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Belgrade Media Report 03 November 2021


Brnabic: Serbia wants closest relations with Montenegro (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed today, at a joint press conference with Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, that Serbia and Montenegro are bound by many things and that the two countries, by the nature of things, should have the closest relations possible. Brnabic expressed hope that this first visit of the Montenegrin Prime Minister is just the beginning of a new phase of relations with the government of Montenegro and that, apart from the renewal of the political dialogue, its result will be stable and even more substantial bilateral relations. She said that at the meeting with Krivokapic, who is on a two-day visit to Serbia, they talked not only about political and economic topics, but also about infrastructure development, relations in the region, regional stability and connecting the two countries. Brnabic pointed out that the economy, due to the living standard of the citizens of Serbia and Montenegro, is one of the most important topics, especially since Montenegro is one of the most important economic partners for Serbia in terms of exchange, investment and tourism. She stated that Serbian investments in Montenegro amounted to approximately €400 million, emphasizing that with better political relations, they could increase. According to her, the two sides reached an agreement on striving for the goal of increasing trade to €1 billion. I conveyed to Prime Minister Krivokapic that Serbia strongly supports the European integration of Montenegro because the positive signal of the EU to anyone in the Western Balkans is a positive signal for the entire Balkans, she emphasized. Brnabic pointed out that she also talked with Krivokapic about the Berlin Process, which implies better economic and infrastructural connections. As she stated, during the meeting, they also talked about the continuation of the construction of the highway from Pozega to Boljare, on the border with Montenegro, the modernization of the railway between Belgrade and Bar, as well as the expansion and formation of joint border crossings to reduce traffic jams, especially in the tourist season. Brnabic pointed out that the possibility of holding the first joint session of the governments of Serbia and Montenegro was also discussed at the meeting, and she expressed hope that a date for such a session would be set soon. She pointed out that Montenegro was invited to join the Open Balkans initiative, which includes Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, and that it should lead to a common market and the abolition of border controls. Krivokapic expressed the expectation that the visit will be a sign of a good and prosperous path of Serbia and Montenegro to the satisfaction of both countries and their citizens, as well as to the satisfaction that he was welcomed at the highest possible level in the capital of Serbia. We discussed strengthening the economic cooperation and good ties that have always existed between the citizens of Serbia and Montenegro, the Montenegrin Prime Minister said, adding that they also talked about Montenegro providing good quality e-administration like Serbia. Referring to an important topic, the Bar-Boljare highway, Krivokapic mentioned that Montenegro is the only one that has remained unconnected with the key corridor, without which there is no investment. No one will look at you without good infrastructure, so our goal is to quickly build roads and railways, especially if we want to open the port of Bar. Without modernization, we cannot be competitive, Krivokapic said. He assessed that the talks were future-oriented and that we should look for places that unite us, to ensure prosperity for both countries and the region.

Vucic with Krivokapic: Dialogue prerequisite for understanding (RTV/Tanjug)

At a meeting with Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic on Wednesday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said intensive and continued high-level dialogue was the main prerequisite for creating a climate of better understanding and overcoming potential differences more easily. He added that Serbia attached particular significance to development of overall bilateral ties with Montenegro in the spirit of friendship and mutual respect, the presidential press service said in a statement. Vucic particularly noted that good Serbia-Montenegro relations were extremely significant for stability in the entire region. "I believe we share the opinion that a stabilization of relations and an overall advancement thereof can take place if there is a readiness and willingness for that on both sides, with mutual respect and assessment of shared needs and interests," Vucic said. Krivokapic expressed a readiness for advancement of bilateral relations in all aspects of mutual interest and added that Montenegro welcomed a strategy of temperate steps towards mutually beneficial relations between the two countries. Vucic said Serbia strongly supported all countries in the region on their paths to EU membership and that mutual support was extremely important in that regard. The parties agreed there was a mutual interest in revitalizing the infrastructure connecting the two countries and noted that construction of road and railway infrastructure as well as further work on energy projects and joint activities in third-country markets were of great significance, the statement said. Vucic and Krivokapic particularly noted the strategic significance of constructing a Belgrade-South Adriatic motorway and modernizing a Belgrade-Bar railway line.

