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Belgrade Media Report 13 December 2021



Brnabic: New agreement on strategic cooperation with Russia to be signed soon (Tanjug/Politika/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated in Moscow on Friday that Serbia will continue to develop and improve economic, political and every other cooperation with Russia. After a meeting with Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin, held on the sidelines of the International Export Forum, Brnabic underlined that the relations between the two countries are exceptionally good and that they are not harmed by Serbia’s European path. She said that economic and political relations of Serbia and Russia are very good and announced that an agreement on strategic cooperation between the two countries to 2026 will be signed by the end of this year. She said that she spoke with her Russian counterpart about projects in the field of energy and gas infrastructure, recalling that on 1 January of this year Serbia became a country of transit, which brings additional stability and security, but also additional revenues into the state budget. Brnabic underlined that gasification of Serbia will be continued and that the signing of an agreement with Russian company Gazprom Neft on the takeover of the chemical plant Petrohemija from Pancevo is expected soon, which will bring additional stability and business activity to this company. Infrastructural projects were also discussed, she said and expressed gratitude for the professionalism of Russian company RZD International during the construction of the fast Belgrade-Budapest railway. She pointed out that the “Belgrade Diameter” project will be implemented in cooperation with Russian partners, adding that during the talks she drew attention to the importance of keeping the Russian market open for our agricultural products, fruits, vegetables and meat. Brnabic said that she also talked with the Russian Prime Minister about future cooperation in the field of advanced technologies, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence, which is Serbia’s strategic focus of development until 2030, and in which Russia is extremely successful. If we manage to establish cooperation in that domain, it will mean that Serbia is progressing much faster and better, and for us every day is important to make up for what we missed during the 1990s and in the first decade of the 21st century, said Brnabic. She said that Mishustin expressed gratitude for Serbia’s principled position not to impose sanctions on Russia and added that she confirmed that Serbia will continue to pursue that policy.


Brnabic: Gratitude for principled position of the Holy See regarding Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today during the talks with the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Grand Chancellor of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences, Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, that the relations between Serbia and the Holy See are without open issues, stable and characterized by mutual respect and consideration. Brnabic expressed special gratitude to the Holy See for the support to stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans and for its interest in the current state of affairs in the region. She underlined that one of Serbia’s main priorities is a stable and well-connected region, which will offer a better standing of living and prospects to its citizens. She noted that the Open Balkans Initiative, which is complementary with all other regional initiatives, contributes to that and is the best way to regional stability. She voiced gratitude for the principled position of the Holy See regarding Kosovo and Metohija, based on the respect for international law, and pointed to the need of implementation of the Brussels agreement and the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Monsignor Paglia stated that dialogue, cooperation and the boosting of ties in the region are the only way towards peace and stability and underlined that the Holy See supports these efforts, and Serbia, which is the pillar of the Western Balkans. He said that the European perspective is important for both Serbia and the entire region and highlighted that our country is a historical and geographical part of Europe. Paglia voiced conviction that the European integration process will get accelerated in the future, underlining that ties between Italy and the Western Balkans are centuries-old and that they are built on respect and consideration. According to him, the vision of the Holy See is to help the region get connected in the best possible way while at the same time respecting tradition and differences. He underlined that the Holy See is committed to improving relations with Serbia and that the Community of Sant’Egidio will continue to support regional development and stability, while at the same time insisting on interfaith dialogue.


Vucic: Countries will disappear. The problem exists in the whole of Europe (TV Pink/B92/RTS/Politika/Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian President Vucic told TV Pink on Sunday night that, although he is not completely satisfied with the appearance of the military industry, we have made many investments. "I am afraid that we have made numerous mistakes in choosing personnel for certain positions in the military industry," he said. He also emphasized that the state is much stronger today and can invest 200 million euros in the military industry. "The state made necessary military acquisitions and strengthened our army. We have 12.000 workers in the military industry, which allows us to always have important products manufactured in our country, and that is extremely important," he added and reiterated that "he is not satisfied with everything". "Today I see the problems we have and in that respect I am stricter than the Chief of General Staff and the Minister of Defense. I know how much better and stronger we are, but I still see significant shortcomings and we are working to improve that quickly," he said. As he said, as the end of his mandate approaches, he does not want to hide anything from people. "The army then and the army are now like heaven and earth. We didn't have armor, we didn't have the cornets we get now, we had between zero and one serious hunter, today we have 14. We had four eagles, today we have 10 and we are working on 4+. The air defense is the strongest, we have two batteries of armor and more are coming", said Vucic. "We have 5-6 times more helicopters in good condition today. I will not even talk about quality, in addition, we have armed all our helicopters," he said. According to him, we have 30 new Russian tanks, we will have 36-54 of domestic howitzers. "We started making good vehicles in Zastava-TERVO and Fap. We also arranged many barracks, increased salaries by 70% in the last nine years," he said, adding that it was important.


Three key things - energy, the military and food and water

"In the modern world, three things are important, along with the economy and the growth of GDP that are taken for granted - energy - electricity, gas, oil, food and water, and the army," he said, adding that health is also there today. "I use the logic of iron determinants and see that we are facing a very difficult time. The problem all over the world is that everyone is lying and no one will talk. In Germany, inflation is the highest, in the United States, the highest in the last four decades," he said, adding that in Germany, energy prices jumped 21% compared to last November. "Yesterday, we sold electricity for 499 Euros per megawatt hour, which is almost 10 times more than the cost price," he emphasized. As he emphasized, it is important for us that Kostolac starts as soon as possible, because with that we could earn millions of Euros on a daily basis and thus be convincingly the strongest in the region. Vucic also said that today we produce enough electricity for our needs. "Countries will disappear because of all this. You have a problem at the level of the whole of Europe," he said. Also, as he pointed out, politics does not allow them to open Nord Stream 2. "Putin is behaving logically and someone will not destroy his investment of several billion. China is buying everything it can get, America is using all its resources," he stressed. He also said that we are ready to expand the gas storage, to buy larger quantities of gas. "People need to know that these are essential issues for Serbia. We have agreed quantities of gas with the Russian Federation annually. We need to procure an additional 300 million cubic meters of gas." He added that we are expected to consume much more gas for Saint Nicholas or Catholic Christmas due to the weather conditions. "It remains for us to procure it on the market, and there is no gas, and even when there is gas on the stock exchange, you have to pay $ 1.205 for it." He added that the world is closing politically. "That is why we are fighting and looking for a solution and that is why we are raising money to buy whatever we need to offer a solution to the citizens. Kostolac will be ready in the first quarter of 2023, and then we will have a big advantage. Until then, the state must do a good job," he said and stressed that the price of electricity and gas will not increase. "We will have the same price. It is not a problem for us, our problem is our capacities."


