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Belgrade Media Report 1 March 2022



Selakovic: Lobbying of Viola von Cramon for self-proclaimed Kosovo destabilizes the region (RTS)


MEP Viola von Cramon decided to use the events in Ukraine and the fear of European countries regarding the destabilization on a large scale, to radicalize her lobbying efforts and secure self-proclaimed "Kosovo" membership in international organizations, says Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic.


In his statement, Nikola Selakovic points out that Viola von Cramon's commitment to the admission of self-proclaimed "Kosovo" to the Council of Europe, but also the increasingly loud demands for Pristina's accession to NATO, not only do not contribute to European stability, but threaten to destabilize political and security opportunities in our region.


"Pristina, through UNMIK and in accordance with international law and UNSCR 1244, has effective channels of communication with international organizations, and any attempt to secure the membership to the self-proclaimed 'Kosovo' by outvoting, in some multilateral forum, would not only not contribute to stability in the Western Balkans but it would have the opposite effect" Selakovic said in a statement.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia reminds MEP von Cramon and, as he says, other lobbyists who are continuously working on consolidating the self-proclaimed independence of the so-called state of Kosovo, that Belgrade and Pristina have been trying for years, with the mediation of the European Union, to overcome disagreements by peaceful and political means. He emphasizes that this is the only way to normalize these relations in accordance with European values ​​and international law.


"In the days when international law and the international order we know are on the exam due to events that have nothing to do with the Western Balkans, I believe no one needs to give legitimacy to separatists in the southern Serbian province by imposing solutions and using dangerous political moves, because separatism, as Serbia has been warning for years, is contagious and the domino effect can spread around the world" Selakovic said in a statement.


Vucic: There is huge pressure on Serbia, it will be difficult to endure (B92)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that Croatia is entitled to raise the combat readiness of its army, but that Serbia would not do that. "We have no reason to raise combat readiness," said Vucic and added that we never do that for the sake of the show. He said that a campaign was being made against him with the aim of harming Serbia.


"Why would they be on the side of Serbia's success? How can they explain that Serbia has a better clinical center, that there are more highways? Today we are approaching Croatia in terms of the number of kilometres of highways. When I became Prime Minister, their GDP was 43 billion, ours 32, and today both are 53 billion. Would you be happy in their place?" Vucic asked.


He said that Croatia must find the culprit for its failures. "Who is to blame for them? They have to find someone. I am to blame for them," he said at the ceremony which will mark the beginning of works on the section Sremska Raca - Kuzmin.


Answering the question: "Is Belgrade sitting on two chairs?", Vucic said that Serbia has "its chair", and that the pressures on our country are huge and that it will be difficult to endure.

"Until late, I had talks with representatives of several countries, all day today," he said. "So much for respecting the independence and the right of other countries to decide for themselves. As much as we can, we will hold on, it is not easy," he said. Vucic said that Serbia will continue to respect territorial integrity, but will not join the sanctions imposed on Russia.


"In everything related to territorial integrity, Serbia will adhere to, and as far as sanctions are concerned, Serbia will not join, at least as long as we can endure, for a few more days while I am de facto president of Serbia," he said. He said that it is important to preserve our pride and dignity and to protect ourselves from the "rage of the great". "To save the country, to defend it, and to keep our cheeks untainted" Vucic said.


Serbia resolves open issues to achieve durable peace in region (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said at the 49thsession of the U.N. Human Rights Council on Feb. 28 that Serbia was trying to contribute to durable reconciliation in the region by resolving all open issues in a constructive manner. “The events taking place in the 1990s shaped the region I’m coming from. Acting in good faith, Serbia is trying to contribute to durable reconciliation by playing a constructive role in resolving all open issues, committed to stronger regional ties,” Selakovic said using a video link, underlining that Serbia paid particular attention to resolving the destiny of missing persons.


The minister also said that the issue had been politicized quite often, but that Serbia was committed to resolving it, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs quoted Selakovic as saying. He quoted last year’s statistics by the International Committee of the Red Cross, reporting that 9,925 persons were still reported missing in the region, of whom 1,621 in Kosovo, 1,964 in Croatia and 6,340 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


“Serbia is among the states reporting the highest number of internally displaced persons in Europe. They are persons of Serbian and other non-Albanian nationalities who were forced to leave their homes in Kosovo and Metohija,” Selakovic said, underlining that sustainable returns have been estimated at less than three percent, primarily owing to security pressures on returnees.


Ombudsman invites his counterparts from Ukraine, Russia to Belgrade (Beta)


Serbia’s Ombudsman, Zoran Pasalic, on Monday invited the ombudsmen of Ukraine and Russia to a meeting in Belgrade in order to reach an agreement on ways to protect all human rights, especially children’s rights, in “the East of Europe”. Pasalic stated in a neutral tone, that he invited the ombudsmen of the two countries on the basis of “many years of excellent cooperation”. “Aware of the circumstances in which all citizens in the East of Europe find themselves, due to similar events from our not so distant past, we deeply sympathize with the suffering of fraternal peoples, which is why I sent an invitation to my counterparts from Russia and Ukraine” the Ombudsman said, his office carried.


Air Serbia flies to Russian capital, other flights to Moscow and Kyiv stopped (FoNet)


'Nikola Tesla Airport' said Serbia's flag carrier 'Air Serbia' is the only company flying to the Russian capital while the other airliners stopped their flights to both Moscow and Kyiv. Flights from Belgrade airport to other destinations are carried out as usual. “As always, ‘Nikola Tesla Airport’ adapts to the decisions of its airline partners and, together with them, actively monitors the decisions of the relevant authorities” the Belgrade airport told the FoNet news agency. Russia has closed the skies to Germany, Spain, Italy, France and dozens of other countries, introducing reciprocal measures, Russian media said.


