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Belgrade Media Report 25 August



Dacic: Belgrade hasn’t joined the Crimea Platform (TV Pink)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said tdoay that Belgrade had not joined the Crimea Platform although Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic had addressed this week’s summit of the initiative. “Serbia has not joined the Crimea Platform. Premier Brnabic took part at the gathering via an online address, but Belgrade has not supported nor has endorsed the text of the Crimea Platform, because it goes beyond the framework which is acceptable to us,” Dacic told TV Pink. At the 23 August summit of the Crimea Platform, initiated by Ukraine as an international coordination mechanism with an aim of reintegrating Crimea, Brnabic said that Serbia “is not value neutral,” adding that “we genuinely empathize with the Ukrainian people and Ukraine who have a true friend in Serbia”. Serbia has so far boycotted invitations to participate at summits of the Crimea Platform, first of which was held in August 2021. A shift has been made after the first official meeting between Serbian and Ukrainian Presidents, Aleksandar Vucic and Volodymyr Zelensky respectively, in Athens on 22 August. Zelensky described the meeting as “open, sincere and fruitful”. Dacic also commented on the declaration, agreed on by the Balkan leaders and top officials of the EU, Ukraine and Moldova at an informal dinner in Athens on 21 August. He stressed that at Serbia’s request, the part relating to imposing sanctions against Russia and the mention of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia in the section referring to war crimes in Ukraine, had been excluded from the document.


Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija exposed to various types of violence (RTS/RTV/Tanjug/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic informed yesterday Director General for Europe at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) Peter Wilson about the constant institutional, political and physical violence exerted by the regime of Albin Kurti over the Serbs in the province. Speaking at a meeting, which was also attended by UK Ambassador to Serbia Edward Ferguson, Petkovic expressed worry over frequent, unbased and illegal arrests of Serbs, as well as the attempt to seize the building in Kosovska Mitrovica that houses the premises of Serbian institutions, including the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund and others. The crisis in the province, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, is directed in Pristina, and it peaked with the appointment of illegal and illegitimate mayors and members of the special police in Serb municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which has become a threat to peace and stability in the entire region, he underlined. The Head of the Office pointed out that this is only one in a series of moves that leads towards a new raising in tensions and a new crisis, which does not go in the direction of de-escalation, but of direct escalation of the situation on the ground. According to him, Belgrade and Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija want lasting and sustainable peace in the territory of the province, and the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, for which the Serbs have been waiting for over ten years and which is an obligation of Pristina it assumed during the dialogue in Brussels, would contribute to this.


Atic: Deadlines for vacating buildings in Kosovska Mitrovica extended for two weeks (RTS/RTK)


The deadline for vacating the buildings in Bosnjacka Mahala, where the offices of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Provincial Fund for Pension and Disability Insurance and the Kosovska Mitrovica Administrative District are located, has been extended by two weeks, the so-called mayor of North Mitrovica Erden Atic told RTK. There were no officials in the municipal building in the northern part of Mitrovica to confirm these allegations to the RTS reporter, nor was the president of the municipality Erden Atic in the building. The officials of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Directorate of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, the Kosovska Mitrovica Administrative District and the Center for Social Work Vucitrn in the Bosnjacka Mahala settlement arrived at their workplaces this morning and do not intend to leave the offices where they have been working for a decade or more.


People’s Party: Vucic should ask Russia, China for veto in UN SC (Danas)


Head of the opposition People’s Party (NS) MP caucus Stefan Jovanovic said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic should explicitly say at the next UN Security Council session that Serbia is against Kosovo’s membership in the UN and call on Russia and China to exercise a veto if this issue is raised again. “Serbia should have sought a UN Security Council session on the threat to Serbs and Serbian national interest in Kosovo and Metohija much earlier,” Jovanovic told Danas. He assessed that Vucic’s regime has put Serbia in a very difficult situation because the US holds the Presidency of the Council in August, followed, in September, by Albania, which became a member of the UN SC thanks to Vucic’s decision for Serbia to vote in favor of Albania’s membership in this UN body. Jovanovic stressed that the Serb people in Kosovo are constantly exposed to “unbelievable persecution and pressures” by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. “Because of the wrong policy pursued by the regime in Belgrade our people in Kosovo and Metohija have been left at the mercy of extremist Kurti,” said Jovanovic.


Djukanovic: Ban all who support “Green-left extremists” from entering Serbia (Beta)


A member of parliament from the Serbian Progressive Party Vladimir Djukanovic stated on Thursday that all those who financed non-governmental organizations and supported, in his words, green-left extremists, should be banned from entering Serbia. Djukanovic told Beta that he was pleased that the former Montenegrin deputy prime minister Jovana Marovic had been denied entry into Serbia, and that the member of the European Parliament Viola von Cramon should also be banned. “The decision to deny entry to the former Montenegrin minister was absolutely correct. Anyone who supports the green-left extremists in Serbia like Viola von Cramon, or campaigns for Kosovo’s independence and undermines this state by financing various non-governmental organizations which create chaos, should be banned from entering Serbia,” Djukanovic said.


