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Belgrade Media Report 22 February


Belgrade-Pristina teams negotiate key issues in Brussels, outcome uncertain (N1)

A new round in the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations hosted by the European Union Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak, is underway in Brussels on Tuesday and media report the key issues are the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo (CSM), missing persons, judiciary, freedom of movement and the right of Kosovo’s Serbs to vote in Serbia’s April 3 elections.

Petar Petkovic, the head of Serbia’s Government Office for Kosovo leads the Belgrade delegation, while Pristina’s stand is presented by its chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi.

N1 reports that Lajcak first met with the Pristina delegation and then with the Belgrade’s team, while a trilateral meeting was planned for later in the afternoon. Lajcak tweeted he had an intense discussion with two delegations on a number of concrete topics. According to N1’s reporter, it’s hard to say if any progress has been made but that there are no signs of it. The speculations are a deal on using license plates can be made. However, since an international working group is set to discuss it on Thursday, it is unlikely to expect any decision on the issue on Tuesday.


Vucic: The pressure on Serbia after Putin's decision will be greater than ever before (FoNet, Tanjug)

After the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the recognition of two self-proclaimed republics in eastern Ukraine, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia is in a situation in which it could face “numerous political, security and economic challenges”. 


“Our position is not easy. Everything that took place brings Serbia in a situation in which there are many challenges. Political pressures on Serbia following Putin’s decision, will be, in different ways, bigger than ever” Vucic said.  “What I have experienced in the last three days confirms these words. That which I have experienced and which I expect to follow, will in the political sense not be at all simple for Serbia. This disrupts the complete security architecture of the world” he continued. 


“For us it is important to, in that sense our dedication to peace must be firm and strong. After the session of the National Security Council on Monday I issued an order to the Army, as the 

supreme commander, to be prepared at any moment in the best possible way. We are continuing to buy that which is best for the defense of the country. You can see that in the world today peace is no longer something which is implied” said Vucic. “I have never seen such determination in Putin. We used to talk about Ukraine for more than an hour; in Sochi we talked about Ukraine for three minutes. Since I can say that I know him well, I was one of the few who could have guessed that the situation would develop in this direction. I listened to Putin’s address on Monday. That is Putin as I know him behind the media lens, when you sit and have lunch with him” Vucic continued. 


The President stated that Serbia will continue to face increasing pressure with the request to impose sanctions on Russia, as well as that he has already had such calls and "hot lines", but that our country will withstand all pressures. Vucic said that there would be pressure on us from different sides and additionally regarding the relations in the region. "Because, when they can't answer someone stronger than us - 'let's show it to someone less strong" the president said. 


Referring to the specific position of Serbia, which nominally aspires to membership in the 

European Union, but in foreign policy actually relies most on Russia and China, which support Belgrade’s position on Kosovo, Vucic noted that Serbia “is on the European path, while 85 percent of the nation is always on Russia’s side”. “I made the mistake of not listening to the Chinese, hoping for better. I should have known that the Chinese are smarter, more responsible and more serious, and the moment I received reports that they were buying everything in the world, I should have known that we should take the same. We got things faster than the others”, he said. “In addition, there will be pressure on the issue of relations in the region, because when they can’t respond to someone stronger than us, they hit us. I have already had calls regarding the imposition of sanctions on Russia. Not with the President of France Emmanuel Macron, I talked to him about the issues of the Western Balkans. Now, everyone has rushed to Serbia at once. We will go through this crisis not easily, but easier than others” Vucic said, 


When asked how, then, to resist these pressures in this situation, Vucic said: "Unity, responsibility and seriousness. We have no choice but to resist. We have had many difficult moments, we have our country and we cannot change it for any other. It is the land of our children." Vucic added that we have no alternative in that. 


Ukraine expects Serbia to condemn Putin’s recognition of Donetsk, Luhansk (N1)


"If you do nothing, they (Russians) will go on and on" Oleksandr Alexandrovich, the outgoing Ukrainian ambassador to Serbia told N1 on Tuesday, adding that "only strong resistance can stop Putin," and recalling a proverb in Russian: 'When you put your finger in a bear's mouth, it will bite your whole hand." 


Speaking about Serbia and its attitude towards the current crisis, he said he expected Belgrade to condemn Monday’s decision by Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognise Donetsk and Luhansk, the pro-Russian parts of Ukraine. “I agree with President Aleksandar Vucic, who said that these events are destroying the entire political and security architecture in the world. I would add that the Russian Federation is the only country that is destroying that security architecture” Alexandrovich said. 


He recalled that since the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, Russia had a clear obligation to „never use its power against Ukraine’s political independence” and “will not use any weapons against Ukraine” which Moscow, as the ambassador said, “had repeatedly violated.“ 


Alexandrovich added the situation from 20 years ago in the Balkans and the current in Ukraine could not be compared, as the media in Serbia often did. "I understand it is sometimes difficult for the Serbs to comprehend after experiencing (1999 NATO) bombing (over Kosovo) and Ukraine was against that. But let's not compare those two situations. In this case, the aggressor is only one country, the Russian Federation" he said. 


Speaking about Serbia and its actions, he thanked Vucic, who had several times said that Serbia respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, just as Ukraine recognised the integrity of Serbia, including Kosovo. "But it is important to take the next step. Putin's move is directed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. That is why Ukraine and the Ukrainian people expect Serbia to condemn that y move by the Russian Federation" the Ukrainian ambassador reiterated. 


Vucic talked with Macron: "Serbia is not in an easy position" (B92)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, talked on the phone with his French colleague, Emmanuel Macron, whom he thanked for the fair role that France and he personally have in relation to Serbia and its citizens. As stated on the Instagram profile of "Buducnostrbijeav", the conversation was essential and very specific about all the burning issues in the Western Balkans region, in addition through the prism of all events in Eastern Europe. 


