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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, 27 July 2021

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 27, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: The government will help reduce the gap between communities (Koha)
• KIA Chief Petrit Ajeti reports to the supervising committee (media)
• Minister Mehaj gives details about the released from the hospital in Croatia (Zeri)
• Croatian Court sentences driver of crashed bus with one month detention (media)
• Economy committee votes proposal for ERO board members (media)
• Maas: A German citizen among the victims of the bus crash (media)
• 55 patients are being treated with oxygen therapy, one in serious condition (Koha)
• COVID-19: 42 new cases, no deaths (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• 58% of Serbian citizens support the EU-mediated BG-PR dialogue (KoSSev)
• Stefanovic: Serbia grateful to Indonesia for support and non-recognition of Kosovo (Kosovo-online)
• In Serbian communities in Kosovo one Covid-19 case (KoSSev)


• The genocide campaign (Danas, KoSSev)


• Minuto-Rizzo: Balkans has regained a priority status for NATO (EWB)


• Summer School on Transitional Justice in Prizren (RTK2)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 27, 2021

• COVID-19: 14 new cases, no deaths (media)
• Ministry: So far, 20 percent of people in Kosovo have been inoculated (Telegrafi)
• Only 30 percent of Kosovo teachers have been vaccinated (RFE in Albanian)
• 10 victims of Kosovo bus crash identified, funeral arrangements underway (media)
• Ministry: 26 persons to be discharged from hospital, 15 to continue treatment (media)
• Kosovo mourns 10 compatriots killed in Croatia bus crash (AP)
• Due to the terminology on Kosovo, Serbia failed four regional agreements (Koha)
• Kosovo expects GDP growth to exceed projected 7.9% this year (
• 60 films in 6 days, female directors prominent in Prishtina Film Festival (

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 26, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

• COVID-19: 14 new cases, no deaths (media)
• Kurti, Gervalla return to Kosovo, Vitia and Svecla stay on in Croatia (media)
• Svecla: Some of the passengers will travel to Kosovo, others will return to Germany (Klan)
• PM Kurti pays tribute to Enver Zymberi on anniversary of his death (media)
• Gervalla called on EU to stop "Mini-Schengen" initiative (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

• One case of Covid-19 registered in Serbian areas in Kosovo on Saturday (Radio KIM)
• Presidential, and Belgrade elections, possibly parliamentary in Serbia in spring, official says (N1, Beta, Vecernje Novosti)
• Serbian List expresses condolences to families of those who died in bus crash (Kosovo-online)
• Raska-Prizren Eparchy expresses condolence to families of victims, prays for recovery of those injured in bus crash (Kosovo-online)
• Vucic will get closer to Moscow, but he will not "grow cold" towards Erdogan (Danas)
• Joksimovic: Regional initiatives enable stability (RTS)
• “International community does not see difficult position of Serbs” (Politika)
• Bayramov: Azerbaijan respects principles of international law when it comes to Kosovo issue (Kosovo-online)
• Dacic to attend inauguration of Iranian president (N1)
• Bolton: Pristina has the right not to accept territorial changes, but then there is no progress in the negotiations (Kosovo Online, B92)


• Enmity and Neglect Take Toll on Serb Churches in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)
• Enkel Demi: We Need to Know Each Other’s Literature (Balkan Insight)


• Nora Gjakova wins Kosovo’s third Olympic gold medal (Prishtina Insight)
• Montenegro Makes History With First Same-Sex Marriage (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 26, 2021

• COVID-19: 25 new cases, no deaths (media)
• Kosovo bus crash leaves 10 dead, 45 injured (media)
• Condolences extended to families of victims that died in bus accident (media)
• President Osmani declares day of mourning in Kosovo (media)
• Government fears mini Schengen gives rise to Russia and China influence (Koha)
• Osmani meets with the Prime Minister of Japan (media)
• Judge rejects Thaci's request for interim release (media)
• Janjic warns that Belgrade's campaign could lead to armed conflict (Koha)
• Kosovo Wins Women's Judo Olympic Gold (RFE)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 23, 2021

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 23, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

• COVID-19: 19 new cases, no deaths (media)
• Kurti calls on Kosovo population to vaccinate (Klan)
• President Osmani received by Japan’s FM Motegi and Emperor Naruhito (media)
• Beqaj: Kurti's approach to dialogue is right but unrealistic (Telegrafi)
• Questions regarding Kosovo's international organisation membership bids (RFE)
• Thaci’s lawyer provides guarantee for his release from detention (media)
• Unwavering trust between Ankara and Belgrade (RFE Albanian)

Serbian Language Media:

• 22 years since the murder of 14 Serbian harvesters in Staro Gracko (media)
• Odalovic: It is certainly known who committed the crime in Staro Gracko (RTS, N1, Beta, KiM radio)
• Petkovic with Veselinovic: Mistreatment of Serbs must end (Kosovo-online)
• Rakic: We’ll continue to provide assistance, as it is only way to save our people (Kosovo-online)
• Serbian pilgrims banned from entering Kosovo (Radio KIM)


• Should Kosovo recognise Serbia? (Prishtina Insight)
• 11 years since the opinion of the International Court of Justice on Kosovo’s independence (KoSSev)
• Non-Papers and the elephant in the room: Rule of law in the Western Balkans (EWB)


• Montenegro Rules out Changes to Kosovo Border Agreement (Balkan Insight)
• Serbian interior minister in Madrid to discuss police cooperation, Kosovo (Euractive)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 23, 2021

