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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 20, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 20, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: EU enlargement, best response to those who threaten peace (media)
U.S. wants to see progress in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Klan Kosova)
Lajcak: We outlined important follow-up steps to guide next discussion (media)
Kurti remembers Lithuanian EULEX officer killed in north 11 years ago (media)
UK: No good governance without equal inclusion of women in public life (media)
Haziri rules out post-election coalition with Vetevendosje (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: Balkan market condition for European one, those who want will stay in game (KoSSev, N1, media)
Von der Leyen: Efforts to bring Western Balkans closer to EU (N1)
Varhelyi: Good meeting with Vucic on next steps, growth plan in full swing (Tanjug, media)
Djedovic Handanovic: Serbia-US strategic energy deal very important (media)
Serbian Ministry of Culture says Pristina attempting to appropriate Serbian cultural heritage (Kosovo Online, KoSSev, media)
Bisevac asks if new police base is built in Cecevo village, Zubin Potok municipality (
EULEX pays tribute to its customs officer killed 11 years ago (Radio kontakt plus, social media)
The new EU Special Representative visits Gracanica Monastery (media, social media)
Banjska Monastery closed for visits in period from September 23-26 (KoSSev, media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Osmani travels to New York, will meet world leaders (media)
Rohde on the 10th anniversary of the Berlin Process (media)
Ceku: We’ll never stop seeking justice and compensation vis-à-vis Serbia (media)
Krasniqi implies closure of Serbian-run municipality in Gracanica (T7)
Stano: No other step required for Ohrid Agreement to be in force (Nacionale)
Molliqaj: According to VV criteria, Kurti and Svecla are Vucic’s associates (Koha)
Serwer: Serbia trying to regain influence in north through loyal Serbs (KTV)
Hoti: Ask Kurti, Osmani why Washington Agreement wasn’t implemented? (media)
OSCE congratulates RTK on 25th anniversary (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Kasanof: Lithium project helps Serbia; US wants progress in dialogue with Kosovo (VoA, media)
PIK interrogates young men arrested last week in North Mitrovica regarding actions of police officers (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, media)
Police Inspectorate confirmed it opened preliminary investigation in relation to arrest of four young Serbs in Mitrovica North (KoSSev)
Patriarch Porfirije with Cardinal Parolin discusses endangerment of Christian heritage in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, N1)
Nemec: Unacceptable for a small group of people in the WB to remain discriminated against (Kosovo Online)
Vokrri criticizes EU decision to lift visa requirements for Serbian Coordination Directorate passports (KoSSev)
Vucic informed Varhelyi about worrying situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
Gogic: Goal of social protection measures is to mitigate consequences of Pristina's unilateral decisions (Kosovo Online, media)


Rural renaissance: Agritourism offers new vitality to Kosovo’s emptying villages (Prishtina Insight)


Mural against femicide in Kosovo unveiled (Kosovapress)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 19, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti to take part in working lunch of Western Balkans leaders (media)
Osmani meets Hovenier, discuss strengthening Kosovo-US cooperation (media)
Conference on Survey with Multiple Indicators – MICS – held in Pristina (media)
KJC, KPC consider now not the right time to review resignation of Serbs (KTV)
Kurti on report that “documents Serbia’s culturicide in Kosovo” (media)
Royal Yorkshire Regiment troops assigned to NATO deploy to Kosovo (media)
Petritsch: If Trump returns, there’ll be a different policy toward Kosovo (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: Pristina trying to put blame on Belgrade (N1, TV Pink, media)
Djuric: Kurti and his aides have no intention of giving up on unilateral moves (Tanjug)
Djuric and Fernandez signed Agreement on Strategic Partnership between Serbia and USA in field of energy (Kosovo Online, media)
Serbian Coordination Directorate passports enter EU visa-free regime (KoSSev)
Residents of northern municipalities pleased with decision to lift visas for Coordination Directorate passport holders (Kosovo Online)
KFOR deploys reserves for routine exercise (N1)
Miroce landowners’ 24-year struggle: a battle for justice and property rights (KoSSev)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 18, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Osmani: Who dialogues with Serbia about the bridge violates Constitution (media)
• Kurti meets representatives of UN agencies in Kosovo (media)
• Krasniqi: Government will build 102 new houses in north by year’s end (media)
• Palokaj: Strangely enough, we should trust Belgrade more than Lajcak (KTV)
• Krasniqi: Kurti a master in propaganda; actions in north for election goals (EO)
• Qalaj reacts to Totaj comparing Kurti’s actions with Milosevic (media)
• Begaj: Kosovo in Adriatic Charter, crucial for regional stability (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• SNV: Kosovo Serbs to meet the opposition in Belgrade, on Saturday, September 28 (NMagazin, Beta, N1, KiM radio)
• Vucic, Parolin discuss protection of Serbian heritage sites in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
• Szijjarto: Hungary will not support Pristina's membership in the CoE (Tanjug, RTS)
• Lucic: Telekom on a "counter-offensive" in Kosovo, we will participate in the distribution of part of the spectrum (TV Prva, Kosovo Online, RTV)
• Vucic to participate in the WB leaders' working lunch on Thursday (Kosovo Online)
• Serbia, US to sign agreement on strategic partnership in energy sector (Tanjug, Danas)