About credit rating

Vucic said about the credit rating that the first next level we'll reach will be the level of Slovenia, Croatia and many other European countries. "This means that you have security for everyone who invests in our country, that the state behaves responsibly and seriously," said Vucic, adding that "experts" were the ones who told us not to build a new block in Kostolac because we need to invest into renewables. "You have to follow that trend of the Green Agenda, but you also have to have electricity. The Germans didn't throw out the coal either, they still keep it in strategic reserves. And the British too - as soon as winter started, they burned everything," he said, as the war is being fought around Nord Stream 2". "Economy is the basis of everything. Nobody fought for one hill, there was war for resources - how many wars were started because of oil...", Vucic emphasized and pointed out that the level of public debt in Serbia is 57 percent of GDP. "When I became prime minister, our debt was 78%. Some in the region had about 20 percent, and now over 70 percent. Some had 50, and now they are over one hundred percent of public debt," Vucic concluded in an interview with TV Pink.


Sullivan: US sanctions loom over brother of Serbian President (Beta/


Drew Sullivan, one of the founders of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, told on Saturday that US sanctions loomed over Andrej Vucic, the brother of the Serbian President. "We know that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, like many in the Kosovo government, have numerous ties to organized crime. We know that Vucic's brother Andrej has met Zvonko Veselinovic. They will likely be added to the list in the next few months or years," Sullivan told in an interview. Commenting on a decision by the US administration to introduce sanctions against Kosovo businessmen close to the ruling party, primarily Zvonko Veselinovic, Sullivan said he believed that the list would be expanded to include people close to Aleksandar Vucic - Nikola Petrovic and Andrej Vucic, reported. According to him, the US government is identifying and introducing sanctions against persons who serve as links between the government and organized crime. He said Vucic was employing the political strategy of his Montenegrin counterpart Milo Djukanovic and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who "regularly use their ties to organized crime as a covert arm of the government." "Governments like the US and EU will probably not sanction Vucic. They have not sanctioned more important individuals, like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor, or the godfather of all corrupt leaders - Vladimir Putin," Sullivan added.


Dacic: Egypt remains with the stance of frozen recognition of Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/RTV/Politika)


Although Egypt recognized Kosovo’s independence, that recognition was never activated, the during which he also met with speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives Hanafy Ali El-Gebali stated in a conversation with Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, RTS reports. Gebali said that the recognition took place in special historical conditions. “After the revolution of the Egyptian people, the situation has changed and this recognition has not been activated. We are paying great attention to the relationship with Serbia,” Gebali said. According to Dacic, Egypt still adheres to what was agreed several years ago. “It is that they consider this issue a case of frozen recognition,” said Dacic, who is leading a parliamentary delegation of Serbia, which is on a two-day visit to Egypt. Dacic recalled that in the last days of the rule of Mohamed Morsi, under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, an announcement came that Egypt had recognized so-called Kosovo, but that after President Sisi came to power, no further steps in making that decision operational have been implemented - the embassy has not been opened, nor have diplomatic relations been established. Based on an agreement from a few years ago, Dacic, then Serbia’s foreign minister, and his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry, agreed that it should be a kind of frozen recognition, which meant that Egypt does not support Kosovo and does not vote for Pristina’s membership in international forums. “Today, we once again received official confirmation that this will be the policy of Egypt in the coming period as well,” Dacic stressed. He pointed out that relations with Serbia are extremely important for Egypt. “I conveyed the greetings of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, and once again, on his behalf, invited him to visit Serbia, and he promised that this would happen after elections in our country,” said Dacic. He said that it was stated during the talks that good political relations are not accompanied by extremely rich economic cooperation, since foreign trade exchange last year was around 100 million, which, he says, is low compared to the possibilities. Dacic said that there is mutual will for comprehensive development of relations, in every field - from politics, exchange of visits at the highest level, to activation of a Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation of Egypt and Serbia, cooperation in culture, education, defense and military industry. At the same time, Dacic pointed out that this year a record was broken when it comes to the number of Serbian tourists who traveled in Egypt, and that we would like to have as many tourists from Egypt as possible come to Serbia. He added that Egypt is pleased to highlight the 113-year-long tradition of diplomatic relations with Serbia, as well as the fact that Egypt and the former Yugoslavia were co-founders of the Non-Aligned Movement. Dacic led the parliamentary delegation on a visit to Egypt, while members of his delegation, MPs Dubravka Filipovski and Snezana Paunkovic will take part in a meeting of the International Parliamentary Network against corruption.


Vulin: Racak is one big lie (Beta/Novosti/RTV)


Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Friday that “the alleged massacre” of Kosovo Albanians in the village of Racak, which NATO used to justify its attack on Yugoslavia in 1999 “is a big lie and horrible forgery”. Having visited a location near Nis where a movie on the events in the village in January 1999 is being filmed, Vulin said that the claim that there was a massacre is an insult to mankind. “The NATO aggression against Yugoslavia began after the horrible lie about Racak. At the time we weren’t capable or smart enough to show the world how horrible the lie was. It is the task of this generation to prove to the world that they bombed us, and made us criminals, based on a lie, and that the blood of our children is on the hands of those who fabricated it,” Vulin said, adding that, “the Serbs will never again let other people write their history”.  The Interior Ministry and RTS are making a series of six documentaries called “Dossier Kosovo”, recreating the events and the fate of civilians and police officers in Kosovo from 1998 to 2001.


