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Belgrade Media Report 16 March


Vucic on the intrusion of ROSU into Strpce: We are not naive to expect a reaction from the West (RTS)

President Aleksandar Vucic stated that he did not expect any reaction from the international community to the intrusion of Kosovo ROSU members into several Serb houses in Strpce, Sevac and Brezovica, because Pristina would say that it was part of the fight against crime and corruption, although their goal was completely different. Vucic also said that essential negotiations are not currently underway with Russia on a new agreement for gas imports, that they will be held after the elections, and expressed confidence that Serbia will get the best price in Europe. 


Aleksandar Vucic said that the goal of Pristina was to "clean" the Sirinic parish, so that the south of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) would be free from the presence of Serbs, so that they could not survive there, and everything was hidden behind false concerns for honesty in relation to Brezovica's management. 


"It is quite clear to me, and whether it will be clear to others is another matter ... And should we expect someone to say something? Don't be naive. We have long ago overcome that degree of naivety to believe that someone will in the West say anything against the harassment of Serbs in KiM", said Vucic. 


He reminded that tomorrow marks the 18th anniversary of the pogrom of Serbs, on March 17, 2004, asking how many people, during those 18 years, were responsible for destroying Serbian shrines and killing people, adding that those who were silent in Belgrade at the time and did nothing, today they praise themselves that they were silent and did nothing. "But it is a lesson for us, to make sure that at least on such a scale, tragedies in KiM no longer happen to us" said Vucic. 


Negotiations on gas prices after the election 


Asked about the statement of the director of "Srbijagas" who announced the start of negotiations with Russia on a new agreement on gas supply, and the question of what is the position, what can be expected, given that Serbia supported sanctions against Ukraine for the first time, Vucic said that those who spoke about the introduction of the harshest sanctions were worried about our relations. He pointed out that Serbia did not impose sanctions on Russia. As far as gas is concerned, there will be no substantial negotiations before the elections. Those who gain the trust of the citizens will be able to negotiate. It is important that we try to provide our citizens with the best and cheapest supply possible. "If there are no other disruptions, such as the interruption of the gas pipeline, which happened in Yamal, that is, if such things do not happen with Bulgaria, because it is largely dependent on Russian gas, I believe we will have a favorable price" Vucic said. He said that the price will be somewhat different compared to the price half a year or a year ago. "I believe, and I am sure that we will have the best price in Europe. But who can guarantee that everything will work out? If it was up to us, today I could say that we would be in top three European countries with the best price" Vucic emphasized. He pointed out that there will be enough of all goods in Serbia and that they will try to keep those prices among the lowest on the European continent. 

EU increases pressure on Serbia concerning Ukrainian crisis (Beta, VIP)

On Tuesday, the European Union (EU), through its spokesperson, increased pressure on Serbia to synchronize its foreign policy towards the war in Ukraine with the standpoints of the Union, i.e. to introduce sanctions to Russia. However, from Belgrade there again arrived the old standpoint that Serbia respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine but that it is not planning to introduce sanctions to Russia, since this was the only country which takes the Serbian side in international politics. 


EU spokesperson Peter Stano stated that the EU “appreciates the clear position of Serbia” concerning the support to the UN Resolution on condemning the Russian aggression on Ukraine, but that it called upon it to introduce all political, economic and financial measures so as to stop the “slaughter” which the Russian President Vladimir Putin was carrying out in Ukraine. Stano estimated that Serbia will do so if it wished to join the “civilized community based on laws”. He said that whoever cooperated with Putin and the Kremlin, and so secured their financing, was actually helping in bypassing the sanctions which about 40 countries had introduced to Russia, and thus works together with the one who was killing the people and destroying Ukraine. Stano also said that this was not about the war against Ukrainian people, but rather a war “against international law and against the UN Charter”. The EU spokespersons repeated, in Brussels, that it was the obligation of candidate countries to gradually, during the accession process, synchronize foreign policy with the EU and the decisions within the Joint security policy. 


None of the Serbian officials have responded to this request of the EU spokesperson, but the parliament speaker and leader of the ruling Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Ivica Dacic repeated the standpoint that Serbia must not and cannot join the sanctions against Russia.

“We would thus lose our greatest political ally and we would not get another one”, Dacic said. He said that the EU countries did not want to revoke the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, i.e. that they protected it in international institutions, and that at the same time they request of Serbia to introduce sanctions to Russia. “Russia is the only one who protects Serbia. We have no one else. I personally called Russia to introduce a veto on the matter of Srebrenica and it did so”, underlined Dacic. In the course of the day, he also met with the Russian Ambassador Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, after which he repeated this standpoint, adding that Serbia would continue to advocate the respect of international law.


The EU has no plans to help Balkan countries that have backed sanctions on Russia (Tanjug)

Brussels says that they are grateful to the countries of the Western Balkans that supported the EU sanctions against Russia, but they do not state that they are planning compensation funds for the damage that those countries could suffer due to this harmonization with EU measures. Asked by the Macedonian media whether the EU will in any way help the countries of the region with the new allocations due to the crisis in Ukraine, and especially those whose economies may lose due to joining the EU sanctions, Brussels said that the EU will continue to work together with the Western Balkans and that it supports it.


The European Commission says that the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, is currently visiting Northern Macedonia and Albania, where he expressed gratitude for their 100% compliance with the EU's foreign and security policy, including sanctions against Russia. 


"The High Representative expressed his gratitude and presented the support we will provide to those countries in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. The EU already has a significant investment program for the Western Balkans, which was established before the invasion of Ukraine. That is the money that the EU is investing in this region, and there is also the support that we give during the pandemic. The EU stands by the countries of the Western Balkans and this visit is further proof of that", the EU Commission has stated, Tanjug reported. 


