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Belgrade Media Report 31 August



Lajcak: Substantive talk with Vucic on resuming dialogue, implementing all agreement (Beta)


The EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak has announced that he had a substantive discussion with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about the resumption of the Brussels dialogue and implementation of all agreements reached in that process. “In Belgrade today, I had substantive discussions with President Vucic about the next high-level meeting in September, efforts to lower tensions and hold new local elections in the north of Kosovo, as well as the implementation of all dialogue agreements,” Lajcak posted on the X social network.


Vucic, US Congressman discuss bilateral ties, EU integration, Kosovo (Beta/RTS/RTV/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in Belgrade on Wednesday with US Member of Congress Michael Turner and discussed bilateral relations, European integration, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and other regional and international issues. According to the statement of the president's office, Vucic welcomed the „dynamic political dialogue“ with representatives of the US administration and Congress, stressing that Serbia was committed to “as substantial cooperation as possible and the advancement of relations” with the US, especially in economy. He said he hoped such ties would strengthen additionally, and added that Serbia had proposed the establishing of a Strategic Dialogue with the US, by which bilateral relations would obtain a clearer structure, the statement reads. Turner, a representative of the Republican Party, said that he “truly appreciated” Vucic’s efforts and his role in securing peace and stability in the region. He said he was pleased with Serbia’s economic progress and welcomed its engagement in boosting regional cooperation, it was stated.


Serbia committed to further improving relations with US (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke yesterday with US Congressman Michael Turner about bilateral relations, Serbia’s European integration, as well as the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. She welcomed the dynamic political dialogue with US representatives, emphasising that our country is committed to further improving relations, especially in the field of telecommunications, IT services and infrastructure projects. Brnabic noted that Serbia is firmly committed to preserving peace and stability, and that is why great efforts are being made to normalize relations between Belgrade and Pristina. She pointed out that ten years have passed since the signing of the Brussels agreement, and the Community of Serb Municipalities has not yet been formed. She said that Serbia stands firmly on the European path, noting that the goal of our country is the opening of Cluster 3. Turner emphasised that he greatly appreciates Serbia’s efforts in maintaining peace and stability in the region, and he positively evaluated Serbia’s visible economic progress in recent years. At the meeting, which was also attended by US Ambassador in Belgrade Christopher Hill, Turner emphasised that the cooperation with the Ohio National Guard gives a strong impetus to the relations between the two countries.


Serbia sends new contingent of humanitarian aid to Ukraine (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended yesterday the sending of a new contingent of 14 humanitarian aid trucks from our country to Ukraine, saying that Serbia is ready to help the Ukrainian people even more. Brnabic pointed out that at the moment there are more than 43,000 refugees and displaced persons from Ukraine in Serbia and that our country will try to, in partnership with the EU, help and support the Ukrainian people in difficult circumstances and accept even more refugees from that country. We hope for peace in Ukraine and on the European continent. This will bring a lot of good to us of all, above all to the Ukrainian people, she said and added that today aid is being sent in the form of medicines and goods for the vulnerable population of that country. As for the shipment of medicines, we managed to allocate it through the Fund for Health Insurance and we will continue with that practice, she said. Speaking about the goods, she explained that the shipment includes blankets, pillows, sponges for sleeping on the floor, but also filters for purifying water as well as drinking water. Brnabic stressed that Serbia has continuously sent aid to Ukraine and that it has sent aid in electricity equipment, two state-of-the-art medical vehicles, as well as that it has paid €3 million in financial aid through UNICEF and UNHCR, adding that summer camps for children have been organised last and this summer and sports rehabilitation camps. She stressed that the government of Serbia is in constant contact with the Embassy of Ukraine in Belgrade, and that it is trying to respond as soon as possible to all the needs of that country for humanitarian aid, adding that our country uses the European civil protection mechanism by which it sends aid to Ukraine. The sending of a new shipment of humanitarian aid to Ukraine was also attended by Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic, Ambassador of Ukraine to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkach and Ambassador of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret.


Dacic: Abolishing visa liberalization not possible (TV Prva)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated on Wednesday, commenting on the possible change in the EU’s visa policy, that he believed that “the abolishing of the visa liberalization is not possible.” In an interview to TV Prva, Dacic said in comment of French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement about the possible reconsideration of the EU’s visa policy, that this was “a threat addressed more to Kosovo than to Serbia.” Dacic said the issue was what Serbia should do to become an EU member. As for the statement of the President of the European Council Charles Michel, who said that the EU should be prepared to receive new members by 2030, Dacic commented that Serbia wanted to believe that this was possible and realistic, but that there was a problem with criteria. “There is a problem with criteria. Undisputedly, we should do the things that are up to us, but the issue is what exactly is to be done? This is not about the reforms in the country, but about political decisions that pertain to other subjects,” Dacic stated, adding that “state and national interests are defended everywhere” and that Serbia could not defend Kosovo without the support of its friends.