1,618 people missing in Kosovo, three cases closed in 2023 (Beta)


Participants of the Association of Families of Victims from Kosovo and Metohija conference held ahead of the International Day of the Disappeared said there are 1,618 people still unaccounted for in Kosovo, while three cases have been closed this year. The International Committee of the Red Cross in Belgrade said the last meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina Working Group for the missing was held in April 2021, explaining that there will be no new exhumations and identifications until this body meets again. Serbian government Missing Persons Committee representative Vesna Boskovic said it is obvious who is hindering the operation of the Working Group, since the next meeting was to be held in Pristina. “Under the Declaration adopted by Vucic and Kurti, both parties are required to cooperate in all stages of the process, including identification, exhumation, opening of all available archives with data on the missing. We have a list of obligations that was adopted at a Working Group meeting, we have ten new locations that need to be verified at the next session. Who has caused the stoppage and when will the process resume,” Boskovic asked at the conference in Belgrade. She called on international community representatives to “raise their voice” and take action until the last case of the missing is closed. “We, the families, will fight using all available democratic means,” said Association of Families of Victims from Kosovo and Metohija head Natasa Scepanovic, adding that they will not allow for their loved ones to be merely numbers and for grave crimes to go by unpunished.


EU concerned over developments in Mitrovica (N1)


European Commission spokesman Peter Stano expressed concern on Thursday about developments in Mitrovica North and possible security implications. “We are concerned about the implications for the security situation of the recent decisions taken by the administration of Mitrovica North municipality on the use of public and municipal spaces and buildings, which, inter alia, ask Serbia-run subjects to vacate their premises, should they not provide requested documentation within a short deadline,” a written statement to the media said. It added that the decisions runs counter to ongoing efforts to de-escalate tensions between Kosovo and Serbia. “We reiterate our repeated call for close coordination and cooperation on all decisions which impact the fragile security situation in the north of Kosovo and address the issue within the framework of the EU-facilitated Dialogue. This has again not been the case with these decisions. The issue of Serbian-run structures must be addressed in the EU-facilitated Dialogue and needs to be resolved in the context of the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities,” the statement said. “Although the April 2023 mayoral by-elections held in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo took place in line with the legal framework of Kosovo, we have been very clear that because of the very low turnout they did not offer a long-term political solution. Therefore, it is critical that inclusive local elections wherein Kosovo Serbs participate without preconditions are organised as soon as possible,” Stano is quoted as saying. “The EU underscores the statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU of 3 June 2023 which urged both Kosovo and Serbia to take measures to de-escalate and to refrain from any further uncoordinated actions. Kosovo recommitted to these principles in Bratislava in July 2023,” the statement said.


Ambassador Tolkach: Ukraine defending all of Europe from Russia (Beta)


Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkach said in Belgrade Thursday, ahead of a Solidarity with Ukraine March, that his country was defending all of Europe by defending itself against Russia's aggression. Ahead of the solidarity march on the 32nd anniversary of the country's declaration of independence, Tolkach said that his country was defending all of Europe from "the Russian world" which did not want to see Ukraine nor Europe "as free and democratic." "Out of 32 years of independence, Ukraine has been defending its independence for nine years. We mark this anniversary in tears because we are now defending our independence. Russia does not see Ukraine as an independent country. We have no alternative, we must defend the state and democratic principles or Russia will destroy us," Tolkach said. He voiced his thanks to "everyone who understands" that Ukraine has no alternative and were helping it bear this struggle. The participants of the solidarity march, which included other diplomatic representatives and the Ukrainian community, walked through the streets of Belgrade where a gathering was held on the anniversary of Ukraine's declaration of independence. Asked why there were no Serbian representatives at the gathering, US Ambassador Christopher Hill replied that this week's meeting between Vucic and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Athens, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic's online participation in the Crimea Platform summit on 23 August, are a sign that Ukraine and Serbia are growing closer.




Komsic addresses citizens present at celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day: Ukrainians must not lose what they bravely defended in war through compromises in peace (O Kanal/Hayat)


Chairperson and the Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic addressed the citizens present at the celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day in Kyiv on Thursday. He said that Ukrainians must not compromise in peace to lose what they bravely defended in the war. Komsic and the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic arrived in Ukraine on Wednesday, met with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and attended the meeting of the countries in the Crimean Platform. Komsic was quoted as saying: “We know all too well the horrors of war, aggression, destruction and war crimes. Witnessing the Ukrainian struggle reminds us of our recent armed struggle, but also of today's challenges against attempts to destroy our country, its institutions and its unique identity. I congratulate you on your independence, with the wish for just and lasting peace and prosperity. Glory to Ukraine!”. “This anniversary cannot be fully celebrated because Russia's unjust, unprovoked and illegal aggression against Ukraine continues. As we speak, brave Ukrainian soldiers are defending the front lines and bleeding to retake Ukrainian soil under temporary Russian occupation. Your government has taken bold steps to secure a European future for your country. Getting the EU candidate status is the clearest sign of where Ukraine's future lies - among free, stable and prosperous European nations,” Komsic was quoted as saying.


