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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 9, 2024

Albanian Language Media: 

  • Kurti: There are no trade measures against Serbia, only security measures (media)

  • Baerbock: We were able to untie the knot in CEFTA agreement together (media)

  • Kurti: Visit to Leposavic today, part of breast cancer awareness month (media)

  • Osmani represents Kosovo at Ukraine-South-East Europe Summit (media)

  • Initial hearing held in Pristina on Banjska attack case (media)

  • Koci: I have info many other people were involved in Banjska attack (media)

  • Kurti says publication of tapped conversation is part of “hybrid war” (media)

  • Bislimi: Lajcak working on next meeting of chief negotiators (media)

  • Kurti holds farewell meeting with outgoing COMKFOR Ulutas (media)

  • Surroi: Kosovo’s foreign policy is hostage to wrong decisions in dialogue (KTV)

  • Albulena Mehmeti appointed chair of RTK board (media)

  • Gervalla asks for €200,000 as solidarity for Bosnia after floods (Koha)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Vucic to Kasanof: The impossible conditions in which the Serbian people live in Kosovo (RTS)

  • Kurti visits Leposavic, reinforced police presence on streets (Kosovo Online)

  • Hetemi requests Centre for Social Work in Leposavic to evict premises it uses (Kosovo Online)

  • Director of Center for Social Work Leposavic: Hetemi's request attack on poorest, we are asking for protection of international community (Kosovo Online) 

  • Petkovic and SL on Center for Social Work in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)

  • Serbian Chamber of Commerce: Decision to announce lifting of ban on placement of Serbian products in Kosovo is incomplete (Tanjug)

  • The three accused for Banjska pleaded not guilty (KiM radio, KoSSev)

  • Lawyers in Banjska case: We will file appeal to dismiss indictment, objection to evidence (Kosovo Online)

  • Ambassador Hill about lithium, Kosovo issue, other topics in interview with N1 (N1, media)

  • “Intoxicated deputy minister in Kosovo government, involved in traffic accident with official vehicle released after testing” (Kosovo Online)

  • Erdogan to visit Serbia on October 10-11 (Tanjug)


  • Kosovo Serbs plead not guilty to terrorism over Banjska attack (BIRN)

  • ‘Take the lead’: Kosovo pushes Germany, France on Europe entry (AA)

  • In Kosovo, public access to criminal indictments varies from court to court (BIRN)


Albanian Language Media  



Kurti: There are no trade measures against Serbia, only security measures (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti told a press conference in Pristina today that Kosovo had never imposed trade measures against Serbia, but only security measures. “Kosovo doesn’t have trade measures against Serbia. Kosovo has security measures because for two years it [Serbia] sent its army four times near the border and because on four different occasions we confiscated outstanding amounts of weapons, while the terrorist group of Milan Radoicic is free in Serbia,” he said.


“However, there is a CEFTA meeting today, which is already underway. And on Monday there is the summit of the Berlin Process where CEFTA should be advanced to the Common Regional Market. We cannot open the border at all border crossings until we get the scanners that we want to purchase, and which were promised to us by the Europeans and the Americans. We have opened one border crossing, Merdare, where the customs terminal is only 300 meters away from the border crossing, and where goods are allowed [to pass] but with added controls. This is a security measure and in no way a trade measure as some have tried to present it,” Kurti added.


Kurti also argued that the EU’s measures against Kosovo were unfair and that now they are even becoming absurd. “We repeatedly ask for the penalty measures against Kosovo which were imposed in June last to be lifted. The measures were never fair and now they have even become absurd, because even the outgoing EU High Representative and Vice President of the European Commission has sent a letter to the 27 member states that the measures should be removed,” he said.


Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi told reporters that a vote will be held in Belgrade today, based on the proposal from Serbia, for UNMIK to be finally removed from participation in the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA). “A vote will be held in Belgrade today, following the proposal of the Serbian side, for UNMIK to be finally removed from representation in CEFTA. I see this as a very positive development, especially because it is happening in Belgrade, something that has not happened in many years,” Bislimi is quoted as saying. 


