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Belgrade Media Report 27 February 2023



Vucic: There will be no capitulation or return to 1990s (Tanjug/RTS)


There will be no capitulation or a return to the 1990s and Serbia will move forward, however difficult that might be, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday before heading to Brussels for the next round of the Brussels dialogue with Pristina. "We will set off for Brussels in 15 minutes, we have carried out the final preparations. I want to thank the part of Serbia that has trust in its state leadership and that believes we will do what is best for our country," Vucic wrote in a post on his Instagram profile. There will be no capitulation or a return to the 1990s, and Serbia will move forward, however difficult that might be, he added. "To those who are preparing in advance to criticise us for being about to sign something, which would make us traitors, and to those who know that we are to blame and that we are returning to the nineties, I can only say that they should not worry," Vucic said.


New round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina: What will be on the table? (Tanjug)


A new round of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue will be held in Brussels, with the main issue being the French-German proposal for the normalization of relations. A new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be held in Brussels, where, as expected, the main issue will be the French-German proposal for the normalization of relations. The head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, with the support of the EU's special representative for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, will hold separate meetings with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of the Provisional Institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, starting at 3 p.m., which will be followed by a joint meeting. The EEAS announced that Borrell will hold a press conference at the end of the meeting. Before today's new round of dialogue, as Tanjug learns, Vucic received a joint letter from French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni regarding the meeting in Brussels. The letter from the European troika was also received by Kurti, from whose office it was announced that the letter requested the implementation of the obligations assumed by the parties in the dialogue, including the creation of the ZSO, Koha Ditore reported. The letter pointed out that the European Council expressed its support for this important agreement in its conclusions of 9 February and at the same time called on Belgrade and Pristina to fully and unconditionally implement the obligations assumed in the dialogue, including the agreements from 2013 and 2015 on the creation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. The US also provided full support for the EU proposal on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.


Vucic says ready to work on implementation of European plan for Kosovo with clear limitations (RTS/Beta/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he was anticipating a difficult meeting in Brussels on Monday as part of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, but that Serbia was committed to peace and stability in the region and that in this context he was prepared to work on the concept and implementation of the plan, with clearly defined limitations. He made this statement during a telephone discussion with Derek Chollet, special advisor at the US Department of State, who said he expected the sit-down to be constructive and produce noticeable progress toward an agreement. The US diplomat stressed that the US fully supported the EU proposal for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, and that agreements signed earlier in the dialogue process should be implemented, too, which includes establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities.


US expects leaders of Kosovo, Serbia to take constructive approach in Brussels (Beta)


The US fully supports the EU’s proposal for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and expects the two leaders to take a constructive approach to their meetings in Brussels, so that the EU proposal can move forward, Beta was told at the US Embassy in Belgrade on 24 February. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti have confirmed their attendance at the next round of the EU-mediated dialogue in Brussels, on Monday, when the EU plan for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia will be discussed. “We strongly support the EU proposal that is on the table. We expect the two leaders to approach the meetings with a constructive spirit needed to move this proposal forward,” the embassy’s press attaché Matthew Underwood told Beta when asked what his country’s expectations were as to the high-level meeting in Brussels. Underwood said that the US fully supported the EU-facilitated dialogue. “It is important that both parties use these talks to demonstrate their commitment to a peaceful future for the region. Through the dialogue, Serbia and Kosovo should come to a comprehensive agreement,” the press attaché said.


Brnabic: Continuation of dialogue in Brussels will not be easy (Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated that tomorrow will not be easy at all and that the red lines for President Aleksandar Vucic remain unchanged. Brnabic, in a press statement during a tour of the reconstructed Dadov youth theatre, emphasised her unreserved support for President Aleksandar Vucic before tomorrow's trip to Brussels. It is certain that tomorrow will not be an easy day at all, but I am with President Aleksandar Vucic with my heart and soul, the Prime Minister said. According to her, those who gave what no one asked of them while they were in power should not criticise President Vucic. Now when the President is fighting for our national interests and for peace and stability, they should really keep silent because they have no right to say anything to the President of the Republic who fought for the issue of Kosovo and Metohija to be on the agenda again. Brnabic said that she believes that Vucic will be able to preserve the national interests of Serbia, but also to provide space for further growth and development of our country, although this seems really impossible at the moment. I think it is very important that we all stand behind Aleksandar Vucic, to show that we are united and to continue fighting for our national interests. I believe in his political and statesmanship wisdom and skill and I am sure that the majority of the Serbian people are with President Vucic before tomorrow’s meeting, the Prime Minister pointed out. If Vucic wanted to allow capitulation, he would not have done anything regarding Kosovo and Metohija to this day. I believe that all eyes will be on the President, and that tomorrow we must all be united, she said.


