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Belgrade Media Report 2 March


EU resolution on Russia, Serbia is mentioned in the text (B92, Tanjug)

At an extraordinary session, members of EU Parliament discuss the situation in Ukraine, and then vote on the Resolution on Russian aggression against Ukraine. The session started around 12.25, and its beginning was followed by great applause addressed to the Ambassador of Ukraine to the EU, as well as to the citizens of Ukraine who were invited to the extraordinary session of the European Parliament. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, will also address the audience. 


In addition to the strongest condemnation of "Russia's military aggression", support for Ukraine and calls on the EU to strengthen sanctions against Moscow, the draft resolution, which will be voted on today, also contains a paragraph by which the European Parliament points out the consequences of Serbia's non-compliance with EU sanctions. 


"The European Parliament regrets Serbia's non-compliance with EU sanctions against Russia, which is detrimental to its accession process. We emphasize the expectation that EU candidate countries will comply not only with EU criteria but also with the EU's common foreign and security policy," the draft text that Tanjug had insight into says. 


The draft resolution, in 46 paragraphs, "strongly condemns the illegal, unprovoked and unjustified military aggression and the invasion of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as the participation of Belarus in this aggression." 


The Russian Federation is required to "immediately stop all military activities in Ukraine and withdraw military and paramilitary forces and military equipment" from the territory of Ukraine, while at the same time expressing "undivided solidarity with the Ukrainian people." 


With this resolution, the European Parliament also calls for "the continuation of diplomatic efforts in order to stop the Russian aggression" and the finding of a "peaceful solution while respecting Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity." 


EU member states are calling for further emergency humanitarian aid to Ukraine, but also to expand sanctions that should "weaken the Russian economy", including a ban on the import of Russian oil and gas into the EU. 


At the same time, EU member states are urged to "accept the fact that strict sanctions against Russia will have inevitable negative effects on their economic situation." 


The European Parliament is expected to support all EU measures introduced so far, including support for the military strengthening of the Ukrainian army. According to the text of the draft resolution, the European Parliament should call on the EU to prepare a multibillion-euro package for "Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure", as well as to start the process of approving Ukraine's candidate status for EU membership. 


European Parliament resolutions are not legally binding and represent EU political assessments and guidelines. 


MEPs: Serbia to harmonise with EU policy, impose sanctions on Russia (Beta, N1)


MEPs Vladimir Bilcik and Tanja Fajon said on Tuesday they expected Serbia to fully align with the EU's common foreign and security policy, including imposing sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime over its aggression against Ukraine. 


Bilcik, EP rapporteur for Serbia, and Fajon, head of the EP delegation for relations with Serbia, said in a joint statement that they “see it as an important and urgent signal that Serbia supports EU principles and values and is committed to working with European partners for peace.” 


“The unity of the international community in opposing Putin’s aggression against Ukraine is essential for any attempt to consolidate peace and avoid the spread of war. We expect Serbia to fully comply with the EU’s common foreign and security policy, including sanctions adopted against the regime in Russia” the MEPs said. 


In the statement after Tuesday's adoption of the EP resolution on Russian aggression against Ukraine, Bilcik and Fajon added that the international situation has "dramatically changed since last week" and that "there is no room for giving in to the aggressor." 


Besides quoting the two MEPs' joint statements, the European Parliament (EP) website recalled that Serbia's Government adopted on Sunday the conclusions of the National Security Council from February 25 on the crisis in Ukraine. 


"The 15-point conclusion says that Russia and Ukraine have always been friendly countries for Serbia and that Serbia has provided full and moral support for respecting the principles of Ukraine's territorial integrity. The conclusion added that regarding the sanctions, Serbia would follow the protection of own vital economic and political interests exclusively" Bilcik and Fajon said. 


It was added that while supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Serbia refused to join the EU sanctions against Russia. "It has not unequivocally condemned the Russian military aggression" and that it was "the only country in the Western Balkans that has not harmonized with the EU position" the MEPs said. 


The EP on Tuesday adopted a resolution condemning Russia's aggression against Ukraine. 


EU Ambassadors: We are counting on Serbia at UN General Assembly (Beta, Tanjug)


European Union Ambassadors said in an opinion piece for Belgrade tabloid Kurir that they are counting on Serbia at the UN General Assembly vote on Russia’s aggression on Ukraine. 


“Part of the accession to the EU is full alignment with the common foreign and security policy. Today, the UN General Assembly will vote on a resolution on Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Every vote is important. Every vote count and we are counting on Serbia,” EU Delegation chief Emanuele Giaufret and EU member state ambassadors said in the opinion piece for the pro-government tabloid. 


“The EU reiterates its unwavering support to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” the piece said and added: “War is never the solution as the people of the Balkans painfully discovered at the end or the previous century”. 


Vucic: Serbia will join U.N. decisions on Ukraine, but will not introduce sanctions against Russia (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on March 1 that Serbia would join all of the U.N. General Assembly's decisions on the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity in the conflict with Russia, but that it would not impose sanctions against Russia. Vucic said that it would be very hard to withstand Western pressure over Serbia's decision on the crisis. He told reporters that nine decisions were adopted by the U.N. on Feb. 28 and that Serbia had joined one and would join another on March 1. When asked for his comment on the demands of individuals that Serbia, like the EU, ban Russia's Sputnik and Russia Today channels, Vucic said that "some individuals" in Serbia would like to ban all media outlets that spoke differently. "When they talk about media freedoms, they are thinking about the media freedoms that should only exist for them and no one else" Vucic said. The Serbian president did not say whether he was considering a possible ban of Russian media outlets, but added that the opposition could consider that if it won the elections in April. 


