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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 19

• Three new Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours (media)
• Kurti: Grenell wants deal with Serbia by September (media)
• Burns: US and EU to preserve Kosovo territorial integrity (media)
• Osmani: Russia's involvement in talks, a step backwards (media)
• Kurti: Productive phone call with Lajcak (media)
• Selimi: LDK and partners continuing to keep Assembly hostage (Klan Kosova)
• Hamza: LVV blocking Assembly's work (Ekonomia Online)
• Ahmeti: MPs don’t deserve full salary, failed to meet during pandemic (Kallxo)
• Haxhiu: Ministry of Justice to support victims' safe houses (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 18, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 18, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti says signed documents in Berlin don't constitute agreement (Koha)
• U.S. Embassy calls on parties to refrain from politicised rhetoric (media)
• Kosovo Assembly to hold plenary session on 4 June (Indeksonline)
• EU negotiating mandate extension for its rule of law mission in Kosovo (RFE)
• Haradinaj: Kosovo not to delay reopening of economy (Klan Kosova)

Serbian Language Media:

• No new cases of Covid-19 infection in north, four persons cured (Kosovo-online)
• The official start of classes in primary schools is expected on June 1 (Kontakt plus radio)
• Radovic: Taxi associations in north will start working as of June 1 (Radio Mitrovica sever)
• War crimes’ trials in Kosovo still at beginning (KoSSev)
• UNS: Serbian List to apologize to journalist Budimir Nicic (KoSSev)
• Vucic: If situation with coronavirus epidemic worsens, elections won't be priority (N1, RTS)


• Serbian President: Skopje betrayed Serbia on Kosovo to impress Germany (


• WHO Assembly is scheduled for today, the main topic will be the COVID-19 pandemic (B92)
• UNICEF calls for greater inclusion of children with disabilities (media)
• Kosovo enters second phase of lockdown restrictions (Prishtina Insight)
• Media Literacy Project: Young journalists rarely have the opportunity to work in professional newsrooms (KoSSev)
• Belgrade airport opens, passengers to come three hours ahead of departure (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 18

• Health Institute: Seven new cases of coronavirus (media)
• Kosovo begins second stage of easing lockdown measures (media)
• Govt allocates €10 million to implement emergency fiscal package (media)
• Kurti: Thaci not comfortable in his seat, wants to increase powers (T7/RTK)
• Govt reacts to Haziri: Kurti and ministers not on U.S. visa blacklist (media)
• Specialist chambers continue work during coronavirus pandemic (Koha)
• Tahiri: Kosovo not ready for final phase of dialogue with Serbia (media)
• Kosovo condemns plans to build a church at Batajnica mass grave site (media)
• Kurti: Discrimination has no place in our society (media)
• Thaci: New mechanisms to address concerns of LGBTIQ community (media)
• EULEX chief: Phobias have no place in our societies (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 16

Health Institute: 10 new cases of coronavirus (media)
Kurti: Second phase of reopening begins on May 18 (media)
Borrell: Kosovo and Serbia need more agreements (media)
PDK’s Hoxhaj on possible cooperation with Vetevendosje (media)
Haxhiu: 30 percent increase in cases of domestic violence in Kosovo (media)
President Thaci challenges government, seen walking out of restaurant (Kallxo)
EU is negotiating extension of EULEX mandate (Radio Free Europe)
North Macedonia President against border changes in the Balkans (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 15, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Thaci: Constitutional Court to work independently, free of pressure (media)
• Mustafa and Lajcak agree resumption of dialogue is a priority (Klan)
• Mustafa: LDK focused for the dialogue with Serbia to start soon (Klan)
• Haradinaj: Governing program with LDK, in its final phase (Klan)
• Kosovo-Switzerland air travel to resume by 15 June (media)
• Kurti and Minxhozi discuss economic cooperation, Covid-19 pandemic (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Borell: EU shares regional agenda with US (N1)
• No new Covid-19 infection cases in north (Radio KIM)
• Vucic & Putin on mutual relations, region and fight against coronavirus (Beta, N1)
• Pristina reinstates taxes on flour from Serbia; Belgrade’s doctors turned back (Beta, N1)
• "Now they have finally confirmed that Kosovo is a NATO project" (B92)
• Kosovo Health Ministry: Serb doctors prevented from entering Kosovo due to unclear purpose of their visit (KoSSev)
• Doctors: We were not allowed to enter Kosovo, because we had Serbian documents only (TV Most)
• Over 200 medical workers from Kosovo await permission to visit Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja (KoSSev, Gazeta Express)
• Opposition Alliance for Serbia says it won’t recognize election results (BETA, N1)


• Will Serbia have to choose between China and the EU? (EWB)


• IMF Offers Emergency Support to the Balkans (


• Kosovo families seek answers 21 years after Serb conflict (AP)
• ‘Until the last person is found, we will not be satisfied’ (Prishtina Insight)
• Pastrimi protests exclusion from emergency package (Prishtina Insight)
• First country in Europe to declare end of epidemic (B92)
• UNMIK donated aid packages in Gracanica municipality (KIM radio)
• Distribution of aid packages continues in Novo Brdo (Kosovo Online)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 15

