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Belgrade Media Report 9 February



Vucic, Quint Ambassadors discuss Kosovo and Metohija, dialogue (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday received the Ambassadors of Quint states to the OSCE Mission in Vienna and the five countries’ senior most diplomatic representatives in Belgrade to discuss the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, as well as other regional affairs. Vucic reiterated that Belgrade is fully committed to dialogue with Pristina and insisted on the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, agreed under the Brussels agreement, as otherwise taking part in dialogue makes no sense, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic and the Quint Ambassadors also discussed the security situation in Europe as well as Serbia’s European integration. Vucic especially noted that Serbia appreciated the good cooperation with OSCE as one of the most significant international organisations, as well as the cooperation with its mission in Serbia, the statement said.


Brnabic: I've nothing to add to Vucic's words about SNS-SPS coalition (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said yesterday in Nis that she agrees with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic when it comes to the relationship between SNS and SPS in the coalition and that, in addition to what he has already said, she has nothing to add. While at the Science and Technology Park in Nis, Brnabic was asked by reporters to comment on the relations in the coalition with the SPS, since it was heard that Vucic was not satisfied and whether she could reveal any details from the meeting where Vucic and she met with the Ministers from the SNS, and whether she could comment on some media reports that elections might be held in the fall. In response, Brnabic said briefly: "I wouldn't answer those questions today, because this is an important day for me personally also as the Prime Minister, and the President spoke about it quite extensively yesterday. I wouldn't have anything to add to what he has said."


Dacic: Continuation of SNS-SPS cooperation agreed with Vucic (Tanjug/RTS)


Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday he had had a discussion with President of Serbia and Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader Aleksandar Vucic earlier in the day and that a continuation of the cooperation between the two parties had been agreed.

"We spoke openly about all issues important for our cooperation and about the challenges that await us and about plans for the year that is ahead of us. Of course, we also discussed issues that have been raised about our mutual relationship and cooperation," Dacic said. He said the SPS and the SNS were proud of everything they had done together during the 11 years of the coalition, which he noted had achieved significant and historic results for Serbia.

"The SPS has been and is a firm foundation of state and national unity and, accordingly, our agreement is that we will continue our cooperation in pursuing the most important state and national objectives," he said. That means the SNS and the SPS will work together on defending our national and state interests, on economic development and on ensuring the best possible position for Serbia amid very difficult geopolitical circumstances, including on continuing the difficult fight to protect Serbia's territorial integrity and on talks on Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic said. Dacic said that, in view of the gravity of the present situation for Serbia - rather than for Vucic as an individual - he personally and the SPS firmly stood behind Vucic's policy and decision on Kosovo and Metohija.


Djurovic: Pristina's CoE membership bid not discussed on Wednesday (Tanjug)


The so-called Kosovo's Council of Europe (CoE) membership application was not discussed at Wednesday's CoE Committee of Ministers meeting, Serbian Ambassador to the CoE Aleksandra Djurovic told Tanjug. She said the meeting, concluded at around 3 pm, had addressed other topics. "It was not a topic that was included in the agenda," he said. When asked if there was a possibility of Pristina's membership request being included in the agenda of any of the upcoming meetings, Djurovic said this remained unknown due to the overall geopolitical situation. "I do not believe it will (be included) at this time, but that is just my judgement," Djurovic said, adding that the process was no longer underway in Strasbourg but was a "package" that was being negotiated at higher levels.


Congratulation from French President on Serbia's National Day (B92/Politika)


