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Belgrade Media Report 18 March 2024



Vucic: No one can take away Serbia’s right to truth about March pogrom (RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said last night, at a commemorative event marking the Day of Remembrance of the Pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija of 17 March 2004, that we must not remain silent about what happened then and that no one can take the truth away from us. Speaking at the event in the National Theatre, attended by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, ministers, representatives of the Serbian Army, Serbian Orthodox Church, religious communities and the diplomatic corps, as well as members of parliament, families of the victims and others, Vucic said that we did not analyse enough what happened then and what resulted from it. When 20 years have passed since a crime was committed, without justice for the victims, without punishment for the criminals, the question arises, what do we have left after all? What should we say to the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, who experienced a pogrom on 17 March 2004, when ten of them were killed, almost 1,000 injured, 4,000 were permanently expelled from their homes, while their houses were devastated and torn down, and 35 churches and monasteries damaged and destroyed, he stated. He pointed out that the pogrom against the Serbs, which took place on 17 March 2004, had only one goal, and that was the independence of the so-called Kosovo. It was an organised and prepared action, and not any kind of anger or rage of people who saw the injustice that happened to the boys from Cabra, near Zubin Potok. Vucic said that from 2008 to 2012 and 2013, we lost a lot, because more than half of the world recognised the independence of the so-called Kosovo. They have never fulfilled anything from the Brussels agreement. They don't even mention it anymore, now the Ohrid agreement is being mentioned, from which we fulfilled something, and the authorities in Pristina nothing, Vucic emphasised. You can carry out whatever actions and threats you want, but we will never accept the results of the pogrom of 17 March 2004, nor the unilateral decision on the so-called independence of Kosovo, the President said and reiterated that Kosovo and Metohija will always be part of sovereign and independent Serbia.


Vucic: They did not listen carefully - no surrender of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


In a reaction to a report by Sarajevo-based Slobodna Bosna that he has surrendered Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday that "they did not listen carefully" to what he had said. Vucic said this was "superficial" reporting by "extremists".

"The essence is that there will be no surrender and that they (Pristina) will not be given the green light if they want to carry out something by force," Vucic said in Indjija, northwestern Serbia. He also said there was no agreement on the Dinar issue in Kosovo and Metohija because Serbia faced a demand to abolish its national currency in its own territory. "I have no expectations. What I have talked about is something that has far-reaching consequences and I will speak about it in more detail on Friday," Vucic said in response to a question from a reporter, noting that Serbia "will not and cannot" abolish the Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija.


Dacic: Worst crimes committed against innocent people and clergy during Pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic attended a commemorative ceremony marking the Day of Remembrance of the Pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija and stated that on 17 and 18 March 2004, the worst atrocities were committed against innocent people and clergy. "Today we remember the tragic pogrom against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, which was carried out by Albanian extremists in 2004. 20 years have passed since this second great pogrom of Serbs after 1999, when they were exposed to terrible violence and persecution. On 17 and 18 March 2004, the worst atrocities were committed against innocent people and clergy, innocent lives were lost - 16 Serbs were killed, hundreds were injured, and around 4,000 were expelled, our (Serbian Orthodox) shrines were burned, our churches and monasteries destroyed - more than 1,000 homes, churches and monasteries were destroyed by the onslaught of the Albanian scourge," Dacic wrote on Instagram. He added that the anniversary of the Pogrom of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija in 2004 remains deeply etched in our collective consciousness as a reminder of suffering and losses suffered by our compatriots. "While we pay tribute to the victims, we say that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are not alone. We will always find ways to protect our people in Kosovo and Metohija! That is our duty!," concluded the Minister.


Vucic: Meeting with Lajcak addressed unbearable living conditions for Kosovo Serbs (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday evening his meeting with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak had addressed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the unbearable living conditions for Serbs in the province. "We assessed possibilities and topics for a continuation of constructive discussions in Brussels, as well as the necessary steps for progress towards normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations," Vucic wrote on Instagram. He added that he had reiterated a call to the international community to "engage in a concrete and determined manner on substantial issues for the survival of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija and regional stability."


Brnabic: Continuation of work on fulfillment of ODIHR recommendations (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended on Friday the meeting of the Working Group for the Improvement of Election Conditions. At the invitation of the Prime Minister, representatives of ODIHR, OSCE, Delegation of the EU in Serbia, as well as representatives of the US Embassy attended the meeting. She informed the participants of the meeting about everything that has been done so far in order to fulfill the recommendations of the ODIHR from the final report of this institution after the elections held last December in the Republic of Serbia. Regarding recommendation 1, the existing Working Group, which was formed by the current government, will actively work on the implementation of the ODIHR recommendations until the formation of the new government, when a new working group will be formed that will continue to work on implementation of the ODIHR recommendation with all relevant entities in an inclusive manner. As part of recommendation 2, the work on the Law amending the Law on the Election of MPs and the Law on Local Elections was completed, which, among other things, foresees attending training for work in the local election commission to be a precondition for appointment to these bodies, both in permanent and expanded composition. With regard to recommendation 3, ODIHR submitted comments on the draft voter training programme and suggested holding a workshop in Belgrade, for further consultations on determining the final text of the training programme. As for recommendation 4, a meeting of the working group for data analysis in the Single Voter List was held, and on 8 March, an invitation was sent to ODIHR to delegate technical assistance for the voter list. Recommendations 5 and 6 will be discussed in an inclusive manner with all relevant entities. Recommendation 7 refers to the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media. Recommendation 8 is another recommendation that has been fully implemented, so the number of recommendations fulfilled so far has increased to three.