Mihajlovic: Continuation of abuse of topic of environment for election campaign (FoNet)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said that the new calls of the representative of the Environmental Uprising Aleksandar Jovanovic Cuta for a violent change of government represent a continuation of the abuse of the environment in the election campaign, her cabinet announced Saturday. She assessed that Jovanovic and other so-called activists should stop threatening with violence and present their program to the citizens in the elections. “You are hiding behind environmental issues, which are above politics, while at the same time you admit that you are organizing political protests,” said Mihajlovic. According to her, by threatening violence, they are blocking the international highway and preventing the normal functioning of the majority of Serbian citizens, and they show that their only concern is to collect political points at all costs. “We will neither save people nor the environment by not doing anything in Serbia, by not building roads, railways or factories,” Mihajlovic stressed, adding that the fight for a healthy environment does not mean stopping the development of society.


Reduced protests block traffic in Serbia on Saturday (Beta)


Serbian citizens in numerous cities protested by blocking traffic again on Saturday, in response to calls by environmental organizations opposed to the creation of a lithium mine by the Rio Tinto company in the Jadar river basin. The one-hour blockades, with noticeably fewer protesters than last Saturday, passed mostly without incident except for minor altercations between protesters and individual drivers in Belgrade, Nis and Novi Sad. Green Uprising representative Aleksandar Jovanovic "Cuta" restated demands for the withdrawal of the Jadar project's spatial plan and banning the exploitation of lithium. The protesters chanted "rise up, rise up," during the blockade. The people of Kragujevac, Preljina outside Cacak, Novi Pazar, Pirot, Prokuplje, Leskovac, Krusevac, Bor and Sabac also blocked traffic.


Lutovac: Naming opposition candidate in Serbia too soon would be mistake (Danas/FoNet)


The leader of the Democratic Party (DS) Zoran Lutovac told Danas on Monday that it would be a mistake to name a candidate who would face Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic too soon, adding “a blitzkrieg” with good candidates and the campaign could be a winning move ahead of the 2022 elections. He added that the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) was in a constant campaign since coming to power in 2012 but had not yet published its candidates for the head of state and Belgrade’s mayor. “If Vucic’s rating was falling sharply as in the last two weeks, the question is whether he will run at all,” Lutovac said. He referred to successful environmental protests across Serbia held during three weekends, forcing the President to initiate the withdrawal of a controversial Law on expropriation and amendments to the Law on Referendum. He adds the candidates of an opposition alliance, which his DS is part of, offer a choice to people of different political views, ideologies and Weltanschauung to vote for it. “Because they respect universal human values like honor, honesty, professional achievements, commitment to the public interest and the well-being of all citizens,” Lutovac told Danas.


Vucic: Serbia respects territorial integrity of B&H (RTS)


When asked about the conclusions if the RS parliament, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia does not interfere in internal affairs of other countries. Vucic stated: “The policy of Serbia is respecting territorial integrity of B&H but also respecting the integrity of the RS within B&H, which means full respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Serbia is one of the guarantors of implementing the DPA. That is our policy that has not changed in the last 26 years. That was and will remain the policy of Serbia”.


Dacic expresses support to RS (Novosti)


Serbian officials commented on the special session of the RS parliament which took place on Friday, saying that they support the RS, the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the return of competences to the RS. Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said that there is no stability in B&H without the agreement of the RS and the future of B&H lies in the return to the original DPA. He stressed that they oppose the undermining of the DPA and the lowering of competences of entities. Dacic said that they oppose this is it is done by force, but they cannot do anything if it is done by the decision of certain Serb representatives. He stressed that their message for Serb politicians is to be united and it is important to preserve peace.


Dodik: We do not want any kind of B&H except for Dayton one (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)