French President Emmanuel Macron conveyed yesterday a congratulation to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on the Statehood Day of Serbia. "On the occasion of the Republic of Serbia's national holiday, I hereby convey to you cordial congratulations on behalf of France and on my own behalf. My wish is to continue the development of relations between our two countries, which are fuelled by a rich history filled with shared memories, but which are also resolutely oriented towards the future. For your country, that future is in the perspective of joining the EU. I realize how demanding the European goal, which your country has made a strategic priority, is. This historic choice requires significant efforts on your part to continue and complete the already undertaken structural reforms, among which the reform of the judiciary is one of the best examples. It also requires alignment with the positions defended by the EU, regarding the main issues of foreign policy, but also unequivocal support for the values that are the basis of those positions. And finally, it includes a dialogue with Pristina aimed at normalization, which means a strong political engagement of the two sides in order to make the necessary compromises," President Macron said in his congratulatory message. "The efforts you have made present valuable contribution to the modernization of Serbia and for its accession to the area of prosperity and security represented by the EU, which is capable of responding to the aspirations of your fellow citizens. You can count on my personal commitment that France continues to support this goal. We will continue to work to expand our bilateral relations. They are already marked by a high level of mutual trust and undeniable economic dynamism driven by joint projects, such as the Belgrade metro. We intend to support Serbia in its green and digital transition in the future, with the financial support of the French Agency for development and further deepen the ties between our societies. On this occasion, I am happy that France has been chosen as the guest of honor at the Book Fair in Belgrade in 2023. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you once again, and please accept Mr. President the assurances of my highest consideration," reads the congratulation of the French President Macron, as reported by the Office for Media Cooperation of the Serbian President.


Cooperation with ODIHR on improving the electoral process in Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Matteo Maccacci. Dacic pointed out that Serbia sees the ODIHR as one of the pillars of the OSCE and an irreplaceable partner in the field of the third (human) dimension of this organization and the building of a democratic society. At the meeting, it was mutually agreed that the past cooperation between Serbia and ODIHR took place in a friendly and partnership manner with mutual trust, with the aim of improving the electoral process, strengthening democratic institutions and implementing reforms in areas that are a priority for Serbia. Dacic underlined that our country is working on improving its electoral process in accordance with the ODIHR recommendations, as well as that he expects cooperation to continue on other issues as well.


Hill says Serbia should focus on EU, Russia sanctions (N1)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill said on Wednesday that Serbia should focus on EU accession and join in the sanctions against Russia. A solution to the situation in Kosovo is important so that Serbia can focus on its main job of preparing for EU membership, he told the AmCham general assembly adding that it’s in the country’s interest to join in the sanctions against Russia. Evil should be opposed and the EU is doing just that, the Ambassador said. According to the Ambassador, Serbia’s message in resisting the sanctions has been understood. Serbia should do what is in its best interest… The message is clear. Serbia will be part of Europe and that is already happening, Hill said.


Botsan-Kharchenko: There will be no conflicts outside of Ukraine’s borders (Beta)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko stated on Wednesday that the war in Ukraine would not spill over outside of that country’s borders. Botsan-Kharchenko told Beta that Russia’s goals were defined on 24 February last year and pertained solely to the protection of Russian people in the Donbas region. “Western propaganda is announcing the spilling over of the war outside of Ukraine’s borders, which will certainly not happen. Russia was forced to launch the special military operation in Ukraine due to the several years of futile attempts at implementing the Minsk agreements, and the West’s rejection of requests for an agreement on international and European security. In such conditions, Russia and President Vladimir Putin had but one solution – the special military operation,” the Ambassador stated. He added that, after the referenda, the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions became part of Russia, and that Russia’s only goal was the de-Nazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, with the aim of permanently removing the threat to the safety of the Russian Federation. “There is no plan to expand the war outside Ukraine,” Botsan-Kharchenko pointed out.


Djedovic: UNDP significant partner in energy efficiency improvement in Serbia (Beta)