Becirovic, Komsic meet Prime Minister of Ukraine (Avaz)


Chairman and Member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic respectively, met with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in Kyiv on Thursday.  Komsic and Becirovic expressed support to Ukraine. Chairman Komsic stressed that support to Ukraine is unquestionable, even though part of the state is not in favor of this and he mentioned member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic who is against this. Becirovic also thanked Shmyhal for meeting them and said that in the most difficult times for Ukraine, they decided to come to Kyiv and publicly and without dilemma express support to Ukraine. “To be on the side of Ukraine today means to be historically and morally and legally and politically on the side of justified fight of Ukraine,” said Becirovic. He noted that since the beginning of the Russian aggression, he has been underlining his support to Ukraine and its fight for freedom and territorial integrity, stressing that this is not only fight of Ukrainian people, but also fight for democratic and free future of entire European continent and entire world. Becirovic reminded that B&H was also a victim of brutal aggression and the only country where genocide was committed after the WWII. “Today we were witnesses of brutal attack on Chairman of B&H Presidency and me, as member of the Presidency by side of the Russian Ambassador to B&H. He said that our visit to Kyiv is “a hostile act”. This is not the hostile act, this is expressing of a stance of a sovereign, independent state toward the other sovereign and independent state in line with founding principles of international law and UN Charter. It would be good if Russia would abide by these principles,” said Becirovic. He noted that there is a specific issue in B&H, that there is a politician in B&H who acts within B&H’s entity, named ‘Republic of Srpska’. “That is Milorad Dodik. Unfortunately, he is the only politician on European soil who decorated Vlladimir Putin in time of the brutal aggression of Ukraine. However, I want to be clear here, he represents less than 30 percent of citizens in B&H. More than 70% of proud and free citizens of B&H, absolutely stands by people and leadership of Ukraine,” said Becirovic. The report reads that remaining part of the meeting took place behind the closed doors.


Dodik: The RS remans neutral when conflict in Ukraine is in question (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik stressed that B&H does not treat the Crimea Platform with any decision and that the visit of two B&H Presidency members to Ukraine can be viewed as a private trip paid by the state. Commenting on the statement o Zeljko Komsic that “free people of B&H stand with Ukraine” Dodik said: “The address of Zeljko Komsic in Kyiv and participation in that format in general is continuation of a ridiculous policy, which Komsic conducts ever since he decided to be the second Muslim member of the B&H Presidency. Everything he said that the summit in Kyiv and his departure to Ukraine itself is only and exclusively his personal stance, and not the stance of B&H, even not of the people whose prefix stands in front of his function.” Asked to comment the statement of Komsic that “B&H is too good familiar with horrors of the war, aggression, destruction and war crimes”, Dodik stressed that there was a civil war in B&H in the 90ies, which Komsic calls the aggression, he just did not state who was the aggressor. Dodik added: “If he referred to Serbs, which are an autochthonous people, who have been in the area of B&H the longest, it shows that Komsic and Greater-Muslim policy, whose exponent he is, would prefer to keep he country for themselves and expel Serbs from it. The civil war in B&H and a conflict in Ukraine can only be compared from the human aspect, in terms of tragic suffering of all, regardless of the army and country they serve.” Dodik stressed that the RS remans neutral when the conflict in Ukraine is in question and he considers unacceptable to take any sides in that conflict, which Komsic does with his statements and trips.


Cvijanovic: B&H was not victim of any aggression, but the ambition of the then Muslim leadership to impose its will on others (RTRS)


RTRS carried that the visit of B&H Presidency members Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic sparked a series of reactions in the RS. According to RTRS, Komsic and Becirovic grossly violated the BiH Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) by visiting Ukraine and presenting personal opinions rather than institutional stances and facts. Becirovic in formal and informal talks and Komsic, participating in the Summit of the Crimean Platform, compared Ukraine and B&H, sided with Ukraine despite the neutral position of B&H in the Ukrainian-Russian crisis and insinuated the alleged goals of the Russia. B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic stated: “B&H was not a victim of any aggression, but the ambition of the then Muslim leadership to impose its will on others, even at the cost of provoking a civil war. Both the announcement and the results of the referendum that Komsic is talking about were illegal and illegitimate, because they are the result of the outvoting of the constituent Serb people.”