Dacic: We have died for the sake of others; they aren't against Russia, but against Serbia (RTS)

Speaker of the National Assembly, Ivica Dacic, says that Serbia has no interest in conducting policy in accordance with the interests of the West and the East, but in accordance with its own interests. 


According to Dacic, the one who wants us to impose sanctions on Russia is not against Russia, but against Serbia. "We are now in a situation where we are expected to side with someone. Everyone starts from their own interests. It is logical that Serbia starts from its own interests. We have no interest in pursuing a policy in line with the expectations of East and West. I fully respect what they say from Brussels, but the obligation to align with EU policies should be gradual to the point of accession," Dacic told RTS. 


Dacic asked when it is going to happen, will Serbia join the EU tomorrow? “Are they guaranteeing our accession to the EU tomorrow? No, but in 10, 15, 20 years. We will align our foreign policy in 15, 20 years,” he said. On the other hand, will they withdraw the recognition of Kosovo and Metohija? Will they stop violating the territorial integrity of Serbia, and not force Serbia to impose sanctions against the country that protects Serbia’s state and national interests?" Dacic asked. “In that sense, we start from our interests and we have no interest in a policy in line with the interests of east or west, but only in line with our state interests,” he said. 


Dacic said that Serbia acknowledges the EU view on respect for the principle of territorial integrity, adding that the fact that Russia violated the territorial integrity of Ukraine is not good. "We respect all the victims, Ukraine is collateral damage. Are any of those who are so hypocritically asking Serbia to join everything they say, were any of them affected when they hit the RTS building just as it affects them now to her the fact that the television tower in Ukraine was hit. Were they affected by civilian victims of children in Serbia, hospitals? Well, it seems that the hospital in Kharkiv now hurts American citizens more than Serbian victims back then" Dacic asked. 


Dacic stated that this "hypocrisy is inadmissible and unacceptable for Serbia." According to him, the one who wants us to impose sanctions on Russia is not against Russia, but against Serbia. "Tomorrow they will ask for Kosovo to join NATO, tomorrow they will ask for Kosovo to join the UN. And who will we turn to? Russia. If we impose sanctions on them, we have no one to turn to. Give us back the principle of territorial integrity, cancel the recognition of Kosovo, and we will be ready to talk," said Dacic. 


He states that Albania has 100% aligned its policy with the EU policy, and they did not even get the start of negotiations. 


"Aleksandar Vucic is under great pressure, but as it was at the session of the National Security Council, at the Government, and in our address, we stand for the principle of territorial integrity, we believe that it is not good that Ukraine's territorial integrity has been violated, but we are witnesses that the same people who are now attacking Russia have violated our territorial integrity and bombed this country. The aggression against Serbia cannot be called 'Angel of Mercy', while calling this Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine in the same time. There is something wrong with moral principles," Dacic said. 


Dacic noted that we are not "pawns of the East or the West". "We have died for the sake of others in the past. We need to take care of our interests," Dacic points out. EU and Quint Ambassadors, who carry slogans about territorial integrity, are telling Serbia that they cannot influence Kurti, Dacic added. "Kurti is a superpower, like Putin. Kurti is the one who can forbid Serbs to vote in Kosovo and Metohija. And Quint, NATO and others cannot influence. How long will your lies endure? That is brutal hypocrisy towards Serbia and no one can do that. We are pursuing a policy in our own interest. We cannot cut the branch we are sitting on" Dacic said. 


Dacic said that he was sorry that this was happening in Ukraine, because it was about the fraternal people. "Serbia is being asked to express itself, to impose sanctions on Russia. When Hitler entered Ukraine, the United States did not declare war. I will remind you that Hitler attacked the Soviet Union in May, and the United States was neutral and declared war on Hitler when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor" Dacic said. No great power, Dacic points out, will allow, for example, NATO to reach the Kremlin walls. 


"We sympathize with all the suffering. We defend the principle of territorial integrity, but we must take care of our interests. If you think of imposing sanctions on Russia now, it means that Kosovo will be admitted to the United Nations," Dacic said. 


He points out that he is announcing the presidential elections today at 12 o'clock in accordance with his powers. "Elections will be held on April 3. The handover of the list ends on the same day as for the parliament. Election actions begin today. Whoever collects the signatures of the REC is in charge of the further course of that election process. In the next ten days but also for the parliamentary and local elections. President of the Republic has the mandate which lasts until the end of May and he is in the full mandate until the elections, while the Government will have technical term", Dacic concluded. 


FM: Serbia backs Russia-Ukraine peace talks (Beta)


On March 1, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told EU Delegation to Serbia Head Emanuele Giaufret and ambassadors of the EU countries that Belgrade was fully supporting the negotiations between the two sides and all credible international efforts toward finding a solution to the Ukraine crisis. Selakovic informed the ambassadors about the conclusions of the Serbian National Security Council, adopted by the government on Feb. 27, in relation to the situation in Ukraine, according to a release from the Foreign Ministry. Selakovic said that Serbia “expresses deepest regret over the crisis and clashes in Ukraine and considers very wrong violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of any country, and thereby also of Ukraine.” Selakovic also said that Serbia “very clearly calls for honoring of international law principles,” noting that “Belgrade’s foreign policy rests on these principles.” “In these challenging times, Serbia will continue to consistently preserve peace and stability in South East Europe,” Selakovic said, stressing that “modern challenges reveal that all disputes in Europe must be resolved peacefully and through dialogue” says the release.


