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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 15, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 15, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Government: Impossible to comment on authenticity of every document (Klan)
• Hoxhaj: Meaningless, anti-democratic that Association draft is kept secret (EO)
• Bajrami: LDK doesn’t have the draft statute of the Association (RTV21)
• Kurti to community youths: Make Academy of Safety part of your dreams (Klan)
• Kurti to meet Special Intervention Unit today (Koha)
• CEC chief: Participation of women in election bodies is low (EO)
• Hoti: €113 million paid for electricity in the north in 2021 and 2022 (Nacionale)
• Malaj: Albania will increase its military presence in KFOR (Gazeta Express)
• Abazovic on Banjska attack: It damaged Serbia; Kurti had some warnings (media)
• Fried: Kosovo is a state now, not an issue or aspiration (Albanian Post)
• Suspected of terrorism: Identity of person wanted by Interpol revealed (Paparaci)

Serbian Language Media:

• Giaufret: Kosovo not alpha and omega of Serbia's European integration, but part of package (, Kontakt plus radio)
• RSF calls Serbian government to implement EC recommendations (N1)
• Marinkovic: “Act of ambassadors consequence of Albanian urge to erase historic ties of Serbs with Kosovo” (N1, KoSSev)
• Mijacic: More than 2,000 people so far have signed petition for return of monument to fallen Serbian soldiers in First World War (Kosovo Online)
• Stefanovic reacts to memorial plaque relocation, terms decision as tragic (N1, Radio KIM)
• Russian Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko reacts to memorial plaque relocation (Euronews Serbia, Kosovo Online)
• Kosovo police refuses to respond who beat up Serb G.M. from Caglavica (Radio KIM, Media Center)


• No More ‘Brotherhood and Unity’: Pre-War Kosovo Captured on Camera (Balkan Insight)
• EU ‘lacked momentum’ on Balkan enlargement, says Serbia’s Europe minister (Politico)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 15, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 15, 2023
Albanian Language Media:
• Kurti on Association: Vucic wants a "state within the state", I can discuss everything within Constitution (media)
• Lajcak: It is necessary to continue dialogue and respect agreement (RTK)
• Osmani has traveled for an official visit to Portugal (media)
• Minister Maqedonci and head of EULEX discussed security (RTK)
• Osmani on burned vehicle in Leposaviq: It aims to hinder integration of Serbs (Koha)
• Scholz: We are working hard to solve really difficult Kosovo-Serbia situation (Klan)
• Rama: Kosovo and Serbia must reach an agreement (Koha)
• Rohde: Now it’s up to the countries to implement what is necessary (media)
• PDK: Any statute of Association that contradicts founding ideals of Kosovo, unacceptable (media)
• CEC: Serbian List election assembly, in compliance with the laws (EO)
Serbian Language Media:
• Lajcak: We discussed steps for implementation of normalization agreement (Tanjug, media)
• Petition to return memorial plaque to original place launched, apology demanded (KoSSev, N1, Kosovo Online, RTS)
• Serbian List demands return of memorial plaque to original place, apology from ambassadors (N1, FoNet)
• SPS leader Dacic says alliance with opposition not an option (N1, BETA)
• Government adopts plan on harmonizing Serbia's visa regime with EU (Tanjug)
• United Media launches five licensed Forbes websites in the Adriatic region (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 14, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 14, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Upclose, Serbian reporters saw a different Kosovo (Kallxo)
• A vehicle set on fire in Leposavic, reportedly belongs to deputy mayor (Koha)
• EU membership, government criticized for not consulting civil society (KSP)
• Citaku: Propaganda, only area where government excels (Koha)
• Albanian Ambassador meets Kosovo Defense Minister (media)
• Serbian flag burned in Hoca e Madhe, “incitement of division, intolerance” (Koha)
• Trajkovic: Vucic accepted Kosovo’s territorial integrity (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: Serbia committed to dialogue and respect for everything agreed upon, Serbs in Kosovo in difficult situation (Tanjug, media)
• Petkovic: On Thursday, continuation of talks between Belgrade and Pristina on statute of CSM (ZSO) (NMagazin, Beta, Blic)
• Residents of Gracanica dissatisfied because of land expropriation (Euronews)
• Dacic: Unacceptable and scandalous relocation of memorial plaque in Pristina (RTV, Kosovo Online)
• Director of CESID condemns relocation of memorial plaque (Kosovo Online, social media)
• Jaksic plans to form an initiative that will advocate for the division of Kosovo (KiM radio)
• Sentic: Setting flag on fire is criminal act, clear condemnation necessary (KoSSev)
• Investigation into the burning of the Serbian flag in Velika Hoca (KiM radio, RTS, N1)
• New flag placed on monument to killed Serbs from Orahovac (Kosovo Online)
• Assembly of the Serbian National Council on November 26 in Belgrade (KiM radio)
• Vehicle of Leposavic municipality vice president set on fire (KoSSev)