Vucic: We want decent relations with Montenegro, but have no big expectations (TV Pink/Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said ahead of the visit by Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, that Belgrade wanted decent relations with Podgorica and to respect Montenegro but that it does not have high expectations. "We want a decent relationship, to respect Montenegro, but do we have high expectations? No. Every conversation is a good thing and it is better to have one than not," Vucic told TV Pink from Glasgow, where he is attending a climate change conference. He said that he would meet Krivokapic in Belgrade.

Commenting on the criticism of Republika Srpska and Serb member of the Bosnian Presidency Milorad Dodik voiced by High Representative Christian Schmidt in his report, Vucic said that he had not acquainted himself with all of the details but that it appeared to him that it was exactly Republika Srpska that was for honoring the Dayton Accords. "When they were ripping the former Yugoslavia apart they said that everyone, including provinces, could secede but if the Serbs wanted to leave then this is impossible," Vucic said, adding that this happened whenever Serbia grew stronger and took the lead economically, and not just in terms of its population and the size of its territory.

Krivokapic starts first visit to Serbia (N1/RTS)

Montenegro’s Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic started his first official visit to Serbia laying a wreath at the memorial to the late prime minister Zoran Djindjic in front of the Serbian government building on Tuesday. “My arrival in Belgrade should be the beginning or the start of a new path that will be mutually beneficial relations between Serbia and Montenegro and the well-being of both countries”, Krivokapic told RTS. “There is no anti-Serbian policy or any other than pro- European, pro-democratic and civil, and of course pro-Montenegrin,” he said. On Tuesday evening, Krivokapic met with the ambassadors of the United States, Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy to Serbia and 32 non-resident ambassadors to Montenegro, who are performing the duty from Belgrade. “I presented to the esteemed ambassadors the economic plans of the government of Montenegro as well as the investment potentials and capacities that our state possesses,” Krivokapic wrote on his Twitter account after the meeting.

Selakovic: Gratitude to Greece for principled and clear support for Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, in a conversation with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias, expressed on Tuesday gratitude for Greece's principled and clear support for preserving Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and our European integration. Selakovic, who is visiting Greece, said after the meeting with Dendias, that the country supports finding a solution to the Kosovo and Metohija problem through a dialogue on the normalization of relations, which Belgrade and Pristina are conducting under the EU auspices. Selakovic assessed that there are many areas in which we can cooperate, and he expressed confidence that in the coming period, and especially after the next High Council for Cooperation, relations between Serbia and Greece will further deepen and develop. The relations between Greece and Serbia are not just relations between the two countries, but there is a lot in common that we share throughout history. We have always been on the same side of history and fought for the same system of values, to preserve the sovereign right of our peoples to decide on their future, he said. The Minister conveyed that an agreement was reached at the meeting that it is necessary to increase trade, specifying that in the first eight months of this year it is slightly higher than €395 million and that, according to the current trend, it will exceed the last pandemic year. Dendias said that Greece will continue to provide support to Serbia's European path, which, as he stated, belongs to the European family, as well as that Athens supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under the auspices of Brussels. The Minister expressed gratitude to the Serbian Prime Minister and the Serbian people for their help in extinguishing this year’s fires in Greece. He assessed that the economic relations between the two countries are at a high level, announcing that in two weeks, the Assistant Minister for Economic Diplomacy of Greece will visit Belgrade in order to see the potential for the development of that cooperation.



Schmidt submits his first report on situation in B&H with UN SC, warns country is in danger of falling apart (FTV

