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UNMIK Headlines 1 September

• Constitutional Court to review legality of Association/Community (Zeri)
• Jablanovic: Association/Community not special autonomy (Zeri)
• Aleksandar Jablanovic cannot lead the Association (Epoka e Re)
• Government of Kosovo still with no reply on Vucic’s visit (Koha Ditore)
• Law on special court to enter into force on 15 September (Koha Ditore)
• Thaci: We will not allow being equated with Milosevic’s acts (Zeri)
• Conference for relaxation of Albanian-Serb relations (Epoka e Re)

Headlines - 01.09.2015

UNMIK Headlines 31 August

• Dialogue to focus on implementation of agreements (Koha Ditore)
• Vetevendosje: Association/Community bad for people of Kosovo (dailies)
• Dumoshi: Certain individuals cannot make threats in the name of people (Zeri)
• Jablanovic, head of the Association/Community? (Zeri/Gazeta Blic)
• Government of Kosovo gives in to Serbian List (Koha Ditore)
• Missing persons to be discussed in Brussels (Epoka e Re)
• Serbian nun: Kosovo in UNESCO, absurdity (Zeri)

Headlines - 31.08.2015

UNMIK Headlines 29 August

• Mustafa: Association does not impose constitutional changes (Koha Ditore)
• Albanian translation strengthens Association/Community (Zeri)
• Protest against Serb pilgrimage in Gjakova/Djakovica (dailies)
• Vetevendosje throws rotten eggs at PM Mustafa’s car (Koha Ditore)

Headlines - 29.08.2015

Headlines- 28.08.2015

UNMIK Headlines 28 August

• Serbia closer to the EU, Kosovo remains isolated (Koha Ditore)
• Stojanovic: Association/Community shall not be a problem (RTK)
• Barricade removal to relax relations between Albanians and Serbs (Epoka)
• Thaci: Life in Kosovo is better and safer in last 100 years (dailies)
• Limaj: Opposition to mobilize against LDK-PDK coalition (dailies)
• EU to allocate 600 million Euros for the Balkans (Zeri)

Headlines - 28.08.2015

UNMIK Headlines 27 August

• Tahiri: Serbia has recognized Kosovo (Zeri)
• US embassy commends Kosovo on agreements reached with Serbia (dailies)
• Celebration in north, despair in south (Zeri)
• KDI: Association leads to third-level power in Kosovo (RTK)
• Kosovo and Montenegro sign agreement on border demarcation (dailies)
• Protest against Kosovo-Montenegro border demarcation (RTK)
• Meucci and Kuci discuss war crimes (dailies)