• COVID-19: 28 new cases, no deaths (media)
• Government: PM Kurti has been open and transparent about dialogue (Telegrafi)
• EU: Kosovo and Serbia agreed to hold monthly meetings at negotiators' level (Kallxo)
• Everything changing for the better in Kosovo, Kurti tells Diaspora members (KP)
• Serwer: International community to react to "Serb World" idea (media)
• RAEPC: Text messages in Decan from MTS operator will not be sent again (Koha)
• LDK's candidate for Pristina pelted with eggs at event (media)
• Kusari-Lila comments on possibility of running for mayor in Gjakova (Telegrafi)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 22, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

• COVID-19: 28 new cases, no deaths (media)
• Kurti: Dialogue in Brussels is about status of Kosovo-Serbia relations (media)
• Osmani: Time to recognise irreversible reality of independent Kosovo (media)
• Kosovo Assembly ratifies IPA 2020 agreement (media)
• PDK initiates parliamentary debate on 100 days of Kurti government (Koha)
• VV MP: We are eradicating corruption (Ekonomia Online)
• PDK leader: Kosovo coordination with US, vital and irreplaceable (Klan Kosova)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: We are changing the name "mini Schengen", fast lanes for people from the region (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
• “KLA” graffiti written on a church in Brod village, children’s playground in Susica
• Veselinovic transferred to Prizren for further interrogation (Radio KIM)
• Trajkovic: Kosovo institutions do not react to prevent pressure and do not condemn frequent incidents against Serb community (KoSSev, JUGpress)
• Danas: US delighted with Kurti's democracy, shocked by Vucic’s authoritarianism (Kosovo Online)
• Petkovic on two-day visit in Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica sever)
• Popovic received a summons to testify at the trial for Ivanovic's murder (Beta, N1, KiM radio)
• Vucic spoke with Zaev and Rama ahead of Skopje Forum (Kosovo-online)


• Balkan Athletes Hunger for Glory at Olympics Marred by COVID-19 (Balkan Insight)
• Vucic: Serbia will protect interests if Kosovo campaigns for independence (Euractiv)


• Checkmate! Kosovo Elderly Find Solace – and Rivalry – in Ancient Game (Balkan Insight)
• Childbirth Often Traumatic in CEE, But Few Women Seek Redress (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 22, 2021

• COVID-19: Five new cases, no deaths (media)
• Kurti: We would welcome recognition from Greece (media)
• Political commentators discuss Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Klan)
• LDK's Halimi criticises Kurti's approach to dialogue with Serbia (Kallxo)
• Hyseni: Kurti to implement Washington agreement in entirety (T7/G. Express)
• Gerxhaliu, Blakaj discuss missing persons, exhumation efforts (Koha)
• KSC holds status conference against former KLA leaders (media)
• Kosovo Sentences Montenegrin for Chanting Serb Nationalist Slogans (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 21, 2021

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 21, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

• COVID-19: 5 new cases, no deaths (media)
• Government convinced it will immunise 60% of population (media)
• Abazi: Non-recognition of Kosovo is a threat to the EU security umbrella (media)
• KDI: Assembly should ratify four international agreements (media)
• Assembly without quorum, agreement with European Bank postponed (media)
• Hoti reacts to Murati on budget review: do not deceive the MPs (media)
• Who and what loses from the failure of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (RFE Albanian media)
• Srpska Lista re-elects ‘North Kosovo’s real ruler’ Radoicic as VP (Prishtina Insight)
• A greater involvement of women in decision-making is required (Kosovapress)

Serbian Language Media:

• Serbian areas without new Covid-19 cases (Radio KIM)
• Why did Erdogan start the "battle for Kosovo" from Cyprus? (B92, Sputnik)
• Vucic reacts to Erdogan’s statement on working to increase recognitions of Kosovo (Kosovo-online)
• Miftaraj: Borrell and Lajcak are unable to control the dialogue process (KoSSev)
• Mrdalj: Vucic’s concern over position of Kosovo Serbs could encourage new attacks (KoSSev)
• Serbian List with the same leadership in the next four years (RTS)
• Dacic: Recognizing Kosovo is red line Serbia won’t cross (N1)
• SOC Patriarch Porfirije congratulates Eid al-Adha: Holidays should bring us closer (N1)
• Risto Jovanovic sentenced to six months in prison, can be released on EUR 6.700 bail (Kosovo-online)
• Srboljub Veselinovic, an IDP from Prizren, detained at Jarinje crossing (Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever, KiM radio)


• Greece and Kosovo’s budding relationship (Prishtina Insight)
• “Erdogan doesn't say anything by accident, such as lobbying for Kosovo independence” (B92, Kosovo-online)


• What Progress Has the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue Made? (Balkan Insight)
• Second Vucic-Kurti meeting ends with no agreements (EWB)


• The Kosovar scientist at the cutting edge of architecture (Kosovo 2.0)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 21, 2021

• COVID-19: 15 new cases, one death (media)
• Kurti and Vucic cross swords at second Brussels meeting (BIRN)
• Kosovo publishes Declaration of Peace, Serbia talks interrupting dialogue (Koha)
• Erdogan wants joint work with Biden for more Kosovo recognitions (media)
• Serwer: Time for EU and NATO to get real with Serbia (media)
• Former KLA leaders to appear before court today (Klan Kosova)
• Biserko: Passivization of ethnic Albanian addresses in Serbia, political (media)
• Kosovo war rape survivors tell stories of pain and courage (BIRN)
• Vucic fails to rebuke call for unification of all Serbs in one state (Exit News)