Russian Embassy: Participation in Summit of the Crimea Platform is seen as an openly hostile act (RTRS)


RTRS reports that the Russian Embassy to B&H has issued a statement on the occasion of certain members of the Presidency of B&H taking part in the Summit of the Crimea Platform. According to the Embassy, participation in such events is seen as an openly hostile act. The Embassy stressed that Crimea and the city of Sevastopol are back united with Russia in line with the international law, foremost the right to self-determination as provided in by the UN Charter and international agreements. “That is why we see presence at such events as an openly hostile act. Any form of joining the aforementioned initiative we see as an attack on territorial integrity of the Russian Federation. We reserve the right to respond to hostile actions”, stated the Russian Embassy. The Embassy added it took into consideration a statement of Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljka Cvijanovic that the trip of her colleagues to Ukraine is strictly private and was not approved by the Presidency of B&H.


B&H CoM adopts Proposal Law on Organization of Wine Market in B&H (Avaz)


The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) held a session on Thursday and unanimously adopted a Proposal Law on Organization of Wine Market in B&H. The legislation will be submitted to the B&H parliament in urgent procedure, labelled ‘EI’ as confirmation that the legislation is harmonized with EU acquis and international standards in this sector. New text of the law is result of Wednesday’s session of the CoM at which Ministers underlined and on Thursday they agreed certain technical objections, regarding reducing the deadline from 18 to 12 months for adoption of adequate rules of procedure in this sector and more precise defining of the date when the law will come in force. It is especially important that sufficient amount was left to enable undisturbed performing of foreign-trade in European and international marked for domestic producers even after November 2024, which the European Commission determined as the final deadline for harmonization of B&H legislation with EU standards. Considering the importance this sector has in agriculture and rural development, with adoption of this legislation, the CoM wants to secure higher competitiveness and better access of B&H producers to European and world markets, along with better conditions for production of wine, harmonized with European standards.


Opposition in B&H HoR criticizes recently adopted Law on B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (FTV)


The opposition described the recently adopted Law on the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) as transparent and ineffective. Although it is one less priority on the list of the European Commission, the euphoria was quickly extinguished by the content of this reform law, commented the presenter. Apart from the public property record of holders of judicial functions and their relatives, the law does not introduce major changes. The conflict of interest still remains a cancer wound of the B&H judiciary. To make the absurdity even greater, the law prescribes the adoption of a new law, in accordance with European standards, but only in a year, added the presenter. The Law on B&H HJPC is on the verge of adoption. It is a condition for the EU, so there is the word ‘European’ in the prefix, and it is very necessary for the judiciary of B&H, commented the reporter. The content of the law was prepared for a long time. The previous authorities did not succeed, and the current ruling majority, with a quick agreement, first in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), and then in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), sends the proposal of the law to the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), which will decide on that next week. However, the content is still being analyzed. There are shortcomings, but there were also those who voted for it. BiH Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza said: “I do not see anything wrong with this law, moreover, I see significant positive changes and if I were to talk about each positive change, it would take me hours”. The opposition also needed hours to list all the mistakes, commented the reporter. From non-compliance with EU standards to the article that foresees the re-adoption of a law of the same name, but with specific content. The opposition claimed that the law is a fraud. PDP representative in the B&H HoR Branislav Borenovic stated: “Article 26, which clearly states that with today's law, we are making a decision that within one year from the date of entry into force of this law, the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H will pass the Law on the HJPC, which will be harmonized with EU standards”. Bringing order to the B&H judiciary would mean strengthening the integrity of the holders of judicial functions, noted the reporter, which means property records publicly available, determination of responsibility, sanctions and prevented abuses. However, the conflict of interest is not adequately treated in the law. SDA representative in the B&H HoR Safet Keso commented: “We will force someone to publish the names of maybe half of their relatives, cousins, I do not know either, etc., but with this law we have completely freed them from any responsibility.”


Opposition from RS pens open letter to Stevandic (BHT1)


