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Belgrade Media Report 18 March


Vucic: Serbia and Austria are good partners, support for the European path (RTS)

We highly appreciate the strong engagement of Austria for the enlargement of the European Union and support for the European path of our country, said the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, in a conversation with the Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Karl Nehammer


The Austrian Chancellor especially emphasized that it is of great importance for the EU to clearly define the membership of the Western Balkan countries in the Union, and that it is necessary to speed up the process, emphasizing that Serbia and Austria are good partners. 


Vucic assessed the relations with Austria as very good and reiterated Serbia's firm commitment to their further comprehensive strengthening, with a special emphasis on the further development of economic cooperation. "Trade exchange between our two countries, although affected by the pandemic, in 2021 recorded an increase of 28 percent and reached 1.36 billion euros, with a tendency to grow," Vucic said, adding that Austria is one of the largest investors in the Serbian economy. The President of Serbia also informed the Federal Chancellor in detail about the current situation in the region. The interlocutors agreed that Serbia and Austria attach great importance to strengthening multilateralism and joint opposition to today's global challenges, and in that sense stressed the need to continue successful cooperation at the multilateral level, the statement said. 


Brnabic: The state will never allow the March pogrom or the Storm to happen again (RTS)

A commemorative academy was held at the National Theater in Belgrade on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), in which 19 people died, more than a thousand people were injured, 4,012 Serbs were expelled from their homes, 935 Serb houses were destroyed and 35 churches and monasteries burned. and destroyed. 


The Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke at the commemorative academy, saying that on March 17, 2004, Europe again witnessed horrific scenes filled with hatred and said that the state of Serbia would never allow such a horrific event to happen again. "In the history of every nation, there are dates written in golden letters and those written in black letters, letters of pain and sorrow. For the Serbian people, March 17 is one of these others. On March 17, 2004, Europe once again witnessed horrific "A group of people, driven by the desire to destroy everything Serbian, started a pogrom on the territory of KiM," Brnabic reminded. 

She added that Serbs on the territory of KiM were mercilessly killed and expelled that day just because they are Serbs. Brnabic stated that Serbian homes and property were destroyed, adding that even those who escaped liquidation or did not leave home were denied the right to live a dignified life. She reminded that many Serbian graves were destroyed that day. She also said that after more than 20 years, 200,000 people are listed as internally displaced, and that less than two percent have achieved sustainable return.


Brnabic also pointed out that she could not say that the international forces did nothing that day, adding that they did not do nearly enough to fulfil their mandate from UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and ensure the lives of all Serbs in KiM. "To make matters worse and to make this even more painful, the government in Belgrade at the time did not take any of the steps that reason and the Constitution would require, as necessary in a situation where our people face the danger of complete extermination," Brnabic said. She is especially hurt, she said, that 35 churches and monasteries were destroyed in two days, adding that some of them were on the UNESCO list of cultural heritage. She pointed out that to this day, none of those monasteries has been completely saved. She also pointed out that since the end of the armed conflicts in 1999, more than 150 Orthodox churches and monasteries in KiM have been destroyed, stating that some of them were built in the 13th and 14th centuries. Brnabic also said that the Gracanica monastery is on the UNESCO list of endangered monasteries, while Visoki Decani was declared one of the most endangered monuments last year, and stated that it is the only religious building in Europe that is been guarded by military forces for 22 years. 


"Today's Serbia is in every sense incomparably different and stronger than it was in 2004. Our Serbia is the economic leader of the region, the center of peace and stability, a Serbia that looks to the future, wants to connect with the region and wants more stable region", stated Brnabic and said that the state will never allow the March pogrom or the Storm to happen to our people again. 


She also pointed out that today's Serbia has launched the "Open Balkans" initiative, which aims to connect the people and economies of the region and provide better opportunities for young people, regardless of nationality, religion and which part of the Balkans they come from. "It is important that we have a more stable region in which young people will stay to live and create a better future," Brnabic said. 


She also pointed out that today we remember all the victims on March 17. "I want to tell all the citizens of Serbia, in the days when we are facing the war in Europe, Serbia will know how to preserve peace and stability, and our people will never feel alone and without the protection of their government, their president and state," Brnabic concluded. 


Stefanovic: The army is one of the key guarantors of peace and stability (RTS)

For us, peace and stability are very important and the Army, as a deterrent, is one of the key guarantors of that peace and stability, says Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic. During the visit of the members of the Fourth Brigade of the Land Army in Vranje, Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said that the situation in Serbia is good and peaceful, reports the Ministry of Defense. "Peace and stability are very important to us and the Army, as a deterrent, is one of the key guarantors of that peace and stability, and we will continue, of course, to strengthen our Army and invest in our people, just so it never happens again, that someone thinks that Serbia can be their prey or do something that will endanger the security of our people," said Stefanovic. 


The Minister pointed out in the barracks of the "First Infantry Regiment of Prince Milos the Great" that the task was to invest in new funds and modernization. "We want to strengthen our units with this new equipment and to continue strengthening it with new training and new equipment, and to show how important it is for us that each brigade of our army is able to respond to every challenge and continue to protect and defend our country," Stefanovic said. He announced the improvement of the existing armoured vehicles and anti-aircraft systems. "Our overhaul institutes will work together with our Military Technical Institute to improve the tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery and anti-aircraft systems we have, to the level that people in the army say they are satisfied with them and can perform the tasks before them" says Stefanovic.


During the visit, the commander of the Fourth Brigade, Brigadier General Novica Petrovic, informed the Minister of Defense about the condition and tasks of the unit, after which Stefanovic attended a demonstration of training members of armoured units. The Minister said that it should be seen how many people in that brigade are ready to respond to the call of the homeland to defend it at any moment. "This brigade is a continuation of the tradition of motorized brigades that defended our country before it. These people work day and night, so that we do not have to worry about our safety and security. We try, of course, to increase salaries and improve equipment, in accordance with the country's capabilities, let's show how much we appreciate this difficult, military job, because everyone who has spent at least one day in the army and been with soldiers, knows how difficult this job is," says Stefanovic. 


Stefanovic also visited the memorial room of the Fourth Brigade of the Land Army, where memories of soldiers, policemen and citizens of Vranje and the Pcinja district who died in all the wars since 1878 have been preserved from oblivion.  


EU Ambassadors: Union knows it can count on Serbia’s support to Ukraine, against Russian invasion (Nedeljnik)


The European Union is aware that it can count on Serbia’s hospitality and compassion for Ukrainians just as it can “count on Serbia to continue upholding international law, supporting Ukraine and opposing the Russian invasion,” the ambassadors of EU member states wrote in an op-ed for the Nedeljnik weekly. “We commend Serbia for joining the 141 countries that have voted for the UN General Assembly resolution strongly condemning the Russian aggression against Ukraine and demanding that Russia immediately cease the use of force against Ukraine,” the March 17 article reads. The piece further recalls Serbia’s decades of experience in accepting refugees, first during the 1990s Yugoslav Wars and later during the 2015 migrant crisis. “We know that we can count on Serbia and that the Ukrainian people fleeing the horrors of war can count on Serbia’s hospitality and compassion. For our part, we will do everything we can to support Serbia in supporting Ukrainians, because Ukrainians are leaving their homes to survive,” the ambassadors wrote. “During the Belgrade protests, many Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians marched side by side with Serbs against the war. Thus, we, too, want to express our deepest regret over the reported isolated cases of discrimination against Russian citizens living abroad,” they added. 


