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Belgrade Media Report 29 May



Brnabic: Situation in Kosovo and Metohija has never been more difficult (RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is tense and difficult and that it has never been more difficult, and expressed her gratitude to Serbs in the province for remaining calm and refraining from violence. Brnabic assessed that the reaction of KFOR is belated and pointed out that the task of this international mission was to protect the interests and peace of the people in Kosovo and Metohija, not the usurpers. “I do not have a single kind word to say about our partners in the EU or KFOR - their reaction was belated, they should have been there on Friday the way they are there today. Under UNSCR 1244, their mandate is to protect peace and stability and, above all, the people. Today, they are not protecting the people, they are not protecting democracy - what they are there for today is to protect the usurper from democracy and ordinary citizens,” Brnabic said. She stated that peace is the most important thing that we have and that by preserving it, we preserve the survival of the Serbian people in the province. She said that the situation in the southern Serbian province is monitored hour by hour and that the public will be informed about the next steps.


Vucic issues new invitation to talks, calls for unity, solving problems (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Sunday "again" invited "all those in society who are responsible and able to give stability and help our country progress through dialogue" to talks. "Respected citizens, there has been a lot to divide and separate us in recent weeks. It is time to unite and solve problems together," Vucic said in a video posted on his Instagram profile. He said there was a tough week ahead, noting that he would hold talks with "European leaders from Bratislav, Chisinau, with Macron, Scholz" in addition to "fighting for the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija". "Thanks to all people for their enormous support, for understanding that we are fighting for our Serbia. For those who are scared and wondering if we will give up, my answer is - no surrender, surrender has never been an option," Vucic said.


Dacic: This must not be happening and Serbia will not allow this (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Monday morning Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that it is up to the international community to do everything required by the laws and international obligations, that is, to ensure security and stability for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. He points out that the role of KFOR is not to protest but to prevent a unilateral act. He emphasizes that warnings can please the ears, but that they should not be used for living. Dacic says that the escalation of irresponsible behavior of Pristina, which causes conflict situations, has been going on for months. “Instead of normalization, we constantly have escalation caused by Albin Kurti and de-escalation, which is being worked on by part of the international community. The result is an insidious plan - Kurti is allowed to do something, the international community as if protests, and then it remains an accomplished thing that is unilateral in character and they hope it will become a political reality,” Dacic points out. He emphasizes that KFOR’s role is not to protest, but to prevent a unilateral act and that it is not KFOR’s role to stand in front of municipal buildings and prevent the Serb people from returning the buildings. “KFOR is now practically protecting the mayors under the pretext of preserving the peace. They are also protecting the owners of those buildings, which are Serbs, those who work there, and the employees. In Serb municipalities, the mayors cannot be those whom none of the Serbs elected,” emphasizes Dacic. He says that Serbia pointed to this months ago and that everyone knows very well what Serbia’s views are. “It is up to the international community to undertake everything that the laws and international obligations require of it, and that means ensuring safety and stability for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” appeals Dacic. He says that the guarantees of KFOR are worth nothing for the Serbs because they only aim to deceive them. “It is not our negative attitude towards them, but it is about whether they will fulfill what they are obliged to fulfill or not. Do not provoke Serbia into saying that Serbia must do it. If someone thinks that this will last indefinitely and that Serbia will suffer such an escalation against the Serbs, let victims fall, God forbid... I really don’t understand if someone doesn’t see or won’t see that this kind of thing must be stopped immediately,” emphasizes Dacic.


Those who helped Pristina to turn the phone

Dacic says that the crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija should end with those who have been helping Pristina for years picking up the phone or coming to Pristina and solving the problem. “Let’s not play hide and seek and pretend they can’t affect Kurti. What is Kurti? A superpower?” Warnings may ring in our ears, but warnings do not make a living. If the US cannot force Pristina to respect that, I don’t know what kind of trust we can have in the international community and in those who are the patrons of that dangerous war adventurism in Pristina,” Dacic points out. He reminds that Pristina received visa liberalization and the opening of the admission process to the Council of Europe. “They say they must be rewarded for a constructive approach. So is this a constructive approach? Just don’t let it turn out later that Serbia is guilty of something like that. This must not happen and Serbia will not allow this,” emphasized Dacic. He notes that the Serbian military forces are in a state of readiness and warns that they will protect the Serbs if they have to. “Should we allow Serbian victims to fall because of the unpreparedness of the international community or because of Kurti’s war adventurism... We certainly will not allow that,” emphasizes Dacic.


Serbs should be smart and express all forms of peaceful protest

Dacic points out that Kurti’s goal is to drive Serbs out of Kosovo and Metohija, but that Serbs should be smart and express all forms of peaceful protest. “Serbs are not the ones causing problems. Our diplomatic activity is limited to talking with ambassadors, with the commander of KFOR, with presidents of states, ministers of foreign affairs, with envoys in the dialogue... We do not expect a result and we are not satisfied with what we talked about. We expect to see the effect on the field,” emphasizes Dacic. He says that Kurti’s steady steps must be stopped as a matter of urgency and that the situation should return to normal. He believes that all this is a consequence of the elections that were held with the participation of 13 Serbs and emphasizes that a compromise solution requires the readiness of at least two parties. “On the part of Serbia, there is always a willingness to talk. With them, there is no willingness to talk about anything other than violent unilateral acts that aim to lead to the occupation of Kosovo and Metohija as a permanent solution,” says Dacic.


Vucevic expects political solution of the crisis (RTS)


Vucevic said that Armed Forces should remain at the highest level of combat readiness, but that he expects this issue to be resolved politically, not by war. Vucevic said that the essence is for the Armed Forces to remain at the highest level of combat readiness, but that he expects this issue to be resolved politically, not by war. Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said today that Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) will remain at the highest level of combat readiness until Friday, and that the army's formations will be fully deployed along the administrative line by 2 pm. today. He added that the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilovic is in constant talks with KFOR, whose task is to, as Vucevic said, ensure the peace and security of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija.