FTV carries details of a report that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt was supposed to submit before the UN Security Council (UN SC) on Tuesday and which the UK’s Guardian disclosed to the public. Schmidt warned in the report that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is under a threat of disintegration and urged the UN SC to be aware that conflicts in B&H are very real. The report reads that B&H faces the greatest existential threat after the postwar period, while moves of leader of SNSD and member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik represent a danger not just for B&H and stability of the country and the region, but this could also annul the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) itself without a response of the international community (IC). Schmidt mentioned Dodik in his report over 60 times and among other things, he said that Dodik is threatening with withdrawal from institutions at the state level, including the state army formed with international assistance during the past 25 years and another formation of Serb forces.  Schmidt also mentioned formation of an entity army as one of the threats and he called for increase of international military presence in the case of division of the B&H Armed Forces into two or more armies. The report reads: “Lack of response to the current situation would expose the Dayton Agreement to danger, while instability of B&H would have wider regional implications. Chances for further divisions and conflicts are very real.” “Persistent and serious challenging of the foundations of the General Framework Agreement for Peace carried out by the entity authorities of Republika Srpska (RS), led by the largest SNSD party and member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, threaten not only peace and stability of the country but also the region which, without a response from the international community, can lead to the annulment of the DPA,” Schmidt warned in his report to the UN SC. In the report, the HR also warned that plans for divisions and conflicts in B&H must not be underestimated. “As we hear constant statements that Mr. Dodik is not interested in conflict and that nothing is worth the blood of Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats, I would make a mistake if I did not express concern over reports of attempts to establish and upgrade the RS military structures. Although this has not yet happened, I would like us not to take these statements as mere rhetoric. Plans for further divisions and conflicts are real. I encourage the Secretary General and members of the Security Council to pay attention to that,” Schmidt stated in the report. Schmidt further stated that Dodik has his policy, which he calls the return to original Dayton which, according to Schmidt, is a politically incorrect term which is based on misinterpretation of the Constitution of B&H. Schmidt pointed out that in practice, the policy pursued by Dodik is aimed at annulling many hard-won reforms in B&H in the past 26 years not in order to strictly adhere to the letter of the DPA, but to return to the situation that existed on the ground before the implementation of the DPA. In his report, Schmidt also spoke about the situation in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), stressing that there has been no agreement on the appointment of a new FB&H Government because of the position of the main Croat party - HDZ B&H - that it will not approve any appointments until an agreement on electoral reform is reached. Schmidt concluded that in every democracy, implementation of the will of the electorate through formation of the authorities must be a priority, warning that without making changes to the B&H Election Law, it will probably not be possible to hold general elections in B&H next year.

Dodik: Schmidt’s report is full of lies (BN TV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on the report by HR in B&H Christian Schmidt, in which accusations were made against the RS and Dodik. Addressing media Dodik said: “He is occupier. If we are separatists, he is the occupier. He is a man with no competencies. Everything will end in a way that his writing will not be adopted and it will not be a document. For the first time, you have the situation that the HR’s reports will not be adopted at the UN SC, nor the HR, to my understanding, will address the UN SC. Therefore, it is a defeat for a man who presents himself as the HR. I have nothing personal against that man. Sometimes, I like him, but most often I feel sorry for him. And now, he is probably pumping himself up in a sense to settle accounts with Serbs, as is through that alleged report, written by Muslims in Sarajevo, that he only signed. There is no him in that.” Dodik emphasized that he has nothing against the decision of UN SC on extension of the EUFOR mandate in B&H, but adds that the High Representative does not have a place in B&H anymore. Dodik stressed that there is no way that Schmidt has the insights stated in the report. “There is almost no paragraph that the RS, Milorad Dodik and other things have not been slandered,” Dodik pointed out. Dodik believes that the best option is for Schmidt to leave B&H. Dodik stressed that what Schmidt wrote in his report is defamation of Serbs, adding that Schmidt is exclusively in the function of Bosniaks and their policy. “He threatens to use the Bonn powers. Let him use them, his Bonn powers are useless. What will he do with that in the RS? Let him go to the Security Council and get a document confirming his appointment, and then we will talk about what we can talk about. This way, we have nothing to talk about. We have nothing to talk about like this. He is exclusively in the function of Muslims. He does nothing but implement Muslim policy in B&H,” Dodik underlined. Dodik said that the report reminds him of statements issued by SDA. Dodik assessed that Schmidt’s report is a showdown with Serbs, while the report does not mention the rights of the RS.


Stevandic: Schmidt, just like Inzko, has quickly become part of Sarajevo political establishment; Other RS politicians comment on Schmidt’s report (RTRS


Commenting on Christian Schmidt’s report to the UN SC, SP RS leader Petar Djokic underlined that, when it comes to its political stances, the RS has never shown intent of inciting to separatism. “Its intention is to protect the DPA and the Constitution of B&H, and to ensure that relations in B&H are maintained, built and for them to permanently function within that” Djokic said. United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic pointed out that the RS will not respond to that “warmongering rhetoric” with nervousness but rather show that “Schmidt, just like Valentin Inzko, has quickly become part of the Sarajevo political establishment”. When it comes to reactions from the opposition, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic also criticized the report, asking why there is no reflection on the numerous inappropriate statements of parties and politicians from the FB&H. Advisor to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milan Tegeltija assessed that the stances from Schmidt’s report are the same as those of leaders of certain FB&H-based parties, which he considers as an indicator that he is biased. Tegeltija sees the OHR as part of the problem and he referred to Schmidt as an ordinary citizen. According to Tegeltija, it would be unprecedented for a citizen to address the UN SC.

