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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, December 20, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kosovo, Albanian parliaments hold joint session in Pristina (media)

  • European Union deploys election observation mission to Kosovo (media)

  • Kurti: During Hovenier’s time here, Kosovo made incredible progress (media)

  • Kurti calls on diaspora to register for February 9 elections (media)

  • “Damage caused by attack on Iber-Lepenci canal, around €400 thousand” (RFE)

  • Osmani meets Fellin in Brussels, “our shared goal is clear” (media)

  • Kamberi: Serbia trying to isolate Presevo Valley Albanians from Kosovo (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • CSOs: The only viable, long-term solution lies in achieving ethnic balance within Kosovo police in four northern municipalities (Kosovo Online, social media)

  • Nemanja Vidic: Kosovo Serbs are fighters, keep striving for a better life (KoSSev)

  • Bisevac: Manipulating Serb numbers in Kosovo driven by the goal to change their status (Kosovo Online)

  • Ministry for Communities and Returns says Rasic did not support establishment of ‘Museum of Genocide’ (Radio KIM)

  • Police vehicle slid off the road near Varage, three officers injured (KoSSev)

  • Vucic: Serbia's cooperation with OSCE exceptional (Tanjug)

International Media:

  • Kosovo census shows shrinking population as many Serbs heed political party calls to boycott (AP)

  • Danger of external interference in Balkans high: Mattarella (ANSA)

  • What Grenell’s return means for US diplomacy in the Balkans (

  • BIRN reality check: Kosovo still failing children forced into street work



Albanian Language Media 



Kosovo, Albania parliaments hold joint session in Pristina (media)


The leading story in the media today is the joint session of the parliaments of Kosovo and Albania, in Pristina today. 


The Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, began his speech in front of the MPs of the assemblies of Kosovo and Albania by mentioning the attacks in the north ‘by Serbian groups last year and this year.’ He then said that Kosovo and Albania, regardless of the circumstances, are always there for each other. “Kosovo and Albania are with each other in all circumstances and without any conditions, since we cannot represent anything other than the national interest of the nation that is common to us”.


He thanked the Government of Albania for being vocal in protecting the interests of Kosovo and protecting the statehood of Kosovo in the international arena.


“Kosovo’s right to protect its sovereignty and integrity, to strengthen the rule of law, cannot be considered a violation of good neighborliness nor an escalation of relations with its neighbors. It is Serbia that does not even accept our neighbor status, but continues to have its hegemonic ambitions codified in the Constitution. There can be no normalization without mutual recognition as two sovereign entities. We say only this is the solution for the relationship between Kosovo and Serbia and we are convinced that this will happen because we have the Republic of Albania on our side," Konjufca said.


The Speaker of the Albanian Parliament, Elisa Spiropali, has said that Kosovo and Albania walk together, and their successes are inseparable. From the rostrum of the Kosovo Parliament, she has called on the five EU states that do not recognize Kosovo to do so. “We exchange ideas, common passions, dreams and goods, visions and hopes, and coordinate well-understood plans and strategies on the path to Europe. The realization of our objective of EU membership, the Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo and its final recognition as an irreversible reality, the increase in the role of the Albanian factor, stability for peace and security, are our tasks, the foundation of our future” she said.


“Kosovo is a national priority of Albania, Albania is a national priority of Kosovo. The success of one is also a first condition for the success of the other republic”, she said.


She added that despite the daily debates, partnership between the two states is the only means to face the challenges. “We believe that only full partnership, beyond debates and contradictions about the events of the day, is the only reasonable means for Tirana and Pristina to face their challenges in a geopolitical environment that sometimes appears hostile.”


Spiropali emphasized that Albania supports the movements of the government of Kosovo for the rule of law throughout the territory. “We support the multifaceted efforts of the government of Kosovo, the state of Kosovo, the forces in Kosovo, to guarantee the law in every area of ​​the Republic of Kosovo in close partnership with our partners”, Spiropali said.