Serbian Mining and Energy Minister Dubravka Djedovic met on Wednesday with the United Nations’ permanent coordinator in Serbia Francoise Jacob and discussed cooperation in the fields of energy transition and environment protection. Djedovic said that work was under way on the creation of strategic documents in the energy sector, of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan and the Energy Development Strategy, which will define the long-term goals in renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency and reducing harmful gas emissions until 2050. Djedovic said that the UN Development Program (UNDP) was a significant partner of the Mining and Energy Ministry in the improvement of energy efficiency and rational energy consumption. Francoise Jacob welcomed the support to inter-sector cooperation in the field of environment protection, facilitated by the adoption of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) that increased Serbia’s ambition in view of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Borrell: I will ask EU leaders for strong support for proposal on Kosovo (Beta)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said he will ask at today’s EU leaders’ summit for strong support for the proposal to resolve the Kosovo issue that is “on the table”. “I will ask the leaders for a strong support in order to avoid any kind of escalation, and ask them to work seriously on this proposal, which is the only way to try to solve and normalize the relationship between Kosovo and Serbia,” Borrell told me media prior to the meeting in Brussels. He said he would brief the leaders about the situation of the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, about the last developments and last contacts. “The proposal is on the table. I have been calling the two leaders to come back to Brussels – soon, in a couple of weeks – in order to definitely push for this proposal,” said Borrell. Noting that “we have been going from crisis to crisis,” Borrell stressed that “now it is time to de-escalate and to work constructively”.


Bilcik: No progress in negotiations until Serbia makes progress (N1)


At this point the situation is such that the EU negotiations with Serbia have not stopped and no one is seriously considering halting the process, said European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for Serbia Bladimir Bilcik, noting that it is clear that there will be no progress in accession negotiations if Serbia does not make progress on various issues. Following the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (AFET) meeting on Thursday, at which Bilcik presented his 2022 Serbia Report, the Rapporteur said there is a big carrot for Serbia, which is membership in the EU, and that the EU is ready to help in this process. But we have to be fair, there are many tasks that we expect the Serbian partners to do and the EU is prepared to stand by Serbia as long as we believe that Serbia is with us, said Bilcik. He said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a moving speech at the Thursday plenary session. That is also an important message to the Western Balkans and Serbia – we want you to stand with us, being clear about one’s positions, especially in times of war, is important, said Bilcik. He stressed that Serbia should choose the right side which is why alignment with EU’s foreign and security policy, including restrictive measures against Russia, is so important and linked with progress in some other areas. The Rapporteur said Serbia made progress in the rule of law, that the EU is expecting judicial reforms and welcomed the fact that the Serbian Parliament is now more pluralistic. However, said Bilcik, much more work needs to be done in order to improve democracy in Serbia and added that the EU is ready to help the functioning of democracy in Serbia. Bilcik said the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue is the main topic is Serbia, that he is encouraged by the signals the EU is getting and that he highly appreciates Serbia’s constructive approach. Increased tensions in Kosovo and unacceptable attacks and the shooting that occurred on Christmas Eve are the kind of events that we need to stop, he stressed. The EP Rapporteur said that Serbia needs a European future and that the normalization of relations with Pristina will be a big step in this direction. I hope that the coming weeks and months will bring good news that Serbia is with us, that it is moving toward Europe, that it is reconciling with and facing the difficult past and looking into the future, Bilcik said. Asked if negotiations could be suspended over Serbia’s cooperation with Russia, Bilcik said he does not believe that the threat of suspending negotiations is a good strategy. What Serbia needs is more friends in the European Parliament and the only way to win them is to make brave decisions, said Bilcik, adding he believes that Serbia is ready for this. He said there was a quality exchange of opinions on his 2022 Serbia Report at the AFET meeting on Thursday, that everyone had already read the report and that the text will undergo certain changes. We will have amendments, I hope the whole process will be completed by May, Bilcik told the media in Brussels.


HR Schmidt - Politicians from RS secretly contact me (NIN)