Serbian central bank approves AIK Bank’s purchase of Sberbank (N1)


The AIK Bank said on Monday that the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) approved its acquisition of the Sberbank Serbia. The acquisition will increase AIK Bank’s market share in Serbia to nine percent. The bank will get more than 180,000 new clients and increase its assets by 1.7 billion Euro.


AIK Bank Chairwoman Jelena Galic said that the bank is drawing closer to its strategic goal of becoming a leading regional banking group with assets of almost four billion ranking it 6th on the Serbian market. Sberbank Chairman Vladimir Boskovic welcomed the acquisition, adding that the integration process will be quick and successful since readiness exists on both sides.


Serbia ready for Ukrainian refugees, Red Cross opens account to help Ukrainians (Beta, FoNet)


Serbia's Red Cross (SCC) has opened an account to help the population of Ukraine, while the Commissariat for Refugees and Migrants has said it has facilities ready to accept refugees from Ukraine if needed. In a statement, the SCC said it was deeply concerned over the extremely serious humanitarian consequences of the escalating conflict in Ukraine. At the same time, the Commissariat said it would „as in 2015, the together with other state bodies, international organisations and partners, do everything to accept those who need help, following the decisions of Serbia’s Government” the statement said.


The money can be paid into the SCC account: Banka Intesa Belgrade 160-268606-3 Call number: 6043 355 0000 - Assistance to the population of Ukraine.


All funds collected will be sent in support of the Appeal for Urgent Action of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for the population endangered by the conflict in Ukraine" the SCC said.


Ponos: Scars from the 1990s wars, NATO bombing one of the reasons for Serbs' rooting 

in conflict between Ukraine and Russia (


“The rooting” mood in Serbia concerning the events in Ukraine is to a large extent generated by regime media” said the presidential candidate of the opposition block United Serbia, retired general Zdravko Ponos. Ponos said that among the Serbs there were “sentimental reasons” for choosing one or the other side – or rather that this was a consequence of “the raw

scars of the wars and (NATO) bombing during the 1990s”. Equally as responsible is the then attitude of the Western countries towards the conflict on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, and the fact that they had “contrary to international law, in 1999 occupied a part of Serbia and said that ‘(Kosovo) is an independent state, we recognize this’” he stated. “The people (in Serbia) say then: how come that (in the 1990s) it was OK to you from the standpoint of international law, and it is not OK for you that which Russia is doing in Ukraine, where are here the balance, logic and principles. Naturally, there exists here that kind of emotion, but also a rational reason for the people to take this view” concluded Ponos


Opposition presidential candidate: President Vucic humiliates Army of Serbia (FoNet,, N1)


Retired general Zdravko Ponos, the main opposition coalition, the United Opposition, candidate for the country's presidential elections on April 3, said on Monday that current President Aleksandar "Vucic humiliated the Army of Serbia (VS) by humiliating Defence Minister." “He (Vucic) replaced him (Nebojsa Stefanovic) as the head of a local party organisation and left him to serve as Defence Minister. That humiliates not only Stefanovic but also the entire army. Of course, people in the army then wonder if it is possible that what they are doing is so unimportant, that someone who cannot be the head of the party branch can be Defence Minister” Ponos the podcast on the He saw that as “a bad message, same as the fact that seven defence ministers were changed in ten years of Aleksandar Vucic’s rule.” “It clearly shows that the army is like a carousel to which, probably Vucic, sends people for an internship. There is an idea – I (Vucic) was defence minister, no one can be better… From that position, you become the head of state” Ponos said. He added that „the army is a convenient mechanism for boosting politicians’ image with military parades, exercises… All this gives a kind of glamour that politicians like.” He said the military budget was not small and that he could give the Government credit for investing more in the army, but that was not transparent. "Something is bought because it can be bought and not because the army needs it. That is abuse."


Bosnia and Herzegovina  


European Commission: EU expects all countries that want closer relations with bloc to align with EU sanctions policy (BHT1)


The European Commission (EC) stated on Monday that the EU expects all countries that want closer relations with the bloc to align with the EU sanctions policy. In response to a question from a journalists about the EC's opinion on the positions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Serbia, as the only Western Balkan countries that did not support EU sanctions against Russia imposed because of the war in Ukraine, representatives of the EC recalled Sunday's statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell who said that the EU will follow the positions of the candidate countries when it comes to alignment with the foreign policy of the Union.


Nova BH covered the EC and added that similar stances were presented in an interview Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler gave to Nezavisne Novine daily. Sattler underlined that obligation to harmonize stances with foreign policy of the EU emerges from the decision of B&H to demand the EU membership.


Secretary General of ‘European Movement in B&H’ Haris Plakalo commented that any stance which expresses lack of harmonization of B&H’s foreign policy with the EU foreign policy disqualifies B&H on its path to the EU membership. The daily reminds that Serbia also took the stance that it will not supports sanctions against Russia, but it also expressed support to Ukraine’s integrity.


EU HR Borrell: Russia might launch activities to destabilize Western Balkans (Nova BH)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated that Russia might launch activities aimed to destabilize Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the Western Balkans. He warned that Moldavia and Georgia might become subjects of increased Russian pressure. Borrell stressed that he decided to activate reserves included in Althea operation in B&H, adding that so far some 500 troops be will reinforcement in the field. He explained that this is sign of their decisiveness to preserve stability of B&H, country that might face destabilizing activities of Russian Federation. Borrell stated: “This is a careful sign of our commitment for preservation of stability of B&H that can be faced with destabilizing activities of Russia in the Western Balkans.”