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said that today's session between the parliaments of Kosovo and Albania represents the common heritage, but also the unwavering determination to create a worthy future, supported by the vision and goals of the people, which has created an extraordinary strength and commitment to freedom, justice and well-being. She said that this session should serve as a call to action, ‘a reminder that our common goal requires greater ambitions and more tireless efforts.’


“We are living in a turbulent era that requires cooperation. For Kosovo and Albania, this is not just a choice, but a necessity. A stronger Albania means a stronger Kosovo, a more successful Kosovo elevates Albania even higher”, she said.


She said that the authorities of both states must raise their voices more than ever to protect the rights of Albanians in the Presevo Valley and those in North Macedonia.


“History will not judge us kindly if we fail to use this moment to build the necessary unity and harmony. The prosperity of Kosovo and Albania is a duty that belongs to all leaders of institutions and every citizen. Each of us must play his role in advancing the visions of our states and citizens within the European family and nations”.


Osmani said that Kosovo and Albania have their connection rooted in history with countless sacrifices. “Albania and Kosovo are not just two independent states, but they are two inseparable parts of a great nation, united by a glorious history, and a bright future that is being built day by day”, Osmani said.


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that ‘the two countries should walk together towards EU membership, citing a speech by former President Rugova about permanent friendship with the US.’  Rama said that Albanians are on the path of progress and have a historic chance to enter the European family with their values.


“20 years ago, in 2004, President Rugova said something for us today, reminding us that “the common objectives of Kosovo and Albania are integration into the EU, NATO and permanent friendship with the U.S. We say this with full conviction that Albanians are on the path of progress and have a historic chance to enter the European family with their values.” These seemingly simple words are all we need and enough to not lose sight of the historic objective of joining the EU, and to not lose sight of the fact that Albanians can successfully use this historic opportunity only as a good brave man with many friends,” Rama said.


He further argued that his “ardent desire” is that one of us is not at the negotiating table with the EU, while the other is on the list of EU sanctions, which Rama called a great absurdity. “While Albania is moving at a rapid pace to join Europe, imagine how proud we would make Albanians on both sides if we were side by side with Kosovo on this journey, if Kosovo were to shine equally internationally at the same pace, if we were together at the head of the country at the table of the Balkan nations.


We are the only nation that speaks a language as old as the very genesis of the West. My fervent wish is that we are not one at the negotiating table with the EU, and the other on the list of EU sanctions, which today are an absolute absurdity. “Together with the President, at the EU Summit two days ago, we strongly insisted that those measures be lifted and we ensured that all the EU funds that have been withheld are released and not burned”.


“We must be hand in hand peace-loving and peace-keeping. In their eyes, the burden of guilt for the degradation of the European dialogue must fall entirely on Serbia, but we must not allow even a single gram to fall on Kosovo”, Rama emphasized.


"But today, as we are all in the Assembly where Kosovo's independence was declared, Hashim Thaci, Jakup Krasniqi, Kadri Veseli and Rexhep Selimi continue to be held hostage for almost five years in the cells of an international justice system that has disappointed everyone who expected from it the virtues of justice of a state governed by the rule of law," he said. Rama stated that the trial in The Hague is an irregular legal process and its norms and standards are below the standards of justice of all democratic countries that finance that kind of court. "I cannot help but tell you my surprise that no initiative has been taken in this hall to make a resolution against that court," Rama said.


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has stressed that Kosovo should freeze dialogue with Serbia and aim to normalize relations with it through bilateral dialogue with the European Union.


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has mentioned the joint achievements of Kosovo and Albania but added that there is still work to be done. He said that they have an obligation not only to the citizens of both countries, but also to the Albanians in North Macedonia, Montenegro and especially those in Serbia.


“Albanians under Serbia are the most discriminated ethnic community in Europe, therefore they deserve greater attention in the coordination of regional policies of Albania and Kosovo. Albanians are not guilty of being autochthonous,” he said in front of the MPs of Kosovo and Albania.


