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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 6, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Bislimi: We will ensure that all minorities are safe (media)
• Eichhorst: Now we have to find ways to implement provisions from European proposal (Klan)
• Opposition: European proposal is a continuation of "status-quos" (Ekonomia Online)
• Association: This is what solution looks like, there is no other – it is European (Albanian Post)
• Shea: Association can be done without jeopardising sovereignty (Paparaci)
• PSD places 205 thousand signatures against Association in front of government, warns of a protest (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Brnabic: ‘Anti-state coalition’ did everything to make Serbia’s position difficult (N1)
• Obradovic: Five parliamentary parties request Assembly session on Kosovo (Radio KIM, media)
• Opposition: In Belgrade on March 17, a warning protest ahead of the meeting between Vucic and Kurti (KoSSev)
• Djilas: Rejecting agreement which is not good for Serbia – is not good either (Radio KIM, media)
• Patriarch Porfirije: The Church has never deviated from Kosovo and Metohija and has never abandoned it (SOC website, media)
• Ristic, Trajkovic and Jovic sent third letter to Patriarch (media)
• Peoples’ Party undertakes action against Franco-German plan for Kosovo (social media)
• European diplomats on point 4 of the agreement: Kosovo in the UN only with the consent of permanent members (KoSSev, N1)
• Romania's stance on Kosovo unchanged – MFA (Tanjug)
• UNS and DNKiM call on institutions to ensure translation for journalists (media)
• Hill: ZSO must be formed, 10 years is too long (KiM radio, Tanjug, N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 6, 2023

• Kurti talks with Murphy about implementation plan of EU proposal (media)
• Lajcak: The association does not weaken Kosovo (
• Kosovo to fulfill Serbian Orthodox Church obligations in Franco-German plan, experts say (Prishtina Insight)
• Kurti has telephone conversation with Erdogan (media)
• Bislimi: Athens should take advantage of the momentum (media)
• Petkovic to Bislimi: Serbia will never recognize Kosovo (Klan)
• “Progress of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue can take its shape in Ohrid” (Klan)
• Giaufret: European proposal, a historic opportunity (media)
• Analysis: No big deal: EU's Kosovo pact loses some sheen (Reuters)
• Serbian nationalists march in protest against Kosovo talks (Reuters)
• The ”Kosovo Vow” in the Bosnian Story (Sarajevo Times)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 3, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 2, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: Kosovo, the first among six WB countries for electoral democracy (media)
• Germany: Without the Association, there is no agreement with Serbia (Klan)
• Rasic on the European proposal: The agreement is good (Koha)
• “Prime Ministers of 27 EU countries planned to participate at the signing ceremony” (Paparaci)
• Bislimi on an official visit to Athens (media)
• Elections in the north are legitimate even without participation of Serbian List (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vox Pop in Gracanica: No one must give up on Kosovo (Radio KIM)
• Survey: Most respondents negatively assess European proposal, claim it would lead to accelerated departure of Serbs from Kosovo, bring nothing good (KoSSev)
• Invisible People: Large number of adult persons cannot obtain Kosovo documents (Radio Gorazdevac, Radio KIM)
• Women in Media: Sexual harassment, discrimination, extra working hours (Radio KIM, KoSSev)
• Synzog on expropriations, EU proposal, development of north (Radio kontakt plus, KoSSev)
• Vucic meets with Hill (Tanjug)
• Lavrov: ZSO issue in Kosovo and Minsk Agreement same deceptions by West (Kosovo Online,
• We expect implementation of all agreements to date - Slovak MFA (Tanjug)
• Abazi: Serbia “colonised” all areas with natural resources and underground ores, which is why SOC wants property (KoSSev)
• Sveclla accuses member of “parallel structures” for a brawl in student dormitory in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM, media)
• Office for KiM: Request of liaison officer to visit Trajkovic and Adzic denied (Kosovo Online)


• Hague Court Publishes Details of Hashim Thaci’s Alleged War Crimes (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 3, 2023