Miscevic: Announcement of the EU’s readiness for enlargement by 2030 is a goal, not a promise (Tanjug/Beta)


The announcement of the EU’s readiness to accept new members by 2030 is a goal that needs to be reached and not a promise to Serbia, Minister for EU Integration Tanja Miscevic said. “It is a year that represents a goal, not a promise. What is yet to come is the harmonization of the EU member states on what actually means the readiness to accept new members by 2030.” When asked by a journalist whether Serbia could progress in European integration unless it resolved the issue of normalization of relations with Pristina and the imposition of sanctions on Russia, she said that these issues were already defined in the chapters on accession. “When it comes to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, we already have Chapter 35, which contains the final measure, which is a comprehensive agreement on normalization. We are also on the same track when it comes to Chapter 21, on alignment with the EU foreign policy,” Miscevic said.


So-called Kosovo police without markings and with rifles on streets in center of northern Kosovska Mitrovica (Tanjug)


Members of so-called Kosovo's police without any markings on their uniforms, carried out an operation last night of brutal intimidation and harassment of the peaceful Serb people in Kosovska Mitrovica. As can be seen in the video, they started the raid precisely at a time when people would be taking a walk peacefully in Kosovska Mitrovica, there were children and mothers with babies on the streets. The appearance of men in uniforms armed to the teeth has disturbed Serbs in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, who perceive the presence of the police in this manner on the streets in the evening hours as a new provocation staged by Pristina. The reason for last night's police presence in Kosovska Mitrovica is unknown.


Stefanovic: Regime stops Serbia’s EU accession (Beta)


A deputy to the president of the Party of Freedom and Justice Borko Stefanovic said on Wednesday that the regime spearheaded by the Serbian People’s Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia brought to a halt Serbia’s accession to the EU, continuing the process of isolation and threatening the country’s economic and national interest. “In the same week in which the EU voiced a necessity of quicker integration of the Western Balkans into the largest European family, to which we historically belong, the authorities in Serbia heralded a move to join the BRICS bloc. When the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, suggests that the existing visa regime might be reconsidered for Serbian nationals, our incompetent authorities and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic demonstrate a ‘pub diplomacy’ during the Bled Forum,” Stefanovic said in a release. “The BRICS is an informal, non-committal, conference-type organization, with no currency, no market, no rules, no decisions, no bodies and no structure, let alone how far it is from Serbia in terms of geography, economy and values,” Stefanovic added.


Brnabic comment draws protest from Albanian MP (Bujanovacke/N1)


A statement by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic at the Bled Strategic Forum has drawn protests from an ethnic Albanian politician in southern Serbia. Asked if Albanians in southern Serbia enjoy what Serbs in northern Kosovo have, Brnabic told a panel at the forum on Monday that the Albanians in southern Serbia enjoy rule of law and human rights and added that anyone who shot at an Albanian in Presevo or Bujanovac would be held accountable. “That is impossible in Serbia,” she said alluding to reported attacks on Serbs in Kosovo. Saip Kamberi MP, an ethnic Albanian from the town of Bujanovac, said that Brnabic was actually telling Albanians in Serbia “don’t demand rights, it’s enough that we aren’t killing you”. According to him, the Prime Minister’s message to the Albanians in the Presevo valley is that they have rights because no one is killing them while the Serbs in Kosovo don’t. “That continues on Serbia’s official policy of double standards towards minorities and the denial of basic minority rights on its territory while trying to build standards that exist in no other country for its minority in Kosovo,” he told the Bujanovacke portal.


EU repeats call on Belgrade, Pristina to create climate for dialogue to resume (Beta/RFE/RTV)


The EU repeated its call on Belgrade and Pristina to create the climate for resuming the dialogue on the normalization of relations. EU spokesman Peter Stano told Radio Free Europe (RFE) that “work on the dialogue is under way.” “During the past weeks, we said on several occasions that, on the EU side, there is clear expectation that the sides take the well-defined steps to de-escalation and create the conditions for resuming the dialogue,” Stano said. He reiterated the “fundamental importance” of resuming the dialogue without delay, through the implementation of the Agreement on the path to normalization of relations of Kosovo and Serbia and its Implementation Annex. Stano said that the date for the next meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti in Brussels, which EU Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak said would be held in September, had not yet been set.


Sir Stuart Peach: EU has to say the region has a better future (N1)


The British government’s Special Envoy to the Western Balkans Sir Stuart Peach told N1 at the Bled Strategic Forum that the EU has to tell the people of the region that a better future exists. “It’s important for the EU to makes it clear to the people of the region that there is a better, more prosperous future for them… The journey of accession brings both hope and frustration. The UK’s role is very much in support of EU approach,” he said. According to Peach, the process is not about “who’s winning and who’s losing it’s much more about where they are in the process and how long the process has been running”. “No country is the same and all countries make different choices,” he said. He recalled that several countries in the region are NATO members, making significant contributions to European security. “If countries in the region choose not to join NATO that’s their sovereign choice, just as if countries choose not to join the EU that’s their sovereign choice. We recommend that they do follow the Euro-Atlantic security journey,” Peach added. He said that the UK speaks to both sides in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and strongly supports the approach to normalization. “We call on both sides to de-escalate, for the Kosovo Serbs to return to the institutions, to bring balance and fairness back to policing, to return to normal policing as soon as possible and to ensure that local democracy takes root and depth and by that I mean local elections and we expect as many people as possible, all sides to participate in those local elections,” he said.