Baerbock: We were able to untie the knot in CEFTA agreement together (media)


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said in a post on X that the Western Balkans is moving closer together. “In the Berlin Process we were able to untie the knot in the free trade agreement CEFTA together. In doing so, we are paving the way for concrete improvements for the people on the ground. And strengthening our common Europe”.


German Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, shared Baerbock’s post adding “Good news! CEFTA bodies just decided to change the Rules of procedure and also successfully adopted 11 decisions. Looking forward to a successful Berlin Process Summit next week”.


Kurti: Visit to Leposavic today, part of breast cancer awareness month (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in today’s government meeting that his visit to the municipality of Leposavic earlier in the day was part of the breast cancer awareness month. “I just returned from Leposavic, where I stayed together with the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, and the Director of the Gynecological Clinic, Zef Ndrejaj. Mammographic equipment will be in Leposavic for two days to provide checkups for women and girls as part of breast cancer awareness and to prevent and diagnose it. After Leposavic, the mammographic equipment will go to Viti,” he said.


Kurti also said that they visited a facility which could be turned into a maternity unit for women from Leposavic. “Together with Minister Vitia, we visited a facility to see the possibility of turning it into a maternity unit that meets the need of women from Leposavic, so that they don’t have to cross the border and travel for dozens of kilometers to Novi Pazar and where their babies are registered as residents of Serbia,” he said.


Kurti said that during the visit they were accompanied by Leposavic mayor Lulzim Hetemi, deputy mayor Marina Bogojonovic and healthcare director Marina Zdravkovic. 


Koha covers Kurti’s visit under the headline “Kurti promises a maternity unit in Leposavic”.


Osmani to represent Kosovo at Ukraine-South-East Europe Summit in Croatia (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani will represent Kosovo at the Ukraine-South-East Europe Summit in Dubrovnik, Croatia. A press release issued by Osmani’s office today notes that she will be hosted by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and join other leaders from South-East Europe at the plenary session. “The summit is expected to reaffirm the unwavering support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, the importance of sanctions against Russia, cooperation with the EU and the support of South-East European countries for Ukraine. In addition to the plenary session where the President will give a speech, she will also hold meetings with her counterparts,” the press release notes.


Initial hearing held in Pristina on Banjska attack case (media)


All media cover the initial hearing about the attack against Kosovo Police in Banjska last year held today at the Basic Court in Pristina, during which two of the three defendants – Vladimir Tolic and Blagoje Spasojevic – refused to enter pleas, but the judge said the court considered the defendants pleaded not guilty. The third defendant – Dusan Maksimovic – pleaded innocent. 


The defendants are only three out of 45 people accused of the attack in Banjska. On September 11, the Special Prosecution of Kosovo filed an indictment against Milan Radoicic (former deputy leader of the Serbian List) and 44 other people for the attack. Radoicic had earlier claimed responsibility for the attack during which Kosovo Police sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed. The defendants are charged with “committing terrorist acts”, “grave acts against the constitutional order and the security of the Republic of Kosovo”, “facilitating and funding the acts of terrorism” as well as “money laundering”. 


Koci: I have info many other people were involved in Banjska attack (media)


Arianit Koci, attorney for the family of Kosovo Police sergeant Afrim Bunjaku, who was killed during an attack by a Serbian armed group in Banjska last year, said today that he has information that many other people were involved in the attack in addition to the 42 persons included in the indictment filed by the Special Prosecution of Kosovo. “I have information that many other people were involved, and it is a matter of the strategy of the prosecutor to decide whether a new indictment will be filed or if the current indictment will be expanded. Investigations about the case are continuing intensively,” he said.


Kurti says publication of tapped conversation is part of “hybrid war” (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today that he doesn’t have information about the leaked audio conversation between Vetevendosje Movement parliamentary group chief Mimoza Kusari-Lila and former Serbian List deputy leader Milan Radoicic. When asked by reporters to comment on the audio file published by Paparaci news website, Kurti said: “You just said that there was a taped conversation of Vetevendosje Movement parliamentary group chief, Mimoza Kusari-Lila. I have the impression that now we will see an intensification of the hybrid war against Kosovo, our government, our parliamentary group and head [of the parliamentary group] Kusari-Lila. We have seen this in the past too. I don’t expect anything new from those whose biggest problem for the last three and a half years was the rule of law, public order, territorial integrity, something that was missing in post-war Kosovo,” Kurti told reporters. 