Serbian army to remain in full combat readiness until further notice – Council (Tanjug)


The Serbian Armed Forces will remain in full combat readiness until further notice following a "brutal use of force by Albin Kurti and his forces against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija", said a statement released after Saturday's session of the Serbian National Security Council. All necessary security activities aimed at strengthening Serbia's defence capacities were agreed at the session, the press office of the president of Serbia said in the statement. The Council noted that the NATO mission in Kosovo and Metohija and KFOR had not done their job in line with UNSCR 1244 and the Kumanovo Military-Technical Agreement. Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic was authorised to maintain direct contact with the KFOR commander in an attempt to ensure the mission fulfils its function and its mandate in line with the relevant UN acts and protect Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "The Republic of Serbia will be firm and unwavering in protecting its people," the statement noted. The session was attended by Mojsilovic, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, PM Ana Brnabic, FM and National Security Council Secretary Ivica Dacic, Defence Minister Milos Vucevic, Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic, Security and Information Agency chief Aleksandar Vulin, Justice Minister Maja Popovic, the director of the government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, State Prosecutor Zagorka Dolovac, Belgrade Police Chief Veselin Milic and parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic.


Vucic no longer leader of SNS, Vucevic takes his place (Beta)


Milos Vucevic confirmed that he was elected leader of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). After the SNS convention in Kragujevac, Vucevic announced that the party will take part in the formation of the People’s Movement for the State. “The SNS supported the proposal of the former leader of the party and the President of Serbia to take part in the formation of the People’s Movement, and I think you will be able to see much more concrete steps regarding that issue by the end of June,” Vucevic said. According to him, he expects that new party leadership will be elected on 24 June. He thanked Vucic for his support for the SNS leader candidacy, stating that they are “opening a new chapter in their book”. “Our policy will not change. We remain a party that is the engine of the development of our homeland, but also a party that preserves and cherishes the traditional values of the Serb people, of all citizens of Serbia,” said Vucevic.


Vucevic: Kosovo seemingly calm, I expect more decisive action by KFOR (RTS)


The situation in Kosovo is calm this morning, or rather apparently calm because it can explode at any moment, since the tension is at a maximum, especially among Serbs who are threatened by the latest terrorist acts of Albin Kurti's regime, said Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic. The Kosovo Police is still located in the buildings of the municipalities of Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic. “It is important for the Serbs to manage to peacefully express their opposition to what is happening to them, especially in the four municipalities in the north, without further escalation. Kurti is working to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of Serbs and that is his main agenda. This is a form of pressure on the Serbs in Kosovo who are being told that they cannot stay in the north,” said Vucevic.


International community calls for de-escalation of tensions amid tensions in Kosovo (RTS)


On 26 May several dozen members of Kosovo's special police used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse citizens who assembled in front of local government buildings in Kosovska Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan. In Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok, northern Kosovo, several dozen people were hurt in clashes between Kosovo police and Serbs who attempted to prevent police from entering the buildings. Shots were fired in Zvecan, and one police vehicle was set on fire, RTS reported. Kosovo police said in a press release that its actions had been within its legal authority in order to secure access to municipal administrations for the legally elected municipal heads of the four northern Kosovo municipalities. The EU, US officials, NATO and many institutions have called for the de-escalation of tensions.


Increased KFOR presence in north of Kosovo (KoSSev/N1/RTS)


Increased KFOR presence was noticeable on Monday morning in the northern Kosovo municipalities of Zvecan and Leposavic, said N1 reporters. Employees of the Zvecan self-government broke through the first KFOR troops cordon, but were not stopped, RTS reported. They managed to get to the municipal administration building, but were prevented from entering by the police who used tear gas. Kosovo police special units put up a protective fence near the municipal administration building in Zvecan. A barbed wire fence was also put up around the municipal administration building in Leposavic outside which there is a large number of people. KFOR troops are wearing anti-riot gear, said N1 reporters. Former Leposavic mayor Zoran Todic is talking to KFOR troops. Journalist Xhemalj Rexha said on Twitter that people are also assembled outside the Zubin Potok municipal administration building. US Ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier has invited the four mayors of northern Kosovo municipalities to a meeting, KoSSev reported, while Zvecan Mayor Ilir Peci said the meeting will be held in the EU offices in Pristina at 9 am. “The EU and the US Ambassador have invited us four mayors to a meeting at the EU offices,” Peci told Kallxo, KoSSev reported.


Serb List asks Vucic to end the dialogue with Pristina (KoSSev/N1)


The Serb List asked Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to suspend any participation in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the participation of its representatives in any talks with the Kosovo representatives in Pristina, until all Kosovo special forces are withdrawn from the north of Kosovo, and all forces from of occupied buildings of municipal authorities. After returning from Belgrade, where they participated in Vucuc’s rally, the leaders of the Serb List held an emergency press conference, after Saturday’s clash between citizens and the Kosovo police, KoSSev reported. The leader of the Serb List Goran Rakic thanked the citizens for the dignified and peaceful guarding of municipal buildings in the north, saying they were guarding “what is ours”. “Thank you to everyone who tried yesterday and made it clear that we didn’t want what belonged to someone else, we only wanted to preserve what was ours,” said Rakic.


Protesters form ring around state TV, demand resignations (N1)


Saturday’s Serbia Against Violence protest ended with the crowd forming a ring around the block where the state TV (RTS) is based and demanding the resignations of the station’s management. Actor Hadzi Nenad Maricic spoke to the crowd to mark the end of the protest and called the crowd to come back next Friday. Part of the crowd stayed on in front of one of the entrances after the final speaker, shouting Resignations, Resignations and calling RTS staff to join them. They also called the RTS to cover the protest live. In an unusual move, the RTS started its main evening news with a live report from the protest outside its headquarters. Opposition leader Marinika Tepic said that this was the first time that protesters managed to force the RTS to cover the protest live. The crowd started whistling and booing at the start of the RTS news at 7.30 pm. An N1 reporter said that security gates had been closed at the entrance to the building with security guards posted in front. The crowd that gathered for the 4th anti-violence protest was said by several sources to be larger than the previous protests. Those sources said the crowd was much bigger than the crowd bussed into Belgrade a day earlier for a rally organized by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) which was addressed by President Aleksandar Vucic. The protests began after two mass shootings early in May – the first at a Belgrade elementary school when a 13 year old boy gunned down a security guard and 8 children and the second in two villages in the Mladenovac area when a 21 year old man used an illegal automatic weapon to kill another 8 people.