• EU insists on signing of agreement and implementation plan (RFE)
• Hill: Association must be solved urgently (media)
• Govt considers formalizing of status of Serb Orthodox Church complete (Koha)
• Poll: Over 60% of citizens uninformed about European plan and dialogue (Koha)
• Szunyog: Situation in the north of Kosovo is complex (media)
• Uneasy neighbours: Serbia and Kosovo need to mend fences, but remain wary after accepting EU deal (Euronews)
• Bosnian Serb leader blocks regional Kosovo ID travel (BIRN)
• After report, prosecution indicts doctor who participated in niece job intw (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 2, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: Political historical mistakes of previous governments won’t be repeated (Koha)
• Kurti: Serbia has two choices, to recognize Kosovo or align with Putin - I believe it will be the first (Shenja, media)
• Vela reacts after Vucic said he will not agree to Kosovo UN membership (media)
• Bislimi: Kosovo cannot form Association with executive competencies (media)
• Konjufca will travel to U.S., to attend Summit for Democracy (Express)
• Haradinaj: Association not product of Kurti; two signing parties responsible (Kanal 10)
• Krasniqi to Kurti: No reason to flee or fear the MPs (Koha)
• Abdixhiku: Kurti didn’t confront Serbia; with piece of paper overcame crimes and massacres committed in Kosovo (Gazeta Blic)
• Dodik implies he will block removal of visas for Kosovo, Von Cramon reacts (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

• Stano: The European proposal should not be signed (Kosovo Online, RTS, RTV)
• Drecun says European plan is not agreement but proposal, de facto recognition means nothing (N1, Kosovo Online)
• Vucevic on European proposal: Nothing has been signed, Brussels agreement in force (Vecernje Novosti, media)
• Peoples’ Party mobilises resources to oppose acceptance of European plan (social media, media)
• Serbian List reacts to verdict against Todosijevic (TV Most, media)
• Dacic thanks NAM member states that stand with Serbia (Tanjug, RTV)
• Why are young people leaving north of Kosovo? (KoSSev)
• The CEC has again announced a competition for municipal election officials in the North (KoSSev, Radio Mitrovica sever)
• Tanjug: Pristina's Interpol membership request taken off agenda
• Office for KiM submits guarantees to EULEX for Adzic and Trajkovic (Kosovo Online)
• Dacic meets with FMs of Sudan, Yemen, Uganda and Ethiopia in Baku (Tanjug, media)


• Bosnian Serb Leader Blocks Regional Kosovo ID Travel Deal (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 2, 2023

• Kurti reacts to Vucic's remarks that he will oppose Kosovo’s UN membership (media)
• Lajcak reveals location of next Borrell-Kurti-Vucic meeting (Express)
• Senators: Kosovo, Serbia to reach agreement on implementation annex (media)
• Osmani meets Rohde, discuss recent meetings in Brussels (media)
• Hovenier: EU proposal is temporary package; long-term goal is mutual recognition (media)
• NATO calls for further progress in talks between Belgrade and Pristina (media)
• Abazovic meets Kurti; offers support for durable support for region (media)
• ETIAS launch date postponement won’t affect Kosovo visa liberalisation, EU official confirms (
• Victims names made public in former KLA leaders trial (Prishtina Insight)
• Transferring court cases from Mitrovica will harm Kosovo justice, lawyers say (BIRN)
• Court orders preextradition arrest of Serbian war criminal suspect (Budapest Time)
• Turkish couple facing deportation to Kosovo win Swiss asylum (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 1, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 1, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Biden invites Osmani to second Summit for Democracy (media)
• Kurti: Normalisation of relations with Serbia, with mutual recognition as a central part (Koha)
• Kurti thanks the United Nations agencies for their cooperation (RTK)
• Gjoshi: Article 7 of the agreement, dangerous for Kosovo (Nacionale)
• Entry into force of ETIAS postponed, liberalisation of visas no later than January 1, 2024 (media)
• SPO publishes names of victims that allegedly disappeared or were killed (Koha)
• KLA War Veterans: Another scandal and humiliation (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic to RTS: We can discuss everything, except the recognition and membership of Kosovo in the UN (KiM radio, N1)
• Tadic: This is not agreement offering compromise, but exclusively in Pristina’s favour (Danas)
• Vucic speaks with von der Leyen: Serbia for compromise solution with clearly stated limitations (Kosovo Online)
• The verdict against Todosijevic confirmed in Pristina; It’s contrary to Brussel agreement, says Petkovic (KiM radio, RTS, Kosovo Online)
• Defence lawyer of Todosijevic says he learnt about verdict from media (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian List extends support to Vucic (Kosovo Online)
• Party of Kosovo Serbs calls for resistance against Vucic (Radio KIM)
• Jaksic, Stojanovic on latest meeting in Brussels, fears of Serbs in Kosovo (N1)
• Vucic, Aliyev speak about Brussels dialogue (Tanjug)


