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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 12, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 12, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• “Grenell committed to cooperation with Kosovo and Serbia” (Klan Kosova)
• Thaci meets EULEX chief, discusses measures for overcoming pandemic (media)
• Stricter measures to be introduced if Covid-19 cases increase (Koha)
• Prishtina municipality alarms: Increasing number of cases (media)
• PSD will not be part of an eventual LDK-led government (Ekonomia Online)
• Kosovo, St. Lucia agree on visa-free travel for official passport holders (media)
• LDK keeps the agreement with Serbian List secret (Ekonomia Online)
• Selmanaj: Vjosa Osmani should respect laws and Constitution (RTK)
• Kurti and German Ambassador talk about recovery after pandemic (Kallxo)

Serbian Language Media:

• Botsan-Kharchenko: Russia's interpretations of Kosovo position have raised doubts (media)
• “Without Russian ‘yes’ there can be no solution for Kosovo” (Vecernje Novosti, Kosovo-online)
• Djuric reacts to Lajcak’s statement; says solution for Kosovo must be within UN SC Resolution 1244 (Kosovo-online)
• No new cases of Covid-19 infection in Serb-populated areas in Kosovo (Kosovo-online)
• UNS: We will protect Serb journalist from RTK2, she has right to use term Kosovo and Metohija (Kosovo-online)
• SL: Announced dismissal of RTK2 journalist latest pressure on Serbs (Radio Mitrovica Sever)
• Nicic: ''Colleagues in RTK 2 are not free to do their job'' (Kosovo Online)
• Pavicevic: Doctor and nurse temporarily halted at Jarninje, then in Pec again (Kosovo, Radio Gorazdevac)
• Beta: ''French Le Figaro says Vucic using crisis to show he is savior'' (N1)
• Detention of Zlatan Krstic extended for two more months (Radio KIM)


• In Kosovo, Distrust of Hague War Crimes Court Simmers (Balkan Insight)
• Kon: We clearly show that we do not behave in line with the recommended measures (B92)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 12

• Health Institute: 11 new confirmed cases (media)
• A Kosovo government official infected with COVID-19 (media)
• Ahmeti: No indication Prishtina can be placed under quarantine (Indeksonline)
• Grenell's spokesman: All are welcome to contribute with ideas (media)
• EU Special Representative Lajcak firmly against land swap idea (media)
• Hoxhaj: PDK is against territorial exchange and border changes (media)
• Haradinaj: EU silence over border changes idea creates insecurity (media)
• Osmani: Serbia silently carrying out ethnic cleansing in Presevo Valley (media)
• Shala: Vetevendosje was quite soft compared to the circumstances (media)
• LDK's Bajrami: Kurti responsible for government's fall (Koha)
• Haxhiu calls on authorities to ‘seriously’ treat two rapes in Mitrovica (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 11, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti self-isolated, a government official had contact with infected person (media)
• European integration minister and staff self-isolate (media)
• Kosovo Police director speaks about increasing cases of domestic violence (media)
• Number of patients at Infectious Disease Clinic increases to 21 (Koha)
• Haradinaj says certain circles in EU want to prevent agreement with Serbia (Zeri)

Serbian Language Media:

• “Resolution 1244 should be replaced with new one” (Politika)
• No new cases of Covid-19 infections in north (Kosovo-online)
• Hate graffiti in village of Gornje Kusce (Radio KIM, Kosovo-online)
• Media Literacy Project: Kosovo Serb journalists perceived as enemies and irrelevant (KoSSev)


• A burning issue: How to restart the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo (
• America’s Destabilizing Involvement in Serbia-Kosovo Talks (


• Western Balkans in the shadow of the coronavirus (The Brussels Times)


• Pre-school facilities reopen across Serbia (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 11

• 14 new cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo (media)
• Health Institute calls for greater caution (media)
• Kurti: We are close to winning battle with Covid-19, remain cautious (media)
• Kosovo Assembly President argues against border changes (media)
• Albright criticises Trump administration on Kosovo approach (
• Abazi hails Albright remarks against division (media)
• Russia doesn't rule out land swap or division (media)
• Kurti complains about Thaci’s actions (media)
• LVV and PDK want new elections (media)
• Hoxhaj says Kurti-led government has failed in foreign policy field (Telegrafi)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 9

• Kurti to Constitutional Court: Declare President’s decree inadmissible (media)
• Thaci handed over the comments to the Constitutional Court (media)
• Von Cramon: Borrell’s position on borders, dangerous and harmful (Express)
• Mustafa: The second political party can form the government (RTV21, RTK)
• Haradinaj: Government was brought down by Kurti and Vetevendosje (RTK)
• Kurti held a video meeting with Head of EU Office, Nataliya Apostolova (media)
• Infectious Diseases Clinic treating 9 patients with Covid-19, three in serious condition (Koha)
• Cakaj: Recognise Kosovo to become a UN member (RTK)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 8, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 8, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• EU: Kosovo remains a condition for Serbia’s membership (
• The quarantine at students’ center will last seven instead of 14 days (Klan)
• Patient succumbs to coronavirus at Prishtina Hospital (media)
• UNDP and Luxembourg donate 5,000 Covid-19 test kits (media)
• Orlando: We hope visa liberalization for Kosovo will soon be a reality (Klan)
• LDK addresses the Constitutional Court (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• Two new cases of Covid-19 infection in north, three persons cured (Kosovo-online)
• Varhelyi on the dialogue: Exchange of territories in the second plan, it is important to continue the dialogue (RTS, Tanjug)
• Várhelyi: European Commission monitors situation in Serbia (N1, EWB)
• Vucic says he won't run for SNS head again, perhaps not for head of state either (media)
• Opposition Alliance for Serbia (SzS) says decision to boycott elections is final (N1, B92)
• Kozarev: Disturbing attacks on returnees (TV Most)


• Surroi: No more than the Pope (Koha)
• ‘Coronavirus Diplomacy’ Won’t Change Serbia’s Path (


• ‘Accountability’ should be the priority of the dialogue, not ‘amnesty’ (Prishtina Insight)
• Democracy digest: Frustration Looms Over Western Balkans (Balkan Insight)
• Global Europe Brief: Elephants in the Balkan Room (
• Balkans media during COVID-19: Reporting on corruption became even harder (EWB)


• UN SG: Tsunami of hatred and xenophobia sparked by COVID-19 (Tanjug, B92)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 8

• One new case of Covid-19, 28 recoveries (media)
• Kurti: Thaci and Vucic have a secret deal (media)
• Germany supports agreement that contributes to stability (Express)
• Varhelyi: Kosovo needs a stable government (RFE)
• Kurti on letter to Pence: I clarified the position of Kosovo govt (Koha)
• LDK deputy leader Lutfi Haziri debate on T7
• VV deputy leader and Finance Minister Bislimi interview to KTV
• PDK deputy leader Krasniqi interview to Klan Kosova
• Behramaj: Kurti ruined his relations with U.S. over Borrell (media)
• A week on, LDK has not made public coalition agreement with SL (Telegrafi)
• Kurti and Abbott discuss pandemic and economic recovery (media)
• UK refuses in silence Kosovo ambassador (Koha)
• Increase in cases of domestic violence during pandemic (Express)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 7, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Thaci on EU-WB summit: I asked for visa liberalisation, recognition of Kosovo (media)
• Von der Leyen: Regional cooperation key for Western Balkans' economic recovery (KP/Indeksonline)
• Veseli: EU-WB summit left a bleak enlargement perspective (media)
• Mustafa: Border change is in our hands, not in that of Grenell, Borrell or Lajcak (media)
• Beyer slams Borrell: Germany is against change of borders (express, media)
• Serwer: An agreement for exchange of territories and people is being prepared, Borrell is moving in that direction (Express)

Serbian Language Media:

• North Kosovo: No newly infected, two people cured (Kontakt plus radio)
• Vucic: Serbia confirmed determination to join EU at Zagreb summit (RTS, N1)
• "Serbia is part of the 'Europe team'" (Tanjug, B92)
• EU confirms support for Western Balkans’ European perspective (N1)
• EBRD chief announces more finances for Western Balkans (Beta, N1)
• Vucic calls for lifting of trade barriers for Western Balkans (N1)
• The state of emergency in Serbia has been lifted (B92, Tanjug)
• Wreaths laid at Chinese Embassy old location in Belgrade in memory of 1999 bombing (BETA, N1)


• China’s Balkan Investments Are Paradoxically Speeding Region’s EU Integration (Balkan Insight)
• A constitutional battle with far-reaching political consequences (Prishtina Insight)


• Kosovo Albanian Woman Charged With Joining IS Terror Group (The New York Times)


• A Woman’s Work is Never Done (Kosovo 2.0)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 7

• Four new cases of Covid-19, 43 recoveries (media)
• The declaration of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Zagreb (media)
• Thaci wants visa liberalisation, candidate status for Kosovo (media)
• Kurti: Elections after pandemic the only way forward (media)
• Mustafa: We want a pro-European Kosovo, in friendship with U.S. (media)
• Kurti: No dialogue with maps, no agreement on partition (Express)
• Sources: Kurti complains to Pence that Thaci misinformed Grenell (media)
• Court says it will make merited decision on Thaci’s decree (Lajmi)
• PDK calls for resignation of government ministers (media)
• Hoxhaj: No to debates on whether we side more with U.S. or Europe (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 6, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 6, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Thaci has telephone call with Croatian PM Plenkovic ahead of Zagreb summit (media)
• Ahead of Zagreb summit, Thaci calls for visa liberalisation (Koha)
• Varhelyi: Western Balkans, EU’s priority (DW, media)
• AAK reacts against Borrell's statement on border changes (Telegrafi)
• LVV submits answers on the PM candidate to the Constitutional Court (RTK)
• FH: Kosovo making continuous progress (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

• Kosovo North: One new case, two cured of coronavirus in the last 24h (Kontakt plus radio)
• Borell concerned over political situation prior to Serbian elections (N1)
• EU-Western Balkans video summit takes place today: Vucic represents Serbia (B92)
• President Vucic thanked EU for help (SRNA, N1)
• Fajon: Not wise to stage elections now (DW, N1)
• Serbian opposition to discuss whether to boycott June elections (BETA, N1)
• Lajcak: Slovakia’s experience can have an impact on WB countries joining EU (Tanjug, TASR, B92)
• EBRD warns that Western Balkans can’t deal with pandemic fallout alone (N1)
• Gashi received death threats during broadcast (Kosovo-online)
• NAO: MLGA mostly allocated projects to Serbian municipalities without criteria (KoSSev)


• Against all odds, the COVID-19 pandemic cemented EU ties with the Western Balkans (media)
• An opportunity to end Kosovo’s isolation in Europe (EurActiv)
• Time for a new approach to the Western Balkans (EurActiv)


• Freedom House: Serbia, Montenegro, Hungary ‘No Longer Democracies’ (Balkan Insight)
• EU aims to counter Chinese, Russian influence at Balkan summit (Reuters)


• Minority media in Kosovo are important but financially vulnerable (KoSSev)
• Women entrepreneurs feel the strain amid COVID-19 pandemic (Prishtina Insight)
• Kosovo’s Museums in the Post-Corona World: an Opportunity for Change (Kosovo 2.0)
• Kosovo Film Festivals to Go Ahead Despite COVID-19 (Balkan Insight)