Vucic, Dodik address rally in Belgrade, convey messages on Serb unity (RTRS)


A big rally under the slogan ‘Srbija nade’ (Serbia of Hope) was held in Belgrade on Friday. Many citizens attended the rally organized based on the call of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Messages from Belgrade say that Serb unity is necessary, that Serbs will not give up on Kosovo or let Serbs be banished from the north of Kosovo. They also emphasized that they will not allow violence in Serbia. Vucic said only a strong Serbia can deal with all these issues. Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik came to the rally and addressed the gathered. He underscored that Serbs are always united no matter where they live. Dodik said Serbs want to live in peace, and they will not allow for someone to once again “drag them into conflicts”. Dodik said Serbia is not weak and this rally proves that. Dodik added that all those who work against Serbia and the RS will fail and emphasized that the RS looks up to Serbia and loves this country as it is the motherland of all Serbs, no matter where they live. Dodik noted that Kosovo is constantly fighting for its freedom, and they will always stand with Serbs in Kosovo. Dodik stated that Serbia and Serb people mourn children who lost their lives (in shooting) at the beginning of the month and he added: “Some thought Serbia is weak, it is sad but it is not weak. Our sorrow is our way to grow stronger and those who gathered a crowd of people shall not pass, it is in vain for the Brits to try to gather satraps. I came on behalf of the RS to support Serbia with Aleksandar Vucic at the helm”. Dodik also said that the RS looks up to Serbia and noted: “We are one people, there are no Bosnian or other kinds of Serbs, there are only Serbs. Now, more than ever before, we are aware that there is no freedom without a state, therefore it is important that we are today with our people in Kosovo, as well as in the RS and Montenegro”. Dodik stated: “We are one people who has two states, the RS and Serbia. We want to live in peace, but we will not allow to be dragged into conflicts again”.


Cvijanovic: Events in Kosovo are a shame for America and the EU (Srna/RTRS)


Serb member and Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic told Srna news agency that everything we have been seeing in recent years in the area of the self-proclaimed Kosovo is a shame for the US and the EU and a stain on their face. Cvijanovic assessed that what the rambunctious temporary institutions in Pristina are doing represents a security threat for the entire region. “I fully support the leadership of Serbia in all their efforts to protect the Serbs in Kosovo, as well as the interests of the state of Serbia. This is another indicator of the challenges Serbia is facing and how important it is to preserve political stability so that the country is able to adequately respond to all provocations and pressures at any time”, Cvijanovic emphasized.


Viskovic: Security of Serbs in Kosovo is threatened for the umpteenth time, but Serbia will protect them (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that the security of the Serbs in Kosovo is threatened for the umpteenth time, but also that the state of Serbia and its leadership will do everything to protect the Serb people. Viskovic pointed out that RS looks with great attention to Kosovo - the cradle of faith, history and culture of the Serb people. “It is devastating to witness a gross violation of international law on European soil, as well as the failure of European institutions to respond in such a complex situation”, Viskovic emphasized. According to him, the widespread approval of the European Union institutions to recognize elections with a turnout of less than three percent as regular is also worrying.


Dodik meets with Prime Minister of Azerbaijan to discuss economic, political issues (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik visited Azerbaijan and met with Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov. In a statement for RTRS, Dodik said he spoke about political and economic matters with Asadov, and they primarily focused on energy projects. They spoke of gas supply which should arrive to B&H through Azerbaijan. “We also talked about infrastructure development. Azerbaijan has significant relations with the RS and B&H, and they recognize our role in everything we do and do in the desire to build an economic and infrastructure system”, Dodik said. He added that Azerbaijan is a country in strong economic development and that it was important for them to discuss economic issues, primarily those related to energy and infrastructure development. “One of the topics is the gas pipeline that they were building from Azerbaijan, through Greece to Italy and the branch that should be built to Montenegro to the RS and B&H”, Dodik confirmed in telephone statement for RTRS. Dodik said that political issues were also discussed, and that Azerbaijan supports the RS. Dodik informed Asadov of the RS’ position in B&H and said Azerbaijan has significant friendly relations with the RS. Dodik said Azerbaijan understand things in B&H and fully supports the peace process in this country.


Dodik says his recent meetings in Russia and Azerbaijan were very successful, notes he consulted Putin regarding Russia’s stance on possibility that Schmidt might impose solutions for RS such as property issue (ATV)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has assessed that his recent meetings in Russia and Azerbaijan were very successful, and that the RS has shown its importance through these meetings.  He stressed that his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he has met some 20 times so far, was crucial and added that he consulted Putin regarding “Russia’s stance on the possibility that illegitimate High Representative Christian Schmidt imposes certain solutions for the RS such as the issue of property”. Dodik reminded that he assured Putin that the RS is Russia’s strategic partner and that therefore it will not abandon Russia that has been helping the RS continuously. He stressed that his role of the RS President is that he does not shut the doors to anyone and that he would gladly meet with anyone, but that the West refuses that possibility and they impose solutions in B&H instead of holding talks. Dodik said that Russia has proven to be an important partner to the RS, and it is the guarantor of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). He assessed that “anticolonial battle is a key to our future, and we must not wait for new time under colony of foreigners, because that would mean that the Serb people will have catastrophic positions in the future that will lead to their disappearance”. “Battle against colonial administration promoted by the offices of the US and UK Embassies to B&H and followed by satraps from most of the other European countries, who do not dare to rebel and allowed that Europe does not have its leaders but it is ruled by no one else but Biden and Zelenskyy, shows that Europe they offer us is very hard to accept”, Dodik assessed. Dodik said that, in case Schmidt imposes a decision on the state property, the RS parliament will immediately hold a session and adopt a decision on its future status. He added that he spoke of this matter Putin in Moscow, who told Dodik that if such thing were to happen, that would mean the end of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Dodik pointed out that “the non-appointed High Representative” is once again preparing some moves “in secret”, which Dodik assessed is all illegal and unacceptable. “I said it was a wall for us. There are two ways - one is to disappear and cease to exist, and the other is to preserve our independence”, Dodik told a press conference. Dodik also stated that he informed Putin that if attempts to steal property from the RS are resumed, decision on independence of the RS will be passed. Dodik emphasized that he got confirmation from Moscow that the RS will not be left alone. Dodik underlined that the RS will resume to look for friends around the world. He concluded that the RS officials will visit some 10 countries by end of 2023. One of these countries is China and Dodik should visit this country by end of this year.


