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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 8, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 8, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Thaci: Kosovo is ready to resume dialogue with Serbia (media)
• Osmani: Kosovo ready for dialogue but not the type Thaci wants (media)
• Nagavci: Thaci no longer needs state of emergency to take power (media)
• Czech diplomat tipped to replace Apostolova in Kosovo (RFE)
• Lajcak to visit Kosovo, Serbia at earliest convenience (Klan Kosova)
• Latifi: Specialist Chambers chief prosecutor expected to resign post (Kallxo)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic confirms attendance at Moscow Victory Day Parade (Beta, N1)
• Vucic: I gave up on big initiatives; I am waiting for a proposal for Kosovo (RFE, N1)
• Jeremic: Grenell works on final solution, many indicators of exchange of territories (BETA, N1)
• Janjic: Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will take place in two streams, intensive negotiations from August to March (Kosovo Online)
• Specialist Prosecutor’s Office denies that Jack Smith resigned (KoSSev)
• Ristic: Serbs in Kosovo fear forthcoming elections (N1)
• Rakocevic: Thaci absolute ‘master of situation’ (Radio KIM)
• Lavrov in Serbia on June 18th and 19th (media)
• Kosovo North: No infected with coronavirus in the last 24 hours (Kontakt plus radio)
• UNS: Serbian press available in Kosovo again (N1)


• Do Not Rush Enlargement (


• Serbian President Says Kosovo's Tariff Move 'Opens Possibility' For Resuming Talks (RFE)


• Media Literacy Project: News that tells you how you should feel is not used to inform but manipulate you (KoSSev)
• New coronavirus cases rise sharply (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 8

• 40 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Health Minister: Situation with coronavirus is under control (media)
• PM Hoti: Starting Monday, free movement in Albania and region (media)
• Haxhiu reacts to further easing of coronavirus restrictions (media)
• COVID-19: Three kindergartens in Pristina close (media)
• Hoti: Kosovo removed all obstacles (media)
• The U.S. expects speedy resumption of dialogue (Koha)
• Kosovo’s ex-PM Kurti announces public gathering on 12 June (media)
• Vetevendosje: 150,000 signatures for new elections in one week (media)
• MCC resumes programs for Kosovo (media)
• Hoti welcomes unlocking of US funds (media)
• Osmani reacts to allegations made against her father (media)
• Vucic: I am waiting for a proposal for Kosovo (media)
• The EU remains Kosovo’s best route to peace with Serbia (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 6

• 11 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Hoti government lifts reciprocity measures towards Serbia (media)
• Thaci welcomes removal of reciprocity measures (media)
• Kurti: Lifting reciprocity does service to Serbia (media)
• Osmani criticises decision to lift reciprocity measures (media)
• Lajcak hails government's decision to lift reciprocity measures (media)
• Kosovo's Ex-PM Kurti Stands Firm On Demand For New Elections (RFE)
• Hoti meets Kosnett, briefs him on priorities of the new government (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 5, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Hoti: Battling pandemic and economic recovery, main objectives (media)
• Thaci meets Meta in Tirana (media)
• Haskuka: Hoti government will bring no good to Kosovo (Kosovapress)
• EU delivers ambulances, beds and medical equipment to Kosovo (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Stoltenberg: NATO continues to contribute to security in Kosovo (media)
• Brnabic, Fabrizi on new Pristina government, Lajcak’s role, dialogue (RTS)
• Serbian PM Brnabic: ''Thaci really needs to wake up and understand what reality is'' (media)
• Serbia will be exposed to strong pressure (B92, Tanjug)
• Dacic refutes news that Serbia ceased campaign to revoke recognitions of Kosovo (Radio KIM, Tanjug)
• Djuric: Fake news on ceasing de-recognition campaign meddling into Serbia’s elections (KoSSev)
• Kosovo PM will abolish measures on Serbian goods; Belgrade: Daily loss € 1 mill (N1, KoSSev)
• Prosecution in Gnjilane requests detention of person suspected of harassing KSF member (KoSSev)
• No new cases of Covid-19 infection in Serb-populated areas in Kosovo (Kosovo-online)
• Fukuyama: Neither Serbia or Montenegro are close to EU (N1, Beta)