In an interview to the daily, Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik reminded of the time when the RS lost its competencies and said that “those were the events from past which we had difficulties to ‘swallow’. The ambient was unfavorable for us. Depriving us of the competencies was accompanied with demonization of Serbs and RS”. Dodik added that an image was created that it would be desirable to punish Serbs by depriving them of the competencies. “We knew we were enduring injustice. It was only our devoted fight that prevented them from carrying out everything to the end. Now it is the time to say – gentlemen, we want the Constitution”, Dodik said. Speaking about conclusions adopted at the Friday’s special session of the RS parliament, Dodik stated that the RS’ political fight for competencies and rights granted by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) did not start only recently and he added that the fight for Constitution cannot be reduced down to only the latest session of the RS parliament. “We have been dealing with rigid interventionism for the past 15 years. Competencies have been taken away from us and our autonomy has been jeopardized”, Dodik added and argued that “we managed to stop a more massive transfer of competencies in 2006, but heads in Sarajevo did not cool down. They continued the attempts. We managed to remove the High Representative out of the picture over the years, but they continued (to do it) through the Constitutional Court of B&H”. Dodik went on to say that the Constitution of B&H does not stipulate that B&H is in charge of defense, fiscal system, courts and judiciary and noted that the goal of the task that was launched can be expressed through a simple message – “we do not want any kind of other B&H than the one stipulated by Dayton Constitution”. Asked to state what might come as the first in line, Dodik replied by saying that it is property issue because the Constitutional Court does not have the authority to decide on ownership. “We will adopt laws that will confirm that the RS is the owner of property in its territory. They can announce filing of motions with the Constitutional Court, but we are heading towards regulating this issue eventually as well and to decide that decisions of this court will not be accepted in the RS”, Dodik added and argued that everything that is being done is being done in defense of the DPA: “We are being neither naïve nor hasty”. Dodik went on to say that there are perhaps some matters at the level of B&H which will not have to be dealt with, while some other matters will be solved later on, such as the issue of passports. Dodik announced that the issues the RS will deal with as soon as possible are the property issue and issue of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H: “Such council will be re-established in the RS soon. The existing one at the level of B&H will be proclaimed as invalid for the judiciary in the RS”. Speaking about issues of the Armed Forces of B&H, Intelligence and Security Agency (OSA) of B&H and State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H, Dodik said that “we will try to show understanding for the moment when it comes to the army” and added that one of the options would be to cut in half military potentials and reduce expenses so that the money can be reallocated to the accounts of the entities, which would then deal with social issues. Dodik added that nobody will have an adventure-like stance on indirect taxes either, knowing that those were already collected in the RS and there were no problems related to this matter. “With regard to SIPA and OSA, there is nothing sensitive about it”, Dodik said and added that the RS will prepare laws and choose the moment depending on finances. Speaking about remarks of individuals that the RS earmarked no money for salaries of people from the RS in the joint institutions, Dodik argued that there are some 7,000 employees and some 130 million Euros would be needed for their salaries: “This is exactly how much we allocate to the joint budget. Once we bring things in order, the first thing we will do is to withdraw that money to the RS. Does anyone think that we will restore competencies and leave money in Sarajevo?”. Asked to comment on the fact SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic asked for a reaction of  Christian Schmidt while foreigners announced imposing of sanctions and discouraging of investments, Dodik noted that “it is not like foreign investors were waiting in line to invest here over the past years” and he added: “Schmidt does not exist, Bosniaks got used to having someone command them, while Serbs do not tolerate tutorship”. Dodik added: “I would like to wish Izetbegovic and Schmidt to have fun. None of Schmidt’s decisions is valid, he did not come to B&H in line with the DPA. He can write some letters, but nobody is interested in this anymore”. Dodik argued that there is no danger that any kind of sanctions might affect citizens or the entire RS and he added that he is not concerned about this and people should not be concerned either. “As for the economy, the problem is the pandemic and not their threats”, Dodik claimed and noted: “Maybe someone will laugh at this, but the RS will apply countermeasures. Should Germany impose sanctions, we will respond to it”. Dodik noted that USA and Germany “crossed the line” and did everything they could so that the RS would start to hate B&H “although we never loved it in the first place”. Dodik added that he appreciates Bosniaks as people but he resents political Sarajevo for trying to take away the property of the RS and foreigners for threatening with lack of investments. “We need another cure for B&H because the one pushed by Americans is wrong. Maybe the best solution would be de-engagement of America here”, Dodik said and reminded that the RS offered talks on many occasions: “Now we will see if they will be willing to talk”. Dodik speculated that instability in this area is favorable for Germany, so that it could get as many qualified workers as possible while having to invest nothing in them. Dodik also claimed that the western countries have their associates and noted that SDS leader Mirko Sarovic came to the RS parliament session only to present his statement so that “the western media can quote him”: “Then he and (PDP leader) Branislav Borenovic went to a TV station to be guests of a show, on which occasion Izetbegovic phoned to the show and thanked them for being consistent and commend them for walking out of the session”. Finally, Dodik concluded by saying that there are people who violated the Constitution and argued that those are people from the US Administration, some structures in Brussels and some other countries such as Germany, which sent a man and presented him as the High Representative although he was not appointed by the UN Security Council: “Such people are against us and they stick to stereotypes even when they understand what we are telling them”.




RS parliament adopts conclusions on transfer of competences to RS level (FTV)


The RS parliament adopted conclusions which set the path for the transfer of competences to the RS level from B&H during a special session on Friday. The RS government has been given a deadline of six months to prepare laws to regulate the formation of RS institutions in the area of judiciary, military, security and taxation. The RS parliament also adopted a declaration on constitutional principles, which stipulates that the RS authorities need to prepare a new constitution which will discuss all RS competences except the ones defined in the B&H Constitution. Deputy speaker of the RS parliament Denis Sulic said that the RS government will prepare the laws and when they are adopted by the RS parliament, the agreement of the RS for the formation of certain B&H institutions will be withdrawn. The declaration also defines that all laws imposed by the High Representative are anti-constitutional and they are not adopted in accordance with the necessary procedures in the B&H parliament. President of SNSD Milorad Dodik said on Saturday that everything is clear and the RS government will fulfill the deadline given by the RS parliament. He stressed that they are not giving up and it represents the holy script for them. President of SDS Mirko Sarovic did not comment on the session on Saturday. During his address on Friday, Sarovic highlighted that SNSD transferred the competences to the B&H level in the past and are now pretending to be national heroes which are returning what was taken away. Commenting on the withdrawal of competences in the judiciary, Sulic said that they will not be taking away anything and RS officials will withdraw from these institutions, which means that they will not exist anymore. He said that following that, these competences become the legal heritage of the RS and they will adopt their own laws.


Opposition parties in RS parliament leave special session (Al Jazeera Balkans/BHT1/BNTV/O Kanal)


Members of the opposition in the RS parliament stated on Friday that they left the special session on restoring of competencies to the RS as they did not learn the way in which the ruling majority plans to implement the five proposed conclusions. They wanted to know how all these decisions would be financed. If the decision on RS’ withdrawal of consents to certain agreements on the state level is adopted, i.e. if the RS started the procedure of returning its competencies that were previously transferred onto the state level, representatives of the opposition wanted to know what would happen with people from the RS who work in the joint institutions of B&H and if they would be taken care of by the RS authorities. They wanted to know if the RS Budget would have enough money to cover the salaries of these people. The opposition pointed out that none of these questions were answered during the special session, nor any concrete steps or solutions were offered, which is why they felt like they could not support any of these activities. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic told a press conference that they calmly heard what the proponents of the conclusions had to say and the opposition concluded that it cannot show support for this “unprepared intention”. Sarovic said important matters were brought to the table, but their realization was dragged a long time, and it was also said that if the conclusions are adopted – they would be implemented in six months’ time. Sarovic believes the real intention of the ruling majority is to obtain support ahead of 2022 general elections in B&H, and not to actually help RS and improve things in that entity. Addressing the RS parliament, Sarovic said that he never took part in transfer of any kind of competences from the RS to the state level reminding that the ruling party, i.e. SNSD did this. Sarovic said that it would be fair for SNSD members to say that they did transfer competences but they regret this today, they want to correct this and they want to return competences. Sarovic said: “I believe that this is more honest and better than selling the public a story that we are some national heroes today (…) I think that in this case, responsibility and reason are older than our clear right or legitimacy and I want to underline this, because only strong RS can undertake this venture and this is not the case with the RS nowadays (…) The way this was proposed is – I would say – direct jeopardizing of peace and introduction of the RS into a dangerous spiral of conflicts with the option of a war and I want to especially underline this and to tell to respected member of the Presidency of B&H from the RS, Mr. Dodik”. Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic addressed representatives in the RS parliament at the special session on Friday and wondered why they should wait for adoption of laws for six months when they can adopt the laws tomorrow already. Nesic also asked what will happen if the RSNA adopts the laws and the Constitutional Court of B&H – as leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic said it – abolishes the laws. Nesic said: “We want permanent and sustainable solutions. We do not want adventures and pre-election spending and playing with big national issues and with the future of the RS”. Nesic argued that this is obviously election campaign of SNSD and they obviously want to improve their catastrophic rating. Nesic said: “There is no unity here. If they had wanted to achieve unity, a meeting with the opposition would have been held before the special session, and we would have reached an agreement together, that would crucially affect the RS, and not this adventurism SNSD is leading us into’’.