EU, US: Vucic, Kurti should develop European plan (Beta)


The EU and US expect the leaders of Belgrade and Pristina to accept the European proposal as the principles and starting point for a comprehensive, legally binding regulation of relations between the two sides at a Monday meeting in Brussels, and to begin to develop its application within a few months, with the concurrent mandatory formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Brussels officials in the know about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue told reporters behind closed doors that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti had let it be known that they would also present their "lines in the sand" and conditions vis-a-vis the European proposal, also known as the French-German plan. The European mediators, however, underscored that the EU and US felt strongly that "the European, German-French proposal" bore that in mind and offered solutions, and said Washington had noted that the final agreement would entail significant concessions and "painful compromises for both sides". That is why the content of the EU proposal, established in an annex and unpublished, will not be discussed immediately; rather the ways and steps to implement it as soon as possible will. Officials in Brussels elaborated further on their position that accepting and implementing this agreement by Belgrade would mean a practical recognition of Kosovo as independent, but not an official one, as the "starting points and principles" of the agreement do not require it. Beta asked European diplomatic sources for an interpretation of how Kosovo could join the UN if Serbia signed the European plan and practically accepted the independence of its breakway province if two permanent members of the Security Council, Russia and China, oppose it because Serbia never officially recognized Kosovo, but received no answer.


Dacic: Many unaware of difficulty of Brussels meeting (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday many citizens - and even politicians - were unaware of the difficulty of next Monday's Brussels meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Pristina's PM Albin Kurti. "Definitely, a very difficult day is ahead of Vucic, and politicians from the ruling parties, let alone citizens, are insufficiently aware of that," Dacic told reporters after a press conference with Bosnia and Herzegovina FM Elmedin Konakovic. Serbia is in a difficult position and faces great responsibility, which is why political stability and unity is necessary, Dacic said. This is about how to secure our interests and our future, he said. It is very difficult to have an agreement with Kurti, who has said he is disgusted by the very mention of a Community of Serb Municipalities, Dacic said, adding that he would not be travelling to Brussels, but that he was ready to help Vucic. "The amount of all the pressure and blackmail is not reflected only in direct statements," Dacic said, noting that EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak had said an EU-US plan was difficult to reject. "I guess it is clear to you that that means something," Dacic said. Commenting on Lajcak's announcement that both Belgrade and Pristina would accept the EU plan for solving the Kosovo issue, Dacic noted that Vucic would stand by what he had said in the past and that the EU should tell Vucic what it had achieved in discussions with Pristina.


Acceptance of EU plan would mean acceptance of Community - EU official (Tanjug/Politika/Danas)


In case Belgrade and Pristina accept an EU plan on normalisation of relations at Monday's meeting in Brussels, that will also mean automatic acceptance of the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, a high-ranking EU official who wished to remain unnamed said on Friday. The official said the EU had decided to host the Brussels meeting as part of high-level dialogue following signals from Belgrade and Pristina that both sides would back the EU proposal, as stated on multiple occasions in discussions with representatives of the international community. That inspires optimism that the proposal could be accepted on Monday, the official told reporters in Brussels. The official said the meeting would not deal with the contents of the proposal but only with its implementation, addressed in a separate annex, and added that the implementation would take months and be monitored by the EU, which would set up an implementation mechanism. The EU proposal is comprehensive and leads to a "comprehensive legally binding agreement on normalisation of relations between the two sides", the official said. He added that accepting the EU proposal would be good for the whole region and that it would boost investments and financial assistance, also leading to more stability and predictability.