• Serwer: The good, the bad and the unwritten (media)


• North Macedonia Seeks to Get Russia’s Lavrov to Skopje for OSCE Meeting (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 14, 2023

Albanian Language Media:
• Kurti: After visa liberalization, Kosovo should be given status of candidate country (Koha)
• Borell after the meeting of chief diplomats in Brussels: Western Balkans belongs in EU (media)
• Gervalla calls EU to take a clear stand on 24 September attack (media)
• A new "non-paper" for the Western Balkans, made pubic (Albanian Post)
• Kurti and Kovacevski discussed joint integration process (RTK)
• Jonathan Hargreaves, new ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo (Express)
• Number of requests for passports increases in the north (media)
• A suspect arrested in Zubin Potok, several weapons confiscated (Kallxo)
Serbian Language Media:
• Vucic to meet with Lajcak in Belgrade Tuesday (Tanjug)
• French and German embassies confirmed relocation of Serbian soldiers memorial plaque (KoSSev, media)
• Tanja Lazarevic’s public letter to French Ambassador (KoSSev, N1, media)
• Reactions to Serbian soldiers’ memorial plaque relocation continue (Kosovo Online, social media)
• Pristina municipality says it was neither informed nor received request to relocate memorial plaque (Kosovo Online)
• Informational campaign in North Mitrovica headed by a government representative who doesn’t speak Serbian (KoSSev)
• Brnabic: US one of Serbia's top foreign policy and economic partners (Tanjug)
• Borrell: Western Balkans place is in EU (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 13, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Gervalla: September 24 attack in Banjska changed everything (media)
• Baerbock with clear messages for Kosovo’s prospect of EU membership (Klan)
• Croatian FM: Visa liberalization for Kosovo, a major step forward (RTK)
• Stano doesn’t comment on draft statute published by Ramadani (media)
• PSD warns it will “escalate actions” against Association (Albanian Post)
• Tahiri: Scandalous, Resolution 1244 is part of the Association’s statute (media)
• Over 1,350 citizens in north re-register their vehicles to RKS plates (Telegrafi)
• Svecla meets Turkish Defense Minister (media)
• Petkovic: “In time of Serbian List and Vucic, 40,000 Serbs fled Kosovo” (Dukagjini)

Serbian Language Media:

• Borrell on Western Balkans: We insist on alignment with EU foreign policy (N1)
• Office for KiM reacts to relocation of Serb soldiers memorial plaque (Radio KIM, Kosovo Online)
• New KFOR Commander visits Visoki Decani Monastery (Radio KIM, Kosovo Online, social media)
• Ambassador Vilan denied Israeli soccer coach: Serbia showed that it is a true friend (Kosovo Online, RTS)
• Office for KiM: Flag of Serbia set on fire at the monument to the murdered Serbs in Orahovac (Tanjug)
• SNF gathering: “Prevent ‘Albanization’ of Serb-majority municipalities with ‘tacit approval’ of Serbian List” (KoSSev)


