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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 20

• 82 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours in Kosovo (media)
• Minister of Health implies mass testing for COVID – 19 (media)
• Hoti: We allowed Serbian elections, according to earlier practices (Koha)
• LDK, partners to enable Thaci to get another term in office (Kosovapress)
• Pacolli, Von Cramon, Grenell tweet over visa liberalisation for Kosovo (media)
• Lama, Biserko say land swap idea came from Serbia (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 19, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 19, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Kosovo PM Hoti: Thaci knows I will lead the dialogue (Gazeta Express)
• Grenell: Land swap was Bolton’s idea, not Trump’s (Fox News, RTK)
• Von Cramon hopes visa liberalization for Kosovo during Germany’s presidency (Klan)
• Pompeo congratulates Hoti for peaceful government formation (media)
• Osmani demands visa liberalization from the EU (media)
• Number of hospitalized with COVID-19 increases, 65 today (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: Talks on Kosovo as “chess game”, we are ready for compromise (RTV)
• “Without rule of law, any agreement is dead letter on paper” (Radio KIM)
• Dacic thanks Lavrov for Russia’s support on Kosovo issue (N1)
• European Parliament to debate report on Western Balkans (N1)
• Lajcak to visit Belgrade on June 22 and 23 (FoNet)
• REC adopted election instruction for Sunday elections in KiM (TV Most)
• OSCE will implement practice established and applied in past during these elections (RTK2)
• US Embassy in Pristina: We will not observe elections on Sunday (Kosovo-online, RTV KIM)
• "If exchanging territories is the way..." (Kosovo-online, B92)
• Vucic urged citizens to vote on Sunday’s elections (B92)
• Pre-election silence in Serbia starts at midnight until Sunday evening (N1, FoNet)


• Race for Serbia-Kosovo Deal Betrays America’s Best Principles (Balkan Insight)
• Five mounting challenges for China in the Western Balkans (ECFR)


• Moscow's Approval Necessary For Any Deal Between Serbia, Kosovo, Lavrov Says (RFE)
• Serbia ready to sacrifice EU membership over Kosovo deal (Reuters)


• Balkan Countries Relax Guard Despite COVID-19’s Second Wave (Balkan Insight)
• Media Literacy Project: Beware of hybrid objective journalism (KoSSev)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 19

• 83 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours in Kosovo (media)
• Hoti warns restricting measures could be reintroduced (T7/Telegrafi)
• US Presidential Envoy Richard Grenell’s interview to Gazeta Express
• Thaci: Meeting in Washington, a turning point in history (media)
• Hoti on Washington meeting: I speak on Kosovo’s behalf (media)
• Maas: Kosovo, Serbia, European perspective, they need solution with EU (DW)
• Kupchan: White House meeting paves way for final agreement (RFE/Klan)
• Hoti to EU ambassadors: Territory is non-negotiable (media)
• Kurti: Even pondering new borders is insanity and call to conflict (media)
• Veseli: Whoever leads the dialogue, must defend Kosovo (media)
• LDK’s Mustafa: Agreement with Serbia might be reached this year (KTV)
• OSCE to collect in Kosovo ballots for Serbian elections (RFE/Koha)
• Hoxhaj: Lavrov visit, propaganda campaign against Kosovo (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 18, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 18, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Grenell: Kosovo, Serbia leaders to begin new era of stability and prosperity (media)
• Lajcak: Dialogue ready to resume, date to be set soon (media)
• Hoti meets political leaders, VV and PDK boycott meeting (media)
• Nagavci: Hoti and government to know there's a point they cannot cross (media)
• Limaj: Dialogue should have a name (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic worried about ''Russia’s assessments regarding various plans and ideas'' for solving the Kosovo issues (KoSSev, B92)
• Jeremic: Some announcement on Kosovo at White House on June 27 (N1)
• Lavrov today in Belgrade, what are the key topics of conversation (RTS)
• Vucic, Lajcak, Moscow, Washington ... and Mile (B92)
• Vucic: EU doesn't know what to offer us for Kosovo's UN membership (Vecernje Novosti, Beta, N1)
• Stoltenberg: Meeting in Washington right step in right direction (RTS)
• Why Trump's withdrawal of 10,000 troops from Germany relates to the Balkans (, B92)
• Lajcak meet Serbian List officials, mayors (N1)
• Djuric: Hoti buries dialogue (RTS)
• Vucic: If SNS doesn't win an absolute majority, it will not ask for a mandate (B92, RTS)
• Rakic met northern Kosovo mayors (Kosovo-online)