According to Paparaci, the conversation happened in June 2022. In the audio file, Radoicic first tells Kusari-Lila that Serbian List parliamentary group chief Slavko Simic, had informed him that they [the Vetevendosje Movement] needs the SL votes to pass the law on the minimal wage and for the appointment of a judge at the Constitutional Court of Kosovo. Radoicic is then heard saying that he does not see “any obstacle to help you with this, but we too have some requests that you need to check with your boss and help us”. Paparaci also notes that at the time of the conversation, Radoicic was wanted by Kosovo’s authorities and was blacklisted by the United States. 


Bislimi: Lajcak working on next meeting of chief negotiators (media)


Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and chief negotiator in the EU-facilitated talks with Serbia, Besnik Bislimi, said today that he will tomorrow with EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak. “Lajcak is working on setting the next meeting between the chief negotiators. I don’t know when the meeting could take place. I will meet Lajcak tomorrow, and then we can agree how we can proceed,” he said.


Kurti holds farewell meeting with outgoing COMKFOR Ulutas (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Tuesday with outgoing commander of KFOR, Major General Ozkan Ulutas, and expressed his gratitude for his valuable contributions and collaboration during his tenure. “The partnership between NATO KFOR and our security forces remains a crucial pillar for our security and safety,” Kurti said in a post on X.


KFOR said in a post on X that Ulutas expressed his gratitude for the strong cooperation and dialogue held, in support of KFOR's efforts. “He also reaffirmed the mission's unwavering commitment to foster a secure environment for all people and communities living in Kosovo, in line with KFOR’s long standing UN mandate,” the post notes.


Surroi: Kosovo’s foreign policy is hostage to wrong decisions in dialogue (KTV)


Publicist Veton Surroi, in an interview with the TV station on Tuesday, said that Kosovo’s foreign policy is hostage to wrong decisions made in the dialogue with Serbia. “The foreign policy has unfairly been a hostage not only of this government but of all governments due to wrong decisions about the dialogue. The moment when in 2010 Kosovo get a response from the International Court of Justice [on the legality of the declaration of independence], Kosovo acted completely wrong and to the detriment of its own interests, by agreeing to reduce the context of talks below the decision of the International Court of Justice,” Surroi said.


Albulena Mehmeti appointed chair of RTK board (media)


Most news websites report that Albulena Mehmeti has been elected chair of the board of the public broadcaster, Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), and Dardan Beqiri has been elected deputy director. “One of the main priorities of the new chairmanship is to increase the credibility of the RTK, as well as continuing to function in line with the legal regulations and the highest professional standards, by offering accurate, objective and swift information for the people of Kosovo,” the RTK said in a press release. 


Nacionale news website notes that media lawyer Flutura Kusari commented on the new appointments in a Facebook post saying that “the RTK is being consolidated. Politically”.


Gervalla asks for €200,000 as solidarity for Bosnia after floods (Koha)


Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, proposed to the Kosovo government today to allocate €200,000 in aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina after the deadly floods there. “We want your opinion for a request we have for showing solidarity with Bosnia. I would ask for your solidarity in the amount of €200,000. If there is no opposition here [to the initiative], then Prime Minister we would make an official request,” Gervalla said. 


Serbian Language Media 


Vucic to Kasanof: The impossible conditions in which the Serbian people live in Kosovo (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Balkans, Alexander Kasanof, and pointed out the almost impossible conditions in which the Serbian people live in Kosovo, reported RTS. 


"Speaking about the situation in the region, I primarily emphasized the extremely difficult and complex situation in Kosovo and Metohija and pointed out the almost impossible conditions in which the Serbian people live in KiM. I emphasized that constructive dialogue requires two sides, and that Serbia remains committed to conversation and peaceful resolution of problems, despite the unnecessary unilateral escalation of tensions," Vucic announced on Instagram. Vucic also pointed out the importance of the dialogue between Serbia and the USA, and especially the open exchange regarding issues on which we disagree.