The Electoral Commission has published data on gender representation in all local election boards on its website and is preparing an amendment to the Instructions for Nominating Persons to Election Commissions, so that data on gender representation will be kept at the level of the election board, municipality/city and the entire Republic of Serbia. The data will also be processed for the upcoming Belgrade elections. When it comes to recommendation 9, the Proposal for a Decision amending the Decision of the National Assembly on the Organisation and Work of the Service of the National Assembly has been prepared. Recommendation 10 requires changes to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, and for its fulfillment it is necessary to achieve a broader social consensus. As for recommendation 11, the work on the amendments to the Law on the Election of MPs and the Law on Local Elections has been completed, which, among other things, change the current rule and prescribe the possibility for a voter to support multiple electoral lists by signature. With regard to recommendation 12, the work on the Draft Law amending the Law on the Election of MPs has been completed, which, among other things, deletes the possibility of rejecting the electoral list without first ordering the elimination of the deficiency that is the reason for the rejection. In order to fulfill recommendation 13, it was agreed to establish a contact center for reporting violations of these provisions within the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government.

By decision of the Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government ("Official Gazette of RS" 19/24 of March 13, 2024), a Contact Centre for receiving complaints is established in the Ministry. Regarding recommendation 14, various measures were proposed in joint work with the teams of the Commissioner for Gender Equality and the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue. In the field of fulfillment of recommendation 15, the Anti-Corruption Agency submitted an initiative to amend the Law on the Financing of Political Activities to the Ministry of Finance, based on which the Ministry submitted a proposal to amend the Law on the Financing of Political Activities in accordance with this recommendation.

Recommendation 16 will be discussed in a wider composition, in an inclusive manner with all relevant entities. Also, in order to fulfill recommendation 17, the Anti-Corruption Agency submitted an initiative to amend the Law on Prevention of Corruption to the Ministry of Justice, on the basis of which the Ministry submitted a proposal to amend the Law on Prevention of Corruption in accordance with this recommendation. In order to fulfill recommendation 18, a meeting of the permanent Working Group for the Safety of Journalists will be held next week.

Recommendation 19 refers to the work of the media. When it comes to recommendation 20, the work on the amendments to the Law on the Election of MPs and the Law on Local Elections has been completed, which, among other things, introduce additional criteria for the recognition of minority status and foresee possible evidence that submitters of electoral lists prove that the candidates for MPs deal with minority rights. Recommendation 21 is within the competence of the judicial authority. As for recommendation 22, international observers will be welcome in Serbia in the future, as they have been so far, to observe the election process and will have all the necessary conditions for unhindered work. In order to fulfill recommendation 23, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government instructed all local election commissions to consider and carry out an adequate division of polling stations where more than 1,800 voters cast their votes, in order to facilitate better conditions at polling stations on election day, and redistribute it into two or more polling stations. In order to fulfill recommendation 24, the Ministry of Justice drafted a proposal to amend the Law on the Constitutional Court. As for recommendation 25, ODIHR will consult with the Election Commission and specify this recommendation in the coming days. The Election Commission sent a request to the ODIHR for clarification and a more detailed explanation of this recommendation. Upon receiving the requested information, consideration of ways to fulfill it will be started.


Significant cooperation with OSCE Mission, US Embassy to Belgrade (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on Friday with Head of the OSCE Mission Jan Braathu and US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill. Brnabic emphasised the importance of cooperation in previous years and expressed the hope that this successful cooperation will continue in the future, with the next government, as well as with her personally. Also, the Prime Minister expressed her gratitude to the ambassadors for the dedication and goodwill they showed in their functions and expressed confidence that their cooperation will be beneficial for both parties in the future. The Ambassadors pointed out that they had the privilege of cooperating with Prime Minister Brnabic and that they had achieved a good partnership relationship. They expressed their respect for her work and commitment and wished her success in her future activities and new duties.


NADA coalition demands mixed committee to clean up voter roll (N1)


Representatives of the NADA coalition said Monday that Serbia is in a deep political crisis, that the state of democracy is deteriorating, and demanded the setting up of a mixed committee comprising experts, representatives of political parties and NGOs, that would take part in cleaning up the voter roll. Milos Jovanovic of the New Democratic Party of Serbia, which is a member of the NADA coalition, told a media conference that the announced Belgrade elections and the non-existent election conditions best testify to the deteriorating state of democracy. He said he is certain that the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) cannot win the coming Belgrade elections. “Using all available means, the NADA coalition will fight, in the parliament, on the streets and in the damaged institutions and media, for the minimal conditions for a fair fight,” said Jovanovic. He said this includes the formation of a mixed committee that would comprise experts, representatives of political parties and NGOs, and which would take part in controlling and cleaning up the voter roll. “We cannot allow for people who are not from Belgrade to take part in forming the city government,” stressed Jovanovic.


Blinken: Kosovo, Serbia need to meet their obligations stemming from EU-mediated dialogue (Beta)


US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken urged Kosovo and Serbia to fulfill all of their obligations arising from their dialogue which is being facilitated by the EU. Speaking at a joint press conference with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, the US official said they had discussed the situation in the Western Balkans, media outlets from Pristina reported on Friday. Blinken reiterated that the EU-mediated dialogue was the right way. “We need to see good faith and constructive efforts on both sides, in Kosovo and in Serbia, so that we can stabilize relations and take that path. Tensions need to be at a low level, coordination must improve, and transparency with international partners increased, while all of the obligations assumed in the dialogue must be fulfilled,” the US diplomat said.