• Don’t count on a White House Kosovo-Serbia breakthrough (Atlantic Council)
• Russia-Serbia partnership does not depend on Belgrade’s dialogue with Brussels (Info Ros)


• Europe Worries Trump May Wreck Chunk of Merkel’s Legacy (Bloomberg)


• Film festivals in Kosovo postponed until August (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 18

• 77 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• New measures put in place to prevent spread of Covid-19 (media)
• Macron to host Kosovo-Serbia summit on July 17 in Paris (Koha)
• Kosovo, Serbia to discuss agreement similar to mini-Schengen on June 27 (Koha)
• President Trump could guarantee agreement at The White House (Klan Kosova)
• Thaci: Kosovo, Serbia to lose if agreement is not reached in Washington (VOA)
• PM Hoti asked to report to the Assembly before U.S. trip (media)
• Hoti: We’ll form Association/Community in line with Constitution (media)
• U.S. Ambassador Philip Kosnett interview to Telegrafi
• German MP Peter Beyer: Kosovo must reject a dirty deal (Koha)
• Haxhiu: Unlawful government to leave and pave way for elections (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 17, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Hoti invites entity leaders to coordinate prior to visit to Washington (Express)
• Lajcak: Kosovo to speak with one voice about the dialogue (media)
• AAK to Lajcak: We hail EU’s engagement for dialogue led by the U.S. (Express)
• Hoti: Intention of dialogue is recognition, territory cannot be discussed (media)
• Swiss Ambassador: U.S. inclusion in dialogue, welcomed (media)
• LVV rejects Hoti’s invitation for a meeting (media)
• CDHRF: Opposition should take on responsibility for dialogue (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• EU’s Lajčák: Details about meetings in Pristina on Thursday (N1)
• Vucic about Hoti's platform for dialogue: Then do not come to negotiations (KoSSev)
• American surprise and "Kosovo battle" on the eve of Vidovdan (B92, Sputnik)
• Milivojevic: We have maneuvering space, our arguments grew stronger (RTS)
• The first case of coronavirus in Serbian areas South of the Ibar (RTV Puls)
• Dacic: Moscow will support every solution in Belgrade's interest (Beta, N1)
• European Parliament rapporteurs welcome Lajcak visit to Kosovo (N1)
• The ''Smuggling'' case trial begins; Prosecution witnesses also plead not guilty (KoSSev)
• White House ready to host Belgrade – Pristina meeting (N1, VOA)
• Brnabic: If they wanted to find out who killed Ivanovic, they would have found out by now (KoSSev)
• RIK President: Information is expected for elections in Kosovo and Metohija (KoSSev)


• The signing ceremony is on (Prishtina Insight)
• US and EU Policy on Kosovo is in Disarray (Balkan Insight)


• Borrell nominates three new Heads of EU Delegations to the Western Balkans (EWB)
• EU, US display differences over Serbia-Kosovo negotiation (AP)
• Balkan nations must not be faced with choice between West and Russia, says Lavrov (TASS)
• Serbia, Kosovo Prepare for Restart of Talks in Washington (Balkan Insight)
• Parliament extends and beefs up Swiss peacekeeping mission in Kosovo (
• Trade barriers and wary eye on Serbia hold back Balkan economies (Financial Times)
• Trump envoy brokers White House meeting for Kosovo and Serbia presidents (The Guardian)
• Red Flag: Ahead Of Serbian Vote, Vucic And Allies Lean On China Ties (RFE)


• 16 Fathers and Sons Massacred, One Kosovo Family Torn Apart (Balkan Insight)
• OSCE Mission published report on property rights claims resolution in post-conflict Kosovo (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 17