Several hundred refugees from Ukraine arrived in Serbia (RTS)

Most people fled Ukraine to Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. Several hundred refugees have arrived in Serbia and for now they are mostly staying with relatives and friends. The director of the Center for Protection and Assistance to Asylum Seekers, Rados Djurovic, told RTS that this is the first wave of refugees and that there are no problems for Serbia yet. "Most people remain in the countries of the European Union, which are Ukraine's neighbours. Depending on the war actions and the overall response of Europe, we must be ready for some unforeseen situations" Djurovic points out. He believes that the capacities of Serbia at this moment are not enough to respond to the bigger refugee crisis. 


"We have about 6,000 seats, about 4,000 have already been filled, we can raise them by another 1,500 to 2,000 seats, but that must not be our answer and preparation for this situation. We need to reach at least 10,000 seats exclusively to set aside for refugees from Ukraine and for the worst-case scenario" Djurovic points out. 


According to him, a new wave of refugees is already happening because more than 700,000 people left Ukraine in six days. "If the war continues and there is no agreement and peace, it is realistic to expect between five and seven million people to leave Ukraine" said the director of the Center for Protection and Assistance to Asylum Seekers. 


The Commissariat for Refugees of the Republic of Serbia announced that all free capacities are in readiness and that, if necessary, they will be made available.  


Serbian Parliament Speaker, Ivica Dacic, called presidential elections (B92)

At noon, Serbian Parliament Speaker, Ivica Dacic, called presidential elections for April 3. Dacic said that the term in office of the current President of the Republic lasts until the end of May. "I have just called presidential elections, the decision to call the elections takes effect once it is published in the Official Gazette, which means that the election activities will start immediately," he stated. 


Candidates for President can register for the elections by midnight on March 12. "This year, the deadline for candidates for the parliamentary, presidential and local elections has been harmonized," Dacic said.  


Unlike the government which has a so-called technical mandate prior to the elections and is limited in its activities, the president does not have any limits on his powers. He said that there is no technical mandate of the President of the Republic, so he will be in a full mandate, regardless of the fact that the elections have been called. "Only the Government of Serbia is in the technical mandate, the parliament has been dissolved," Dacic said. 


He called on all candidates to run in the presidential election, with the desire for the election to take place in a democratic and fair atmosphere. The elections will be held, as Dacic announced earlier, on April 3, the same day as the parliamentary and local ones. Presidential elections, in accordance with the Constitution and the law, are called 90 days prior to the end of the current president’s term in office. Parliamentary and some local elections are scheduled for the same date. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


UK PM Johnson says shelling of Kharkiv by Russian forces is atrocity reminiscent of attacks on Sarajevo by Serbs in 1990s (AJB)

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Tuesday that the shelling of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv by Russian forces is an atrocity reminiscent of the attacks on Sarajevo by the Serbs in the 1990s. "What is happening in Kharkiv, it is absolutely sickening. And it reminds me, if anything, if you remember the shelling of Sarajevo market by the Serbs, the shelling of innocent people in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), it has that feel to me of an atrocity committed deliberately against a civilian center," Johnson said at Tapa military base in Estonia. Johnson emphasized that Russian President Vladimir Putin cannot be considered valid collocutor anymore, because Putin is prepared to use barbarian and non-selective tactic against civilians. 


Dodik’s conversation with Lavrov sparks reactions; Komsic: I cannot wait to see what was this about (O kanal)

Member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik had a phone conversation with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that the two of them discussed Ukraine, the Dayton Agreement and the NATO, while the phone conversation was implementation of the agreement reached during Dodik’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin held at the end of 2021 in Moscow. According to the Embassy, they marked steps for intensifying efforts in this direction.  


O Kanal reported that it was not specified which agreement is this which triggered reactions. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic assessed the conversation as another Dodik’s wrong move and added that nowadays, only Dodik and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko have conversation with Moscow. Komsic said that he cannot wait to see what was this about adding: “If it is something bad for B&H, let him dare!”  


Nova BH carries that following the Russian aggression against Ukraine, many fear that the Balkans could be the next critical region in the future. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell announced that he decided to mobilized the EUFOR reserve units and send 500 soldiers to B&H. He added that this is a rational decision to reiterate the dedication to stability in B&H.  


Dodik stressed that B&H needs to remain neutral in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Following these statements, Dodik had a telephone conversation with Lavrov. Komsic said that he does not know what the dialogue was about and he is curious to find out what it could be. Dodik stated that he respects territorial integrity of B&H and Ukraine, but there will be no sanctions. He denies any possibility of the crisis in Ukraine causing instability in B&H. Dodik said that Europe needs to decide on who and what B&H will be and he will applaud EU accession of the country, but it will never join NATO. Komsic stated that insecurity is present in the whole European continent and everything that seemed far away is now a warning to be cautious.  


Dzaferovic calls on NATO and EUFOR to intensify their forces in B&H in order to prevent evil scenarios and crises (Hayat

A number of world media publish headlines reading that the crisis in Ukraine might have reflections on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and there are many officials who also warn of such a scenario. Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic has called on the NATO and EUFOR to intensify their forces in B&H in order to prevent evil scenarios and crises. 


The B&H Ministry of Defense confirmed on Tuesday that half of the EUFOR units arriving in B&H, 250 out of total 500, arrived in B&H. The other half is expected to arrive in the upcoming week.  B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic said that there is no need to be afraid of a crisis similar to the one in Ukraine and it cannot be worse than the one in the 1990s. He said that one needs to be ready and NATO has the legal obligation to protect B&H. 


Meanwhile, High Representative Christian Schmidt visited the EUFOR base in Butmir on Monday where he met with EUFOR Commander Major General Anton Wessely with whom he discussed about the current situation. “Strengthened EUFOR capacities underline EUFOR dedication, as well as dedication of the High Representative and preserving of safe environment in B&H” said HR Schmidt. 