Borrell: Time for Belgrade, Pristina to stop tensions, apply agreement (Beta)


The EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell has said that it is high time for Belgrade and Pristina to "break the current vicious cycle of crises and tensions" and enter a new, European era by fulfilling agreements that were reached a year ago, the European External Action Service said in a press release on 17 March. "It is now high time for both Kosovo and Serbia to break the current vicious cycle of crises and tensions, and move into a new - European - era. The Agreement (on the path to normalization and the annex on its application) offers a better future for the citizens of Kosovo and Serbia and the entire region," reads the statement on the anniversary of the document. Borrell said the EU expected the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to demonstrate responsibility, vision and leadership by making progress in applying the agreement without further delay. "It is an opportunity they should not miss. The European Union continues to stand ready to help Kosovo and Serbia in every step along the way, but they are the ones who have to take those steps and move forward," the statement quotes Borrell as saying. According to him, 18 March marks the first anniversary of the Agreement on the path to normalization reached by Belgrade and Pristina in Ohrid, North Macedonia. The agreement and an annex for its implementation were reached after months of intensive EU-mediated negotiations to help the two sides achieve a breakthrough in normalizing relations.


Giaufret: Opposition should take up its role in parliament (Beta/Politika)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret told Beta on Saturday that the opposition should take up its role and functions in the new parliament, adding that the timely, inclusive and transparent implementation of the ODIHR's recommendations before any future election must become a priority for Serbia. "The parliament is finalizing the inauguration process and could soon pick a leadership and permanent bodies and delegations. In that context, we expect the opposition to assume its role and relevant parliamentary functions in line with the usual practices of a parliamentary democracy. We hope that, by its presence in the parliament and by assuming these functions, the opposition will contribute to the acceleration of the process of EU membership and the reform agenda," Giaufret said. He added that, at the same time, "the timely, inclusive and transparent implementation of the ODIHR's recommendations before any future election must remain a priority for Serbia." Serbian MPs are poised to resume the inaugural session of Serbia's 14th parliament on 18 March. Parliament's leadership and the members of working bodies will be appointed. A motion for hitherto Prime Minister Ana Brnabic to become speaker of the parliament entered parliamentary procedure earlier.


Djilas responds to EU Ambassador: Opposition would like to take parliamentary seats that belong to it, but they were stolen (N1)


Democratic Serbia expects the EU to say clearly and loudly what Serbia looks like today, to say that the elections in Serbia were unfair and unjust, that Serbia has distanced itself from Europe and that the Serbian authorities have de facto stopped the accession process, because all these are indisputable facts, said the leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas, reacting to the statement of the EU Ambassador in Serbia Emanuele Giaufret. “Esteemed ambassador, the opposition would like to take the parliamentary seats that belong to it by the will of the citizens, but they were stolen by the SNS deputies through the election theft. We would like to take over the leadership of Belgrade, but we are prevented from doing so by the election theft. In addition, it does not occur to (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic to implement any essential recommendations of the ODIHR, nor to acknowledge the facts stated in the resolution of the European Parliament. On the contrary, he continues to abuse the media more intensively than before the December elections, to put pressure on employees in state enterprises and the administration, and to bring voters from the south of Serbia to Belgrade,” Djilas stressed. He also said that all those who are silent about “the aforementioned facts” and everyone who “allegedly” does not see the level of corruption and crime in Serbia “become accomplices of Aleksandar Vucic in the destruction of Serbia”.


Serbian parliamentary constitutive session resumes (Beta)


The constitutive session of the Serbian parliament – which unsuccessfully commenced and was adjourned on 6 February – resumed on 18 March and should entail the election of the parliament speaker, the deputy prime ministers as well as the members of various parliamentary committees, known as ‘working bodies’. So far, former prime minister Ana Brnabic has been nominated as the new parliament speaker, while the candidates for the six deputy prime ministers have yet to be announced. The other positions that are expected to be filled during the session are the parliament general secretary and the members of the parliamentary working bodies and of permanent parliamentary delegations to various international institutions. The new parliament speaker is also supposed to call a new election for Belgrade’s local government, which, according to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, should take place on 2 June.




Dodik: Persecution of Serbs from Kosovo continues even after 2004 pogrom (Srna)


In a statement to Srna on Sunday on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the pogrom of Serbs in Kosovo, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that the pogrom of Serbs “from Kosovo and Metohija” (KiM) has been going on for decades, but that Serbs remember the most brutal one from 20 years ago, when hundreds of houses and churches were demolished in a few days, innocent civilians were killed, and thousands of Serbs were expelled from KiM. Dodik noted: “The persecution of Serbs from KiM continued even after that and in front of the eyes of the entire international community, and through various pressures and blackmail it continues today. Even 20 years later, there is no answer to the question of who organized the ethnic cleansing of the southern Serbian province of the Serbs, even though the rampage of the Albanians at that time was condemned by the Security Council and the EU.” Dodik also said that a bitter taste remains, and he doubts whether strong international military forces could have stopped “the rampage of Kosovo Albanians” and whether the international military mission in KiM was complicit in the events that happened 20 years ago. “It is a sad truth that only for crimes against Serbs, whether they were committed in KiM, Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), there is always the same sentence - no one was held accountable for the crime”, concluded the RS President.


