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Belgrade Media Report 24 August



Vucic: Arrest of Russian President not mentioned in declaration signed in Athens (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic confirmed yesterday that the text of an informal declaration signed in Athens had been amended at the request of Serbia, and that he did not support “the arrest of Vladimir Putin”. “The signed version reads as follows: ‘We have agreed that war crimes and other misdeeds must not go unpunished, including attacks against civilians and infrastructure, and everyone responsible must be called to account,” Vucic said, labelling as “liars” all those who claimed that he had signed a declaration in which the arrest of Putin was demanded. Describing the document signed in Athens, Vucic said it was an informal document, but illustrative of political considerations. The president said that it had been discussed for days, that Serbia presented its objections, and was against the article on sanctions against Russia, and that it managed to amend the part on war crimes.


Brnabic: Serbia respects Ukraine’s integrity and sovereignty (N1/Reuters/RFE)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told the Third Crimea Platform Summit that Serbia fully respects Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Reuters said that Serbia joined the Crimea platform, “signalling a swing away from Russia” a day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic met in Athens. She said in her online speech that „our commitment to upholding the principles of international law, territorial integrity and political independence of states,“ adding, „We genuinely empathize with … the Ukrainian people and Ukraine who have a true friend in Serbia,” Reuters said.

Radio Free Europe quoted her as saying that Serbia regrets the suffering of the Ukrainian people and that Belgrade will continue devoting attention to the humanitarian situation and providing aid. I want to confirm Serbia’s readiness to take part in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and stress our readiness to support Ukraine’s European integration by passing on our experience, Radio Free Europe quoted her as saying.


Serbia, UK committed to further deepening of cooperation (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received yesterday Director General for Europe at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Peter Wilson. During the meeting, mutual interest and willingness to further deepen cooperation between Serbia and the United Kingdom in all areas of common interest was highlighted. In the context of the jointly expressed desire for further intensification of the political dialogue at the high and highest level, Dacic expressed his readiness to continue talks with British officials. Topics from the domain of bilateral political and economic cooperation, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as current international issues were also discussed. The interlocutors agreed that there is room for improving cooperation in various fields, especially in the field of the economy.


Further development of political, economic cooperation between Serbia and Russia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko exchanged opinions today on the current state of bilateral relations between the two countries. The interlocutors expressed mutual commitment to further developing political and economic cooperation. They also discussed the current regional and global issues.


Petkovic: Danger of new crisis in the north of Kosovo is lurking from Pristina (Politika/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic pointed out yesterday that all incidents and provocations in the north of Kosovo and Metohija come exclusively from Albin Kurti, and that the danger of a new crisis lurks precisely from Pristina. "All incidents, provocations and escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija come solely and exclusively from Albin Kurti, as the only generator of the crisis in the province, but also in the area of the Western Balkans, which he recently demonstrated in North Macedonia. The danger of a new crisis in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is lurking precisely from Pristina, which, by generating tensions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, is trying to cover up the results of its disastrous policy, but there is no spin that can mask the fact that the international community sees it as a source of instability in the north of the province, which is why punitive measures against Pristina are still in force," he said. Petkovic added that Kurti's special units are still occupying the north of Serbia's southern province, as well as Serb buildings where his illegal and illegitimate mayors sit. "The fragile peace that exists in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija resists and is preserved thanks to the determination of the Serb people who are for months not succumbing to the daily provocations of the regime in Pristina and who make superhuman efforts to resist all pressure and moves by Kurti and his levers of power that target the Serbs. His para-police and special units continue to occupy the north of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as Serb buildings where his illegal and illegitimate mayors sit, making moves which directly threaten the life of Serbs in these areas, arrest Serbs for a spoken word and for disagreeing with the methods of the occupation, trying at the same time to snatch the last piece of bread from Serbs, throw workers out onto the street, leave social welfare cases without assistance... This is what 'Kurti's de-escalation' looks like, while in reality he makes friends and hugs with criminals and drug dealers, and that's why it would be better for him to undergo appropriate tests before saying anything, because the statements and the mental unreliability that he exhibits from day to day can only be explained by that," he concluded.


