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Headlines - 27.05.2014

UNMIK Headlines 26 May

• President to represent Kosovo at Security Council (Epoka e Re)
• Court to review murder case of UNMIK and KP officers today (Tribuna)
• Pula: Election fraud will be punished (Epoka e Re)
• EU monitors in the field today (Lajm)
• Ballots with state emblem also in the north (Epoka e Re)
• Serbia thinks KSF’s offer of assistance is insincere (Tribuna)
• NATO will not reduce troops in Kosovo (Zeri)
• Beqaj: Isa Mustafa could be arrested (Lajm)

Headlines - 26.05.2014

UNMIK Headlines 24 May

• Brand: Thaci’s Government refuses to act against crime and corruption (Koha Ditore)
• CEC returns state emblem on ballot papers (Koha Ditore)
• Jahjaga requests defense of vote (Zeri)
• Kuci reiterates that he would not be part of the next government (dailies)
• Thaci on Drenica Group (dailies)

UNMIK Headlines 23 May

• Justice negotiated, Lushtaku goes to Dubrava (Koha Ditore)
• Germany and Great Britain knew the power of “Drenica Group” (Tribuna)
• EULEX did not guarantee safety for “Drenica Group” (Bota Sot)
• Reichel: Lushtaku is proof of why a special court was needed (Botapress)
• EULEX arrests for murder of UNMIK & Kosovo police officers (Koha Ditore)
• Dardan Molliqaj arrested and later released (Tribuna)
• Headscarves issue to be addressed by Constitutional Court (Zeri)
• Thaçi has a clear message for his candidates (Lajm)
• Powerful blast in Mitrovica, no casualties (Telegrafi)

Headlines - 23.05.2014

UNMIK Headlines 22 May

• EULEX: Institutions to bring Drenica Group to Mitrovica (Koha)
• Veterans do not allow transfer of Drenica Group (Epoka e Re)
• Borg-Olivier: EULEX needs to change decision on Drenica Group (Koha)
• Haradinaj says Drenica Group escape, bad news (Bota Sot)
• Talks continue today in Brussels (Lajm)
• Zbogar: Blockade in the north, psychological (Tribuna)
• President requests mobilization of justice during elections (Bota Sot)

Headlines - 22.05.2014

UNMIK Headlines 21 May

• Lushtaku conditions the justice (Koha Ditore)
• CDHRF: EULEX is using double standards (Lajm)
• Around 25,000 voter applications come from Serbia (Koha Ditore)
• Ashton: EU with monitoring mission for elections of 8 June (Botapress)
• Thaci allows headscarves in exchange for votes (Zeri)
• New Assembly with old deputies (Tribuna)
• First European monitors arrived (Lajm)
• Tahiri: I will be part of “Thaçi 4” government (Epoka e Re)

Headlines - 21.05.2014