Becirovic: I hope decision of European Council will be positive, negative decision would only make Moscow happy (Dnevni avaz)


The daily carried an interview with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Denis Becirovic who took over the eight-month chairmanship over B&H Presidency on Saturday. Becirovic told the daily that for the past six months, he has been having intense discussions with key EU officials and representatives of the member states, advocating for European Council’s decision to open accession negotiations with B&H on 21 March. “The decision to grant B&H the candidate status represented encouragement for all people in our country, and it contributed to raising awareness about the need to accelerate our European path. We achieved concrete results in the past year. B&H Presidency fully completed its obligations, and B&H Council of Ministers and B&H Parliament are infinitely more efficient in this compared to the previous mandate. We have full aligned our foreign policy with the EU foreign and security policy. Because of the concrete results, and because of a series of other reasons, I expect that the decision will be positive in the end”, said Becirovic. He underlined that B&H belongs in the EU and added that there are serious geopolitical reasons to accelerate B&H’s integration in the EU. He also argued that B&H and the EU share many interests. Becirovic also argued that strong and stable B&H is in the best interest of the EU because it guarantees stability in the region. “I think it is time for the Eu to sow not only economic and institutional, but also legal, political and integrative capacity to integrate B&H as well. Let us not forget that the enlargement process is a power tool of transformation in the hands of the EU”, said Becirovic. He added that the EU enlargement policy should not be slowed down but intensified. He explained that after the European Council approves the opening of negotiations, B&H will have a complex and difficult process ahead. Becirovic expressed hope that the decision of the Council will be positive, noting that a negative decision would only make Moscow happy. Becirovic thanked Head of EU Delegation Johann Sattler for his support and the efforts to help B&H as much as possible.


Dodik: Becirovic needs to explain to the public what kind democracy allows foreigner to annul decisions of institutions (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik wrote on X that there is no place for the OHR and the High Representative in sovereign, Dayton and constitutional B&H. He added that if all political actors are dedicated to the EU path of B&H, then it is clear that the only possible way for this is shutting down of forced international administration in B&H and departing of a man who falsely represents himself as the High Representative. “Advocating of Bosniak member of Presidency Denis Becirovic for continuation of acting of non-appointed foreigner, who returned B&H into dark ages by imposing decisions, is the culmination of stupidity, anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional activities and servile policy,” said Dodik. He said that Becirovic managed to put in one sentence the story about strengthening of democracy in B&H and activities of illegal Schmidt: “Let Becirovic explain to the public in B&H, what kind of democracy it is, where a foreigner annuls decisions of institutions, enacts laws instead of people who were elected to do that and imposes the trial over everyone who stands against his force, existence of the OHR and activities of all HRs in B&H since its creation, is contradictory to rule of law and all European standards. Everyone who accepts for B&H to continue to function as a colony, forsakes its European future.” He stressed that the real question is whether Europe is ready to accept us as equal collocutor and to confirm what is deeply engraved into its foundations, that no sovereign country can be run by some administrator. “Until now we could hear very shy messages from the EU that they do not agree with having Schmidt impose something. It is time for them to convey clear message whether they are in favor of stable and functional B&H, where decisions are reached by representatives of constituent peoples, or for disintegrated B&H by American standards, where decisions are reached by their puppet, phony Schmidt,” Dodik wrote. He concluded that the message that they are waiting is the date for opening of the accession talks and this will be “their response to their American colleagues that they cannot impose their vision of B&H, which cannot and will never come to life here”.


Becirovic: Statements of some politicians that opening of negotiating process basically means relocating of OHR do not have any foundation in DPA (


After RS President Milorad Dodik stated that (High Representative) Christian Schmidt should leave B&H on 21 March, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic reacted and said: “Statements of some politicians that opening of the negotiating process basically means relocating of the institution of the OHR do not have any foundation in the Dayton Peace Accords. This is about irresponsible and anti-Dayton messages with far-reaching, dangerous consequences for peace and stability in B&H and the region.” He added that the DPA is not a buffet from which some politicians can take or reject what they like. Becirovic further said: “This is an international agreement, which must be respected integrally. I call on politicians, who talk about closing down of the OHR, to start to tell their political allies that it is the time for closure and giving up on the anti-Dayton, unconstitutional and separatist policy. The Euro-Atlantic path of B&H, among other things, should result in political, economic and institutional stabilization of the B&H society and the country and in development of a civil society… This means that the negotiating processes should result in stabilization and strengthening of B&H at the national and international level. In order to close the OHR down in B&H it is not enough to start the negotiations, but it is necessary to meet previously set demands, that is, it is necessary to implement so-called ‘Program 5+2’”. Becirovic concluded that attempts to dispute and undermine the institution of the HR and the Constitutional Court of B&H are a part of a plan, devised in details, whose ultimate goal is removing of all institutions in charge of peace, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Becirovic concluded: “Only when previously defined conditions are met, which are necessary for relocating, that is closure of the OHR, when the PIC Steering Board positively assesses the situation in B&H based on full respecting of the DPA and constitutional organization of B&H, we can talk about closing of the OHR in B&H.”


Escobar: RS has no capacity to oppose NATO or to declare independence (O Kanal)


US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Gabriel Escobar said there is no room for fear due to announcements of RS President Milorad Dodik about the declaration of independence of the RS if Donald Trump wins the presidential election in the USA. He said that he does not think that the impoverished entity of 750,000 people has the capacity to oppose NATO. "The international community is dedicated to the independence, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character of B&H. We have peacekeeping forces in B&H. We have the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) with enormous powers. And NATO has repeatedly repeated that it will not allow a security vacuum in B&H. So, Dodik's statements are damaging, but I don't think that the impoverished entity of 750,000 people, which is constantly increasing its debt, has the capacity to oppose NATO or to declare independence that would be sustainable," said Escobar.