"I have just finished talking with the President of France, whom I thanked for the fair role that France and he personally have in relation to Serbia and its citizens. The conversation was essential and very specific on all burning issues in the Western Balkans, in addition, through the prism of all events in Eastern Europe. Serbia is not in an easy position, without any guilt, but I am convinced that it will be able to find the best way and solution in preserving peace and prosperity for all its citizens, in order to provide security and a future for our children" Vucic wrote. 


Austrian politician about Ukraine: We told you so; The so-called Kosovo is to blame (B92)

Austrian David Stockinger, the SPO official assessed that the recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo by the West opened Pandora's box. Stockinger pointed out that this set a precedent that endangered international law and international relations. 


"I still remember when we from the Social Democratic Youth and the peace movement because of our consistent position that Kosovo Serbia was ridiculed, even attacked. We still knew what would happen next. We were right once again" he said. Now, as he stated, everything returns as boomerang to the hypocrites and revisionists of history. 


Stockinger pointed out that it is now important that all efforts are made to achieve de-escalation. "Open war is not an option for both Russia and the Ukrainian people. If you look at the development of recent years, especially weeks and months, you will realize that Moscow is forced into the current situation, although the decision to recognize the two regions is more than questionable from international and legal aspect", he said. 


Dveri Leader: Number of voters drastically increased in areas in which SNS is losing support (FoNet)


Leader of the Movement Dveri, Bosko Obradovic, warned on Monday of “massive malpractices with the electoral list”, saying that in election places in which the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) was “losing support” of the citizens, in the previous weeks the number of voters was “drastically increased”. According to “officially available” data from the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) “it can be seen that Vranje and Novi Pazar have acquired 24,000 new voters, Raska almost 39,000, and Kursumlija, even though it has around 17,000 citizens, at the referendum had 43,023 registered citizens”, cited Obradovic in a written statement. “In the central Belgrade municipalities, according to new information, in the past 50 days, as many as 120 persons have been registered as residents of demolished and abandoned buildings. The overall number of newly-registered people on the territory of Belgrade is more than 60,000 citizens, and the number of citizens who received instant citizenship surpasses 100,000” he said. 


Jankovic: We will give power back to the citizens (FoNet, VIP)

The candidate of the United Serbia opposition bloc for the mayor of Belgrade, Vladeta Jankovic, presented his team on Monday and said that, unlike the authorities that treat citizens “like sheep”, the parties gathered in that coalition would work to awaken voters’ self- awareness. “When I accepted this job at my age, I don’t need anything, no one can blackmail me with anything, and no one can scare me with anything. Therefore, I will only stand at the head of a group of professional young people and be a kind of coordinator, but no one will manipulate me”, 81-year-old Jankovic said at the promotion of his team in a Belgrade club. Speaking about the differences in the understanding of politics between the authorities embodied in the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) on the one hand and the opposition on the other, he said that, among other things, there is a difference in attitude towards the notion of unity. 


According to the authorities, unity means that “you get up at 3 am to go and sign on a list prepared by the SNS activists, they put you on buses, give you water and sandwiches, drive you around Serbia, treat you like sheep”, he said, referring to the way the SNS has been ensuring a massive presence of people at its pre-election and other public rallies across the country for ten years. People agree to such humiliation out of existential fear, and often out of conformism, and many are unaware of what they are doing, a retired university professor and former ambassador of Serbia to Great Britain and the Vatican said. “It is our job to awaken that awareness in them during the campaign”, Jankovic said. If the United Serbia and other opposition forces managed to take power in Belgrade, the SNS regime would be practically over, Jankovic said. 


Because Belgrade represents “42.11% of the economic power of Serbia” and if the opposition comes to power there, most of the work in overthrowing the SNS would be done, he continued. True, after the eventual takeover of power in Belgrade, the takeover of power at other levels “could take time”, Jankovic admitted. 


Vucic received the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint-Charles (B92)

Today, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is on an official visit to Monaco, where he met with Prince Albert II of Monaco. Prince Albert II of Monaco gave him a ceremonial reception in front of the Prince's Palace of Monaco. Along with the lined up Guard and the anthems of the two countries, Prince Albert warmly welcomed President Vucic, and because of this visit, the flag of Serbia was put up at the Prince's Palace along with the flag of Monaco. "Thank you for the magnificent welcome" Vucic wrote on Instagram, with a video of the ceremonial welcome. 


This was followed by the Ceremony of handing over the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint-Charles, which H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco presented to the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. Then, the ceremony of handing over the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint-Charles was organized. Prince Albert II of Monaco presented the President of Serbia with the Order. "This order is just another proof of respect for our Serbia, and that is what our country is proud of" Vucic wrote on Instagram with a video of the award ceremony. 


Afterwards, President Vucic will attend the signing of the Framework Agreement on Cooperation between the Principality of Monaco and Serbia. Announcing his trip a few days ago, President Vucic himself said that a visit to Monaco and a meeting with an extremely prominent figure such as Prince Albert II of Monaco, who has great influence and whose voice is heard in Europe and around the world, is very important. 


By the way, Prince Albert II of Monaco paid an official visit to Serbia on October 7 and 8, 2020, which was his first official visit to Belgrade since diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 2007. At that time, the President of Serbia decorated the Prince of Monaco with the Order of the Republic of Serbia on the ribbon, for merits in developing and strengthening peaceful cooperation and friendly relations between Serbia and Monaco, and an agreement on cooperation between chambers of commerce was signed. 


Prince Albert II of Monaco, son of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier, comes from the Grimaldi family, one of the oldest and most influential royal families in Europe. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


EUD comments HNS conclusions: Threats with unilateral steps toward new institutional and territorial organization of B&H, are not helping (Dnevni avaz)

Answering the daily’s inquiry regarding the conclusions adopted at Saturday’s session of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), representatives of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated that they expect all political stakeholders in B&H to cooperate in good faith, in order to help the country to make progress in achieving of bugger functionality of institutions, prosperity and better future in the EU.  