Stevandic attends Nevsky Environmental Congress in Saint Petersburg, says Banja Luka is in focus of joint projects of RS and Russia (RTRS)


Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic pointed out in Saint Petersburg at the Nevsky Environmental Congress to the consequences of depleted uranium that was used on RS and Serbia in the 1990s, and said that strong international regulation is the only guarantee and prevention of the most serious pollution of the planet through radioactive elements and their particles. On the sidelines of the Congress, Stevandic met with Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko. Stevandic said on Friday in Saint Petersburg that Banja Luka has been put in the focus of the development of joint projects between the RS and Russia. “The issue of building a techno park in Banja Luka, which would be the result of cooperation between Banja Luka and Saint Petersburg, is open”, Stevandic confirmed after his meeting with Matvienko. Stevandic addressed the Congress and said that more than 3 tons of depleted uranium were used in B&H and more than 9 tons were used in Kosovo. Stevandic argued that there is a conspiracy to remain silent and a huge pressure on everyone who tries to shed light on this tragedy which polluted air, water and soil but also caused genetic anomalies for the future generations and a high number of various, especially cancerogenic, diseases.


SDA Main Board holds session; Izetbegovic criticizes Schmidt’s interventions, current authorities (FTV)


At a ceremony held on Saturday in Sarajevo, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic congratulated the members and sympathizers on the party's 33 years of existence, dedicated and fruitful work. This was the occasion to present the long-term results of SDA's work and efforts, and he pointed out to those present that during the war, where SDA had a dominant role, the fewest war crimes were committed, and in the time of the post-war normalization of relations, the party was the engine of stabilization, normalization and progress. The members of the party, as Izetbegovic said, dedicatedly worked on the reconciliation of people, the return of the banished, the reaffirmation of the multi-ethnic spirit of B&H, and the adoption of European standards and the acceleration of the Euro-Atlantic path. Izetbegovic added that he believes that the greatest progress has been achieved in the reconstruction and development of the market economy, private entrepreneurship, as well as in solving socioeconomic issues. Izetbegovic underlined that “despite decades of attacks and attempts to compromise SDA, this first-founded B&H party remained the first-ranked, winning party through a series of election cycles”. Izetbegovic stated that SDA supports the consistent application of the rule of law and the prosecution of those responsible for corruption and all other criminal acts. “We will always support a professional and honest judiciary, but it is impossible for corruption and violation of the law to occur only in areas where Bosniaks live in the majority, and not in the RS entity or in areas ruled by HDZ B&H”, Izetbegovic emphasized. SDA will mostly be in the opposition in this mandate. Izetbegovic said that it is uncertain how this fact will have an effect on B&H and its future progress. “SDA, DF, NES, SB&H are not in power because the interest of the state and the dignity of the nation came before power. This bloc will grow, gain physiognomy and internal cohesion”, Izetbegovic stated. According to Izetbegovic, going to the opposition will cause the departure of some of the staff who entered politics and SDA for careerist and self-interested reasons. On the other hand, he says that correct, clear, patriotic policies will attract correct, patriotically oriented members and voters. “A spontaneous ‘cleansing of the SDA’ will happen, which many have been advocating for a long time. We have to find a way to make it clear to the people that we engage in politics for their benefit, not for our own benefit, and that we suffer all the blows we have received and will receive for the betterment of the state of B&H and its people”, Izetbegovic underscored. Izetbegovic said that local elections will follow next year, and that party members must get closer to the voters, especially those born after the war, and return Sarajevo, Zenica, Bihac and Mostar, and finally conquer Tuzla. “The formula is intensive work in the field, quality young staff and coalitions”, Izetbegovic added. “Interventions in the Constitution tailored in an agreement with Zagreb in favor of HDZ B&H, direct interference in the electoral process, favouring followers who are a minority in the pro-Bosnian bloc, and marginalizing the majority of political forces from this bloc who do not agree to harmful concessions to anti-state policies, instrumentalizing the judiciary in this purpose, which the distinguished judges of the Court of B&H speak openly about, permanent damage was caused to the interests of B&H, democratic and social processes in it. The High Representative's interventions, which included the temporary suspension of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitution, are a severe humiliation for B&H and every citizen. Instead of opposing Dodik's attacks and provocations, to try to strengthen the opposition in the RS, to create an alternative in the RS, to oppose the SNSD/HDZ duo that produced blockades and crises, that even directly overturned the laws that we needed to bring candidate status for EU membership, the ambassadors took the line of the least resistance - they tolerated the RS and Dodik, strengthened the position of HDZ B&H and Covic and set out to weaken the pro-Bosnian bloc, to create divisions in the patriotic spectrum, to marginalize and expel SDA from power”, Izetbegovic was quoted as saying. Izetbegovic said that SDA and DF did not agree to act in a servile manner and he noted that the OHR in cooperation with some embassies did the main part of work in “an odd and detrimental twist”. In one part of his speech, Izetbegovic criticized ‘The Troika’ and he underlined that Troika advocated civic principles and then accepted to become ‘Muslim representation’ as Dodik described them. Izetbegovic went on to say that they were saying they will not form coalition with ethnic parties and then “they ran” to HDZ B&H leader in Mostar and to Dodik’s alcohol distillery in Laktasi; for years they have been criticizing convocations of B&H CoM and leadership of parliament and then supported appointment of blacklisted SNSD and HDZ candidates. Izetbegovic underlined that ‘The Troika’ promised program-grounded government, while currently the program they have at the state level is weak, while at the FB&H level they do not have any program. “They promised depoliticization of public enterprises, and as soon as they came in power, they announced removal of capable managers and appointment of loyal ones”, said Izetbegovic. Izetbegovic stated: “The main concessions, if we do not stop them, are yet to follow. Election law according to the will of the HDZ. Slowing down or stopping the NATO path at the will of the SNSD, support for the controversial Buk Bijela and Trebinje airport projects, relinquishing control over the CEC (Central Election Commission) to SNSD and HDZ, handing over the gas sector to the control of SNSD and HDZ”. SDA mentioned the news of Dodik’s visit to Russia, and that things done for Dodik’s benefit make Dodik even worse.