Dodik: Escobar’s assessment about the RS is lie (N1/Srna)


N1 carried that there is no end to the verbal war between RS President Milorad Dodik and the US administration. US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar got involved again, calling the RS "an impoverished entity that does not have the strength to stand up to NATO or to declare sustainable independence" even though "Dodik's statements are damaging". In his reaction, Dodik called such an assessment a lie and he once again accused US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy of being responsible for the US sanctions imposed against the officials in the RS. “That is what Murphy does, but he will not be doing it forever," Dodik noted. Dodik is considering countermeasures that include the idea that the RS should impose sanctions against the US President, but also the UK Prime Minister. The RS President announced his decision to close his bank account, all after the announcement from Washington that the banks that provide services to him and other sanctioned individuals could also be blacklisted. “I will withdraw from the banks where I receive my salary and everything else, I will withdraw all accounts and I suggest that everyone do it, and in the coming days we will see how we will enable internal regulations to enable people to exercise their labour rights," he announced. Speaking for Srna, RS President Dodik reacted to Escobar’s statements and said that the RS has the strength and can function even in conditions of “serious insidious pressures exerted by Escobar and his structure in B&H led by US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy”. Dodik noted that NATO is not represented by Escobar, but by Jens Stoltenberg as the NATO Secretary General. According to Dodik, Stoltenberg recently said that the alliance is in a state of dialogue and cooperation as far as B&H is concerned. “They are trying to destroy the Dayton Peace Agreement, and they are blaming us for it. That is why the RS has gathered the strength”, the RS President added.  The RS President emphasized that the US has been trying to take away the competences from the RS in B&H for 30 years. In addition, Dodik assessed that Escobar's latest statements are not accidental and they intentionally come in the days when B&H needs to get the status of a negotiator with the EU. “It is very indicative that it is America, with several of its public statements in recent days, is trying to complicate the political situation in B&H, with its insidious activities. They do not do anything - they sanction us, threaten the banks not to cooperate with the Government, with the RS authorities, they accuse Dodik, drag me through reports, they are bothered by our ties with President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and Russia and by us getting negotiating status with the EU. They prevent us from working with our Chinese partners, they threaten with NATO, and with the fake High Representative. They threaten with all kinds of things”, Dodik commented, and presented an opinion that the US policy is “one of the most hypocritical in this area”. Dodik added: “If you Americans are in favor of Kosovo being a state, why do you mind RS being a state?” Dodik believes that the RS could absolutely be independent according to all indicators, according to its territory, according to the will of the people, according to the functional authorities it has, and that this is not a problem at all. Dodik also noted in this regard: “And Escobar knows this perfectly well, and that is why he deliberately brings back the topic of some kind of separation and secession. He says that the RS would not be sustainable if it were independent, and he knows perfectly well that the RS would be far more self-sustainable and could function much better than B&H, which he is so persistently trying to impose on everyone as a belief here in this region.” Dodik emphasized that the only way to maintain peace in B&H is for everyone to return to the original Dayton. He concluded that Escobar fears of Republicans’ presidential candidate Donald Trump, who is supported in the RS, because in case of his victory Escobar would “turn into nobody”.


Covic attends 20th HDZ Croatia General Assembly: April 17, when Croatian elections will be held, will be a non-working day in B&H as well (N1)


The HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic delivered a speech at 20th General Assembly of HDZ Croatia. He announced that Wednesday, 17 April, when the Croatian elections are held, will be a non-working day in B&H as well. "A message to all those who were thinking that maybe on the 16th and 17th it will not be possible to organize election activities in B&H because they have been predominantly organized through school institutions, because that was the only possibility. Well, now the answer to you and to all those who are listening, and to them too. It will be a non-working day for us as well as for you. Only that will be a celebration for us," said Covic. "For us, it will truly be a two-day celebration. For those who do not know, we planned to open a trade fair in Mostar on 16 April, the partner country this year is Croatia. It is the jubilee 25th fair, so it was fitting. The prime minister planned to come on the evening of the 15th with other prime ministers from the surrounding area, and to open the fair on the 16th. I am sure that these dates will not disrupt that in any way and that we will gather below to send a message on behalf of all Croats living in B&H - there are no misconceptions and there is no room for adulation of Croats of B&H," he said. Covic added that Croats in B&H are not a diaspora but a constituent people. He thanked the Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic because he helps Croats in B&H remain constitutionally equal and legitimately represented through all authorities in B&H. Covic also said that without the help of Plenkovic, his dear friend, B&H would have not been given the status of candidate nor have the recommendation of the European Commission for the opening of B&H’s accession negotiations.


Milanovic: Things done by HDZ B&H and its leader Covic, i.e. on the Zagreb-Mostar line, show that these people do not wish to solve problems of Croats in B&H (FTV)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic had a strong reaction to the work that was done regarding the Election Law of B&H, and the rights of Croats in that country. Harsh accusations and insults came from Milanovic, as well as an announcement that he will interfere into these matters in B&H. Speaking to reporters, Milanovic said that things done by HDZ B&H and its leader Dragan Covic, i.e. on the Zagreb-Mostar line, which he says is “the same crew,” those things show that these people do not wish to solve the problems of Croats in B&H. Milanovic accused HDZ B&H and Covic of making fools out of the citizens. Milanovic emphasized that Croats must have the right to choose their own member of the B&H Presidency, and not for this to be done by Bosniak voters. He added that Croats deserve to be represented by true politicians that know what they need and how to get that. Milanovic said Croats in B&H were represented, so far, by “thieves” and “fraudsters,” and he tends to change this. He mentioned his candidacy for the next Croatian Prime Minister and said he would use this post to fight for the rights of Croats in B&H. “I just need to get my hands on the instruments, because as a President, I cannot do that,” Milanovic elaborated.


