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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 17, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Rutte: The dialogue is not going the way we would like it to (Express)
• VV: Opposition’s biggest worry is the changed situation in the north (Telegrafi)
• Police: “Parallel municipality issued false documents” (media)
• RTK: Broadcast of Assembly session wasn’t interrupted even for a minute (media)
• Maqedonci: 1,658 people applied for 300 spots for new KSF recruits (media)
• Pacolli reacts to govt spokesperson: Ask Prime Minister and President (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: External and internal pressures increasing, Serbia is bothering them because it defends the UN Charter, Resolution 1244, and its Constitution (Kosovo Online, Euronews, media)
• Vucevic on Friday with Ziadeh and Blanar (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian List: Kurti does not stop oppressing the Serbian people (KiM radio)
• The allegations against A.J. after the weapons seizure, he claims they are airsoft items (KoSSev)
• Subaric on the seizure of Gracanica municipal property: I hope this issue will be addressed in the dialogue (Kosovo Online)
• Jevtic: The property issue must be on the table in Brussels; Pristina's intent to seize everything Serbian (Kosovo Online)
• Eric Swalwell: The USA and Serbia relations have no borders, work to deepen cooperation (Tanjug, Politika)


• Kosovo’s Human Rights Backsliding: A Threat to All (


• Freedom on the Net 2024: Serbia (Freedom House)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 17, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 17, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: 20,000 women affected by rape and sexual violence as tools of war (media)
NATO chief: Security situation in Kosovo and region is fragile (RFE)
Smith: We want Kosovo to continue investing in EU-facilitated dialogue (media)
Osmani expresses condolences on passing of former US Ambassador (media)
Police shut down Serbian-run municipality of Skenderaj in Mitrovica North (media)
Opposition MPs protest in front of Radio Television of Kosovo (media)
Pacolli: I spoke to Radoicic in presence of Kurti and Osmani (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Stano: No announcements of any kind on upcoming Belgrade-Pristina meeting (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)
Rutte: The situation in the Western Balkans still worrisome due to fragile situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, KiM radio, Kosovo Online)
US Ambassador: Kosovo's membership in the Partnership for Peace depends on progress in the dialogue with Serbia (Beta, Danas, RFE, N1)
At Merdare crossing kilometres long columns (RTS, Radio Mitrovica sever)
Kosovo Police closed the premises of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Srbica in Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online)
UNS: UNMIK concerned about reports on serious threats to Tanjug journalists (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica sever)
Petkovic discussed the situation in Kosovo with the outgoing and new Norwegian envoy for the Western Balkans (Tanjug, NMagazin)
Zigmanov: The situation in Kosovo unsustainable, with a high level of human rights violations against Serbs (Kosovo Online)
Vulin in Moscow again, meets Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service chief (N1, media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Osmani: Fight for justice for victims of sexual violence in war won’t stop (RFE)
• Rohde slams Dodik on blockade to visa-free regime for Kosovo (media)
• Stano: Kosovo and its PM do not decide on the removal of measures (Express)
• Kryeziu responds to Stano: Measures should be removed (media)
• Stano: No information about a next meeting in EU-facilitated dialogue (Paparaci)
• New COMKFOR Barduani meets UNMIK chief Ziadeh (media)
• First commander of KFOR Sir Michael Jackson dies at 80 (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Dacic: The government's policy towards Kosovo has not changed (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)
• Lazar Dejanovic sentenced to eight months in prison for assaulting an official (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)
• KFOR following PR claims on Serbian army near the ABL and the Gendarmerie on Merdare crossing: We are ready to ensure security, regular contacts with the parties (KoSSev)
• Vojvodina, China’s province Shandong sign agreement on cooperation (Beta, N1)


• CEFTA trade bloc keeps Balkans just outside EU membership (DW)
• Montenegro census results: Montenegrins 41.12%, Serbs 32.93% of the population (EWB)
• Remembering Paul Lowe, photojournalist who pictured Sarajevo in war and peace (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 16, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Sarrazin: No candies for Dodik in exchange for waiving visas for Kosovo (media)
KFOR: Ready to take measures to prevent risks and tensions (Klan Kosova)
Hovenier: U.S. remains steadfast in its support for KFOR (media)
Osmani meets Barbano, discuss security developments (media)
Bahtiri: Iber bridge will be opened after February 5 (media)
Kurti, Osmani congratulate Albania on opening of EU accession chapters (media)

Serbian Language Media:

The new KFOR commander met UNMIK Head Ziadeh (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
Djuric met with Slovenian PM Golob and FM Fajon (Tanjug, media)
Petkovic: Pristina continues to breach all agreements (KiM radio, Kosovo online, Tanjug, media)
An invitation to north Kosovo residents to report incidents and endangering of their rights (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS)
Through another trade war with Serbia, Kosovo quietly enters CEFTA (KoSSev, KiM radio)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 15, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti expects new dynamic in dialogue from the new European Commission (RFE)
• Svecla: Serbia’s provocations will fail; ready to respond to any challenge (EO)
• Rohde hails decision for visa-free entry for Bosnian citizens into Kosovo (media)
• Hoxhaj criticizes Kurti for lifting visa regime for Bosnia and Herzegovina (media)
• Bislimi hosts UN Assistant Secretary General Ivana Zivkovic (media)
• Steinbaum: If government forms the Association, it violates Constitution (media)
• Haradinaj: Kurti, a servant of Serbia; don’t support this man (Gazeta Blic)
• PDK’s Kabashi calls for resignation of Defense Minister (Koha)
• Person indicted for assault against KFOR and Kosovo Police in 2023 (media)
• Police arrest person, finds weapon and jacket with Serbian army emblem (media)
• Ministry: Sadik Duraku released from detention in Serbia (media)
• Nacionale publishes screenshots of messages between Mihali and Krasniqi

Serbian Language Media:

• Xhufka and Lejdija pleaded not guilty to breaking into the church near Podujevo (KiM radio, Kosovo Online)
• Kilometer-long column of trucks with goods at Merdare crossing (RTS, media)
• Another indictment for riots in Zvecan (RTS, Radio Mitrovica sever)
• Milicevic: Pristina with the police ethnic composition in the north clearly deviate from the Brussels agreement (Kosovo Online)
• Sarrazin: I would like goods to move faster (KiM radio, KoSSev)
• Szijjarto: Hungary’s goal is for Serbia to open cluster by year’s end (N1)
• Serbia fails to sign letter of support for United Nations chief (Beta, N1)
• Northern Kosovo residents: Why so many police stations? We need jobs and roads (Kosovo Online)


• Kosovo to abolish visas for Bosnian citizens from 2025 (BIRN)
• Kosovo shares results of solar subsidy scheme (PV Magazine)
• Reversing youth exodus from Western Balkans will be hard, report warns (BIRN)
• Historic Kosovo mill owner says state restoration ‘destroyed it’ (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 15, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 15, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Western Balkans’ leaders sign two agreements at Berlin Summit (media)
Kurti: We asked for lifting of measures and for candidate status for Kosovo (RTK)
Kurti meets Scholz, discuss areas where Germany can help Kosovo (media)
Kosovo Police says Serbian gendarmerie “stepped on border at Merdare” (media)
Maqedonci reacts to “aggressive campaign”, “soldiers have three meals” (media)
Tahiri: City squares will be filled with war veterans on November 28 (Indeksonline)
Govt building lit up to honor strength of those touched by breast cancer (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Berlin Process summit declaration; Lajcak: Time has come to make integration of the WB a reality (Beta, N1)
Vucevic: Germany wants to see W Balkans in EU; Serbia remains committed to EU path (Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica sever, media)
Vucic met Slovak defence minister (Tanjug, RTS, media)
RSF condemns vandalism of KoSSev director’s car (KoSSev)
Democratic Party MP condemns attack on KoSSev director’s property, calls for justice (KoSSev, N1)
The fate of internally displaced persons: The years pass, the statistics remain the same (Kosovo Online)
The Serbian Democracy vice-president briefly detained; Elshani said Veljkovic taken away due to "his safety" (KoSSev)

International Media:

Top Chinese Communist Official Visits Serbia, Highlighting Growing Belgrade-Beijing Cooperation (RFE)
Can a motorway to Bosnia strengthen the ties between Serbia and Turkey? (

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 14, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Scholz: New dynamic needed in Kosovo-Serbia normalization of relations (media)
• Kurti’s address at the summit of the Berlin Process (media)
• Kurti: Good neighborly relations crucial for regional cooperation (media)
• Kosovo MPs discuss situation with food supplies for KSF (Radio Free Europe)
• VV boycotts assembly session on food supplies for KSF (Nacionale)
• Defense Ministry issues statement on situation with KSF food supplies (media)
• Ministry alarms QUINT and EU on arrest of Kosovar by Serbian authorities (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• The meeting of the Berlin Process started (Beta, Kontakt plus radio, media)
• Scholz to Belgrade and Pristina: Your future is in the EU – only the implementation of the agreement leads there (Kosovo Online)
• Vucevic meets with Haddad in Berlin (Tanjug, media)
• The column of trucks on Merdare crossing about two kilometers long; Starovic reacts on X (Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio, Kosovo Online, X)
• Search at a private celebration in Leposavic - due to "shooting" but no weapons were found (Kontakt plus radio, Alternativna, KiM radio)
• Nastic: We are facing a humanitarian disaster, we rely on the international community (Kosovo Online)
• Dacic: “The war crime suspect in Pristina identified by the Serbian family whom he tortured” (Kosovo Online, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, RTV)
• SafeJournalists: Immediately investigate deliberate destruction of car of Kossev portal’s director (NMagazin, N1)
• UNS Condemns attack on KoSSev Director Nevenka Medic’s vehicle in North Mitrovica (KoSSev)
• New DSS challenges Brnabic on Kosovo session, questions Vucic’s attendance (N1, Danas, KiM radio)
• Matijevic: In Kosovo, IDPs cannot exercise the right to property restitution (Kosovo Online)