Caucus of the RS-based opposition parties in the House of Representatives of B&H (HoR), namely SDS, PDP and List for Justice an Order, penned an open letter to the speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic on Thursday and warned that the adoption of the set of European laws by the B&H HoR is in violation of the conclusions adopted by the RS parliament. To remind, according to the RS parliament’s conclusions, departure of foreign judges from the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) and the adoption of the Law on B&H CC were supposed to be top priority and no European law should be adopted until this is done but the HoR nevertheless adopted the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B&H, the Law on Human Rights Ombudsman of B&H and the amendments to the Law on Access to Information on Tuesday. The letter reads that in case the RS parliament’s conclusions are still in effect, Stevandic should protect the RS parliament’s integrity by convening a special session and let the RS parliament adopt official stance regarding the circumstances that led to violation of the conclusions. However, ministers in the CoM from the RS confirmed that proposals of two laws which would bring about departure of foreign judges and the appointment of B&H judges as their replacement in the B&H CC have been forwarded to the working group tasked with analyzing and preparing them for the adoption. The reporter stressed that the agreement between the ruling parties stipulates October as the deadline for the adoption of these two laws. Minister of Security of B&H Nenad Nesic said that he cannot see how the RS parliament’s conclusions were violated because the adoption of the Law on HJPC and departure of foreign judges from the B&H CC remain top priority, while the agenda for the HoR’s session consisted of what is needed for B&H to function and make progress on the path to join the EU. PDP representative in the B&H HoR Branislav Borenovic stated that the RS parliament and the RS citizens are the only ones who will be at loss, sold and humiliated in this whole situation because SNSD has launched the procedure to appoint the B&H CC judges from the RS, meaning the B&H CC continues to work normally. After threatening that judges from the RS will not be appointed until foreign judges leave the B&H CC, Dodik recently said that the aforementioned working group has to present a possible solution to the issue of foreign judges in the B&H CC by October. Dodik explained that this issue is no longer a test for SNSD and the goal of this party is not act to the detriment of any of its partners but to restore the CC’s authority.


Stevandic replies to letter of RS opposition (RTRS)


Caucus of the RS-based opposition parties in the House of Representatives of B&H (HoR), namely SDS, PDP and List for Justice an Order, penned an open letter to the speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic on Thursday and warned that the adoption of the set of European laws by the B&H HoR is in violation of the conclusions adopted by the RS parliament. Stevandic confirmed that he received a request from opposition MPs from the HoR to convene an emergency session of the RS parliament due to alleged non-compliance with the conclusions regarding the adoption of the Law on the CC. Stevandic added that everything that was voted remains in force, but apparently the opposition cannot understand the timing of the implementation of the conclusions. “I have to say that the RS without the B&H Minister of Finance would not be in a good position to defend itself or to implement the decisions of the RS parliament, so at this moment strategy and tactics must be brought closer together”, Stevandic concluded.


Court of B&H receives revised indictment against Dodik and Lukic (RTRS)


RTRS carries that the Prosecutor's Office of B&H submitted to the Court of B&H on Thursday a revised indictment against the President of the RS Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic. This information from the Prosecutor's Office was first delivered to Avaz. On 18 August, the court returned the indictment to the Prosecutor's Office for revision because the prosecutors did not describe in detail what criminal offense was committed. The indictment was filed due to non-execution of Christian Schmidt’s decisions. According to RTRS, now the B&H judiciary faces another test to prove whether it is independent and the result will be decided by the Court of B&H when it declares itself on the indictment.


UK Embassy delegation visits Tuzla Canton (Avaz)


The delegation of the UK Embassy to B&H, led by Ambassador Julian Reilly paid a visit to Tuzla Canton and met with Prime Minister Irfan Halilagic. The meeting was also attended by Director General for Europe at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Peter Wilson. During the meeting, Halilagic presented situation in Tuzla Canton, principle of TC work and part and future projects.


Milatovic: Responsibility lies with Spajic and parties (Vijesti)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic says he expects a responsible attitude and transparency in the process of proposing the Government from the PM-designate Milojko Spajic, and sovereign decision-making on the proposal and program of the government from the members of parliament in accordance with the electoral will of the citizens. The leaders of the For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition, Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic, announced yesterday that they decided to accept the offer of the PM-designate and leader of Europe Now Movement (PES), Milojko Spajic, to form the government. At the press conference, they announced they had decided to take that step, even though it was to their detriment. At the press conference, they did not want to answer the journalists’ questions, but said that answers should be sought from Spajic and the President of Montenegro and one of the PES leaders, Jakov Milatovic. “I invite Milatovic to say whether he stands by what he told us after the first round of the presidential election, when he asked me and Mandic for support for the second round. Does he stand by what he said – that strategic cooperation with ZBCG was needed, not with Djukanovic’s satellites. Or we will end up in a situation where after everything done, we congratulate Djukanovic on the government formation”, Knezevic said yesterday. Milatovic has told Vijesti that he did not actively participate in the election campaign that preceded the parliamentary elections, nor did he participate in the previous negotiations regarding the formation of the 44th government of Montenegro.