Milanovic decided: Parliamentary elections on Wednesday, 17 April (HRT)


The elections for the new, 11th convocation of the Croatian Parliament will be held on Wednesday, 17 April, decided the President of the Republic Zoran Milanovic on Friday, who also decided that the elections for members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Croatia will be held on Sunday, 9 June. “Although we all expected that the election would be held on Sunday, this time the election will be held on Wednesday, 17 April, and the decision comes into effect today, which means that the parties have 14 days to submit their candidate lists. After that, the State Election Commission has 48 hours to review the lists and present the final lists,” HRT journalist Nikolina Cosic said when speaking from Pantovcak where the president’s office is located. “After the announcement,” she said, “the campaign will begin, which will last a little more than two weeks.” “It is interesting to mention that this time we will go to the elections for the first time according to the amended electoral law, a fifth of the voters - that is, 22 percent, will go to the elections in constituencies where they have not been before,” she added. Elections at polling stations in Croatia will be held on Wednesday, 17 April, and abroad, in Croatian diplomatic and consular missions, on Tuesday, 16 April, and Wednesday, 17 April, according to the president's decision to call elections for deputies in the 11the convocation of parliament since independence. The decision enters into force, which means that the election deadlines begin tomorrow, including the 14-day deadline in which political parties, independent lists and candidates must submit their lists to the State Election Commission. The State Election Commission then has a deadline of 48 hours to publish the summary list of valid lists and candidacies, which will start the official election campaign. The press release from the Office of the President states that, according to the Act on Elections of Members of Croatian Parliament, Article 5, Paragraph 3, the day of the election is a non-working day. 151 representatives are elected to Parliament. Voters will elect 151 representatives, 140 of them in ten constituencies in Croatia, three in the diaspora are elected by Croatian citizens residing abroad, and eight members of national minorities in the 12th constituency, which is the entire country. Croatian citizens over the age of 18 can vote and run for representatives. In order to possibly elect them, the names of the candidates must be on the lists that can be proposed by registered political parties or coalitions and voters, in which case they are independent lists, that is, lists of a group of voters. Such lists, in order to be valid, must collect at least 500 signatures of voters in the constituency in which they are running. Political parties are at an advantage in this regard, they do not have to collect signatures. Voters can also use the preferential vote, i.e. circle the name of the candidate they prefer on the list and thus enable him to "skip" the candidates that the proponents put in front of him. The decision to announce elections for members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Croatia will enter into force on Tuesday, 9 April.


Milanovic to head the SDP list: I will resign after the election victory (HRT)


“Zoran Milanovic will head the Social Democratic Party (SDP) list in the 1st electoral unit,” said SDP president Pedja Grbin. Milanovic announced that he will run as an independent and non-partisan candidate on the SDP list and that he will step down from the post of President of the Republic after the election victory, which he is sure of. Pedja Grbin, president of the SDP, said at a press conference that today is a wonderful day because it is moving towards change. “We are embarking on a change that Croatia desperately needs. Election Day on Wednesday will become a holiday of freedom and democracy, but it will also become a symbol of the moment when Croatia begins to change for the better again. 24 years ago, we also had elections that did not fall on a Sunday, and from 2000 until today these are definitely the most important elections that Croatia is facing, because these have become elections for democracy,” said Grbin. “I know that there was a lot of criticism on my account and that is why I will not be the SDP candidate for the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia in the elections. Zoran Milanovic will head the SDP list in the 1st constituency, he will soon be the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia,” said Grbin.


Milanovic: We will gather a parliamentary majority for a government of national salvation

“In the lives of each of us, there are moments when you need to get out of the comfort zone because there is no other way, the usual stops, the normal stops, the banal stops,” said Zoran Milanovic. “That hour knocked on my door, on the door of many of us, but specifically on my door with the imposition of Turudic,” Milanovic said. “The time has come, as my ancestors in Split's hinterland would say - to saddle the horses. We will gather a parliamentary majority, I believe a clear and solid one, for a government of national salvation - that's right, national salvation - and go full throttle to clean Augeas' stables that AP and his bullies left behind,” said Milanovic. “Whole rivers, just like in the Greek myth, will be needed to redirect it and to achieve it. This time, not the rivers of Heracles, Alpheus and Peneus, but the rivers of justice,” said Milanovic. The President of the Republic, Zoran Milanovic, announced on his Facebook profile that he decided to run as an independent and non-partisan candidate on the SDP list. He also announced that he will step down from the post of President of the Republic after the election victory. "Dear citizens, Croats, I decided to run as an independent and non-partisan candidate on the SDP list in the elections for the Croatian parliament, which will be held on April 17 this year. After the electoral victory, of which I am certain, I will step down from my position as President of the Republic and, with the support of the new majority in the Croatian Parliament, take responsibility for leading the government of the Republic of Croatia. Until I assume my new position, I will continue to perform my duties as President of the Republic of Croatia in accordance with my constitutional obligations and duties." The elections for the new, 11th convocation of the Croatian parliament will be held on Wednesday, 17 April, the President of the Republic Zoran Milanovic decided on Friday, who also decided that the elections for representatives of the European Parliament from the Republic of Croatia will be held on Sunday, 9 June.


Plenkovic: Milanovic’s election run dispels the myth of presidential impartiality (HRT)


The incumbent Croatian Prime Minister and HDZ party president was in Osijek where he addressed a party rally. The HDZ leader made it clear that his party is ready to go to the polls.