High Representative Christian Schmidt, whose mandate was not recognized by Republika Srpska (RS), gave an interview to NIN magazine and said that there were occasionally moments over the past years in which he and (SNSD leader and RS President) Milorad Dodik crossed paths: “Two years ago, we spoke over the phone and talked about my appointment and he offered that we should meet, but it seems to me that courage left him in the meantime”. Schmidt added that sometimes it is better not to talk but simply to let “the story unfolds on its own”. NIN reminded that, in one of his past interviews, Schmidt said that there were signals that some officials of the RS want to meet him and asked Schmidt to state who contacted him and why. Schmidt replied by saying that “sometimes, people contact me or someone from my team but they do not want their names to be mentioned in public and I respect that”. As for the refusal of China, Russia and RS to recognize his appointment as the High Representative, Schmidt stated that this only complicates matter more than necessary and he added: “It seems to me that Russia did not give much thought to this because I see no reason why they should oppose it – my predecessors were appointed in the same way. However, I see there is a possibility to have working contacts with the RS and I also have the advantage of a unanimous support of the international community with the exception of Russia. If someone does not want to talk to me, then they can talk to the EU or USA. Apart from that, I am happy that in reality everything unfolds decently and that Belgrade and Banja Luka have different stances on the situation.” Asked to explain Belgrade’s stance, Schmidt noted that he is greeted with honours in Belgrade: “Of course, honours are not important, this is nothing personal, but it is important that my function and duty are accepted”. NIN reminded of Schmidt’s recent statement on marking of 9 January, when he said that both state holidays and entity holidays can be celebrated but in a different way, and asked Schmidt to explain “what was disputable for you, the medal awarded (by RS President Dodik to Russian President Vladimir) Putin or something else”. Schmidt said that the medal to Putin is a story on its own and he advised Dodik not to do this: “It is not important that Putin is a Russian, but it is important that he brought the war in Europe. The way in which 9 January is celebrated represents a burden for others. The time of pseudo-military parades has passed. A cultural and integrative approach would have been fine. The question is what was it that Dodik tried to prove by holding such type of shows. I think that political tolerance is needed if we are thinking about European or regional integration.” Schmidt went on to say that it is hard for him to imagine that Putin depends on Dodik and he also hopes Dodik does not think he depends on Putin: “If he does not depend on him, it would be better if he demonstrated an independent stance. I see no reason for anyone to behave in this way. If Dodik owes anything to Putin, and I cannot imagine what that could be, then we have a problem.” Asked to present a stance on Dodik’s frequent mentioning of referendum on independence of the RS, Schmidt reminded that Dodik started talking about referendum back in 2014 already but it is clear that Dodik does not have the right to organize referendum on the RS’ independence and it would not be legal by the Dayton Constitution. “I would offer him the following – if you have precise ideas on future cooperation within the state, then I would ask you to sit down with us and talk about the Constitution and not referendum. I would also add that the times in which he could count on majority are gone”, Schmidt concluded.




B&H Presidency approves deployment of AF B&H members to Turkey to provide assistance in mitigating consequences of earthquake (BHT1)


The Office of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Denis Becirovic has informed that the B&H Presidency adopted a conclusion on approving deployment of members of the Armed Forces of B&H (AF B&H) to Turkey to provide assistance in mitigating the consequences of the earthquake. “This conclusion also tasks the B&H Ministry of Defense to urgently undertake measures and actions within its competences to deploy a mixed contingent of the AF B&H to the Republic of Turkey to provide assistance in mitigating the consequences of the earthquake. The B&H Ministry of Defense is also tasked with looking into the possibility of donating equipment, requested by Turkey through a request submitted to the NATO EARDCC, and initiating a procedure for its possible referral”, reads the statement by Becirovic’s Office.


Ademovic: It would be normal if authority in FB&H would be formed in line with will of FB&H citizens and parliamentary majority (Oslobodjenje)