“Threats with unilateral steps toward new institutional and territorial organization of B&H, are not helping in achieving of progress in the current talks on constitutional and electoral reform and deepens the mistrust between political parties and do not serve interests of B&H citizens. We expect that general elections in B&H will take place in October this year and we call on political actors to make sure the elections are successful, free and fair” reads EUD statement. 


OHR comments HNS conclusions: Leaders have to continue talks (Dnevni avaz)

Answering the daily’s inquiry regarding the conclusions adopted at Saturday’s session of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), the OHR with High Representative Christian Schmidt at helm, stated: “It is good that there is a clear intention to lead the dialogue. However, dialogue between all interested parties has to be open, honest and must not have negative impact on functioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) institutions and political processes, including the election process. We expect all political leaders to fulfil their promise and continue with the talks and reach a solution for limited constitutional reform and change of current election Law, which is acceptable for everyone. I expect from all actors to work together on finding of a good solution”. 


UK Embassy comments HNS conclusions, Covic’s letter: Legislative grounds for holding of elections have been met already (Oslobodjenje)

Oslobodjenje reads that HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic, sent a letter to key international stakeholders, in which he informed them about the conclusions adopted at Saturday’s session of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), adding that the letter was sent to more than 20 addresses, including lead EU officials, US and EU mediators for electoral reform, Croatian leadership, members of Peace Implementation Council, etc. The daily reminds of the content of Covic’s letter, and HNS conclusions, noting that conclusions also speak about territorial reorganization of B&H.  


Answering the daily’s inquiry about this issue, UK Embassy to B&H stated: “Stance of the UK Embassy and other PIC members is clear and well known, especially our ‘unquestionable dedication to territorial integrity and fundamental structure of B&H, as integral, sovereign state, composed of two entities’. There are established and legally defined ways to change the Constitution of B&H and each includes responsible institutions and elected representatives”. They added that the UK, together with other proven friends of B&H, calls on elected representative in B&H to act in best interest of citizens, strengthen the rule of law and to secure equal opportunities for all and to fulfil their responsibilities within the institutions of this country. “Responsible compromise is required for the progress, as well as determination to leave aside narrow interests of the parties. Only in this way, B&H can give the chance to its young and talented to stay and be successful” reads the UK Embassy’s statement.  


Asked if anyone can question holding of elections because of partisan interests, the UK Embassy stated that “holding of elections is a main democratic request, especially for the country which strives to get further integrated in the Euro-Atlantic integration”. “It is undisputable that legislative grounds for holding of elections have been met already. Politicians are responsible to make sure that elections take place in a way that enables integrity of voting process, as well as implementation of the results” reads UK Embassy’s statement. 


SDA does not know anything about new meeting on election law, which should be held on Tuesday; Osmanovic: It is hard to accept what HDZ wants, and that is not in accordance with ECHR’s judgements (BHT1)

Technical negotiations on changes to the Election Law are expected on Tuesday, and will be held at the level of legal experts who will try to bring together positions on the model for electing members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency before meeting with the international community (IC). Legal experts will be offered electoral models at the negotiating table which, according to the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), will satisfy the possibility of legitimate candidacy and representation of all B&H citizens without discrimination and with the implementation of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights.  


BHT1 stated that this model was previously offered in Neum and was acceptable only under the condition that the powers of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples were reduced, but this was not acceptable to the HDZ B&H at the time. HNS B&H Ilija Cvitanovic explained this model saying that each canton has the possibility of elections and that no one would be eliminated, but 16 delegates would be elected in the cantons where Croats live in the vast majority. This remaining one would be elected in such a way that the elected from the Sarajevo Canton, Tuzla Canton, Una-Sana Canton and Gorazde Canton would elect one together, which would enable the Constitution of the FB&H to be respected, where everyone could be elected.  


The reporter stated that SDA does not know anything about the meeting in Mostar, which should be held on Tuesday, nor was it informed about it, but the path to reaching any agreement on changing the Election Law is even more difficult after the HNS session and adopted 7 conclusions. SDA stated that the models proposed by HDZ B&H are not in line with the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights in B&H. Vice President of SDA Adil Osmanovic stated: “It is hard to accept what HDZ wants, and that is not in accordance with judgements of the European Court of Human Rights. We think that every citizen of the RS entity has the right to be a candidate for the B&H Presidency member regardless of his ethnicity, religion and other affiliation. This also applies to the FB&H. They (HDZ) are again pushing for the election of a Serb member of the Presidency from Republika Srpska (RS), Bosniaks and Croats from the FB&H, which is not in line with the European Court of Human Rights.”  


HDZ B&H leader and President of HNS Dragan Covic optimistically announced that negotiations could be concluded this week, and that they will be encouraged by the IC. President of HRS Slaven Raguz stated that he doubted that an agreement will be reached on amendment to the B&H Election Law, regardless of the support of the IC. The HDZ headquarters confirmed to BHT1 that the meeting will be attended by representatives of SBB Fahrudin Radoncic and People and Justice (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic. Managing Director for Europe at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst stated her readiness to come to B&H only if there is a significant shift in the agreement on the B&H Election Law. 


NS presents proposal of changes to B&H Election Law at forum held at B&H Parliament Monday; Kojovic explains why NS left negotiations on electoral reform (N1)


The ‘Our Party’ (NS) presented their proposal of changes to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law, that was approved by the Constitutional-Legal Commission of the B&H Parliament. N1 reports that the proposal envisages one B&H President, elected at the B&H Parliament, elimination of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), strengthening of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), including increasing the number of representatives at the B&H HoR, formation of peoples’ caucuses, and voting at entity level. The reporter notes that specificity of the said proposal is strengthening of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) that would become “a kind of government of B&H”. N1 reminds that, in the last round of negotiations on electoral reform, NS decided no longer to participate in the said negotiations.  