Russian FM Lavrov explains situation in Ukraine in details to Dodik (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has informed on its Facebook account that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik held a telephone meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. According to the statement, Lavrov informed Dodik about the situation in Ukraine in detail. “Detailed explanation by the Russia side in relation to the situation in Ukraine, motives for decisions adopted by our leadership were accepted with understanding” reads the statement by the Russian Embassy to B&H.


RTRS reports that it was underlined that “the joint commitment was reaffirmed for strict respect of the Dayton Agreement on B&H, suppression of increasingly present attempts to modify principles contained therein and approved by the UN Security Council so that they suit the EU the NATO, to the detriment of the people of Republika Srpska”. Nova BH reported that this conversation was held upon Dodik’s initiative. Lavrov and Dodik exchanged opinions about implementation of agreements reached during Dodik’s meeting with President of Russia in Moscow in 2021.


Dodik: RS will continue to insist on neutral position in regard to sanctions against Russia (RTRS)


RTRS notes that Republika Srpska (RS) has been insisting on the neutrality concept since the start of the unrests in Ukraine, and Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik confirmed that will continue, and said that imposing sanctions against Russia is unacceptable action. Dodik is of view that taking any side would be damaging, as it would be damaging to join any sanctions.


“I support the territorial integrity of Serbia, like I support the territorial integrity of B&H, not wanting to change that integrity, and that has been a clear message all these months and years. Of course, I support territorial integrity of all United Nations’ (UN) members for as long as those things are not changed, and this time it is a matter of Ukraine as well” said Dodik for the media on Monday. He also said: “We will remain absolutely neutral. We will not join the EU’s sanctions, nor anyone else’s”. “Claims from Sarajevo that Stabilization and Association Agreement that was signed earlier obliges B&H to follow foreign policy of the EU. Yes, this was done. However, it does not say we have to do it all the way”, explained Dodik. He stressed that foreign policy of B&H is created by the Presidency of B&H.


Dodik assessed on Monday that there is no possibility that the crisis in Ukraine affects the Western Balkans, although EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated that this can be expected. Dodik stressed that such allegations are only part of propaganda. He stated that he does not think that unified stance on the Ukrainian crisis can be reached in B&H, adding that this was not a topic at B&H Presidency’s session.


Sarovic calls on RS authorities to present clear position on current crisis; Borenovic criticized for being photographed in front of Ukrainian flag; Dodik: It is irresponsible action (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) has been insisting on the neutrality concept since the start of the unrests in Ukraine, and Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik confirmed that will continue, and said that imposing sanctions against Russia is unacceptable action. The reporter notes that this, as well as all other Dodik’s previous messages related to neutrality, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic did not hear, or did not want to hear, and Sarovic continuously calls on Dodik and authorities to present clear position on the current crisis. “Unlike the authorities, that have been hiding in the past two to three days, and they do not give any information, they are not here, I think this is the opportunity, since they are authorities, to be absolutely clear and resolute in regard to these important, key issues’’.


The public has commented on PDP leader Branislav Borenovic being photographed in the US in front of the Ukrainian flag, wondering if he considered damaging consequences, and if he knows that representatives of the RS authorities and part of the opposition welcomed the neutral position. The reporter notes that, immediately upon returning from the US, Borenovic gave a statement for RTRS. “I am not a man who looks whether someone among the participants will take the official flag of their country and place it in front of them” said Borenovic. He reminded that there were representatives of 20 countries, including Russians, and wondered if someone “displaying their official flag is a big problem”.


RTRS reports that for Dodik, the situation is clear, it is another betrayal damaging for the RS. “He went to the US. Why did he go? He went there for orders. That flag represents it best. What do you think would happen if I had been there and displayed the Russian flag? How would they from PDP react? What would they say? It is an irresponsible action towards us, towards the RS and all of this. I heard his explanations it was an accident. You aspire to be a senior politicians and thing are happening by accident to you. There is no accident in this case. He was there on purpose, and he knew that would happen” said Dodik. RTRS reports that Dodik also said that, in the turbulent times, the RS’ decision not to be the part of the NATO proved to be right, and that he does not believe the crisis could spill over into the Western Balkans and concluded that B&H does not have the capacity to accept refugees from Ukraine.


Dzaferovic and Komsic harshly condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine (FTV)


On Monday, member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic reiterated his standpoint about the war in Ukraine. Dzaferovic supported Ukraine and all kinds of sanctions against Russia. Dzaferovic said that B&H supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, B&H supports those who condemned the Russian aggression on Ukraine and all measures that the civilized world including the EU is undertaking when it comes to sanctions against the Russian Federation and all those who cause this unbearable situation.


Turkovic calls for extraordinary session of B&H CoM (FTV)


SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) MP Sasa Magazinovic called on the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to launch humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, while B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic called for an extraordinary session of the B&H CoM.


“The B&H Foreign Ministry proposes calling extraordinary session of the B&H CoM, aimed at adopting conclusions that would task the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury and the B&H Ministry of Security to implemented the aforementioned conclusions, i.e. adopting a decision to send available current reserve funds to the Ukrainian government, or to used them for provision and sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine” reads proposal published on Turkovic’s Facebook account.