• Ten years on, what has the ‘Berlin Process’ done for the Western Balkans? (BIRN)


• Feuding leaders of Albania and Kosovo quietly ‘forget’ joint govt meetings (BIRN)
• Turkiye and Serbia sign Defense Cooperation Agreement focused on drone technology (

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 14, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 14, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Leaders from Western Balkans to meet in Berlin Process Summit today (media)
Kurti: Serbia provokes again, move troops 50 metres near Kosovo border (media)
Assembly to hold extraordinary session on food supply for KSF today (media)
AJK condemns damaging of KoSSev director’s car in Mitrovica North (media)
UK Embassy congratulates KSF team on getting silver at exercise (media)
Sources: “Rakic assaulted by Vucetic; his brother involved in Banjska” (media)
Kosovo Football Federation reacts to Serbian offensive banners, insults (media)
Serbian youth football clubs refuse to play against Kosovo football school (media)
Kosovo offers temporary shelter to 68 Afghans (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucevic: Kurti is imagining the Serbian Army (RTS, Kosovo Online)
Kosovo accuses Serbia of provoking tensions near border; Serbian ministry responds (N1)
EU lifts visa requirement for Kosovo-holder Serbian passports (FoNet, KoSSev, media)
Car of KoSSev Director damaged in North Mitrovica (KoSSev, Danas)
The French Embassy and AGK reacted to the KoSSev Director's car being damaged (KoSSev)
Jevtic: Since the arrival of Kurti, there has been no rule of law for Serbs in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, TV Pink)
Gracanica demands withdrawal of Kosovo Government’s decision on Municipal land expropriation (KoSSev)
Dacic: Suspect of war crimes against civilians arrested at Horgos (NMagazin, N1)
Without confirming that the SL leader was beaten, part of the media published the alleged perpetrator; denial and a lawsuit (, KoSSev, Instagram)

Correction: UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 11, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 11, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti blames Serbia, Russia for Muslim countries not recognizing Kosovo (media)
Kasanof meets opposition leaders in Kosovo (media)
Haziri on Kasanof’s visit: It will positively affect course of dialogue (Gazeta Blic)
Vetevendosje boycotts extraordinary assembly session called by PDK (media)
Enrico Barduani assumes command of KFOR (media)
MP leaves Vetevendosje and joins Democratic League of Kosovo (media)
Families of KLA martyrs concerned about Kusari-Radoicic conversations (media)
Bislimi: Government will continue supporting Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic welcomes Erdogan outside Palace of Serbia (Tanjug, media)
Vucic receives Czech FM (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTS, media)
Kozarev at the OSCE conference in Warsaw about the Kosovo Serbs’ difficult situation (Kosovo Online)
Kozak: The US deeply concerned about Kosovo's unilateral actions (Kosovo Online)
Tomislav Pantic released on bail (KiM radio, RTS, Beta)
The Milenkovic, Pantic, Vlajic and Vakic trial continued today in Pristina (Kosovo Online)
Antonijevic: Kosovo’s membership process in the CoE is frozen (Kosovo Online)


The road to Autostrada (Kosovo 2.0)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 11, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti blames Serbia, Russia for Muslim countries not recognizing Kosovo (media)
• Kasanof meets opposition leaders in Kosovo (media)
• Haziri on Kasanof’s visit: It will positively affect course of dialogue (Gazeta Blic)
• Vetevendosje boycotts extraordinary assembly session called by PDK (media)
• Enrico Barduani assumes command of KFOR (media)
• MP leaves Vetevendosje and joins Democratic League of Kosovo (media)
• Families of KLA martyrs concerned about Kusari-Radoicic conversations (media)
• Bislimi: Government will continue supporting Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic welcomes Erdogan outside Palace of Serbia (Tanjug, media)
• Vucic receives Czech FM (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTS, media)
• Kozarev at the OSCE conference in Warsaw about the Kosovo Serbs’ difficult situation (Kosovo Online)
• Kozak: The US deeply concerned about Kosovo's unilateral actions (Kosovo Online)
• Tomislav Pantic released on bail (KiM radio, RTS, Beta)
• The Milenkovic, Pantic, Vlajic and Vakic trial continued today in Pristina (Kosovo Online)
• Antonijevic: Kosovo’s membership process in the CoE is frozen (Kosovo Online)


• The road to Autostrada (Kosovo 2.0)