see April 12, 2020 as a day of great victory for the Democratic Union for Integration. With such a Union, there is no power that can defeat us, because first we have established mission, ideals, and now functions. There is no function without mission, no chances to reach the goal if you lose your ideals. Not just because this is our family, but name one party or movement that has contributed to this country more than our family,” said DUI leader Ahmeti.


Following the failure in Brussels, ECHR warns of danger of Greater Albania (Republika)


Following the failure in Brussels, ECHR warns of danger of Greater Albania The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECHR), whose board members are dozens of mostly left-wing European politicians, including Radmila Sekerinska, has warned of the danger of a civil war in Macedonia following the failure in Brussels. An analysis published by the ECHR says that the European Council’s decision not to open negotiations with Macedonia and Albania will spark a new fight for the Balkans that could lead to its division into zones under Albanian and Serbian influence. A popular saying among observers of the region is that what Slobodan Milosevic failed to achieve through force, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will achieve through peace. With almost no opposition and or free media domestically, the Serbian leadership looks now also geopolitically uncontested externally. All this could lead to a regional rearrangement which leaves little place for the EU, with the region split between Serbia-led and Albania-led spheres of influence. In the absence of a single entity powerful enough to corral the competing forces, this would simply be a logical outcome. For Albania, this could mean the return of the Greater Albania movement, a vision uniting Albanians in Albania in Kosovo, “North” Macedonia, and beyond. And, from the point of view of “North” Macedonia, destabilization through its Albanian minority is the last thing it would need, ECHR warned in the analysis written by Vessela Tcherneva and Tara Varma. The analytical center, which was largely founded with George Soros funds, warns that the European Council did not want to reward the “incredible efforts” Macedonia made with the signing of the Prespa Agreement. Zoran Zaev’s administration, which was banking heavily on the promise of EU accession talks, has now moved to early elections in April 2020. Political battles over symbolism will continue prevailing in the politics of the country, with the opposition VMRO party already attacking the Prespa agreement anew, reads the analysis. The ECHR recommends the EU to appoint its own envoy to the Balkans, after the United States has already appointed two – Matthew Palmer and Richard Grenell, to prevent intrusions by countries such as Russia and China in the region. According to the ECHR, French President Emmanuel Macron has announced a rapprochement toward Russia in order to discourage further rapprochement between Russia and China, but according to analysts, this does not mean that France and the EU should leave the Balkans.


Russia invites Albania, North Macedonia to join the Eurasian Union (Republika)


The invitation to join the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) has been addressed to Albania and North Macedonia by Russia’s Permanent Representative to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, during the Eurasian Economic Forum in Verona, Italy on Friday. Albania and North Macedonia will find understanding sooner within the EEU than in the EU, the Russian diplomat noted.

“I am sure that the countries, which are candidates for EU membership and have recently been ‘put on ice’ by Brussels, could find more understanding in the Eurasian Economic Union,” Chizhov said. Russia’s invitation to the Balkan countries to join the Eurasian Economic Union comes just days after a negative decision by French President Emmanuel Macron to veto a date for the start of EU accession negotiations between Albania and North Macedonia. Belarus is the only European country who is participating in the EEU.


Mitsotakis: Bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of patents to pass soon for approval in parliament (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama paid an official visit to Athens yesterday. Rama had a meeting with his Greek counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis. The meeting was reported to have been held in a positive spirit by the Greek Prime Minister. Rama stressed in the meeting “that despite the decision of the EU Council, Albania will continue implementing reforms with the same determination. At the same time, it is in Albania’s interest as much as it is in the interest of neighboring Greece, to discuss all issues of common interest and to strengthen cooperation between the two sides. Regarding the positions held by the Greek Prime Minister, the Albanian Prime Minister announces: “Kyriakos Mitsotakis stressed that Greece supports the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries, as long as these countries meet all the membership requirements. He further welcomed the Albania’s commitment to continue working on property and self-declaration census issues, which are of concern to the Greek minority in Albania. In addition, the Greek Prime Minister emphasized that the bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of patents will soon pass for approval in the Greek parliament.”


Rama: The path to the European Union and the strategic alliance with the US, the only alternative (Radio Tirana)


“Albania has no other way or alternative but to walk the only path that our history has marked and which has been inherited as the safest in all the nation’s consciousness, the path to the European Union and the strategic alliance with the US,” Prime Minister Edi Rama stated in his speech at a conference on US policy in the Western Balkans. This, according to Prime Minister Rama, remains indisputable, because at the end of the day, what we all understand is that we are not making reforms for either the US or the EU, but for our own society. In this regard, he emphasized that “the lack of making a well-deserved decision for Albania, without any discussion that has hit us psychologically for a moment, because the EU’s” Yes “is a source of energy to push ahead the reforms, but in fact, nothing has changed, because they are the same things that Albania had to do before taking the “Yes”, the same things it should do regardless of whether the “Yes” is coming or not coming in the coming months. “It doesn’t depend on Albania, what we do, but on what they want or don’t want to do in the perspective of the Western Balkans,” Rama said.