"The terrorist attacks on Kosovo, the one in Banjska and the latter in the Iber-Lepenc water supply channel, coming from the same address, from Serbia, and if it is not Serbia, it is Serbia and Russia together, have made this issue urgent, namely NATO membership". He said that they have never before extended sovereignty to the north and according to him, the sporadic terrorist attacks, by paramilitaries orchestrated and financed by Serbia, according to him, are an expression of their powerlessness.


"They used to not commit terrorist acts because they had it completely under control, now that they have lost control they commit terrorist acts, but this is their end. Their terrorist acts are their despair, they are the end of their rule", he continued.


He further said that Kosovo has never been stronger militarily. According to him, investments in the years 2021-2023 reached over 239 million euros from 4 million in the years 2018-2020.


"Albania and Kosovo aim to be worthy members of the Euro-Atlantic family and are taking on the responsibility that comes with membership in the EU and NATO. National minorities in Kosovo and Albania in general are with us because we are respectful and responsible towards them. Kosovo and Albania believe in human rights, are contributors to peace and security in the Western Balkans region, and are therefore strong supporters of Euro-Atlantic integration processes."


Kurti has singled out four categories that according to him the governments should pay more attention to. “Both in Kosovo and Albania I believe that we should pay special attention to four categories: activism and women’s rights, youth, diaspora and development of our villages and highlands.”


The leader of the AAK, Ramush Haradinaj, called today's meeting of the assemblies of Kosovo and Albania a meeting between brothers and sisters. He said that in such a meeting, the truth should not be hidden.


"The security situation in Kosovo is fragile. For the first time in 20 years, a part of the country has been attacked by terrorist groups armed with military arsenals. The wrong and uncoordinated steps of the Kosovo government, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, with strategic partners, especially the USA, for the integration of the Serbs of the north, have caused Serbia to be seen by part of the international community as a victim, and Kosovo, to put it mildly, as an irresponsible and frivolous state. As a result, we are under EU and U.S. sanctions. So, Kosovo is in the same boat as North Korea by Prime Minister Kurti and his government," said the leader of the AAK, a candidate for prime minister in the February 9 elections.


European Union deploys election observation mission to Kosovo (media)


In response to an invitation by the President of Kosovo, the High Representative / Vice President of the European Commission Kaja Kallas has decided to deploy an EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) to observe the parliamentary elections scheduled for 9 February 2025, the European Union’s External Action Service said in a statement today.


The High Representative has appointed Nathalie Loiseau, Member of the European Parliament, as Chief Observer.  The election observation missions to Kosovo, at the request of its authorities, will demonstrate the EU’s resolute support for Kosovo in its efforts to further strengthen its democratic governance. The mission’s presence on the ground is aimed at contributing to an inclusive, credible and transparent election process allowing Kosovo voters to clearly express their choices. Chief Observer Nathalie Loiseau said: “I feel honoured to serve as the Chief Observer of the 2025 EU Election Observation Mission to Kosovo. The forthcoming parliamentary elections will be the first to take place under a new electoral law, which has taken into account our previous recommendations. I look forward to engaging with authorities, political parties, candidates, civil society and other electoral stakeholders in Kosovo”. 


Kurti: During Hovenier’s time here, Kosovo made incredible progress (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a post on X on Thursday that “tonight, we thank U.S. Ambassador Hovenier as he completes his mandate in Kosova. During his time here, our country has made incredible progress, both internally and in strengthening ties with the United States. From greater cooperation in defense, security, and intelligence to key agreements that expanded Kosova's energy capacities and secured its first-ever sovereign credit rating, his contributions have been invaluable. As his mandate ends, the friendship remains strong”.


Kurti calls on diaspora to register for February 9 elections (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, has announced that 50 thousand residents from the diaspora have registered to vote in Kosovo. He indicated that the deadline for registration is until December 26. Kurti has appealed for expatriates to register and vote in Kosovo.


“Today, 50 thousand people from the diaspora have registered to vote. Meanwhile, there are less than 7 days left until the deadline, December 26, 2024, when you can register to vote. Without registration, you will not be able to vote, so do it as soon as possible and do not leave it for the last moments. From every corner of the world where you are, cast your vote for your homeland!”, Kurti wrote on Facebook.