OHR representatives not allowed to attend RS parliament special session (ATV)


The RS parliament leadership rejected the request, which was sent twice, to allow presence of a representative from the Office of the High Representative (OHR) at the session. Deputy speaker Denis Sulic sent a clear answer to the OHR that their representative will not be able to attend the session as the RS does not recognize Christian Schmidt as the High Representative in B&H, and they also do not accept any other OHR representatives at the RS institutions. The OHR issued a press statement noting that the failure to allow the OHR representative to attend the RS parliament special session represents a violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement.


Dodik: There is no going backwards (RTRS)


Leader of SNSD and member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Saturday that adoption of the conclusions at the special session of the RS parliament on Friday is sacred for the RS. According to Dodik, the RS is on the road to return its rights given in the Dayton and there is no going backwards and now, it is up to the RS government to make all preparations. Dodik warned that if the RS government fails to do this in six months, a new government will be formed. Dodik underlined that the RS government serves to meet obligations of the RS parliament and if it fails, there will be no government and the ruling coalition will form a new one. He said: “This is simple. Therefore, there is no giving up on this. What was done yesterday about the RS is sacred and there is no giving up”. The reporter noted that returning to the original Dayton is part of the political program of the coalition partners in the RS and during the Friday’ session, they showed that they are committed to its implementation. RTRS reminded that leader of SP Petar Djokic and leader of the DEMOS Nedeljko Cubrilovic supported the conclusions and the declaration adopted during the special session of the RS parliament, unlike the opposition MPs who left the session and failed to take part in the voting. Dodik’s advisor Radovan Kovacevic underlined that the RS made a historic and a giant step towards return within the constitutional framework that it got in 1995. Kovacevic stated: “The RS begun return of B&H into its constitutional framework, it begun a project of return within the Constitution of B&H. The RS and the RS parliament were marked yesterday as defenders of the Constitution of the RS and B&H.”


Salkic calls judicial institutions and international community to react; Other reactions (Oslobodjenje)


RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic commented on the adoption of decisions at the special session of the RS parliament and said that Bosniaks in the RS are concerned because of the failure of judicial institutions and international community to react and stop those “unconstitutional and secessionist activities”. Salkic assessed that it is high time warmongering and secessionist policy of the entity bodies were stopped and he added that such activities remind of activities of “rebelled Bosnian Serbs in 1991 which they undertook to destroy the constitutional order of the Republic of B&H and later to commit war crimes and genocide against Bosniaks”. Salkic added that, unless they react, the judicial institutions and international community will become accomplices in this process and will bear the responsibility for everything that will happen in B&H in future. “We expect your concrete and clear reaction to protect peace and constitutional order but, at the same time, you must know that Bosniaks in this entity will not agree to live in some kind of a new Serb state,” Salkic said. President of SDP Nermin Niksic said that the special session of the RS parliament was a vandalistic attack against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of BiH. He stressed that there are two addresses that need to react to this and those are the B&H Prosecutor’s Office and the High Representative. Niksic said that the decisions of the RS parliament are the path of secession of the RS, regardless of how SNSD leader Milorad Dodik tries to paint it. He added that the RS will never cross this line and B&H will persevere. Delegate in the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H Denis Becirovic (SDP B&H) said that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and his supporters violated the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and launched the process of restoring of the parliament of the Republic of B&H. Becirovic argued that Dodik and his supporters, among other things, on Friday launched “the procedure for removal of speaker of B&H HoP Dragan Covic and speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Denis Zvizdic as well as launched the procedure of return of Miro Lazovic to the helm of the parliament of the Republic of B&H”. Becirovic argued that Dodik “is 100% sure that there will be no sanctions of the EU” and he requested the EU to explain why Dodik can be so sure and why the EU tolerates Dodik’s actions. Becirovic concluded by saying that the EU was brought in the situation in which it will have to choose between respecting the DPA and Dodik’s path of destruction of the DPA “and start of war process with enormous consequences of internationalization of such conflict”. “It is high time EU and NATO stopped destruction of peace in state of B&H and region,” Becirovic concluded. Representative in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Sasa Magazinovic (SDP) said that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik made a big step towards end of his political career, because he hid behind RS MPs and conveyed message he is prepared to use life other people’s children to defend his criminal environment. “This is another slap for B&H, but also for the US and the Europe who have been convincing us that it is possible to talk with Dodik,” explained Magazinovic. “This only unnecessary raising dust to cover all society’s negative issues, and those are key life issues. It is a matter of corruption. It is something corroding this society, and the thing SNSD is doing is concealing all that in order not to talk about who protects members of criminal croups criminal drug groups in the institutions,” RS PDP representative Jelena Trivic was quoted as saying in response to Friday’s special session.


SDA issues press statement, says restoring of RS’ competencies would be attack on constitutional order of B&H (FTV)


SDA issued a press statement saying that there is no constitutional way to unilaterally return competencies from the state entity level, and warned of catastrophic consequences, particularly for the RS. SDA also called on High Representative Christian Schmidt to annul all documents the RS parliament might adopt. “Laws adopted at B&H parliament are amended or recalled exclusively in that institution, and not in the entity parliaments. Any different action constitutes a serious criminal offense, which multi-year prison sentences are envisaged for. Adoption of information documents on unilateral return of competencies from the state to the entity law, prolonging the deadline for the adoption of laws contrary to the Constitution is not the step towards the solving of the crisis, it is a certain path to the escalation. Destruction of the state is not acceptable today, nor it will be in six months’ time,” reads SDA’s statement.