Speaking in Osijek on Friday Prime Minister and HDZ leader Andrej Plenkovic commented the unusual decision to call the parliamentary election for mid-week. He noted that while it was a little odd, it was irrelevant to the HDZ, which he said is ready to go to the polls and win a third consecutive mandate: "For us anything is good. The HDZ and our partners are ready for a democratic test before Croatian voters, given all of our achievements. It is a little unusual that the elections will be held mid-week, but this is all within the legislative framework. And in that regard, we are ready for these elections, and we're looking forward to the campaign. After two demanding, but as we see it, extremely successful mandates in terms of life for Croatian citizens and economic growth, we're asking once again for the trust of the citizens." Plenkovic also commented on President Zoran Milanovic's surprise decision to run as an independent on the SDP's slate: "Now we've heard that Milanovic is running as an independent in the elections on the SDP slate, but he'll still hang on to his function. Did you see this? Well, that’s the circus that keeps on going. However, I think that this is excellent. Finally, the masks are off, and there is no longer any dilemma about the president being above the political fray." Meanwhile, the opposition also commented the decision to call the elections for mid-week. Mozemo party candidate for Prime Minister, Sandra Bencic: "It is unusual that a working day was selected, but we feel that this is extremely positive, because we believe that this will result in a bigger voter turnout, and higher voter turnout is the key precondition for toppling the HDZ." "We have to be honest and admit that we are all a little shocked. But that's good. Today we have an announced election holiday in Croatia. And it's high time that we shock ourselves, that we surprise ourselves, and that we all together wake up and become aware that with each vote our future is in our hands," added Marija Selak Raspudic from MOST. There is also plenty of speculation as to who will represent each party on the election slate and who will form pre-coalitions with whom. In that regard media reports have surfaced that the Homeland Movement is in negotiations with the SDP. However, party president Ivan Penava rejected this as a pre-election provocation: "The Homeland Movement doesn't fall for these kinds of provocations, will you go with the SDP or the HDZ? For us it is extremely important that we receive the support of the citizens and that it be a strong as possible, so that we are put in a position to then sit at the table and negotiate over the policies that are of interest to us, policies that the Croatian people expect us to implement."


Escobar: The most important task for Montenegro is to support everything the Prime Minister does, a risk if the former DF enters the government (RFE/CdM)


This government of Montenegro is still very young. Even as such, it has made enormous progress towards the EU. It has made enormous progress in creating the foundations for a prosperous path towards the West and EU membership. Now the most important task for Montenegro is to support everything that the prime minister does, Gabriel Escobar, special envoy for the Western Balkans, said in an interview with Radio Free Europe. When asked by a journalist whether the USA would reconsider its relationship with Montenegro in the event that the parties of the former coalition gathered around the Democratic Front enter the government, Escobar replied that it is too early to talk about what the USA's relationship would be with the coalition that is against the West and EU. "However, this is a risk, and this is the question we asked the prime minister and the president", Escobar pointed out. When asked what will happen if they come to power, he did not answer specifically. "It's too early to talk about it, honestly. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. It is still too early to talk about it. This government of Montenegro is still very young. Even as such, it has made enormous progress towards the EU. It has made enormous progress in creating the foundations for a prosperous path towards the West and EU membership. Now the most important task for Montenegro is to support everything that the Prime Minister is doing," Escobar pointed out.


Kovachevski: Upcoming elections to decide if country joins EU or gets stuck in uncertainty, isolation, divisions (MIA)


SDSM is the option bringing hope, raising paychecks, pensions, living standards, and leading to a secure European future, the party's leader and former prime minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Friday evening at the opening of SDSM's campaign headquarters in Ohrid. "Why do I believe SDSM will form the new government? Because the citizens know full well that with SDSM there is no giving up, no turning back; SDSM is the best option for the country's future. An option that brings hope, an option that provides higher paychecks and pensions, a better and more dignified life for all. An option that is confidently, strongly and decisively walking the road to the EU," Kovachevski said. "SDSM is synonymous with progress and prosperity; VMRO-DPMNE is synonymous with hopelessness and staying stuck," he said. In the upcoming elections, Kovachevski said, voters would choose whether North Macedonia becomes an EU member and strengthens the benefits of NATO membership. The alternative, he said, would be for the country to be stuck indefinitely in difficult uncertainties, isolation, and divisions jeopardizing the country's future and progress. "But the people don't want a standstill," the SDSM leader said. "They don't want to be stuck and humiliated again. They remember the VMRO-DPMNE rule under the leadership of Nikola Gruevski, Hristijan Mickoski's mentor." "That's why we will win. The fight for a European Macedonian future continues," Kovachevski said. He added that he expected all SDSM campaign headquarters nationwide to celebrate the party's victory in the May 8 parliamentary election. "A new great victory for the brighter future of Macedonia," he said. According to Kovachevski, VMRO-DPMNE had no plan for Europe or the future and could not bring about any substantial change. He pointed to the VMRO-DPMNE-backed Skopje mayor and their other mayors in the rest of the country as examples of unfulfilled promises. "We in the SDSM have a clear vision for the country's European future," he said. "Anyone promising anything else should come out and say what it is. "What is their alternative vision for Macedonia? How will they make it happen? They don't have it. That's why they are not talking about it. DPMNE has no plan for Europe, no plan for the future."


Siljanovska-Davkova: Scandinavian policy toward neighbors, no need for veto threats (TV24)