Community of Municipalities toughest part of Brussels meeting

A high-ranking EU official who wished to remain unnamed said a Brussels meeting next Monday would be the first to focus on an EU proposal on normalisation of relations that was a de facto recognition. At a press briefing, the official said the proposal included an annex on implementation and that a Community of Serb Municipalities was expected to be the most difficult part of the Brussels discussions. "We need to break the vicious circle of crises," the official said, noting that there had been six crises in Kosovo and Metohija in the second half of last year. "This proposal is a de facto recognition. It contains a lot of substance that should relax the atmosphere across the region and also remove hurdles to regional cooperation. In the geopolitical sense, it sends the message the EU will not allow Russia to destabilise the Balkans and that the Balkans is a part of Europe, not only declaratively," he said. He said the proposal aimed to set Belgrade-Pristina relations upon a new, firm foundation with a view forward to a comprehensive agreement. "This is not the final proposal and not the end of the path. The end of the path is a comprehensive agreement for full normalisation of relations," the official said.


Brnabic: Great potential for improving economic cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked on Friday with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Elmedin Konakovic about the improvement of bilateral relations, economic and regional cooperation, infrastructure projects and political dialogue. Brnabic assessed that economic relations are good, but that there is room for further improvement of cooperation in the fields of infrastructure and energy, in which she sees a particularly great potential for cooperation. She congratulated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina on obtaining the candidate status for membership in the European Union, noting that this is a good signal for the entire region. She underlined that Serbia is ready to give Bosnia and Herzegovina all the necessary help on that path which, as she assessed, is complex and lengthy. She called on Konakovic to consider the possibility of Bosnia and Herzegovina joining the Open Balkans initiative and emphasised that membership in this initiative would contribute to strengthening economic cooperation and economic welfare of all citizens of the region. She pointed out that she personally advocates strengthening political dialogue at the high and highest level. Konakovic stated that the two countries should reach the full potential of economic cooperation which is, in his opinion, crucial for the progress of the region and for the population to remain there.


UNHCR important partner of Serbia in humanitarian protection of refugees (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic talked on Friday with newly appointed Representative of the UNHCR in Belgrade Soufiane Adjali. Dacic underlined that Serbia sees UNHCR as an important partner in the tasks of humanitarian protection of refugees, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers and stateless persons. He particularly emphasised the importance of continued cooperation and support of UNHCR on the issues of long-term care for the displaced in Serbia, both refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, and internally displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija. Dacic expressed confidence that the international community and UNHCR will continue to support the Regional Housing Programme for Refugees. Adjali said that UNHCR and he personally will continue with efforts in solving issues from the mandate of this UN body and good cooperation with Serbia to improve the rights and position of refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants in the territory of our country.




Zvizdic announces that ‘The Troika’ will submit motion for contesting Law on Immovable Property of RS (FTV)


After the disputed Law on Immovable Property of the RS enters into force on 28 February, the possibility of contesting that law will be opened, by submitting a motion to the Constitutional Court of B&H. Such a motion, as announced by the speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic, will be submitted on Tuesday by representatives of the ‘The Troika’ parties. More precisely, 11 representatives of SDP, People and Justice (NiP), Our Party (NS) and B&H initiative ‘Kasumovic Fuad’.


Viskovic: Property is sanctity to us, no one from RS will give up on that (Srna)


In an interview for Srna, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that the RS’ constitutional and legal status must be preserved and attempts to take away its competencies must be resisted despite political attacks, noting that the current authorities in the RS will not allow any impositions or pressures. He also said that possible amendments to the B&H Constitution can be adopted only with the approval from entities; the struggle may last for years, but “we need to be persistent in that’’ and one example of such struggle is the issue of immovable property “they try to take away from the RS’’ with the decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC). “For us, that is sanctity and we stick to that. There is no one in the RS who represents any of the institutions at any level, including in the joint institutions, to give up on that or accept something else that is not written in the B&H Constitution,” said Viskovic, noting that the text on the first page of the B&H Constitution shows who has the ownership over the property.“The (RS) President, Serb member of the Presidency of B&H and (RS) Prime Minister will not allow anything in B&H to be done to the detriment of the RS”, Viskovic said and added that they will not give up demands to respect the original Dayton Peace Agreement: “If something is outdated and needs to be changed, then there is a procedure that needs to be followed. Nothing can be changed under pressures or in one-sided way”. Viskovic reminded that, in past, the High Representatives imposed decisions that were detrimental to the RS and he emphasized that changes to the Constitution can be made only with consent of the entities.