Dzaferovic, Komsic and Izetbegovic call for reaction of B&H judicial institutions following RS parliament session (Nova BH/BHT1)


Nova BH carries that reactions keep on coming after the RS parliament Friday adopted the Declaration on Constitutional Principles and four information with conclusions on the return of competences from the state of B&H to the RS. B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic called on the judicial institutions in B&H to react. Many officials in B&H have called on the B&H judiciary to react to the conclusions of the RS parliament but, as Nova BH pointed out, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H has not yet stated what it plans to do in regard to the decisions adopted in the RS parliament. As to how much the latest decisions of the RS parliament shook the political scene in B&H, Nova BH noted that there are different interpretations when it comes to that topic. Nova BH stressed that many B&H and regional officials stated that this is one of the most sensitive moments in B&H in the last two decades. Many regional leaders warned that the situation in B&H could escalate and that tensions need to be lowered. On the other hand, those who are following the political situation in the RS and B&H claim that Dodik did not go all the way with the conclusions in the RS parliament given that he left a transitional period of six months during which he could back down and leave room for an agreement. Komsic’s Office issued a statement, according to which, the RS parliament has abandoned the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) with its action. “Komsic has called on the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to prosecute Milorad Dodik as an instigator and a leader of a group that banded together in overthrowing constitutional order in B&H and undermining the state institutions. The RS parliament has abandoned the DPA,” reads the statement by the Office of the B&H Presidency Chairperson.


Stevandic: RS has started with fight for its internationally recognized rights (Glas Srpske)


Commenting the special session of the RS parliament held on Friday, United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic stated that the RS has started with the serious fight for its internationally recognized rights. He underlined that the RS needs to persevere in this fight because it is honest and necessary. He called on the opposition parties to stop with the confrontations with the ruling parties, and to focus on the problems in B&H. He noted that these problems were not created by Serbs. According to Stevandic, the ruling coalition made all the right moves because there was no alternative. He expressed deep regrets over the fact that the opposition parties failed to show their support to the efforts to protect the RS. Commenting the calls for investigations on violation of B&H Constitution which could be heard after the RS parliament session, Stevandic said that the politicians who are fighting for the RS are aware of their goal, as well as of possible consequences.


EU Delegation to B&H, Embassies of US, UK, France, Germany and Italy issue joint statement (BHT1)


The US Embassy to B&H, the UK Embassy to B&H, the French Embassy to B&H, the German Embassy to B&H, the Italian Embassy to B&H, and the Delegation of the EU (EUD) in B&H issued a joint statement, according to which “today’s decision by the RS parliament to begin the drafting of legislation to create parallel institutions in the Republika Srpska is a further escalatory step”.


RS parliament conclusions escalate tensions (Oslobodjenje)


OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Ann Linde and OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid issued the statement regarding the decision taken on Friday in B&H by the RS parliament “to take further steps in the direction of unilateral withdrawal from transfer agreements from the entities to the State”. “The adoption of a set of conclusions by the RS  parliament calling for unilateral withdrawal of competencies from State to entity level is escalating tension and going against the achievements of the last 26 years. We call on political leaders in the RS to refrain from negative and divisive political actions,” said Linde. OSCE Secretary General Schmid said: “The ongoing crisis impacts the economy, discourages investment and slows down key reforms. Unfortunately, the burden of this crisis will once again fall on citizens that are already facing increased unemployment, corruption, and shortcomings in healthcare”. Linde and Schmid urged all parties to restore state-level institutions to full functionality and engage in constructive political dialogue to reach consensus for the benefit of all citizens in B&H.


Kavalec: Current political situation in B&H not just difficult but also concerning (Fena)


Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec stated for Fena on Sunday that the current political situation in B&H is not just difficult but it is also concerning which is why OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid as well as other international representatives recently visited B&H. Kavalec finds that the amount of cynicism that she had a chance to see from some politicians is appalling, adding that the politicians are so focused on their narrow political interests instead of focusing on concrete problems. She put a special focus on problems in functioning of institutions and election legislation. Kavalec stated: “Unfortunately, we see that citizens are losing trust in the election process and it represents the basis of the democracy so - together with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) that monitored the election process in four cycles – we presented an entire set of serious recommendations in order to improve integrity, quality and transparency of elections in BIH.”


Escobar: We do not meet with Dodik, do not invite him to Washington and he is not invited to Brussels (Dnevni list/News 24 TV)


Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar has given an interview for News 24 TV during his visit to Albania, in which he said, among other issues, that he does not want to talk about sanctions in advance and that there will be more sanctions, and that the rule of law in fundamental building block of all democracies. Stressing that the US takes the fight against corruption very seriously, Escobar said: “We will do our part with regard to sanctions, because we take corruption very seriously. That said, there is no alternative to domestic prosecutions, independent judiciary, independent prosecutors and political will to make all that happen. So, you will see American political pressure on elected leaders, who we consider good partners, they need to be good partners on moving the rule of law forward as well, and believe me, we are quite cognizant and quite open with them about what the shortcomings are”. Escobar added by saying there will be more sanctions in the Western Balkans countries. Answering to the journalist’s remark, according to which the State Department has chosen political organizations that were on the US’ black list, Escobar replied it was ‘very rarely’ and made a comment about Milorad Dodik. “I don’t see why that would be the case. And I know people like to compare him (former Albanian PM Sali Berisha) to the case of Milorad Dodik, by the way we only meet with him because he’s in the tri-presidency, we meet with the Presidency, not with him. We don’t meet with him in Istocno Sarajevo, we don’t meet with him in Banja Luka, we don’t meet with him in Pale, and we definitely don’t invite him to Washington and he is not invited to Brussels or any other European capital. So, think about that as an example”.