B&H HoP adopts five laws important for European path of B&H (Hayat)


Hayat reports that at its session held on Wednesday, the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) adopted five proposals of laws from priorities defined by the European Commission (EC) which will enable B&H to make a step forward in opening the EU accession talks. Namely, the B&H HoP adopted a proposal of law on freedom of access to information, a proposal of amendments to Human Rights Ombudsman of B&H and a proposal of amendments to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of BiH. The B&H HoP also adopted a proposal of law on organization of wine market and a proposal of amendments to the law on foreigners. Reporter commented that after the EC presents its report on EU progress of B&H, it will be clear whether adopted laws are acceptable and in line with the EU standards. Speaker of the B&H HoR Nikola Spiric (SNSD) said that this was one of the most productive sessions since formation of the B&H HoP. BIH Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza welcomed amendments of the B&H HoR and he expressed hope that the B&H HoP will also adopted them. Spiric announced that the delegates will express their opinion on this law on 6 September in the second reading and called for submitting amendments to the law by then. People and Justice (NiP) delegate Kemal Ademovic welcomed adoption of abovementioned laws, which are part of the EU priorities. Delegate of the Croat Caucus Zlatko Miletic (For New Generations) and delegate of the Bosniak Caucus Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) warned that the Law on Freedom of Access to Information is not harmonized with the acquis of the EU, especially in the part that concerns the second instance appeal body. Bosniak Caucus delegate Dzemal Smajic (SB&H) warned that the scope of those who do not have to provide information to the public has been expanded by this law.


Kristo expresses satisfaction because of adoption of five reform laws in B&H parliament (Fena)


Chairwoman of B&H Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo expressed satisfaction over the adoption of five reforms laws in the B&H House of Peoples, underlining importance of these laws for the EU path of B&H. “This is a clear indicator that our state constantly works on fulfilling conditions for EU accession. Also, this speaks about our determination and dedication to goals and European values that the EU is founded on,” said Kristo.  She noted that a proposal of the law on Courts in B&H has been agreed at political level and is currently being harmonized and she expects it will soon be adopted by the CoM and submitted to B&H parliament. “All these reform laws lead our country a step closer to the EU and are proof of our dedicated and accelerated work on fulfilling of the conditions for joining the European family,” said Kristo. She underlined importance of accelerated opening of the accession talks, by end of the year at the latest and stressed that adoption of these laws shows that expectations are realistic. Kristo noted that with a goal of stability and strengthening of democracy and rule of law in B&H, it is important to initiate limited change of B&H Constitution and thorough change of electoral legislation in order to secure true constitutional equality for all three constituent peoples, as well as remove discrimination toward other citizens of B&H. “Because of this it is necessary to implement the judgement of Constitutional Court of B&H on legitimate representation of constituent peoples at all administrative- political levels, as well as implementation of all judgements of European Court of Human Rights, with which we would circle one process that leads us closer to the EU,” said Kristo.


Konakovic: According to information we dispose with, EU will open negotiations with B&H (Avaz)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic said that according to the information he has, the EU could open the accession talks with B&H. “The B&H House of Peoples adopted five laws on Wednesday that are very important on the EU path. Laws were earlier adopted by the B&H House of Representatives. With adoption of the laws the biggest step forward toward the EU has been made,” Konakovic wrote on his Facebook. He noted that he expects that progress report on B&H will register big progress of B&H and for EU officials to understand that it is high time for opening of the talks. He stressed that this will be a huge step forward for B&H and bring many benefits to B&H citizens. “We proved that with the talks and dialogue processes can move forward, and we knew form the start what we want. Even if we lost the votes it does not matter. If we were leaving the meetings, leaving the sessions, made populistic statements, there would be no these laws. This would be yet another story about missed opportunities of our country. We would collect cheap political points, got couple of extra votes and our country would remain stuck in the jaws of populism and radicalism,” wrote Konakovic, noting that these laws are on hold since 2019.


EUD: Laws adopted in B&H HoP are proof progress is possible (Avaz)


The EU Delegation to B&H issued a statement, commenting the adoption of five European laws. “Since party leaders met on 22 August, there has been progress in meeting EU 14 Key Priorities. The laws adopted today in the HoP are a sign, efforts are being stepped up and progress is possible with political will. We urge momentum to be sustained, especially on rule of law and fighting corruption,” reads EUD statement posted on twitter.


B&H HoP rejects to include proposal of law on B&H CC in agenda (Hayat)


Hayat reports on a session of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) held on Wednesday noting that SDS’ delegate in B&H HoP Zelimir Neskovic proposed including a draft of law on B&H Constitutional Court (CC) in the agenda of Wednesday’s session of the B&H HoP. According to this draft, foreign judges would be removed from the B&H CC. The Bosniak Caucus threatened they will leave the session of the B&H HoP if the discussion on this draft law starts. They assessed this law as unconstitutional, adding that its adoption would result in destroying of state of B&H. Delegate in the Bosniak Caucus Dzemal Smajic (SB&H) stated that their main objections to abovementioned draft is the removal of the foreign judges from the B&H CC, as well as a stipulation reading that every ruling of the B&H CC would require support of at least one judge from the RS. Neskovic stated that he wished SNSD delegates accepted his appeals not to support European laws until the law on the B&H CC is adopted. Hayat reminds that the RS parliament recently adopted conclusions reading that adoption of the Law on B&H CC should be a priority of delegates from the RS in the B&H HoP. Reporter commented that consequently, SNSD did not have other choice but to support Neskovic’s proposal. SNSD’s Nikola Spiric stated that this is an important topic, adding that he believes the RS parliament will adopt a proposal of the Law on B&H CC and forward it to the B&H parliament. Spiric went on to saying that he believes there will be necessary understanding to adopt this law. Despite of support of a complete Serb Caucus, abovementioned regulation was not included in the agenda. B&H Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza stated that according to B&H Constitution, after expiration of the first mandate of foreign judges in the B&H CC, which occurred in 2001 or 2002, the B&H parliament had right to decide about method of appointment of foreign judges. “In some way, we are 21 years late. Also, when I say we will review, it does not mean we will remove”, stressed Bunoza. He also stated that B&H CC is among best courts in the region.