• Marc Weller: The Brussels Agreement on the Path to Recognition (Koha)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 1, 2023

• U.S. welcomes progress on path to Kosovo-Serbia normalization (media)
• Escobar: Discussions about the Association should start immediately (RFE)
• Lajcak, Escobar meet to coordinate steps for next high-level meeting (Koha)
• Lajcak to visit Kosovo soon to discuss implementation modalities (Koha)
• EU spokesperson reveals details of Kurti-Vucic meeting (media)
• Kosovo, Serbia OK EU Plan, ‘But Devil Is in the Details,’ Analysts Say (VoA)
• Countries welcome positive developments between Kosovo and Serbia (media)
• U.S. endorses EU plan to ease Serbia-Kosovo tensions (Independent)
• Opposition parties criticise agreement on normalisation plan (BIRN)
• Tensions simmer despite leaders' tacit approval of EU plan (Euronews)
• Serwer: Put away the carrots and take out the sticks (
• Bancroft: Serbia-Kosovo - the devil is in the implementation (Euractiv)
• Boycott of Serbian products picks up steam but imports remain high (Euractiv)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, February 28, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Government press release on high-level meeting in Brussels (media)
• Osmani: Brussels meeting was a positive moment, but Assembly has the last word (Klan)
• Rama: No one should accuse Kurti of treason; he did the right thing! (Telegrafi)
• “No autonomy” – Bislimi asked about Association at EP committee (Nacionale)
• Gervalla: I see no reason why Spain should not recognise us (media)
• Mandl meets Bislimi and Bajrami, “there remains a long path to go” (Lajmi)
• Von Cramon: This plan will unblock EU membership perspective (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• EU spokesperson: The aim of the dialogue is the normalization of relations, not mutual recognition (Beta, N1)
• Vucic: We will continue talks, EU expects something by March 24 (N1)
• Drecun: We know our red lines; important news from Brussels are different interpretations of what happened (RTS)
• Petkovic: The CSM (ZSO) will not be a non-governmental organisation (RTS)
• Starovic: Nothing has been signed, but also nothing has been rejected in Brussels (RTV, Tanjug)
• Bogdanovic revealed to N1 what is written in the road map that was discussed in Brussels (N1)
• Tadic: Importance of ZSO inflated in order to present defeat in Brussels as victory (Danas, BETA)
• Serbian opposition politicians harshly criticise Vucic over developments in Brussels (media)
• Vucic: Difficult, successful struggle in Brussels, I will respond to all lies (N1)


• A promising day in Brussels, to be followed by non-euphoric days (Koha)
• On the European proposal/agreement: What was (not) lost in translation (KoSSev)


• No Signatures for Big Deal in Brussels, yet (Prishtina Insight)
• Euroactiv: Mixed reactions from Belgrade, Pristina following normalisation of relations meeting

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 28, 2023

• Serbia, Kosovo leaders back EU plan, top diplomat says (AP)
• Borrell: Kurti, Vucic agreed is no need for further talks on EU plan (media)
• Kurti: I did not sign today, as Vucic was not ready (media)
• Vucic: I insisted for Kosovo to form Association, Kurti refused (Albanian Post)
• EU Proposal - Agreement on path to normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia (media)
• Prior to Borrell, Kurti and Vucic met separately with Escobar (media)
• Abdixhiku: Kurti only has to agree on date of forming Association (media)
• Krasniqi: Kosovo lost recognition, gained association (media)
• Haradinaj: Accepting the French-German plan, a great achievement (media)
• PSD to organise anti-government protest because of Association (media)
• Pacolli: Two big countries will recognise Kosovo soon (Euronews Albania)
• Berlin Process Summit to take place in Tirana (Albanian Daily News)