He stated that they specifically discussed numerous potentials for strengthening the bilateral relations of the two countries while improving cooperation in various areas, such as energy and new investments in numerous large projects that Serbia has planned.


"Good meeting with Alexander Kasanof. We discussed key issues related to strengthening cooperation and EU integration of the Western Balkans, as well as regional and global challenges that affect the stability of the entire region," Vucic wrote on Instagram.


Kurti visits Leposavic, reinforced police presence on streets (Kosovo Online)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti visited Leposavic today and toured the building that was used by the Provisional Municipal Authority in this town, Kosovo Online portal reported. Kurti said he came to visit to see if this premise meets conditions “to open a maternity ward in it”.  


He was accompanied by Health Minister Arben Vitia and Leposavic deputy mayor Marina Bogojevic. After that he visited a café owned by a member of the Gorani community.


The portal also said that reinforced presence of Kosovo police and members of the special units were seen on the streets of Leposavic. 


Hetemi requests Centre for Social Work in Leposavic to evict premises it uses (Kosovo Online)


As Kosovo Online portal learnt, Leposavic mayor, from the ranks of the ruling Self-determination party, Lulzim Hetemi made the decision to evict the Centre for Social Work, working in the Serbian system, from the premises they are using.


The Centre offers services to 1.500 persons from the most vulnerable categories in the municipality. Hetemi handed over the request on Monday, and as the document which Kosovo Online portal had seen reads the deadline to evict the premise expires the coming Monday.


“Dear Madam Nastic, as mayor of Leposavic municipality, I have the full right to oversee the municipal premises, therefore I am addressing you officially with this request, to vacate together with other workers the socially owned premise of Leposavic municipality, within seven-day deadline, including the date of this request submission”, reads the document handed by Hetemi.  


Director of Center for Social Work Leposavic: Hetemi's request attack on poorest, we are asking for protection of international community (Kosovo Online) 


The director of the Center for Social Work in Leposavic, Natasa Nastic, says that mayor Lulzim Hetemi's request to evict the employees of this institution is an attack on the most vulnerable category of the population, and she asked for a reaction and help from the international community, reported portal Kosovo Online. 


Nastic says that the Center for Social Work has 1,500 users of various categories.


"This is a blow to the most oppressed category of the population. We have 1,500 beneficiaries of social assistance of different categories, the sick, the immobile persons, other people's care and placement in homes for elderly, all kinds of social benefits, and one-time financial assistance. Exclusively experts deal with these issues," said Nastic. 


She said that the Center is not connected to any political organization and that this is a blow to the poorest.


"I'm really worried, in case of closure, those people don't have the possibility to go to Raska to get help. They already have a problem with withdrawing money and the like," Nastic added, asking for the protection and reaction of the international community and all relevant institutions because it is about the most vulnerable categories of the population.


Petkovic and SL on Center for Social Work in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)


The Director of the Office for Kosovo, Petar Petkovic said today that the Kosovo PM, by deciding to close the Center for Social Work in Leposavic, is leading an ''anti-Serb policy over the backs of the most vulnerable Serbs in Kosovo''.


"After the closure of the Provisional Authorities, the abolition of dinars, the closure of the Post Office and the Postal Savings Bank, Kurti has now hit the most vulnerable, those who cannot survive without regular monthly social assistance, for whom social assistance from the state of Serbia is the only income, the disabled, children without parental care, sick, infirm and old," said Petkovic. He added that this is ''the true face of Albin Kurti's regime, the bare hatred and erasure of everything Serbian'', adding that it will lead to a new wave of emigration of Serbs from these areas, especially from the municipality of Leposavic.


"That's why he has nothing to look for today in Leposavic, and he announces some kind of maternity hospital, because wherever he goes, he only brings misfortune to the Serbian people. Serbs have their own maternity wards and their own hospitals", he added, among other things.


Serbian List also reacted to the same occasion, assessing that ''Kurti is trying to show how much damage he can do to the Serbs in order to gain cheap political points'', while, as they note, the international community and the embassies in Pristina silently observe the violation of the rights of the Serbian people.


According to the party, Kurti doesn't have highways, schools, kindergartens, factories, or science parks that he could visit, but that's why he has, as they say, "hatred towards Serbs, which his extremists profusely promote."