Dodik: Vucic did not in Athens support Putin’s arrest (Tanjug)


On Wednesday, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that at the EU-Balkans Summit in Athens there was nothing that was easy, but that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has, as a proven fighter for protection of Serbia’s interests, managed to receive understanding for Serbia’s general position, including its position on self-proclaimed Kosovo. Dodik says this was also confirmed by the statements of summit participants, which showed understanding of Vucic’s address and Serbia’s position. Dodik said that Vucic showed, like many times before, that he is capable of defending state and national interests of Serbia on the international political scene. “Certainly, Vucic's information comes to the fore, announced after the meeting with Prime Minister of Greece Mitsotakis and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, to whom he clearly conveyed Serbia's position regarding Kosovo, that Greece and Ukraine will not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, as well as that these two countries respect the territorial integrity of Serbia”, said Dodik. He assessed that certain media in Serbia and some opposition leaders conveyed their view of the events of the Balkan-EU Summit held in Athens, as well as that these views did not exist in reality, which is why, as he says, they all declared themselves as disruptive factor, distorting the truth from the meeting in Athens. “So, they spread disinformation that Vucic supported the arrest of Putin by initialing the joint Declaration in Athens, which is a classic falsification of the truth. Vucic clearly and loudly stated, when it comes to the final declaration from the Summit in Athens, that he did not agree with the part about more efficient application of sanctions against Russia, resulting in things that are against Serbia's policy not being found in the text of the aforementioned declaration”, said Dodik.


Hill: We disagree with Serbia on Vulin, but have kept good relations (VoA/Beta)


US Ambassador in Belgrade Christopher Hill has stated that the US disagreed with the authorities in Serbia regarding the imposing of sanctions against the director of the Security and Information Agency, Aleksandar Vulin, and that they had a problem with his pro-Russian stance, but that the two countries had preserved overall good relations. In an interview to Voice of America, Hill said that the U.S. had sanctioned Vulin and not the institution, and added that this was “a fair process, where various activities have been considered” because “the people making decisions in Washington consider the evidence and decide on that basis.” Asked if he was disappointed with the fact that Vulin was still the director of Serbia’s secret police, Hill answered that “disappointment means that expectations had not been met” and that he was a realist, whose job was to promote US’ close ties with Serbia and work towards the two countries’ being on the same side.


Podolyak says it is not true that Vucic offered weapons to Zelenskyy in exchange for non-recognition of Kosovo (N1)


Viola von Cramon, the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Kosovo, stated on Twitter that it is very likely that President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic allegedly offered weapons to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in exchange for non-recognition of Kosovo. However, the adviser to the Ukrainian President, Mykhailo Podolyak, told N1 that this is not true. "Certainly, there is no truth in that, it is speculation. The meeting between the President of Serbia and the President of Ukraine is undoubtedly important. Communication is necessary at all levels, we have to understand each other's positions, to understand why one side has a certain position", Podolyak said.




Komsic and Becirovic pay visit to Ukraine; Zelensky thanks B&H for support to territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine (BHT1/Nova/Hayat)


Members of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic met President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday in Kiev. This is the first visit of the highest BiH officials to Ukraine since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Komsic and Becirovic first visited Bucha, where they paid tribute to the fighters who died defending Ukraine, and then they met with Zelensky. Zelensky said: “Thank you for your visit to Ukraine on National Flag Day, it is a great honor for us. I also want to thank you for your support of our sovereignty and territorial integrity, for your support and participation in the summit of the international Crimean platform. We discussed the prospects for strengthening cooperation between our countries. Ukraine and B&H share a common goal - membership in the EU. We hope that B&H will find an opportunity to join the practical implementation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula.” Komsic pointed out that most of B&H citizens support Ukraine: "I think that the visit to Ukraine is extremely important in order to show that most of B&H has stood by the righteous struggle of the Ukrainian people, led by President Zelensky, since the beginning of the Russian aggression." Becirovic said that this visit was arranged for months because it is demanding in terms of organization. He said that he expressed the support of the vast majority of B&H citizens to the heroic and freedom-loving people of Ukraine. Becirovic pointed out that RS President Milorad Dodik's awarding of Russian President Vladimir Putin does not even remotely reflect the attitude of the vast majority of B&H citizens, and he used the opportunity to invite Zelensky to visit B&H. Komsic stated that inviolability of international borders and political independence of the state need to be protected. “There must not be compromise on that issue. Ukraine is paying a high price defending those principles”, Komsic noted. Becirovic said that B&H supports Ukraine. Cabinet of the Ukrainian President thanked B&H on the financial support. Komsic said that people in B&H who were victims of an aggression and genocide in Srebrenica know very well how much any help means, considering that it is about defending sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as civilizational values that mean that every nation and country can decide on their path into the future. Komsic said that it is important to stand by Ukraine both politically and morally. Becirovic underlined that Ukraine and B&H belong to the democratic and free world and in his opinion, the big Western powers should not be in a dilemma on accelerated path of the states towards the EU.