Dodik: Laws on Court of B&H and Constitutional Court should go through the procedure parallelly (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik said on Wednesday that the Law on the Court of B&H and the Law on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H should go through the procedure parallelly, until their adoption. Dodik said that the law on the Court of B&H was not harmonized, because it stopped at the fact that it cannot be a law on the Courts of B&H, but on the Court of B&H and that this court can only have two levels of decision-making. “One level of decision-making would be the level we have now, which is unconstitutional and illegal, but produces certain consequences and that is the reason why we need to try to do something. We request that an appellate chamber is formed in that court, but that that panel is not chosen by the president of the current court, but that it is formed in accordance with the procedures of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC of B&H) and that the headquarters of that appellate chamber is in Banja Luka. We are ready to accept that”, Dodik said at a press conference in Banja Luka.


Dodik: ECHR’s judgment unacceptable; I will request that RS parliament rejects this decision completely (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik addressed a press conference on Wednesday and he said that the new decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is absolutely unacceptable and that he will request that the RS parliament rejects this decision completely. As he emphasized, this decision has not been legally verified, and it brings additional problems to B&H. “This decision is more of a recommendation than an obligation. They are undermining B&H and are not even aware that it is creating a bigger problem for B&H on the European path and stopping it in the development process, and the decision aims to deal with the constituent status (of peoples) and to reject the Dayton Agreement”, Dodik said during a press conference. He expressed his satisfaction with the fact that all political representatives of the Serbs rejected this approach, which brought additional disagreements and possible divisions into B&H. “That initiative is unsustainable and unacceptable. The session of the parliament should confirm that the legal procedure was violated in the adoption and that the group of judges went beyond what the Convention is. I will propose that the parliament rejects this court's decision as unacceptable”, he said and repeated that the decision is legally inadmissible and politically speculative. Dodik added that he will propose to the RS parliament to propose to the B&H authorities to declare this decision null and void. The RS President said that it is now clear who is destroying the Dayton Agreement and who is defending it.


ECHR judge Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer said that Kovacevic did not prove that he was a victim nor did he exhaust domestic legal remedies (ATV)


Chairwoman of the judicial panel of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case ‘Kovacevic v. B&H’, Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer, had a dissenting opinion in regard to the judgment, with the explanation that the basic condition for any petition before that court is that all domestic legal remedies have been exhausted, and that in this case they were not. In a dissented opinion, Stadlmayer stated that she does not agree with the fact that the ECHR accepted to consider Slaven Kovacevic's motion, even though he had not previously exhausted all legal remedies in B&H. She pointed out that in this case Kovacevic did not address the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, he could have appealed to the Court of B&H or appealed to the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. She emphasized that Kovacevic did not prove that he was a victim, in the sense that he was directly affected by the disputed constitutional measures in B&H, and that he had the right to indirectly vote for the FB&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP) by being able to vote for the Sarajevo Canton (SC) Assembly, which elects delegates to the FB&H HoP, and they chose delegates to the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP). She also presented arguments regarding Kovacevic's motion regarding the “restriction of voting rights arising from the composition of the B&H Presidency”. “He stated that the candidates who best represent his political views in the 2022 presidential elections were not from the ‘right’ entity and/or the ‘right’ ethnic origin. At the same time, it is known that the applicant is a political adviser to one of the three members of the current B&H Presidency. Why could this person not be a candidate of the applicant's choice? The question remains open”, reads Stadlmayer’s statement.


Schmidt on ECHR judgement in Kovacevic case: This is new encouragement to look for way to avoid discrimination (FTV)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt made a brief comment on Wednesday with regard to the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) handed down upon the motion of Slaven Kovacevic, Advisor to Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, in which the ECHR found that the combination of territorial and ethnic restrictions outlined in the Constitution of B&H amounted to discrimination. “This is a new encouragement to look for a way to avoid discrimination and to meet the requirements of European standards and the requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights”, said Schmidt.


US Embassy: If B&H wants future inside Euro-Atlantic institutions, ECHR judgments will have to be implemented (Avaz)


Commenting the judgement of European Court of Human Rights in ‘Slaven Kovacevic’ case, the US Embassy to B&H stated that they consistently supported implementation of judgements of this Court. US Embassy with Ambassador Michael Murphy at helm stated: “The United States has consistently supported implementation of the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) rulings.  Although we have not yet had the opportunity to review this specific ruling in detail, we remain committed to supporting local actors as they work to implement the ECHR rulings.  Since 2006, we have supported several efforts to negotiate a set of amendments to the Dayton Constitution, which were aimed at, among other things, addressing the ECHR rulings.  Unfortunately, these efforts have failed either because political leaders have refused to negotiate in good faith or participate in negotiations altogether, because they have been unwilling to build consensus and compromise, or because they have put their own narrow political interests ahead of those of the people of this country.  If B&H wants a future inside Euro-Atlantic institutions, the ECHR rulings will have to be implemented, but these rulings can only be implemented if local politicians step up and do the hard work of negotiating, forging consensus, and compromising.”