Brkic, NATO Political Committee discuss Information on implementation of activities from B&H Reform Program for 2021 and 2022 (BNTV)


B&H Deputy Foreign Minister Josip Brkic (HDZ B&H) met Friday with NATO Political Committee in Brussels to discuss the Information on the implementation of activities from the B&H Reform Program for 2021 and 2022. BNTV reports that Brkic noted there are 365 activities referred in the Information, the B&H institutions had to implement during the year. He also expressed gratitude for “NATO’s dedication to talk about ways to strengthen its partnership with B&H’’ and its support in reform implementation, welcoming the visit of NATO Partnerships and Cooperative Security Committee (PCSC) to B&H, planned for June this year. Brkic also said: “We are glad that the NATO maintains its focus on dialogue with the EU candidate countries in spite of the very complex security situation in which we live, as well as that the NATO remains strongly committed to the security environment and wider stability in the Western Balkans.”


RS officials claim NATO membership is not one of foreign policy goals of B&H (Nezavisne)


Commenting in the statement of Chair of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Borjana Kristo, who said during meeting with the Ukrainian Ambassador (to B&H) that “integration into the EU and NATO are main foreign policy goals of B&H”, Deputy Chair of B&H CoM Zoran Tegeltija said: “In order for something to be called a foreign policy goal of B&H, it requires consent of both entities and all three constituent people. I understand that there is consensus in the FB&H regarding the membership in the NATO, but there is no consensus at the level of B&H because RS and its representatives at the joint level are against it. I am sure Borjana Kristo is aware of this as well”. Tegeltija added that the new foreign policy strategy of B&H will not be adopted if the practice of ignoring the will of the RS continues. Minister of Security of B&H Nenad Nesic stated that the NATO integration cannot be a foreign policy goal of B&H and added that Kristo should be careful when making statements because she is B&H CoM Chair, and she should know that such decisions must be made with consent of the two entities and three constituent peoples. Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac stated reminded of the Resolution on Military Neutrality that was adopted by the RS parliament and he noted: “The Resolution stipulated that the RS will follow the policy of neutrality carried out by Serbia and that a decision on possible joining of the NATO will be made by people in referendum”. Kosarac also said that the Foreign Policy Strategy of B&H, which was adopted in March 2018 by the Presidency of B&H consisted of Bakir Izetbegovic, Dragan Covic and Mladen Ivanic, needs to be redefined and a special attention must be paid to new geo-political circumstances in the region, Europe and world, as well as to already defined stances of the RS institutions.


Kosarac discusses cooperation and foreign trade with Momirovic; Kosarac: Next month I will initiate holding of conference on ‘Open Balkans’ in Sarajevo (O Kanal)


B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac met with Serbian Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic in Belgrade on Sunday. On this occasion, Kosarac and Momirovic discussed strengthening of cooperation and improvement of foreign trade between B&H and Serbia. Kosarac and Momirovic exchanged opinions on the initiative ‘Open Balkans’, where it was pointed out that this regional initiative has increased the volume of trade between member countries by almost 30 percent. Kosarac said that next month he will initiate the holding of a conference on ‘Open Balkans’ in Sarajevo. “We have agreed to hold a conference in Sarajevo to which we will invite relevant ministers from Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania. Our common goal is to discuss the perspectives and advantages of ‘Open Balkans’ with representatives of the chamber system in Republika Srpska and the Federation of B&H”, announced Kosarac.


Bleiburg events commemoration held in Radimlja near Stolac under auspices of HNS; OHR: Commemorations of victims must never be used to relativize or minimize crimes committed by Nazi forces and their allies during World War II (AJB)


Under the auspices of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), a commemoration for the Bleiburg victims and the Way of the Cross of the Croat people was held in Stolac on Sunday. High-level officials of the HNS and officials from Croatia attended the commemoration. They placed flowers in front of a monument to the Bleiburg victims in Stolac. Tens of thousands of Croat(ian) civilians and soldiers of the defeated pro-Nazi Independent State of Croatia (NDH) surrendered to Allied forces at Bleiburg, Austria in May 1945, but were handed over by British troops to Tito-led Yugoslav Partizan forces. Some were executed on the spot, while many perished during death marches, known in Croatia as the Way of the Cross, on their way back to Yugoslavia in the second half of 1945. The commemoration must not be used to glorify pro-Nazi groups, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) emphasized. “Commemorations of the victims must never be used to relativize or minimize the crimes committed by Nazi forces and their allies during World War II. Highlighting Ustasha and other fascist symbols is offensive and must not be allowed in modern society”, the OHR said in its statement. Jewish organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) also spoke out against their role in the commemoration. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that the Bleiburg tragedy and the Way of the Cross are being marked in Croatia and in B&H in a dignified way. He said this is all a part of Croatia’s past and they wish to honor every victim in a proper way. “Justice and reconciliation are possible only through acknowledging the truth”, reads the statement of the OHR. Croatia Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman stated that Croats in B&H, despite many difficulties in the past, have survived in the country. Grlic Radman stated, among other issues, that civilians were thrown into the pits without indictment, without trial, that many people were tortured, abused and killed out of revenge and hatred and that Croats in B&H, despite everything, have survived in B&H and nowadays nobody should be allowed to take their right to home and homeland. “We expect limited changes to the Constitution and Election Law that will guarantee political participation of Croats at all levels in institutions of B&H”, said Grlic Radman.


Schmidt: Highlighting Ustasha and fascist symbols is offensive (O Kanal)


High Representative Christian Schmidt commented on the upcoming commemoration of the Bleiburg victims in Stolac, an event that in the past has been used to glorify pro-Nazi groups and individuals. He said that commemorations for the victims should never be used to relativize or minimize the crimes committed by Nazi forces and their allies during World War II. “Highlighting Ustasha and other Fascist symbols is offensive and must not be allowed in modern society. Hate speech and hate crimes are criminal offenses according to the Criminal Code of BiH. Justice and reconciliation are only possible if the truth is accepted. In this way, we will make sure that the victims are not forgotten and that the injustices are never repeated”, Schmidt underlined. The commemoration for the Bleiburg victims in Stolac will be held on Sunday, under the auspices of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) in B&H.


Borenovic: Except for Croatia, B&H is only place in world where glorifying of Ustashahood and Nazism is allowed (BN TV)


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic has said that except for Croatia, B&H is the only place in the world where glorifying of Ustashahood and Nazism is allowed. He stressed that the fact that the commemoration for the Bleiburg victims was allowed in Stolac is scandalous and represents a civilizational step backwards, reminding that organized countries strictly sanction such things but competent institutions in B&H ignore them. Borenovic believes it is wrong that competent institutions did not react to this – from the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) to the authorities in the FB&H and in RS.


RS PDP Caucus proposes Resolution to declare Croatian President Milanovic persona non grata in RS (FTV/BNTV)


The PDP Caucus in the RS parliament submitted in the parliamentary procedure in the RS parliament the Resolution to declare Croatian President Zoran Milanovic a persona non grata in the RS, due to his problematic statements related to Serb people and the recognition he awarded to members of the Croat Defense Council (HVO) in Derventa for the war merits against the RS Army. The initiators of the Resolution call on all parties from the RS to stand behind it, so that it will be on the agenda of the next RS parliament session. Head of the RS PDP Caucus Igor Crnadak stated: “The Resolution contains condemnation of numerous statements and media appearances. He spoke insultingly about the Serb people and the RS. He also condemns the shameful awarding of decorations to the HVO on 26 March.” Speaker of the RS parliament and United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic also accused Milanovic of causing divisions among politicians in the RS. People’s Front leader Jelena Trivic wondered whether the RS authorities are more turned towards Belgrade or Zagreb and added that in no way should the RS turn towards Zagreb. Addressing a press conference on Friday, Crnadak said that PDP is referring two documents to parliamentary procedure, one being resolution on declaring Milanovic persona non grata in the RS, and the second being “RS parliament’s recommendation for B&H Presidency member from the RS to declare Milanovic persona non grata in B&H”. BNTV reported that if the resolution is adopted, Milanovic would no longer be allowed to use public spaces owned by the RS and its local communities.


Grlic Radman: Croats survived despite Bleiburg, other predicaments (Hina)


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said in Stolac, southern B&H, on Sunday that Croats in that country had survived despite the many predicaments such as the Bleiburg tragedy, expressing an expectation that they would achieve full equality in relation to the other two constituent peoples. Grlic Radman visited Stolac to attend a commemoration for the victims of the Bleiburg tragedy and death marches, known as the Way of the Cross in Croatia. “The pits here were full of civilians killed without a trial. Those were crimes of torture and murder committed out of revenge,” the minister told reporters at Radimlja near Stolac. He added that Croats in B&H had survived despite everything and that today nobody had the right to deny them the right to a home. Croatia respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, Grlic Radman said, adding that he expected full equality for the Croats in B&H. “We expect limited changes to (B&H’s) Constitution and the Election Law to guarantee political participation to Croats at all levels of B&H institutions,” he said. The international community’s High Representative, Christian Schmidt, said earlier this week, in a comment on the commemoration, that it must not be used to downplay crimes committed during World War II by Nazi forces and their allies. He also said that displaying Ustasha and other Fascist symbols was insulting. Asked about Schmidt’s statement, Stolac Mayor Stjepan Boskovic said that the commemoration would not compromise “the victims, of whom many were innocent”, and that they just wanted to pay tribute to and pray for them. Tens of thousands of Croatian civilians and soldiers of the defeated pro-Nazi Independent State of Croatia (NDH) surrendered to Allied forces at Bleiburg, Austria in May 1945, but were handed over by British troops to Tito-led Yugoslav Partisan forces. Some were executed on the spot, while many perished during death marches, known in Croatia as the Way of the Cross, on their way back to Yugoslavia in the second half of 1945.


Milanovic: Albania will probably continue negotiation process separated from North Macedonia (Hina)


The President of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, who is on an official visit to Bulgaria at the invitation of the Bulgarian head of state, Rumen Radev, has emphasized that "it may happen that Albania and the Republic of North Macedonia will be separated in the process of negotiations for membership in EU". Milanovic has said that the decision can be taken since North Macedonia has some conditions that, if not fulfilled, will not be able to continue, while Albania will probably be able to continue the negotiation process itself. "Now we will get to the point where the Republic of North Macedonia maybe, if it does not make these constitutional changes that it committed itself to, it will have to wait a while to do it. It is a condition that exists, and which the EU has accepted", underlined the President of Croatia. Among other things, he emphasized that Macedonia has signed this condition and must fulfil it. He also reiterated that all countries should be part of the EU, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia.


Jokovic condemned the violence against Serbs in Kosovo (CdM)


SNP President Vladimir Jokovic condemned, as he says, the violence against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "I strongly condemn Aljbin Kurti's act of violence to which Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija were exposed. I call on all relevant international actors to respond adequately in order to prevent further violations of the rights of the citizens of osovo and Metohija and to provide conditions for the continuation of the dialogue," Jokovic announced on Twitter.


Some ignore invitation: Milatovic starts dialogues with election participants (CdM)


The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, met today with representatives of political entities participating in the upcoming parliamentary elections, his Cabinet has announced. It was announced earlier that the list holders of SDP, the For the Future of Montenegro coalition, Justice for All, Nikola Djuraskovic, Milan Knezevic and Vladimir Leposavic, respectively, will not go to the meeting with Milatovic. At the meeting with Milatovic, the Together coalition will be represented by DPS deputy leader Abaz Dizdarevic. Milatovic has announced that the meeting will send a strong message of the determination of all lists to, by promoting various offers through their manifestos and implementing fair campaigns, make a full contribution to the further democratic maturation of Montenegrin society. As the President of Montenegro, he has the responsibility to represent all citizens, which is why he made the decision not to be an active participant in the campaign for the upcoming elections on behalf of the political entity of which he is one of the leaders, the invitation letter says.