Cvijanovic: Becirovic and Komsic present personal stances and not official stances of B&H Presidency during their visit to Ukraine (Srna)


Member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated for Srna on Wednesday that B&H Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic presented personal stances during their visit to Ukraine. Cvijanovic said that the views of the other two members of the Presidency, Becirovic and Komsic, which they presented during their visit to Ukraine, are exclusively their individual stances, and not the official stances of the Presidency of B&H. Cvijanovic pointed out that the visit of two members of the Presidency to Ukraine is cabinet-type, which, in addition to official visits, they are entitled to as members of the Presidency. “Chairman Komsic informed me about the visit, but it was not put on the agenda of the Presidency session, which means that it was neither considered nor agreed upon. Accordingly, the views they will express during the visit are exclusively their individual and not the official views of the Presidency nor B&H,” Cvijanovic was quoted as saying.


Dodik: Komsic and Becirovic only conveyed support of majority of Muslims to Zelensky (Srna/ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik pointed out that the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and the Chairperson and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic conveyed to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky the support of the majority of Muslims in B&H, because both of them came to the B&H Presidency with, as Dodik said, the votes of Muslims and not the votes of the majority of B&H. Dodik was asked to comment on Becirovic’s statement that he expressed the support of the vast majority of B&H citizens for the heroic people of Ukraine. Dodik told Srna that Komsic and Becirovic did not have the legitimacy to speak even about the majority mood of two peoples, let alone the whole of B&H. According to Dodik, they expressed their private views on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Dodik commented that it is a shame that Becirovic was not completely accurate and precise in his calculation, so that he could say that he speaks only on behalf of, as Dodik said, 23 percent of B&H.


B&H Council of Ministers adopts Law on Foreigners, fails to adopt Draft Law on Courts and Draft Law on Organization of Wine Market in B&H (N1)


N1 comments that after Wednesday’s session of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), one can sense that there are no more political, but there are technical disagreements. N1 stressed that during the session, which lasted several hours, the announced laws were not adopted, more precisely, out of three laws, the ministers in the B&H CoM agreed on one. However, as N1 said, there is no shortage of optimism. N1 noted that the long-awaited Draft Law on Courts did not receive the support of all ministers in the B&H CoM. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic explained that the reason is that part of the Draft Law on Courts does not respect human rights, and specifically it concerns the highlighting of religious symbols. “In one article, we saw a potential problem related to religious symbols that could mean that female judges of the Islamic faith with headscarf by some disputed interpretation might not be able to be judges or exercise judicial functions. So, we asked for additional interpretations to avoid this type of discrimination,” Konakovic underlined. Ministers in the B&H CoM also did not adopt the Draft Law on the Organization of the Wine Market in B&H. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac said that there are some remarks of a technical nature, without disclosing what they are specifically. Kosarac noted that the Draft Law on the Organization of the Wine Market in B&H has the full support of those who are most concerned, namely the wine producers in B&H. “I would like to remind you that we have close to 80 producers on about 4,000 hectares of land both in the RS and the FB&H and that the annual production is between 17 and 20 million liters. It should be said that our people have notable results in the balance of foreign trade exchange with EU countries and there is an obligation to harmonize our legislation with European standards by November 2024 so that our producers can continue to export their wine without hindrance,” Kosarac underlined. When it comes to the priorities from the European Commission’s Opinion, only one law – the Law on Foreigners - was adopted at Wednesday’s session of the B&H CoM. However, the ministers in the B&H CoM assured that disagreements about the Law on Courts and the Law on Wine are not a stumbling block and that everything will be resolved in a short time.


Opposition in RS criticizes intentions to form higher court of B&H, which is contained in Draft Law on Courts of B&H (N1)


A day after the adoption of European laws in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), the opposition in the RS assessed that the ‘Troika’ received second-hand laws, SNSD received a minister, and the RS parliament and the citizens of the RS were humiliated. In particular, the opposition in the RS criticizes the intentions of forming the higher court of B&H, which is contained in the Draft Law on the Courts of B&H. Representatives of the opposition consider everything to be trade and transfer of competences, which RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik agreed to, despite several months of uproar. PDP’s Igor Crnadak said on Wednesday that laws adopted in the B&H HoR Tuesday are not European laws, asking SNSD “why they ran over the RS parliament like a shallow stream”. PDP representatives pointed out that SNSD never intended to implement the Law on Non-Implementation of Decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. N1 stressed that this and other laws were the prelude to the crisis, but also the indictment against Dodik. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic called Dodik a liar, a fraud, a man who trampled on his own people, sold the RS parliament for a minister's chair and some lucrative jobs. N1 emphasized that the Draft Law on the Courts of B&H, which has been sent back for revision, is under scrutiny not only by the entire opposition, but also by the public. President of the Constitutional Court of the RS Dzerard Selman admitted earlier that the establishment of the higher court, but not the supreme court, is acceptable, and this was also indicated in Brussels. The issue of jurisdiction remained disputed. “We went for the option of not forming the supreme court of B&H, but of forming a higher court, which would take over the appellate jurisdiction of the Court of B&H. The European Commission requested that this higher court decides on certain decisions made by the entity's supreme and second-instance courts, for which we did not give our consent, and there was simply a deadlock in that story, although the last conversation in Brussels was, just do not ask that the headquarters be in Banja Luka, let it be in Istocno Sarajevo,” Selman said.


Jovana Marovic banned from entering Serbia; her passport not returned yet, she’ll probably spend night at airport (CdM/RFE)


The former minister of European Integration Jovana Marovic was not allowed to enter Serbia, due to the protection of the security of the Republic of Serbia and its citizens. In the decision to deny entry, it is stated that Marovic was supposed to enter Serbia at the Surcin – Belgrade border crossing at 5 p.m., but her entry was denied because the reasons for protecting the security of Serbia and its citizens require it. CdM tried to get a comment from Marovic, but she did not answer calls. However, she briefly told Radio Free Europe that they would probably leave her to spend the night at the airport. “But I don’t know that yet. My passport has not been returned to me yet”, said Marovic. It’s recalled that Marovic was publicly targeted in the pro-regime media in Serbia for supporting the Serbia against Violence protests, in which she participated in Belgrade.


Milatovic: Marovic arrived in Montenegro, I’m sure she isn’t a threat to security of Serbia (CdM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic addressed the public and announced that he was surprised that the former deputy prime minister and minister of European Integration Jovana Marovic was banned from entering Serbia. He said that Marovic had arrived in Montenegro and was feeling well. “I am surprised that she was banned from entering Serbia, especially considering her many years of involvement in the civil sector both in Montenegro and in the region. I am sure that Jovana is not a threat to the security of Serbia”, President Milatovic tweeted. He added that banning entry due to different political opinions was a practice that we had to leave behind if we wanted to build good neighborly relations. “The region, in the context of the EU’s future, should strive for open borders for citizens, even when they are critical of the authorities and policies”, President Milatovic tweeted.


Albanian Alliance to be part of new govt. (CdM)


The Albanian Alliance coalition will be part of the new government headed by PM-designate Milojko Spajic, the coalition has confirmed it to CdM. The Albanian Alliance representative in the parliament of Montenegro is Genci Nimanbegu. Earlier, the decision to be part of the government was made by the Bosniak Party and the Albanian Forum. The executive committee of Europe Now Movement will discuss on Saturday PM-designate Spajic’s proposal on the formation of a new Montenegrin government.


ZBCG: Does Milatovic support return of DPS to power; Spajic led false negotiations with us (CdM)


For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) calls on the President of State and one of the leaders of Europe Now Movement (PES) Jakov Milatovic to publicly announce and determine the increasingly certain attempt to change the electoral will by the PM-designate Milojko Spajic through the return of DPS to power via his three-decade partners, ZBCG has stated in response to PES’s allegations. According to ZBCG, it is very important for that coalition to know whether this is an independent action by the PES leader and only his choice, or whether it is also “supported by Milatovic, who retained a high party position after being elected President of Montenegro”. ZBCG recalls that the majority of political parties and leaders whom PM-designate Spajic sees in his government supported Milo Djukanovic and “actively participated in the campaign against President Milatovic”. ZBCG stresses that Spajic conducted “false negotiations with the ZBCG coalition” all the time, especially when the talks continued bilaterally, at the level of the PM-designate and the ZBCG coalition. “Although many think that everything is allowed in politics, from changing attitudes to changing political shirts, one thing is certain – the betrayal of the will of people has never been forgiven and it has never paid off. That is why we want to hear the position of Jakov Milatovic – whether he supports the return of DPS to power, and whether he thinks that he and Milojko Spajic would have received the thousands of votes of citizens eager for justice if they had known that the announced government would make Milo Djukanovic the happiest of all”, ZBCG has concluded.

PES to ZBCG: Milatovic respected Constitution, you didn’t support Spajic as PM-designate (CdM)

After they refused to support Milojko Spajic as the PM-designate at the consultations with the President of State, and thus sent the same message as the acting leader of DPS Danijel Zivkovic, the representatives of the For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) express their anger regarding Jakov Milatovic having respected the Constitution and allowed the process to continue, announced Europe Now Movement (PES). “So, if it was up to DPS and ZBCG, Milojko Spajic would not have been in a position to negotiate about the 44th Government. Nevertheless, even after that, ZBCG was not excluded from the negotiations. We had several meetings where we discussed the first participation of ZBCG in the government of Montenegro, with the presence of colleagues from Democratic Montenegro”, PES says. Also, no one contested any personnel solution that would have been proposed by ZBCG, PES adds. “The offer was announced, but the colleagues clearly and decisively rejected it. In the end, a majority of the representatives and members who supported Spajic as the PM-designate at the consultations conducted by the President of State, respecting all constitutional forms and procedures, was formed”, concludes PES.


Pendarovski: Ending war and restoring Ukraine's territorial integrity requires collective commitment (MIA)


Ending the war and restoring Ukraine's territorial integrity should not be a distant dream but a tangible goal requiring unwavering collective commitment, President Stevo Pendarovski said in his online address to the third summit of the Crimean Platform, which is held this year as a hybrid event. "The decisions we make and the actions we take today, along with the support we continue giving to Ukraine, can shape the trajectory of the nation and its people for generations to come. What's more, our collective efforts will contribute to maintaining lasting peace and stability across the European continent," Pendarovski said. Taking part in a panel on the protection of human rights, he said in the last 18 months the world had seen terrible cases of war crimes, human rights violations, torture, and extrajudicial punishments committed by the Russian military and paramilitary forces. "Today, when we confirm our position of not recognizing the illegitimate annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and other parts of Ukraine, I would like to draw attention to the deteriorating human rights situation in Crimea. "This situation must not be allowed to persist unchecked, as it undermines the very structure of the local political community. The world needs to address these crimes with utmost urgency and collective action. "Every case of abuse and violation has to be subject to a thorough investigation, and those responsible must be held accountable for their actions," Pendarovski said. Abiding by the principles of justice is not only essential for the victims and their families but is a key step toward reconciliation once the prerequisites for it have been met, he pointed out. "Reconciliation is not possible without justice, and, in this context, the lessons of the wars in the former Yugoslavia serve as a valuable reminder," Pendarovski said. "Establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was a crucial step toward learning that lesson from history and laying the foundation for democracy and peace for future generations. "Just as the ICTY has played a key role in delivering justice and holding perpetrators accountable, so should we today support strong mechanisms for ensuring that the organizers and violators of human rights in the occupied territories of Ukraine are brought to justice," the head of state said. The Macedonian chairmanship of the OSCE this year, he noted, set as its highest priority to address the deteriorating human rights situation in Ukraine. "We have committed to using our diplomatic and cooperative mechanisms to actively engage with all stakeholders in addressing the alarming human rights violations not only in Crimea but in all of Ukraine," the President said. "Even when our chairpersonship ends at the end of this year, our commitment to this cause will be constant because we will continue on the same path, together with other nations, our allies and like-minded people," he added. He also paid tribute to all fallen heroes of Ukraine and thanked the forum participants for their firm commitment to the defense of the sovereign nation, which is also a member of the United Nations.


Opposition does not intend to vote for constitutional changes now, nor after elections, believes Marichikj (MIA)


The opposition is just buying time and is sending messages justifying themselves for blocking the membership process and has no intention, neither now nor after elections, to vote for the constitutional amendments, said Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Marichikj at a press conference Wednesday. “I think this is buying time and sending messages to their supporters, so they can justify this unjustifiable position of blockading their own country. We tried in many ways, without any pressure, but by convincing them that this is something that the country needs. Because things are moving quickly for the other countries,” said Marichikj. One of the goals of the Athens meeting, he added, was to voice support for Ukraine and Moldova’s membership aspirations. “Everyone is making steps forward, and they will continue to make steps forward, while we, instead of coming up with conspiracy theories that we are threatened from outside and inside the country, should take responsibility and accomplish our tasks because that is in our interest,” said the Deputy PM. Marichikj assessed that each new internal blockade will reflect negatively on the country. Asked if it is possible for a new political entity to bring the necessary 10 votes for the amendments, Marichikj said that new political entities are possible in a democratic society, and that this wouldn’t be anything strange or new. “What is important for us is the platform that the political entities will orient themselves to: those who are in favor and those who are against North Macedonia’s EU membership,” said Marichikj. The Deputy PM said that what he, and the majority of the public fears is that VMRO-DPMNE, as a political party, has no intention to vote for the amendments neither now, nor after elections, which is why, he said, “it is necessary for two political options to become clear in the country” – those who are in favor of EU membership and those who oppose it. Marichikj said the government is open for dialogue with the opposition, but only if it is over proposals that will lead to a two-third majority. The Deputy PM added that the opposition should not give rise to delusions over waiting for better opportunities. “The delusions of certain political parties or presenting certain delusions over waiting for some better opportunities cost us dearly in the past and this will be the case again,” said Deputy PM Marichikj.


Spasovski: Talks being held with every MP, country’s isolation unacceptable (MIA)


One of the key goals and priorities of the country is membership in the European Union, and if we all know that there is no alternative for this, then it is very clear that we should work and do everything to pave that path, said Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski on Wednesday. “The country’s isolation, especially isolation that comes from inside, is unacceptable. Talks are being held with every MP because now the responsibility is on the MPs, those who represent the citizens. I think no one has the right to hold the future of the Macedonian citizens hostage,” said Spasovski in answer to a journalist’s question during Wednesday’s marking of the Day of the Rapid Deployment Unit in Kumanovo. The Interior Minister noted that in the coming period they will continue, "through dialogue and political activities", to seek a way for the constitutional amendments to be adopted. “I hope we will finish all these activities as soon as possible and North Macedonia will be able to move forward on the path to Euro-integration because if we stop on this path, many years of waiting, as in the past, have a negative effect on the citizens and the state, not on the politicians,” said Spasovski. Spasovski highlighted the importance of the politicians remaining reasonable and thinking 20-30 years ahead, when “we will all be a part of the European family.”


Wisner-Hohmann, close cooperation in support of Albania's EU membership (Radio Tirana)


The US Chargé d'Affaires to Tirana David Wisner held a meeting with the EU delegation Ambassador to Tirana Christiane Hohmann. The US Embassy in Tirana announced that the discussions was on the close cooperation in support of the process of Albania's EU membership, especially in the areas of the judicial reform and the rule of law. They also discussed the importance of data protection in all sectors, and the need to speed up the reforms in Albania, according to the press release the US Embassy to Tirana.