They also referred to the statement of Albin Kurti that a maternity hospital will be opened in Leposavic.


The Serbian List expects that the international community will once again remain silent on the violation of the rights of the Serbian people, tacitly supporting Pristina.


"We expect that even after this violent persecution of the Center for Social Work in Leposavic, the Quint ambassadors will issue an anemic statement, and in the background, some will be happy that the Serbs are still under the pressure of Kurti's regime," the party said, reported Kosovo Online.


Serbian Chamber of Commerce: Decision to announce lifting of ban on placement of Serbian products in Kosovo is incomplete (Tanjug)


The Chamber of Commerce of Serbia (PKS) said today that the decision announcing lifting of the ban on the entry of Serbian products into the market of Kosovo is not complete, because the placement of domestic goods is possible only through Merdare crossing point, reported Tanjug agency.


According to PKS, this decision places Serbian companies in a discriminatory position.


"With the decision to continue the ban on the placement of goods in Kosovo, at other crossings, the government in Pristina continues to violate the principles of free trade, which is in direct contradiction to the CEFTA agreement, which establishes Kosovo obligation to ensure the free movement of goods, as well as the Agreement on stabilization and accession of Kosovo to the European Union", it is stated on the official website of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia.


The three accused for Banjska pleaded not guilty (KiM radio, KoSSev)


In the Basic Court in Pristina, a preliminary hearing was held for the three defendants who were arrested in relation to the attack in Banjska in September 2023. Maksimovic pleaded not guilty, while Tolic and Spasojevic refused to plead, reported KiM radio. 


The continued preliminary hearing was interrupted on September 25 after the Basic Court in Pristina decided to separate the criminal proceedings in the Banjska case and to try the three Serbs who were arrested: Vladimir Tolic, Blagoje Spasojevic and Dusan Maksimovic.


The hearing was then postponed at the request of the defense attorney because the documents related to the case were delivered to them a few days earlier and only in electronic form.


Dusan Maksimovic pleaded not guilty to the crimes he is accused of, while Blagoje Spasojevic and Vladimir Tolic said that they do not want to plead guilty at this time, KiM radio journalist reported.


Judge Adnan Hoti stated that it is considered that the accused pleaded not guilty. Prosecutor Naim Abazi previously read the indictment, after which today's hearing ended.

Lawyers in Banjska case: We will file appeal to dismiss indictment, objection to evidence (Kosovo Online)

Lawyers Milos Delevic, Jovana Filipovic and Ljubomir Pantovic said today, following the hearing into the Banjska armed incident case, that they will use their right and file an appeal to dismiss indictment and objection to the evidence, Kosovo Online portal reported.

Delevic, who is defense lawyer of Vladimir Tolic, one of the three Serbs arrested in Banjska, said defense can not accept the content of the indictment, in particular qualification of the act.

“(…) We do not dispute that he was a member of an armed group that happened to be in Banjska on that day, but for now we can not accept the content of the indictment {…}”, Delevic said.

Jovana Filipovic, defense lawyer of Dusan Maksimovic said given that her client does not feel guilty, they will file an appeal to dismiss indictment and objection to the evidence.

“Dusan Maksimovic pleaded not guilty today for the acts he is accused of by indictment. He claims he was in no way involved in those criminal acts, and in line with that, we will file an appeal to dismiss indictment and objection to the evidence. We hope the court, while considering the request, would be of the same stance as we are”, she said.

Ljubomir Pantovic, defense lawyer of Dusan Spasojevic, said at this stage of proceeding he does not want to point out reasons why Spasojevic and Tolic decided not to declare on guilt, adding that they used their right, as guaranteed by Criminal Proceeding Law, adding that the defense has certain rights in relation to appeal to indictment and case files. 

Ambassador Hill about lithium, Kosovo issue, other topics in interview with N1 (N1, media)

“Lithium is part of the future, and if Serbia has a chance to participate in that future, I think it’s an opportunity for Serbia, but ultimately it’s up to Serbs,” US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said in an interview with N1.