Turkovic demands ban on use of B&H airspace for Russian airplanes (BHT1)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic submitted demand with the Directorate of Civil Aviation of B&H to ban airplanes from Russia to use airspace of B&H. 


Former High Representatives urge EU to fast-track accession talks with B&H (N1)


Former High Representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schwarz-Schilling and Valentin Inzko asked the European Commission to admit B&H to the EU "quickly and unbureaucratically," Deutsche Welle reported Wednesday, adding that they demand guarantees from NATO that the alliance will protect the population of B&H. The two also believe that Serbia "should be deprived of the status of a candidate for membership". 


“February 24, 2022, is a black day in European history because of the threat that such aggression against a sovereign state could encourage other dictators to take similar steps,” two former high representatives in BiH, Christian Schwarz-Schilling and Valentin Inzko, told the president of the European Commission, reacting to the dramatic development of the situation in Ukraine and the attacks of the Russian army on civilian targets. 


Apart from Putin's attacks reminding them of the war in B&H and the artillery terror against the people of Sarajevo, the two diplomats believe that “Dodik and Vucic could use Russia's aggression against Ukraine and provoke incidents or a new war in B&H or Kosovo.” 


“Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS) have not achieved their goals from the 1990s. In addition, they nurture very close relations with Russia. Therefore, we are afraid that the current aggression against Ukraine could spread to the Western Balkans, primarily to B&H and Kosovo,” they said in a joint letter to Ursula von der Leyen. 


Given that EU members have called for Ukraine's urgent accession to the EU: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia – now, according to former high representatives, is the time for Western Balkan countries aspiring to EU membership, to begin accession negotiations without delay. This must also apply to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it should be a lesson from the events of the last 6 days, says a joint appeal by Inzko and Schwarz-Schilling to the President of the European Commission. 


The two former High Representatives in B&H note that NATO and the EU, with their EUFOR troops, have both a mandate and an obligation to B&H. “It derives from the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Berlin Plus Agreement (an agreement on joint military action between NATO and the EU) and requires the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, despite the fact that this country is not a member of NATO or the EU.” 


Despite this commitment, they call on NATO and Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to provide “strong guarantees to the people of B&H that they will not be left stranded, as they were 30 years ago.” He was also asked to “take the necessary steps to prevent threats to the existence of B&H”. 


“No one knows what Putin's goals are. That is why we ask you to do everything in your power to protect B&H. Its citizens must receive NATO guarantees in case the war spreads to the Western Balkans” Inzko said. 


The high representatives demand sending NATO troops to the Brcko corridor and the B&H border with Serbia, citing Stoltenberg's recent statement: “The Kremlin is trying to put NATO and the EU in a position to provide less support to their partners, and therefore our collective response must be to give even more support to countries such as B&H, Moldova and Georgia, so we could help them succeed in their democratic reforms and the path they have chosen.” 


Media carry history of B&H’s independence, on occasion of marking 30th anniversary since referendum on B&H’s independence on February 29, March 1, 1992 (Hayat)

Hayat carries a short history of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s independence, on the occasion of marking the 30th anniversary since the referendum on B&H’s independence was held on February 29 and March 1, 1992, when B&H citizens choose their independence. According to the reporter, the referendum on independence of B&H was the key event for the B&H independence which was contrary to stances of SDS and their efforts to stay part of the former Yugoslavia. According to FTV, three decades following the referendum, B&H is again under the attack of those who aspire to change internationally-recognized borders.  


On the other hand, BN TV reminds that the Federation of B&H (FB&H) marks March 1 as the Independence Day of B&H, but this date was a regular working day in Republika Srpska (RS) as March 1 reminds the RS and the Serb people of illegal referendum and outvoting of Serbs, of a Serb wedding murder of Nikola Gardovic as the first civilian war victim killed by Muslims in Sarajevo’s Bascarsija, as well as of the beginning of the war in 1992.  


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic attended a ceremony at the Muslim cemetery of Kovaci where many delegations and politicians laid flowers to those who gave their lives to defend B&H. On this occasion, Komsic said that we should preserve B&H just as it was the case back then, i.e. during the war. Member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that they have been doing it for the past 30 years, adding that there are forces that prevent them from doing it although they made big steps forward but still, not enough to reach what those who lost their lives for this country were fighting for. He added that retrograde ideas – that were defeated during the war – are now using political means in peace time to implement what they failed to do during the war. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic also attended the event at Kovaci Muslim cemetery and on this occasion, he underlined the importance of freedom as the most important value for people and for a state. In his opinion, what is going on in Ukraine will wake up Europe and according to Izetbegovic, the better part of the mankind is raising its voice, opposing and helping David in the fight against the Goliath.  


IC congratulates B&H Independence Day (O kanal)

The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) congratulated the B&H Independence Day on Tuesday and stated that they stay committed to strong partnership with B&H and its citizens, offering support to sovereignty and territorial integrity and strengthening of relations between the two states. US Embassy to B&H posted on their official Twitter a message congratulating B&H Independence Day: “Happy B&H Independence Day! We remain committed to a strong partnership and friendship with B&H and its citizens, to supporting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and we look forward to further strengthening relations between our two countries in the years to come”. 


UK Ambassador to B&H, Matthew Field congratulated B&H Independence Day with a post on his Twitter: “Happy B&H Independence Day. I wish safe and prosperous future to B&H citizens”. 


The EU Delegation to B&H (EUD) congratulated the B&H Independence Day on Tuesday. Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler stated that Europe wants to see B&H’s further progress towards the EU that is committed to keep peace and stability on the continent, in Ukraine and in B&H. B&H leaders are expected to focus on stability, economic growth and rule of law and integration of the EU, while the EU is ready to support citizens in realization of these aspirations. Sattler stated that the EU is committed to support B&H in reaching membership and emphasized that B&H is in a deadlock due to among other things, lack of readiness of political leaders to put interests of citizens above their own. In this regard, Sattler called on political leaders to accelerate the reform path. 


Head of EU Delegation to B&H Sattler writes op-ed on occasion of 30th anniversary of B&H’s independence (Dnevni avaz)


In his op-ed written on the occasion of 30th anniversary of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s independence, Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler said that anniversaries are not only a time to celebrate but also a time for reflection: “B&H is still a young country but as we look back, it has come a long way. The EU is here to help B&H progress further on its path towards the European Union”. Sattler added that this year’s Independence Day in B&H comes amidst a new geopolitical reality and noted that, as B&H commemorates the anniversary of its independence, another European country is fighting to preserve its own.  


“The European Union strongly stands with Ukraine and its people. We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life and inspired by the resilience and courage of Ukrainians. The EU has passed wide-ranging measures in response to the invasion. These ensure that (Russian) President (Vladimir) Putin pays a high price for his actions and aim to cripple Russia’s ability to wage war”, Sattler noted. Sattler also added: “We expect those who aspire for EU membership to be with us on this question. To see that they violate international law, to recognize they are based on lies and misinformation, and to know that these actions are outrageous. In the face of this aggression and blatant undermining of European peace and stability, there simply is no time for neutrality or balancing of interests”. Sattler reminded that the EU is resolved to maintain peace and stability on the European continent and added that this is why EUFOR took the precaution to bring in 500 extra troops.  


“B&H’s citizens clearly identify with European values, and it is a major reason why they want B&H to join the European Union. The politics of division rob them of that. The unwillingness of political leaders to put the interest of citizens above their own means the country is almost at a standstill. Not just socially or economically, but also on the path to the EU. We are determined to support B&H to reach the objective of EU membership that so many in this country desire. The EU has invested hundreds of millions of euros to support reforms that will strengthen democracy, the rule of law and the economy. Being a part of the EU means economic growth, jobs and would overall make everyday life easier for people and businesses”, Sattler wrote and called political leaders not to delay a prosperous future in the EU, but instead accelerate on the reform path focusing on reforms that will improve life for this country’s citizens. Sattler went on to say that in his discussions with people across B&H, he has been told that nothing can change, and that the legacy of the past will continue to block a better future. “However, please do not forget that the European Union was built on concrete cooperation and solidarity among nations that once fought each other, but whose leaders showed readiness to reconcile and cooperate. Every time I travel around the country, I see the same in local communities, only to be reminded of the disappointing politics at the national level. Things can change if there is a political will”, Sattler argued. Sattler concluded by saying that “today, more than ever, we see the stark difference in values between those that wish to protect and promote democracy, human rights, and the sovereignty of independent nations in Europe, and those that wish to destroy them.  


Let this anniversary be a reminder of what has been achieved and what kind of future B&H citizens want and deserve. They expect their leaders to focus on stability, economic growth and rule of law and a B&H in the EU. The European Union stands ready to support citizens in that desire”.  


Dodik: Serbs cannot accept March 1 as holiday; Dodik criticizes Sattler (ATV)

ATV carries that for Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), March 1 is just another working day on which they remember the tragic event that happened on March 1, 1992 in Sarajevo - the murder of Serb wedding guest Nikola Gardovic - after which a bloody conflict erupted in B&H. ATV stressed that Serbs also remember March 1, 1992, by the outvoting of one people and setting on fire the Serb tricolor in Bascarsija in Sarajevo. ATV underlined that because of what happened on March 1 thirty years ago, this date will never be a holiday for the Serb people and Republika Srpska (RS) and its diplomats.  


Inspector for War Crimes of the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) Simo Tusevljak emphasized that March 1 should be marked as a day of mourning for B&H. "When I think about March 1, I only think about how thirty years have passed and no one has been held accountable for the murder of the Serb wedding guest in Bascarsija" Tusevljak said. ATV stressed that while the RS mourns on March 1, this date is celebrated in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) as the Independence Day of B&H. ATV pointed out that certain representatives of the international community consider March 1 a holiday although it is a synonym for suffering for a large part of B&H. The RS officials pointed out that there is no reason to extend congratulations on March 1.  


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stressed that March 1 is "a black day for the Serbs in B&H." Dodik also sent a message to Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler who called March 1 a holiday. "What is especially tragic and illogical for someone who, at least in words, advocates respect for international law, democracy and European values, is that he calls the murder of an innocent man in Sarajevo, which was the introduction to the bloody war, a holiday. In this way, it turns out that Sattler supports this act of militarization of B&H, which turned into a fierce civil war," Dodik was quoted as saying.  


ATV stressed that even in the FB&H, March 1 is not a holiday for everyone, noting that this date is being ignored in the Croat parts of the FB&H.  


Dodik reiterated that Serbs cannot accept March 1 as holiday, because they associate it with murder of Nikola Gardovic in Sarajevo in 1992 and the beginning of the policy of outvoting of Serbs in B&H. Dodik underlined that attempts to outvote Serbs are still active. Commenting on the statement of Sattler, Dodik stated that the West resumes to have a unilateral stance towards the past and present in B&H. He went on to saying that the RS is for peace and respecting of different needs of all peoples. 


Dodik said that it is time for some representatives of the international community to understand the real situation in B&H and see who are the ones who promote peace, democracy and respecting of international law, and who are the ones trying to impose solutions and their own rules of behaviour. According to Dodik, Sattler is obviously the facts and the truth about B&H, and he observes the past and the present in a biased way. He also accused Sattler of assuming the role of supreme judge of the situation. Dodik said that times of international representatives “pumping their muscles on Serbs and RS” are over. He underlined that the RS is determined to preserve peace and stability, and added that the RS’s only mean to achieve solutions and consensus is the negotiating table. He concluded that the RS is dedicated to peace, progress and development, and dedicated to the EU integration. 


HDZ B&H’s Lovrinovic: There is no reason to celebrate March 1 (Glas Srpske)

Head of Croat Caucus in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives Nikola Lovrinovic (HDZ B&H) commented the celebration of March 1 as B&H Independence Day. Lovrinovic said that there is no reason to celebrate March 1 because it commemorates the referendum held in 1992. He underlined that citizens did not vote “for this kind of B&H” on that day, and added that there is nothing to be joyful about on March 1. 




Croatian President backs Ukraine's EU membership bid (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic has supported Ukraine's EU membership application and recommended granting membership candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Kosovo and opening accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia, the President's Office said on Tuesday. 


"President Milanovic believes that Ukraine should be granted EU membership candidate status as soon as possible" a statement said. Milanovic thus supported the initiative by eight European Union member states that had called for Ukraine to be granted candidate status. 


"Ukraine is being subjected to aggression by the Russian Federation and we all need to provide it with the necessary assistance, just as we would have expected assistance in a similar situation," the Croatian president said. "Croatia is not forgetting that Ukraine was among the first internationally recognised countries to recognise Croatia and was among the first to come to our aid" he added. Milanovic said that the fast-track integration of Ukraine into the European Union was one of the ways to stop the war and prevent it from spreading in Europe. 


On Monday, the presidents of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia said in an open letter that Ukraine "deserves receiving an immediate EU accession perspective." "We call on the member states to consolidate the strongest political support for Ukraine and to allow the EU institutions to take steps to immediately grant Ukraine candidate status and open the negotiation process," the letter said. 


Support for Western Balkan countries, Serbia should decide 


Milanovic said that everything should be done to prevent the Ukraine crisis from spilling over to the Western Balkans and affecting Croatia and its neighbours. He said it was in Croatia's strategic and national interests for the Western Balkan countries which had demonstrated their readiness and intent to join the Union.  


Milanovic proposed to the signatories of the open letter to also demand membership candidate status for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo and recommended immediately opening accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania, which already have candidate status. The Croatian president also said that talks with Montenegro should be stepped up, while Serbia, "at this critical moment for peace in Europe, should decide whether it really wants membership or not and conduct its policy accordingly. The EU must let it know that this is a moment of decision." 


Plenkovic: Croatia supports EU membership candidate status for Ukraine (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday the government strongly supports EU membership candidate status for Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed an official application for Ukraine's accession to the European Union on Monday and addressed an extraordinary session of the European Parliament by video link on Tuesday. 


President Zoran Milanovic has also supported Ukraine's EU membership application and recommended granting membership candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo and opening accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia. According to a statement released by the President's Office on Tuesday, President Milanovic lent his support to an initiative by eight EU member states that called for Ukraine to be granted candidate status; something he believes should be granted as soon as possible. 


MEP Picula: Putin will have to answer to war crimes tribunal just like Milosevic (Hina


Russian President Vladimir Putin will have to answer for his conduct before a war crimes tribunal just like Slobodan Milosevic, Croatian MEP Tonino Picula said on Tuesday during a debate in the European Parliament (EP) on a resolution regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 


“This war arouses memories of the war aggression on my country, Croatia, thirty years ago. Attacks on children’s hospitals, civilian buildings, destroyed towns and refugees. Putin, just like Milosevic, will have to answer for his conduct before the war crimes tribunal,” Picula said during an extraordinary sitting of the European Parliament which was earlier addressed via video link by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky


“It will be very difficult for Putin to exit this war. The Kremlin could experience a Russian version of Maidan. History has shown that dictators can be defeated but it is equally important to remove the circumstances that led to a dictator’s emergence. Ukraine is bleeding but Putin’s regime will be bled out. Long live a European Ukraine, Glory to Ukraine,” said Picula who participated in the negotiations by parliamentary groups on the EP’s resolution. 


The reason for the war in Ukraine is the “authoritarian nature of the Russian regime under the rule of the Russian president’s absolutism,” said Picula and added we don’t know what is worse, “Putin’s aggression or his narrative to justify the violence.” Picula thinks that Putin counted on Ukraine’s passiveness and the division in the West however, he overestimated his power and underestimated the strength of Ukraine’s resistance and the ability for the West to unite.” 


The EP’s proposed resolution calls on EU institutions to work towards granting EU candidate status to Ukraine. Harshly condemning the attack on Ukraine, Russia is called to unconditionally withdraw all military and paramilitary forces and military equipment from the entire internationally recognized territory of Ukraine. The EP among other things calls for sanctions to be introduced against Russia “without any exemptions induced by sectoral or national interests” and to “significantly reduce energy dependence in particular on Russian gas, oil and coal.” 


MEPs expressed appreciation and support for the Russian and Belarusian citizens who took to the streets in recent days and condemned the arrest of thousands of peaceful protesters and called for their immediate release. The resolution adopted by the EP further points at the persistent efforts by the Russian Federation to destabilize Western Balkan countries. The EU strongly regrets Serbia’s non-alignment with EU sanctions against Russia, which damages its EU accession process, and reiterates its expectation that EU accession candidates align not only with the EU acquis but also with the EU’s common foreign and security policy, the Resolution notes. 


PM Plenkovic to Address Parliament on Ukraine (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic will submit a report on the situation in Ukraine to the Croatian parliament on Wednesday. The report comes after Russia mounted a military invasion of Ukraine on 24 February. Croatia has expressed its strong support for Ukraine and sharply condemned the unprovoked Russian aggression. The Croatian parliament has adopted a declaration on Ukraine, calling on Russia to immediately cease the military attack and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory. The Croatian government has adopted a package of support measures for Ukraine relating to the possible acceptance of refugees, gas supply, and a ban on the use of Croatian airspace by Russian airlines and aircraft. Croatia will support Ukraine with protective military equipment and infantry weapons, worth HRK 124 million (€16.5m) in total. The government measures have been backed by the parliamentary majority and the opposition. 


Croatian Armed Forces not on high alert, says president (HRT)


The government has not proposed nor has President Zoran Milanovic ordered raising the level of preparedness of the Croatian Armed Forces, the Office of the President said in a statement on Tuesday, stressing that the current security situation in Croatia does not require raising the level of the army's readiness. 


"The President of the Republic is in close contact with the commanders of the Croatian Armed Forces and the chiefs of security and intelligence. The current security situation in Croatia does not require raising the level of preparedness of the Croatian Armed Forces. The government has not proposed and President Zoran Milanovic has not ordered raising the level of preparedness of the Croatian Armed Forces" the Office of the President said. 


Under the Defence Act, orders putting the Croatian Armed Forces on alert are issued by the President of the Republic following a proposal to such effect by the government. The Office of the President issued its statement after Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday night made the statement that the army had indeed raised its level of preparedness in response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Under the Defence Act, putting the army on alert implies mobilisation, organisation, security and other measures and procedures necessary to prevent and remove a threat of attack on Croatia and other threats to the country's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, its citizens and property, the President's Office said. 




Montenegro joined EU sanctions against Russia (CDM)


In late February, following Russia’s assault on Ukraine, Montenegro joined all sanctions on Russia, including eight packages of individual and economic sanctions the EU imposed against Russia. It means those sanctions against Russia are applicable in Montenegro as well, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. 


“These targeted sanctions affect the political, economic and personal interests of all active participants in a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine. With the aforementioned decisions, Montenegro continues to align fully with the EU policy,” it was said in a statement of the ministry. 


They add that the individual EU sanctions, among other things, refer to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, the Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergey Lavrov, as well as the members of the Russia’s Security Council and the remaining members of the Russian Duma, whereas the economic sanctions refer to the financial, energy, transport, technological and visa sector. 


Adzic: I expect Abazovic to get a mandate for the composition of the government (RTCG)

The vice president of the Civic Movement URA, Filip Adzic, told TVCG that he expects that today Dritan Abazovic will get a mandate for the composition of the new European government. 


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has completed consultations on the mandator for the composition of the minority government. While waiting for his decision, GP URA says that one option is the most realistic. 


"I think that only one name has crystallized very clearly as a potential candidate for the composition of the future government, that is Dritan Abazovic. "Somewhere I expect that today Abazovic will get a mandate for the composition of the new European government" Adzic said. 


When it comes to the model of the future government, there are no new moments, says Adzic. "It does not imply the entry of the DPS into the government, which could be heard these days, so we remain firm that the DPS will not be part of the future European government. "What we can say with certainty now is that if the model of minority government we propose does not pass, and we see that in the previous period others did not offer another model for overcoming the current political crisis, we expect new elections" Adzic concluded. 


Djukanovic: Minority government most realistic in the next year, I preferred early elections (CDM)


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic says in an interview for the Albanian MCN TV that after the fall of Zdravko Krivokapic’s government, his proposal as President was to go to early elections, but stresses that there is no will among the parties for that scenario at the moment. He says that it is most realistic that Montenegro will have a minority government in the next year. 


“I thought it was the fairest attitude towards voters. I would say that at the moment there is no will among the parties for that scenario. It seems to me that the most realistic thing is that we will have a minority government in Montenegro in the next year, and I believe that one of its most important tasks will be to prepare for the parliamentary elections that will follow”, President Djukanovic points out.  


He adds that he will not allow anyone to cause instability in Montenegro.  “It will return like a boomerang to those who are trying to induce instability in Montenegro”, President Djukanovic is clear. He says that the unfavourable historical heritage is the biggest threat to the security of the region, whose epicentre is the economic backwardness of the region where intolerance is most easily created, but also the insufficient level of education. 


“Education systems generate knowledge that does not help the younger generations to be sufficiently competitive on the European market”, says President Djukanovic. 


When it comes to the disintegration of Yugoslavia, he believes that this is the greatest disaster of all nations. “Nationalists have raised their heads again and are trying to revitalize ideas. The crisis in the Balkans is an ideal ground for the restoration of retrograde ideas”, he adds.  As Djukanovic points out, Moscow is trying to destroy the European system of values and unity through Western Europe.

We will suffer no damage if we don’t take part in the Open Balkans

He welcomes regional initiatives, but views the Open Balkans initiative with caution. “Most of the ideas launched by Open Balkans are already contained in other regional initiatives, starting with the Berlin Congress, CEFTA. We believe that we should not multiply initiatives, especially those that are under the patronage of Berlin and Brussels. We also recognize politically that Open Balkans is being offered as an alternative to EU membership. The answer is that we do not need alternatives, but EU membership”, says President Djukanovic. The third reason for being reserved, he adds, is the incredibility of some people who promote the Open Balkans, and he means the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. “The man who is trying to present himself as a man of cooperation through the Open Balkans initiative is the same man who is undermining the sovereignty of neighbouring countries. We won’t suffer any damage if we don’t take part in the Open Balkans. Whoever recognizes the interest in that, good luck to them”, President Djukanovic emphasizes. 


Commenting on Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, President Djukanovic points out that it is a huge mistake made by Russia, which violates international law. “Let’s hope that reason will prevail in the shortest possible time and that we will return to diplomacy”, President Djukanovic concludes. 


North Macedonia 


Mickoski: The Government must stop trying to divide our people over Ukraine (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that the people of Macedonia will reject attempts by the politicians to divide them into pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian camps. 

“We have political vultures who divide our people and instil divisions instead of unity. I heard the statement from President Pendarovski who, regretfully, notes that the people in Macedonia are pro-Russian. It’s the stupidest statement I have heard. The people are not pro-Ukrainian or pro-Russian, they are pro-Macedonian. The more they read the comments from ZaevAhmetiArtan GrubiOsmaniKovacevski and Pendarovski, stating “glory to Ukraine”, the more they revolt against that position. This is revolt against the policies of the Government” Mickoski said. 


Petrovska: There is no decision and there will be no decision to deploy our troops in Ukraine (Republika)


There is no decision and there will be no decision to deploy our troops in Ukraine. Macedonia is a NATO member and as such, it will respect and implement all Alliance decisions, said Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska on Tuesday. She added that so far, the country has joined the sanctions imposed by the EU. 


Regarding military assistance to Ukraine, Petrovska clarified that it is about military equipment and armaments in accordance with the demands of the Ukrainian authorities. Their request to us was classified and for that reason our decision is still classified. However, we considered that as an act of transparency, the public deserves to be informed that we have made such a decision and because of that we gave that brief information that we made a decision for military assistance to Ukraine, said Petrovska. 


Asked by reporters about the military assistance, Petrovska said that it is in accordance with the capacities we have and in accordance with the requirements of the Ukrainian side. The Minister stressed that the public should know that this donation does not reduce the capacity and armament of our Army. 




Xhacka calls on the EU: Ukraine showed that the cost of isolation is far higher than the cost of integration (Radio Tirana)


Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka has called on the European Union to be more strategic in its relations with the Western Balkans. At a meeting with the diplomatic corps in Tirana, Xhacka stated that the situation in Ukraine showed that the cost of isolation is far higher than that of integration. 


"Albania is doing everything it can, to the best of its abilities and capacities. As I know your countries are doing too. The reason why I invited you here today is to explore what more we can do, how we can improve our cooperation even more and how we can create more synergies at any level as we address this crisis that does not simply threaten Ukraine, but all of us. 


And on that note, I want to also draw your attention to our region and the possibility of tensions here. For too long we have been calling on our partners, especially in the EU, to be more strategic in their relation to the Western Balkans. Events in Ukraine are proof that our concerns were justified. This makes it very clear: the cost of isolation is far higher than the cost of integration. I can only hope that in the aftermath of the invasion of Ukraine something will change in the dynamics of the relations between us. That there will be more focus and more urgency to move ahead with the integration process and above all to move ahead and meet head on any Russian attempts to ferment trouble. I am pleased that the signals we are getting now demonstrate that the EU is focused now as it has not been for a while. I am pleased because I know that if the EU is united and committed, if it shows the same resolve as it is showing in support of Ukraine now, our region, the Western Balkans will no longer be vulnerable to attempts to stir trouble and strife and security of Europe as a whole will benefit" Xhacka said. 


President Meta calls on citizens: Follow the initiative of the Albanian Red Cross, to collect aid in support of the Ukrainian people (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Ilir Meta addressed the citizens of Albania with a call to help the Ukrainian people who are facing the Russian occupier. Meta writes that due to the fierce fighting, the humanitarian situation in Ukraine is extremely critical and humbly calls on everyone to follow the initiative of the Albanian Red Cross, to collect aid in support of the Ukrainian people. 


"Dear citizens, Due to the fierce fighting, the humanitarian situation in Ukraine is extremely critical. I humbly call on you all to follow the initiative of the Albanian Red Cross, to collect aid in support of the Ukrainian people who are fighting heroically in every city, neighbourhood and street. Humanism and human solidarity are precious features of our nation. "Albania stands by Ukraine and its people" writes President Meta. 


The war in Ukraine, Yuri Kim: Surprised by the reaction to the situation, Albania, great contribution (Radio Tirana)

"We all certainly acknowledge that we are at a historic juncture, that the threat, invasion and occupation of Ukraine by Russia poses a threat to all of us and to the international system that we and our ancestors worked for decades to build from the rubble of World War I and World War II. It is also very clear that in our capitals we are responding to this moment. "We are rising to the height of this moment in ways we did not expect." 


This is what the American ambassador Yuri Kim said during a meeting this Tuesday called by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka with the diplomatic corps in Tirana. 


Further, the ambassador praised the role of Albania in the Security Council as a co-host with the US. "And I think we are all surprised by ourselves - for the speed, the determination, the perseverance, the seriousness and the sacrifice; this does not come without sacrifices - with the way we are responding, defending Ukraine, but also defending our way of life. I express the appreciation of the USA for the role of Albania in the Security Council as our co-supporter for the issue of Ukraine, I express the appreciation for all of you, for your cooperation and contribution. And again, we understand that your cooperation and contribution, including humanitarian aid or defense assistance or sanctions are not without cost. But I believe we all agree that it is worth it' Kim said.