The daily carried an interview with Deputy President of NiP, delegate in B&H House of Peoples, Kemal Ademovic, whom the author presents as a man who was a symbol of Sarajevo defense during the war and one of rare people who received medals from both B&H Army and Interior Ministry. Asked about his expectations during his mandate and whether we can hope for adoption of laws crucial for B&H’s EU path, Ademovic stated that there is a general consensus about the EU path of B&H and none of the partners at state level disputed this. He noted that compromises that are being made are subordinated to the EU path, as a final goal of B&H and everyone is aware that the doors of the EU have been opened with awarding of the EU candidate status and this is why the EU-required laws will be a priority. “This will show that coalition has sense. Otherwise, this will be yet another fight for posts. We will insist on these laws, some of them have already been prepared in the previous period and there is no reason for them not to be adopted soon,” said Ademovic. As the priorities of ‘The Six’, Ademovic underlined the EU integration as the first priority, reducing of ethnic tensions is a second one, stressing that this constant tension and rattling with sabers, create unbearable atmosphere in B&H, from where people are running away. Ademovic goes on and lists following priorities, mentioning strengthening of institutions, socioeconomic reforms. Asked about upcoming appointment of leadership of state agencies and whether there will be any difference, Ademovic said that difference has to be made, noting that they cannot influence HDZ B&H and SNSD’s personnel politics, as it is political reality for last 30 years. However, he underlined that “the pro-Bosnian” bloc has to show responsibility, which will be a true reflection of their stance toward the state and will present true test of honesty and true intentions for entering the process of authority formation. Stressing that they expect appointment of people with integrity, Ademovic did not go in details about appointment of Director of B&H OSA, saying that consultations are still ongoing. Asked about accusations from their political opponents who say that the new coalition is not politically mature enough to deal with SNSD and HDZ B&H, Ademovic noted that this is not unexpected and one should only be reminded how much they (SDA) were up to the task to deal with SNSD and HDZ, mentioning the examples of trading with institutions to playing of the accordion in the building of the B&H Presidency. Stressing that it is malicious to give such assessments in advance, Ademovic said that time will show whether there were reasons for scepticism and the first year will show where they stand. Asked about formation of the FB&H government, Ademovic stressed that the current situation is that those who up until yesterday advocated civic principles, are now focusing on ethnic and all of a sudden, they find the principle of ethnic representation to be acceptable. He argues that the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt went in favour of ethnic representation and did not result in desired mechanism for unblocking of the Federation of B&H. He stressed that parties of ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H have general majority in the FB&H and it would be normal for them to form the government. “The OHR should provide assistance, if they still deem that they entered the entire process with a goal to unblock the FB&H. Majority will of FB&H citizens and parliamentary majority should be the starting ground,” said Ademovic. Asked about EU and NATO path and necessary reforms, Ademovic said that they already proved that reforms are possible and underlined the example of fight against corruption in Sarajevo Canton.


PIC SB Ambassadors issue joint statement, reaffirm consistent support to HR Schmidt, underline importance of reforms (FTV)


In a statement issued on Wednesday, Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board (SB) noted that in light of recent threats, including the threats of violence against High Representative Christian Schmidt, PIC SBA reiterate their firm and consistent support to the High Representative and his role in B&H overseeing the civilian implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace. “Attempts to undermine the High Representative fuel divisions in society and divert attention from critical reforms that B&H needs. The PIC SBA urges stakeholders throughout the country to focus their energy on tackling B&H’s most pressing challenges: economic development, the fight against corruption, strengthening the rule of law, and advancing B&H on its Euro-Atlantic path. The PIC SBA commends High Representative Christian Schmidt for his commitment to engage with all stakeholders in B&H to achieve the stable and lasting solutions required to address the outstanding elements of the 5+2 Agenda and bring international supervision to a successful conclusion. The PIC SBA stands ready to assist and support domestic stakeholders in their efforts to ensure a prosperous future for all citizens in B&H,” reads the statement. The OHR told the daily that they cannot provide any further information on threats against Schmidt. Allegedly threat to Schmidt came from Belgium via email.


Dodik meets Kalabukhov and expresses expectation that important strategic projects will be unblocked in near future (RTRS)


In a conversation with the Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, the RS President Milorad Dodik expressed expectation that important strategic projects will be unblocked in the near future, including the construction of a gas pipeline. When it comes to the introduction of sanctions against Russia, Dodik said that the RS firmly stands by its positions and that its constitutional position must be respected in this light. The interlocutors agreed that the priority is to preserve stability and peace, as well as preserving the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) as a basic agreement for functioning of B&H. The speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic also talked with Kalabukhov. Stevandic thanked Kalabukhov for preserving the peace and stability of B&H while respecting the principles of the DPA. Dodik and Kalabukhov discussed the current political and economic issues in the RS, B&H and the region. Dodik informed Kalabukhov about the formation of the authorities at the B&H level, expressing the expectation that “the joint level” agreement on the resolution and unblocking of many important strategic projects, including the construction of gas pipelines, will be resolved in the near future.