Ibrahimovic: It won’t be possible to form a European and stable govt without Bosniak Party (CdM)


In an interview for the CdM portal, the leader of the Bosniak Party and the leader of their election list called ‘It’s Clear!’, Ervin Ibrahimovic, says that a stable, civic and European government represents a fundamental need of Montenegro, because our citizens and our European path must not be anyone’s hostages. Ibrahimovic is adamant – the Bosniak Party’s impact is growing and that’s a fact. He also claims that his party is going to win more seats than ever before in the forthcoming parliamentary election and is going to be the key factor for the formation of a European, civic and stable government. For the government run by Dritan Abazovic, he says that people are going to remember it for merging the incompatible, but also for surprising but missed chances on the European path. “I believe that citizens will know who’s responsible for the first and who for the second situation,” Ibrahimovic notes. As for the elections on 11 June, he says: “First and foremost, the elections on 11 June will finally, after several delays, return to our citizens, as the only ones who have the right to do so – the decision about what Montenegro should be like in the future, what kind of government they want and who they want as their representatives in decision-making positions”.


Osmani calls for defusing of tensions in Kosovo's north (MIA)


OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani has called for defusing of tensions and de-escalation in the north of Kosovo. "As OSCE CiO, I call for de-escalation and defusing tensions in the north of Kosovo. OSCE stands ready to help, and the OSCE Kosovo mission has credibility and trust among people, institutions," tweeted Osmani. He adds it is crucial to preserve peace and stability, while adding he will re-initiate his visit to Mitrovica as soon as possible.


Osmani in Pristina: Dialogue and cooperation to be imperative for all (MIA)


The OSCE is prepared to support the implementation of agreements between Belgrade and Pristina reached as part of the EU-facilitated dialogue, said OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, after Friday’s meeting with the President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, in Pristina. According to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Osmani voiced gratitude over the strong partnership and good relations between North Macedonia and the Kosovo institutions, noting the importance of reducing tensions on the ground in the northern part of Kosovo in order to create space for a political process of dialogue with EU mediation and OSCE’s strong support. “The EU-led dialogue has the potential to contribute to regional stability. I am encouraged by recent progress, including the endorsement of the Declaration for missing persons,” stressed Osmani. The Foreign Minister assessed that the Kosovo institutions and communities “have achieved tremendous progress in the promotion of functional democratic institutions, human rights and the rule of law,” adding that he further encouraged officials in Pristina to turn to the OSCE as an important resource in the creation and implementation of reforms. “For us, it is crucial that we decisively turn a new page and look towards the future together. The efforts aimed at regional cooperation have demonstrated the importance of staying close and working together. Dialogue and cooperation should be an imperative for all,” said Osmani. According to the press release, during his visit to Pristina, Osmani paid special attention to the youth and their development, who, according to the Foreign Minister, must be the bridge towards a brighter future. He pointed out that corruption and climate change are an especially serious threat for future generations, which is why the youth must be actively included in the efforts to tackle these challenges sustainably.


Osmani – Kurti: Regional cooperation crucial for boosting security (MIA)


The protection of the rights of all communities is of fundamental importance for the stability of Kosovo and the wider region, said OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani on Friday, after his official meeting with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, in Pristina. In a press release, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that at the meeting, Osmani stressed OSCE’s support aimed towards the creation and implementation of reforms in Kosovo. “OSCE will continue to support the judicial and electoral reforms in Kosovo, including the changes to the electoral code, while Kosovo should make full use of the expertise and resources of the OSCE Mission to upgrade the implementation of reforms, but also in order to boost interethnic relations and security,” stressed Osmani. At the meeting, Osmani and Kurti also discussed the protection of cultural and religious heritage, which is key in terms of respecting the rights of the communities, as well as OSCE’s support for the EU-led dialogue. “The EU-led dialogue has a real potential to contribute to the security and stability of the region, but we must also turn to regional cooperation, which is crucial in this aspect. The protection of the rights of all communities is of fundamental importance for the stability of Kosovo and the wider region,” stressed Osmani. The meeting also focused on the youth, who Osmani said would be key in the implementation and maintaining of the regional priorities of North Macedonia’s OSCE Chairpersonship, which are focused on reconciliation and building trust, anti-corruption and climate change. The excellent bilateral relations between North Macedonia and Kosovo were hailed at the meeting, as well as the significant results achieved by the OSCE Mission to Kosovo, aimed at long-term support for the country in terms of finding solutions for all urgent issues. Osmani and Kurti also visited the Academy for Public Safety, where they met with police cadets from minority communities, said the MFA.


Senator Murphy: Constitutional amendment a clear opportunity for N. Macedonia to join EU (MIA)