Milanovic: ECHR’s judgement in Kovacevic case is insane (FTV)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on Wednesday the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) handed down upon the motion of Slaven Kovacevic, Advisor to Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, in which the ECHR found that the combination of territorial and ethnic restrictions outlined in the Constitution of B&H amounted to discrimination. Milanovic called this judgement insane, stating that the appellant is a close associate of Presidency member Komsic. Milanovic said that the court in Strasbourg hands down similar judgements every 10 years, and he added that it is good that such judgements did not even cause a civil war. He added that the goal of the verdict is to unitarize B&H and change the Constitution of one state.


Dodik: Failed visit of Escobar to B&H clearly indicates the US’ loss (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik addressed a press conference on Wednesday. According to him, the failed visit of US Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar to B&H clearly indicates the US’ loss and according to Dodik, his visit comes after a couple of years with the aim to support unconstitutional activity of the US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. Dodik concluded by saying that the RS demonstrates political and economic stability and it will dismiss all challenges and pressures of the West.


Novi Grad Police Administration and SC MoI ban public gathering in support of Dodik (Hayat)


Police Administration Novi Grad (Sarajevo) and Sarajevo Canton (SC) Ministry of Interior (MoI) rejected a request of the Board for Protection of Rights of Serbs in the FB&H to organize a public gathering in support to Milorad Dodik in front of premises of B&H Court and B&H Prosecutor’s Office on 1 September. Police decided to ban abovementioned public gathering due to failure to fulfill formal conditions as well as due to security reasons. Competent police bodies assessed that holding of the announced public gathering would create real risk from violation of public peace and order. Hayat reminds that organizers published video messages on social media calling on thousands of people to attend the gathering where the RS will be defended. Among other things, these videos claim that this is gathering of support to the RS, which is guarantor of justice and freedom.


EUFOR announces EUFOR Quick Response 2023 (


EUFOR has issued a press release on Wednesday, which reads that the annual exercise EUFOR Quick Response 2023 will take place between 11-29th September throughout B&H. It was also stated: “The exercise will involve soldiers from 22 EUFOR nations that will temporarily augment the existing EUFOR presence using reserve forces currently on standby in their home countries. The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate EUFOR readiness and confirm its continued support to the maintenance of a Safe and Secure Environment in B&H. The awareness campaign involving billboards, TV, radio and print media will begin from 30th August and continue on to 4th September and will be highly visible throughout B&H. On the lead up to the exercise, residents of B&H can expect to see increased volumes of troop movements and movement of reserve forces equipment arriving into B&H.”


Milatovic: Spajic and I should have talked more, I would invite ZBCG and URA (RTCG)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic says that the process of forming the government is not going according to the pace planned and that PM-designate Milojko Spajic has a great responsibility. He has called for responsibility. “If the conduct of politics continues like this, I think the turnout will be even lower in the next parliamentary elections,” he adds. Milatovic believes that clear principles of government formation, a clear structure of what it should look like are missing from this process. He believes that “we all agree on three things” – “continuation of reforms concerning the economic standard, continuation of reforms concerning the fight against organized crime and corruption, and reforms concerning the acceleration of Montenegro’s European path”, emphasized the President of Montenegro. When asked if he thinks that the For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition should be part of the 44th government, Milatovic says that the constituents of the ZBCG coalition and URA and all other parties, as well as parties of less numerous nations, should be invited. “If I were to form a government, I would make it that way”, adds Milatovic. Milatovic says he spoke to Spajic last time as part of the consultation on the PM-designate in Cetinje at the beginning of August, not later, adding that “probably we should have talked more”. “That maybe says that we both should have been a little more mature. Lack of communication is the key to many problems, not only in Montenegro. Certainly, some kind of conversation is necessary”, says Milatovic. When asked if he plans to resign from his position in Europe Now Movement (PES), Milatovic answers – no. “I am convinced that PES has the strength to come out of every situation better and find the best solution through diversity of opinions and harmonization of views”, he stresses. Regarding the claims that he is under the influence of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Milatovic says he has met with Vucic the least number of times, unlike many others. Milatovic says that the situation in our diplomacy is alarming, and that it is the result of carelessness and party-affiliated employment. He points out that “this much discord and this much instability is over the heads of the citizens of Montenegro”. “I’m also a bit tired of it”, says Milatovic. He has urged everyone to get serious, be more responsible and “reduce their vanity and ego”.