Serbian CoE Representatives avoid taking position on Russia’s exclusion (Beta)


Representatives of Serbia avoided taking a stance regarding Russia’s exclusion from the Council of Europe at the extraordinary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of that organization on Tuesday, and also on Wednesday during a meeting of the Ministers Committee, news agency Beta reports. On March 16, CoE barred Russia from its membership due to its aggression on Ukraine, a day after the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe unanimously adopted the Opinion that Russia may no longer remain a member of that organization. Serb representatives were on the list of attendees of the 

meeting, but left the session before the voting, news agency Beta reports. 219 out of 324 members of that body voted, of which 216 “in favor of” and three abstained. According to information released on CoE website, none of the seven Serbian representatives voted. 


Opposition and analysts expect Vucic to make concessions (VIP)

Presidential candidate of the opposition ticket United for the Victory of Serbia Zdravko Ponos said on Thursday that the government was trying to lie to its citizens that it would not impose sanctions on Russia because of the elections and pro-Russian inclinations in the electorate, but in the end it would give in under the pressure from the West. “They are lying to both. They promise their Western partners and interlocutors that when the elections are over, they will respect everything and adhere to sanctions, and what they are doing now is a kind of advance”, Ponos said. 


Editor of the weekly NIN Zoran Preradovic said he expected the international community to force Aleksandar Vucic to impose sanctions on Russia. “There seems to be some kind of tacit agreement between EU and Vucic to impose sanctions after the elections”, Preradovic said. 

Vucic: Peace, stability and security are important; diesel and petrol get cheaper (B92)


President of the Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, presented the pre-election program of the SNS to the citizens on Thursday. "Peace, stability and security are important for our country. We had enough to live normally. Tomorrow, oil products will not become more expensive, the price of diesel will be lower by 0.42 dinars, and the price of gasoline by 0.24 dinars. I think that is of utmost importance for the citizens. We talk to our partners about it every day," Vucic said. "The fact that in these conditions of madness and hysteria it is important to preserve our national interests, but also to make sure that people will have enough. Life is the most important thing, and I believe I shared good news," the presidential candidate added. 


He commented on Emmanuel Macron's statement, who said that there would be famines in certain parts of the world. "It is clear that the amount of food we have in Europe will not be enough for everyone. It is clear that the amount of cereals is less than the demand. We have counted on this, you must keep in mind that the wheat harvest is only in August, and we will only then know the final quantities. At the moment we have huge requests, we have the most from Italy", added Vucic. 


The presidential candidate says that the Albanians also asked for additional quantities of wheat and corn, and that Montenegro also asked for them. We are still waiting for data from RS and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but we have more and more requests from the African continent. One request is catching up with another, and we will make a decision in the days ahead. There will be enough flour and bread, as well as sunflower oil. The BIA should also check the Energy Administration to see if there is exactly as much oil as reported", he says. 


Vucic added that it is normal to limit exports, in order to ensure that we have sufficient quantities of all groceries. "The crisis is getting worse day by day, I am afraid it will be harder, because I do not see enough will and desire to stop the war. We will have to suffer a lot more. The situation will be even worse, and it is important for us to try to save the country, to continue to attract investors and save employment", he said. 


The presidential candidate of the list "Together we can do everything" added that it is important to work and be united, as well as to concentrate on our own progress. "The day after tomorrow is a big day, we are launching a train from Belgrade to Novi Sad, the promotional ticket is 300 dinars and I invite all people to enjoy and see what it looks like. Thanks to their patience and work, people managed to do all this, to make Serbia a country which we are all proud of ", Vucic points out.  


He says that he will not solve the world's problems, and pray to God for peace, although some laughed at that statement. "I pray to God because it leaves severe consequences for Serbia. The problems are getting bigger day by day. Every day we have an alleged bomb on the plane to Moscow, and countless problems. The fact that someone is insulting speaks the most about those who do it. I am grateful to the people who support me and who understand the situation in our country", said the presidential candidate. 


Vucic added that people will choose the path that is best for Serbia, their children, parents and spouses. "I am sure he will choose the right path, the path to the future, not the past. In any case, I will congratulate the one who has the most votes. And it does not occur to me to comment on opponents, I think it is enough just people are listening”, he said. 


The presidential candidate said that he would support the Government of Serbia in the foreign policy and internal plan. "Externally, we will work on attracting investments, continue to reduce unemployment and keep public debt under control. For the first time, we have a salary of a specialist doctor in excess of 1.000 euros. A lot has been done, and I still know that there are many poor people. Helping young people and retirees will be our priority. It will not be an easy job, the world is splitting and breaking, but we will try to keep the damage to a minimum", he said. "Serbia has managed to be the most economically successful country, and it is a matter of strength and desire to be successful," Vucic said. "Serbia will keep the peace. I received some strange "telegram" information during the afternoon, but we analyzed it, and everything will be fine. It concerns the situation in the region, and we will manage to keep the peace. Feel free to be calm. We want people to live in freedom, to live in peace, to live from their work", he said. 


The presidential candidate of the coalition "Together we can do everything" said that he was grateful to the team that designed the election videos. "Elections are not a game, the state is not a toy. I call on people to go to the polls and vote according to their conscience. I will fight and we will manage to preserve peace and stability together. I am grateful to all people," Vucic concluded. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Eichhorst and Murphy hold meeting with representatives of B&H Citizens' Assembly (Hayat)

Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst and the new US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Michael Murphy held a meeting in B&H Parliament on Thursday morning with the representatives of the B&H Citizens' Assembly, who presented 17 proposals to Eichhorst and Murphy regarding changes of the Election Law. Eichhorst and Murphy were very pleased with these proposals but they said that the Venice Commission should join this whole process so that B&H can receive the best possible Election Law at the moment. The EU Delegation in B&H (EUD) sent a document to the addresses of the parties participating in the negotiations on changes to the Election Law two days ago, and part of it is a package on election integrity, which international representatives insist on. This includes, among other things, new technologies of the election system, i.e. the introduction of electronic voting. This includes tightening postal voting measures.  


Eichhorst was quoted as saying: “The intention was to unite the majority of political subjects in B&H through the text in terms of harmonizing those elements that will have mobility in the Parliament, i.e. those that have a realistic chance to be adopted. At the moment, I cannot comment on which elements were assessed as acceptable, because the talks are still ongoing”.  


According to Murphy, the representatives of the US are still part of the talks, and they are there to help reach an agreement, together with the EU and the OSCE, but not at any cost. In any case, that agreement must have a part of the package that deals with election integrity. It is very important to have a process that includes discussions on reforms of the election legislation, and the citizens should be part of it, according to the head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec. She said that is the reason why the OSCE in B&H supported B&H Citizens' Assembly.  