• Kosovar PM dismisses Serbia's demands as EU dialogue fails to bring negotiators together (RFE)
• Kosovo’s minimum wage hike won’t rock economy, but may win votes (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 18, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 18, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Osmani says Vucic’s demands should not be taken seriously (media)
Hovenier: Our support for Kosovo is strong and does not change (media)
Regional Center for Excellence of Women, Peace and Security launched (media)
No trilateral meeting between Lajcak, Bislimi and Petkovic in Brussels (media)
NATO reiterates its full support to EU efforts in Kosovo (media)
Hoxhaj: Lajcak represented Serbia’s interests; Kurti fell for the trap (KTV)
Serwer: Kurti’s requests are reasonable (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Petkovic: Bislimi rejected trilateral meeting (Tanjug, media)
Lajcak regrets "the most pressing issues" were not addressed in trilateral format (Tanjug, media)
Goffus in Brussels with delegations from Belgrade and Pristina (Kosovo Online, media, social media)
Petkovic on meeting with Goffus (media, social media)
Dacic says Pristina not implementing Brussels Agreement (media)
SRSG Ziadeh visits Mitrovica region (media, social media)
Group of women from northern Kosovo informed SRSG Ziadeh about consequences of Serbian institutions’ closure (Kosovo Online)
Serbian Democracy representatives met SRSG Ziadeh (Radio KIM)
Vatican Secretary of State in Belgrade for Diocese anniversary (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 17, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• State Department reiterates Kosovo-Serbia dialogue the only way forward (media)
• Kurti on Vucic measures: Desperation, part of campaign for new conflicts (media)
• Kurti: Association only as part of package for normalization with mutual recognition (media)
• House built by government funds in Mitrovica North set on fire (media)
• Ramadani: Serbia wants situation in north to go from fragile to escalation (media)
• Kurti meets mayor of Zubin Potok municipality and department heads (media)
• Threatening message left on car of Zvecan municipal assembly member (media)
• Maqedonci: Serbia’s approach does not scare Kosovo (Klan Kosova)
• Joseph: U.S. needs to change its position towards Belgrade (media)
• Orav meets Aliu; “the Green Agenda remains one of EU’s top priorities!” (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Serbian List meets SRSG Ziadeh, discusses position of Serbs in Kosovo (Radio KIM)
• 230 hectares of usurped Serb properties in village of Miroce village still unresolved, owners appeal to competent Prosecutor's Office to act (KoSSev)
• Serbian delegation warned of Pristina’s terror against Serbs at meetings during NATO Parliamentary Assembly (Tanjug)
• Brnabic: For Serbs in Kosovo there is no bigger threat than Kurti (RTV, TV Pink)
• Kurti again with Canak and Baskin, this time reinforced by Rasic and Boris Bojovic (KoSSev)
• Haziri: Presence of Kosovo special police in north does not represent de-escalation (Kosovo Online)
• Strategic agreement cooperation soon between Serbia and USA in Washington (Tanjug)
• Former police officer in Prizren refuted allegations of committing war crimes in Kosovo (RTS)
• Threatening message written on vehicle of Zvecan municipal assembly official in Mitrovica South (KoSSev, media)
• Signing of decision to abolish visas for Serbian Administration Directorate passport holders to take place tomorrow (Kosovo Online)
• Bieber: Support for Jadar lithium mining project a tragic mistake of EU (N1, Radar)


• U.S. policy reset in the Western Balkans (media)
• The inaugural editorial, or why is everyone acting oblivious? (EWB)


• Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania among world’s worst in household waste disposal - report (BIRN)
• Marta Kos from Slovenia nominated as the new European Commissioner for Enlargement (EWB)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 17, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 17, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Bislimi travels to Brussels to take part in dialogue meetings (media)
Osmani: EU measures must be lifted, “affecting mostly the people” (media)
Luhrmann: CEFTA blocking threatens Berlin Process, Kosovo to engage in solution (Koha)
Haziri on eventual exclusion from Berlin Process: A very serious blow (media)
Abdixhiku: Successful and strong Kosovo, best response to Vucic (Indeksonline)
Hasani: Vucic aims to isolate Kosovo from the west (media)
Latest Balkan Barometer findings published (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Stano: Implementation of Ohrid deal, other issues to be on agenda of Brussels meeting (Tanjug, media)
Ivanov: Situation in Kosovo goes from bad to worse, EU must force parties to implement agreement (Kosovo Online)
Djuric: US and Serbia’s stances on Kosovo differ, but both are against unilateral acts (Kosovo Online)
China respects territorial integrity, sovereignty of Serbia, rights and interests of Serbs in Kosovo to be respected (RTS, media)
Additional funds allocated for construction of 11 Albanian houses in north (Radio KIM, media)
Preliminary hearing in case of Pantic and Zaric postponed, they did not receive indictment (Radio KIM)
Serbian opposition MP calls for urgent session of Committee for KiM (KoSSev)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Konjufca: We don’t fear Vucic’s threats (media)
Kurti: We never had greater support from the people than now (Kallxo)
Konjufca: Democracy is maintained through civic engagement (Indeksonline)
Haxhiu: Internationals must pressure Serbia to hand over criminals (EO)
Kurti and Rasic meet with Canak and Bojovic in Pristina (media)
Kandic: Closing of Serbia’s institutions in Kosovo, not a ‘terror by Kurti’ (media)
Luhrmann to arrive in Kosovo today, will meet Osmani (media)
Stradner: Another Vucic’s nonsense as he seeks attention from West (media)
Georgiev: Let’s accept the truth, Serbia has recognized Kosovo (media)
Kosovo welcomes Ukrainian journalist Kostyantyn Grygorenko (media)