Nedovic to support Spajic’s govt, Alternative has no contact with her: We suspect there are elements of corruption (CdM)


The representative of the Alternative Montenegro on the national candidates list of Europe Now Movement Jelena Nedovic has decided to support the government of Milojko Spajic and to leave that political group, which has been indirectly confirmed by Alternative. Alternative Montenegro claims that it has not been in communication with Jelena Nedovic for three days, since the moment when they announced that they did not support the formation of this government. Alternative adds it will forward all the information it has regarding the entire process of forming the government to the competent Prosecutor’s Office, so that it can assess whether there are elements of corruption. In the meantime, Alternative Montenegro informs the public that the seat entrusted to it in the parliamentary elections held on 11 June 2023, is returned to Europe Now Movement, with the belief that this will become a practice in the future political life of Montenegro. “We urge our current representative, Jelena Nedovic, to whom we have entrusted an important position, to do the same and return the seat, in order to jointly preserve her integrity and the integrity of the organization which she represented until now! We firmly believe that she will remain consistent with her views expressed in the previous period – that Bosniak Party is not an acceptable partner! As a person who spent a great deal of her working life in the institution of the Ombudsperson, protecting human rights and freedoms, their word and integrity, we want to believe that this time too she will be on the side of the people and put the public interest before her personal interest”, Alternative points out.


Nedovic: No question of political corruption, not all Bosniaks in Montenegro support BS, nor all Serbs in Montenegro support ZBCG (RTCG)


MP from the Europe Now list Jelena Nedovic points out that she did not betray Alternative Montenegro or its political principles, and that there is no question of political corruption.

“I notice with regret and disappointment that for the umpteenth time talking about salaries, pensions, heating and the upcoming September expenses is replaced by a story about brutal campaign, which I guess aims to put pressure on me. Did I betray Alternative? NO! Alternative is not one man, Alternative is principles, for a better and fairer society, for a society of social security, equal opportunities and free opinions and convictions. Alternative is all the people who spontaneously and sincerely support me in different ways all these days, and who are the wind at my back to persevere in the fight for the common good”, Nedovic says. She also claims she is not corrupt. “Am I politically corrupt? NO! If it wasn’t sad, it would be funny. The story of political corruption when someone freely speaks his/her mind is a legacy matrix of dark times. Citizens know very well who is benefiting from this story”, says Nedovic, among other things. Once again, she has urged all actors of the current political scene to extend a sincere hand of cooperation to PM-designate Spajic. “And finally, devoid of political calculations, we enable him to fulfill the promises he made to the Montenegrins, Serbs, Bosniaks, Croats, and all our other minority nations with a quick and efficient agreement. Everything else is deception of this suffering people about whom no one thinks, but in whose eyes dust is thrown every once in a while”, says Nedovic.


Osmani – Joly: Canada strongly supports country's EU perspective; to strengthen economic cooperation (MIA)


Canada supports the perspective of North Macedonia in the EU and the country's OSCE Chairperson-in-Office; the two countries are also strong supporters, friends and allies of Ukraine, the foreign ministers of North Macedonia and of Canada, Bujar Osmani and Melanie Joly, told a news conference Wednesday. FM Osmani said he had had a productive meeting with FM Joly, who is on a working visit to Skopje. He said they had raised important questions about bilateral ties, highlighting that the strong political relations should be followed by the strengthening of business ties and economic cooperation. To promote foreign investment opportunities, he added, they initiated organizing a visit of business delegations from Canada to North Macedonia. Osmani pointed out that the two countries jointly contributed to the strengthening of NATO's eastern flank. During the meeting, he added, the ministers also affirmed the common principles for peace, stability and cooperation in the OSCE region. "Based on the principles and values of the organization itself, we deeply appreciate Canada's support for the challenges and activities of our OSCE Chairpersonship, with its top priority being the war in Ukraine but also all protracted conflicts that have direct consequences on people's lives," Osmani said. He said North Macedonia and Canada, though geographically distant, were strongly connected by the large Macedonian diaspora community in Canada. Its members were, he said, proud to live in a multi-ethnic and prosperous country, but also proud of their roots. Canada's Foreign Minister Joly noted that hers was the first visit of a Canadian foreign minister to the country in 25 years. She welcomed North Macedonia's contributions in NATO, especially on the ground at this time in Latvia, given that Canada leads the Latvian NATO forces there. She also said Canada and North Macedonia were strong supporters, friends and allies of Ukraine. "I would like to praise you for your government's response to the war in Ukraine. I know you have invested a lot in supporting Ukraine. Canada has done the same," she said, adding that her country had given Ukraine billions of dollars and would continue supporting its efforts to defend itself. Regarding the OSCE, she thanked Osmani for his work, and said her visit to Slovenia, North Macedonia and Albania came at a time when the world was facing threats from authoritarian governments. "Canada is trying to help stop the war that Putin is waging against Ukraine and to help its brave citizens who oppose his regime. We know we share the same values: the rule of law and democracy," Joly said. North Macedonia, she pointed out, was Canada's key partner in the Western Balkan region. She also said the future of North Macedonia was in the EU. "You can count on our support," she said, urging the state to continue its efforts to join the EU. Asked if Canada would establish a visa-free regime for North Macedonia citizens and when, the foreign minister said the two countries would find solutions to various issues and that she was in Skopje to further improve bilateral relations. Osmani, in response to a question whether it was possible to reopen the Canadian Embassy in Skopje, said this would be a great achievement for the countries' relations. "As you know, Canada covers us from Belgrade. There is an excellent ambassador in Belgrade who is very proactive and is in Skopje very often. Our communication is open, but of course it would be a great achievement in the relations between the two countries if Canada opened an Embassy in Skopje. We have our embassy in Ottawa so this would greatly facilitate communication," North Macedonia's FM said.