UN Security Council agrees text of Resolution extending EUFOR’s mandate without mentioning OHR; Schmidt not to address UN SC (Dnevni avaz

The UN Security Council agreed the text of the Resolution before the discussion about B&H and according to the daily, the OHR will not be mentioned in the final version, which extends a mandate of the EUFOR in B&H and the High Representative Christian Schmidt will not be addressing the UN SC. This, daily reads, is the outcome of days-long negotiations led among the UN SC members. The agreed text of the Resolution reads: “Establishing that situation in the region of former Yugoslavia continues to represent a threat to international peace and security, acting in line with the Chapter VII of the UN Charter the UN Security Council authorizes the member states, which act through or in cooperation with the European Union, to establish in the further period within twelve months since the date of adoption of this Resolution, the multinational stabilization forces (EUFOR Althea) as a legal successor of SFOR, under the united command and management, which will be fulfilling its missions regarding the implementation of Annex 1-A and Annex 2 of General Framework Peace Agreement for B&H and its annexes, in cooperation with the presence of the NATO HQ in line with the agreement between NATO and the EU, as it was stated to the Security Council in their letters from November 19th 2004, where it was recognized that EUFPOR Althea will have a main role in stabilization of peace in military aspects of Peace Agreement, decides to renew authority from paragraph 11 of its 2183 Resolution for further period of twelve months starting from the date of adoption of this resolution,” reads the latest, harmonized text of the Resolution. The daily reads that during the negotiations, which lasted for several days, the Russian Federation asked for OHR to be completely removed from the text of the Resolution. After that, the daily reads, the OHR was mentioned during the discussion of one of the versions, but without Bonn powers. The final text of the Resolution, where OHR and High Representative are not mentioned at all, was agreed on Tuesday afternoon. Journalist Erol Avdovic commented the Resolution: “Negotiations behind the closed doors in the UN Security Council, are completed. Russians got what they wanted. Moscow basically used an ultimatum to demand for the High Representative not to address the UN, in exchange for adopting of Resolution on extension of EUFOR without their veto.”

Izetbegovic informs Erdogan about current situation in B&H (N1


Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul on Tuesday. The meeting was held behind closed doors. After the meeting ended, SDA issued a statement confirming that Izetbegovic and Erdogan discussed talks on changes to the constitution and the election legislation in B&H. Izetbegovic informed Erdogan about the current situation in B&H and “the unilateral unconstitutional activities of the RS authorities by which the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is being undermined”. The statement reads that special attention was paid to strengthening economic cooperation of B&H and Turkey, with the focus on the project of construction of the Sarajevo-Belgrade Highway. The two officials concluded that implementation of this project needs to start urgently, given that the loan required for it has been provided.


US Embassy: Entity cannot unilaterally withdraw from state institutions (Dnevni avaz


Commenting the current political situation, the US Embassy’s Office of Public Affairs gave a statement for the daily, stressing that they firmly support territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H as one state with two entities and Brcko District. “There is no constitutional path, which would allow one entity to unilaterally withdraws from state institutions. Such activities would be unconstitutional and anti-Dayton. Further development on foundations of peace from Dayton Peace Agreement is the best guarantee of security and path towards prosperity for everyone in both entities and in Brcko District. It is irresponsible from the leaders to try to divert attention of citizens from problems of corruption which restrains them and to ignore implementation of reforms necessary for creating of better economic opportunities and healthcare outcomes for all. We will continue to support political leaders and all citizens who raise themselves above the rhetoric of divisions and who are working on establishing of trust and creating of safer and more prosperous country for all,” reads the statement. Statement further reads that the proposals which setback the peace and progress reached in last 26 years, lead only to isolation and economic ruin. “USA is prepared to use all available sanctions against those who undermine or enable undermining of Dayton Peace Agreement, but they are no replacement for responsibility of all leaders in B&H to reject destabilizing activities and instead, work through B&H institutions on improving of functionality,” reads Embassy’s statement.