Kavalec was quoted as saying: “As an OSCE participating State, B&H has committed itself to the immediate implementation of all recommendations of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) regarding the election process. Of course, on the one hand, the implementation of all judgments is the subject of discussion of all political subjects and it is equally important that citizens contribute to all political discussions”. According to the proposal of B&H Citizens’ Assembly, both B&H HoP and the Federation of B&H FB&H) HoP would be abolished, as well as the Republika Srpska (RS) Council of Peoples (CoP), and the VNI would be decided by B&H HoR and the RS National Assembly (RSNA).  


Senada Hadzic from the B&H Citizens’ Assembly stated: “As for the B&H Presidency, we recommend the indirect election of four members of the B&H Presidency from the ranks of B&H HoR representatives, each of whom would perform the duty of a President for one year in rotation. The Presidency would have a protocol role, while the competence would be transferred to the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM)”.  


Eichhorst also said that the domestic leaders are responsible for upholding all the values that the B&H-EU partnership is based on. She pointed out that the changes to Election Law, which would ensure fair elections, are of utmost importance for B&H. Eichhorst was quoted as saying: “Of course, we include other sets of laws that are pending before the B&H Parliament and include improvements in the work of the judiciary and in the fight against corruption. However, to return to the agreement regarding constitutional and electoral reforms, achieving this agreement will significantly bring B&H closer to the possibility of being granted candidate status, which I believe is extremely important and represents a historic opportunity to be seized”.  


Murphy stated that there are three things that are important for B&H at the moment. Murphy was quoted as saying: “First, a new geopolitical moment has emerged in Europe, including the Western Balkans, opening up new opportunities for B&H. This opportunity implies the responsibility of local leaders in B&H to make progress in order to seize the opportunity presented to them. Second, the US, the EU and the OSCE are here to help your leaders to reach compromises and consensus needed to use the opportunity that appeared. Third, this does not imply an agreement at any cost. This implies the agreement with elements that you are already familiar with, including the most important thing, that is the package which refers to integrity of the election process. Thank you. We are ready to get to work”. The OSCE warned that B&H as a member of OSCE has the obligation to implement all recommendations that refer to organization of fair and honest elections, as well as to implement all court decisions related to the election process in B&H. 


New round of negotiations on electoral reform in B&H continue (Hayat)

A new round of negotiations on changes to election legislation was held on Thursday, with the mediation of foreigners. There was no new information that could point to the fact that certain positions were getting closer regarding the changes to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law, noted the reporter. There were statements from certain negotiators that the atmosphere was more optimistic and that the positions were less rigid than in Neum, added the reporter. The negotiators arrived to the EU Delegation building at about 14:00 hours and were then divided into two groups. The first group discussed technical changes, i.e. the integrity package, which includes strengthening the integrity and fairness of the election process. There was a new roadblock in the discussion on technical changes.  


Our Party (NS) representative in B&H Parliament Damir Arnaut said that HDZ B&H requested that the members of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) are approved by the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), in addition to the B&H House of Representatives (HoR). This was unacceptable for others because it would mean a new mechanism for HDZ B&H to block the appointment of members of the B&H CEC, added the reporter. Arnaut stated: “Unfortunately, there is essentially no progress. They are blocking the entire integrity package with changes in the way the CEC is appointed. Without it, they will not talk about scanners, etc.”  


Head of SDP Caucus in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) HoR Damir Masic said there was some progress in the sense that there is readiness to talk in the segment of improving the integrity of the elections. Masic stated: “However, today, for the first time, we had quite radical views, above all, from a colleague from HDZ (B&H)”.  


When it comes to the second group of negotiators, which included the leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic and the leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic with their associates, they discussed key issues related to changes to Election Law, namely the manner of electing members of the B&H Presidency and the way the FB&H HoP works.  


The Venice Commission expressed its opinion that ethnic prefixes should be abolished regarding the election of members of the B&H Presidency. Thus, certain decisions of the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) would be implemented automatically, noted the reporter. When it comes to the HoP (not specified whether it is B&H HoP or FB&H HoP), the Venice Commission also expressed its opinion and stated that that it should be reduced, i.e. that it only deals with issues related to vital national interests (VNI), added the reporter. Covic refused both of those suggestions several times 


When it comes to negotiations on Thursday, there was no information during Hayat central news broadcast about the discussion of the second group of negotiators, that was finished about 18:00 hours. All participants in the second group agreed not to make a statement, as any statement could be misinterpreted and therefore, possibly approximate attitudes could diverge, added the reporter. Mediators of this meeting were Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst and the new US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. Murphy took over the role of the US mediator from the former US Envoy for Election Reform Matthew Palmer. According Murphy, Palmer is taking over the new function in London, and the obligations related to the changes in the Election Law are being transferred to Murphy.  


Schmidt: Konakovic’s and Radoncic’s ideas are very constructive; That would be realistic law (Dnevni avaz)

High Representative Christian Schmidt commented the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), with focus on the electoral reform. The daily noted that Schmidt also talked about the request of B&H politicians for the accelerated EU path for B&H. Reporter, underlined that all eyes are turned toward Milorad Dodik and SNSD and asked Schmidt if he thinks this is a test that will show whether they truly support the EU path, Schmidt agreed and noted that EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell conveyed the message “Please, reach an agreement”. “This is what Mrs. Eichhorst (Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina) is doing. Various talks were held since Neum. I especially want to emphasize that ideas of Mr. Konakovic (NiP leader Elmedin) and Mr. Radoncic (SBB leader Fahrudin) seemed to be very constructive and that this would be a realistic law. I was criticized because I said that elections will be held. I only read the Law as it reads in B&H and it says that elections are in October”, said Schmidt. 


Komsic: As things stand now, I doubt agreement on electoral reform in B&H will be reached (FTV)

Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and DF leader Zeljko Komsic commented the negotiations on the electoral reform in B&H. DF returned to these negotiations after it skipped the last round of talks. “Both SDP B&H and DF, as well as ‘Our Party’ (NS), have returned to negotiations on changes to the Election Law, because the moment is too important and risky for the whole country, to stand by and just watch”, Komsic stressed. Everything that happened in Neum was expected to be the end of the negotiations, but obviously they are not giving up, Komsic says. “I think that Croatian policy, that is, the policy of Zagreb, and one pressure from Zagreb that goes, above all, towards Brussels, that is, the European Commission, has led us to return to our starting positions and a new round of talks is starting. But I think this will be the finale, whatever may happen”, Komsic assessed. He states that, as things stand now, he clearly doubts that an agreement will be reached. DF, SDP B&H and NS did not take part in previous negotiations as they believed state institutions had to be unblocked before talking about anything else. Asked if they should have participated at the Neum talks, Komsic said they did not need to do that. “We should not have participated in Neum because, in my opinion, that was not the time for negotiations”, Komsic said.  


On Thursday it was revealed that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy has taken on the role of Matthew Palmer, the now-former US Special Representative for Negotiations on Amendments to the Election Law in B&H. Komsic commented this, saying Matthew Palmer is a career diplomat and that a few months ago there were rumours that he was leaving for another diplomatic post. Komsic emphasized that he knows Palmer for quite some time now. “Mister Palmer and I have known each other for a very long time and we have had fierce conversations”, Komsic stated, adding that Palmer often comes and tells his interlocutors that they are right and that he understands them, after which he says what he wants them to do and say. “My answer has always been the same - do not explain to me what the state of B&H is, I may know this better than all of you because I live here. So, there were a lot of interesting conversations, sometimes duels, but in any case I wish him every success and of course personal happiness. This is a man who knows a lot about this area, but when I look at it from the point where the interests of B&H are at stake, maybe it is good that it happened this way”, Komsic concluded.  


When it comes to the B&H Election Law negotiations, international mediators were often accused of “taking sides” and Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler was not excluded from such things. While a guest of FTV, Sattler said he does not know where this comes from and what he might have done or said that would make people think he is taking any sides in the talks. Komsic said Sattler is a diplomat in the service of the European Commission and EU countries. Komsic spoke of the role of the international community (IC) officials in these negotiations and compared the entire thing to a situation he had with his electrician. He said the electrician, when he saw he would not have enough wire for the entire home, he did not go and buy more wire but he just took an old flatiron, cut off its wire and placed it where he needed it. “My question was whether it was dangerous, whether the house could burn down from this, he says yes, of course, but I hope it will not. That is the position of the international community in B&H for me. Those experiments that deviate from public policies. I think they need an agreement at all costs, and they may not care about the consequences of the agreement”, Komsic underlined. He emphasizes that electoral reform is not necessary at all costs. Komsic reminds that B&H already has an Election Law in force. He believes it is ridiculous to make changes just to satisfy HDZ B&H, the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) in B&H and the official Zagreb. “They know in Brussels, as they know in Washington, that this direction is wrong, that it leads to further division of the country with a very uncertain end”, Komsic warned.  


He was asked to comment on proposed models for changing the Election Law, primarily HDZ B&H’s ‘electoral model’. Komsic points out that the electoral model reinforces ethnic divisions in the country. The essence of the problem with the electoral model is the unequal value of the votes, Komsic says. He says this, if it gets accepted, would mean that B&H would never be able to join the EU or the NATO. Our chances are slim now, but then, they would be non-existent, he says.  


Recently, the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) held a session and discussed the current situation in B&H. Komsic was asked what were the most important messages heard from the session. As the most important messages from Brussels, he states that “people in the European Parliament have grown tired of the pro-Russian policy when it comes to B&H and the Western Balkans”. Komsic also believes that the EU officials are sick and tired of the lies that are spoken by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, and his ‘sidekick’ – HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. In his address before the AFET members, Komsic called Dodik and Covic “main Russian allies in B&H”. Dodik insulted Komsic after this statement, but Komsic says he would not respond back as he sees no point in doing that.  


Asked why he did not attend the session in person, but via video link, Komsic explains that he agreed this with Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. Due to events that are unravelling in Europe, the region and the world, Komsic and Dzaferovic believe that at least one of the B&H Presidency members should remain in B&H, due to possible security issues or something else that might be an issue of the state Presidency.  


Asked how the situation in Ukraine will affect the Western Balkans, Komsic said: “The war will end. The consequences will not only be present here in our region. The whole world will be different. Of course, the European continent will be the most affected. There will be a different alliance between the western countries, I think it will be stronger, some things will have to change, first of all in that security, even in the military sense”. The economies of Western countries are much stronger, much more productive, they will find it easier to get out of this crisis. Russia and the Russian people will surely pay the highest economic and social price, Komsic concludes. He points out that there will be no war in B&H. “I am sure that Dodik is very serious in his plans. The other thing is that he is a liar. A lie is something that goes with his political being. His ultimate goal, if he succeeds, is the secession of part of B&H”, Komsic believes. He emphasized that things must be done in line with the Constitution and the laws in B&H. Those that violate them, must be investigated and sanctioned by the state Prosecution and the Court, Komsic underscored.  

‘’ criticizes Eichhorst’s decision to separate parties and leaving left-wing parties to discuss only technical issues (Oslobodjenje) portal learns that Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst separated the negotiators in the building of EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Left-wing parties (SDP, DF and NS) were excluded from the talks on changes to the Election Law which regard the election of B&H Presidency and they were left to discuss the technical issues of the electoral reform. Portal noted that by the decision of EUD, led by Eichhorst SDA, SBB B&H, NiP, NES, HDZ B&H and HDZ 199 delegations discussed the political issues concerning the election of BiH Presidency.  


Article reads that DF reacted to this stressing that these are “utterly biased efforts to remove civic parties from the negotiating process” regarding the political issues, adding that this is “undermining credibility” of the talks. Daily reads that certain Members of European Parliament also criticized Eichhorst’s decision. Daily goes on and reminds of Bakir Izetbegovic and Dragan Covic’s statements regarding the agreement and talks on appointment and election of Houses of Peoples, which they made the day before after meeting EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. While both of them noted that certain progress has been made in this regard, ‘’ learns that this is not true. Portal noted that according to the so-called catalogue of sectors where it is possible to use ‘vital national interest’, all relevant issues in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) would be includes, starting from budget, security policy, education and even taxes, which in fact means that every Caucus can launch the VNI protection mechanism and for instance they could return the betting shops into the taxation system of the FB&H. Also, HDZ B&H suggests that increase of the FB&H Constitutional Court the VNI issue would be determined by the Caucus in FB&H HoP which launched the VNI protection mechanism.  


Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Faris Vehabovic told daily that there is no logic in this unless the idea was to introduce the permanent veto. He underlined that this would require clear and precise definition of VNI beforehand and reducing to the issues that will not influence the functionality of the procedures before legislation bodies. He elaborates that this would mean that VNI issue would be tied only to issues that are truly important for VNI and not the issues proposed by this this document.  


Reactions to Statement of Russian Ambassador Kalabukhov (N1, Dnevni avaz)

Chair of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zeljko Komsic reacted to Russian Ambassador Igor Kalabukhov’s statements and argued that those were threats. Komsic also said that the message on reaction of Russia, mentioning the example of Ukraine, is clear but also unacceptable for B&H. Komsic argued that the decision on joining the NATO can only be made by B&H institutions and cannot be “a cause for an attack on B&H” and he concluded by saying that these are “threats to peace and stability in the Western Balkans”.   


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said on Thursday that the statement of the Russian Ambassador to B&H Kalabukhov, who said that Russia will react in case of B&H's membership in NATO, and the mention of Ukraine in this context, represents an unacceptable threat and attack on the sovereignty of B&H. 


The US Embassy to B&H reacted and said “The Russian Ambassador’s latest threats to B&H are dangerous, irresponsible, and unacceptable. No third party has a say in security arrangements between NATO and sovereign countries. We will continue to stand firmly by B&H as it takes the necessary steps to secure its place in the Euro-Atlantic community of nations”, the Embassy posted on their Twitter account. 


Zvizdic, Roth discuss situation in B&H during meeting in Berlin; Zvizdic convinced that Germany would never support those that block work of B&H institutions (FTV)

Speaker of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Denis Zvizdic met with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag Michael Roth in Berlin. Zvizdic informed Roth of the current political situation in B&H, blockade of institutions, and he asked Germany to return to the EUFOR mission – as this is very important for preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H. Zvizdic thanked the German government for its strong interest in the situation in the Western Balkans, and especially in B&H. He said that it was very important for the citizens of B&H that Germany stood by B&H and that it had clearly expressed its commitment to the European Union's enlargement policy. Zvizdic is convinced that Germany would never support those that block the work of B&H institutions. 


Leader of the United Srpska and Head of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nenad Stevandic said that Zvizdic abused his position during a meeting with Roth in Berlin because he spoke about issues for which the B&H Presidency is actually competent. Stevandic said that it is not disputable that every MP can meet whomever he wants but, in this case, it is obvious Zvizdic illegally took over the role of the B&H Presidency for leading foreign policy and decision-making process about foreign-political issues. He pointed out that Zvizdic took over the role of B&H Minister of Security because during the meeting, he was actually assessing where army should be deployed. 


Crnadak, Zunic comment on Borrell’s statement on European Commission’s decision to stop projects in RS (BN TV)

Representatives in the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) commented on the statement of the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell who said that the European Commission already suspended two financial projects in the RS due to undermining of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) institutions and separatist tendencies. The RS opposition believes that the one to blame for such attitudes from the EU is SNSD. The ruling coalition stated that any sort of punishment for the RS is intolerable. PDP representative in RSNA Igor Crnadak said that authorities led by SNSD lead the RS into isolation and into conflict “with every relevant address in the world”. Crnadak said that the RS authorities only think of their own money and how to keep that which they stole in the last 16 years. The head of SNSD caucus in RSNA Igor Zunic said that the punishing someone by stopping the projects that are in the interest of citizens makes no sense. Zunic said that it seems that one part of the Western world learned to operate on a principle of ‘stick and carrot’ but he thinks that that will not work there. “We stick to the Constitution, we stick to our policies”, said Zunic. Zunic said that they understand the situation in B&H but they are obviously favor one side. Zunic claimed that punishing the RS does not mean only punishing the RS but the whole B&H as well. 


B&H Security Minister Cikotic: Development of situation in Ukraine did not support expectations of those who wanted to project anti-EU and anti-NATO approach to relations (Hayat)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic was a guest for Hayat. Cikotic discussed the security situation in B&H in light of the war in Ukraine. When asked whether the citizens of B&H are safe, Cikotic said: “To the extent that we are given to appreciate, I think they are”. Cikotic said he thinks that the security of B&H is average when it comes to security in the region. He said that, although there is concern from certain institutions outside of B&H, he believes that fear is not a strategy. Cikotic said that he believes it is more important to think about what can be done constructively and responsibly to strengthen peace, security and stability of B&H.  


When asked about internal security issues, like the recent shooting in Dobrinja district, Cikotic pointed out that it is impossible to have zero crime rate but that security forces show capability and readiness, as well as prompt and effective reactions from the competent institutions. When asked whether B&H Ministry of Security has a list of persons that could endanger the security of citizens, Cikotic explained that the ministry itself does not have that information but that it is available at different levels of authority about persons that could be, as Cikotic said, interesting when it comes to security, both in positive and negative sense. When asked about the ‘Ravna Gora’ Chetnik Movement and the branch of the Russian motorcycle club from Republika Srpska (RS) ‘Nocni vukovi’ (‘Night Wolves’) and whether they are a threat to security, Cikotic noted that these associations do not represent a threat to security as much as the ideologies they are based on. Cikotic added that the Chetnik movement is especially harmful, first towards Serbs and that towards all non-Serbs in the region.  


When asked whether there can be reflection of the situation in Ukraine on B&H and whether there is enough force and readiness to stop it, Cikotic said that such reflection can already be seen. Cikotic explained that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a turning point in world relations of the 21st century, and that the day of the invasion February 24 will be just as important as September 11. Cikotic added that, regardless of the results of the invasion, the relations in the region and in the world will never be the same again. Cikotic pointed out that Russia did not achieve its goals as it imagined when it comes to taking over Ukrainian cities and removing its authorities. Cikotic said that there were some indications of those who supported the invasion of Ukraine of trying to threaten B&H. Cikotic also explained that the war is led at many fronts and not just the physical one and explained the importance of army morale, media and support or lack of support from the international community. Cikotic stated that the development of the situation in Ukraine did not support the expectations of those who wanted to project anti-EU and anti-NATO approach to relations.  


When it comes to B&H, Cikotic said that further events in Ukraine are relevant for B&H. According to Cikotic, B&H is both under influence of bigger actors and can hold its destiny in its own hands. Cikotic explained that consensus in B&H is crucial in order to reduce foreign influence in B&H, including Russian influence. Cikotic added that, although there are types of influence like the one from Europe, it needs to be differentiated. Cikotic pointed out that Europe always supported consensus and tried to help B&H implement it once it was reached, while Russia was never interested in consensus in B&H. According to Cikotic, Russia used the Serb establishment to promote their own goals. Cikotic claimed that Serb people are the ones who suffer the most because of the Russian influence and that it is necessary to return to good relations with Russia. Cikotic added that he believes they can find consensus in B&H for many open issues and then they can use the actors from the international community to help them implement it.  


When asked to comment on the threat towards B&H from the Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, who used Ukraine as an example to say what will happen to B&H if tries to join NATO, Cikotic noted that such threats and such language that Kalabukhov used only harm the reputation and position of Russia, and especially those who support Russia’s policy. Cikotic said that all difficult issues in B&H can be solved in a civilized manner and that B&H already had experience with conflict. Cikotic said that such ideologies of grabbing territory lose support and make less and less sense.  


Cikotic pointed out the problem in B&H and the region of people leaving to different countries, and the reason is no longer just the economic one. Cikotic added that the policy of SNSD and its leader Milorad Dodik, who wants the High Representative to leave B&H is the biggest reason why there is no chance that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) will B&H, because they are the ones who best illustrate that B&H is not mature enough to responsibly manage the state and the people. Cikotic said that HDZ B&H’s policy often sides with SNSD, which he considers irresponsible. Cikotic pointed out that B&H suffered a lot more losses and destruction than the region, and it managed to keep up with the region in various areas. When it comes to B&H lagging behind, Cikotic said that happens because there is no consensus and once again pointed out the importance and benefits of agreement. Cikotic criticized those who only care about saying what their voters, and not even all members of their ethnic group, want to hear, in order to get to power or keep power, instead of making good decisions for the citizens. Cikotic said that there is lack of proper state leadership. Cikotic added that the international community needs to recognize its own responsibility and that the formula in which they have the highest authorities but no responsibility does not work. Cikotic added that they should still leave space for domestic leaders to reach an agreement.  


When asked about the statement of NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg, in which he said they need to help Georgia, Moldavia and B&H due to Russian influence, Cikotic said that NATO has recognized that influence. Cikotic said that they can recognize Russian influence in the whole region in practically two decades of all forms of instability in the region. When asked about how can Russian influence be eliminated, Cikotic said with stronger and more functional states in the region, stronger role of NATO and correct cooperation of the states in the region with Russia.  


When it comes to the accusation from Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov about people from B&H going to Ukraine to volunteer in the war, Cikotic pointed out that such accusations were baseless and ill-intentioned. He said they asked those in Russia to provide proof, which they never did. Cikotic talked about the element of deception used in wars and that it can turn into self-deception, as could be seen in Russia’s example and their expectations in Ukraine compared to what happened. Regarding the census of Bosniaks in the RS by the RS security institutions, Cikotic said that he spoke with the RS Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac who explained the situation to him. Lukac told Cikotic that a new head of a certain security sector within the RS Ministry of Interior intended to update the data of interesting persons for security in both negative and positive terms. Cikotic said these are routine things that are done in other parts of B&H as well but perhaps not in such a manner, that may have been reckless considering the current situation and atmosphere. Cikotic said that there is no reason to raise tensions.  


When it comes to the increased EUFOR presence in B&H, Cikotic said that, in his opinion, EUFOR increased the security of its own staff and observation skills so that they can have a better insight into the information and the situation. If needed, EUFOR has forces “beyond the horizon”, which would be called in case the situation in B&H further escalates, pointed out Cikotic. 


Armoured vehicles on B&H roads, airplanes in the air - as if it was war (Vecernji list)

Writing about presence of the EUFOR troops on the ground, daily reads that it saw armoured vehicles in Konjic and Zepce, that one can see airplanes in the sky and that if one sent the pictures from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to the world, people would be convinced there is war in B&H. Whilst in Zepce, daily visited a local gas station and carried an employee of the gas station, who said he does not like the military vehicles’ presence “not just because of this story about the war, but because we also have bad road and we do not need these huge vehicles”. In addition, daily carried EUFOR’s statement, which noted that in these times, when the security balance in Europe has been compromised, the EU is demonstrating its commitment and resolve to support secure and stable environment in B&H and the Western Balkans. 




Grlic Radman: B&H's EU, NATO membership, equality of Croats in Croatia's interest (Hina)


Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said on Thursday that Bosnia and Herzegovina's (B&H) Euro-Atlantic integration is in the national interest of Croatia and that it cannot be achieved without the equality of Croats in that country. 

"On the international scene, Croatia is the biggest and sincere advocate of Euro-Atlantic associations. That is our clear national interest. That won't be possible without resolving the legitimate and legal demands of Croats" in B&H, Grlic Radman said at a conference in Neum in an online message in reference to reforms in B&H.  


The fifth conference "Untying the knots – B&H on the path to EU and NATO membership" was organised by Mostar University, the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts in B&H and Croatian universities, with the participation of scientists, politicians and foreign diplomats. 


Grlic Radman explained that the Croatian side in B&H has been the most constructive about reaching an agreement on amendments to the election law, providing proposals of how that can be done. 


Negotiations on election reforms are continuing in Sarajevo today with the mediation of the USA and EU. Grlic Radman said that B&H "hasn't resolved the problem of the political disenfranchisement of Croats or stability and institutional functioning in B&H." According to Grlic Radman, the reason for that is two dominant conflicting politics in B&H, separatism and unitarism. "It is difficult to say which is more detrimental to the Croat people. Both politics directly demolish the historical and constitutional foundations of BiH as a joint state of three equally constituent peoples and citizens. Without respect of those principles, the knot in B&H will not be untied for it to be a functional and stable country on the path to the EU and NATO," added Grlic Radman. 


The president of the Croatian National Assembly of B&H, Dragan Covic, said that B&H has to preserve its multi-national nature and that local politicians have to see the Ukraine crisis as an opportunity. US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy called on political leaders in B&H to reach a compromise so the country can come closer to the European Union. A new geopolitical moment has emerged in the European Union and the Western Balkans. It's up to leaders to use this opportunity. B&H leaders have the opportunity to move faster to the EU based on compromise and reconciliation, said Murphy. 


Defence Minister: Croatia, UK Committed to Preparation for Future Security Challenges (Hina)


The Croatian government on Thursday adopted a conclusion that took note of an international act on the strategic partnership between the Croatian and UK ministries of defence, with Minister Mario Banozic saying it was part of joint preparations for future defence and security challenges. Under the Conclusion and Implementation of International Treaties, the Act was signed in Zagreb on 1 February during a visit by the UK defence secretary and submitted to the Croatian government, the Defence Ministry said in a press release. Minister Banozic said that the obligation of strategic partnership reflects Croatia's commitment to the defence and security partnership in support of a stronger Alliance and common interests and values. "The document confirms the joint commitment to ensuring further equipment to respond to future defence and security challenges. Through the programme of bilateral action, we will continue to promote the interoperability of the Armed Forces and achieve defence and security objectives and a common vision of stronger strategic cooperation," said Banozic. "As allies, we will additionally strengthen interoperability by implementing joint training and exercises, both bilaterally and within NATO," the minister said.


Radars did not recognize drone as right sort of alarm, Plenkovic says (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Thursday that Romanian and Hungarian radars did not recognise the drone that crashed in Zagreb a week ago as there were other false alarms that occured around the same time, but all Croatian partners understood the seriousness of the situation. Speaking at a cabinet session, Plenkovic said he visited NATO's Combined Air Operations Centre in Torrejon, Spain yesterday and once again clarified with them radar images from last Thursday night. 


"Romanian and Hungarian radars did not recognise the vehicle as the right sort of alarm. That's very demanding given that there are a lot of such blips... It appeared, it didn't appear, and in those days there were other false alarms and fighter jets were raised over situations of a different nature." "However, since the drone crashed in Croatia's capital, all partners understand the seriousness of the situation" Plenkovic said. "There are three possible scenarios, a mistake was made, it was sabotage or it was intentional. That has to be determined so that all surveillance mechanisms are ready for such situations and so that attention is paid because of the war in Ukraine", he said. "Not even NATO's system could have seen the drone without being informed by those whose radars were closest to it", he added. 


"We will inform the public of all details so there is no confusion, false information, wrong comments and expert analyses without insight into what really happened because that's not good either for the public or those commenting on incomplete information." The relevant authorities are still looking into all the details of the crash. It has been established that that it was a Tupolev Tu-141 Strizh reconnaissance drone whose range was over 1,000 km. Given the traces found at the crash site, it has been established that the drone had an explosive device which exploded several metres below ground, Plenkovic said. He went on to say that military exercises were taking place these days in Croatia with the French and US air forces, reiterating that this was a strong message to the Croatian public that the allies and partners were with Croatia in this situation. He also said Croatia had taken in 7,200 Ukrainian refugees to date. 


Reznikov vows that the wayward drone was not launched by Ukrainian forces (HRT)


The Ukrainian Defense Minister addressed a meeting of the European Parliament's Security and Defense Subcommittee, its Foreign Affairs Committee and the EU-Ukraine Delegation via video-link on Thursday. Along with calls for EU countries to supply Ukraine with weapons without the constraints of red tape, and for the establishing of a no-fly zone. However, many analysts believe a no-fly zone would precipitate a full-scale conflict between the West and Russia. 


During the video-link Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov also responded to a question from Croatian MEP Tonino Picula, who requested more information about the crash of a drone in Zagreb last week: “I am in contact with the Croatian Defense Minister on a daily basis with whom we are investigating that incident, making use of data from radars and technical indicators. I assure you, we did not launch that kind of drone at Croatia. Croatia is our friend. Ukraine was one of the first countries in the world to formally recognize Croatian statehood, and one of the first to officially send weapons to our friends, our Croatia brothers and to the Croatian people.” 


He concluded that the drone incident has raised the question of NATO's security systems and its ability to protect its own airspace. Meanwhile, Croatian Defense Minister Mario Banozic today confirmed that the drone definitely came from Ukraine. A full week since the drone crashed in Zagreb's Jarun neighbourhood, an investigation into the incident is still ongoing. The investigation has been rife with conflicting information, primarily on whether the drone was carrying an explosive payload or not. 


On the 22nd day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces continued to shell the cities of Kiev, Mariupol, Chernihiv and Merefa. Efforts to evacuate civilians from several cities continue, as do negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: “Negotiations with Russia for Ukraine's future continue, my priorities are clear, the end of the war, a guarantee of security, sovereignty, a return to territorial integrity, and the true protection of our country.” 


The Kremlin confirmed that the negotiations are ongoing, with spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying that Russia is investing serious efforts into achieving a peace agreement. Peskov however, questioned the Ukrainian side's commitment to the negotiations. 


President Zelenskyy also addressed the German Bundestag via video link today, criticizing Germany for isolating Ukraine and effectively handing it over to the Russians. He also questioned Berlin's commitment to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, that was designed to carry Russian natural gas to Germany directly, circumventing Ukraine: “Your help arrived too late to stop the war. Why did your policy never change after that? What is Germany's historical responsibility towards Ukraine? We see you desire to continue doing business with Russia. You continue to stand behind the wall that does not allow you to see what we are going through.” 


Meanwhile, China has responded to Washington's warning that Beijing is on the wrong side of history and needs to back away from its support of Russia. The spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian: “The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has falsely claimed that China is on the wrong side of history. These messages coming from the United States are offensive to China, and reveal America's cold war mentality. These claims do not help in finding a solution to the problem, and China firmly rejects them.” According to the White House, US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping are scheduled to talk tomorrow. 




Krivokapic wanted to make the decision on sanctions meaningless (RTCG)

Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic says that Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic proposed new conclusions at the Government session, which, in Abazovic's opinion, would make the decision to impose sanctions on Russia meaningless. "What has been tried to propose is inappropriate for a country that is a leader in EU accession and NATO membership," Abazovic said. 


The session of the Government of Montenegro was interrupted due to disagreements in the procedures for the adoption of the decision on the application of sanctions defined by items 11, 12, 13 of the adopted agenda, the Government announced earlier. Abazovic told reporters that the session of the Government was over, not interrupted. "The session was not interrupted, but the Prime Minister came out and said - the session is over for today and I have no intention of returning, and we can vote electronically," Abazovic said at an extraordinary press conference. He states that everything was in order at the session until the points related to the introduction of sanctions against Russia were reached, although it passed the Commission for Political System and Economic Issues. "Prime Minister Krivokapic proposed new conclusions, which, in my personal opinion, he wanted to make the decision on sanctions meaningless. I do not know the reasons, but I can assume," Abazovic said. The Deputy Prime Minister also said that they must take sides in crisis situations, and that at this moment we are on the side of Syria and Venezuela, because we have not imposed sanctions on Russia. "The conclusions proposed by the Commission for the Political System were very clear and unambiguous, in line with what the EU Council adopted, which was adopted by all EU member states and some other non-member countries. It is neither legally nor politically valid to make the conclusions meaningless", Abazovic said. 


Did Abazovic try to deceive opposition? (CDM)


Minority government prime minister-designate Dritan Abazovic amended the Agreement on Parliamentary Support and Political Priorities of the 43rd Montenegrin Government, prepared by the opposition, wrote an innovated document signed by him and SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic, in which he deleted key items. He also tried to deceive the representatives of 40 opposition MPs that the SNP had signed the basic document.  


In the new document, Abazovic removed the Resolution on Srebrenica from the opposition document, changed the part about sanctions against Russia, and softened the part about Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. In the innovated document, Abazovic included the Law on Census in normative priorities. 


Abazovic also changed a part of the Resolution on Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in the sense that he will propose the Resolution in accordance with those of the UN General Assembly and the European Parliament, but the item to be adopted at the next session of the Montenegrin Parliament is deleted. The innovated document also mentions the consideration of Regional Initiatives related to the Open Balkans, as well as the signing of the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church. The document differs significantly from the one signed by the opposition parties. 


Djukanovic: We’ve witnessed a serious, paid betrayal of Montenegrin national interests (RCG)


The government has continued to ruin the international reputation of Montenegro, says the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, in an interview for Radio of Montenegro (RCG). 


“If we keep silent about the aggression against an independent state and the violation of international law, we would lose our moral credibility.” “We would lose the right to expect that in the future if, God forbid, this would happen in Montenegro, other countries of the free world should support Montenegrin freedom and the Montenegrin right to choose its own future”, he says. “Unfortunately, the Government of Montenegro, with its work today, has confirmed how much it is not at the level of expectations from the state as Montenegro is, how much it is not at the level of historical task. However, these nearly 15 months of the work of this government has been the time of the serious political fall of Montenegro, the serious collapse of a very prestigious international rating that Montenegro has built over a long period of time, especially in the time since the restoration of its independence. Today has actually shown that this Government continues to disgrace our country”, president Djukanovic says. 


Montenegro does not have a government, it urgently needs a new one 


The President points out that Montenegro, unfortunately, does not have a government. “We have the illusion that we have a government. We do not have a government because we do not have a government that responsibly cares for the national interests of Montenegro. Therefore, it is imperative that we get a government as soon as possible, that we get a government that will be dedicated to the most important national interests of our country”, president Djukanovic has emphasized. He believes that Montenegro urgently needs a new government. That process, Djukanovic warns, must be completed as soon as possible, because Montenegro is in an institutional blockade and a stalemate in negotiations with the EU. 


Montenegro will not be a safe haven for Russian oligarchs 


Asked whether a scenario could happen for Montenegro to become a safe haven for some Russian oligarchs, Djukanovic says that “it cannot happen”. “Montenegro will get a government that will responsibly take care of its strategic and national interests. The most important national interest is EU membership. Everything we have done so far since the restoration of independence is calculated to reach that goal”, he says. “I think we need to responsibly implement all reforms, we need to establish all the required standards, we need to adopt a complete system of EU values, and then as an organic part of the EU to achieve full membership”, he adds. 


Montenegro has never been Russia’s enemy 


Djukanovic has pointed out that “Montenegro has never been an enemy of Russia, it is not its enemy even today.” “I will remind those who have forgotten, in 2011, we celebrated three centuries of interstate relations between Montenegro and Russia. Alexander III, the Russian emperor, addressing King Nikola, said a little over a century ago that he and Montenegro were the only sincere friends of Russia in that period. Unfortunately, thanks to the wrong policy from the Kremlin at this time, we have crossed the path from the greatest and only friend today to one of the countries that has been put on the enemy list”, he has said. 


Russia’s intention was to thwart Montenegro’s European development 


Explaining how he views the events of 2016 today, Djukanovic says – “Just like on the first day of that year”. He recalls that he persistently repeated that it was Russia’s intention to thwart Montenegro’s European development and its intention to become a member of the European Union and NATO. “Today, it is much clearer than in 2016 that everything that happened in Russia’s immediate neighbourhood and in the Western Balkans is actually part of a retrograde, but very consistent policy by which Russia is basically trying to turn the wheel of history back”, President Djukanovic explains. 


The platform for the implementation of Russian plans in Montenegro was Serbia 


The President has pointed out that the Western Balkans is not in Russia’s immediate neighbourhood, but it has always been an interesting area for demonstrating Russian interests. 

“From the beginning, I repeated that I do not believe that Russia is so strategically interested in Montenegro, regardless of our position as a country that goes to sea, but I think that Russia needed to send a message to the European Union and NATO – ‘you cannot spread in the Western Balkans without our consent’”, he says. President Djukanovic says that in 2020, the last trump card of the Russian hybrid war in the Western Balkans, the Serbian Orthodox Church, was abused in a very perfidious way. 


He adds that the Serbian Orthodox Church, as we read today from the resolutions of the European Parliament, is practically an extended arm of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is an instrument of Russia’s conquest policy in Europe. 


NATO membership protects us from aggression 


Commenting on the reversal of the verdict, which sentenced 13 people accused of attempted terrorism to almost 70 years in prison on the day of the 2016 parliamentary elections, President Djukanovic says that the proceedings before the High Court and the Court of Appeals were under pressure from paid external interests. 


Serbian World” is a replica of “Russian World 


President Djukanovic says that the “Serbian World” is a pleonasm for something that is much more domesticated in this area – “and that is the project of a Greater Serbia.” “There is nothing new and authentic here. This is just a different name for something that was promoted through Nacertania in the middle of the 19th century, this is a complete replica of the “Russian World”. “Russian World” was also launched in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 


Government really corrupts people 


When asked why he thinks that there was a change of government in Montenegro, the President of Montenegro answers that there are several reasons. “In Montenegro, we have had a continuity of the ruling coalition of 30 years, and only an unreasonable man would be surprised by a change of government. In addition, the government really corrupts people, therefore, the government has shown weaknesses in Montenegro for 30 years and that is, in the hierarchy of problems, the most important problem that led to the change of government. Another reason is the coronavirus pandemic, which has fueled feelings of insecurity and dissatisfaction among people”, he says. The third problem, says President Djukanovic, was the state-church relation. 


SPC played the role of a substitute for Milosevic’s complete instruments for endangering the sovereignty of neighbouring states 


The Serbian Church played the role of “a substitute for Milosevic’s complete instruments for endangering the sovereignty of neighbouring states.” “Milosevic had the army and police and the Federal Security Service, customs and laws in his repertoire. That toolkit disappeared in 2020, only one remained – the Serbian Orthodox Church, which, in addition to serving Greater Serbian nationalism, also serves Russian imperial interests”, President Djukanovic has emphasized, adding that the Serbian Orthodox Church follows the interests of the Russian Orthodox Church. 


I have no relationship with Vucic, everyone understands why 


“There is no relationship for reasons that are understandable to everyone, including Aleksandar Vucic. I don’t know what we should talk about after what Serbia has done against Montenegro in the last two years”, he points out. 


We will not agree to labels, DPS will continue to be an important factor in state responsible policy 


“DPS is a responsible state-building party, which was the pillar of all the most important values. The DPS will continue to be an important factor in state-responsible policy in Montenegro. And if someone from the DPS or any other structure abused his position, entered into a corrupt arrangement – he will be held accountable, as he has been held accountable so far”, President Djukanovic says. 


Katnic touched on the most sensitive part of the policy system, which is the policy of betraying Montenegrin national interests 


“He touched on the most sensitive part of the nervous system of the policy that is a policy of betrayal and high treason of Montenegrin national interests. He led to the prosecution of the coup and the conviction. It has been clear from the first day that all those who came under attack were trying to protect themselves by compromising Katnic”, he says. 




6 countries including Albania request UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


Six nations requested a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in Ukraine. They include the UK, Albania, France, Ireland, Norway and the US. "Russia is committing war crimes and targeting civilians. Russia’s illegal war on Ukraine is a threat to us all," the UK's permanent mission to the UN said on Twitter. The request came as Russia’s war on Ukraine entered its third week. The Russia-Ukraine war, which started on Feb. 24, has drawn international condemnation, led to financial restrictions on Moscow and spurred an exodus of global firms from Russia. At least 726 civilians have been killed and 1,174 injured in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, according to the UN, while noting that conditions on the ground make it difficult to verify the true number. More than 3 million people have also fled to neighbouring countries, said the UN refugee agency. 


Xhacka: Today more than ever we must strongly urge that enlargement policy be returned to the attention of the European Union (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka stated yesterday in the parliament that after Ukraine, the Western Balkans is the second theatre of the conflict that is taking place today in Kiev. She said that today more than ever we must strongly urge that enlargement policy be returned to the attention of the European Union. 


"As I explained, the government has made a plan to address the recommendations that is the National plan for European integration. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has led the process of drafting this plan. You can see this in each of the chapters. We are at a key moment in advancing our demand for the first intergovernmental conference. Two worldviews of values ​​today are confronting and an innocent country is suffering in the barrage of bombs. The Western Balkans region is the second most important theatre of this conflict. The weak points in the region are those that do not have a clear European perspective. More than ever today we must urge that enlargement policy be returned to the EU's attention. Our region has not yet healed the wounds of the recent past. This assembly has an extraordinary lobbying role," said the minister. 


''Balkan Dialogue Initiative'', Mayor Veliaj: It is time to reflect (Radio Tirana)


The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj participated in the meeting "Dialogue Initiative in the Balkans", which was attended by decision-makers and experts from six Western Balkan countries. Veliaj said that Tirana is a city that supports the right, honest and is ready to show solidarity in situations like this where the world is going today. According to him, good neighbourliness is very important and that this time is right to reflect. He added that your neighbours can change the course of history and of course, the well-being of your people, so this is a time to reflect and think well about where we are. If Tirana decides to name a street "Free Ukraine", it could have a domino effect, it could go viral and other cities could speak symbolically. Therefore, I want this city to be a city that sets standards. This city is not Vienna, it is not Paris and London, the decisions of the world do not happen in this part of the world, but we want to be a city that sets standards for what is right, what is honest and what it shows solidarity ", he underlined.