ZBCG: Serious govt. should be formed, what Spajic is offering now is for Djukanovic get back to political arena (CdM)


The For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition has announced that it is true that the negotiations were conducted in several stages, and that as expected, as in all negotiations, there were different views, an exchange of opinions and options “on the table”. “The last meeting, on Saturday, held between PM-designate Spajic and the leader of ZBCG, ended in a very friendly tone, with an agreement that PM-designate Spajic would make the informal offer from that evening official the next day. It is true that PM-designate Spajic promised he would do it. It is true that it did not happen. The next thing we learned from the media was the information that the Bosniak Party accepted Milojko Spajic’s ‘offer’, emphasizing that the PM-designate promised them that ZBCG would not be in the government. Let the citizens themselves name this PM-designate’s act”, states ZBCG. ZBCG does not want to get involved in infantile games of introducing third parties, confirming the correctness of positions or facts. ZBCG is for a responsible and strong government that will finally put an end to the legacy of Milo Djukanovic. “We don’t want to believe that PES MPs want anything else, but what Spajic is announcing as the ‘outlines’ of the future government is not only the cementing of the legacy of Djukanovic’s rule, but also his active return to the political arena”, ZBCG points out.


PES caucus to discuss govt. today (CdM)


At the meeting scheduled for tonight in Podgorica, Europe Now Movement (PES) caucus will receive information from the PM-designate Milojko Spajic on what the new government of Montenegro should look like, who will compose it and what its main priorities will be. PES announced that they agreed on a majority with the Democrats, Civis, the parties of less numerous nations, and they hope with the Socialist People’s Party and United Montenegro. On Saturday, PES executive committee will discuss Spajic’s proposal for the formation of a new government. Bosniak Party’s (BS) executive committee decided on Tuesday evening in Rozaje that it would join Spajic’s Cabinet, and BS leader Ervin Ibrahimovic announced that PM-designate Milojko Spajic informed them that the coalition For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) would not be invited to the government. The Albanian Forum and the Albanian Alliance should be part of the government. United Montenegro, whose representatives were on the PES list, stated that it was unacceptable for decades-long allies of DPS to speak on behalf of the PM-designate. It advocated that the PM-designate provided all information about the structure, work plan and priorities of the new government. The ZBCG coalition announced yesterday that it accepted the publicly presented PM-designate Spajic’s offer for the composition of the new government, said one of its leaders, Andrija Mandic. PES announced that the ZBCG coalition did not accept the PES offer, according to which, among other things, ZBCG should have been provided with three ministries and the positions of the Deputy Prime Minister and the parliament speaker.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs on ban on Marovic: Steps towards return of documents taken, her return to Montenegro enabled the same evening (CdM)


After learning that the former minister of European Affairs in the government of Montenegro Jovana Marovic was refused entry to Serbia on 23 August at the border crossing at the Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade, the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted the appointed person, while the Embassy of Montenegro in Belgrade, in accordance with its competences, took appropriate measures in order to return Marovic’s personal documents and enabled her return to Montenegro the same evening. It’s recalled that Marovic was not allowed to enter Serbia last night, due to the protection of the security of the Republic of Serbia and its citizens. She was publicly targeted in the pro-regime media in Serbia for supporting the Serbia against Violence protests, in which she participated in Belgrade. After the vote of no confidence in Dritan Abazovic’s government on 19 August 2022, Marovic resigned at the end of November of that year from the positions of Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Foreign Policy, European Integration and Regional Cooperation and Caretaker Minister of European Affairs. She was also the URA deputy leader. We remind you that she opposed the Open Balkans, emphasizing that that initiative was not good for Montenegro’s European path.


Pendarovski – Escobar: Washington expects North Macedonia to continue toward full EU membership (MIA)


Gabriel Escobar, US Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans, met Thursday afternoon with President Stevo Pendarovski and expressed official Washington's expectation that North Macedonia would continue on its path to full membership in the EU. According to an official press release, Escobar also confirmed the USA's support for the European aspirations of the country. During their meeting, Pendarovski and Escobar talked about the next steps North Macedonia should take to make progress in the EU integration process. They also discussed the situation in the wider region in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, the release adds. The meeting began Escobar's two-day visit to North Macedonia. Escobar's arrival in Skopje follows the start of the parliamentary procedure on updating the Constitution to include Bulgarians into the list of communities living in the country as a condition for North Macedonia to hold its second intergovernmental session with the EU and continue membership negotiations. Expressing support for the constitutional changes, the US diplomat in July said the USA was engaged with the government in Sofia to ensure it does not place any new conditions on the European path of the country.


Escobar: US sees natural partners in those committed to European integration, NATO, fight against corruption (MIA)


The United States sees as natural partners those that are committed to European integration, committed to NATO, and committed to the fight against corruption, said the U.S. Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar at a joint press conference Friday with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. Asked about his message for the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, Escobar said “I’m not here to torture anybody”, but that he expects an open exchange of views and that he will have more to say to the public after the meeting. “The United States does not choose governments for NATO countries, but we do set expectations and the one thing that I will talk about will be to provide the same message that I’ve been giving around the region, that the United States sees as natural partners those that are committed to European integration, committed to NATO, and committed to the fight against corruption. And I want to make that part clear,” said Escobar.


Kovachevski: Long debate means this is an important issue, process to be concluded successfully (MIA)


The fact that we’ve been leading a debate for a long time means that this is an exceptionally important issue. If this wasn’t a decision that defines the future, then probably the debate wouldn’t be as long either, nor as detailed. The process will continue, and it will be concluded successfully for the citizens and for the country, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Friday, asked how long the constitutional amendments process will last and when the vote will be held. “This only confirms that this is an exceptionally important question, and the process will last for as long as it is necessary, so we can make the right decision to fulfill the goals and vision of the citizens of this country,” said Kovachevski in answer to a journalist’s question at a joint press conference with US Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary, Gabriel Escobar. The PM said the citizens deserve to live in a society that shares the same standards as the EU member states. “When the process began, I had a longer speech in parliament, during which I spoke about the goals we’ve set, precisely about the European and Euro-Atlantic integrations, as a connective tissue for the citizens of this country, with their diversities. Anyone who is a part of a market of half a billion people, the wealthiest market in the world, alongside the US market, will be able to progress. That’s why our citizens deserve this, the process will continue, debates will be held, and it will be concluded successfully for the citizens and the country,” added Kovachevski. Asked if he is an optimist that an agreement could be reached, Kovachevski said he is a rational optimist. “That means that I believe in the fulfilment of the goal, and I am working to that end. The message that I will send to the MPs in Parliament once again is that they are representatives of the citizens. The citizens are clearly stating that they want to be a part of the EU. The MPs should be a part of the European idea for North Macedonia. They have taken the responsibility and honor to represent the citizens in Parliament, and tomorrow will have their names written in history as the individuals who provided a European future for the country. I am proud of all MPs in our Parliament that played a part in the adoption of important, strategic and difficult decisions for the country,” said Kovachevski.


Kovachevski: Claims of global conspiracy only benefit person who makes them (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Thursday that he finds odd the position of VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski that the world and Europe have turned against them regarding the constitutional amendments, stressing that it reminds him of the 11 years of the previous leader of the opposition party. Making claims about global conspiracies, said the PM, only benefits the political career of the person making them and not the citizens or the country. “I find his position odd. I had an interview with one of the national televisions at the end of last week when I said that what I hear from the current VMRO-DPMNE leader reminds me a lot of the 11 years of the previous leader, that there is some global conspiracy against us. What I heard was that the world and Europe have joined forces against Macedonia. We’ve heard things like this in the past as well. The feelings of the citizens are being roused in this manner, the citizens were afraid that the Macedonians have some great enemy, however we were assured that this is not the case. North Macedonia became a NATO member, we can see how significant this is at a time of a military conflict in Europe,” said Kovachevski. The PM said that despite all the hysteria and false accusations about the loss of the language and identity, “we have begun EU negotiations with a protected Macedonian language, with a recognized Macedonian language and identity through resolutions in the German Bundestag.” “So, I believe that a country that has a strategic partnership with the US, unlike any other country in the region, a country that is a NATO member, does not in any way benefit, nor do the citizens, from claims that there is a global conspiracy. It only benefits the political career of the person making them,” said the Prime Minister. Kovachevski stressed that the failure to adopt decisions can only place the country in the waiting room, highlighting that VMRO-DPMNE said they are prepared to wait. “For eleven years we saw what waiting got us. In 2008, we had a solution with Greece that the government didn’t accept, after 11 years we received a solution that was worse than the one in 2008. Now we have a clean negotiating framework with a protected Macedonian language, the negotiations are being done in Macedonian, the European legislation is being translated into the Macedonian language. And now is the time when there is a common interest, both from the US and the EU, to continue the European integration so that North Macedonia becomes a full-fledged member of the EU by 2030,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski added that there is no alternative to the EU path. “We mustn’t allow Albania, Serbia and Montenegro to move ahead of us, because in that case we will remain with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. We don’t want to be in that group. These are two countries that still haven’t solved the basic issues of their statehood. I don’t want our children, the country of our children to find itself in such company when it comes to the regional and European integrations. This is why now is the time when the decisions have to be made,” said Kovachevski.


Osmani: Still no arguments against essence of EU negotiating framework (MIA)


Twenty days after he visually explained the "essence" of the EU negotiating framework in a video message and stressed that the agreements with the neighbors aren’t a part of the negotiating framework, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani addressed the citizens in another video message Thursday, saying that 20 days after the first video there are still no arguments against his claim. He reiterated that the specific segments are not a part of the negotiating framework and that the EU member states won’t vote on them. According to Osmani, his attempt to visually present the negotiating framework was in order to encourage a debate focused on the truth, and a debate through which the facts would be presented objectively. “However, it is evident that despite the numerous comments, no one was able to provide a tangible argument to counter the facts I presented. The basic message remains unchanged: the agreements with the neighbors and reviews are not a part of the special segments of the negotiating framework, which require a written report and a vote by the member states,” said Osmani in the video. The Foreign Minister once again called for any opposing positions to be presented through arguments and “through a sincere approach that would demonstrate that we really care for the future of the country”. “Honest discourse strengthens our democracy. I respect all of you, regardless of whether you agree with the method or not. Our end goal is a brighter European future for North Macedonia, and I believe that we can achieve this together, with open dialogue and with facts,” stressed Osmani.