Hill added that people have the right to assemble freely, but that some of the protesters against lithium mining were pro-Russian and worried about Serbia turning toward the West. He said Serbia seems to be positioning itself in the West, and is moving in a good direction. The ambassador also spoke about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, rule of law, Serbian media and possible visa-free travel to the US for Serbian nationals.

Read the full interview at:

“Intoxicated deputy minister in Kosovo government, involved in traffic accident with official vehicle released after testing” (Kosovo Online)

Deputy Minister of the Regional Development in Kosovo Government, Ali Tafarshiku who last night, as the media reported, hit a motorcyclist with an official vehicle, while intoxicated, has been released after the testing in a police station, Kosovo Online portal said, citing Pristina-based Reporteri.

The accident took place last night around 22.00, in Djakovica and a motorcyclist sustained injuries. According to the media reports, after the incident, the deputy minister was brought to the police station and tested, with results showing he had 2.3% concentration of alcohol in his blood. Following the testing, he was released. 

Erdogan to visit Serbia on October 10-11 (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will host Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for a visit on Thursday and Friday.

Erdogan will be on an official visit to Serbia on October 10 and 11, the press office of the president of Serbia said in a statement, Tanjug news agency reported. 




Kosovo Serbs plead not guilty to terrorism over Banjska attack (BIRN)


Three Kosovo Serbs, Blagoje Spasojevic, Vladimir Tolic and Dusan Maksimovic, the only people arrested so far for the deadly attack in September 2023 that left one police officer dead in the village of Banjska in the north of Kosovo, pleaded not guilty at the Pristina Basic Court on Wednesday.


Spasojevic and Tolic, who were arrested at the scene, did not enter pleas but Judge Arben Hoti said the court “considered the defendants pleaded not guilty”. Maksimovic, who was arrested the following day, pleaded not guilty himself.


The three are charged with terrorism and with endangering the constitutional order of the country.


The indictment, which BIRN has seen, claims the three detainees, together with 41 other accused, started the attack by first blocking the main bridge in Banjska village with trucks.


Prosecutor Naim Abazi told the court that most of the group “entered the Republic of Kosovo from the Republic of Serbia in an organised manner through the mountain roads with dozens of cars filled with weapons”.


Read more at:


‘Take the lead’: Kosovo pushes Germany, France on Europe entry (AA)


Kosovo’s foreign minister has called on Germany and France to take the lead in supporting her country’s membership in the Council of Europe (CoE).


“Kosova needs to join as soon as possible the CoE, because the assembly has already stated that Kosovo has fulfilled all the requirements,” Donika Gervalla-Schwarz told Anadolu.


“We have overfulfilled the requirements, so it’s about time that France and Germany take the lead and bring Kosovo in the Council of Europe,” she said, stressing that her country is resolute in its determination to join major European structures.


Kosovo, Europe’s youngest country, declared independence from Serbia in 2008, and is currently recognized by 117 nations. Pristina is seeking membership in both the EU and NATO.

In April, the CoE’s Parliamentary Assembly voted in favor of Kosovo’s membership in the organization, but a final decision on membership has not been taken yet.


Gervalla-Schwarz thanked countries that supported Kosovo’s efforts to gain broader international recognition, and asked for stronger support from the EU’s heavyweights, Germany and France, for its European integration process.


“If you look at Kosovo today, and if you look at all numbers and all results that international organizations are mentioning, you will see that Kosovo is the champion of democracy and rule of law in our region in the Western Balkans,” she said.


Read more at:


In Kosovo, public access to criminal indictments varies from Court to Court (BIRN)


In 2022, the law in Kosovo changed to oblige prosecutors to submit redacted indictments to courts for public access, but implementation varies from place to place and some journalists aren’t taking advantage.


In reporting on crime and the Kosovo courts, TV Dukagjini journalist Liridon Llozani has grown used to being rebuffed by prosecutors when he asks for a copy of the indictment they have drawn up. He frequently has to look elsewhere.


“In most cases, I obtain indictments through alternative sources within the justice system, including the parties involved in specific cases,” Llozani told BIRN.


He confessed he was unaware that Kosovo’s criminal code had changed in 2022 to oblige prosecutors to submit to the court redacted versions of their indictment for public access – an attempt to improve transparency while protecting sensitive information.


Read more at: