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Belgrade Media Report 04 March 2022



Petkovic: Pristina is using the crisis in Ukraine to realize its ideas (RTS)


Albin Kurti's aggressive, inflammatory and militant rhetoric does not serve to create a peaceful and safe environment for all people living in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), but its direct goal is to create tensions and destabilize the situation in this area.


"We have been witnessing for days the fact that Kurti and other politicians in Pristina are using the crisis in Ukraine to realize their Greater Albania ideas, collecting political points on the torment that has befallen on the whole world, but also trying to push through membership in numerous international organizations and transform their security forces into the army ", it is stated in the announcement of the Office for KiM.


As it is stated, while official Belgrade, the Serbian people in the province and the Serbian List appeal to reason, peace, tolerance and abstinence from words and deeds that could result in destabilization of sensitive conditions in KiM, Kurti and his associates use every opportunity for provocations and false accusations against Serbs.


"It is the leaders of the so-called KLA who are being tried for the most heinous war crimes against Serbs, this policy of replacing theses by Pristina is well known to everyone," the statement reads. Pristina has no place in any international organization, because it does not belong to it under international law. What belongs to her is the dialogue with Belgrade, as well as the implementation of all agreements signed so far. But, as Pristina is used to creating tensions and undermining peace, it is clear why right now, during the severe crisis in Eastern Europe, but also in the world, Albanian politicians have started dangerous and malicious initiatives and attempts to join international organizations. Instead of such irresponsible moves, it would be better for Kurti and his associates to provide economic stability for the citizens, basic goods and curb their prices, because that is what the people expect” it is stated in the statement.


Serbian official says KLA graffiti painted on Kosovo Serb homes (Beta)


The Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo said on Friday that Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) graffiti had been spray painted on four Serb houses in an ethnically mixed village. Office chief Petar Petkovic said that this is the latest in a series of hate speech messages intended to chase Kosovo Serbs out of their homes.


“The latest series of hate messages is another indicator of the growing tension in Kosovo generated by (Prime Minister) Albin Kurti’s policy of hate and provocation. Glorifying a terrorist organization whose leaders are on trial at the Hague for monstrous crimes against Serbs… clearly shows that there can be no peace for the Serbs in Kosovo” he said.


Vucic with Ukrainian Ambassador: We will accept refugees (B92)


Today, President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, talked with the Ambassador of Ukraine, Oleksandr Alexandrovich. President Vucic informed Ambassador Alexandrovich about the positions of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the National Security Council.


President Vucic said that Serbia is determined to respect the norms of international public law, which means respecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine and other internationally recognized states. President Vucic expressed Serbia's readiness to provide all kinds of humanitarian aid to the endangered population of Ukraine. He also expressed readiness to accept refugee civilians, to whom he offered the best possible conditions and hotel accommodation, as well as all rights to residence and work permits, in accordance with the rules of European Union countries, even at a higher level, for which Ambassador Alexandrovich expressed gratitude.


Opposition politician: Serbia’s regime uses Ukrainian war to spread fear (Nova S, N1)


Deputy leader of Serbia's opposition People's Party Miroslav Aleksic said on Thursday that the regime used the war in Ukraine to spread fear in the campaign ahead of the April 3 elections and divert people's attention from important issues.


“President Aleksandar Vucic and the Government tell us we have enough of everything, wheat, peas and beans. But, Serbia is an agricultural country. Of course, we have enough wheat, peas and beans” Aleksic told Nova S TV.


He added that Serbia should be neutral in the war in Ukraine, “not to lead world’s debate.” Commenting on Serbia’s ‘yes’ to the UN resolution against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, Aleksic said, “that means the West blackmails him (Vucic) since they know about crime and corruption in Serbia. The question is what they told him to make him change his mind.” He added it could be expected that if the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) remained in power after the April elections, Serbia would impose sanctions on Russia. Aleksic accused the authorities of preparing an election theft. "Their activists keep track of people who won't be in Serbia on the election day and are eligible to vote. They are prepared to steal those people's ballots and put them in boxes as SNS votes."


Some opposition parties blast Serbia voting yes on U.N. resolution condemning Russia (Beta)


On March 3 a part of the opposition condemned the Serbian leadership for voting in favor of a U.N. General Assembly resolution demanding that Russia immediately stop threatening and using force against Ukraine, and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory as demarked by its internationally recognized borders.


People's Freedom Movement president Miroslav Parovic said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had "betrayed the idea of Serbia's neutrality to protect his own criminal dealings by ordering our representative to vote for the U.N. resolution." The Liberation Movement said it was a disgrace that Serbia had voted for the resolution condemning Russia's attack on Ukraine. "In doing so Vucic is disgracing Serbia and spitting on centuries of friendship between the two peoples," party leader Mladjan Djordjevic said. The Serbian Dveri (Doors) Movement called Serbia's vote for the U.N. resolution "a hostile act." "The regime in Serbia has de facto taken the side of the NATO pact, which is a glaring act of betrayal of Serbian national and state interests," leader of the party Bosko Obradovic said, adding that NATO was provoking conflicts around the world.


Vucic’s allies are not thrilled with the resolution either (VIP)


The leader of the ruling Socialist Party of Serbia and Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic said that Serbia had to vote for the resolution because it took care of its interests, but he hoped it would not jeopardize the relations with Moscow.

“What is important and what is the foundation of relations with Russia is that we do not want to introduce any restrictive measures, i.e. sanctions. One is the question of political principle and territorial integrity. The other issue is restrictive measures that would certainly have consequences”, Dacic said and thus sent a message between the lines about what the “red line” of his party was. He was very critical of Western countries and the way they viewed the war in Ukraine. “Someone reported that some of our people posted pictures of the 1999 NATO bombing on social media. They thought it was Ukraine, they immediately condemned it. And when they found out that it was Belgrade, they immediately deleted it. Wait, so it is not a crime in Belgrade, but it is a crime when it happens in Ukraine?! Do not let them patronize us too much and think that we are stupid”, he said. Dacic added that he did not think it was wise to invest so much energy against Russia. “I would not rush to get to Leningrad and Stalingrad as soon as possible. We know from history how it all ended”, Dacic said.


The United States supported Serbia (FoNet)


U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar stated that the Balkans is one of the fastest growing parts of Europe. He said that the United States has always supported Serbia's integration into the EU. Escobar addressed a video link at the beginning of the sixth cycle of the Academy for Young Leaders, organized by the Congress of Serbian-American Friendship (KSAP), reports Fonet.


"When it comes to Serbia, we are witnessing numerous opportunities in the IT industry, IT education, but also opportunities for Serbia to become a hub for renewable energy and transport, as well as tourism. This is one of the main reasons why we want to maintain good relations with Serbia", Escobar said. Escobar emphasized that Serbia is already a part of Europe, because its economy, history and culture are European, the KSAP said in a statement.


Swedish ambassador concerned over misinformation in Serbia media (FoNet)


Swedish Ambassador Annika Ben David expressed concern on Thursday over misinformation about the Russian invasion of Ukraine in Serbian media.


“We are in the middle of a war on our continent, something we thought was impossible just weeks ago. We see the military aggression of a nuclear power that refuses to recognize the territorial integrity of a sovereign country and we are very concerned over the misinformation being spread by some Serbia media,” the ambassador is reported to have said at a round table debate organized by the Nova Ekonomija and Vreme independent weekly magazines titled Srbia 2030: the Media and Free Elections.


She said that Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic was told that the European Union expects the Serbian government to do its part of the job and pass on credible information and facts. Ben David said that the right to information is part of the human right of freedom of expression. Ben David said that only informed citizens can take informed decisions at the elections which are coming in a month. “The media play an important role in that” she said.


CoE delegation notes tense political situation in Serbia prior to elections (N1)


A Council of Europe (CoE) delegation said that the political situation in Serbia prior to the elections is tense with fears of irregularities on the day of the vote. The pre-electoral delegation of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) was in Belgrade to assess the pre-electoral climate and preparations a month before the presidential and early parliamentary elections scheduled for April 3, 2022, a press release said.


It added that representatives of civil society and the media described a tense political situation and the dominant position in the public sphere of the main government political party led by the President of the Republic, in particular in public broadcast media. “Domestic election observation organisations informed the delegation of problems and intimidation during the constitutional referendum held on 16 January 2022. The delegation heard, from different interlocutors, concerns about pressure put on voters and fears of possible irregularities on election day.


“The delegation noted that the general atmosphere is calm, and that all political contestants can campaign freely without restriction. It also took note of the legal obligation to bring forward lists with a minimum of 40 per cent of the under-represented gender. The delegation was also informed about the polarisation of society before these elections and the growing popularity of extremist opinions, which could cause additional tension,” the press release said.


PACE has observed all elections in Serbia since 2000 (with the exception of the parliamentary elections of 2020). The PACE delegation met with the Speaker of the Parliament and the Serbian delegation to PACE, leaders and representatives of political parties and coalitions, members of the ODIHR Election Observation Mission, the Chairperson and members of the Central Election Commission, members of the diplomatic corps in Belgrade and representatives of civil society and the media. A full-fledged 22-member PACE delegation, accompanied by representatives of the Venice Commission, will travel to Serbia to observe the vote on 3 April.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Komsic: Serbia's vote for the Resolution condemning Russian aggression may be a surprise, but it is good for peace in our region (Nova BH)


The UN General Assembly (UN GA) adopted on Wednesday the Resolution condemning Russian aggression on Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) as well as Serbia were among the countries that endorsed the Resolution. Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated: “Serbia's vote for the Resolution condemning Russian aggression may be a surprise, but it is good for peace in our region. It is good that Serbia voted for that Resolution after all. It is both a lesson and a bitter pill for the pro-Russian alliance in B&H, between (SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad) Dodik and (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic.”


SDS, PDP comment on Serbia’s vote in UN GA; Crnadak: RSNA should make decision on this matter soon (O kanal)


At its emergency session, the United Nations General Assembly (UN GA) has adopted Resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demanding that the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine and withdraw its military forces. All Western Balkans countries supported the resolution, including Serbia. Serbia’s move was commented by the opposition in Republika Srpska (RS).


SDS said moves of all sides, regarding the war in Ukraine, must be understood. PDP, on the other hand, raised the question if the RS National Assembly (RSNA) still supports the stance which, it seems, is only advocated by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Member of the PDP Presidency Igor Crnadak asked in the premises of the RSNA if this institution believes that the RS should align its stance and join the opinion of countries like Belarus, North Korea and Eritrea. He said this was an important question which must be answered by SNSD-led authorities in the next several weeks. Should we go against Serbia, and support the abovementioned countries, Crnadak asked, adding that the RSNA should make a decision on the matter soon. Crnadak told Nova BH that Serbs as people must not be isolated, while Dodik’s neutrality in this regard brings the RS into an awkward situation. Agencies carried SDS leader Mirko Sarovic who said whilst other two members of the Presidency of B&H are making strategic decision, Dodik is spending time in party premises during the situation of growing crisis. According to Sarovic, voice of the member of Presidency of B&H from the RS comes down to leaving the session, stressing that one can feel Dodik’s powerlessness each day. Dodik, said Sarovic, (PDP leader) Branislav Borenovic and Crnadak do not miss opportunities to show they do not love the RS.


Serbia’s condemnation of Russian aggression was met with exuberance and hysteria in political Sarajevo; Izetbegovic goes to see Erdogan who said he will not introduce sanctions against Russia (Dnevni list)


Daily notes that the UN resolution condemning Russian invasion of Ukraine is not a legal obligation, however its importance is more than just a civilizational gesture. Namely, it is about siding with anti-aggressor alliance with the mission to help Ukraine. According to the daily, Serbia has joined the bloc, at least formally, which came as a surprise move by President Aleksandar Vucic since nothing had indicated that he will raise his hand in condemnation of the Russian aggression on Ukraine. According to the daily, there are still analysts who believe that Vucic is manoeuvring, especially because he will not introduce sanctions against Russia. Daily further reads that Serbia’s condemnation of the Russian aggression was met with exuberance and hysteria in political Sarajevo, which assessed Vucic’s move as capitulation before the West, betrayal of Russia and getting rid of (B&H Presidency member) Milorad Dodik. This triggered the daily to say that in “all this blindness”, the political Sarajevo is keeping quiet about behaviour of ‘Bosniak leader’ Bakir Izetbegovic and his ‘big brother and mentor’ Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Namely, daily stresses that during this extremely important period of time when the anti-Russian global coalition is picking up pace, Izetbegovic has gone to Turkey to visit the Turkish President, who publicly said that he will not introduce sanctions against Russia.


Russian Ambassador to UN Nebenzia forwards to UN Secretary General Guterres the letter of Dodik in which Dodik presented the opinion that B&H is neutral regarding the conflict in Ukraine (Dnevni list) learned that Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik has made a scandalous precedent in politics when he, over the other country, that is the Mission of the Russian Federation, tried to intervene in the UN. The portal carries that the letter of Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia to the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres sent on February 28 confirms this explaining that Nebenzia forwarded to Guterres the letter of Dodik in which Dodik presented the opinion that B&H is neutral regarding the conflict in Ukraine. The portal added that Dodik also used this chance to criticize B&H Ambassador to the UN Sven Alkalaj. “With regard to the situation in Ukraine, I would like to point out that B&H Ambassador to the UN Sven Alkalaj calls to a personal, one-sided and unauthorized move in his statement that B&H will co-sponsor the US-Albanian Resolution which condemns operations of Russia in Ukraine”, Dodik noted at the beginning of his letter and added that, due to a firm stance of Republika Srpska (RS), relevant B&H institutions in charge of foreign policy have not defined an unanimous stance on developments in eastern part of Ukraine, in terms of condemnation of Russia.


Dodik also wrote that “fully supporting all agreements which refer to an urgent end of violence and war activities between Ukraine and Russia, B&H, which has suffered in all wars during the whole 20th century, especially during the last one, should not take any side”. Dodik concluded that B&H should be neutral and it should give support to peace and peaceful solution in this situation. Dodik also argued that all national and even international actors must be aware of this fact and act responsibly for the sake of stability and peace not only in eastern Ukraine but in B&H as well.


Dodik added: “If there was no agreement and if such letters are ignored, then we have the situation of illegal representation based on deceiving, exclusively in order to spread misinformation which do not reflect the true situation in B&H.” Dodik concluded that each move of the international community, which does not respect the above-mentioned fact on the internal structure of the authority in B&H, poses a risk for stability, security and peace of B&H. “In terms of this, I kindly ask Your Excellency, as the President of the UN, to secure that all relevant bodies within the UN system are informed about the lack of authorization which is usually allowed to any official to speak on behalf of his country, but not to Sven Alkalaj, who keeps abusing his position to endanger the process of reconciliation and reforms that have been achieved in B&H so far.


Dodik also said that no one has a plan to destabilize B&H, nor did he write to Guterres via the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN to complain about Alkalaj and B&H’s positions at the UN General Assembly (UNGA). “I did not ask anything from anyone, and they are racing to hold someone responsible. Today, the main story is about the Collegium (of the RS National Assembly) session and that it will be agreed this night, after midnight, to hold the RSNA session to declare independence of the RS. Of course, that is not true. Everyone is worried and they are trying, with the exception of you from some media who speculate” said Dodik for the media.


Ambassador Alkalaj: B&H took the right side with voting on UN Resolution; Dodik’s letter caused ridicule among Ambassadors (Dnevni avaz)


Daily comments that letter of member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, Milorad Dodik sent to Secretary General Antonio Guterres, where he is trying to suggest that B&H has neutral stance on the issue of Ukraine and that B&H Ambassador to UN, Sven Alkalaj is not authorized to say otherwise, caused ridicule in serious diplomatic circles. Daily noted that this is not the first time that Dodik is writing to the international representatives in such manner, but this time the failure of his attempt is enhanced by the fact that he decided to use the Russian Ambassador to the UN (Vassily Nebenzia) as a mediator for delivering the letter, even though Russia is under the scrutiny because of the war in Ukraine.


“Stance of B&H was clear and I have expressed it, we have full support in EU institutions. In my speech I have also clearly underlined what is B&H’s stance, that we follow principles of international law, UN Charter and there is no dilemma here and this letter only caused ridicule among the colleagues Ambassadors. You know that this is not the first time that Dodik is doing this, and via Russian mission so this is truly funny and represents undiplomatic behaviour. Besides ridicule, this will have no other effect”, Alkalaj told daily.


Commenting the voting for the Resolution in the UN General Assembly, Alkalaj noted that Serbia’s support came in the last moment, as President Aleksandar Vucic understood the message from the EU that Serbia’s EU path will be suspended in case Serbia does otherwise. Alkalaj noted that Dodik is not considered “a Trojan horse”, as he gave his letter to Russian Ambassador who is now distributing it. Ambassador noted that with voting for the Resolution, B&H took the right side. Alkalaj said that the longer the war in Ukraine lasts, we are getting closer to the situation when Russian forces will have to withdraw. He underlined that UN admitted the mistake made in regard to B&H and Ambassador admitted to this and they noted how wrong it would be not to prevent Russian influence to developments in the Western Balkans.


SDS’ Vukanovic slams Dodik over his letter to UN (Oslobodjenje)


Commenting on the letter Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik sent to the UN through the Russian Ambassador to the UN, representative in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Nebojsa Vukanovic (SDS) said that the letter represents Dodik’s way “of washing hands like Pilate”. Vukanovic argued that Dodik is trying to present himself as “a Russian player” in B&H, although it is clear he has made no concrete statements. “He ran away from the session of the Presidency of B&H like a coward and, by doing so, he presented his opinion on the conflict in Ukraine. He once again tried to wash his hands while, essentially, he supports everything (Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H) Bisera Turkovic and (B&H Ambassador to the UN) Sven Alkalaj are saying”, Vukanovic claimed.


Serb representatives not to attend B&H HoR’s emergency session on Ukraine because foreign policy is not B&H HoR’s competence (RTRS)


Serb representatives from Republika Srpska (RS) will not attend the session of the RS House of Representatives (HoR) scheduled for Friday to discuss the crisis in Ukraine. The reporter comments that the politicians from Sarajevo continue consistently and rigidly to violate what they sometimes swear by, i.e. the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitution, and this time this is done by the representatives at the B&H HoR.


RTRS reports that ten representatives from ‘Our Party’ (NS), SDP B&H, ‘Independent Bloc’ and NiP have requested an emergency session, that was called by Speaker of the B&H HoR Denis Zvidic. The reporter notes that by calling the emergency session, Zvizdic violated the Rules of Procedure, and goes on to say that, as the B&H HoR Speaker, Zvizdic has the right to call an emergency session, but only when there are justified reasons for that, and only on the constitutional competencies of the B&H HoR, which foreign policy is not.


Commenting on this, Deputy Speaker of the B&H HoR Nebojsa Radmanovic said: “We are now in an absurd situation. Politicians from Sarajevo do not want to discuss the current situation in the B&H Presidency. They even reject the proposal of (B&H Presidency member) Milorad Dodik, and, on the other hand, at the B&H HoR, they want to discuss that, although that it is not its constitutional competence”. The reporter comments that due to this “SNSD representatives at the B&H HoR will not attend the session, nor will the representatives from the Serb Caucus.


‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic said: “I think it is an attempt to cause a big polarization, or to accuse us of being ‘little Russians’, to create a whole scenario in which we will take sides on something or fight about something on which we do not decide and what is not in our power”. The reporter comments that populist failures and illegitimate gatherings at the B&H Parliament are not strange to Zvidzic, and reminds of Zvizdic hosting High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt.


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic and PDP leader Branislav Borenovic confirmed their representatives will not attend the session, and DNS has called on all institutions of B&H to remain within the constitutional framework. DNS leader Nenad Nesic said: “Tensions need to be lowered, we should not cause conflicts. We need peace, and I call on my colleagues, representatives, not to get involved in something that can bring us nothing good. BiH has no influence on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine”.


HDZ B&H representatives at the B&H HoR have confirmed they will attend the session. The reporter comments that no matter what they discuss about, no decision can be adopted without the Serb representatives. Commenting on this, B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik said that such situation “reflects all the sadness B&H is in. The country that, according to some, must exist at any cost, but it persistently shows it is impossible”.


ATV noted that based on the Constitution of B&H, MPs are not competent to lead foreign policy and only the B&H Presidency has exclusive competence in this sector but Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic did not want to discuss this issue on Thursday.


Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said: “The House of Representatives, if it could conclude something tomorrow because I do not know what the operational power of such conclusions is, the House of Peoples should also decide on all this. I think that all this is a populist attempt by Our Party and the SDP… SNSD Caucus will not appear in the House of Representatives tomorrow, because we see no sense or need to participate in it.”


SDA considers the move of RS politicians not to participate in the upcoming session to be incorrect. Vice President of SDA Adil Osmanovic stated that all other things should be set aside and see what the B&H Parliamentary Assembly, as well as both Houses can do to help the people of Ukraine. For the session to be held on Friday, the SDP and Our Party have prepared a proposal with concrete measures to help Ukraine. Member of the B&H Parliament Sasa Magazinovic stated that they must enable the entry of Ukrainian citizens with ID cards and that it is necessary to organize accommodation. He added that it is necessary to join the sanctions against legal entities and individuals from Russia, and that, if necessary, they will organize military assistance for Ukraine. SDP B&H representative at the B&H HoR Nermin Niksic said that the aim of the session is to condemn Russia’s aggression, express support to the Ukrainian people, decide on potential assistance by B&H and “choose the right side of the history, because the citizens of B&H are the ones to understand Ukrainians the best”.


Sarovic: Debate on war in Ukraine is not topic for B&H Parliament but for B&H Presidency (BN TV)


Commenting on convening a session of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) on the war in Ukraine, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic told BN TV that the debate on the war in Ukraine is not a topic for the B&H Parliament but for the Presidency of B&H. The session of the B&H HoR will be held on Friday at the request of MPs from the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Sarovic reminded that foreign policy is the exclusive responsibility of the Presidency of B&H, noting that the B&H Presidency Wednesday refused to include the issue of Ukraine in its agenda. "The HoR should include in the agenda the issue of the survival of the population in this crisis and if needed hold a special, extraordinary session... Those are the key issues that the Parliament needs to discuss and see ways to help ordinary citizens, how to improve supply, how to resolve the issue of price hikes. This is unbelievable and I believe that we have not been in such a dramatic situation in a long time where we practically do not have a system, we do not have key measures by the relevant institutions, both state-level institutions and those at the Republika Srpska and the FB&H level. That is a priority," Sarovic said. Sarovic stressed that Ukraine is a topic for the B&H Presidency and the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). "Everyone should do their job. That is why there is no need for us to attend such a session," Sarovic underlined.


HR Schmidt: There will be no war in B&H; Not possible to remain neutral on issue of war; Elections have to take place; I am ready to withdraw Inzko’s law (Dnevni avaz)


In an interview to the daily, High Representative Christian Schmidt stated that regardless of events in Ukraine, there will be no war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Commenting the session of B&H Presidency and a request of Milorad Dodik for B&H to remain neutral on issue of Ukraine, Schmidt said: “What to say about Mr. Dodik? It seems to me that he is currently a little lost. Look, in the situation when children are asking their mothers what is the war in Kyiv or Kharkiv, it is no longer possible to stay neutral. And Mr. Dodik, at least this is my impression, somehow got caught in the trap of his own words. In such cases, it would be good – and this is certainly not easy for him- to stay silent for a couple of days and think about things”.


Asked if it is possible to expect a different stance from Dodik considering that even Serbia voted in favor of UN Resolution, Schmidt said that he sees that things are difficult for Serbia and he talked to President Aleksandar Vucic, certainly encouraging him not to be neutral. The High Representative noted that the question is whether it is good for the region to stay neutral and he added that it is not possible to stay neutral when it comes to the war. “It is necessary to stand against the war and this is what I have been doing most frequently in the previous years that I spent in B&H. I was here then and we wanted for the people to have a chance to live in peace. Then you realize that the European Union and NATO are there when it matters, after all. Every war needs to be prevented and that is the task. However, it is necessary to stand by those who are in a very difficult situation”, said Schmidt. The HR noted that he understands that B&H citizens are scared because of events in Ukraine, noting that this is understandable, being that the previous generation experienced the war.


Stressing that in time of wars it is necessary to convey a clear message, Schmidt noted: “We, thank God, for the time being, do not have any indications that there are any tensions in the Western Balkans and in B&H, so that people would have to be scared that there will be the war or some violence”. The High Representative noted that “now we have to do everything so that nobody would get any stupid ideas”, adding that this is the reason for strengthening of the EUFOR Mission in B&H, adding that the goal is to send a message that everyone here advocates peace, regardless of ethnic affiliation. “International community can only give contribution in this regard and we have to give it. This in fact is my task”, said Schmidt.


When it comes to electoral reform and upcoming elections, Schmidt repeated stance that elections have to take place either in line with the old or new law. “I have not told anything new. I only spoke about the current Law and the date that is stipulated for the elections. We have series of issues in the Election Law which are not solved well. For instance, the transparency, voters have to be sure that their vote will be truly counted and given to those whom they gave it”, said Schmidt.


Speaking about the law banning genocide denial imposed by his predecessor Valentin Inzko, Schmidt said that he is ready to withdraw the law. “I have to say that colleague Inzko reached this decision on his own. Here, I am ready to withdraw the law, in case the domestic institutions will draft a law on this matter. I am now interested for the issue if this is regular from the legal side. What I find interesting in B&H are the reactions. It is like someone wants to harm someone else in a way. I expect them to say: ‘All right, I do not like this, this is incomplete. We should redraft it.’ This is what we owe the victims, regardless who they are”, said Schmidt.


B&H FM Turkovic: Forces must be united, we must stop with our political bickering and outsmarting, and we must fight for B&H, all its peoples and citizens; B&H will follow EU sanctions against Russia and they will be implemented accordingly (FTV)


The second round of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia ended on Thursday, at which they agreed to organize ‘humanitarian corridors’ for the evacuation of civilians from combat zones. There was no agreement reached on cease fire. Asked to comment this and Thursday’s statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin that said “the worst is yet to come”, Foreign Affairs Minister Bisera Turkovic said nothing more was expected from these negotiations. She reminds to 1993 and the OSCE summit in Budapest, when Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) citizens expected a decision to be made that would end the war, but that did not happen. She emphasized that everything that is happening in Ukraine strikes fear into people of this country, but also citizens of all countries of the world – especially those that might be affected by future decisions. Turkovic hopes that reason will prevail and that the worst scenario will be avoided, which would be a nuclear assault in Ukraine.


Some analysts in B&H said that situation in Kyiv, and what will happen in this city during the war, will actually have a strong impact on things that will unravel in B&H in the coming period. Asked if she agrees with this assessment, Turkovic said that situation in the Ukrainian capital will, in some way, affect B&H. The Minister is convinced that Ukraine, and Kyiv for that matter, will be able to defend itself, because when you defend your own country, then you have more strength, determination and resilience. If Ukraine is successful in defending itself, Turkovic says that “negative sides” will then be defeated and they will be reluctant from causing more problems somewhere else. However, if for some reason Kyiv falls, then security of B&H, the Western Balkans, and the wider areas, will be endangered.


At its emergency session, the United Nations General Assembly (UN GA) has adopted Resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demanding that the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine and withdraw its military forces. Turkovic said this was very important as all the civilized world has condemned Russia’s move and stood united in support of Ukraine. “B&H stood on the only possible side – and that is the side of defence of the innocent, the defence of human rights, the right to self-determination, the defence of independence, and territorial integrity of any country”, the B&H FM underscored. She added that B&H chose this side as this was the only natural thing to do. Turkovic said any other decision would show that people in B&H have not learned anything from the 1990s war. “B&H has no right to stay silent; it really does not have the right”, Turkovic points out.


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik wrote to the UN, trying to present his personal view on the Ukraine situation as the official stance of the state of B&H. Turkovic emphasized there is too much negative rhetoric, and “this is not a time for us to be divided”. Forces must be united, we must stop with our political bickering and outsmarting, and we must fight for B&H, all its peoples and citizens, Turkovic concluded. Since the country aspires to become the EU member state, Turkovic says, then B&H must align its policies with the Union’s policies. Turkovic says B&H politicians do not always see eye-to-eye on important matters, but they must have a common goal – and that is country’s path towards the EU. She welcomed Dodik’s move on Wednesday when he supported the initiative for B&H receiving EU candidate status as soon as possible. Dodik criticized Turkovic, saying she violates the B&H Constitution, fails to respect the B&H Presidency decisions, and presents views on behalf of B&H that are just her own personal views. Turkovic responds to this by saying “no one is blind”, we all know who violates the Constitution and the laws of B&H. She emphasizes that B&H was not a country formed yesterday, and all its current laws and regulations were adopted in the past. That being said, B&H is committed to following the EU’s stances, principles and standards, which is why many of its decisions refer to past decisions and acts that were adopted in line with this goal. The Minister is glad that there are two other B&H Presidency members, besides Dodik, that are good legal experts, and they are able to respond to Dodik’s behaviour and moves in line with the laws and regulations that exist in B&H. She added that Dodik’s accusations are unfounded and he is the only one that violates the Constitution of B&H.


At the end of last year, when Turkovic met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, she reminded to the fact that the Russian Federation was amongst the first countries to recognize B&H’s independence. Turkovic said this was true, and the Russian Federation also supported the Law on Defense of B&H, as well as many other reform processes in the country. She said Lavrov is a good minister, but what he and Russia are doing now is something that is “out of the ordinary” and not in line with what Russia has stood for in the past. She concluded that politicians often change their minds, that they say one thing and then decide to do another, which is why people in politics should not be naïve.


Asked if B&H will join sanctions against Russia, Turkovic responded affirmatively. B&H will follow EU sanctions and they will be implemented accordingly, Turkovic added.


Turkovic asks from EU to grant B&H status of EU candidate (Oslobodjenje)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bisera Turkovic asked the EU officials to immediately award status of EU candidate to B&H. “In these difficult and uncertain moments for security of Europe, we are asking you to award status of EU candidate to B&H”, Turkovic wrote on her Twitter account. She noted that “accession to the EU guarantees peace and stability to B&H and Western Balkans”. Article noted that Georgia and Moldova submitted their official requests for EU accession.


Covic: Danger of escalation in B&H is realistic, I am convinced wisdom will prevail (RTV)


HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic replied as to when a joint stance of B&H on the Russian invasion of Ukraine can be expected and he said: “I believe that it is not realistic to expect the unified stance. The foreign policy has been conducted without some standard for a long time. It is now mostly a stance of one political party and one people, it is not the joint interest at all. For this reason, we, on behalf of the Croat people, have said that, as the leaders of European values, we want to follow all conclusions of the EC and institutions…” Covic also commented on ‘alarming’ letter of (former) High Representatives over potential escalation of violence in B&H, saying that the danger is realistic. According to Covic, relations in B&H are determined by people in B&H, adding that he is convinced that the wisdom will prevail over all the divisions that have been going on in B&H for twenty plus years. Asked to comment on statement of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic that B&H and Kosovo should join the EU in accelerated manner, Covic said B&H will never be ready for the EU unless ‘we speed things up’. According to Covic, B&H is part of the European family, but on the way to B&H, B&H will have to carry out transformation in order to create a rational and organized society.


FB&H HoP adopts statement condemning Russia’s military aggression on Ukraine (FTV)


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Peoples (FB&H HoP) adopted a statement in which Russia’s military aggression on Ukraine was condemned, giving full support to the state institutions in B&H with harmonizing the country’s foreign policies with the EU foreign policies on this matter. Delegates said the FB&H is ready to help the refugees from Ukraine if they decide to come to this entity.


FB&H Tourism Minister Djapo says FB&H will vote to expel Russia from World Tourism Organization (Dnevni avaz)


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is expected to discuss the situation in Ukraine. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government accepted the proposal of FB&H Ministry of Environment and Tourism, and the FB&H, along with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), will vote to condemn Russia’s brutal invasion. FB&H Minister of Environment and Tourism Edita Djapo stated that the UNWTO will also discuss possible sanctions against Russia, including suspension of Russia’s membership in the organization. “We will vote to expel Russia from the UNWTO. The FB&H, and our state as a whole, will not and do not have the right to silently observe the aggression and the attack on sovereignty and territorial integrity of any independent state. Therefore, we stand with Ukraine and condemn all attacks against this country”, said Djapo. She also underlined that Russian aggression against Ukraine constitutes violation of the UN Charter and Statue of UNWTO.




Milanovic calls on Dodik to return RS representatives to B&H institutions; Dodik: RS representatives did not leave joint institutions but some others in B&H have abandoned B&H Constitution (HRT1)


In a telephone conversation on Thursday, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic pointed out to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik the need to solve the problems in B&H responsibly and soberly in the current situation, after the Russian aggression on Ukraine, which will guarantee peace and stability in the region.


The statement says that Milanovic in that context called on Dodik to “return the representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) to the institutions of B&H, believing that this is the best way to continue serious and important talks awaiting the representatives of all three constituent peoples of B&H”. The Croatian President also informed Dodik about his initiative to grant B&H, as well as Ukraine, the status of a candidate for EU membership “as soon as possible, in order to prevent the spread of the crisis to the countries of Southeast Europe”.


Dodik thanked Milanovic for the initiative to grant B&H candidate status in the EU. Dodik and Milanovic also exchanged views on the current situation in Ukraine. Milanovic pointed to the need to approach resolving the issues of B&H in a manner that would guarantee peace and stability in the region. Dodik stated that the RS is committed to peace and respect for the Dayton Agreement. Dodik explained to Milanovic that representatives of the RS did not leave joint institutions but that some others in B&H have abandoned the Constitution of B&H and decision-making processes defined in the Constitution of B&H.


Grlic Radman: Putin should be convinced by pressure of senselessness of invasion (Hina)


Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said on Thursday that pressure should be put on Russian President Vladimir Putin and his aides to convince them of the senselessness of the invasion of Ukraine.


Grlic Radman was asked if fear of a nuclear war was founded, to which he said that "we should act cautiously, but resolutely" towards Russia. "We should use all the instruments of pressure through political diplomacy to convince Putin and his oligarchy, his closest aides of the senselessness of this political adventure," the Croatian foreign minister said. "We should also raise awareness of the Russian people. We can see a lot of protests in many cities, with people taking to the streets to oppose the Russian aggression," he added. Grlic Radman said that the purpose of the sanctions was for "the Putin regime to feel the reaction on their own skin, rather than the Russian people, ordinary citizens."


As for the possibility of the Ukraine crisis spilling over to south-eastern Europe, Grlic Radman said that "Serbia barely condemned the Russian invasion" and Belgrade signed the UN declaration on the Russian aggression under pressure. "There could be a spill over of the conflict because of the fact that Kosovo is not recognized by Serbia, Russia, and some other countries, and because there are frozen conflicts in Russia's vicinity, notably in Moldova and Georgia. Therefore, a spill over can happen and we want to avoid it," the Croatian minister said. He reiterated that Croatia supported the European membership prospects for Ukraine, as well as for the Western Balkan countries.


There are 23 Croatian nationals left in Ukraine, of whom ten are married to Ukrainians and do not want to leave the country. Croatian Ambassador Anica Djamic has left Kyiv and will continue her duties in the western city of Lviv, Grlic Radman said. Croatia has taken in more than 600 Ukrainian refugees, and Grlic Radman said that Croatia would not have trouble accepting even hundreds of thousands of refugees. Over 800,000 Ukrainians have so far fled the armed conflict in their country, most of them seeking refuge in Poland. Between 4 and 5 million people are expected to leave their homes. Grlic Radman also said that the government was satisfied with the cooperation with President Zoran Milanovic on this issue.


Prime Minister says Croatia will consistently implement sanctions against Russia (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Thursday said that his cabinet would make sure that the sanctions against Russia are carried out consistently by Croatia. Also, the war in Ukraine is going to disrupt supply chains in agriculture because Ukraine is one of the major exporters of cereals and oilseeds to the European Union. "The government is analysing all the consequences of this situation, and will take all necessary measures accordingly so as to protect Croatian citizens and businesses and reduce the repercussions for everyday life," said the PM.


Next week, Plenkovic will attend an informal meeting of the European Council, which will focus on the aggression against Ukraine and on reinforcing various aspects of European sovereignty. He recalled that Croatian Postal Bank (HPB) took over Sberbank Croatia and the government managed to ensure this transaction in a record short time. "We have helped that sound bank to survive now as part of HPB and also to reassure its deposit holders and clients by this rapid response." Furthermore, this transaction has increased HPB's share in the Croatian banking market to nearly 8%, and Plenkovic added that none of Sberbank subsidiaries in Europe had been liquidated.


Croatian military attaché refuses Moscow’s note alleging Croatians fighting in Ukraine (HRT)


Russia's Ministry of Defense tried unsuccessfully to deliver an “official note” to Croatia’s military attaché in Moscow because Russia believes Croatian nationals are fighting in Ukraine, Croatia’s Defense Ministry said on Thursday. Croatia’s Defense Ministry said that on Wednesday the Croatian attaché was summoned to the Ministry of Defense where officials conveyed “concern about alleged reports that there are Croatian nationals in Ukraine who are fighting there”.


The Croatian military envoy told Russian officials that the Croatian Ministry of Defense had no such information and that no other institution in the Republic of Croatia had anything to do with individuals who may be there, the Ministry said. The attaché was again summoned on Thursday for talks at the Ministry of Defense in Moscow where the same allegations were made but this time officials tried to hand him an “official note”. The Croatian envoy refused to accept the note on the grounds that the information on the possible participation of Croatian nationals in the fighting in Ukraine was not known to Croatian institutions and that even if it were, it had nothing to do with Croatian institutions, least of all the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry said, adding that Croatia condemns Russia’s aggression on Ukraine.


Croatia agrees to send 70 troops to the new NATO battalion stationed in Hungary (Hina)


Croatian government on Thursday approved the sending of Croatian troops outside of the country, including 70 soldiers for NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence force in Hungary in 2022 and 2023. In a cabinet meeting, Defense Minister, Mario Banozic, said that the meeting of NATO defense ministers on February 16-17 February meeting of NATO defence ministers and the extraordinary summit of the alliance on February 25 has “established that the current security situation in east Europe posed one of the most serious threats to the European security in the recent decades,” state agency Hina reported.


He said that the alliance decided to form additional battle groups in southeast Europe, and that Croatia agreed to deploy up to 70 soldiers for a new battle group which will be based in Hungary.


The Enhanced Forward Presence program was established in 2016 in response to Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, and up until now involved four battle groups based in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. Croatia already takes part in the US-led battalion based in the Polish town of Orsysz. The government also endorsed a decision to send five members of the Croatian Armed Forces to join the European Union’s Cyber Rapid Response Teams, which is a program designed to help EU countries build cyber resilience and combat cyber threats and provide protection to EU institutions. The project is led by Lithuania, with five other EU countries (Estonia, Croatia, Netherlands, Poland, and Romania) contributing with manpower and resources.




Djukanovic gives mandate to Abazovic for composition of Govt. (CDM)


The President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, has sent a proposal to the Deputy Parliament Speaker, Strahinja Bulajic, that the prime minister-designate for the composition of the Government be the URA leader, Dritan Abazovic.


President Djukanovic has stressed that the consultations on the prime minister-designate for the composition of the Government, to which representatives of the political parties present in the Parliament of Montenegro were invited, ended on Monday, 28 February 2022.


“Starting on Friday, 25 February, I had talks with the leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) Rasko Konjevic, the leader of the Social Democrats of Montenegro (SD) Damir Sehovic, representatives of the URA Civic Movement Bozena Jelusic and Milos Konatar, leader of the Bosniak Party (BS) Ervin Ibrahimovic, leader of the Democratic Union of Albanians (DUA) Mehmed Zenka, leader of the Democratic Party (DP) Fatmir Djeka, leader of the Albanian Alternative (AA) Nik Djeljosaj, leader of the Force Genci Nimanbegu, leader of the Liberal Party (LP) Andrija Popovic, deputy leaders of Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Jevto Erakovic and Abaz Dizdarevic, Secretary General Aleksandar Bogdanovic and the head of its caucus in the Parliament of Montenegro, Danijel Zivkovic”, President Djukanovic has stated in the explanation.


He stresses that other parliamentary parties did not express interest in participating in consultations on this issue. “Convinced that it is in Montenegro’s best interest to get the Government in full capacity as soon as possible, especially due to additional security and political challenges generated by the war in Ukraine and its reflection on the stability of our region, I expect the Montenegrin Parliament to hold a session soon and decide on the program and composition of the Government at the proposal of the prime minister”, President Djukanovic concludes in his explanation.


Uljarevic: Abazovic a connective tissue of unconnected parts of political spectrum; every government part of political agreement (CDM)


CDM: Will Montenegro get a minority or political government? Which concept do you think is more acceptable in the current situation?


Uljarevic: Montenegro will get a minority government, but we should know that every government is basically political, because ministerial positions are by definition political, no matter how they are called. After all, this Government, like any other, will be the result of a political agreement. Montenegro needs such a transitional government that will work to reduce tensions in society, unblock the EU accession process and prepare for the next elections. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, things gained extra weight and all political entities resisting that risk to be positioned as a factor of instability.


CDM: How will Montenegro be able to unblock the work of institutions, primarily I mean the current situation regarding the scheduling of the parliamentary session?


Uljarevic: When it comes to scheduling a parliamentary session, I believe that those who are interested in having that session must think outside the usual framework in order to find a solution that will be in accordance with the Constitution and Rules of Procedure of Parliament. This solution exists because the acting Parliament Speaker is deputy leader from the largest caucus, and we also know that caucuses merge and separate…


CDM: How do you see Mr. Abazovic as Prime Minister – what do you think he should do first in that position?


Uljarevic: Dritan Abazovic is currently the connective tissue of unconnected parts of the political spectrum on the Montenegrin scene. By gaining a mandate in these circumstances, he has been given the opportunity to contribute to strengthening constructive and inclusive political dialogue of all relevant actors through clearly set short-term priorities in order to overcome this polarization and initiate effective functioning of institutions which would take us out of the roundabout where we got stuck on the path to the EU.


CDM: Do you expect early parliamentary elections to be held in Montenegro soon?


Uljarevic: These elections should be organized with changes in the legislative framework and strengthened mechanisms that should ensure their regularity, and with parallel work on reducing identity and political tensions in order to conduct them in a more decontaminated atmosphere as much as possible. This would mean that we cannot realistically hold early parliamentary elections before the end of the year, and much more likely in the spring of next year, when they can be connected with the presidential elections.


CDM: Do you think that the number of abstainers will increase in the next elections as a result of the behaviour of political parties in the previous year and a half?


Uljarevic: It is difficult to predict now, because the latest survey does not indicate a significant decline in turnout, but there is a decline in support when it comes to many parliamentary entities, as well as the fragmentation of the electorate. This issue should be approached with caution, bearing in mind how small fluctuations change the result and how small numbers are crucial in the Montenegrin context.


CDM: All the attention of the world public is focused on the events in Ukraine. How can these events affect Montenegro?


Uljarevic: The similarities between Montenegro and Ukraine are astonishing, although we compare one of the smallest and one of the largest European countries. It is impossible to ignore the parallels about internal division, historical and political relations with a larger neighbour and the constant inappropriate interference of that neighbour in internal circumstances. I hope that the events in Ukraine will finally raise awareness of moderate pro-Western structures in Montenegro and that they will understand that any flirtation with clero-nationalists is unacceptable, because it threatens not only Montenegro’s European integration, but also its civic concept, stability and sustainability.


Abazovic: We’ll wait for SNP until Sunday, Ibrahimovic can also schedule parliamentary session (Vijesti TV)


The leader of the URA Civic Movement and the prime minister-designate for the composition of the 43rd Government of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, has said that the country must go further and that Montenegro must go to political stability, not instability. He has stressed that at this moment, the minority government is a forced solution. Abazovic says that the SNP’s response on its possible entry into the minority government will be waited until Sunday.


“The minority government is forced at the moment. We have 41 MPs to form the government, and the idea is to have at least 49. It is not a government of minorities, it is a concept that has been forced. Everyone would love to have a normal government”, said Abazovic for Vijesti TV. He has pointed out that the minority government has one-year term, i.e., until the presidential elections.


North Macedonia 


Almost unanimously, Macedonian Parliament adopts declaration condemning Russian aggression on Ukraine (Republika)


With 100 votes in favor and only three opposed, the Macedonian Parliament adopted a declaration that condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It was supported by all major parties. Maja Moracanin from the small DOM party, who proposed the declaration, said that “the Russian aggression on Ukraine was entirely unprovoked and amounts to clear violation of international law – it endangers European security and peace on the Continent”.


Antonio Milososki from VMRO-DPMNE added that Ukraine has the right to pursue its own policy and to set its own foreign policy priorities. “As a sovereign country, nobody should interfere in its rights. It is a principle we support and we hope our government will follow this principle in its negotiations with Bulgaria as well”.


The three votes “against” came from the Levica party (2 votes) and Ivan Stoiljkovic – representative of the Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia.


Nikoloski: What’s happening in Ukraine is war, not a military operation (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski qualified the Russian attack on Ukraine as war, not a military operation – a term preferred by the Russian side. “Nobody expected that we’d see war in Europe in the 21st century. This is horror, there are no words to describe what is happening. I mind the distinction between soldiers and civilians, those are all lost human lives. This is war, aggression, conquering a nation, the worst act in humanity” Nikoloski said during a TV interview.


Bekteshi doesn’t know what sanctions Russia could impose on Macedonia (Republika)


The Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, said Thursday that he does not know what sanctions Russia could impose on Macedonia after our country followed the example of the European Union and imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.


“To be honest, I would not know to say. Although I could have some information that is confidential and the like. But they are not for the public. We said, and other colleagues say that the impact in terms of trade, the total we have is somewhere around 1.5 percent with Russia. It is the same with Ukraine, which should not directly affect the part of the trade exchange in the export and in the part of the import,” said Bekteshi. However, he says the military conflict could directly affect the price of electricity and gas on European stock exchanges.


Nikoloski announces protests meant to secure early general elections (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski echoed the announcement from party leader Hristijan Mickoski, that a call will be made for street protests.


“Macedonia keeps wasting time with the DUI – SDSM Government. If we had elections on time, after the local elections, in the second half of December, by now we would’ve had a fully legitimate Government. The Government avoided elections by claiming that they are working to secure a date to open EU accession talks in December. Instead, Zoran Zaev got a date to go skiing in France in January. We expect to receive full support from the people. We will call them, and we will use all democratic means to secure early general elections. We are already doing it in the Parliament, where we block all harmful legislation. In appropriate time, we will call the people so that we can together challenge them to early general elections” Nikoloski said.


Osmani at a meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels (Nezavisen Vesnik)


Today, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani will take part in an extraordinary meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of foreign ministers, which will be held at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. According to the Foreign Ministry, the meeting will discuss the current security situation in Ukraine after the Russian military invasion of the country, as well as the wider implications for Euro-Atlantic security.


"In addition, the measures and activities taken by the Alliance to protect the territory and guarantee the security of all NATO member states, as well as support for Ukraine, will be discussed," the statement added.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also points out that Minister Osmani will use his presence at the meeting of the North Atlantic Council to have several bilateral meetings with his colleagues from the Alliance member states and partners.


Osmani: Accelerate EU enlargement in the name of security (Nezavisen Vesnik)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, who is participating in the NATO Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting today, expressed the support of Northern Macedonia to Ukraine before the meeting, MIA reports from Brussels. The second main message of the Macedonian Foreign Minister this morning from NATO was that EU enlargement is now becoming a vital issue from a security point of view given the Russian attacks in the east. 


“The EU should accelerate the expansion to the East, said Bujar Osmani”, alluding to the blockade on Northern Macedonia and Albania, in the context of the application for membership of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. “This crisis, he said, has shown that enlargement policy is a security issue”.


Asked about Ukraine's aspirations to become a NATO member, the core of the conflict with Russia, the Foreign Minister said that the Alliance's open-door policy means stabilization.

"In the Western Balkans, NATO membership was the most important decision that stabilized it, it is the most important factor in stabilizing the region," Osmani replied.


Northern Macedonia, through the Foreign Minister, this morning expressed admiration and support for the courage and determination of Ukraine to reach a peaceful solution and Northern Macedonia is ready to support the refugees from this hotspot. "Ukraine is not alone," Osmani told Ukrainians.


Xhaferi on an official visit to Kosovo (Nezavisen Vesnik)


As of today, the President of the Assembly, Talat Xhaferi, is paying a two-day visit to Kosovo. As planned, Xhaferi will meet with Kosovo Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca, after which the two parliamentary speakers will hold a joint press conference. After meeting with Kosovo Parliament Speaker Xhaferi, he will also meet with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Xhaferi is also scheduled to meet this afternoon with the leaders of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, the Democratic Union of Kosovo (LDK), Lumir Abdidziku and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj. Xhaferi will meet tomorrow with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani Kadriu.




Meta urges Kosovo's NATO Membership ASAP (ADN)


President of Albania, Ilir Meta has stated that Kosovo's membership in NATO as soon as possible ensures stability and security in the Balkan region, referring to the bloody war in Ukraine and the danger of its spread.


Meta made this statement during the meeting with the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani. According to Meta, in the meeting with Osmani, the common vision of Euro-Atlantic values shared by Albania and Kosovo in these moments of regional, European and world challenges was re-emphasized.


"As always, I was very happy to meet in Malta with the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, and to exchange views on the fraternal relations between the two countries and the will to enrich them further. We reiterated how vital are the common vision and Euro-Atlantic values ??that Albania and Kosovo share in these moments of regional, European and global challenges. Kosovo as soon as possible in NATO, a response in favor of peace, stability, security and development".


Extraordinary meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels, Xhaçka also present (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka will be present today at the extraordinary meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of NATO countries, which takes place at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. The meeting, chaired by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, is also attended by Finland and Sweden, NATO's operational partner countries, and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell.  The foreign ministers of the allied countries are expected to discuss the consequences of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, confirming that NATO countries continue to respond fully united and in unison to the biggest security crisis in Europe in decades.


From planes and ships to defense plans / Minister Peleshi shows NATO response to Russian occupation of Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


Defense Minister Niko Peleshi has announced the assistance that NATO has given to Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression. The aid consists of over 100 planes protecting our airspace, over 120 Allied ships protecting at sea. 

NATO's response to Russian occupation so far: Activation of protection plans, Deployment of the NATO Response Force, over 100 aircraft are protecting our airspace, over 120 Allied ships defending at sea, sending troops and equipment by NATO allies to defend our eastern flank.