Asked by journalists to comment on the conclusions adopted by the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) and the political “reality” in relation to electoral reform, NS leader Predrag Kojovic said his impression that the current government, i.e. ruling coalition, was formed based on the distribution of ministerial posts, without any concern in regard to their work and communication. “I also saw the statement by Mr. (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic. I do not know what it is based on. I know that SDA knows nothing about that agreement. What does that mean? It is one of the reasons why we left these negotiations under the auspices of the international community (IC), because at one moment, we became aware that in addition to these negotiations, there are other negotiations for which we do not know’’ said Kojovic.  


N1 reports that NS representatives said they hope the citizens of B&H will vote differently in the next elections, when the implementation of their proposal could be possible, noting they are aware the proposal cannot be adopted with the current ruling political parties.  


FTV reports that the NS presented the model of proposals for constitutional changes and electoral reform in B&H and that, according to this political party, is the only one that representatives of the international community (IC) are pleased with. However, it still remains uncertain as to whether the proposal will obtain the support in the B&H Parliament. NS representatives underlined that the problem does not only lie in the election of the B&H Presidency members, but also the issue of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Kojovic specified that this proposal implements all rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), while it does not take away rights of any of the peoples in B&H. “B&H would also have one head of the state that symbolically represent the state” he added. NS’ representative in the B&H HoR Damir Arnaut expressed optimism, because IC representatives commended the proposal as – according to Arnaut – “by far the best proposal they have seen”.  


EU FAC discusses situation in B&H, warns of deepest post-war crisis in B&H; Borrell: Restrictive measures will be used as last resort; Media: EU FMs do not agree on imposing of sanctions but they rather call on political leaders in B&H to take responsibility (FTV)

The EU Foreign Affairs Ministers (FAC) discussed in Brussels on Monday the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and warned about the deepest post-war crisis in B&H. According to FTV, the EU FMs specifically touched upon the moves of Republika Srpska (RS) directed towards secession and the boycott of state institutions. However, the EU FMs did not agree on imposing of sanctions but the rather called on the political leaders in B&H to take responsibility. According to the EU FMs, none of the EU member countries supports division of B&H.  


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell noted that the EU is willing to use all available instruments if that is necessary, and specified that these instruments include financial and other sanctions. Borrell underlined that dialogue remains a priority, and it is necessary for the sake of ensuring implementation of the reform required for normal elections. According to Borrell, the importance of what is happening in B&H should not be neglected. “Nationalist and separatist rhetoric are growing and are threatening stability and even integrity of the country to some extent. The FMs will have to decide how to stop such dynamics and avoid the disintegration of the country. This is a critical moment and Ministers will certainly have to make some decisions” noted Borrell. “We are ready to use all available instruments that situation requires. It includes financial assistance and restrictive measures, but they will be used as a last resort, and, in any case, we would prefer there is dialogue, agreement among sides in order to ensure reforms and hold next elections” said Borrell. 


Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg underlined that B&H is in need of electoral reform. Schallenberg warned that the moves of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and the RS institutions are very dangerous and stressed that they are playing with integrity of B&H. “That is unacceptable” the Austrian FM added. In this regard, the Austrian FM said: “We will seriously consider possible consequences. We have already stopped the flow of significant funds” Schallenberg stated. He added that the RS will definitively face consequences if they do not show the interest to preserve integrity of the state. "For us, one thing is where we draw the red line and that is that integrity of B&H is not something that can be negotiated and we must be very careful that B&H and the Balkans do not become a playground for those outside the EU and Europe. Here the EU has a firm position. We believe that the moves of Milorad Dodik and the RS are very dangerous. For us, playing with integrity of this country is something that cannot be allowed" Schallenberg stressed. Schallenberg said that what the RS is doing is dangerous and will not pass without consequences. Schallenberg was quoted as saying: “This is out of question. It cannot happen. I apologize for being this direct but for Austrians this is an important issue. We will consider what reactions will follow. We already withdrew significant funds and we will continue to do so. If the RS does not show interest in preserving the integrity of the state, then it will definitely feel the consequences”. 


Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said he was looking forward to the hearing the positions from his “Croatian colleague” and that, in his view, the situation in B&H is not good and the elections should be held in accordance with the law that ensures the country’s unity. The reporter notes that for Irish Foreign Minister Coveney, integrity of the elections is the priority. “What the EU wants to see is that the talks on electoral reform are finalized successfully, with an agreement, so that the elections are held with integrity and in a way that it results in functioning governments after the elections. That will be the focus of the discussion” said Coveney. 


Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said that holding the elections based on the current election system in B&H would bring nothing good. “Croatia cannot support holding of elections just for the sake of elections. Holding elections under current circumstances would only further destabilize the state” Grlic Radman underlined. Grlic-Radman warned that the situation in B&H gets worse and unitarism and separatism remain the main challenge. Grlic-Radman stressed that political leaders in B&H still have a chance to reach an agreement on the electoral reform, calling on mediators to invest political efforts in order to amend the Election Law of B&H in a way to satisfy all three sides in B&H. 


Irish Minister of Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney noted that agreeing on implementation of the full package of reforms before implementing elections is needed in order to be able to successfully implement results and ensure that the country functions. He concluded that this package would also contribute to peace and stability 


ATV stressed that although most EU countries want to introduce sanctions against Dodik, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia are against it and will probably reject any attempt to impose sanctions on the Serb member of the B&H Presidency. 


European Commissioner Varhelyi: EU has decided to block EUR 600 million for projects of B&H due to Dodik’s policies (RTRS)

EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi wrote on his Twitter account that, during the meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers, it was said that 2021 “was the lost year” for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) “with little progress on 14 key priorities” on B&H’s EU path, and increasing political divisions. Varhelyi added that the work on electoral and constitutional reforms is ongoing to ensure equal representation of all citizens, but the solution has not been found yet. Varhelyi confirmed that the EU has decided to block EUR 600 million, which were intended for certain projects in B&H.  