Osmani: We received 2030 as a timeframe, won’t accept anything less than full-fledged EU membership (MIA)


The statement given by the President of the Council of the EU Charles Michel at the Bled Strategic Forum, over enlargement by 2030, holds historic weight and makes the European perspective of the EU candidate states more credible. Now it is up to us to work with the given timeframe. We won’t accept anything less than full-fledged EU membership, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani at a press conference Wednesday. “What happened in Bled is a part of history, will be a part of history. I think the Bled Strategic Forum will probably hold similar weight as the Thessaloniki Summit in 2003. Because the President of the Council, in his official capacity, in the name of the EU, said that the Union will be ready to receive new members by 2030. And this is the message that we were looking for. Do you know how long I have been talking about 2030? And I think that what happened in Bled is a result of our lobbying. Because this will now give us a timeframe, an idea over what we are working for, and a date to work towards. This doesn’t mean that we will join in 2030 if we aren’t ready. It is important that Europe will open its doors by 2030,” said Osmani in answer to a journalist’s question. Commenting on the statement made by French President Emmanuel Macron on a “multi-speed Europe”, Minister Osmani said his idea was clarified in Bled by the French Secretary of State for European Affairs Laurence Boone and Alexandre Adam his advisor and creator of the French proposal. “And they said Macron spoke about ‘multi-speed’ in terms of that not everyone will join at once, but in various speeds in terms of when they’re ready, and not a Europe of more privileged and less privileged members, because we won’t accept anything less than full-fledged EU membership. And you know, we are promoting the concept of greater integration ahead of membership, which means that, since 2030 is already fixed, let us become a member of the Union even before our membership, i.e., when we fulfill a chapter we become a part of the policy of the Union. We enter the single market, have access to the funds. Even before our membership we will be in the Union, the only thing we won’t have is the right to vote, which we will get on the day of membership,” said Minister Osmani. According to the Foreign Minister, in this way, the country will have annual targets to reach instead of a single, long-term target which is a bit far, and, he stressed, “creates frustrations, disappoints the citizens, and others (third parties) abuse those disappointments”. “I think that as of yesterday we have a really credible perspective. Now the ball is in our court. I think now we just need to come together to do what I’ve been asking for, for a long time now – a cross-party national agreement. So all parties can sit down and say EU 2030 is our goal, let’s put these daily political topics aside, we will discuss everything else,” said the Foreign Minister. Regarding the European Commission’s response to Michel’s statement, Osmani noted the difference between the two institutions, saying the European Council includes the member states who adopt the political decisions, while the Commission does not have a political mandate, but only objectively assesses if the country fulfills the criteria. “And that’s why the Commission says the political decisions are made by the member states, for us, it is important who fulfills the criteria because we make the reports. So, the European Commission does not dismiss Charles Michel’s message, only says you decide the timing, for me, it is important that you’ve fulfilled the criteria, because both institutions see different perspectives from enlargement,” said Osmani. According to the Foreign Minister, the issue with the current model of integration is that it is “all or nothing”, which, he said, creates frustrations because the road is long, unpredictable and with difficult compromises. “The concept of greater integration ahead of membership, towards which we are working,” said Osmani “is already becoming a basis for discussions in Brussels.” Asked about the parliamentary session on the constitutional amendments, Osmani said he is personally focused on the “bigger picture”, i.e., dismissing all speculations related to the process. He said the negotiating framework is founded on two basic principles, “a big no to historical and identity issues in the negotiating framework, and a big yes for human rights”. “Unfortunately, if we ask the citizens a big portion of them are not convinced, and rightly so, because they’ve been disappointed for a long time. But, my mission is, through arguments, to reach every single one of them and say that we weren’t able to get a better agreement, that this is the best we could get and the best we’ll ever get, to move away from the historical and identity issues towards human rights. That is our ground, no one can beat us there because this is the field where we are the best,” said Osmani.


Petrovska – Joly: We showed unity in strengthening NATO's Eastern flank (MIA)


North Macedonia and Canada have shown unity in strengthening the NATO's Eastern flank security; North Macedonia's place is in the EU as the only way to strengthen the stability, progress and further development of the transatlantic cooperation, Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska and Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly said at their meeting Wednesday. Their talks focused on the Macedonian-Canadian defense cooperation as well as the commitment of both countries to strengthening the collective security of NATO through the participation in the multinational forces of the Eastern flank. "Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the complete disregard for the established legal order showed us that we must constantly be vigilant and committed to defending our values: our democracy, freedom, and sovereignty. All thanks to our Canadian allies leading the Macedonian Army and other allies within the multinational forces of NATO in Latvia, for strengthening the security of all NATO members," Petrovska said. Minister Joly expressed that Canada appreciates the Macedonian army members taking part in NATO's multinational forces in Latvia, and that they play an important part in maintaining NATO’s collective safety and the security of all member states. She also expressed support over Petrovska's position that constitutional amendments should be adopted immediately as they represent North Macedonia's multiculturalism, and that Canada, as a multicultural country, understands and supports this. "Supporting constitutional amendments does not mean voting for or against the government, it means supporting North Macedonia," Petrovska added.