• A weak prime minister and a powerful president (Prishtina Insight)
• Tough love as a recipe for Europeanisation in the Western Balkans (


• EU concerned by US approach to Kosovo and Serbia (


• EIB investing 11 mln euro in wastewater treatment project in Kosovo (
• Serbia applies for money from EU Solidarity Fund, Joksimovic says (N1)
• OpisMEDIJavanje: Integrity, not clicks (KoSSev)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 5

• Five new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Thaci: There will be no territorial exchange (media)
• Hoti: I will be chief negotiator in the dialogue with Serbia (RTK)
• Veseli: New elections in 12 months (media)
• NISMA MP Shala speaks about visit from Haradinaj and Thaci (media)
• Civil society organisations accuse Thaci of two violations (media)
• LVV denies it is staging a protest today (Klan Kosova)
• Dacic rejects reports Serbia will stop Kosovo derecognition efforts (Telegrafi)
• Supreme Court rules against Serb’s war crimes acquittal (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 4, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 4, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Kosovo government holds first meeting under Hoti's lead (media)
• Heldt: Standards set by previous government to be maintained (media)
• French Embassy congratulates Hoti on election as prime minister (media)
• Mustafa to Osmani and Kurti: Your coordinated actions bore no fruit (media)
• Border changes, war crimes amnesty not expected to be on table of talks (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

• Serbian List: New government will revoke tariffs and “reciprocity measures” (Radio KIM)
• Djuric: Revoking tariffs first test of new Kosovo government (Kosovo-online)
• RFE: Serbia ceased campaign against Kosovo (N1)
• LDK and Serbian List coalition agreement does not mention ZSO (Radio KIM)
• Families of missing persons ask Serbian List why it has forgotten them (Kosovo-online, Tanjug)
• Dacic: It is not up to EU to determine what would be result of dialogue (Tanjug)
• Milorad Zajic acquitted of war crimes charges (Radio KIM)
• Trucks at Jarinje halted since Sunday; those transporting foreign goods enter Kosovo (RTS)
• Xharra on new Kosovo government, Serbian List and deal with Serbia (KoSSev)
• Spahiu, Stojanovic comment on new Kosovo government (Sputnik, Kosovo-online)
• No new Covid-19 infection cases in Serb areas in Kosovo (Radio KIM)


• An assault on freedom of expression (Prishtina Insight)


• Lynch Mob’ Campaign Against Kosovo Rights Activist Condemned (Balkan Insight)
• Kosovo Activist to Sue Presidential Bodyguards Over Alleged Attack (Balkan Insight)


• Pandemic Brings Even Tougher Times for Kosovo Arts Scene (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 4

• 19 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Former PM: I cannot do the handover to a person I dismissed (media)
• President Thaci: Kurti to release usurped offices as soon as possible (media)
• Osmani: New government doesn't represent the citizens' will (media)
• EP Rapporteur comments on Kosovo government vote (media)
• Thaci responds to allegations of influencing MPs vote (media)
• Ahmeti: Unheard for a president go and convince MPs how to vote (Telegrafi)
• Thaci: I will not go to Brussels for dialogue with Lajcak (T7)
• Lajcak: We expect close cooperation on EU-facilitated dialogue (media)
• British Embassy commends peaceful formation of new government (media)
• Austrian Chancellor: We will continue to support Kosovo (media)
• Albanian PM Rama congratulates new government (media)
• Kusari: High-ranking officials confirmed Thaci is negotiating land swap (T7)
• Latifi: Thaci will sign agreement with Serbia, Hoti govt will implement it (media)
• Serwer: Kosovo’s new government is ill-fated ( Insight)
• Trucks come in from Serbia bearing "Republic of Kosovo" papers (Koha)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 3, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 3, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Avdullah Hoti elected new prime minister of Kosovo (media)
• Fight against Covid-19 and economic recovery, priorities of new govt (media)
• Hoti presents composition of his cabinet (media)
• U.S. embassy, Grenell welcome the formation of new government (media)
• EU congratulates the new Kosovo government (media)
• Thaci pledges to cooperate with new government (media)
• Haxhiu: New government, illegal (Klan)
• Selimi: This is Thaci's government not one of people (Telegrafi)
• Veseli: PDK will not support Hoti-led government (Kallxo)
• Haradinaj: Hoti government is not against anyone (Klan Kosova)
• Hoti government with a convicted minister (Kallxo)
• Kosovo government holds meeting ahead of Assembly's vote (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• New Kosovo government voted, Serbian List has two ministers (RTS)
• Brnabic: Pristina not to conduct populist politics (Tanjug)
• RFE: Lajcak to restart Belgrade–Pristina talks soon; Vucic: After bans lifted (N1)
• Vucic on situation in US, Kosovo issue (B92)
• Vucic spoke with Rohani, Iran committed at respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia (RTS)
• Várhelyi expects significant EU’s investments in Western Balkans (N1, BETA)
• Last Serb in western Kosovo Decani town dies at 58 (N1)
• No new Covid-19 infection cases in Serb-populated areas (Kosovo-online)


• America’s Never Been Less Likely to Help the Balkans (Balkan Insight)


• Kosovo picks new government promising deal with Serbia (Reuters)
• Hoti elected prime minister (Balkan Insight)
• Opinions Split over Legality and Effect of Kosovo’s Reciprocity Measures (Balkan Insight)


• Insults, Leaks and Fraud: Digital Violations Thrive amid Pandemic (Balkan Insight)
• Kon: It is time to suspend introduced measures (B92)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 3

• 13 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Thaci: New government will have my support (media)
• LDK announces names of its ministers in new eventual government (media)
• Osmani: Transitional govt until new elections, best option (Koha)
• Mustafa: We will have a government with a full mandate tomorrow (media)
• Haziri doesn’t trust the Hoti government (media)
• Source: Some MPs in the coalition will vote against (Lajmi)
• Abazi says LDK agreed to give SL leading posts, including DPM (media)
• Constitutional Court kept no records of sessions on Thaci's decree case (Koha)
• EP rapporteur calls on all parties to respect Court’s decision (media)
• Konjufca: LDK is now group of close interests, Thaci gave them the govt (T7)
• Svecla: Vote on Hoti government tomorrow, very likely to fail (KTV)
• Vetevendosje: Protest are becoming inevitable, but not tomorrow (media)
• New round of Kosovo – Serbia dialogue, maybe in June (RFE)
• EU calls on Kosovo to review decision on reciprocity with Serbia (RFE)
• Grenell to continue to serve as Presidential Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia talks (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 2, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Kosovo Assembly to vote on Hoti government tomorrow (media)
• Hamza: PDK will not vote in favor of Hoti government (Telegrafi)
• CDHRF: No one can pressure MPs on how to vote (media)
• Kurti’s advisor: Any government without winner of elections, illegitimate! (media)
• Vetevendosje starts petition calling for elections (media)
• Two casualties in Novobrdo mine landslide (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Lajcak received the support of 27 member states to continue the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Kosovo Online)
• Belgrade & Washington disappointed with Kosovo’s new ban on goods from Serbia (Fonet, N1)
• Grenell resigned from State Department, remains special envoy for dialogue (B92)
• Djuric and Botsan-Kharchenko: Pristina's behavior requires a sharp and decisive reaction from the international community (media)
• Serbian Ministry of Culture: Nefarious falsification of facts (TV Most, RTV Puls)
• Jevtic: Repanovic families from Osojane village robbed (Kosovo Online)
• Mijacic: Kosovo is not a topic for the parliamentary elections in Serbia (RTK2)
• Kosovo police spokesperson: Entry in Kosovo possible for everyone, with medical procedures (Radio KIM)
• No new cases of Covid-19 infection in Serb-populated areas in Kosovo (Kosovo-online)
• Confusion at Jarinje crossing point, hundred trucks waiting (RTS)


• Liberals in the EU should turn enlargement into a success of the European project (EWB)


• Kosovo Govt Defends New Reciprocity Measures Against Critics (Balkan Insight)


• Unclean Energy: The Kosovar Who Would Own the Sun (Balkan Insight)
• ‘If we gave up, what would happen to my children?’ (Prishtina Insight)
• Italian Ambassador to Serbia: Thank you for generous donation, it will be remembered (N1, FoNet)