Reactions from RS keep on coming regarding Konakovic’s behavior regarding Resolution on Ukraine (ATV)


Reactions from the RS keep on coming to instruction of B&H Foreign Affairs Minister, Elmedin Konakovic, given to B&H Ambassador to the UN, Sven Alkalaj, in which Konakovic told the Ambassador to vote for the resolution that asks Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine. The RS officials say this violates the Constitution as there was no consensus on this matter in the B&H Presidency. The state Presidency is the only institution in charge of leading the foreign policy. Many believe Konakovic is continuing the steps of his predecessor, Bisera Turkovic. Others believe he is either naïve or rude. He made a big mistake, RS officials say. Konakovic, on the other hand, still does not believe he made a mistake by giving this instruction to Alkalaj. He said he does not understand why many reacted to this move. In his explanation, Konakovic said there was no consensus in the B&H Presidency regarding this matter as two Presidency members supported the decision and one was against. However, Konakovic points out that the B&H Presidency did not tell him not to give this instruction to Alkalaj. If the state Presidency did that, then my move would be a violation of the Constitution, but it was not, Konakovic elaborated. He said his move was in line with B&H’s established foreign policy, and he does not know why someone would expect him to make a different decision just for the sake of the state-level coalition.


RS parliament delegation sums up impressions from visit to Russia: Moscow understands our neutrality (Glas Srpske)


The daily reads that a general impression of the RS parliament’s delegation that visited Russia last week is that Russia is a proven friend of the Serbs and understands the RS’ neutrality when it comes to the conflict in Ukraine and that owing to the RS, BiH has not ended on the list of enemies of Russia. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic said, among other issues, that the RS has remained within its neutrality and that people who describe the visit as disputable are malicious. According to Stevandic, when it comes to negative comments coming from the FB&H, they should check a statement of Valentina Matviyenko, the Chairwoman of the Federation Council of Russia, who said that B&H did not end up on list of hostile countries owing to the RS.


Komsic addresses celebration of B&H Independence Day in Austria (Oslobodjenje)


Member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic attended the central celebration of B&H Independence Day in Austria. Addressing the gathered citizens, Komsic reminded of circumstances that a referendum on independence took place, 31 years ago. Komsic stated that the forces that attacked B&H after the referendum did not accept B&H’s independence and sovereignty, adding that they will continue to attack and the only way to defend “ourselves” is the same courage we used in the period from 1992 to 1995. Stressing that B&H can rely only on itself he added: “If we hope for assistance of someone else and if we remain passive, we will bring in question survival of B&H. I am convinced we will not be passive and we will not sit peacefully waiting for the situation to be resolved. B&H is a state of those who identify with it. Those who do not identify with B&H are not someone we can rely on.”


Kalabukhov will not be invited to celebration of Independence Day (Avaz)


Member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic banned invitation to Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov to attend a reception celebrating B&H Independence Day. Becirovic said that Kalabukhov does not respect institutions of B&H, he instigates secessionist policy and he is issuing threats. Becirovic responded to Kalabukhov who said that Becirovic should be ashamed of his statements about Russia. Becirovic told him that he proudly underlines that he is standing by all those who condemn Russian aggression and that he is not in the small group of dictators and autocrats who support regime of Vladimir Putin and who award medals to Putin. Hence, Kalabukhov’s name is crossed on the list of invites for the reception on the occasion of Independence Day.


Dodik: The OHR should be closed down (RTRS)


German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published a text on Sunday, analyzing the work of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. It was said in the text that “Schmidt is a wrong person in a wrong place”, and that no one, whatever they are called, can be a good candidate to be at helm of a colonial institution in a European democracy in 2023, as well as that Schmidt is even financially awarded for that. “Schmidt, who is richly compensated for his work with count-like five-figure salary (that is, understandably, exempt from tax), of course sees the thing differently. He maintains himself and his function necessary. Few voluntarily give up on a colony,” reads the text by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. RTRS reports that commenting on this, RS President Milorad Dodik said that the published text about the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and “Christian Schmidt who calls himself the HR”, confirms everything that has been said in the RS for years, i.e. it is a colonial administration, he (Schmidt) is a colonizer with powers not prescribed by any document. He also said that the one who poses as the HR is the one to introduce “the biggest mess”, that B&H does not have the HR and that it is high time for the OHR to be closed, noting that even the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), that is non-existent in the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), cannot prescribe just anything or expand the HR’s power. In a telephone statement, Dodik said: “We should reject everything the HR has ever done, go back to the rule of law and to respecting the B&H Constitution.” RTRS reports that Dodik also reminded that in the past, the HR imposed laws and demanded their adoption, and now “when that is no longer possible”, he is using the B&H Constitutional Court (CC). “This is the best way for B&H to disappear one day, regardless of what he thinks. It is impossible to accept the (BiH) CC behaving in a manner of inquisition, criminally, unconstitutionally,” said Dodik. RTRS reports that Dodik also said that this B&H is imposed and “does not belong to us, nor to the DPA. The Dayton B&H belongs to us, not the American, British or European will of their ambassadors, and especially not of their HRs or judges in the B&H CC”.


Seven presidential candidacies submitted, DIK has confirmed 3 so far (RTCG)


A total of 8 candidacies for the President of Montenegro have been submitted to the State Election Commission (DIK), and 3 have been confirmed so far. Those interested in the position of President could apply until 26 February at midnight, and citizens are to vote on 19 March.


Confirmed candidacies

  1. Andrija Mandic (DF)

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Front (DF) is to be Andrija Mandic. He was the first to submit his candidacy and DIK confirmed it to him first.

  1. Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic (SDP)

The only woman among the candidates is Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic. DIK confirmed the candidacy of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) on 23 February.

  1. Milo Djukanovic (DPS)

The candidate of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is the current president, Milo Djukanovic. He announced his candidacy on 24 February, submitted it a day later, and it was confirmed the following day.


Still unconfirmed candidacies

  1. Goran Danilović (United)

The leader of the United Montenegro, Goran Danilović, submitted his candidacy twice. It was returned for the first time due to, as reported, certain irregularities.

  1. Jakov Milatovic (Europe Now)

The Europe Now movement first proposed Milojko Spajic for President, whose candidacy was rejected by DIK. After collecting signatures for Jakov Milatovic, the candidacy was submitted on 26 February.

  1. Aleksa Becic (Democrats)

The presidential candidate of Democratic Montenegro is the leader of that party, Aleksa Becic.

  1. Jovan Radulovic Jodzir

Influencer Jovan Radulovic Jodzir submitted his candidacy to DIK.

  1. Zeljko Matijasevic (Group of citizens)

Zeljko Matijasevic from Niksic was the candidate of a group of citizens.

Dejan Vuksic of the Christian Democratic Movement and the former justice minister Vladimir Leposavic gave up on running for President of Montenegro.

The elections will be observed by the Center for Democratic Transition and the Monitoring Center. In addition to them, the election process will be monitored by international observers.


Djukanovic: My presidential candidacy is an act of responsibility towards Montenegro, the goal is to win the first round (CdM)


My presidential candidacy is the act of responsibility towards Montenegro which has been facing many problems. Montenegro has been passing through a lot for three years – from the anchor of stability in the WB to being perceived as the stain – said the President of Montenegro and the Leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, Milo Djukanovic. “We can see that Montenegro’s functionality has been ruined, as its main institutions are being run by acting heads or are totally paralyzed, while investors are leaving. Unfortunately, the rule of law is neglected in Montenegro,” Mr Djukanovic told at a news conference held after he submitted his presidential candidacy. He also pointed out that the current government hadn’t taken into account the views of neither the EU nor the Venice Commission. “It’s the reason why Montenegro is being paralyzed on the road to the EU”. Mr Djukanovic continued: “In 2023 we’re about to witness a comprehensive election cycle starting with the regular presidential election on 19 March and I’m almost completely sure that we’ll have the parliamentary one few months later”. According to him, the parliamentary election will be the opportunity for Montenegro to get back the previous stability with wise decisions of its citizens. Asked whether he expected the second round of the presidential election, Mr Djukanovic said that he submitted his candidacy intending to win in the first round. “The goal is to win in the first round but I’m ready for the entire election process. I believe I’ll win if there’s the second round as well”. I have solely the Montenegrin citizenship, and as you see, I skipped the age of majority and have had residence in Montenegro my whole life, said the current President of Montenegro and the Leader of the DPS, Milo Djukanovic, earlier today while submitting his presidential candidacy to the State Election Commission (DIK). “I wanted to submit my candidacy in person thus respecting DIK and continuing with the practice of the highest recognition of the authority of all state bodies in our country,” Mr Djukanovic said.