Opposition in RS rejects Dodik’s call for Serb unity because Dodik’s intentions are not sincere; Sarovic says Dodik expects from opposition to save him through Serb unity (BN TV

Milorad Dodik has again called on the opposition in the RS for Serb unity on issues important for the RS, noting that some issues surpass political parties and cannot have political party’s prefix. “If the Constitutional Court, that is outside the Constitution, makes decisions, that is dangerous for the RS. Then all the alarms are set, and the whole community should be focused on defending itself. The easiest way is for all of us to be united in that. We said we would again meet at the beginning of the next week. In the meantime, everyone will, within their political parties, analyze the prepared documents by working groups, and we have delivered those documents to the opposition today. If they are willing to discuss the contents, we can do that. If they want to do it without me, they can,” said Dodik for the media. BN TV reports that the opposition in the RS is of view Dodik’s intentions are not sincere, and that SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that due to Dodik’s reckless decisions the RS is in big problem, and added that Dodik expects from the opposition to save him through the Serb unity. In an interview for BN TV, Sarovic said: “Unity is achieved by taking joint positions by equal partners, regardless of them being the authority or opposition. Everything he has proposed by now, requesting Serb unity, are his decisions. Many of those decisions are absolutely unacceptable, insane, ridiculous”. He added the opposition would present their positions at the RS parliament, “where we want to present how we view things, which he stepped too deep into, and how he is taking us to side-track”. RS PDP representative Jelena Trivic said that talks with Dodik could be held only at the RSNA, and that Dodik did not really have the intention to do what he was announcing. “My view is there is absolutely no room to discuss the topic where Mr. Dodik has no real intention to retrieve competencies, and where it is clear, it is clear to me, that it is a narrative to be maintained until the elections and that he has a political topic for the elections. If there was any real intention to discuss the real threat to the RS, of course we would protect the RS. But, Milorad Dodik is not the RS, and we have no intention to play by his rules in which he is insincere,” said Trivic for the media. BNTV reports that, according to the opposition, the RS authorities have no right to determine who is the patriot and who is the traitor, reminding that Dodik was the one to have excellent relations with Ambassadors he now refers to as spies. BNTV reports that the opposition also stressed that US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State Gabriel Escobar is Dodik’s good friend since the times he worked at the OHR in Banja Luka, and reminded that RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic is currently in the US trying, unsuccessfully, to get in touch with the US officials.  SDS Deputy President Milan Radovic said that his personal position is that he would not attend the next special session of the RS parliament. “Where is the story about Inzko's law now? We now have the adoption of Law on Medicines with an effect of six months. Our policy is completely different from the policy of SNSD,” Radovic emphasized. Dodik, on the other hand, stated that Inzko's law and the return of competences is the topic of the ruling coalition in the RS, adding that an alarm was sounded after the last decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H on the forests of the RS. “If you analyze it, a month ago, when the decision of the CC happened, the opposition was the first to ask to hold a special session and to reject it. Now, they are not here. I do not want to wage any political battle here, but I think it is crucial for the RS that it has nothing to do with party affiliation and that we should all gather around it... I just think and I am always ready to be a part of that overall response that the RS is giving to endangering,” Dodik underlined. Representatives of the ruling coalition in the RS emphasized that one should refrain from political bickering while the fate of the RS is being decided.

Milanovic had problems with Plenkovic criticizing Dodik’s policy in Brussels (Dnevni list


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic was talking about the situation in B&H, namely Milanovic said he will have to speak to Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic about the situation in B&H during a session of the National Security Council of Republic of Croatia. According to the daily, Milanovic had problems with Plenkovic’s statement about B&H that the PM made in Brussels some ten days ago. Namely, the Croatian President said that “we must harmonize the policy towards B&H and the status of Croats”, that he listened to his (Plenkovic’s) statements in Brussels from a week ago and that he wonders if the statements were made by the Croatian PM and President of HDZ “or somebody in the third echelon of the Office of the High Representative and who says things that a few bureaucrats in Brussels want to hear”. Milanovic added by saying “we want B&H as community of three equal peoples and ethnic groups”. According to the daily, journalists wanted to know what specifically he minded in Plenkovic’s address, to which Milanovic replied that they (journalists) should take a look at Plenkovic’s address from Brussels from a week ago, who he (Plenkovic) criticized and whom he labeled as the main problem in B&H. Journalists replied it was SNSD leader Milorad Dodik whom Plenkovic highlighted in his address, to which Milanovic replied: “Yes. You agree with that? All right, fine.”