Turkey supports B&H (Oslobodjenje/Avaz)


“Turkey has always been at the helm of efforts for maintaining of peace and prosperity in the Balkans and especially in B&H. We share concerns regarding the decisions of the RS parliament and we find them harmful for constitutional- legal framework”, stated spokesperson of Turkish Foreign Ministry Tanju Bilgic. He stressed that this situation represents a challenge to peace and stability in the Balkans an entire Europe. “Turkey is determined to strongly support sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H,” said Bilgic. The Embassy of Turkey to B&H issued a press statement saying that it shares the stance of many who already assessed the latest moves of the RS parliament as detrimental to the constitutional and legal framework of B&H and added: “We see this as a challenge for peace, stability and prosperity of B&H and region. People in B&H surely do not want a conflict, they want economic prosperity. Because of this, it is necessary to restore functionality of institutions and replace inflammatory rhetoric with dialogue and keep the focus on economic development.”


No-confidence motion against government withdrawn (CdM)


The opposition has withdrawn the initiative for a vote of no confidence in the government of Zdravko Krivokapic from the parliamentary procedure. “Having in mind the announcement of the Democratic Front that it will submit an initiative to shorten the mandate of parliament, announced on 11 December, and after the united opposition launched a procedure of no confidence in the government, we believe that talks on forming a new parliamentary majority should begin without any delay,” a joint statement by the opposition reads. They are convinced that a new parliamentary majority will be formed and, in that way, the necessary preconditions will be created for the fall of the government and the dismissal of parliament speaker.


DF to propose returning mandate to citizens and organizing new elections (CdM)


The Democratic Front (DF) is proposing new parliamentary elections to resolve the political crisis in Montenegro. The political alliance has stated today that it will propose a shortening of the mandate of parliament, and added that it will not support the initiative to replace the current government, but that it is fairer to organize new elections. “This situation is unsustainable. The DF will propose to the parliamentary majority and minorities that we return the mandate to the citizens of Montenegro and that new elections be organized,” one of the DF leaders Andrija Mandic has said at Sunday’s press conference.


Radulovic: Only facts stated in non-paper, mention of Djukanovic provokes this reaction; Opposition: Government should fall (CdM)


Montenegrin MPs ended on Saturday the debate on the interpellation on the government’s policy in the field of foreign affairs, submitted by the MPs of the Democratic Party of Socialists and the Liberal Party, requesting the removal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic. The MPs will decide on the interpellation later. In the request for initiating the interpellation, the opposition has stated that Radulovic abused his position and gave incorrect statements in the instructions to the Montenegrin ambassadors on how to inform the countries where they perform those functions about the events in Cetinje on 4 and 5 September. In the opinion submitted to parliament, the government has assessed that the interpellation was unfounded and that the allegations in it are untrue and arbitrary. Radulovic said that the opposition initiated the interpellation because President Milo Djukanovic is in the non-paper. The opposition has said that after all, this government should fall, and they are convinced that it will happen on Monday.


Sehovic: The end of one-year embarrassment of Montenegrin govt (CdM)


In an interview for the CdM portal on Sunday, the Vice President of the Social Democrats and MP in the Montenegrin Assembly Damir Sehovic talks about current events in the country, political crisis and possible solutions. He describes the outgoing government of Zdravko Krivokapic as servile and a bad product, which has blocked the country and traded the Montenegrin national interests. Asked about the solution for the situation in the country, Sehovic says that “elections are definitely the most expedient solution, as this division of power has already resulted in the paralysis of the system. Literally. Therefore, the elections would enable a way out of the political and institutional blockade into which the government has brought us. Of course, it’s also clear to us why the ruling structures are desperately afraid of them, because they themselves are aware of the “impression” they left on the public after this one-year political embarrassment. On the opposition’s proposal submitted to the parliament to vote over the breakdown of trust in Zdravko Krivokapic’s government, which is to be discussed on Monday, he notes: “The united opposition has its reasons for submitting the proposal right now. At the very end of the one-year embarrassment of this government, the initiative will show the real intentions of every party at the political stage.” Speaking about the real leader of the current government of Montenegro and the final goal, the SD Vice President says “the easiest way is to tell that the government is run by everybody… and nobody, that is, it’s being run by those centers of power which would like to humiliate it, get it on its knees, to essentially deprive it of the statehood, turn it into a form in order to enable foreign factors to run it.” On the ‘Europe Now’ program, he notes that ‘Europe Now’ is a far-fetched idea with the government we’re having now.


SDSM members elect Dimitar Kovacevski to replace Zoran Zaev as party leader (Republika)


SDSM party members elected Dimitar Kovacevski to be the next party leader, replacing Zoran Zaev. A total of 44,406 party members voted in the elections today – which is about two thirds of the votes cast for Zaev in the elections in March. Kovacevski won 37,649 votes, owing to the endorsement from Zaev and from most other top party officials. His opposing candidates fared much worse – Jovan Despotovski, candidate of the Radmila Sekerinska wing of the party, won 3,319 votes, and Frosina Remenski won 2,836 votes. “It was a fair contest. My opponents made excellent suggestions that will advance the party. Comrades, today SDSM won and we taught another lesson in democracy. We are the pillar of the progression portion of the country,” Kovacevski said after the votes were announced. Remenski and Despotovski congratulated Kovacevski on his victory. Kovacevski also expressed gratitude to Zoran Zaev, whose exact role in the future of the party is uncertain. Zaev is now expected to resign as Prime Minister as well, and to try to install Kovacevski to this position too. This will depend on the ability of SDSM to manage its numerous coalition partners, who are increasingly restless.