“Damage caused by attack on Iber-Lepenci canal, around €400 thousand” (RFE)

The repair of the damage caused to the Iber-Lepenci canal in Zubin Potok, in November of this year, will amount to around € 400 thousand, said on Thursday the CEO of the Iber-Lepenci company, Faruk Mujka. He said that the repair of the canal will be carried out in cooperation with the World Bank and that all work is expected to be finalized by June 30 of next year. The Iber-Lepenci canal was attacked on November 29 in the village of Varraga in the municipality of Zubin Potok - a municipality with a Serb majority in the north. Kosovo police said that the attack was carried out with explosives weighing up to 20 kilograms. The Iber-Lepenc Canal supplies water from Lake Ujman to the entire north of Kosovo, the regions of Mitrovica, Pristina and the surrounding area, as well as to the Kosovo Energy Corporation for cooling its thermal power plants. Kosovo's Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, has said that the intended damage would amount to up to 2.5 million euros, just in electricity imports. "Let's not talk about the paralysis of economic activity, heating for citizens, water supply, and many other services," Rizvanolli told the media on Thursday. Kosovo has blamed Serbia for this attack, which it has considered terrorist, while official Belgrade has denied everything. For the Kosovo authorities, this has been the most serious attack on Kosovo's critical infrastructure since the 1998/99 war. The attack has also been strongly condemned by the United States and the European Union, and calls have been made for those responsible to face justice.

Osmani meets Fellin in Brussels, “our shared goal is clear” (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a post on X that during her stay in Brussels she met with NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace, and Security Irene Fellin. “Our shared goal is clear: more security, more stability, sustainable peace, and empowerment through inclusivity and equal representation,” she said.

Kamberi: Serbia trying to isolate Presevo Valley Albanians from Kosovo (media)

Albanian member in the Serbian Parliament, Shaip Kamberi, reacted on Thursday to a decision by Serbian authorities to not allow a visit by Kosovo Minister of Culture, Hajrulla Ceku, in Presevo Valley. “Serbian authorities’ obstructing the visit by Minister Hajrulla Ceku to Presevo is the latest attempt to isolate the Presevo Valley Albanians from the Republic of Kosovo. Going against even cultural exchanges is the best proof of the authoritarian, discriminatory and anti-Albanian character of Vucic’s regime. The attempts to isolate us and artificial barriers cannot undo our historical, cultural and human ties with Kosovo,” Kamberi said in a Facebook post.


Serbian Language Media 


CSOs: The only viable, long-term solution lies in achieving ethnic balance within Kosovo police in four northern municipalities (Kosovo Online, social media)

Five civil society organizations, New Social Initiative, Aktiv, InTer, CASA and ACDC in a statement issued today “welcome the acknowledgment by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the challenges associated with Kosovo police officers promoting nationalistic behavior. This issue has been thoroughly documented in our report published on December 13, 2024.

We stand ready to provide our assistance in drafting a robust regulatory framework to prevent such practices. We believe that this framework will complement ongoing efforts to uphold professionalism and impartiality within the Kosovo police, ensuring they serve all communities equitably.

However, we stress that, primarily, there needs to be accountability for the behavior that is already illegal under the existing framework. In that sense, we expect an investigation by the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo and appropriate sanctions for officers who were violating the procedures.

Furthermore, it is crucial to acknowledge that this initiative addresses only part of the problem. The continued deployment of police officers in communities they perceive as the “enemy” poses significant risks that must be recognized and addressed by the relevant institutions and the international community”, the statement said.

Therefore, the measures must carefully account for the complexity of the issue, the statement added.

Read the full statement at: is external)

Nemanja Vidic: Kosovo Serbs are fighters, keep striving for a better life (KoSSev)


Renowned Serbian footballer Nemanja Vidic, celebrated for his achievements on the field, delivered an emotional message to Serbs in Kosovo, highlighting their resilience and determination during challenging times. Speaking to KoSSev after receiving the “Knight of the Calling” award, Vidic expressed gratitude for the honor, emphasizing its significance beyond his sports career.