Mickoski: Leaders’ meeting possible only if it focuses on early parliamentary elections (MIA)


A leaders’ meeting is possible, but only if it focuses on the date of early parliamentary elections and the dynamic of legal changes in terms of the technical government. We are ready for snap parliamentary elections without a technical government. This is the only option on the table now, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski on Thursday. Mickoski stressed that anyone who wishes to discuss this issue is welcome, adding that he considers everything else as “torture and pressure” in the public and said VMRO-DPMNE would oppose it. “We had a lot of options on the table in the past. More than a year ago, literally everything was on the table. But, they didn’t manage to do anything. Additionally, in the past year, even though no one asked us when they were making the agreement, we continuously offered potential solutions, such as the Croatian model, delayed application… But, now there’s nothing else on the table, except for a leaders’ meeting over a date for early parliamentary elections,” said Mickoski in answer to a journalist’s question on whether a new leaders’ meeting is possible. Asked about the government’s “We are Europe” campaign, Mickoski labeled it as “plagiarism” and urged the European diplomats to intervene so the government “doesn’t abuse Europe”. “It’s plagiarism. There is nothing original in SDSM and DUI’s government. This is something we have already seen in Europe. The last thing these political frauds can do is bring up Europe. As long as they present themselves as promoters of European values, the credibility of Europe in the eyes of the citizens will drop. The European diplomats have a chance to intervene so that the government doesn’t abuse Europe. The government is doing everything that goes against the European values,” said Mickoski.


Ukraine celebrates Independence Day, President Begaj congratulate his counterpart Zelenskyy (Radio Tirana)


On this day, 24 August, Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day, and President Bajram Begaj extended his congratulations to his counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In his message, President Begaj highlighted the 30th anniversary of the amicable relations between the two nations, underscoring Albania's unwavering backing for Ukraine. President Begaj announced that Albania will enhance its diplomatic representation in Kiev.

"Dear Mr. President,

The occasion of Ukraine's Independence Day presents me with the privilege to extend my warmest and most heartfelt wishes to you and the gracious people of Ukraine, on behalf of the Albanian nation. I seize this moment to convey my gratification for the cordial relations between our two countries, which mark their 30th anniversary this year. I also wish to acknowledge the genuine connection between our populations, fostered in part by the early Albanian diaspora in Ukraine. As we celebrate this significant milestone, symbolizing our eagerness and determination to draw even closer to Ukraine and to elevate our collaboration, Albania has opted to enhance its diplomatic representation in Kiev," expressed President Begaj in his message. Once more, President Begaj underscores that Albania remains committed to making meaningful contributions within the United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly. Furthermore, he reaffirms Albania's commitment to extend diplomatic and military support as part of its engagement. Allow me to emphasize Albania's unequivocal and unwavering stance in upholding Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence. I assure you that Albania remains dedicated to its role in both the United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly, in addition to offering diplomatic and military assistance but also our alignment in terms of diplomatic and military support, as we share common Euro-Atlantic values ​​and interests. On this momentous day for your nation, I extend my sincerest well-wishes. Please accept, Mr. President, the expression of my utmost respect and consideration," President Begaj's message concludes. On 24 August, Ukraine commemorates 32 years of independence from the former Soviet Union. However, the country currently faces the challenge of Russian occupation, underscoring the complex situation it navigates.


Nikolla congratulates Stefanchuk: Albania in support of the just struggle of the people of Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla congratulated today the President of the Ukrainian parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the country’s Act of Independence. Nikolla said that the proclamation of the independence of the modern state on 24 August 1991 is celebrated in the harsh conditions of Russia's aggression. "Albania has been and will be in support of the people's just struggle for the protection of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the friendly state of Ukraine," Nikolla wrote in the congratulatory message.


Minister Xhacka: EU enlargement is not only significant for the Western Balkans but also for more security in the entire Europe (Radio Tirana)


During the conference "Quo vadis, Europe?", the Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka emphasized that the enlargement of the EU is vital not only for the Western Balkans (WB) but also it enhances security on the entire Europe. On this occasion, she expressed her gratitude to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrell for his efforts to keep Europe focused on the WBs. She also appreciated his unwavering support on the progress of the region integration process. "We are optimistic that the EU will collaborate with us and consider fostering economic and social convergence. Furthermore, we anticipate receiving distinct signals from the EU, indicating the initiation of discussions to incorporate us within its financial and legal-institutional framework," stated Xhacka.