Hristijan Mickoski re-elected as VMRO-DPMNE leader, calls for a movement to transform Macedonia (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE party delegates voted with 489 votes in favor and three invalid ballots to re-elect Hristijan Mickoski as leader of the party. The congress of the conservative party is held two months after its major victory in the local elections, where VMRO swept most major cities and urban districts in Skopje, as well as a large majority of overall municipalities. After the vote, Mickoski addressed the delegates in the “Jane Sandanski” sports hall in Skopje, to say that “an era of mobilization begins in which we will reach out to all free thinking citizens and ask them to join us in renewing our country”. “This second era is a call to all citizens to get engaged in political activism that will help our country. We want to hear the voice of the forgotten citizens who were left behind while the country is being plundered and led by lucrative motives of mediocrities. We are ready for dialogue with professors, writers, scientists, the young, the students, the unions and the businesses,” Mickoski said. He painted a dire picture of a country in which citizens are discouraged from becoming politically engaged because of the daily dose of humiliation and insults they are subjected to under the Zaev regime. “I call you to join us, including the politically unaffiliated, the undetermined. Help us bring about change and create a new future, with a new spirit of patriotism and shared responsibility,” Mickoski said. Mickoski also sent out a call to the ethnic minorities in the country for a New Deal, a new “concept of togetherness” that will lead to a societal consensus. “This will help us come back to how we originally imagined this country will look like when it was created, as an active unit of equal actors which will ensure just progress and equal opportunities for all, a vision we lost along the way in these three decades. The sincere enthusiasm was turned into nationalist bickering, often caused by politicians who wanted to use it as a distraction from the way they are running our country. A new societal contract will engage our shared patriotism and tear down the walls the politicians built among our citizens,” Mickoski added. In the area of economy, the re-elected VMRO leader said that the party will bring down the income tax rate to 8 percent, and abolish it for young people. The aim will be an economic growth rate between 4 and 6 percent and single digit unemployment rate. Mickoski said that VMRO will bring the country among the 50 best performers in fighting corruption in the world, from today’s dismal record of 111th. The party will also ensure the creation of a regulated market for crypto currencies and the use of block-chain technology.


Kim: Let America and Albania always hold each other close (Radio Tirana)


US Ambassador to Tirana, Yuri Kim, shares with followers on social media a message from the first US Ambassador to Albania in 1991-1994, William Edwin Ryerson. As we reach the end of 2021, which marks 30 years of renewed US-AL relations, I wanted to share this message from Amb. Ryerson, esp starting 2:09: “One of the most telling moments came during Baker’s visit. While the Secretary spoke, I was standing near the vehicles of the motorcade, next to a tall, gruff policeman. As Baker said ‘We are with you, and you are with us,’ I watched a tear roll down the cheek of that cop." That “telling moment” recalled by Amb. Ryerson is as powerful, relevant, and true today as it was 30 years ago. Let us never forget. Let US and AL always hold each other close." Ambassador Yuri Kim


Political crises in Albania / British Ambassador: We do not want to see parties on the streets again (Radio Tirana/A2)


"Party leaders must find agreement on how to progress with parliamentary democracy. The United Kingdom cannot say which way each political party should choose. We urge them to respect the principles of democracy and to focus on parliamentary democracy." This is what the Ambassador of the United Kingdom, Alastair King-Smith, said in an interview for A2, while being asked about the political crises in Albania. He stressed that it is important to focus on the political process and to avoid violence and conflict. "We hope not to have a serious political crisis in the future, because one of the best things that has been achieved is the return of all parties in the parliament, which have worked for effective parliamentary democracy. It is not easy to have a parliamentary democracy. It takes time and effort. It takes time for people to find the compromises needed to agree on how to pass the necessary laws. We have important issues for the progress of electoral reform. How to proceed with other laws. We must promote parliamentary democracy as the main principle of development. We do not want to see parties on the streets again using extra-parliamentary means to advance political goals. We think that it is important to focus on the political process and to avoid violence and conflict, as well as to find possible solutions through dialogue. It is essential, very important for the future of Albania. If parliamentary democracy progresses, Albania has a great future. One of the things we will do, among other things we have done and will continue to do, is support elections and aspects of democratization, by supporting parliament and parliamentary democracy. "We think it's important, something that now has the potential to be reaffirmed," he said.


US appeal: EU should keep promises to open negotiations with Albania, North Macedonia without delay (Radio Tirana/VoA)


The United States says both Albania and North Macedonia deserve to move forward on the path to European Union membership. A State Department spokesman reaffirmed the US stance on VoA's Macedonian service, after Bulgaria said it would not change its decision on Skopje by the end of the year. "It is critical that the EU adheres to its commitments, and that means the opening of membership negotiations without delay to both North Macedonia and Albania. "The EU enlargement process promotes peace, stability, democracy and prosperity throughout the region, and unnecessary delays are discouraging for the whole region." The State Department called for the situation to be resolved as soon as possible "in order to consolidate progress towards the necessary reforms and economic development in the Western Balkans region". "The United States continues to work closely with the EU on this issue," the spokesman said.  Bulgaria has said it will not approve the EU - wide negotiating framework for North Macedonia, but is ready to do so for Albania, according to the Bulgarian transitional government's press service. "Bulgaria believes that Albania is ready to move forward on the path to the EU and it is ready to support the adoption of the Negotiating Framework for the country and the holding of the first Intergovernmental Conference", reads the press release of the Bulgarian government. The government approved Bulgaria 's position to attend the General Affairs Council meeting on 14 December.


DP Assembly summoned by Sali Berisha is being held at 'Air Albania' Stadium (Radio Tirana)


After three months of meeting all over Albania, 4,935 delegates gathered on Friday by Sali Berisha in "Air Albania". The National Assembly has officially begun work. 4,935 delegates are voting this Saturday for the dismissal of the leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, with the argument that he has violated the statute, seriously damaging the interests of the Democratic Party. The Assembly has started the secret ballot for the dismissal of Basha and on 18 December a referendum will be held to confirm the decision of the Assembly for the dismissal of Lulzim Basha as chairman of the Democratic Party. "On 22 March, the National Assembly of the Democratic Party will convene again to elect the new structures of the Democratic Party. Until election day, the party is led by an ad hoc commission of 29 members". That was the statement issued by the former Prime Minister and historical leader of the Democratic Party Sali Berisha. Berisha called this day one of the greatest events in the history of a nation's freedom. "This marks the triumph of a peaceful revolution in the most dramatic moments of the country," said Berisha. He called this event the message, the most beautiful, largest, most powerful that they send today to Albanians everywhere, as well as to our conservative friends in Europe. In the Assembly convened by Berisha, the number of participating delegates has reached over 4 thousand 800. According to the procedure, if this quorum votes to change the statute, then the decision takes effect, as it is voted by over 50% of the delegates.