Meanwhile, Borrell, said in Tirana that the EU will help the countries of the Western Balkans to overcome the economic crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. He reiterated that "it is time to revive the process of expansion and firmly anchor the Western Balkans in the EU." The consequences of the war, including the increased price of energy resources, has impacted on impoverished states like the ones in the Western Balkans. He added that the EU would open its "financial capacities" to respond to the economic crisis caused by the war. 


EU Ambassador tells Serbian church elder he is concerned over misinformation (Beta)


European Union Ambassador Emanuele Giaufret expressed concern over misinformation in Serbian media about the war in Ukraine during Tuesday’s meeting with Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch (SPC) Porfirije. A Church press release quoted him as saying that misinformation is dangerous and could lead to new conflicts. It said that their open and truthful discussion was about the current crisis that is shaking up Europe and its peoples and the entire world. It said that the Patriarch and Giaufret agreed that churches, religious communities and their leaders have an opportunity to help overcome the huge problems facing Europe. The Patriarch said that last week’s resolution adopted by the European Parliament condemning Russia’s efforts to profit from ethnic tension in the Western Balkans is not something the SPC can identify with because it “does not suit reality”. 


New US ambassador says Serbia is important partner (N1)


The new US Ambassador Christopher Hill said on Tuesday that he is coming to Belgrade with a fresh perspective on Serbia which Washington views as an important partner and friend. Hill said that he is looking forward to making Belgrade his home and getting to know the country and its dynamic people. “So much has changed since I was last in Belgrade and in the region. I have learned over the years to respect history and to try to learn its complex lessons, but my suitcase will not be heavy with the past – I am arriving with a fresh perspective to the Serbia of 2022, to a country that the United States views as an important partner and a friend,” the note said. “No doubt these are troubled times. But I believe our two countries can meet them together in a constructive spirit and tone and with the realization that we have many common interests. I want to see our bilateral ties grow and prosper like never before and I especially desire that our relationship emerges from these global challenges better and stronger. I believe in the vision of a dynamic Serbia – U.S. relationship, one based on a deep foundation of mutual respect,” Hill said. 


New Serbian ambassador to China: relations between Serbia, China at historical high (Beta)


Serbia's new ambassador to China Maja Stefanovic has said that relations between the two countries are at the all-time high and voiced the expectation that the upswing in cooperation in all areas will continue in the coming years. In an interview with the Chinese Media Group, ahead of stepping into office, Stefanovic said on March 15 that during her term she would focus on preserving the rising trend in relations between Serbia and China, and that her most important task would be to intensify political dialogue at the highest level, as a basis for improving other forms of cooperation. "One of my main tasks will be realizing a visit by President Xi to Serbia at President Vucic's request. In addition, we will be engaged on realizing visits at other levels," she said. According to the new ambassador, economic cooperation is another key segment of cooperation and that, in that sense, the focus would be on reaching a free trade treaty which was arranged during a recent visit by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to China. 


Tadic gives up on nominating himself for president saying that “now is not the time for it” (Nova)

Leader of the opposition Social Democratic Party (SDS), former Serbian president, Boris Tadic, stated on Tuesday that he had not this time nominated himself for president of state, since he estimated “that now is still not the moment for that”. “I have sufficient experience that I can estimate the real moments in politics and I have estimated that, as far as my nomination goes, this is not the moment. After serious analyses, we have decided to focus on the parliamentary and Belgrade campaign”, said Tadic for Nova tabloid. He said that, for a success at the elections, the strategic cooperation of the opposition was crucial, but that a part of the opposition had refused it for meaningless reasons. “We could have either agreed on a joint candidate or strategically redistributed the roles of several different candidates”, said Tadic, obviously dissatisfied with the behaviour of the opposition coalition United for the Victory of Serbia, or rather above all by its essential leader Dragan Djilas


Bosnia and Herzegovina  


B&H Presidency members and Covic exchange views on situation in B&H at European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (N1)

Members of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and the Speaker of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic participated in the meeting with the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), where they exchanged views on the situation in B&H. B&H officials mostly presented their familiar views while the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) were very open with their questions and messages, commented the presenter. They inevitably discussed the attitude of B&H politics towards the aggression against Ukraine.  


When it comes to the most direct questions from MEPs, they directed most of their questions and criticism towards Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and Covic. They seemed to blame them the most, added the reporter. They asked both Dodik and Covic about their relationships with Russians and Russia’s authorities. They asked Dodik to clearly condemn Russia’s aggression on Ukraine during the session. They also asked Dodik to explain what he discussed with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, to explain his statements about the Republika Srpska (RS) seceding within six months and whether he expects that the RS will be recognized by Russia in the same way the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk were.  


Besides these questions, the MEPs inevitably stated that the politicians in B&H are the ones responsible for the situation in B&H. They said that the solution is within reach but it depends solely on political will. In that context, criticism towards all four B&H politicians was visible during the session. It seemed that the Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic suffered the least criticism, commented the reporter.  


When it comes to MEPs’ reactions toward the positions of B&H officials, they were also directed mostly towards Dodik because they expected most answers from him. They did not seem satisfied with the answers they heard and it did not seem that the four B&H politicians convinced them that they are honest in what they said, pointed out the reporter. The MEPs constantly repeated the message that it is no longer worth looking at the EU as a source of money and help, but that B&H politicians themselves must do something to move society and the state forward. They said an agreement is possible and asked B&H politicians to finally agree on all the details.  


Chairman and Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that it is no wonder that Dodik and Covic are counted among the most faithful associates of Russia in the Western Balkans. Komsic reminded of Dodik’s stance to be neutral when it comes to Ukraine and that this is neutrality that is identical to complicity. Komsic also reminded of Covic’s previous statements on how Russia should increase its presence in B&H. Komsic was quoted as saying: “Should we be reminded of the harmonized identical position of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia (Gordan Grlic Radman) and his colleague Sergey Lavrov, on the issues of amending the Election Law of B&H?”.  


Covic stated at a press conference: “We are obviously closing our eyes to the deep crisis we are having. It has been going on for three years now. It has been going on since the last elections, when Bosniaks tried to elect legitimate representatives on behalf of the Croat people. So, I think that one of the members of the Presidency, who in the end said he was a Croat, cannot or does not come to 75 percent of B&H today. You can testify to that, during his two or three terms”.  


Dodik was quoted as saying during the session: “The RS is not making any plan or move in terms of secession from B&H. We just want our constitutional position. This is not a secession. In order to be able to reform, we need to change the Constitution. The reforms that are being adopted do not correspond to the Constitution, they are unconstitutional, unenforceable and null and void. It is our approach but it is not a secession. It is a struggle for the constitutional order”. “I am not working under Russia’s influence, regardless of the stereotype that is presented and spread here. Of course, I spoke with  Lavrov, that was one of your questions”, Dodik told the Committee members, adding: “I spoke with Lavrov; nothing was hidden, all things are known to the public”. Dodik reminded that he visited Russia earlier and they spoke of certain economic matters, projects and activities that the RS and Russia might implement together. Dodik said there is an oil refinery in Russia and he wants to make sure the RS has enough oil and oil derivatives. He underlined that he is very proud that B&H was not mentioned on Russia’s list of sanctioned countries, as Dodik believes his work contributed to that. He said his relations with Russia allowed for B&H to have continuous supply of gas for heating. He provided data, saying that out of all the gas that comes from Russia to B&H, the RS uses only three percent and the “rest goes to Sarajevo, for their heating”. Dodik said they are only doing what all other state officials are doing, in Europe and across the world, making sure their citizens have all things necessary in these difficult times. He repeated that he did not make any “secret arrangements or deals” with the Russian officials, all his conversations with them were done via the phone, and he can provide transcripts of the talks if the EU officials want to know the content of these conversations. 


During a press conference, Dzaferovic said that Dodik's and Covic's policies were harmonized and that those policies showed their true face today, no matter how hard they tried to be normal. The meeting was marked by statements that in principle referred to the denial of Russia's influence on B&H politicians, the commitment to B&H and its integrity and to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), but also about shifting the blame and responsibility from one politician to another, commented the reporter. 


In a statement given via a video link, Komsic said that the influence from Serbia, Russia and Croatia causes internal problems. Komsic asked how else could we call the policy coming from Serbia and they called it the ‘Serb World’ identically to the so-called ‘Russian World’. Komsic also asked how else could we call meddling of Croatia in internal matters of B&H like the issue of B&H Election Law while they claim to be protecting rights of the Croat people in B&H, so that it does not resemble Russian President Vladimir Putin’s calling for protection of Russian people in Ukraine. 


During his address, Dodik said the civic model in B&H is not acceptable as Serbs and Croats would be marginalized. He added that they would have no rights in such an arrangement. He asked the MEPs if they, in Europe, would be happy if someone offered such a model to them, adding: “You are fighting the Islamic country; then why are you pushing us towards such a thing?”. Covic followed Dodik’s address by insisting on issues of Croats and the need for Croats, as one of the constituent peoples, to have all the rights given to them through the B&H Constitution. “And on that note, we will do everything to avoid a trap, for B&H to be faced with a fiasco, for it to become a unitary, Islamic state, due to the wishes of the most numerous people (Bosniaks)”, Covic stressed. Covic also said that B&H is a multi-ethnic state and it can only be functional if all three peoples with constituent status are equal. He added that demographic majority of one people, in this case Bosniaks, cannot affect the principle of equality of people with constituent status. Covic said that the parity of three peoples need to be reflected on all levels of authorities in B&H. 


Dzaferovic believes that goal of Dodik and Covic is to “intimidate Europe with talks of an Islamic state”, and when that is achieved, they would then continue implementing their goals of making B&H into what was envisioned by “their predecessors in the past”. Tuesday’s session was used by Dodik and Covic to once again place Komsic in the ranks of Bosniaks. Komsic responded to this: “I apologize in advance for the irony, not cynicism; I will share a secret with you – in fact, I am a Croat”. “The ethnically structured electoral system of elections in one part of the country, which is attempted to be imposed, is a definitive beginning of the dissolution of B&H, with a very uncertain outcome”, warned Komsic. 


McAllister: B&H consists of two entities and three peoples with constituent status that need to reach agreement (N1)

The Chairperson of the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister, who is, as the reporter said, well acquainted with the situation in the region because he has been dealing with it intensively for many years, told the journalists after the meeting that he organized this meeting so that all MEPs could have an opportunity to see how deep is the crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and to see what the political situation in B&H is at the moment. McAllister said that B&H consists of two entities and three peoples with constituent status that need to reach an agreement. He assessed that the opportunity for reaching of the agreement on changes to the B&H Election Law is nearing its end due to the approaching of general elections in October. McAllister said that it is high time for the agreement on a solution and he called on all sides to reach the agreement. 


Dodik comments on AFET session: There are two concepts in B&H – one that understands reality in B&H and another that advocates Bosniak principle and imaginary civic order (RTRS)

During his address to the European Parliament, the Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said that Republika Srpska (RS) is not making any moves to secede from B&H, that the RS is seeking its constitutional position and that this is not secession. Dodik said he was not satisfied with assessments of some Members of European Parliament (MEPs) when it comes to the situation in B&H, not with them siding only with one side. Dodik summarized what he said in the European Parliament during the press conference. He said that there are two concepts in B&H – one that understands reality in B&H and another that advocates the Bosniak principle and imaginary civic order. Dodik told the MEPs that there is Muslim nationalism on the scene that is trying to ‘majorize’ Serbs and Croats. Dodik warned that Serbs and Croats would be disenfranchised in case of civic order. He did not hesitate to call on individuals in the European Parliament to stop helping B&H because a one-sided approach only creates problems for the state, added the reporter.  


Dodik warned that there can be no European perspective as long as non-compliance with the Constitution is considered a virtue and advocating respect for the Constitution is to be blamed. During the press conference, Dodik said that there was an attempt to understand what the situation in B&H really is. He added that there were some who threatened, like the Dutch MEP Tineke Strik who threatened that some B&H politicians need to be removed from the scene. Dodik added that the people elect the politicians and not her. Dodik said that some have imagined that they can do more than is within their competence.  


Dodik claimed that it was unnecessary to discuss the parallel between the conflicts in Ukraine and B&H. Dodik stated: “Muslims want to equate that, in order to get some benefits, which is of course not true, because there was a civil war in B&H. In Ukraine we have a war that is essentially a war between two countries. This cannot be compared to anything but the suffering of the innocent”. Dodik also said that there are questions that those in the European Parliament need to answer: “What is their plan for us, apart from constantly strengthening the conditions for EU accession? Why do they not help us in the sense, as they used to help Bulgaria and Romania to get to it easier?”. Dodik said that it was visible that a number of MEPs is working exclusively for, as Dodik said, the Muslims in B&H like Strik is doing. Dodik pointed out that Strik only directed her questions to him and the Speaker of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic is if the Muslims are blameless and need to be protected. Dodik said this is why it was important to be there, to give answers to direct questions.  


Dodik criticized the assessment that they are dealing with issues of secession and said no one in the RS was dealing with that. Dodik said it was a lie that B&H’s integrity was endangered. Dodik stated: “There is something that must be understood here in Europe, and that is Muslim nationalism, which is using this situation to cause chaos and destabilization, and try to arrange B&H in its own way as they want, to be a Muslim country”. Dodik added: “My question was, do Europeans want to have a Muslim country that may be tomorrow... As it has been so far, Muslims from B&H recruited, where you had terrorist attacks, all over the world there were Muslims who used to stay in B&H. What does Europe want here, to subjugate Serbs and Croats and to make that country exclusively Muslim? We do not agree to that. Constitutional, i.e. historical and ethnic realities in B&H must be taken into account”. 


Dzaferovic: I have been insisting to respect DPA and 27 years of its implementation (AJB)

Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic talked for AJB about a two-day session of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET). Asked about his expectations from the official Brussels, Dzaferovic said that he expects it to insist on the European standards. He added that everyone in B&H needs to be demanded to respect these standards, adding that it can solve the current situation in B&H. The Member of B&H Presidency from the rank of Bosniaks explained that it means respecting of a court in the Hague, 14 priorities set by the European Commission, the Constitution and laws of B&H as well as to respect High Representative. He went on to saying that elementary disrespect of B&H Constitutional Court’s judges and all documents functioning of B&H is grounded on is at the scene. Dzaferovic stressed that he has been insisting on respect of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and 27 years of its implementation. Dzaferovic refused to comment the statement of B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic that Croatia acts as Russian in Ukraine. He stated that he advocates good relations with Croatia, adding that the leadership of Croatia has not been contributing to it with its attitude towards B&H. He emphasized that two countries should work on solving of all open issues. 


EU HR Borrell responds to B&H FM Turkovic’s letter: EU enlargement process based on clear criteria that are emphasized in EC’ Opinion on B&H’s Membership Application (BHT1)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, who is scheduled to pay an official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) today, sent a response to the letter of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic, who asked the EU to speed up granting the EU candidate status to B&H. In his response to Turkovic’s letter, Borrell pointed out that the EU enlargement process is based on clear criteria, which have been emphasized in the 14 key priorities from the European Commission (EC)’s Opinion on B&H’s EU Membership Application. Borrell noted that these priorities refer to democracy, functionality, rule of law, fundamental rights, and public administration reform. He concluded that B&H has a credible European perspective. 


Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Dzaferovic says EU and NATO must stop process of RS’ restoring of competencies (Nezavisne)

Bosniak member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Sefik Dzaferovic gave an interview to Turkish TRT TV station and argued that “the attack on the constitutional order in B&H was launched only six days after (Serb member of the Presidency of B&H and SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow”. The daily claimed that Dzaferovic is trying to take advantage of “anti-Russian hysteria” to present the Republika Srpska (RS)’ restoring of competencies as a source of instability allegedly carried out in agreement with Russia. Dzaferovic also said that the EU and NATO will have to stop the process of restoring of competencies, “otherwise we might go back to 1995 when we held each other at gunpoint”. The daily noted that Dzaferovic failed to mention that the RS National Assembly (RSNA), over past several years, issued a number of documents to warn about violations of the Constitution of B&H and of the autonomy of the entity and it called representatives of the Federation of B&H to talks. The daily went on to say that, in his interview, Dzaferovic used the vocabulary of political Sarajevo which presents concern from new war conflicts in B&H by saying that “there is certain danger” but he assessed it would be difficult to expect something like this to happen both because B&H is far away from Ukraine but also because there is NATO space between B&H and Russia. Dzaferovic also said that public opinion in Serbia and RS is under a strong influence of Russia and he reminded that the authorities of neither Serbia nor RS condemned the aggression on Ukraine in the same way everyone else did. Dzaferovic also “presented assumptions, on which Sarajevo analysts have been speculating for days, that many see Russia as a force that would enable the RS’ merging with Serbia”. Dzaferovic strongly condemned Russia’s aggression on Ukraine and pointed out that, unlike “the negative influence” of Moscow on B&H, Turkey has a stabilizing role in B&H. Finally, Dzaferovic suggested that the NATO should be “firm and determined” in order to prevent repeating of “the escalation of Nazi aggression like eight decades ago”. 


HR Schmidt: I hope there will be agreement on Law on Elections of B&H (Dnevni list)

I hope there will be agreement on Law on Elections of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’ not signed carried High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt who said that he hopes an agreement will be soon reached regarding the Law on Elections. “Since I am not a negotiator, I am referring to the people who are negotiating and who are moderate optimists, and we should do everything that the optimism proves to be realistic”, said HR Schmidt. 


HDZ 1990’s Cvitanovic: New round of talks on electoral reform should start on Wednesday evening (Vecernji list)

Daily carried an interview with HDZ 1990 leader Ilija Cvitanovic, who was first asked when the new round of talks on the electoral reform will begin and who will take part, to which he replied by saying that according to his information, the talks should begin today (Wednesday) evening with an introductory dinner with EU High Representative (for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) Josep Borrell and could possibly continue until Sunday, until a final solution is reached.  


Asked to comment on the daily’s remark, according to which some say (Director for Western Balkans and Turkey of European External Action Service Angelina) Eichhorst will arrive, and that nobody is mentioning the US diplomats, Cvitanovic said: “This time around, according to my information, it will be Mister (US Special Representative for Western Balkans Gabriel) Escobar. Their position is that they will join if there is progress in positions from the Croat and the Bosniak side”.  


Asked what is the starting point (of the Croat side) in the talks, Cvitanovic said the starting point is what was agreed during the Neum talks, namely articles four and five of the Constitution of B&H – “the ethnic determinant is not be erased, instead it would be formulated the way we stated – representative of the Croat people and all other citizens”. According to Cvitanovic, this is what the Venice Commission clearly supported because it meets all the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.  


Asked if the Croat side would accept ‘rotten compromises’, the HDZ 1990 leader said the line was clearly set during recent session of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), namely the HNS defined the line below which the Croats will not go. “All that is based on the Dayton agreement, the Constitution, judgments of the Constitutional Court”, added Cvitanovic.  

Asked if that means that the Bosniak side’s wish about weakening the role of the House of Peoples will not materialize, Cvitanovic said: “Absolutely. They are trying to reduce the Federation of B&H House of Peoples to the level of the Council of Peoples of Republika Srpska, they have a clear goal to fully rule the Federation of B&H as the entity of the Bosniak people”. 


Oslobodjenje announces new round of talks on electoral reform for Thursday and presents proposals of SNSD and HDZ (Oslobodjenje)


Daily reads that new round of the talks on electoral reform is supposed to start on Thursday, and leaders of political parties will hold three-day meeting to try to find solution for changes of discriminatory provisions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitution and B&H Election Law, as well for improving of the election process. On the eve of these talks, daily carried summaries of proposals that SNSD and HDZ B&H presented. According to daily’s information, one of key SNSD’s proposals for technical changes of Election Law is abolition of voting via mail, while HDZ B&H’s proposal, presented in Neum, regulates political matters. Journalist argues that even though SNSD presents this as technical solutions, these are nothing but political issues and their first target is Central Election Commission of B&H, and the first change refers to model of appointment of B&H CEC members. Namely, SNSD proposes that appointment of B&H CEC members is carried out not only in B&H House of Representatives, but also in B&H House of Peoples, which according to the author means that B&H CEC members would never be appointed. Second change regards “additional CEC members” and SNSD proposes appointing of three additional members in election year, who would be appointed by B&H HoP. This change regards reducing of mandate of CEC members from current seven to five years. However, author comments, the most disputable proposal of all could be the one which regards abolition of voting via mail and according to SNSD proposal B&H citizens abroad could only vote in diplomatic- consular representation offices, which according to the author means that dozens of thousands, mostly Bosniak and Croats votes from diaspora, would not count. As a consequence, this would result in decrease of Bosniak and Croats representatives in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) and it would be impossible to elect Bosniaks and Croats from RS to B&H HoR.  


SNSD also proposes returning of mandate to political parties, i.e. if a delegate would resign, his mandate would return to the party which initially nominated him/her. When it comes to HDZ B&H’s proposals, daily noted that electorate model was intensively mentioned and media close to HDZ wrote that party gave up two constituencies, but they accept electorate model. However, daily elaborates that according to the proposal presented in Neum, which will also be presented in new round of talks, this in fact introduces two constituencies. According to this, Federation of B&H would be single constituency and all candidates for B&H Presidency would be on one ballot, first one elected from rank of ‘Bosniak people and Others’ and second one from rank of ‘Croat people and others. Daily noted that first candidates (BO) would be designated as 701, second (HO) as 702 and while this seems to meet the requirements of ECHR judgements the problem here is value of the votes. Daily goes on and explain how many electorates would each canton have, where cantons with Croat majority would give more electorates to 702 candidates and other cantons would give more electorates to 701 candidates. Practically this means that even if Zeljko Komsic would win huge majority of total votes, he would not be Croat member of B&H Presidency.  


Covic holds meeting with Plenkovic in Zagreb (Nezavisne)

Leader of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic met with leader of HDZ of Croatia and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Monday evening. Covic expressed concern over the crash of a military drone in Zagreb and expressed hope that the investigation will determine all the circumstances of this serious incident, which could have tragic consequences. Covic also announced his upcoming working visit to Brussels and talks with senior European Union officials on the process of negotiating changes to the B&H Election Law. Covic said that B&H needs changes to the Election Law and limited constitutional changes not only to create formal and legal conditions for holding general elections, but also to relax relations between the constituent peoples and achieve new momentum on B&H's path to the EU. Plenkovic emphasized the importance of continuing the negotiation process and reaching an urgent agreement between the leaders of Croat and Bosniak political parties on changes to the B&H Election Law, in order to achieve equality and legitimate representation of the three constituent peoples in B&H. Plenkovic pointed out that it is an unsustainable practice for Croats not to elect their legitimate representatives to the houses of peoples and the B&H Presidency. Plenkovic emphasized that Croatia is the strongest advocate of B&H's progress on its path to membership in the EU and NATO. 




NATO Secretary General says drone crash in Zagreb was not an attack (HRT)


On Wednesday the Croatian Prime Minister is scheduled to visit NATO's Combined Air Operations Center northeast of Madrid to establish why NATO's defense systems failed to alert Croatia of the incoming drone that crashed in Zagreb’s Jarun neighbourhood last week. The bases' primary mission is to monitor Europe's NATO airspace south of the Alps, including Croatia. 


Late on Thursday night a 14-meter drone crashed into the Jarun neighbourhood of Zagreb. The unmanned aircraft came from Ukraine, but it remains unknown whether it was from the Russian or Ukrainian side. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg commented on the incident on Tuesday: “The indications we have so far on the drone that crashed in Croatia, outside of Zagreb, is that that was not an armed attack, not an armed drone. But it just highlights that with more military activities in the air, with drone, with planes, there is a risk for incidents and accidents. And therefore, we need to be extremely vigilant, we need to react when needed, and we need to make sure that we have the line of communications also with the Russians, to prevent instance from really creating dangerous situations. So, that's the reason why we are increasing the presence, and also the surveillance and monitoring the air-space over NATO.” 


Ahead of his visit to Spain, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Defense Minister Mario Banozic and the Chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces, Admiral Robert Hranj, visited the French aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" stationed off the coast of Dubrovnik on Tuesday. On Tuesday and Wednesday Croatian and French pilots will be conducting joint-training flights throughout the north-western parts of the country. The French Rafale aircraft are also conducting flights over the capital Zagreb. France has previously expressed readiness to assist Croatia in airspace surveillance, and their early warning and surveillance aircraft have already flown over Croatian airspace. 

Plenkovic corrects Stoltenberg’s statement about drone that crashed in Croatia (N1)

A few days ago, a drone that crashed in Zagreb testified that the war in Ukraine was not too far away, commented the presenter. The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg commented on how it was possible that no one noticed the drone as well as the NATO sky protection system. There were also numerous reactions on Croatia on Tuesday, noted the presenter. Stoltenberg made statements opposite of those from the Croatian Minister of Defense Mario Banozic and the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, who said that the drone was not a reconnaissance drone and that fragments of an air bomb were found.  


Stoltenberg stated: “That was not an armed attack, not an armed drone, but it just highlights that with more military activities in the air, with drones, with planes, there is a risk of incidents and accidents”, which is why they will strengthen the air traffic control of NATO countries. It was hard not to notice that after a Twitter error about the time of the incident, Stoltenberg now does not know when he talked to Plenkovic or where the plane crashed, added the reporter. Stoltenberg stated: “Preliminary indications and information we have is this was an unarmed drone and that the drone was off course and that it ran out of fuel and crashed outside of Zagreb”. Plenkovic was aboard the French aircraft carrier ‘Charles de Gaulle’ near Dubrovnik on Tuesday morning. The French sent their ‘Rafale’ planes to Croatian sky, to send a message of partnership and security, noted the reporter. Two US F-16 fighter jets will arrive on Wednesday and will stay there for a few days. On Tuesday afternoon, Plenkovic made an unplanned statement about Stoltenberg’s claims.  


Plenkovic stated: “That craft that crashed on Thursday, considering I see a lot of confusion in public space. We must dispel it, eliminate all possible inaccurate information. It was armed. So, it was not ‘unarmed’ but armed. We know that now. It was not known on Thursday night. It may not have been known on Friday but it is known now”. Plenkovic showed a picture in which he said there were traces of a bomb and explosives. Plenkovic further explained that Stoltenberg has information from a briefing from a few days ago and that everything will be cleared up now. President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic was silent about the investigation, added the reporter. Milanovic once again called out Banozic at the air base in Zemunik. Milanovic said that Banozic pretended to be important. “Talking in advance about what is happening is infantile, harmful, provincial”, stated Milanovic.  


President of the Croatian Committee on Internal Policy and National Security Sinisa Hajdar Doncic said that information on whether or not there are explosives could be made public in two to three days. He received a preliminary report. Hajdar Doncic stated that it should have stopped there until the entire investigation was completed and there was no need to parade around the crater. Part of the opposition in Croatia said it was time for Banozic to leave the position of Minister of Defense, who spent three days near the crater. One hand there was bad communication with NATO, as well as with the concerned public, noted the reporter. 


Milanovic: Croatia shouldn't get involved in Ukraine war more than it's good and safe (Hina)


President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday he did not want Croatia to get involved in the war in Ukraine more than it should and more than it was good and safe for it. The president said that in 1991 that Croatian unit was small and depended on a small number of the right and brave people. It is the same in every war, including the one in Ukraine, which depends on defenders and stout-hearted fighters to defend the capital of Kyiv, he added. 


"I say these things with caution and restraint because I don't want Croatia to get involved more than it should and more than it's good and safe for it. But I had to say it," Milanovic said, adding that 31 years ago "Croatia did not have weapons, an army, recognition. It didn't have either the sympathies or the favours of a good part of the Western world. It was helped tacitly, if even so." At that time Croatia could not buy weapons, not even smuggle them at first, everything started with the police because there was no army, and from that police the Croatian Army was created, Milanovic said among other things. 


U.S. Secretary of State thanks Croatian Government for support to Ukraine (Hina)


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has expressed his deep appreciation for the strong support of Croatian PM Andrej Plenkovic and his government for Ukraine, including providing security assistance and accepting refugees, and for Croatia’s active role in NATO, the U.S. Department of State said on Monday. According to a statement signed by spokesperson Ned Price, Blinken reaffirmed U.S. support for Ukraine "in the face of President Putin's continued war against Ukraine. "The Secretary expressed his deep appreciation for the strong support of Prime Minister Plenkovic and his government for Ukraine, including providing security assistance and accepting refugees, and for Croatia's active role in NATO." Also discussed was the March 10 drone crash in Zagreb. "The Secretary noted Croatia's critical role in securing the European future of the entire Western Balkans, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Secretary also welcomed the March 17 U.S.-Croatia Strategic Dialogue, which will bring together senior-level interagency teams to review joint efforts to advance shared priorities," the State Department said. 




Djukanovic: Russia severely invaded Ukraine’s independence, Serbia significantly contributed to realization of Russian interests in the Western Balkan (CDM)


It’s clear that Russia severely invaded the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, that it also started to undermine international law, threaten human lives in Ukraine and brutally violate human rights in that country, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, said in an interview for Koha TV. He assesses that Russia is trying to prove its doctrine of destruction in the case of Montenegro, and North Macedonia – as he assumes, as successful, by destabilizing the country that is a NATO member state. According to him, Serbia significantly contributed to the realisation of Russian interests in the Western Balkans, and represented a kind of a platform for the realisation of Russian interests in this region 

“Serbia has its goal to challenge the Montenegrin statehood, the Montenegrin national, religious and cultural identity, and unfortunately, it’s become quite obvious over the recent years, that is, during the rule of Aleksandar Vucic in Serbia,” he told Kohl TV. 


Montenegro government imposes sanctions on Russia (Vijesti)


The Montenegrin Government imposed sanctions against Russia on Tuesday, adopting the same package of sanctions imposed by the European Union. Podgorica daily Vijesti said that the government Political System Commission adopted the sanctions unanimously at a meeting chaired by deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic. It said that the sanctions were imposed against 696 Russian nationals, financial institutions and properties including President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov


MEPs: European integration is the will of the people, Montenegro can be an example (RTCG)


MEPs during the debate on the draft Report on Montenegro said that Montenegro could be a leading example in the Western Balkans. Representatives of the European Commission's Foreign Affairs Service called for a new government to be formed without undue delay. 


Paulo Rangel of the European People's Party said it was a pity that Montenegro, which had played a leading role in integration, "lost the capacity to close some of the important chapters". He stressed that the influence of Russia and certain Serbian forces, as well as the conflict between the Montenegrin and Serbian Orthodox Churches, along with political instability are issues of concern. 


The shadow rapporteur from the party of European liberals, Klemen Groselj, says that it is a great success that Montenegro joined the EU sanctions against Russia, "especially because of the attitude of other candidate countries on that issue." 


Green MP Thomas Weiss welcomed the efforts to form a new pro-European government, which will speed up Montenegro's EU accession process. He points out that this requires talks with the DPS, where "many politicians are involved or suspected of corruption cases". "We have to admit that the DPS supported the western and EU and NATO orientation of Montenegro, brought the country into NATO and was responsible for relatively good progress in the accession process," Weiss said. He pointed out that Serbian nationalist parties, such as the DF, should take sides and "that there should be no more space to sit on two chairs." "Representatives of Serbian parties must decide whether they are on the side of democracy, freedom of speech, and European values, or an aggressive regime in the Kremlin," Weiss said. 


Co-chair of the EP Committee with Montenegro, Vladimir Bilcik, points out that the reform process must be based on political activity. "On the one hand, Montenegro went through a peaceful change of political leadership in August 2020, but when we look at the picture now in 2022, the results that this change has brought are disappointing. "There has been no progress in EU integration, that is the essence and we should be honest here" Bilcik emphasized. 


The head of the unit for Montenegro and Serbia in the General Directorate for Enlargement, Michael Miller, said that this was a challenging year for Montenegro, and that the pandemic hit an economy that relies heavily on tourism. He points out that the Commission will continue to support Montenegro through the economic and investment plan and the IPA mechanism in order to improve the country's resilience and recovery. 


Clive Rumbold from the European External Action Service emphasizes that it is important for all political leaders in Montenegro to show commitment to EU values, stability and progress, and to dedicate themselves to overcoming divisions. He emphasizes that pro-Russian narratives in Montenegro are present on social networks and on the Internet, which strengthens "small protests that took place in support of Russia." He also states that the DF leaders called on the authorities to remain neutral when it comes to Russian aggression against Ukraine, as well as that the draft resolution of the Montenegrin Parliament on Russian aggression was supported by 44 deputies, but no session was convened by the acting president. "We must make it clear that we support pro-European political forces and expect them to work on the necessary reforms in order for the country to become a member of the EU." As the Report emphasizes, the citizens of Montenegro strongly support EU membership and European integration. I will use the sentence that can often be heard in Montenegrin politics these days - That is the will of the people", concluded Rumbold. 


Picula: The glorification of war crimes must not be tolerated (RTCG)

Montenegro has made the most progress in the accession negotiations, opening all negotiation chapters, and almost 80 percent of citizens support the country's membership in the EU, said the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Montenegro Tonino Picula. He also stressed that genocide denial, rhetoric that deepens political tensions and glorification of war crimes, must not be tolerated. "The fact that Montenegro is pursuing an enlargement policy must not be overlooked in the current debates on accelerating the process of candidate status and EU accession," Picula said, explaining the draft Report on Montenegro before the European Parliament's foreign policy committee. However, he says that since the last report, Montenegro has not made progress on the EU path, and that no chapter has been closed since 2017. 


Picula notes that the main political priority should be to close the chapter while meeting the provisional criteria for Chapters 23 and 24, as well as an organized negotiating team, as the negotiating structure has not been functional for a long time. The EP rapporteur also states that Montenegro has gone through turbulent political events, from a vote of no confidence in the government and the President of the Assembly to attempts to form a minority government. "It remains to be seen whether the minority government will be able to ensure the country's progress on the EU path. I do not want to prejudge the outcome of that political process, but the EP continuously provides support to Montenegro, but in addition to that, the interlocutors in the executive branch are needed," said Picula. The report also calls for a constructive political dialogue and encourages the commitment of all parties in overcoming the extremely polarized political climate. 


North Macedonia 


Borrell: I cannot promise you a date (Republika)


High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell shattered hopes that Macedonia could start negotiations with the EU without accepting Bulgarian demands. He told our country that the road to negotiations leads through Sofia as it did a few years ago through Athens. Although Borrell is well aware that Macedonia and Bulgaria are not equal in the negotiations and that Sofia has the support of Brussels, he called for an agreement with Bulgaria, although he knows well the positions of the Bulgarian authorities. 


An agreement with Bulgaria is almost impossible unless their demands that the Macedonian language is a Bulgarian dialect are accepted and that the Macedonians were Bulgarians until 1944. Of course, the most important issue for them is that Goce Delcev is a Bulgarian. 


Borrell had a short answer to all this. “I cannot promise you a date but I can promise you a will.” The EU date has turned into a will. This is a step backwards in Macedonia’s European integration since 2005. The last representatives at least promised a date for negotiations, of course as soon as the country resolved the dispute with Greece. Borrell’s predecessor Federica Mogherini and the well-known Johannes Hahn also came to Skopje with such a message. A date for the start of negotiations for the country this summer, and opening of the negotiation chapters by the end of the year, said Hahn in 2019. Hahn’s predecessors were no better, but at least they mentioned the key word “date”. 


Mickoski on Borrell’s statement: We make a lot of concessions, how can they look people in the eye and keep repeating the same thing (TV Kanal 5)


When Johannes Hahn and his predecessors came and told us through Athens. Now comes Borrell telling us through Sofia. Tomorrow God knows through whom else they will tell us, and this nation and this small country have made so many concessions that I really do not really know how they are not sorry to look the people in the eye and repeat the same thing as a broken plate, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with TV Kanal 5, when asked to comment on High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell’s statement that there is a will to start negotiations, but not a date. Mickoski stressed that the Macedonian people and state deserve to start negotiations with the European Union and not be subject to additional humiliation and blackmail. This people and this country deserve to start those negotiations, aside the incompetent politicians and aside the criminal policies that are being pursued, at least on a political level, solidarity and everything that this people did for Europe deserves to start those negotiations, not to be the subject of additional humiliations and blackmails, said Mickoski. 


Finance Minister Besimi agrees that the economic measures will not be enough (Republika)


Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi agreed that the measures which his government has introduced are not enough, because the economic crisis is far too deep. “I think that we had an all-encompassing package pretty quickly, and we won’t stop there. But what we need to know is that what the Government is doing will not be enough. It means the at the crisis is so wide and our economy so small that we can’t influence the prices on the European and the world markets” Besimi said. 




Çuçi receives the EU High Representative, Josep Borrell (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Interior, Bledi Çuçi, received in a meeting the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and at the same time the Vice President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell. During the meeting, Albania's close cooperation with all bodies of the European Union was praised, including the implementation of the law in key areas of strategic policies related to European Foreign and Security Policy. In this regard, Minister Çuçi stressed that Albania's Security Policy is 100% in line with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy, especially in relation to the package of sanctions against Russia. Focusing on the war, the Minister of Interior brought to the attention of the EU High Representative the fact that Albania was one of the first countries in the Western Balkans to declare unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders, such as and condemned the unjustified Russian aggression. 


Regarding the possible migration flows of people fleeing Ukraine due to the war, Minister Çuçi expressed Albania's readiness to coordinate efforts with EU member states to cope with this new crisis. He drew attention to the fact that Albania was the first country to activate the temporary protection mechanism in the case of Afghans who left their homeland after the Taliban took power. The meeting also praised the EC's commitment to support with concrete instruments to increase security capacity, including cyber. 


Borrell introduces 4th Package of Anti-Putin sanctions from Tirana (ADN)

EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell has introduced Tuesday from Tirana the fourth package of sanctions that the EU has imposed on Russia, which launched a full-scale invasion on Ukraine three weeks ago. The diplomat strongly condemned the aggression against Ukraine and said that sanctions against Russia are aimed at its economic weakening and dealing a logistical blow. The measures will affect Russian trade, market access, economic access and we have targeted the steel and energy sectors, the senior EU official noted. "Everyone knows that this is a critical moment, for the EU for Europeans and for the whole world, including the Balkans and Albania. More than ever, we need to meet and discuss these issues with one of our close allies. It is horrible how the Russian leadership attacks Ukraine indiscriminately. It is not a war in the military sense, but it is an attack on Ukrainian civilians. The Russian Armed Forces are inflicting heavy damage. We have all seen the courageous attitude of the people of Ukraine. We will continue our support for the people of Ukraine. It has been brutal aggression by Russia. In response to this aggression, we have today adopted a strong package of sanctions, to contribute to increasing economic pressure on the Kremlin. As well as cripple its logistical base and capacity to finance the occupation of Ukraine. The measures will affect Russian trade, market access, economic access and we have targeted the steel and energy sectors. We are adding to our list individuals and companies that play an active role in supporting the clique around Putin and undermining Ukraine's sovereignty", pointed out Borrell.