Plenkovic: Croatia aware of the dangerous situation in B&H (HRT

British media have published parts of the first report of the new High Representative in B&H, which indicate that he intends to warn the UN Security Council that B&H is in imminent danger of disintegrating. According to the report published by the British daily The Guardian, the recently appointed High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt, feels that Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik has become a threat to the peace and stability of not only B&H, but the region as a whole. He also makes it crystal clear that there is a very real possibility of a new conflict. Meanwhile, German media are reporting that Russia, as a member of the United Nations’ Security Council, has threatened to veto the renewal of the mandate of the EUFOR peacekeeping mission over Schmidt's appointment as the High Representative. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented on the report: "We are very aware of these dangerous situations that do not contribute to that country's normal functioning, the equality of all her citizens, the adoption of reforms, and her bid to join the EU. That is Croatia's goal. To respect B&H as an independent, modern country that functions on the basis of 1-2-3, one country, two entities and three equal and constituent peoples. But especially to eliminate the existing anomaly of electoral gerrymandering."

Time to remove President from Office, says Defense Minister (Hina

Defense Minister Mario Banozic said in Vukovar on Tuesday it was time to remove President Zoran Milanovic from office after they once again clashed over the army and their powers and decisions. Speaking to the press, Banozic said Milanovic was a psychiatric case. Asked if it was time Milanovic was removed from office, he said, "Of course it is. It was a long time ago, but look at his conduct. Would you reach a different conclusion than what I said?" He would not say if the ruling HDZ party would initiate the president's impeachment. The two attended a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of Luzac. Banozic said he had not wanted to speak about his conflict with the president because it was neither the time nor the place.

"However, Milanovic, disrespecting Vukovar's suffering, did a performance here, just another one in which he was slinging mud at me, the HDZ and the whole defense system, pulling us into games of petty politicking." Banozic said that while he and his team attended a memorial service for the victims, Milanovic went for a coffee with Vukovar Mayor Ivan Penava. That is the best proof of what Milanovic does as the president, he does not deal with the state and the law, but engages in "petty partisanship with some semi-politician in an attempt to revive power and himself" Banozic said. He added that the president was using "street talk" and doing international damage to Croatia. "He is a man without character. Calling someone derogatory names, a liar, a cigarette butt, (saying) that he will retire someone, that speaks best to the mental state he is in."


Milanovic denies names FM released as candidates for ambassadors (Hina/RTL

President Zoran Milnaovic on Tuesday called out Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman for hypocrisy and "yet another outburst" after the foreign minister revealed the names of some of Milanovic's candidates for ambassadorial posts, which the president today denied. The dispute between the president and government over new ambassadors has been ongoing for a year. Some of the names revealed as the president's candidates include former interior minister Ranko Ostojic, former environment protection minister Mihael Zmajlovic and former ambassador to France Ivo Goldstein. Former foreign ministers Davor Ivo Stier and Miro Kovac and former diplomat Vladimir Drobnjak have been named as the government's candidates. Last week, Grlic Radman revealed the names on RTL Television, with Milanovic reacting today, saying that some of these names were "made up" and are not "relevant." Milanovic admitted that during their visit to New York, Grlic Radman had complained that one candidate was an ethnic Serb while one had Tito's portrait in his office. Milanovic said that he doesn't recommend Tito, recalling that the late president Franjo Tudjman had kept Tito's bust in his office for 10 years. The problem is that Grlic Radman has now put all these people in an impossible position, he added. Davor Ivo Stier is apparently the government's candidate for ambassador to the Vatican, and Milanovic says that his nomination is now in question.  Stier used to be an editor of an Ustasha newspaper. When I was his superior at the foreign ministry, I suggested that he be promoted and I never asked him about his past or who his grandfather was. I know that his grandfather was a war criminal, but that is irrelevant now, said Milanovic. We could then also say that Grlic's father was a prominent communist (..)president of the local party, a representative in the social political council on behalf of the Communist Alliance, who held lectures about Tito. "That kind of hypocrisy is destroying this society," Milanovic said.

Policy towards B&H 

Milanovic called out Prime Minister Plenkovic over his recent statement about the Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik, saying that he had a question for the prime minister regarding the policy towards that country and the status of Croats there. At an EU-Western Balkans summit in October, Plenkovic said that the EU is reading Dodik's messages about the functioning of B&H with caution and disapproval. "I am the Croatian president, primarily in Croatia but in a certain way there too. I wonder whether it was the prime minister, the leader of the HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) or someone working in a third echelon at the Office of the High Representative who said that. He is saying something that a few bureaucrats in Brussels and a few ambitious activists want to hear, who want to turn B&H into a Switzerland, but that's not working," said Milanovic.