• Belgrade Paid for Lawyers Defending Kosovo Serbs Accused of Corruption, Documents Reveal (Balkan Insight)
• Kosovo Defeats Israel In Soccer Match Amid High Security, Small Crowd (RFE)

• 53 grants worth €500,000 allocated for women and minority led businesses (KSP)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 12, 2023

Albanian Language Media:
• Kurti: Kosovo, supporter of regional security (media)
• Kurti meets with O'Brien, says U.S. support for Kosovo confirmed (RTK)
• Borrell to chair today EU-Western Balkans meeting (Reporteri)
• Kurti: Neighboring countries are not safe from Serbia, as long as they are not part of EU (RFE)
• Prime Minister Kurti for a two-day visit to Vienna (media)
• Ramadani publishes a version of the Association's draft statute (media)
• Analysts: If it is official, this statute legalizes parallel structures in north (media)
• The flag of Palestine unfurled in Pristina, removed (media)
• Kosovo model can serve as solution for Gaza - says Israeli diplomat (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• Petkovic: Kurti playing on the Europeans' fear of a repeat of the conflict in the Balkans (Kontakt plus radio)
• FT: Serbia is ‘glaring example’ of how far aspirant members are from meeting EU enlargement criteria (N1)
• German and French Ambassadors Mark Armistice Day, but where is the Monument to Serbian Soldiers? (KoSSev)
• The monument to the fallen Serbian fighters at the cemetery in Pristina was moved (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS, KiM radio)
• Diocese of Raska - Prizren on relocation of the monument to the liberators from the First World War (, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
• An Albanian beat a Serb while cultivating his field near Ajvalija (KiM radio,
• It snowed in Brezovica, the locals still without firewood (KoSSev, RTK2)
• Vucic with O'Brien on the dialogue in Brussels and the situation in Kosovo (RTS)
• Vucic: No progress in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue as long as Kurti is in power (Tanjug)
International Media:
• In Memory of the UN Flight Tragedy in Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)
• RSF and 16 partners unveil Paris Charter on AI and Journalism (
• Türkiye, Serbia share objective of 'stable Balkans' (
• President of Serbia commented on the Meeting between Two Members of BiH Presidency with Kosovo PM (Sarajevo Times)
• Israeli national team arrives in Kosovo for soccer game under tight security measures (AP)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 10, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 10, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti meets representatives of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (media)
• Gervalla: The world should stand together to protect peace (media)
• On Monday EU Foreign Ministers meet those of Western Balkans (Albanian Post)
• Serbian analysts say that Serbia has de facto recognized Kosovo (Klan)
• The IMC approves regulation for the chief executive officer (media)
• Bislimi: Gender equality a prerequisite for European integration (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• EC Report: Relations of Kosovo Government with Serbian community significantly deteriorated (KoSSev)
• Vucic in Paris for Peace Forum (N1)
• Vucic meets Macron on sidelines of Paris Peace Forum (RTS, social media)
• EU foreign ministers on Monday with the heads of diplomacy of the Western Balkans (Kosovo Online, Danas)
• State Department’s O’Brien to meet Western Balkan leaders in Paris (N1)
• Another truck with medications from central Serbia arrived at Clinical Hospital Center in Mitrovica North (Tanjug)
• Party of Kosovo Serbs: CSM must be in line with Resolution 1244 and interests of Serbs (Radio KIM)
• Djuric: Israeli recognition of Kosovo was strongest blow to Serbian-Israeli relations (Tanjug)
• 1,140 vehicles re-registered to Kosovo license plates since November 1 (Beta, N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 10, 2023