Alternativa wants to unite the parties of the Albanians for a common cause formation of Community of Albanian municipalities (Telma TV)


Less than a month after Alternativa decided to act as an opposition, it is already making its first moves. The party, which for a year was part of the majority, now, in moments of government reshuffle, is trying to unite the other parties from the Albanian bloc, for, as they say, a common cause. Afrim Gashi's party although does not have a single mayor in any of the municipalities, called on the parties of the Albanians in North Macedonia to request a Community of Albanian municipalities, as the example of Kosovo and the obligation for forming Community of Serbian municipalities. “The question that should be asked is - why the parties of the Albanians in North Macedonia, the ones that have mayors in municipalities (DUI, Alliance for Albanians and Besa), do not start an initiative to establish a Community of Albanian municipalities with the same competences that they have of the Serbian municipalities in Kosovo. Nothing more. Just that. Those who demand that from Kosovo are our western allies, which means that that community is in the spirit of western values”, say from Alternativa party, they said in a statement from alternative. The formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities in Kosovo is an obligation of official Pristina, undertaken with the Brussels agreement signed 10 years ago, and with the mediation of the EU.


SDSM, DUI and "Alliance for Albanians" categorically rejected Alternativa initiative, and the smaller parties also expressed similar opinions (All media)


This is unacceptable and unserious. This is how part of the ruling parties commented on the idea of Alternativa party for forming of Communities of Albanian Municipalities. SDSM, DUI and "Alliance for Albanians" categorically rejected this initiative, and the smaller parties also expressed similar opinions. "The situation in Kosovo cannot be replicated in our country in any way. According to the Law on Local Self-Government and the Law on Inter-Municipal Cooperation, cooperation between municipalities in our country is absolutely possible. Each municipality can cooperate in any form, when it finds its interest in a certain topic. We consider this request to be not serious, that it should not be used to gain political points, and is ultimately unacceptable," says Sanela Shkrijelj from SDSM. The vice-president of DUI, but also the leader of the so-called "fiery group", Izet Mexhiti assessed that the Kosovo scenario with the establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, will have a "domino effect" in the region and called on the Albanians in North Macedonia to demand the same rights, thus de facto supporting the initiative of Alternativa. The party's official position is completely different from what Mexhiti said. "Pathetic, anti-American and anti-European, and not in favour to the final solution of the Kosovo issue. An unsuccessful attempt to survive on the political scene after the fiasco and completely wrong and destructive behaviour”, said from DUI. The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski said that politicians should be careful not to initiate inter-ethnic tensions with such announcements, as this could lead to new problems.


Osmani meets diaspora representatives in New York and New Jersey (Republika)


During his visit to the US, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, met with representatives of the diaspora in New York and New Jersey.

During the meetings, Osmani confirmed the commitment of Macedonian institutions to strengthening relations with the diaspora, through the systematization of the role and potential that members of the diaspora have in the new environments in which they live.

He expressed his gratitude for the activities of the diaspora to preserve the language and culture, among other things, through the implementation of additional teaching in the native language, during which he had the opportunity to visit the classrooms where classes are held.

Osmani highly evaluated the engagement of the diaspora in lobbying and promoting the interests of Macedonia in front of the highest representatives of the American administration, political and business elites, as well as in front of various interest groups in American society.

The diaspora contributes positively to our image abroad and is an important bridge, which we cannot and must not try and use. In conditions of emphasized change in the structure of the migration contingent and its growing development potential the need to establish stronger cooperation with the diaspora is extremely important, Osmani stressed at the meetings.