“This award is one of the most important in my life, not just because of my sports career, but because of what I do outside of it,” Vidic said. The award ceremony took place on December 8 at the National Theatre in Belgrade, and Vidic sees it as a responsibility to continue promoting positive societal values.


“All the values that this society and free-minded people wish to promote must be upheld to build a better future,” he added. Using the opportunity, Vidic sent a heartfelt message to Kosovo Serbs, urging them to persevere in their fight for better living conditions.

“I send my warm regards to my fellow citizens in Kosovo. I wish them a happy New Year, good health, and the strength to fight for a better life and status. Just as people across the world strive in different areas of society, so do we here in Serbia,” he said.


He further emphasized that this struggle is not just about perseverance but also about belief.

“People should remain true to who they are. I know my fellow citizens in Kosovo are fighters, and that’s why we’ve endured and remained strong through these difficult times,” Vidic concluded.

Bisevac: Manipulating Serb numbers in Kosovo driven by the goal to change their status (Kosovo Online)

The repeated statements by various officials in Pristina claiming that the number of Serbs in Kosovo is smaller than the number of Albanians in Serbia or Montenegro reflect their intent to change the status of Serbs in Kosovo, Nemanja Bisevac, a member of the Presidency of the Serbian List told Kosovo Online.

"I believe they will do everything possible to avoid establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities, while simultaneously attempting to argue that there are not many Serbs in Kosovo and, therefore, no need for the Serbian language to remain an official language in Kosovo", Bisevac remarked.

Read more at: is external)

Ministry for Communities and Returns says Rasic did not support establishment of ‘Museum of Genocide’ (Radio KIM)

Kosovo Ministry for Communities and Returns said in a statement that Minister Nenad Rasic did not support decision of Kosovo Government to establish working group for ‘Museum of Genocide’, Radio KIM reported.

The Ministry said Rasic will not support any decision, which as they said, jeopardizes the interests of Serbian people or brings into question historic truth. The Ministry also said Rasic’s engagement in Kosovo institutions aims exclusively to protect the rights of Serbs and other non-majority communities and create conditions for their dignified life.

Previously Serbian List, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic and leader of Serbian Democracy Aleksandar Arsenijevic criticized Rasic’s abstention during the vote on establishing the working group. 

Earlier, Bekim Blakaj from Kosovo Humanitarian Law Centre told Radio KIM that a wrong name had been chosen for this institution. “The name of the museum is wrong, because we did not have until now any court decision that there was genocide in Kosovo and I think it creates unnecessary resistance on the other side, perhaps even on the side of international community to support such institution”, he said. 

Police vehicle slid off the road near Varage, three officers injured (KoSSev)

Three Kosovo police officers sustained slight bodily injuries in a traffic accident which occurred this morning in Zubin Potok municipality, KoSSev portal reported citing police.

They were in a police vehicle which, as Kosovo police deputy commander for the region north Veton Elshani told the portal, most probably due to the slippery road slid off it and overturned.

This is the second traffic accident in the north in which only Kosovo police were involved. Previously, one week ago, an armoured vehicle of Kosovo special police slid off the road in Grabovac village, near Zvecan. Eight police officers sustained slight bodily injuries in this accident. 

Vucic: Serbia's cooperation with OSCE exceptional (Tanjug)


Thanking outgoing OSCE Ambassador Jan Braathu for heading the OSCE Mission to Serbia in a committed and professional manner, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday cooperation between Serbia and the OSCE was exceptional, and that Serbia remained committed to promoting peace, stability, and security across the region.


"The OSCE Mission has a key role in our comprehensive reform process, especially in support in the areas of security and dialogue, which is key for overcoming challenges and preserving stability," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram account after receiving a farewell visit from Braathu, whom he wished much success in his future work.