• Health Institute confirms 18 new cases with COVID-19 (media)
• Acting PM Kurti says he will lead government until new elections (media)
• Thaci: US-guaranteed dialogue will result in mutual recognition (media)
• Haxhiu: Grenell wanted a quick agreement (Klan Kosova)
• Haziri: After Court’s ruling, we need 24 hours to form government (media)
• Osmani: For Serbia, road to EU should go through justice institutions (Zeri)
• Hoti: Over €1 billion in new govt’s economic recovery package (media)
• Kosovo has an international obligation to keep Specialist Chambers (Koha)
• Pacolli ironises with EU, Apostolova and Heldt reply (media)
• Beqaj: Going to new elections is legitimate (Koha)
• "EU & US should prevent Russian involvement" (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 14, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 14, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: Let's make sure we don't lose the match in the last minutes (media)
• Public Health Institute appeals for caution (media)
• Malisheva receives donation from UN Mission in Kosovo (media)
• Konjufca: LDK brought down LVV-led govt as it was fighting corruption (Koha)
• Maas: Games with borders lead to dead end, delay solution (Express)
• Pacolli: Forming new government would be anti-constitutional (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• One person positive of coronavirus in northern Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)
• Non-majority communities’ problems with the package of measures of the Government of Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)
• Office for KiM: 20 healthcare workers prevented to enter Kosovo (KoSSev)
• President Vucic denies claims of talks to recognize Kosovo (N1)
• Pristina sees thousands ‘cleansed’ Albanians in southern Serbia, who never lived there (Sputnik)
• EC ready to include Western Balkans into plans on opening borders (Beta, N1)
• Serbian trade minister says 18.5 million Euro of goods exported to Kosovo (FoNet, N1)
• Serbian Government replies to Freedom House – report full of contradictions (FoNet, N1, RTS)


• Head of Office of Kosovo and Metohija: Serbs and Albanians should decide on Kosovo fate (TASS)
• Kosovo Activists to Continue ‘Rehearsing’ Protests Despite Movement Restrictions (Balkan Insight)
• Wildly Wrong: North Macedonia’s Population Mystery (Balkan Insight)


• Reports of domestic violence increase in 2020 (Prishtina Insight)
• Kosovo Businesses Complain Government’s Support Package Falls Short (Balkan Insight)
• Rakic received UNMIK delegation, thanked them for delivered aid (Radio Mitrovica Sever)
• UNMIK donates aid to Ranilug municipality (RTV Puls)
• Strpce, to whom does the land by the river belong? (KoSSev)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 14

• Health Institute confirms 8 new cases with COVID-19 (media)
• A group of doctors from Serbia not allowed entry to Kosovo (Kallxo)
• Abazi: Grenell has insufficient info about Kosovo-Serbia relations (Telegrafi)
• Konjufca: Serbia's discriminatory approach to Kosovo (media)
• Civil society against Kosovo-Serbia agreement ending up at SC (Koha)
• Kurti: We do not encourage gatherings (media)
• Police: Protests allowed if in line with health recommendations (media)
• LDK: Mock protest, tendency for state capture (Telegrafi)
• Hoti: New government will promote institutional standards (media)
• PDK's Haliti: PDK and LDK should have formed a coalition (KTV)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 13, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: Government remains in duty until new elections (Klan)
• Government dismisses civil aviation director (media)
• Berisha was not discharged for signing Pristina-Belgrade airline agreement (RTK)
• Lajcak discusses resumption of dialogue with Osmani (Express)
• Kurti vows to turn old Pristina airport into a customs terminals (media)
• Kurti gives three minutes time to Ministers reporting on 100 days of government (RTK)
• Haxhiu makes the first step towards establishment of a War Crimes Institute (Koha)
• PDK presents “100 failures during the 100 days of Kurti’s government” (RTK)
• Gjilan receives food and hygiene packages from UN mission (Media)
• NATO report: Kosovo according to Russian Sputnik in Serbia (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• No new cases, six cured in the last 24 hours in northern Kosovo (Kontakt plus)
• Ministry for Returns and KFOR: It is necessary that entire society condemns incidents (RTS)
• Belgrade and Pristina will talk about territory swap, media say (N1, RTK2)
• Edi Rama to N1: The best ideas for the future of Europe are in the Balkans
• Serbia opens borders with four countries on June 1st (media)
• Djuric: ''A campaign of hatred is being waged against Serbian health workers'' (RTS, TV Most)
• UNS and its branch in Kosovo: Albanian media not to call for lynching of RTK2 journalist (Radio kontakt plus)


• Restoring civil liberties after COVID-19 (Prishtina Insight)
• The Western Balkans between the EU, NATO, Russia and China (ETHZurich)


• Russia’s assistance was of great moral importance for Serbia, says politician (TASS)


• Central, Eastern European Countries Maintain Tough Travel Restrictions (Balkan Insight)
• Chinese lab boosts Serbia's coronavirus testing capacity (Reuters)
• UNMIK donation for most vulnerable people in Novo Brdo municipality (Kosovo-online portal)
• When Home Is Not The Safest Place (Halotrust)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 13

• Health Institute confirms 24 new cases with COVID-19 (media)
• Prishtina Mayor: Lack of caution may delay relaxation of measures (media)
• CEB approves €35 million to Kosovo to support emergency health care (Koha)
• "US could put pressure on Kosovo for Russia to join dialogue" (Koha)
• Le Figaro: Thaci and Vucic discussed land swap in Washington meeting (Kallxo)
• Osmani to Court: Declare Thaci's decree as anti-constitutional (Express)
• Mustafa warns Osmani of consequences (media)
• Haziri: Osmani should have remained neutral to Thaci's decree (Koha)
• Mustafa: Not up to Kurti to send complaints to internationals (RTK/Klan)
• Bajrami: I'd advise Thaci to announce new elections after pandemic (media)