Osmani holds phone call with Lavrov (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, in his role as OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, held a phone call Wednesday with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov. According to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Osmani touched upon the challenges in the OSCE region and reiterated the adherence of North Macedonia’s Chairpersonship to the respect of the fundamental principles and commitments of the Organization. “In that context, he once again stressed the need to end the aggression, withdraw the Russian armed forces from Ukraine and respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” said the press release. Osmani and Lavrov, said the MFA, exchanged opinions on the most pressing issues related to the functioning of the OSCE.


Albania - USA emphasize the significance of their bilateral relations as Prime Minister Rama meets the diplomat Wisner (Radio Tirana)


Albania and the USA reaffirm their strong bilateral ties. This was emphasized during a meeting held on Wednesday between Prime Minister Edi Rama and the US Chargé d'Affaires in Albania David Wisner. The American Embassy in Tirana publicly announced the meeting and also shared additional details about the topics covered, including cooperation in the UN Security Council and the hospitality of Afghans. " The Chargé d’Affaires David Wisner met with Prime Minister Edi Rama today to reaffirm the strong bond between the United States and Albania. They discussed our countries’ close partnership at the United Nations Security Council, especially, on Ukraine, as well as the importance of supporting Albania’s youth. Wisner also thanked the Prime Minister for the extraordinary hospitality Albania has shown to Afghans," stated the press release issued by the American Embassy in Tirana. A day ago, President Bajram Begaj also welcomed the American envoy in Tirana. In his speech, Begaj highlighted the crucial role of the USA in strengthening democracy within our nation, and he reaffirmed Albania's dedication to the strategic partnership with the United States. The Albanian head of state deemed the support from the USA essential for enhancing effectiveness in combating organized crime and corruption within our country.


Xhacka: Albania at the helm of UN Security Council Presidency for the second time (Radio Tirana)


On the occasion of assuming the second Presidency of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization, Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka issued a statement to the media today. "Albania starts tomorrow its second Presidency of the UN Security Council", said Xhacka, who added that, "this Albanian Presidency of the Security Council comes at a really difficult moment, when the world faces a series of very serious crises and conflicts, from Ukraine to the food insecurity crisis due to the war in Ukraine and the policies pursued by Russia, from Yemen, Sudan and the Middle East as a whole, to the crisis and insecurity prevailing today in the Sahel". "It is therefore a moment that, like never before, needs the commitment of the international community, and especially of the Security Council to guarantee peace and security in the world, to guarantee respect for international law and the UN Charter. Holding the Presidency of the Security Council gives our country the opportunity to determine to a large extent, of course in close consultation with allies and partners, what will be the agenda of the Council for the month of September, what are those issues that will receive the attention of the Council, what are those situations benefiting from the commitment of the Security Council", underlined Xhacka. Minister Xhacka added, "unlike January 2021, when we sat for the first time in the Security Council, today we approach our Presidency with the advantage of a valuable experience accumulated during these last 20 months, but also with the advantage given to us in the eyes of allies and partners by the very successful and professional performance we had during this mandate". Xhacka highlighted two important moments of this Presidency, two significant activities. "First, it is a very important and innovative initiative, for which we have been working for almost two years, and which we have included in the agenda of the Council for the month of September. It is about an ambitious and very challenging effort to guarantee the quick and effective distribution of humanitarian aid anywhere in the world in times of crisis, either in war situations or in situations of natural disasters", said Xhacka. "Our country, our team, has collaborated with a very serious group of organizations and large American corporations, to build a cooperation platform that will, on the one hand, enable large businesses and corporations to offer their contribution either financially or in goods or services in humanitarian crisis situations, creating synergy or complementing existing humanitarian aid mechanisms, and on the other hand, it will improve and make faster and more efficient the way these aids and contributions are distributed, so that they go in the right place and at the right time, where there is a real need", said Xhacka. "It is about gathering together, on an innovative cooperation platform, large corporations and businesses that want to make their humanitarian contribution, but have difficulty doing so through the mechanisms and existing instruments of the UN system, and that this is why they have chosen to work with us to build a new platform. The idea has been well received, it has found a lot of support from actors and interest groups, and our country deserves credit for not only being one of the initiators and closest collaborators of this initiative, but also for bringing it to the attention of the Council of Security", she emphasized. The next landmark activity of our presidency, continued Xhacka, "will of course be dedicated to the illegal Russian aggression against Ukraine. This is one of the issues we have worked with the most, as co-custody with the United States of America. An issue which has really marked our mandate and has made Albania gain the respect and admiration of its partners and allies for the seriousness, professionalism and courage with which it has worked to support international law, the UN Charter, Ukraine and to condemn Russia". In this context, said Minister Xhacka, "we will organize a high-level Open Debate in the Security Council, which will focus on the consequences of the illegal Russian aggression against Ukraine for peace and security in the world, as well as in joint efforts to strengthen and consolidate multilateralism and respect for international law". Of course, she added, "during September there will be many activities and other important events because the agenda of the Security Council is really intense. Not only that, but during September, as you know, the high-level week of the UN Parliamentary Assembly also takes place". But, Xhacka emphasized, "the activities that I presented to you are undoubtedly the culminating moments of our Presidency. There are two landmark activities for which a lot of work has been done and which I am sure will leave a mark by consolidating the name good and successful performance of our country in the Security Council".