Bulgaria Allowed Two Russian Military Transport Planes' Flyover for Exercise in Serbia on October 20 (BTA, 30 October 2019)


Bulgaria authorized the flyover on October 20, 2019 of two Russian military transport aircraft with personnel, combat equipment and armaments, including S-400 air-defence missile systems, in connection with an exercise codenamed "Slavic Shield 2019" taking place in the territory of Serbia, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry said in a press release on Wednesday, reacting to media reports. On October 30, the Foreign Ministry was duly notified that the personnel, combat equipment and armaments that took part in the exercise had been flown back to Russia via the airspace of Bulgaria.


Pendarovski: The Western Balkans region is not neighboring to the EU (Al Jazeera, 29 October 2019)


“For us, there’s no better alternative than EU integration, and therefore, all other options for strategic or special forms of partnership are impossible and unacceptable” President OF North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski said in an interview with Al Jazeera Balkans. “There are as many alternatives as you want, as many options as you want, but nothing is more sustainable and more efficient for us than this geographical location in the Balkans with such heterogeneous population structure” Pendarovski said, pointing out that the entire Western Balkans region is not neighboring to the EU, but it’s part of the EU, which one day will become part of an institutional Europe. The idea of special forms of EU partnership with the Western Balkan countries is also unacceptable, he added. “There’s no membership again here. We can’t be taken in by special partnership. We need Europe for its values, not just for the market. What we need is the principles by which successful societies are organized, so that we can adopt them as our own and prosper. We can’t prosper with such alternative forms of unification” Pendarovski pointed out.

According to Pendarovski, except for France and one or two other countries, no other country is mentioning such options. He also points to other issues in the Balkans that are still largely unresolved, which is why the EU must take up a more strategically oriented position towards the region. “Things in the Western Balkans are far from completed. The so-called pacification of the region is not completed. The Kosovo issue is still not resolved, we don’t know when it will be resolved,” he noted. “However, we do know how difficult it is to solve such problem, the burden it carries for both parties involved, and maybe it would put options on the table that won’t be good for the future of the region.” “Our position on this matter,” Pendarovski continued, “is that you can’t resolve one big problem in the region, and then create two or three new problems. The EU should be a bit more strategically oriented towards the Western Balkans and not mention alternative partnership at a time when major issues in the region are still unresolved and when their potential resolution might bring into question the future of the entire region that has, unfortunately, been turbulent for decades, and centuries even.” Asked if citizens feel deceived after the EU leaders decided to delay the opening of the accession negotiations, especially in the context of the Prespa Agreement and the name change that was to open doors to NATO and EU membership, the President confirmed that it was the dominant feeling in North Macedonia.

However, as Pendarovski pointed out, the Prespa Agreement and the name change is not in vain – a longstanding dispute with Greece has been resolved and we’re soon to join NATO.

“For a small country such as ours, by all parameters, it’s very important that we’re soon becoming a member of the Alliance. And then, we’re highly likely to go into economic development much easier and much faster. We need the EU for this. But the Prespa Agreement has played a huge role, a major role in terms of NATO membership. Yet, it would have been ideal if we had also completed the second part of our objective – opening EU accession negotiations – with the Prespa Agreement,” said the president.


Dendias: Greece will 'closely monitor' North Macedonia's compliance with Prespes deal (, 29 October 2019)


Greece will continue to “closely monitor” North Macedonia's “full compliance” with the conditions set in the Prespes accord, Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said on Tuesday, after the country's Premier Zoran Zaev warned that part of the deal which ended a decades-long dispute with Greece might be at risk, because some articles are linked to his country's EU accession prospects. “Mr Zaev is once again taking advantage of the inherent problems of the Prespes agreement which we knew and had already warned about.  The deal has already yielded results and Northern Macedonia reaps benefits as the road to NATO integration has been opened,” he said in a statement Tuesday. “Our aim is to solve problems and mitigate the negative consequences of the agreement through the European path. For this reason, we will continue to monitor closely our neighbors' full compliance with their responsibilities.” Dendias also criticized main opposition SYRIZA, which signed the deal with North Macedonia in 2018, to “consider its responsibilities for a problematic erga omnes which it continues to present as an accomplishment.” Speaking in an interview with Euronews, Zaev said there is a link between the implementation of the name deal and the opening and closing of accession chapters. “Especially for internal use in some cases,” he was quoted as saying by Euronews, adding that part of it will freeze because it cannot be implemented.