Albanian Language Media:
• EU: Next dialogue meeting for implementation of commitments (Koha)
• U.S. Assistant Secretary O’Brien’s to meet Kurti during his stay in France (media)
• Kurti and his spouse welcomed by Macron on eve of Paris Peace Forum (media)
• Elshani: 1,140 vehicles with illegal plates registered to RKS (RTK)
• First truck from Serbia with medicines arrives in Mitrovica North (media)
• Kosovo Defence Minister meets Italian counterpart (media)
• Vacancy announcement for Director of RTK 2 annulled (Kallxo)
Serbian Language Media:
• Medications from central Serbia arrived at Clinical Hospital Center in Mitrovica North, Gracanica (Kosovo Online, media)
• Dacic, Azoulay discuss Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo (Tanjug)
• Dacic: Serbian cultural monuments in Kosovo should be guarded by KFOR (Tanjug, media)
• Office for KiM: Two Serb families in MIlosevo village robbed (media)
• Vucic to attend Peace Forum in Paris, meet Macron (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 9, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• President Osmani attends Ahtisaar's funeral (media)
• Scholz talks about security in Kosovo: Germany stands by NATO (Klan)
• Hovenier: The association will not have executive powers (media)
• Kosovo and Serbia do not benefit financially if they do not progress in dialogue (RTK)
• Assembly approves statement in support of EP Resolution on the attack in Banjska (Kallxo)
• Special Prosecutor's Office invites Minister Haxhiu for interview on Dehari case (media)
• Mortal remains found in Prekaz, suspected to be of missing persons in the war (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Petkovic: Pristina's referring on the Constitutional Court of Kosovo cannot annul Resolution 1244 (Danas, Kosovo Online, RTS)
• Jeremic: After der Leyen’s visit no dilemma that Franco-German proposal means recognition of Kosovo (Danas, BETA)
• Dacic: Serbia to submit candidacy for UNESCO Executive Council (RTV, Tanjug)
• Zeqiri says work in Zubin Potok municipality goes normally, calls Krasniqi ‘party’s militant’ (Kosovo Online)
• Petkovic confirmed participation in new round of negotiations with Pristina on November 16 (Kosovo Online, RTV, Tanjug)
• Kapetanovic: Financial fine and court proceeding for usurper of socially owned property in Caglavica (Radio KIM)
• Lucic: Kurti wants to shut down MTS in Kosovo, we managed to avoid his trap (Kosovo Online, TV Prva)
• United Media brings Forbes to Serbia (N1)
• Media: Indictment raised against Self-determination members over statements on release on bail of Dejan Pantic (KoSSev, Kosovo Online)


• Online Disinformation Surges in Balkans Amid Israel-Hamas Conflict (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 9, 2023

Albanian Language Media:
• Chief negotiators to meet in Brussels on November 16 (Koha)
• Szunyog: We need to see more steps to lift measures on Kosovo (media)
• Kurti travels to Paris, will attend the Peace Forum (media)
• Hoxhaj: EU sanctions will remain in force for some time (media)
• Kanin: De facto recognition doesn’t solve problems between Kosovo and Serbia (RFE)
• Krasniqi: No initiative for removal of mayors in the north (RTK)
• Kurti meets Albanian candidates for Parliament of Serbia (media)
• Leposavic: Car tries to hit police officer, the latter use arms (Gazeta Express)
Serbian Language Media:
• Vucic on the EC report, visit to France: It is important that a progress has been seen (Beta, N1, TV Prva, Danas, KiM radio)
• Giaufret presents report: Brnabic says EC recognized Serbia’s clear progress (FoNet, N1)
• Bilcik: Serbia needs real, not limited progress (N1)
• Varhelyi: Serbia, Kosovo expected to implement agreement on normalization of relations (N1, Tanjug)
• If Serbia and Kosovo do not reach an agreement, there will be no EU money (Danas)
• Dacic with the French envoy on Kosovo: The goal is to stabilize the situation and normalize relations (FoNet)
• Owners of land plots in Gracanica fear that they will be left without property (KiM radio, RTS, KoSSev)
• Krasniqi: There are no requests from Serbs to replace the mayor in the north (KiM radio, Kosovo Online, Beta)