Cvijanovic sends initiative to abolish Public Relations Service of B&H Presidency; Her Advisor Aulic criticizes Becirovic’s behaviour (RTRS)


The Serb member and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic sent an initiative to abolish the Public Relations Service of the B&H Presidency, said the adviser to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Sasa Aulic. Aulic said that, without prior coordination, it is not possible for any member of the B&H Presidency to express views or information on behalf of the B&H Presidency, which the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic tried, as Aulic said, usurping the authority in order to score a cheap political point on the topic of defense. Aulic pointed out that Becirovic grossly violated the previous practice, according to which announcements from the sessions of the B&H Presidency and joint meetings are coordinated by the three cabinets. Meanwhile, the B&H Ambassador to US Bojan Vujic stated for the Srna news agency that the three members of the B&H Presidency had many meetings during their visit to the US. During those meetings, the US expressed satisfaction regarding the quick formation of authorities in RS and at the B&H level, and they hope for quick formation of authorities in the FB&H, noted the presenter. Vujic pointed out that the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic unfortunately used this opportunity to deal with the RS. Vujic pointed out the topic of the meeting in Pentagon were forms of cooperation between the US and B&H, but there was no discussion of B&H entering NATO.


Djukanovic: Constitutional Court completion opens up space for decision to shorten parliament mandate and go for early elections (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has received the Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland Ronan Gargan. They have discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and the European perspective of Montenegro and the region. The Irish ambassador has welcomed the progress towards solving the functionality of the Constitutional Court with best wishes to Montenegro to establish political stability in the coming period, which is key for Montenegro’s return to its rightful place in the integration process. Djukanovic has welcomed Ambassador Gargano’s interest in Montenegro and expressed his sense of friendship towards Ireland, highly appreciating the country’s support in achieving our European aspirations, which is particularly valuable in the context of the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s membership in the EU, which is being celebrated this year. According to Djukanovic’s cabinet, he has recalled the importance of the integration of the Western Balkans region into the EU, as a condition for its stability and prosperity, while thanking Ireland for understanding and supporting the region. Gargan has expressed his strong support for EU expansion and Montenegro’s accession to the Union and the European system of values. He has emphasized that in the year when they mark half a century of membership, they want other countries like Montenegro to feel the benefits of membership that Ireland has also had. Djukanovic and Gargan have also discussed the current political situation in the country. Djukanovic has expressed his belief that the work on the completion of the Constitutional Court has been finalized and that the formality remains for MPs from the constitutional committee to confirm their vote in the plenum, which creates the conditions for the regularity of presidential elections and opens up space for a decision to shorten the mandate of parliament and go for early parliamentary elections in order for the country to finally come out of the crisis.


Pisonero: EC concerned about Law on Confiscation of Property (Pobjeda)


The European Commission (EC) is concerned about the potential adoption of amendments to the Law on Confiscation of Property Acquired by Criminal Activity because its recommendations have been ignored, EC spokeswoman Ana Pisonero has told Pobjeda, ahead of the control hearing in the home parliamentary committee and the parliament session scheduled for Friday. The Committee for the Political System, Judiciary and Administration unanimously decided a few days ago to organize a consultative hearing today regarding the text of the legal act, which the government representatives populistically call the “anti-mafia” law. The committee chair, Democrats’ MP Momo Koprivica, proposed at the session on Monday that the Minister of Justice Marko Kovac, representatives of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, the Protector of Property and Legal Interests and the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, as well as the MANS CEO Vanja Calovic Markovic, as well as Valentina Pavlicic and the representatives of the Association of Lawyers and Human Rights Action attend the consultative hearing. In her statement to Pobjeda, Pisonero has recalled that in accordance with the Montenegrin good practice of consulting on important draft laws, on 9 December, the EC gave the latest guidelines on the draft Law on Amendments and Changes to the Law on Confiscation of Property Gains from Criminal Actions. With this, she once again confirmed that the Ministry of Justice, as well as Minister Kovac, deliberately misled the public, because they then claimed that “the letter that appeared in the media regarding the proposed law does not represent the EC’s opinion”.


Meeting over: Sovereign bloc probably without a common candidate (CdM)


The opposition meeting regarding the agreement on the joint presidential candidate has been held in Podgorica. After the meeting, Liberal Party leader Andrija Popovic has said that the sovereign bloc will probably not have a common candidate. Consultations will continue in the following days. “This is one of a series of meetings of the sovereign bloc and everything will continue in a few days. It was established that we probably won’t have a common candidate. There will be more candidates from the sovereign bloc. They will probably be party leaders. No candidate was mentioned by name. The decision will be made by the end of the week”, Popovic has told reporters. “These are difficult moments for Montenegro. There are many candidates under the patronage of the Serbian Orthodox Church. I insisted that Milo Djukanovic run as the leader of the strongest party. We don’t have an answer yet. We asked him to declare on this”, Popovic has added. According to him, more candidates increase the chances of the sovereign bloc. We also have stumbling blocks of public opinion where it is clear that more candidates of this block would animate more voters than if there was one common candidate. The meeting was attended by Damir Sehovic (SD), Andrija Popovic (LP), Aleksandar Bogdanovic (DPS), Rasko Konjevic (SDP) and Ervin Ibrahimovic (BS).


Medojevic files 4 criminal charges against Spajic with Novovic: Case made, preliminary proceedings underway (CdM)


State prosecutor and spokesman for the Special State Prosecutor’s Office Vukas Radonjic has told CdM that the Movement for Changes (PzP) filed criminal charges against the former minister of finance and social affairs, Milojko Spajic, to the Special State Prosecutor’s Office on 7 and 14 October last year and on 9 and 18 January this year, for the criminal offense of abuse of official position, for which a criminal case was established and assigned to work, in accordance with internal rules. As he adds, preliminary proceedings are underway in the criminal case formed based on the report of the State Audit Institution on the revision of the proposed law on the final state of accounts of Montenegro’s 2021 budget. On 18 January, PzP leader Nebojsa Medojevic sent to the Chief Special Prosecutor Vladimir Novovic an amendment to the criminal complaint regarding, as he says, embezzlement by the former minister of finance and social welfare, Milojko Spajic, and regarding the purchase of two Embraer 195 airplanes and damages, which he estimated to be $14.8m. Spajic claims that the fear of the presidential candidacy has reached its peak. “The spent Medojevic, who has nothing to lose, is being used as a tool for discrediting. However, this attempt will end like any other so far”, Spajic has stressed.


Taravari: Majority of issues regarding AfA joining government solved, negotiations to conclude (Telma/Alsat-M)


The negotiations for the entry of Alliance for Albanians (AfA) into the government coalition are nearing their conclusion and will probably end soon, said the leader of the party and Mayor of Gostivar, Arben Taravari.Regarding the negotiations, the AfA leader explained that the majority of issues have been solved and that they have agreed on “most things”. “I hope that today or tomorrow we will finally conclude the negotiations and officially announce our entry into the coalition,” said Taravari. Regarding the distribution of official positions and ministerial posts, the AfA leader said they are still discussing this issue, and it would not be correct to publicly talk about it at the mainly for the Ministry moment. According to Taravari, inter-party consultations on this issue are still ongoing between the government coalition partners. “Everything will be clear by tomorrow (Wednesday), but we will wait for the consultations of the parties of the ruling majority to conclude,” said Taravari. However, as media reported, the negotiations take place of Justice and Health. In case it fails to get the Ministry of Health, AfA will insist on the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. Eventually, if Alternativa leaves the government coalition, AfA will also ask for Ecology or the Ministry of Information Society and Administration. In addition, the positions of the deputy ministers that at the negotiating table depend on the ministries they will receive, but, unofficially, the talks are mainly held for the deputy minister of Defense, Internal Affairs and Labor and Social Policy. The party aims at also getting the Inspectorate of Labor and Social Policy and of Education. AfA seeks also to manage two of the following institutions: the Pension Fund, the Health Fund or MEPSO, and conducts negotiations for the position of deputy director in the Customs Directorate or the Public Revenue Directorate. Meanwhile, when asked by TV Alsat-M, Alternativa party did not confirm whether they are aware of the issues on which SDSM and AfA have agreed so far “Our position is not to conduct negotiations through the media. We have a valid agreement and we respect it to the end. If after the negotiations between SDSM and AfA, our agreement on co-governance is violated, then the party bodies will decide whether to remain in the government coalition,” said Alternativa party.