Serbian Language Media:

The EU welcomes Belgrade's request for the return of Serbs to Kosovo's institutions (RFE)
Serbian Foreign Ministry: Pristina’s political structures violate Serbs’ human rights (FoNet, N1)
Son of arrested Panitc: Only fault of my father was that he did not want to sell his apartment and property (Kosovo Online)
Vucic approves initiative to reintroduce mandatory military service in Serbia (Tanjug, N1)
Aleksic on mandatory military service (N1)
Miletic from Zvecan issued financial fine and suspended sentence over last year’s May 29 events (Kosovo Online, media)


What does the US election mean for Kosovo? (Kosovo 2.0)
From whistle to Kalashnikov, from actor to masked criminal: Arsenijević as a protagonist of disinformation (


From behind a curtain, Kosovo teen films military turmoil (BIRN)
Vucic maneuver to stay with and against the West by destabilizing Kosovo (media)
Worst floods in decades claim lives in Central, Southeast Europe (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 16, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, September 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kosovo leaders’ messages on International Day of Democracy (media)
Kurti: Vucic in coordination with Russia preparing new threats (media)
Gervalla, Torres react to Vucic’s “measures” on Kosovo (media)
State Department on Banjska indictment: Respect the judicial process (RFE)
Rasic: We need to plan options (RFE)
Maqedonci offers Kosovo’s help to Czech Republic to deal with floods (media)
Kurti takes part in Balkan Integration Forum (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Serbian PM: We want Serbs to stay in Kosovo (N1, Beta)
Rasic on healthcare and education: We must be ready for every scenario; Petkovic: We will not allow (RFE, KiM radio)
Vucic outlined Serbia's demands, moves regarding Kosovo (Tanjug, N1)
Mijacic: Vucic’s proposal to return to the previous state unrealistic, but calms the domestic public (KoSSev)
The Serbian People's Movement proposes to Vucic its measures for Serbs in Kosovo (KiM radio, KoSSev)
Lawyer Arsic: The 30-day detention measure for Tomislav Pantic inhumane decision (Kosovo Online)
Manojlovic in North Mitrovica; Meeting in Gracanica (N1, KoSSev, Media Centar Caglavica)
The GoK: We have never made a decision to ban the import of goods from Serbia (Kosovo Online, Demokracia)
Sarrazin: Kosovo cannot block the common regional market, this includes goods from Serbia (Kosovo Online, RTK)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 13, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Osmani: Vucic wants to annex the north according to Putin’s scenario (media)
• Police confirm pamphlets ‘inciting hatred and division’ in north of Kosovo (media)
• Haliti: Govt decided to give time to allies on the opening of bridge (Telegrafi)
• VV MP says bridge will be opened: We never mentioned a date (media)
• Police seize 6 million dinars, US$ 57,000, €10,000 in raid in Leposavic (Koha)
• “Serbs in north concerned by reports in media controlled by Vucic” (media)
• Knaus: The blindness of the West is remarkable (media)
• Rohde congratulates Osmani on receiving M100 Media Award (media)
• “The truth” about Kosovo in Serbia (Radio Free Europe)
• “Social Media: from the “Magic Bullet” to the “Tragic Bullet” (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucevic: Measures we will take will be aimed at keeping peace and protecting Serbs in Kosovo (Radio Mitrovica sever, RTS, media)
• Serbia’s path to resolve Kosovo crisis unveiled by Serbian ambassador to Montenegro (KoSSev)
• Simic: Situation in Kosovo has never been worse, Serbs live in a situation similar to apartheid (Tanjug, RTS)
• New dialogue round on Tuesday, Pristina refuses trilateral meeting (Tanjug)
• Stano didn’t confirm date of next chief negotiators meeting (N1, media)
• Orav with representatives of Serb parties and civil society; Vokrri: “No incident is provoked without the support of international bureaucrats” (N1, KoSSev)
• Photo from filming a movie is reason for new discrediting of Arsenijevic (Radio KIM, KoSSev, Radio Kontakt plus, social media)


• “We had an impact”: Kosovo war photographer says images affected West’s policies (Prishtina Insight)


• ‘Dream come true’: Kosovo’s paralympic pioneer recalls making history in Paris (BIRN)