I am here to make sure the United States is sending a very strong message to your partners in government, to the MPs and the people of North Macedonia. We support your decision to join the EU, and we urge you to take the steps necessary to make enlargement possible. It would be concerning for a NATO country, a country that we have pledged to defend based on our common values, to turn its back to the EU, said Senator Chris Murphy, member of the Foreign Relations Committee at the US Senate after his meeting with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Friday. Senator Murphy affirmed the strong partnership between the two countries in NATO, which, he said, was evidenced by the unity between the two countries on pushing back against Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine and making sure Russia pays a price for its violation of international law, but also by the help of North Macedonia “in making sure we left no partners behind in Afghanistan as we withdrew NATO troops from that country”. “I know it has been a long road to the EU. I know that for many, they ask legitimate questions about whether the EU is a real possibility. I am here to tell you it is. Many people said the same thing about NATO. That North Macedonia will never have an invitation from NATO. But you took the difficult steps necessary to make that invitation possible. You signed a historic agreement that allowed for that invitation to be extended, and today North Macedonia is a member of the NATO Alliance. I frankly wish that got more attention, it happened in the middle of Covid, maybe not everyone here understands what it means to have a security guarantee from the US,” said Murphy. And now, the Senator added, there are similar steps that need to be taken in order to join the EU, but, he stressed, there is also a new opportunity for EU enlargement. “The war in Ukraine is a crisis, but it has woken the EU up to the need to keep its doors open. There is no way for Ukraine to come into the EU without countries of the Balkans coming in, as well. So, there is a new, real opportunity for enlargement, and North Macedonia should not waste this chance. This constitutional amendment, a technical amendment to the Constitution, is a clear opportunity to get North Macedonia in line to join the EU, as a new opportunity presents itself for enlargement,” said Murphy. Joining the EU, said Murphy, means, rapid economic growth, rising salaries, more American companies coming to North Macedonia. “I also want to be clear about the impact on the relations with the US if North Macedonia was to take a different path, to decide against this constitutional amendment and veer off the path to the EU. It would be concerning for a NATO country, a country that we have pledged to defend based on our common values, to turn its back to the EU. We will never stop being friends and partners, but people in the US, leaders in the US are watching the choices that are going to be made here in the next several months, and are hoping that your decision to align with us on security measures through NATO, will be matched by a similar decision to stay aligned with the EU, on economic matters as well,” said the US Senator. According to Murphy, the country faces an important choice. “This is a moment where there are choices to be made, Russia is presenting a unique and grave threat to the transatlantic alliance and to democracies worldwide. This is the moment for democracies, democracies in Europe to join together, to make the tough decisions necessary to fight back against this aggression. Your trip to Washington was so vitally important, and I am hopeful there will be good news coming from Skopje soon on the constitutional amendment and your path to the EU. We will stand with you to do everything necessary to make sure, as you joined NATO, that you join the EU as well,” said Murphy. The Senator, like PM Kovachevski, pointed to the strong economic partnership between the two countries, and that more and more US companies are working in the country compared to the past. “The future of this world will be dictated in part by who controls and produces critical technologies. We want to make sure that it is the United States and our partners here in Europe that are making these technologies, so the announcement of new microchip manufacturing here in North Macedonia is music to our ears in the United States, because it makes us more secure as well,” said Senator Chris Murphy.


Kovachevski: Brave decisions ahead, which we have US support for (MIA)


The USA will continue supporting North Macedonia in its aspirations, especially for EU membership, as part of the strategic partnership and mutual support given since the first day of the country's independence, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said after his meeting with US Senator Chris Murphy, a member of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Prime Minister Kovachevski said this was his second meeting with Senator Murphy after he had first met with him less than three weeks ago in Washington during his visit to the USA. This, he said, was telling of the senator's strong commitment to the region and his personal support of North Macedonia. "There is no doubt we have a road ahead of us paved with difficult and brave decisions," Kovachevski said. "On this road, we have the USA's strong support. Any friendship that assures us we are on the right track is extremely important for our country." The prime minister said adopting the EU-required constitutional changes was not a decision to be made by one person, one government, or one political party, but by all political stakeholders. "We need to make sure our citizens can live in an EU member state. Our country used to be a part of the former Yugoslav federation. At that time, we had a higher living standard than Slovakia and the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and all other countries that have become EU member states since," Kovachevski said. "I will make and spearhead all necessary decisions providing that North Macedonia's citizens once again have a higher standard than all those citizens we used to have a higher standard than. Because our citizens deserve it. I am also counting on our strategic partners, primarily the USA and EU member states, to support us along the way," he said. It is thanks to this support from friendly countries such as the USA, Kovachevski said, that North Macedonia in its three decades of independence had turned from a country aided by international peace missions into a country that was now a factor of stability in the Western Balkans, a NATO member country, a country holding the OSCE Chairpersonship-in-Office, a country that opened negotiations with the EU, and a country hosting negotiations between other countries. Over the past 30 years, Kovachevski said, the US had strongly supported the country's democracy, good governance, fight against corruption, and economic development. This partnership, he said, was also reflected in the trade with the USA, which reached a quarter of a billion dollars in 2022. "Currently, we have 12 large American companies from the USA, but also from Canada, from the North American continent. Most companies are from the automotive industry, but some are from the energy and electronics industries. Let me mention Lear, Dura, Adient, but also Bechtel and Enka, which will work on the largest infrastructure project in the history of our country," Kovachevski said. Thanking Senator Murphy for his support and trust in the government, PM Kovachevski reiterated the country's resolve to stay the course toward European integration and development.


Kovachevski: Messages coming from US to be taken seriously, country to stagnate if European path stops (MIA)


We risk our European integration if we do not make the next steps on the EU path. We will again find ourselves in a state of stagnation as was the case between 2006 and 2016, and we cannot allow this to happen. North Macedonia will move forward, and we will fulfil our strategic objective - full-fledged EU membership by 2030, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Friday. PM Kovachevski told a Q&A session in parliament that messages coming from the United States must be taken seriously, because they come from North Macedonia's biggest strategic partner that would continue to support the country in making bold and wise decisions on the EU path. According to him, friendship with the US is a big guarantee for the stability of North Macedonia and the region, adding he "cannot imagine how irresponsible can one be amid this risky geopolitical context and the war in Ukraine, leaving its country on a slippery slope". "The message coming from the US is very clear, reaffirmed earlier today by Senator Chris Murphy, that all political parties have to support the European path as the only strategic way for North Macedonia to join the EU after it became a NATO member. Washington will help us in every step of the way in meeting the obligations of the negotiating framework and resuming the EU accession negotiations. Their remarks are most well-intentioned. The eyes of the European public and NATO partners are directed at us because they see the country as a factor of stability and security in the region and Europe. Let me assure you that all strategic partners support the constitutional amendments and changes to the Preamble by incorporating parts of other nations, a decision that is good for all of us," said Kovachevski.


The situation in the north of Kosovo does not help normalization and mutual recognition, says Albanian Prime Minister (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama reacted on the situation created in the north of Kosovo, to emphasize that this situation does not help the process of normalization and mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia. "Does what is happening in Kosovo help the process where all the great friends of Kosovo and the Albanians are engaged, for normalization and mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia?! Certainly not as long as our greatest friends themselves are deeply concerned," writes Rama. The prime minister joined the internationals in the appeal not to continue on this unnecessary path today, at a time when the democratic world has placed the dialogue, normalization, and mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia in the centre of attention.