Kovacevski gave a lowball offer to Gashi, is trying to push his party to leave the coalition (Republika)


Republika has learnt that the Alternative party is on the verge of leaving the government after they received an exceptionally lowball offer from Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski to remain in his coalition. Afrim Gashi’s party received enormous concessions a year ago, when they got three government departments in exchange for their four votes in parliament, to shore up the crumbling SDSM – DUI coalition. But the coalition remains shaky with divisions in both DUI and also reportedly in SDSM. This prompted Kovacevski to turn to the Alliance of Albanians, which holds six seats in parliament. In order to satisfy their equally large appetites, Kovacevski reportedly decided to take all of Gashi’s departments, except for the relatively uninteresting department of Public Administration and Information Technology. Republika is informed that Alternative sees this offer as so low, that they believe Kovacevski is deliberately trying to expel them from the government in an attempt to compensate the Alliance of Albanians almost exclusively with the seats that the Alternative held in the government, to minimize losses to SDSM and DUI. The Alliance will take the Healthcare Ministry from the Alternative party, the Justice Ministry from SDSM and will also get a post of Deputy Prime Minister. The Alliance is also expected to win top positions in the MEPSO energy company and the PIOM retirement fund.


Kovachevski: Talks on enlarging majority focus on country's EU integration (MIA)


There has been good progress in the talks with the Alliance for Albanians (AfA) regarding the programme goals and cabinet posts, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. "Talks are developing well and towards reaching an agreement, so that the country has a parliamentary majority that is united on the issue of EU integration and abiding by the international norms that we are renowned for," Kovachevski told reporters. Talks with AfA did not come across any problems related to the distribution of managerial posts in institutions. "We are talking about each coalition partner assuming responsibility through their human capacities but also according to their share in the ruling majority," said Kovachevski and added that the goal of the talks is enlargement of the European capacity of the Government coalition. On the cooperation with Alternativa, the PM said the party is an important partner. "We will talk with Alternativa both today and tomorrow and I hope we have a positive outcome, so that we all continue to build a coalition that is focused on a European Macedonia and its EU accession by 2030," said Kovachevski.


Council of Europe found that Bulgarians are not discriminated in Macedonia (Sloboden Pecat)


The Council of Europe adopted a resolution on Macedonia which finds that there are no grounds for Bulgaria to claim systemic discrimination of ethnic Bulgarians in the country, Sloboden Pecat reports. Bulgarian representatives submitted amendments to the resolution, but they were all rejected, in what the outlet declares was a major win for Macedonian diplomacy. The resolution is product of work by a team of experts who visited Macedonia. The recommendations include a call for additional steps to integrate all ethnic minority groups, greater efforts to end police violations of human rights of Roma and to provide quality education for Roma children.


Xhacka: Agreements for the visa-free travel of Albanian citizens to the People's Republic of China and the United Arab Emirates approved (Radio Tirana)


The Council of Ministers has approved two important agreements for the visa-free travel of Albanian citizens to the People's Republic of China and the United Arab Emirates. The news was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka, who expressed her belief that the government will expand the map of the free movement of Albanian citizens. "Today at the meeting we passed 2 agreements that increase the number of countries where Albanian citizens travel without visas, with the People's Republic of China and the United Arab Emirates. Two countries with which we have inherent relations. We are working to strengthen the Albanian passport and expand the space where Albanians will travel without visas. A process that requires time and care, but it is giving concrete results. We will expand the map where Albanian citizens can move freely", said Xhacka.