Komsic sends instruction to Turkovic suggesting that in its further activities regarding aggression against Ukraine, B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs be guided by principles of international law (BHT1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic have sent an instruction to B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic regarding the allegations about the need to create B&H's position on the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. "Regarding the allegations about the need to create a position of B&H on the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that B&H, as a member of the United Nations, is also a signatory to the UN Charter. The UN Charter explicitly prohibits attacks on internationally recognized UN member states, as well as military activities directed against member states without the consent of the UN Security Council" Komsic stated in the instruction. Komsic further said that he considers it unnecessary for the Presidency of B&H to declare and vote on the application of the basic principles of international law defined in the UN Charter. Komsic added that in accordance with the B&H-EU Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), B&H is obliged to follow the EU's foreign policy. In the instruction, Komsic suggested that in its further activities regarding the aggression against Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H be guided by the abovementioned principles of international law.


B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik said that Komsic is hijacking foreign policy and violating B&H Constitution. He underlined that B&H Presidency did not discuss Ukraine crisis or take a stance on the matter.


Komsic: Borrell, Stoltenberg have reasons for concern for security in B&H; It is good additional EUFOR troops are coming to B&H; Sattler came to express gratitude four our stance about Ukraine (FTV)


Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic, commenting on the statement of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell that Russia could launch activities of destabilization in B&H and in the Western Balkans, stated that Borrel and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg have reasons for concern for security in B&H. Komsic said that they noticed the Russian influence as a threat for security of the entire region and not just B&H even before Borrell and Stoltenberg. Komsic added: “It is good that Borrell and Stoltenberg react in this way. It is good that additional EUFOR troops are coming to B&H. I would be happier if those were NATO troops that have the mandate based on the Dayton Peace Accords but anyhow, strengthened interest of the NATO and the EU for security situation in B&H and in the entire region could be observed as a positive sign.”


Asked to comment on phone conversation of members of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, Komsic said that at the time of misinformation, we can only assume what was the topic of their conversation. Komsic said that Dodik initiated the conversation and not the Russian side which is in his opinion, another Dodik’s wrong move because today, only Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and Dodik talk to Moscow. Komsic added: “I do not know what Dodik was speaking about and what he was asking, but we will learn it from his moves in the upcoming days”. Speaking about the situation in Ukraine, Komsic assessed that the NATO responded to the Russian invasion the way it could. In his opinion, the NATO could not risk direct conflict with the Russian Army regardless of how Ukrainians observe all this, because it would certainly lead to a World War three, i.e. a nuclear war. Komsic underlined: “The NATO is giving Ukraine what we wished we had in 1992 – which unfortunately was not the case – and that is military assistance.”


Commenting on the fact that B&H and Serbia are the only countries that did not introduce sanctions against Russia and the fact that the EU said that B&H should follow the EU policy in this case while Dodik keeps on advocating neutral stance, Komsic argued that B&H has some sort of an obligation to follow foreign and security policy of the EU based on the Stabilization and Association Agreement and a charter of the UN. Komsic said that before this interview, Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler visited him and expressed gratitude for a clear stance about the entire situation in Ukraine and commitment to support this civilizational matter. He said: “Of course, he is aware that he can fully count on me and I said that I can surely say that Mr.  (member of the B&H Presidency Sefik) Dzaferovic shares these views and that when it comes to problems with Dodik, they will also have to solve it as well. Therefore, I expected from Mr. Sattler to say what you said and I would direct him to Dodik’s policy of the EU and the US, and our statement has not only a subjective feeling that we should be on the right side, but also has a basis in international agreements and everything that is the foreign policy of B&H. That is why we do not need Dodik's consent, no matter what he thinks."


FB&H Banking Agency takes over management of ‘Sberbank’ in FB&H (FTV)


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Banking Agency stated on Sunday that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) citizens who use services of ‘Sberbank’ do not have to worry because the Russian element is not present in this bank in B&H. The FB&H Agency took over the management of the bank from Sunday. Representatives of the Agency assured citizens on Sunday that there is no concern that events in Ukraine will affect the business of the bank negatively.


Director of Sberbank B&H Jasmin Spahic said that the mission of every bank is to protect its clients and their property. He said that they did this by letting the Agency manage the bank and thus eliminating outside influence on the bank. Director of the FB&H Agency Jasmin Mahmuzic said that they did this in order to protect the B&H citizens, companies and B&H itself. He said that these measures are not directed towards anyone and their goal is to protect the interests of the FB&H Agency and B&H. Mahmuzic underlined that all citizens’ bank deposits are ensured and safe, and called on the citizens to trust the system, noting there is no reason for worry. “Clients can ask for their money. The Bank and ATMs will operate normally, as well as online services” Mahmuzic was quoted as saying. Mahmuzic also said there is no risk of increase in interest rates. “Sberbank B&H is healthy bank, solvent bank and we did not want to allow situation in which some external factors bring into question operating of this bank”, explained Mahmuzic.


RS Banking Agency takes over management of ‘Sberbank’ (RTRS)


Banking Agency of Republika Srpska (RS) took over managing of ‘Sberbank’ in the RS in line with existing legislation. This was confirmed for RTRS by Acting Deputy Director of the Banking Agency of the RS Srdjan Suput. Among other things, Suput said that the Agency and the RS Government convey a message they stand behind this bank, its deponents and clients and that they will manage the current situation in a proper manner in order to preserve the financial sector. The decision to take over managing of ‘Sberbank’ was passed after the EU harshened sanctions imposed against Russia. RTRS reminds that after some Russian banks were expelled from SWIFT, some banks from this country lost access to international financial system. Suput underlined that the function of the Agency is to protect deponents and clients of banks as well as banking sector of the RS.


Radoncic congratulates B&H Independence Day; Cubrilovic, Tegeltija: March 1 is not state holiday (Dnevni avaz, Nezavisne)


SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Fahrudin Radoncic congratulated B&H Independence Day to all B&H citizens, stating that this is a day for everyone to show how much they love their country and convey a message they are ready to defend it in all possible ways. He noted that this is the day to remember those who gave their lives for defending of B&H’s independence during the aggression. “In hope and conviction that B&H will become part of families of states of NATO and European Union, let us spend this holiday filled with patriotic love and pride” ends Radoncic.


Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly Speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic stated that the RS, its institutions and its citizens are never going to accept celebration of March 1 as B&H Independence Day, because the referendum on secession of B&H from Yugoslavia against will of the Serb people and murder of Serb wedding party guest in Sarajevo which took place on that date in 1992 represented the introduction to the tragic war. He underlined that March 1 is not defined as a holiday by any valid law. Cubrilovic emphasized that B&H Parliament never adopted any law on state holidays, and therefore March 1 cannot be a state holiday at all. Cubrilovic said that it is nauseating that those who broke Yugoslavia apart on March 1 are now trying to depict themselves as proponents of unity, brotherhood and multi-ethnicity. He reiterated that the Serb people pledged to protect Yugoslavia and did everything to preserve it. “Therefore, the date of disintegration of the state is not a holiday, but a day of mourning which led to the bloody civil war in this area” said Cubrilovic.


B&H Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran Tegeltija also stated that March 1 is not a state holiday of B&H defined by any law and that it should not be celebrated in any way. He noted that those who celebrate the holiday are doing so based on some other decisions, and they defy decisions of the joint institutions. He warned that in this way, individuals celebrating March 1 are undermining the existence and work of state institutions.


HNS’ Colak: Elections are possible only with new Law on Elections, any other option is crisis with unforeseeable consequences (


Head of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Committee for Constitutional- Legal Issues and delegate in Croat Caucus in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples, Barisa Colak gave an interview to portal, where he said that organizing of elections in line with the current Election Law of B&H would allow Bosniaks to elect Croat member of B&H Presidency for the fourth time and even worse, it allows Bosniaks to appoint sufficient number of delegate for Croat Caucus in Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples, which would give them full control over executive power in the FB&H. “On the other side, failure to participate in elections could fully paralyze functioning of authorities at all levels, which should not be the option for any of the parties. Decision is not up to the individual. Everything that will be happening in the next weeks, will certainly significantly influence the final decision on this, for Croats, but for B&H as well, extremely important issue,” said Colak. He argues that any other option, but organizing of elections in line with changed Election Law, harmonized with the Constitution, would lead to even bigger political “and every other crisis”.


Colak noted that he does not know where the idea about postponing of elections came from, but he does not think there are legal possibilities for this and he does not see any reasons and justifications for this, especially if there is political readiness on the Bosniak side for reaching of the agreement, as there is still enough time to carry out the agreement and adopt necessary legislation. Colak argues that the biggest problem of this country is the fact that two of three dominant political sides have not accepted it as a long-term solution, or they have not accepted it as a framework, whose internal organization and structure can be adjusted only with a consensus of legitimately elected representatives of all three constituent peoples, with respecting of collective and individual rights. He noted that whether they are aware of this or not, but those who present themselves as biggest patriots, the so called pro-Bosnian forces, are those who are trying to make this state impossible. According to Colak, Bosniak side is trying to create a quasi-civic state, where Bosniaks would dominate, but added that is also the issue of “separatist attempt of Serb side”, arguing that neither of these options leads to establishing of safe, prosperous and European B&H. He underlined that Croat political representatives will never agree to marginalization of Croats in the FB&H, arguing that this would put the entity under control of Bosniaks and Croats would be reduced to ethnic minority, adding that the problem is not in the term “civic principle”, but in what this term entail. Colak noted that advocating and striving toward civic society is welcome, but underlines that this civic society has also secure the rights of collective as well as individuals, as it is the case in other countries composed of “different identities”. “This entire time, Bosniak politics is promoting civic principle, by the pattern ‘one man - one vote’, by the model of official politics of Belgrade, which broke the former state, intentionally ignoring the preamble of B&H Constitution where three constituent peoples are marked as separate collectives, and their equal rights are recognized in decision-making process”, said Colak. He concluded that he hopes that Bosniak side will come to understand how serious political situation in the country is and give their contribution to stabilization of political circumstances and overall situation in B&H.




PM Plenkovic Announces 124 million Kuna in Support Measures for Ukraine (HRT)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic announced a package of support measures for Ukraine, including 124 million kuna in protective equipment and small arms, in addition to restricting the use of air space by Russian planes. Here is a summary of the measures taken in Croatia so far. 


Croatia, like other countries of the European Union or NATO, had a definite position regarding the Russian invasion. On Thursday 24, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with the Ukrainian Ambassador to Croatia, Vasyl Kyrylych, and expressed not only his support and solidarity but also confirmed a possible series of sanctions against Russia. Plenkovic also condemned the Russian aggression and claimed Ukraine as an independent and sovereign nation.


The following day, the Government's position was supported almost unanimously in Parliament, which adopted a declaration on the situation in Ukraine, where in addition to showing its solidarity and position in favor of Ukraine, they also condemned Russia and supported future sanctions against the Russian Government and companies. Almost all Croatian parliamentary groups spoke out against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and they reaffirmed it on Saturday 26.


During the weekend, the Prime Minister held meetings with the main authorities of his government and discussed not only the package of sanctions against Russia but also support strategies for Ukraine. It should be noted that in Germany, Foreign Minister Olaf Scholz halted the approval for the agreement on the Nord Stream 2 gas line. Likewise, some European countries, such as the Czech Republic, Latvia, and Lithuania, have stopped issuing visas for Russian citizens.


To date, many Russian companies have been boycotted around the world, including select Russian banks that have already been disconnected from the SWIFT system, a move supported by the United States. In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered the freezing of the assets of several Russian banks and even the suspension of several Russian oligarchs in the country. The vast majority of European countries have restricted the entry of flights from Russia and suspended the operations of Russian airlines.


In Croatia, many of the actions have come as an initiative of the population. Thousands have withdrawn their money and closed their accounts in the Russian bank Sberbank, which has even caused its subsidiaries in Croatia and Slovenia to fail or likely to fail owing to a deterioration of their liquidity situation, according to multiple reports. Also, on Saturday, Total Croatia News reported that the first Croatian volunteers were on their way to join the Ukrainian army to confront Russia. Most are veterans with combat experience.


But in parallel, the Government confirmed from the beginning the dispatch of ten Croatian soldiers as part of NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. Likewise, Croatian government authorities confirmed the disposition and readiness to receive Ukrainian refugees. On Saturday, the Minister of the Interior Davor Bozinovic confirmed the arrival of the first six refugees, who according to him did not need assistance upon arrival since they had private accommodation. On the same day, Davor Spevec of the Civil Protection Directorate said in Slavonski Brod that Croatia could receive up to 17,000 refugees from Ukraine.


Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomasevic confirmed that the Croatian capital was ready to receive Ukrainian refugees and that more locations would be made available. Similarly, in Osijek, a center was set up to house up to 300 refugees. The opening of one more center on the border with Ukraine has already been announced.


Gov’t reassures Sberbank Croatia clients there is enough money to cover deposits (Hina)


The government will insist before European agencies for a consent for the rehabilitation of the Sberbank Croatia bank rather than its liquidation after the ECB assessed that Sberbank Europe AG and its subsidiaries in Croatia and Slovenia are failing or likely to fail.


“We will insist that Croatia should be given an opportunity to rehabilitate Sberbank Croatia,” Finance Minister Zdravko Maric said at the government’s meeting on Monday after the European Central Bank issued a press release reading that the ECB has assessed that “Sberbank Europe AG and its two subsidiaries in the banking union, Sberbank d.d. in Croatia and Sberbank banka d.d. in Slovenia, are failing or likely to fail owing to a deterioration of their liquidity situation.”


The Austrian parent bank Sberbank Europe AG is fully owned by Public Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia, whose majority shareholder is the Russian Federation (50% plus one voting share).


The ECB took the decision after determining that, in the near future, the bank is likely to be unable to pay its debts or other liabilities as they fall due. Sberbank Europe AG and its subsidiaries experienced significant deposit outflows as a result of the reputational impact of geopolitical tensions. This led to a deterioration of its liquidity position, the ECB says.


Concerning Sberbank Croatia, Maric informed the government that before the outbreak of the crisis, there were almost 70,000 deposit holders in that commercial lender, and most of them are are covered by the scheme protecting up to €100,000 per depositor per bank in the European Union.


The Croatian Deposit Insurance Agency (HAOD), that is the state budget, has enough funds at its disposal to pay the protected deposits within seven to 10 days, said the minister. These deposits reach 3.82 billion kuna, the finance minister said. As for SWIFT system, currently only the Russian central bank has been excluded as part of the sanctions against Russia, the minister said adding that the sanction could be expanded to cover other banks, too.




Djukanovic requires Ministry of Defense and Staff of the Army to take urgent action on situation in Ukraine (CDM)


In line with his constitutional competencies, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, required the Ministry of Defense and the Staff of the Army to take urgent action on creating conditions for the Defense and Security Council and the Parliament of Montenegro to make decisions. “The obligations arise from Montenegro’s membership to NATO, having in mind the current situation in Ukraine” the President’s office stated.


Konjevic: Resolution on Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine supported by 44 MPs, Democrats ready to vote for it (CDM)


“A resolution on the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine has been submitted for the parliamentary procedure. It was supported by 44 MPs – 40 MPs from the opposition and four from the Black on White coalition”, says the SDP leader Rasko Konjevic. He adds that the Democrats MPs also support it, although they did not sign it, but, as he says, they said that they were ready to vote for it in Parliament. MPs from the For the Future of Montenegro coalition did not express their readiness to support it. Konjevic points out that the Resolution is in the procedure, and that he will ask for it to be on the agenda at the first parliamentary session.


Immediately ban Russian, propaganda and aggressive media on the territory of Montenegro (CDM)


In the moments when the civilized world is anxiously following the events in Ukraine, we become aware that the aggression of official Russia is a threat to all of us and that something similar could happen to any European country if effective measures are not taken to thwart imperialist plans. Montenegro must urgently and without delay apply all measures introduced by the European Union against Russia, which invaded a sovereign state, said Jovan Rabrenovic, member of the Presidency of the LPCG and chairman of the Capital City Board.


"For such an unprecedented act of aggression in modern Europe, we must use all legitimate methods in order to stop the occupation of Ukraine and return the aggressor to its territory." All sanctions, including economic, corporate and political, will be applied now and immediately, or we will be accomplices in the bloody feast against innocent Ukrainian citizens. "Especially apply the restrictions in the field of electronic and print media coming from Russia, which the EU has marked as propagandists of aggression", states Rabrenovic.


On behalf of the Liberal Party, he calls on the Agency for Electronic Media to immediately and without delay order all distribution operators to temporarily restrict the broadcasting and rebroadcasting of broadcasters originating from or financing the Russian Federation.


"Montenegrin public and media space must be protected from malicious and propaganda messages placed by the Russian media and individuals close to them. In order to protect the public security of Montenegro and its position in the NATO alliance, as well as due to the status of a candidate for EU membership, the holders of executive power should show maximum responsibility and commitment to the ideals of modern Europe. Montenegro must act in accordance with the decision adopted by the European Commission and make an urgent decision on a temporary ban on broadcasting for all channels originating in the Russian Federation. In the hours when aggression against one sovereign state is happening in front of all of us in the eyes of all of us and while the scenes of suffering and death of the Ukrainian people deeply shake and hurt us, we cannot help but raise our voice and do everything to contribute to this senseless act be terminated as soon as possible", concluded Rabrenovic.


Montenegro has launched a procedure to close airspace to Russian planes (RFE)


Montenegro has initiated the procedure for making a decision on closing the airspace for Russian planes, the Ministry of Capital Investments, which is in charge of that issue, told Radio Free Europe (RFE). Thus, Montenegro will join the member states of the European Union (EU), which have closed their airspace to air traffic with Russia in response to the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. It will also be another move by official Podgorica to bring it into line with EU foreign policy, which it has committed to through membership talks.


"Montenegro, as a credible candidate for EU membership, consistently follows the common foreign and security policy of the European Union and fully complies with the decisions and statements of the Council of the European Union, which, among other things, refers to sanctions against Russia" said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that, in cooperation with the EU and NATO allies, they are closely following the events in Ukraine and condemn the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. "We have joined the sanctions, because that is the way we can influence and send the message that it is in the interest of the whole world to stop the conflicts in Ukraine" the Foreign Ministry said.


Currently, only Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Turkey have left open air traffic with Russia in Europe.


Djukanovic held consultations on the mandatary for the composition of the new government (CDM)


The President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, held consultations with the representatives of the parliamentary parties on the proposal of the prime minister-designate for the composition of the Government. Djukanovic held consultations with the President of the Democratic Union of Albanians (DUA) Mehmed Zenko, the President of the Democratic Party (DP) Fatmir Djek, the President of the Albanian Alternative (AA) Niko Djelosaj, the President of the Force Genci Nimanbegu, the President of the Liberal Party (LP) Andrija Popovic and Vice President Socialist Party (DPS) Jevta Erakovic and Abaz Dizdarevic, Secretary General Aleksandar Bogdanovic and the head of the MPs' Club Danijel Zivkovic.


After the consultations with the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, the President of the Liberal Party, Andrija Popovic, announced that the party will be restrained until they hear who the prime minister-designate is. "Montenegro is in the most difficult situation since the restoration of independence. All three branches of government are in the acting state. Montenegro cannot wait. Today, we practically have to elect a new government and the President of the Assembly" Popovic told reporters.


After the consultations, Jevto Erakovic, the vice president of the DPS, said that the only real solution at this moment is to form a political government. The leader of the Albanian Alternative, Nick Djelosaj, said that the consultations with the President on the mandator for the composition of the government were excellent. "The appeal is that this is taking quick steps to get a new government as soon as possible. I expect the prime minister-designate to be Dritan Abazovic" Djelosaj told reporters. FORCE President Genci Nimanbegu said that the consultations clearly stated that we must all act responsibly.


Erakovic: Only real solution now is formation of political government (CDM)


The only real solution to overcoming the crisis at the moment is to form a political government, which would consist of all parties that support the European path, said DPS deputy leader Jevto Erakovic, after the consultations with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic on the prime minister-designate.


“During the consultations, we presented clear statements of our party. From its inception until today, the DPS has put state interests ahead of party interests. The DPS is clear that the only real solution at the moment to overcome the crisis is to form a political government, which it supports in Parliament and represents the true will of the citizens. This is the only possible solution” Erakovic said. He stressed that the political government is the one that stands behind the political subjects in Parliament.


North Macedonia 


Defense Minister Petrovska says we will send forces to Ukraine if NATO asks us to; Skopje will donate military equipment to Ukraine (Republika)


Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska said that Macedonia will send troops to Ukraine if the request comes from NATO. During a TV interview, she was asked if there is a proposal to mobilize forces and to send army units to Ukraine. At the moment, such a decision is not made. According to NATO mechanisms, if a request from us is made in the future, we will send forces. At the moment such decision is not made. The public will be informed if it is made, Petrovska said.


Meanwhile, the Macedonian Government announced that it will donate military material and equipment to Ukraine. The decision was announced by the Government’s press office and confirmed by Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska. So far there is no word what precisely the donation will include. The Kovacevski Government said that it is aligning its position with its NATO allies and EU partners.


Government orders cable operators to stop airing Russian TV channels in Macedonia (Republika)


Government orders cable operators to stop airing Russian TV channels in Macedonia

The Macedonian Government instructed the AVMU media regulator agency to call on cable operators to ban the Russian Government funded Russia Today and Sputnik channels. AVMU tells the operators that this is a recommendation from the European Union, which is banning the Russian information channels. It demands that cable operators inform it in three days about the actions they will undertake.




Albania joins EU sanctions on Russia, closes airspace (Tirana Times)


Albania has joined EU sanctions on Russia after it invaded Ukraine, including closing Albania's airspace to all Russian carriers and Russian-registered aircraft, the foreign minister announced Sunday evening.


"Following the measures taken at European level, the airspace of the Republic of Albania will be closed from tonight for all Russian air operators or any aircraft registered in Russia, except the cases when such flights are performed for emergency reasons, humanitarian or medical purposes or interstate needs," said Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka. The move is the latest in a series from NATO member and EU candidate Albania to protest the war in Ukraine.


“I do believe that I express what all Albanians feel today when I say that the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people against this aggression has won the respect and admiration of all of us.” Xhacka said in her statement, “The war in Ukraine is more than just a war for the freedom of Ukraine. It is a struggle for the future of a democratic Europe, for the architecture of security and cooperation in our continent, as well as rules based international order."


The sanctions that Tirana has joined include a travel ban on EU-listed Russians as well as the freezing of assets, if there are any in Albania, in line with EU sanctions. Only charter Russian planes currently fly to Albania, but Russia's main air carrier for leisure travel, Nordwind Airlines, had announced it was to start operating direct flights from Moscow to Tirana on April 30. Albania is also considering cancelling current facilities that make it easier for certain Russians – diplomats and businesspeople – to travel to Albania.


Xhacka said that Albania will also no longer participate in any sports matches with the Russian Federation until the end of the occupation of Ukraine.


Xhacka added that Albania is offering its assistance to Ukraine with healthcare materials. "Albania will continue to join every initiative and measure of our allies and partners. This is an obligation that every democratic country has today towards Ukraine and towards the societies of our peoples and the future of our children" Xhacka added.


Tirana sanctions, 28 agreements suspended between Russia and Albania from transport to trade (Radio Tirana)


Implementation of almost all cooperation agreements between Albania and Russia, signed after the 1990s, has been suspended indefinitely, following the decision of the Albanian government to undertake the first package of sanctions against Russia, following the unprovoked and illegal Russian aggression against Ukraine. The sanctions target the travel of diplomats and business people, the finance, energy, transport, technology and sports sectors, while envisioning the closure of airspace.


But what are the agreements between Albania and Russia that will 'freeze' after the application of sanctions against Moscow? Albania's blocking measures will suspend indefinitely the implementation of the agreement between Russia and Albania on sea and air transport, on mutual travel of citizens, on cooperation in the field of investment, trade, culture and possibly the agreement on mutual recognition of diplomas of education.

The sanctions are expected to affect by 'freezing' the implementation of agreements in the field of health and environmental protection, cooperation between the Russian Chamber of Commerce and the Albanian Chamber of Commerce, between the state televisions of the two countries, between the two central banks, the agreement in the field of archives, consultations diplomatic, energy, etc.


Meanwhile, Russia has also responded by banning airlines with European countries. It remains to be seen how Tirana's sanctions against Moscow will affect the Albanian economy. However, the war in Ukraine was immediately reflected in Albania. The price of flour and bread has started to rise up to 20% abusively.


Agreements between Albania and Russia:


Agreement on road and air transport, Cooperation agreements in the field of archives, Cooperation agreement in the field of higher education, Cooperation agreement in the field of tourism, Maritime transport agreement, Agreement between Russia and Albania on mutual travel of citizens, Agreement on cooperation in the field of culture, Protocol between the Russian MFA and the Albanian MFA on consultations, Agreement on mutual recognition of education diplomas, Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation in connection with Taxes on Income and on Capital, Cooperation agreement between the Accounting Chamber of Russia and KLSH, Cooperation agreement between the Diplomatic Academy of Russia Diplomatic Academy of the Republic of Albania, Cooperation agreement between "EES Russia" and KESH, Agreement between the Russian government and the Albanian government on debt settlement, Convention on the abolition of double taxation on taxes on income and on goods, Consular Convention between Russia and Albania, Agreement between the Central Bank of Russia and the Bank of Albania, Memorandum of cooperation between the ministries of construction, Agreement between the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Albanian Academy of Sciences, Protocol on friendship and cooperation between the cities of Moscow and Tirana, Agreement to promote mutual protection of investments, Agreements on trade, economic and technical scientific cooperation, Cooperation agreement in the field of postal and electrical interconnection, Agreement between the Russian Chamber of Commerce and the Albanian Chamber of Commerce, Agreement between Russian state RTV and Albanian RTSH, Agreement on cooperation between the Ministries of Interior of the two countries, Agreement on International Road Transport and Agreement in the field of health and environmental protection.


Albanian national football team will not play against the representative of Russia in the League of Nations match (Radio Tirana)


The Albanian national football team will not play against the representative of Russia in the League of Nations match. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka announced in an official communication that Albania joins the measures and sanctions of other EU member states against Russia for the occupation of Ukrainian. "Also, Albania will no longer participate in any sports confrontation with the Russian Federation until the end of the occupation of Ukraine" stressed Xhacka in her speech.


Thus, Albania joins countries such as Poland, Sweden, the Czech Republic or France which have officially confirmed that they will not play football matches against the Russian representative as long as the military occupation of Ukraine continues. According to the calendar, Albania has planned to play two matches of the League of Nations in June against the representative of Russia. The first is scheduled for June 2 at "Air Albania", while the second is scheduled for "VTB Arena" in Moscow on June 13.


Xhacka receives the ambassadors of the USA, EU and Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka received the ambassadors of the USA, EU and Ukraine. According to the minister, the situation in Ukraine and possible scenarios for cooperation were the focus of the discussions between them.


"I received the US Ambassador, Yuri Kim, the EU Ambassador, Luigi Soreca and the Ambassador of Ukraine to Albania, Volodymyr Shkurov. We discussed the situation in Ukraine and possible scenarios for cooperation. Full agreement on support for Ukraine and to hold Russia accountable. In full solidarity with Ukraine" writes Minister Xhacka.


Commissioner Varhelyi meets with Prime Minister Rama (Radio Tirana)


EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi held a meeting with Prime Minister Edi Rama, as he announced some of the topics of the meeting. Varhelyi published a photo with Prime Minister Rama on "Twitter", where he writes that they discussed the need to open EU membership negotiations as soon as possible. "Today: We discussed the need to open as soon as possible the EU membership negotiations with Albania as well as the implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, so that the projects can come to life quickly for the benefit of the people" writes Varhelyi.