Intergovernmental meeting in Podgorica/ 11 agreements signed between the Albanian and Montenegrin governments (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama and his counterpart of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, signed this Monday the agreement for the bridge on the Buna river and for the opening of the joint border point Saint Nicholas - Pulaj, in the territory of the Republic of Albania. Furthermore, all ministers have signed cooperation agreements in the field of energy, fisheries, plant protection, social protection, sports, culture and media, defense, health. Prime Minister Edi Rama together with the Albanian delegation were received earlier in a ceremony by the Prime Minister of Montenegro. 11 agreements signed between Albania and Montenegro:

- Bilateral agreement between the Republic of Albania and Montenegro on the construction of the bridge on the Buna River.

-Agreement between the Republic of Albania and Montenegro on the opening of the joint border point Saint Nicholas - Pulaj, in the territory of the Republic of Albania ((Prime Minister Edi Rama and Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic)

- Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of Energy between the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Capital Investments of Montenegro

- Cooperation agreement in the fields of maintenance and joint management of fisheries in Lake Shkodra and the river Buna, between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply of Montenegro.

- Cooperation agreement in the field of plant health protection, between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply of Montenegro.

- Cooperation agreement in the field of social protection between the Republic of Albania and Montenegro

- Memorandum of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Ministry of Youth and Children of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Montenegro

-The cultural cooperation program between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro for the period 2023-2025

-Memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro

- Memorandum of cooperation between the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Health of Montenegro.


Abazovic: Albania-Montenegro relations, an example for the region (Radio Tirana)


Relations between Albania and Montenegro are already at higher levels. This is what the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, stated in the joint conference he held with Prime Minister Edi Rama, after the signing of 11 agreements and memoranda between the two countries. Abazovic expressed his pride on the signing of the bilateral agreement on the construction of the bridge over the Buna River, which, according to him, it will not only increase the perspective and development of the area, but will also promote the growth of tourism. According to Abazovic, "Albanian and Montenegrin relations have risen to higher levels". "We sent a beautiful message, that of cooperation, dedication to the common future in economic development. I am proud that we put the signatures for the great infrastructural creation of the bridge in Buna, which will enable a production, a new tourist product. Rama took some steps to enable unhindered movement in the Buna River," said Abazovic. The Prime Minister further stated that Montenegro's relations with Albania are an example for the Western Balkans. The future of Montenegro and Albania, Abazovic emphasized, is in the EU. "After 7-80 years it returns again. We should do everything in other segments as well. We wish that Montenegro and Albania see the perspective in mutual relations, we are committed towards integration and we see the common future in the EU. I think that the relations between the government of Montenegro and Albania are an example for the Western Balkans. Other countries in the region should follow this example, we are committed to holding joint meetings with other countries in the region," he added.


Albania-Kosovo, cooperation in guaranteeing citizens' rights (Radio Tirana)


In the framework of the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Office of the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data and the Agency for Information and Privacy of Kosovo (AIP), the second meeting was held with the participation of the relevant staff. The focus of the meeting was the strengthening of professional cooperation, the exchange/discussion of cases from administrative practice, as well as the planning of initiatives for the future. The commissioners, Krenare Sogojeva-Dermaku and Besnik Dervishi, emphasized the importance of the periodic development of activities of this nature, assessing that the challenges in both areas of institutional responsibility have increased and that other dynamics are required to address them. The activity was held over two days, where, according to the agenda, the regulatory framework and the activity of AIP were presented, as well as the duties and responsibilities of the constituent structures of the Kosovo authority were discussed. In this perspective, the Commissioner's Office was engaged in providing assistance for the implementation of the regulatory framework in the field of the right to information, mainly for the drafting/updating of the Transparency Program, taking into consideration the experience of Albania. On the other hand, from the examination of practical cases in the field of personal data protection, it was agreed to intensify cooperation, also in the context of the development of joint investigations. During the meeting, the contribution of the Commissioner's Office to AIP's membership in the International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) was evaluated. At the same time, it was discussed about the harmonization of efforts for the widest possible recognition of Kosovo's authority within international organizations in both these fields.