Milanovic: Plenkovic has to resolve "the Banozic problem" (Hina

The President of the Republic and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday said he cannot work with Defence Minister Mario Banozic and expects Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic to resolve this problem and remove the person who has become a problem for the state. "I can discuss these matters only with the leader of the HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) and not with Banozic anymore. This has become serious and has repercussions for national security and relations with neighbors. Because people who don't know the difference between the truth and lies, and are doing such a delicate job, are dangerous for Croatia," Milanovic told the press in Vukovar. Milanovic and Banozic have been locked in a public row since a decision to retire the commander of the Honorary-Guard Battalion, Elvis Burcul. This weekend details were revealed showing that several members of the battalion had attended a funeral for four members of the HVO in Bugojno, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the Defense Ministry and President having different opinions on the matter. What has been happening over the past two days is dangerous and irresponsible, said Milanovic. "It is impossible to work with him," said Milanovic referring to Banozic and warning that this is the first time a defense minister has accused the president and commander in chief of the armed forces of breaching the Constitution. "OK. I took note. You will feel the consequences" Milanovic sent a message to Banozic. He said he can speak only to the prime minister and expects him to "resolve the problem that we have and that is Banozic." "He arrived totally unprepared, ignorant and terribly aggressive. A local party honcho who leads one of the most delicate systems in the country and who is supposed to work with the commander in chief and be at his service, and he is doing just the opposite," said Milanovic. Milanovic reiterated that Banozic had "criminally" retired Burcul and that he insists on Burcul being reinstated into the system. He once again warned of the coming meeting of the Defense Council (scheduled for 9 November) and pointed out that the Croatian military is facing a serious material crisis because its needs have been totally ignored, in particular the ground forces. "And these are things that I cannot resolve because I do not manage the budget" he added. Milanovic described Plenkovic's comment on a "creeping coup" as being absolutely irresponsible and alarming.


Extraordinary election unlikely to happen in next six months, Peric claims (Pobjeda

Commenting on the extraordinary election as a possible solution to the current political crisis, a political observer, Srdjan Peric, assesses that it’s not realistic to expect extraordinary election in the next five to six months, because the blocs initiating it might step in a massive political risk. No one is so sure about their position right now to propose this kind of a solution, according to him. However, it’s worrying that none of the possible solutions can guarantee a better political situation in the future. “For the first time, the change of power happened and it seems to me that we’re not learning from it. Democracy is a model of ruling when you should learn from your mistakes, and it’s what we find the hardest thing to do. We make a lot of mistakes and we don’t even think that maybe we ourselves are making them.” Nevertheless, Peric believes that the political blocs will find some kind of a solution at some moment.

Krivokapic meets with ambassadors in Belgrade (Gov. Press service

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic met with the ambassadors of the United States of America, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy to the Republic of Serbia, including 32 non-resident ambassadors to Montenegro. The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction over attendance of all invited ambassadors, and presented the economic plans of the Government of Montenegro, including investment potentials and capacities that our country has. He especially referred to the three reform programmes that the Government will start in 2022, namely: economic programme "Europe now!", administrative and legal programme "Europe here!" and investment programme "Montenegro now!" Prime Minister Krivokapic said that the new Government plans investments of nearly half a billion euros, with an emphasis on regional roads, educational and health infrastructure (schools, kindergartens and hospitals), as well as investments in renewable energy sources. The meeting stressed Montenegro's huge tourist potentials, which can be interesting for foreign investors. The potentials of Ulcinj and the idea of new Ulcinj, forest and water resources in the north, investment in airport infrastructure, etc. were also emphasized. Prime Minister Krivokapic pointed out that the internal political situation in Montenegro is turbulent, but that despite everything, the idea of an expert government proved to be superior, because it was formed on the basis of expertise and competence of ministers, and not on the basis of party, national, religious or any other affiliation. Furthermore, the Prime Minister reminded of the fact that the first democratic shift in the elections in Montenegro, in August last year, brought an increase in support for Montenegro's EU integration and NATO membership by over 10%, as evidenced by recent public opinion polls. The distinguished ambassadors asked questions to the Prime Minister, and showed a strong interest in deepening economic cooperation between Montenegro and their countries.


The government denies that Zaev will delay his resignation until December (MIA

It’s not true that the Prime Minister plans to prolong tendering his resignation until December. The resignation is a clear act of taking responsibility, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev’s office says commenting on what they call “inaccurate press briefings” that the prime minister is planning the prolong the process. The government points out that consultations are underway through which the party bodies, as well as the coalition partners, with the full support of Prime Minister Zaev, are working on solutions and decisions that maintain a stable parliamentary majority, in order to ensure a government that maintains the reform and progressive course of the country, MIA reported. This reaction comes after Telma’s reports that Zaev will officialize his resignation from the position in the government at the end of December.

Osmani: If there is no solution to Bulgaria dispute in December, Macedonia will remain isolated (Republika/Alsat

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani spoke on Alsat about the Bulgaria dispute, emphasizing that if there is no solution in December, the country will remain isolated. Osmani also said that if solution is not reached in December, Albania will start separating from the package. No one can be sure that there will be a solution in December, but that there will be no solution if the government is destabilized without a safe alternative, that is for sure. We have the opportunity in December, we think that there are conditions then to hold the first intergovernmental conference and we should use this moment. If this is not done in December, of course Albania will start separating from the package that will have other consequences for us, a false perspective will be created that the European process is running, and Macedonia will remain isolated, and here we will all have the consequences, said Osmani.


Open Balkans today in Belgrade / Zaev, replaced by Dimitrov (Radio Tirana

The next meeting between the three countries that have signed for the Open Balkans initiative, Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia, will take place in Belgrade on 3 and 4 November.

Prime Minister Edi Rama from the climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, traveled to Belgrade. In the wake of the resignation of Zoran Zaev, the Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia Nikola Dimitrov will take his place. The agenda for this meeting, organized by the Atlantic Council, includes a discussion panel on "Digital Transformation as a helping hand for regional integration", in which there will be conclusions and then a press conference will be held. A few days ago, after the second round of local elections in North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, whose party suffered a shameful defeat, resigned. He took responsibility for this loss, but said that SDSM will continue to govern the country, implying that the commitment and promises made within the Open Balkans will remain. As part of the ambitious project for the whole region, that the Balkans will finally leave behind centuries of division, Open Balkans, Prime Minister Rama, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, on 29 July last, signed a joint declaration, which is based on the 4 great freedoms of cooperation in the western world: freedom of movement of goods, capital, people and services.

The regional cooperation initiative was also supported by the United States, the EU and Germany, which issued a statement urgently requesting the signing of the Common Regional Market Agreement before the EU-Balkans Summit on 6 October. However, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina are not joining the initiative.

Ambassador Kim: US Supports Open Balkans (Radio Tirana

The US Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim stated that "the commitment of the United States of America to the Western Balkans remains strong, including support for the opening of negotiations with the European Union for Albania and North Macedonia before the end of 2021". The US Ambassador in Tirana, Yuri Kim said that "the US also supports the Open Balkans initiative, which should be open to all 6 countries of the Western Balkans". "The United States' commitment to the Western Balkans remains strong, including support for the opening of negotiations with the European Union on Albania and North Macedonia before the end of 2021. The United States also supports' Open Balkans', which should be open to all 6 countries of the Western Balkans, and other initiatives that promote regional integration," said Kim.

Former DP leader criticizes Open Balkans initiative (ADN


Former prime minister and former Democratic Party leader Sali Berisha commented on the local elections in Northern Macedonia, calling Prime Minister Zoran Zaev an adventurer, while attacking the Open Balkans initiative. Berisha described the result in the elections in Northern Macedonia as a positive development, emphasizing that where it was baptized with the name of George Soros, the Open Balkans there died 2 days ago from the vote of the citizens of North Macedonia. "As a ghost in the post-war Balkans walks the trilateral alliance Belgrade-Tirana-Skopje, completely against Kosovo and the Albanian nation. I salute the government of Kosovo that stood firm against this initiative that brings conflict, that restores the hegemony of Belgrade in the region that turns Albania and Macedonia into vassals of Belgrade. It surrounds Kosovo. There is a need for cooperation between equal countries, not for hegemony. A greeting to the voters of Northern Macedonia who cut the ticket to an adventurer who with his adventure, turned Northern Macedonia into an apple of discord between Serbia and Bulgaria. This blind politician forgot that for Belgrade it was nothing but Serbia. The great positive development in Northern Macedonia was that where it was baptized with the name of George Soros, the Open Balkans there died 2 days ago from the vote of the citizens of Macedonia," said Berisha.