If she won the presidential election, her policy as head of state toward neighboring countries would be Scandinavian, VMRO-DPMNE's presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova said in a TV24 appearance on Friday evening. She also said if she became President, she would pay her first official visit to a country from the region, likely Slovenia or Croatia as EU member states. "Because if we don't stand together and support one another regionally, we can't expect support from other countries," Siljanovska-Davkova said, pointing to Sweden, Finland and Denmark's supportive stance toward Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania on their way to building democracy even though, she noted, they had a worse starting point than the former Yugoslav countries. The VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate also said she had expected EU member states in the neighborhood to be the first to help North Macedonia, but they, she said, "cannot leave behind the Balkan logic of ultimatums, nationalism, Balkanization, corruption and crime." She said some of them "caused us problems and have forgotten the Article 8 of the Lisbon Treaty that says the EU will encourage agreements with its neighbors on a reciprocal basis and help them on its way to the EU."  "If we sign treaties of friendship and good-neighborliness, there is no need for veto threats, which are far from friendship and good-neighborliness," Siljanovska-Davkova said. Asked if she would invite Bulgarian Predident Rumen Radev to a tete-a-tete meeting, she said, "Of course, you cannot avoid geography and geopolitics." "Of course I will discuss everything. For someone to respect you, you need to set an example," she said, adding that she had released books in Bulgaria and made Bulgarian friends through the Venice Commission. She couldn't say when the required constitutional change would be introduced but pointed out the country had changed the Constitution so many times over the past 30 years, yet they did not pertain "to the constitutional order and democracy but were initiated from outside." According to her, the Friendship Treaty was being violated by Bulgaria, and not by North Macedonia. "We need guarantees from our neighbor, as proof of friendship and good neighborliness," she said. Asked about her opinion on potential changes to the country's negotiating framework with the EU, she said any agreements had to be based on the EU's fundamental principles. She said there were "more sacred books" than the Negotiating Framework – the Lisbon Treaty and the Charter of Human Rights. "Negotiations with Bulgaria may be ongoing, but they should not use the veto, because of these fundamental principles," she said, adding that a mutual agreement was needed that "that the veto will not be used as a whip to threaten neighbors." In the interview, Siljanovska-Davkova also said that regardless of the outcome of the elections, a government without Albanian parties was not a good solution. She also said that a presidential cabinet without Albanians was not a good solution but that her office would employ "expert and competent Albanians".


Bekteshi: Whoever loses should step back from politics (MIA)


On behalf of DUI, party president Ali Ahmeti is holding talks with representatives of other political parties, non-governmental organizations as well as intellectuals and activists about joining a potential coalition for the upcoming parliamentary elections; as for SDSM, the parties are not very close to forming a coalition, Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi said Friday. "All options are open until the deadline for submitting the lists," Bekteshi said. Speaking about DUI's presidential candidate, Bujar Osmani, Bekteshi said he was "the most prepared candidate of all possible candidates, the most experienced candidate in terms of international politics and security policy." "I encourage all other candidates," he said, "to take part in public debates with Osmani so citizens can evaluate what they offer and what has been done within the constitutional competences of the country's President." Bekteshi said public opinion polls ahead of the parliamentary elections showed DUI would be the winning party from the ethnic Albanian bloc. "Regarding a coalition with SDSM, at the moment we are not very close to creating any such coalition, but the most important thing is that when DUI wins, citizens win, and we already know that DUI will win the next parliamentary election," he said. Asked if Ahmeti would step back from politics if DUI loses the election, he said the question should be addressed to Ahmeti. "That is a question for Mr. Ahmeti. But I urge political parties to make a deal that whoever loses should no longer be involved in politics. We are throwing down the gauntlet and we invite all political parties, including VMRO-DPMNE as well," he said. Asked if DUI would do the same if they lost the elections, Bekteshi said DUI had never lost an election and urged all parties "if they want, let's publicly sign that whoever loses the elections should no longer be involved in politics." "But this won't happen because these so-called political party leaders – not only from the Macedonian opposition but other leaders as well — they all have lost elections. More than once. Many times. Only Ahmeti has never lost and will never lose an election," Bekteshi said. In response to a question whether he would remain economy minister if DUI was part of the next government, Bekteshi said this was not important. "The most important thing is that DUI's idea, our vision, wins," he said. "When DUI wins, it will be good for our country's citizens, and it doesn't matter if it is Kreshnik or another one of my colleagues. He added that the party was focused not on their personal interests but on the best interests of the country and its future. According to Bekteshi, DUI was not discussing their parliamentary election victory but expecting it. As for the presidential election, he added, polls showed that Osmani held a lead over Arben Taravari and could make it to the runoff against one of the other presidential candidates.


Begaj in Baku, meeting with the Deputy Secretary General of the UN (Tirana Times)


President Bajram Begaj, while in Baku for a working visit, held a meeting with Guy Ryder, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations. Begaj assessed the meeting as constructive.

"We discussed the work Albania is doing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to respect human rights, as well as issues related to security and peace in the region and beyond," Begaj writes about the meeting on social media. "Furthermore, I assured that Albania fully supports the organization of the Summit for the Future as an initiative that offers opportunities for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals," President Begaj writes.


Balla meets his Romanian counterpart: Deepening of cooperation between the police (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Interior, Taulant Balla, during his stay in Vienna, held also a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of Romania, Catalin Predoiu. Balla stated that Romania is a country with which we have an old and traditional friendship. "We agreed to boost cooperation at an even higher level between the police forces of our two countries," emphasized Balla.


Ambassador of the EU, Silvio Gonzato: I appreciate the leadership and responsibility shown by the parties in reaching the agreement (Radio Tirana)


The agreement reached between the Socialist Party and the Reconstruction Party deputies has been welcomed by significant factors of diplomatic representatives in Albania. Recently, the EU Ambassador, through a post on the social network X, has reacted to the consensus between the majority and the united opposition on investigative commissions. In his comment, the ambassador writes that he welcomes the decision, which enables he resumption of the normal functioning of the parliament, appreciating the leadership and responsibility shown by the parties in reaching the agreement. He adds that the EU delegation has continuously emphasized that a functional assembly is the key to the integration process into the EU. "I welcome the decision of the chairpersons' conference, which enables the resumption of the normal functioning of the parliament, and I appreciate the leadership and responsibility shown by the parties in reaching the agreement. The EU delegation has continuously emphasized that a functional assembly is the key to the integration process into the EU," writes Ambassador Silvio Gonzato in his message on X.