Varhelyi cited Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik's policies as the reason for such a decision. Varhelyi noted that the EU will set return of Republika Srpska (RS)’ officials to B&H institutions as a condition for payment of funds to B&H. As he stated on his Twitter profile, the European Commission has received applications for the EU support for the Corridor 5c project, including two projects located on the territory of the RS.  


Varhelyi stated that B&H needs functioning institutions to reap the benefits of the European path. "At the end of last year, I warned the political leaders that without fully functioning institutions the country risks losing major investments. I urged representatives of the RS to return to state institutions fully. The European Commission received applications for EU support for rail/road connections on Corridor 5c, including two located on the territory of the RS. EU contribution agreements for these two projects, worth up to EUR 600 million, can come only after return to full functioning of state institutions" Commissioner Varhelyi wrote on Twitter. 


Dodik comments on possible EU sanctions: If they are imposed RS will block development projects in FB&H; RS to request change in regulation for elections at RSNA for delegation for B&H HoP; Bosniaks are trying to reduce Serbs and Croats to ethnic minorities (RTRS)

RTRS reminds that the political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is considered as the biggest crisis since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), due to which it was discussed at the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting held Monday. RTRS reports that, at the press conference held on Monday (After the meeting of SNSD Presidency), Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that the sanctions are not a solution, and if they are imposed Republika Srpska (RS) will block development projects in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). “The RS will contribute, as it was said by the RS National Assembly, in some decision-making processes at the level of B&H, through structures we are present in. We are not ready to suspend the development projects neither in the RS, nor in the FB&H, but we are not ready to vote for any political decisions, any laws, anything that would contribute to the situation in B&H becoming more complex” said Dodik.  


Dodik also said, although the European institutions are selective in specific situation, the RS will not call into question the implementation of the 14 key priorities by the European Commission (EC), but, on the other hand the European views of B&H are changing, and the dissolution of B&H has become the focus of discussions. “We want the constitutional B&H, not dissolved B&H, but we will not ‘sweat’ for B&H in the political sense, that is true. Those who contribute the most to confusions in B&H are those who ten days ago talked about the war, and now they are talking about the dissolution of B&H” said Dodik.  


Dodik also said political and security situation in the RS is stable, reminding that “foreign centers” have called for B&H to align with the West in the case of Ukraine, however the RS advocates neutrality. Dodik also commented on the electoral reform, noting that the Constitution is clear, i.e. elections at the entity and local level are under competence of the entities, but the international community (IC) “has usurped that to the detriment of Serb people”. “In that regard we will request changes in individual regulations, we will request that the RS implements elections at the Republic and local level, as envisaged by the Constitution. We will request that the manner of elections at the RSNA is changed for the delegation elected for the B&H House of Peoples” said Dodik.  


Dodik reiterated that Serbs understand the conclusions adopted by the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) and their desire to have their representatives, since they are one of the three constituent peoples in B&H, and he condemned Bosniak representatives who are trying to “reduce Serbs and Croats to ethic minorities” through civic organization.  


Dodik stressed that SNSD rejects shallow stances shown by the European Parliament that advocates the sanctions in its conclusions and recommendations, adding that SNSD believes there is no reason for the FAC to discuss issues this body itself insisted on and therefore any kind of sanctioning of the RS will be fully rejected. Dodik said the EC works “selectively’’, and “we reject superficial positions of supporters” shown by the European Parliament (EP); SNSD is of view there is no need for the European Council to discuss issues “they forced themselves’’ and that, in that regard, no sanctions will be accepted.  


Commenting on German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Dodik said: “We think that German Foreign Minister is perfervid, completely outside the reality of things, and that she is absolutely in an orbit of imaginations she is trying to sell to whole Europe, that it is a serious mistake of such policy and that such inarticulate persons are very dangerous for global policy. I hope I will have the opportunity, when she comes to Sarajevo in the upcoming days, to talk with her exactly that way. I think she presents lies to the public, and that, without scruples, she is trying to impose her hatred towards Serbs, the RS and, of course towards some individuals. Her policy will not be supported as you know”.  


Dodik stressed that the RS wants a constitutional B&H, adding that if there is no such B&H, he has nothing against disintegrated B&H. Dodik stated that he is against any armed conflict, and underlined that it was never even discussed. He noted that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell spoke about the EU wanting to prevent disintegration of B&H. “I do not know where they got that sentiment from, we want constitutional B&H and not disintegrated B&H” said Dodik. He added that however, “we will not sweat for B&H in political sense”.  


Commenting the appointment of Manuel Sarrazin as Special Envoy of German Government for Western Balkans, Dodik said that he is an advisor to German Foreign Minister Baerbock, but he does not understand what Sarrazin’s role will be. “What do we need all these envoys for? We do not have the time to receive all these envoys who have no influence” said Dodik. According to him, the UK Special Envoy Stuart Peach is rejected by the EU, which is why he is trying to get UK and USA to do something together. 


RS officials deem foreign officials are inadequately informed about real situation in B&H, make their decisions based on stereotypes and lobbying (EuroBlic)


EuroBlic daily reminded that many officials from Republika Srpska (RS) assessed that the recent call of the European Parliament (EP) to impose sanctions against Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik represents a lack of knowledge of B&H Constitution, as well as the real situation and historical context in the country. Therefore, the daily wondered whether the EP reacted out of real or faked lack of knowledge and also wondered how foreign officials view B&H.  


MP and leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that foreign officials are showing much more understanding for the situation in B&H than it was the case over the past years and he added that it is “up to us now to persevere on this path that would lead to even more understanding”. Stevandic argued that it is necessary to have a stronger economic development to tie people to the RS and prevent moving abroad and he claimed that “everyone came to realization that our system is complicated the most by Bosniak extremist, i.e. maximalist demands”.  


Commenting imposing of sanctions against Dodik, Stevandic said that those were “ordered” and argued that those will fail without leaving any negative consequences for the RS: “Those sanctions are the result of lobbying by Bosniak politics and inherited stereotypes, which had been used in an attempt to incapacitate leaders and institutional capacity of the RS, the world is multipolar so there is no way to incapacitate someone by imposing sanctions”. 


PDP Vice President Igor Crnadak said that it is not realistic to expect European or world officials to know all details of B&H’s political life and way in which decisions are made in B&H. “There is often prejudice and lack of understanding of historical context and very complicated political system, but every serious country and international organization has individuals and teams that go into details and are familiar with the situation in the region”, Crnadak said and added that the most important thing for the RS is to have all world powers firmly stick to Dayton with every protection the RS has. “Therefore, our main interest is not to bring at any risk our position of ‘a state within the state’ and to have the RS strengthen its institutions and fulfil its preconditions for the candidate status, and later for a member of the EU, as soon as possible” Crnadak noted.  


Chair of SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said that world and European officials probably see us in the same way we see some other country that is not in the focus of our interest and for which we believe is a part of less developed part of the world. “Having in mind such inadequate knowledge, they are exposed to various lobbying engagement and media spins, which does not come as a surprise because the world functions in that way nowadays”, Novakovic-Bursac said and added that prejudice about this area is very present. Novakovic-Bursac concluded by saying that not everything is grey because the RS managed to attract attention and interest of great powers such as China and Russia, but also individual EU countries.  


The leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic said it would be the best if the institutions of the RS and B&H were the ones to sanction Dodik. Borenovic stated: “What is worrying in any case is that there is talk that there will be some financial sanctions against the RS in terms of certain European funds, the denial of those same funds, which is certainly not good. It does not send a good message that, because of the policies of individuals who have brought us into this situation, that we may be deprived of European funds”. 


Dodik: RS will seek neutrality at B&H level regarding issue of Ukraine (ATV)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik announced that Republika Srpska (RS), in its capacity, will seek neutrality at the level of B&H regarding the issue of Ukraine. Dodik said that in the last few days, "we had received calls from important centers of power of the West for B&H to in some way support what the West is doing." Dodik expressed hope that the problems in Ukraine will be resolved soon in a peaceful manner. According to Dodik, there have been several phone calls from Western centers of power urging B&H to support Western activities in Ukraine. He noted that the EU has a serious problem because it has been completely removed from the context in Ukraine, where moves are being made by individual member states in their role of NATO members. He also noted that all known disinformation and propaganda methods have been used to promote the idea of war in Ukraine. According to him, this is a far greater problem for the EU than he himself. 


Head of RS Representation Office in Moscow Perovic and B&H Ambassador to Russia Samardzija comment current situation in Ukraine, blame West for crisis (Glas Srpske)

Head of Republika Srpska (RS) Representation Office in Moscow Dusko Perovic commented the current situation in Ukraine and Russia. Perovic said that Russian citizens are not afraid of possible sanctions announced by Washington and Brussels, but they are worried because of the development of the situation and the possibility that their country will be pulled into a fratricidal war. He noted that Western observers have recently left the demarcation line, which implies that Ukrainian attack is imminent.  


He explained that Russian officials believe that this offensive will be very similar to the operation ‘Oluja’ (Storm) which was launched by Croatian police and military forces against Serbs in Croatia in 1995.Perovic also said that Russians filled that no matter what happens, they will be blamed, although Russia has no intention to wage a war. Still, said Perovic, Russians fear that the West might push Kiev into this adventure. Perovic noted that he spoke to many friends in Ukraine who told him that they disagree with the decisions of Ukrainian political elite. They understand that around 40 percent of Ukrainian population is made up of Russians, and that the two peoples are brotherly nations. Perovic noted that Slavs seem to always wage wars against each other because of the Anglo-Saxon interests.   


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Ambassador to Russia Zeljko Samardzija stated that tensions can be felt on the streets of Moscow, but not as much as in Yugoslavia ahead of the 1990s wars. However, Russians do fear that the West might push Ukraine across the red line. In his opinion, certain centers of power in Washington want a war, and they want to blame Russia for it. He underlined that Russia is not interested in a war against Ukraine because Russians and Ukrainians are the same people who share the same religion and history. At the same time, noted Samardzija, the West remains silent to the recent shelling of the Donetsk region by Ukrainian forces. In his opinion, Washington is not honest in its claims that it wants a peaceful diplomatic solution for the crisis which became serious only when NATO threatened to allow Ukraine to become its member. In his opinion, possible sanctions against Russia will not produce any positive results. 




Grlic Radman after EU FAC’s meeting: Two countries insisted on elections in any situation, but, after my intervention, general agreement was that electoral reform is necessary (N1)

The EU Foreign Affairs Council convened on Monday, where the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was one of the topics discussed. N1 reports that the discussion on B&H was held at the initiative of Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman, and, according to the information obtained, Croatia insisted on informing its partners of its position, i.e. the need for electoral reform in order to hold elections in October.  


Addressing the media after the meeting, Grlic Radman said two countries insisted on elections in any situation, but, after his intervention, general agreement was that the electoral reform is necessary. Grlic Radman also said the EU Foreign Ministers understood well that the situation in B&H is dangerous and that one of the Ministers said that B&H is close to dissolution. Grlic Radman explained Croatia insists on two things, i.e. electoral reform and the European integration of B&H; Croatia advocates respect for the Dayton-Paris Agreement, and protection of constituent status of three peoples, two entities and rights of other citizens.  


He also said the sanctions against B&H Presidency member and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik were discussed, however, the position of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Josep Borrell prevailed that it is not time for the sanctions, and chance should be given to diplomacy, with majority of Ministers sharing that view.  


At the inquiry of N1 in regard to the criticism directed towards the support to the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), and the statement “that alludes to the creation of a third entity in B&H” Grlic Radman said that two constituent peoples cannot have more rights, and one less, and that equality which is in the spirit of the Dayton-Peace Agreement, currently is not achieved. Grlic Radman said that this topic was not discussed at the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting, and he does not want “the statements on the third entity to be imputed” to him.   


Grlic Radman confirmed that sanctions and separatist tendencies were discussed at FAC's meeting. "But the prevailing opinion was that room should be left for dialogue because imposition of sanctions in such an atmosphere can radicalize the country even more" Grlic Radman underlined. After the meeting, Grlic Radman said he was pleased with the outcome of the debate because the majority of EU members supported Croatia's arguments. 


Croatia condemns Russia’s recognition of Ukrainian separatist regions (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday evening condemned Russia's decision to recognise the self-proclaimed regions in eastern Ukraine. “We condemn the recognition the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which constitutes the violation of international law and the territorial integrity of Ukraine” Plenkovic tweeted on Monday evening. 


We, together with European partners, express solidarity with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people, he added. The Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs also condemned the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognise the two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine as independent entities. The decision violates Ukraine’s territorial integrity, international law, and the Minsk agreements, as well as undermining diplomatic efforts to solve the crisis, the ministry said. Many western countries and international organisations on Monday strongly slammed Russia’s move to recognize the separatist regions and accused Putin of violating international law and Ukraine’s sovereignty. 




Nikolic to Marovic: Minority govt. formation and each of its decisions will depend exclusively on us (CDM)


The formation of a minority government depends exclusively on the caucuses of the Democratic Party of Socialists and Liberal Party, without whose 30 votes there is no, and will not be, a stable and European parliamentary majority, and without whose votes not a single proposal coming from the Government will be adopted, says Milos Nikolic, DPS spokesman and member of the Montenegrin Parliament. Nikolic adds that the last in a series of statements by URA representatives, this time from the party’s deputy leader Jovana Marovic, shows a worrying trend that URA continues to deal with empty politics instead of serious politics. 


Radunovic: Would URA support technical govt.’s prime minister-designate with support of parliamentary majority and minorities? (CDM)


Democratic Front MP Slaven Radunovic has asked DPM Dritan Abazovic, who said he did not have the exclusive right to a mandate, whether URA would support a technical government prime minister-designate who could secure the support of other parliamentary majority and minority parties. “It is constantly repeated that no one else offers a solution… Here, there is another offer. And that is an offer that implies respect for the electoral will of the citizens that the DPS does not participate in the government, and that minorities join”, Radunovic has tweeted. 


Djukanovic: We’re currently closest to minority govt; it’s important that a solution is reached (CDM)


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic says he expects final information on the outcome of negotiations regarding the formation of a minority government. He has pointed out that he is following the talks on forming a government through communication with all the stakeholders in those talks, and added that it is logical for those talks to be held in concentric circles. He says that it is important to reach a solution on which it is possible to reach the necessary consensus in order to consolidate the executive power as quickly as possible and create conditions for the country to focus on political priorities, the first of which is unblocking the EU negotiation process. 


“Talks on forming a government are underway. I follow them through communication with all the actors of those conversations. It is logical that these conversations take place in concentric circles. The first round is among the parties that should form that government, only the second round is talks with parties that would support that minority government, and the third round is talks with all parliamentary parties where we should test that solution and possibly hear some other ideas and finally reach a solution that would guarantee, I would say, the best quality time spent in the functioning of the first next Government” President Djukanovic has told the reporters in Brussels. 


“At the moment, it still seems most realistic to me that the necessary consensus will be reached on the idea of a minority government. What I personally think about it I have said many times so far, and it is less important now. It is important that we reach a solution on which it is possible to reach the necessary consensus in order to consolidate the executive branch as soon as possible and create conditions for the country to focus on political priorities, the first of which is unblocking the negotiation process with the EU. Therefore, as I have already said, I expect the final information on the content of the talks among potential stakeholders of the minority government so that I could step on the stage and organize negotiations with all parliamentary parties to test that, but also other solutions that would lead Montenegro out of the institutional crisis” he has said. 


“First, for me always first, is the issue of organizing early parliamentary elections, and if that is not the solution, then we are definitely entering the scenario of forming a transitional one, let’s call it the technical government, which would mean that all parliamentary parties have their representatives in that government. And that government has only one task – to update the election legislation, to harmonize it with the recommendations of the OSCE, ODIHR and the Council of Europe, and to reach early parliamentary elections as soon as possible” President Djukanovic has pointed out. 


“I was in Athens recently and talked to the highest officials of our Balkan neighbour. I then had very intense talks at a security conference in Munich. I’m here today. In the coming days, I will visit the capitals of some other European countries. So, that activity has two goals. The first is to bring the political and social processes that are taking place in Montenegro closer to our European interlocutors, and the second is to continue very important talks on the issue of the European perspective of the Western Balkans” President Djukanovic stressed. 


Situation in the region worse than before 


“When it comes to the region, we discussed in detail the European perspective of the region. I pointed out to my esteemed interlocutor that the current situation in the region is worse than a few years ago. Only a few years ago we spoke about the Western Balkans only in the context of the speed of the EU accession process, but we unfortunately returned to the topic of stability over the last year as, say, traditionally the most current topic in our region. I pointed out the causes of these retrograde processes” President Djukanovic has stated. 


“I pointed out that the Western Balkans alone is certainly not the target of these policies, that the target is the European system of values ​​and European unity, which is what all parts of the European continent where there is a suitable environment for that are attacking. Unfortunately, the Western Balkans is still a suitable environment for such malignant policies, primarily due to weak states in our region, and on the other hand due to the still historically justified pro-Russian sentiments among a part of the population in each of our states. Unfortunately, this is being abused and attempts are being made to bring confusion to the Western Balkans, confusion primarily regarding the strategic choice of the future by each of our states, and that strategic choice would, according to every criterion, starting from historical and geographical to our interest in economic and cultural development, therefore, had to be a European path of development. Unfortunately, the good pace of movement of our countries towards the EU is thwarted in some way, and that contributes to a certain stagnation and further loss of time and further lag of our countries behind the European level of economic and democratic development. This is something that must be an inspiration for the EU and NATO as a key partner in the Euro-Atlantic area, because I think that the message must be heard more clearly from those addresses that it is a zone of European and Euro-Atlantic values ​​and must be spared from malignant influences which, as I said, undermine the stability and unity of Europe”, he has said. 