• 141 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Kamenica mayor announces he tested positive for coronavirus (media)
• Lajcak: Kosovo’s road to EU depends on normalisation of relations with Serbia (media)
• Thaci calls for visa liberalisation, dialogue to end in mutual recognition (media)
• Hoti: Kosovo government ready to resume dialogue with Serbia (media)
• Osmani: Dialogue should not include talks on territories (media)
• Trump’s advisor: Pleasure to welcome presidents of Kosovo and Serbia (media)
• Stano: Brussels dialogue, main platform for Serbia and Kosovo (EWB)
• Mustafa expects final agreement with Serbia by year's end (RTK/Telegrafi)
• Surroi: Russia may seek to be present in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Koha)
• Djuric, Serbian List react to the inauguration of Decan-Plava road (Koha)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 16, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 16, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Thaci to meet Lajcak today, president's office confirms (media)
• Thaci: U.S. was clear that dialogue's aim is mutual recognition (media)
• Von Cramon: Let's strive for a sustainable and well negotiated agreement (media)
• Lajcak on his way to Kosovo (media)
• Osmani: This is the true face of Serbia (media)
• Abazi: Thaci spent millions to make partition of Kosovo a reality (Kallxo/Telegrafi)
• Spokesperson: PDK supports Washington meeting (Telegrafi)
• Another patient succumbs to COVID – 19 (media)
• Prishtina Mayor: Latest figures with coronavirus are alarming! (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: I feel ashamed to talk about recognition of Kosovo on eve of Vidovdan (B92)
• Trajkovic: Grenell’s invitation to White House implies signature on Kosovo agreement (N1)
• Vucic's predictions coming true now? (B92, Tanjug)
• Brnabic: Topic of next Belgrade-Pristina meeting economic development, significant investments in Kosovo (TV Most)
• Milic: Grenell would focus on economy; US offer should be accepted (Kosovo-online)
• Dacic: UN to verify solution of Kosovo issue (Vecernje Novosti, N1)
• EU Office in Pristina without comment on White House meeting (Tanjug)
• Vucic says polling stations would be open in Kosovo on June 21 (N1, BETA)
• Serb-populated areas in Kosovo without new Covid-19 infection cases in June (KoSSev)


• White House to host Kosovo peace talks, envoy says (Politico)
• Land Swap Idea Resurfaces to Haunt Serbia-Kosovo Talks (Balkan Insight)


• Kosovo War Crime Victims Losing Hope of Compensation (Balkan Insight)
• Prosecution indicts MP for punching journalist (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 16

• 129 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in last 24 hours (media)
• Hoti: New cases, result of carelessness after relaxation of measures (media)
• Grenell: Kosovo-Serbia dialogue discussions in Washington on June 27 (media)
• President Thaci welcomes invitation to resume the dialogue (media)
• Hoti: Continuation of dialogue, key to normalisation of relations (media)
• Thaci, Hoti to represent Kosovo at White House meeting with Serbia (RFE)
• Thaci: Time to deliver finality of peace (media)
• Vetevendosje: Thaci’s government in the same line with Serbia (media)
• Dacic: Serbia could temporarily halt derecognition campaign (media)
• Lajcak will bring to Prishtina dates for resumption of dialogue (Koha)
• Lajcak’a plane unable to land to Tirana from Zurich (media)
• Serwer: Bidening their time (
• Through peace dialogue in Balkans, Trump aims to improve credentials (WSJ)
• Putin, Vucic discuss Kosovo issue in telephone conversation (media)
• Hoxhaj: Russia, Serbia using SOC to undermine Montenegro’s independence (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 15, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 15, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Lajcak tomorrow in Kosovo (media)
• Thaci: Dialogue with Serbia will conclude with mutual recognition (media)
• Hoti says there is no dilemma he will lead the dialogue (Koha)
• Meeting between Lajcak and Thaci remains unconfirmed (RTK)
• Kosovo Government Priorities: Economic Recovery and Dialogue with Serbia (Express)
• The Ministry of Health presents the manual for virus protection (Express)

Serbian Language Media:

• Serbian house in Orahovac burned down (RTK2, KIM radio, B92)
• Petrich: Thaci insulted EU, Lajcak responsible for European resolution of Kosovo issue (Kosovo-online)
• Dacic: Lack of ideas for compromise regarding Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (TV Pink, N1)
• Djuric: We will inform Lajcak about terror Serbs are exposed to, no imposed solutions (media)
• Vucic: Elections won't be postponed, many ministers will be replaced (FoNet, N1, TV Pink)
• Sekulic: Negotiations on Kosovo have already continued, government will not last full term (N1, KoSSev)
• Members of academic community, public figures request Vucic's resignation (FoNet, N1)


• Are the troubles of returnees greater than their love for Metohija? (KoSSev)
• Autocratic contagion: Here come the 'tyrants' (Balkan Insight)


• Kosovo’s Vetevendosje Celebrates Anniversary Peacefully (Balkan Insight)


• Coronavirus cases continue to rise (Prishtina Insight)
• Most EU member states have opened their borders as of today, but... (Tanjug, B92)