Vucic noted that Serbia supported the OSCE's work in Kosovo, in line with UNSCR 1244, and believed that "only strong international presence can ensure security to all citizens of Serbia's southern province."




Kosovo census shows shrinking population as many Serbs heed political party calls to boycott (AP)


Kosovo’s population has shrunk to 1.6 million from 1.74 million 13 years ago, the results of a census showed on Thursday.


According to the second census conducted in post-independence Kosovo earlier this year, the minority Serbs in the four northern municipalities where most live - Leposavic, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and North Mitrovica - totaled 36,652 or 2.31% of the population.


The Statistics Agency said Serbs boycotted the census “to a considerable extent" following calls by Serb political parties to do so. The agency estimated the overall Serb population at around 53,000, more than double the number the initial 2011 census found.


Kosovo’s average age is just shy of 35, the second youngest in Europe. The average age in the 2011 census was nearly 30.


The census also showed that the 1998-1999 war resulted in 11,417 dead and 1,047 missing. Material damage was estimated at 5 billion euros ($5.2 billion).


The census registered 93.49% of the population as Muslim, 2.31% as Orthodox and 1.75% as Catholic.


The census results “make up the basis to draft policies on the citizens' real needs,” said Prime Minister Albin Kurti.


Kosovo was a former Serbian province until a 78-day NATO bombing campaign in 1999 ended a war between Serbian government forces and ethnic Albanian separatists in Kosovo and pushed Serbian forces out. Belgrade does not recognize Kosovo’s 2008 independence.


Kosovo-Serbia relations remain tense despite efforts by the international community to normalize them.


Danger of external interference in Balkans high: Mattarella (ANSA)


President speaks with Italian KFOR contingent


"The integration of the entire Balkan region into the EU necessitates calm.


For 25 years, KFOR has been committed to this mission. “I have been paying close attention to it, and I have noticed that the local climate is sometimes deliberately heated, making dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina difficult. Your mission to keep it alive is critical," stated Italian President Sergio Mattarella.


Mattarella spoke to the Italian KFOR command mission in Kosovo during a ceremony of good wishes for Italian contingents serving in international theatres of operations. "The risk of interference from outside the Balkans is extremely high.


Mattarella concluded that without KFOR, there would have been violent explosions that would have devastated the country during those years.


What Grenell’s return means for US diplomacy in the Balkans (


President-elect Donald Trump named Richard Grenell, his former ambassador to Germany and special envoy for Serbia-Kosovo negotiations, as his "envoy for special missions" on December 14. The appointment signals a potential recalibration of US policy in the Western Balkans, raising hopes and concerns in a region marked by political volatility and unresolved disputes. Grenell, a seasoned diplomat and Trump loyalist, is expected to reprise his role as a key broker in the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue. The US is likely to take a more hands-on approach in negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, which have stalled under the European Union.


Read more at: is external)


BIRN reality check: Kosovo still failing children forced into street work


BIRN reported in 2022 that institutional neglect and a lack of resources meant some children - mainly from Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities - are forced to beg for money, clean car windows or sell cigarettes. Despite some effort to improve their plight, there's no sign of significant change.

On April 19, a police officer in Kosovo came across a 12-year-old identified by the initials M.B., begging near a mosque in the eastern city of Gjilan/Gnjilane. The child’s mother, identified as Z.B., was charged with child mistreatment or neglect and forcing a minor to beg on the streets and in cafes. It wasn’t the first time.


According to indictments obtained by BIRN, Z.B. was charged with the same crimes in August 2022, when M.B. was only 10. A second woman, identified as Xh.A., was charged on May 22 this year with forcing her nine-year-old child to beg outside another mosque in Gjilan/Gnjilane.


According to the indictments, both women were Roma.


“Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children remain the most vulnerable group when it comes to forced begging; often the abusers are their parents or relatives,” said Klevis Vaqari, programme manager at the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection.


In 2022, BIRN reported that a lack of capacity in social welfare centres means that many children – mainly from Kosovo’s Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities – are forced into work from an early age and often left to fend for themselves.


Read more at: is external)