“We have reached an extremely high level of agreement on all assessments, and above all, and most importantly, we have reached an agreement on the need to intensify cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkans. Of course, Montenegro will have its special place in that as the country that has advanced the most in the negotiation process and which can continue to play an important role as a promoter of the European value system in the Western Balkans, so I think there is reason for optimism. I know that the situation is generally depressing, I know that everywhere in Europe and in the world, starting from Brussels, we are very concerned about the events in Eastern Europe, that our attention is focused on these dangers, but I hope that a solution will be found that will preserve stability, which will preserve the chance to resolve all issues, even the most complicated ones, through diplomacy, and thus, of course, will open a more realistic perspective for the continuation of the enlargement policy and for achieving the foreseeable European future of our region” President Djukanovic has concluded. 


Montenegrin President Djukanovic meets President of EU Council Michel; Djukanovic: Inactive European enlargement policy has led to Western Balkans becoming target of retrograde powers (N1)

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic met with President of the EU Council Charles Michel. Addressing the media, Djukanovic said that inactive European enlargement policy has led to the Western Balkans becoming a target of retrograde powers. “The Western Balkans itself is certainly not the target of those policies, the target is the European value system and the European unity, that is attacked from all parts of the European continent where the environment suitable for that exists. Unfortunately, the Western Balkans is still a suitable environment for activities of such malignant policies” said Djukanovic. Djukanovic stressed the EU and the NATO must show stronger interest for the Western Balkans, because there are attempts, especially recently to thwart the European path of those countries. 


Djukanovic: Montenegro condemns all acts of recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent entities (CDM)


The Russian President, Vladimir Putin, told last night that he had signed the decision on the recognition of two rebel-held regions in eastern Ukraine as independent states. “We condemn all acts of recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions as independent entities, as it violates international law and international order based on law” said the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic


Abazovic: Russia's decisions violate security and international law (Libertas)

“Yesterday's decisions of the Russian Federation, in relation to Ukraine, which recognize the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk regions, significantly violate security and international law” said Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic. “We appeal to find the best solutions through dialogue, preserve peace and promote tolerance. Montenegro stands firmly with its NATO allies and EU partners in its desire to contribute to resolving the crisis and preserving the territorial integrity of each country. 


North Macedonia 


Osmani: It is our request to have a comprehensive document that will close all political issues with Bulgaria (TV Telma)


Our request is to have a comprehensive document that will close all political issues with Bulgaria, the resolution of which will close them once and for all, it is not a Bulgarian request, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told TV Telma, when asked whether Macedonia with this view may raise a white flag before the Bulgarian blackmail in the EU integration process. 


According to Osmani, the perception that such view announces a shift from the Macedonian positions is wrong, but on the contrary their strengthening. Regarding what that document would cover and how it would resolve the open issues, Osmani did not want to comment in detail, assessing that the negotiations are in a more critical position and therefore he will refrain from commenting. 


The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the whole dispute was initiated by disputing the negotiating framework, which of the 27 EU member states is only disputed by Bulgaria, due to the issue of the Macedonian language and the implementation of the 2017 Good Neighbourly Agreement, which includes historical issues, hate speech, the issue of rehabilitation of victims of communism and the issue of incorporating the Bulgarian community into the Constitution. According to Osmani, the Macedonian side clearly stated what can and cannot be negotiated. 


Government and opposition officials express support for Ukraine (Republika)


Macedonian officials and opposition representatives expressed their support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, following Russia’s decision to recognize the two break-away regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. 


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said that he “condemns Russia’s decision for recognition of Donetsk and Lugansk as self-proclaimed ‘People’s Republics’. This act is a direct attack on Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty and integrity, as well as a violation of Minsk agreements and UN Council decisions from 2015. Along with NATO Allies, we call on resolving conflicts through a diplomatic path”. 


President Stevo Pendarovski called the move a violation of international law and the rules based international order, as well as a threat for civilization. “I express my full support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine”. 


VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki also expressed support for Ukraine. “Instead of escalation of the conflict, what is needed are diplomatic steps toward negotiations based on the obligations from the Minsk agreement”. 


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani strongly condemns Russia’s recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk. “We strongly condemn the recognition by Russia of the Ukraine areas Donetsk & Lugansk as independent” Foreign Affairs Minister Bujar Osmani wrote on Twitter. Such acts represent a severe violation of international law. Macedonia reiterates its unequivocal support for sovereignty & territorial integrity of Ukraine, he tweeted. 




Meta receives in the Presidency the former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti (Radio Tirana)


President Ilir Meta received in the Presidency the former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti. In his post on the social network Facebook, Meta writes that he shared with Hoti "the necessity of strengthening the strategic relations between Albania and Kosovo, in all areas, in order to accelerate the integration processes.” I welcomed today in a fraternal meeting the former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Abdullah Hoti. We shared valuable opinions on the necessity of strengthening the strategic relations between Albania and Kosovo, in all areas, in order to accelerate the integration processes. 


Putin recognizes the independence of separatist regions; Meta: Serious violation of international law (Radio Tirana)


President Ilir Meta has considered the recognition of the separatist regions of Eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk by Russian President Vladimir Putin a serious violation of international law. Meta says that this act undermines the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. "I condemn Russia's recognition of the independence of the separatist regions of eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk. This unilateral act is a serious violation of international law, the Minsk agreement, and undermines the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine! "Albania stands united with partners and allies in support of Ukraine" writes Meta.