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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 6

• One new case of Covid-19, 87 recoveries (media)
• Borrell is not against Kosovo border changes (Koha)
• Osmani: Intl community must stop border changes attempts (media)
• Von Cramon: Ethnoterritorial shifts are dangerous (media)
• Rouge: How did we get back to this dangerous idea? (media)
• Kurti: Vjosa Osmani, true leader of LDK (media)
• Participants of Zagreb summit without state symbols (RTK)
• Venice Commission replies to PM Kurti (media)
• President Thaci on reply from the Venice Commission (media)
• Osmani seeks legal interpretation on MP's mandate (media)
• OECD expresses solidarity with Kosovo govt during pandemic (media)
• Kosovo loses around €6 million daily from the pandemic (RFE)
• Kurti appoints new head of Office for Community Affairs (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 5, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• Zagreb summit: EU to reaffirm Western Balkans perspective (RFE/Koha)
• President Thaci to represent Kosovo at Zagreb Summit (media)
• EU: Kosovo to decide who represents it at the Zagreb Summit (Express)
• Borrell is not against Kosovo border changes (Koha)
• Mayors’ call on citizens: Danger has not passed, be cautious (Telegrafi)
• PDK: Special committee to investigate quarantine centre death case (media)
• CoE rapporteur urges political responsibility and respect for the rule of law (Koha)
• U.S. Embassy: Success of youth is our top priority, education is key (media)
• Police commander suspended over social media comments (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• North Mitrovica: One new person infected of Covid-19 (Kontakt plus radio)
• Vucic says elections for Serbian parliament on June 21 (N1)
• Bilcik: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue important for EU perspective (media)
• Pavicevic: Horrible and flagrant violation of Pristina’s obligations (TV Most)
• Dacic: Opening of borders doesn't depend on Serbia (FoNet, N1)


• Balkans Face Same Problems, Only Worse, Once Pandemic Ends (Balkan Insight)


• Spain: We will not boycott Zagreb Summit over Kosovo’s presence (EWB)
• MEPs: Westerns Balkans summit must bring step-change and strengthen democracy (EWB)
• EU to reassure Balkan hopefuls they are not forgotten (
• Elections Return to Balkan Agenda as Pandemic Wanes (Balkan Insight)


• OpisMEDIJavanje: Even-steven, only in the interest of truth (KoSSev)
• Coronavirus Causes Massive Layoffs Across the Balkans (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 5

• Health Institute confirms four new cases of COVID-19 (media)
• Ministry reacts to reports concerning the death at quarantine centre (media)
• Opposition calls for resignations of Health and Interior ministers (media)
• Haziri: Agon Musliu case must not be politicised (media)
• Mushkolaj: LDK-led govt will be short-lived (Koha)
• EU and Western Balkans to hold a virtual summit (RTK)
• "Kosovo will suffer first recession since independence" (Koha)
• Serbia to hold elections on June 21 (RFE)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 4, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 4, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• LDK-AAK-NISMA meet to harmonise programs (ekonomia)
• Vitia: I considered resigning, I’m also responsible to shed light on case (media)
• Kurti calls on MPs to leave aside political calculations (RTK)
• Abrashi: We don’t have names of ministers yet (Lajmi)
• Pacolli expected to travel back to Switzerland today (Koha)
• Public Health Institute urges caution in light of lockdown relaxation steps (media)
• Haradinaj: Acting government is commiting recidive violation of the Constitution (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• No new Covid-19 infection cases in north, quarantine measure lifted (Kosovo online, Radio Mitrovica sever, Radio KIM)
• Jevtic: Wave of attacks against Serb returnees in Kosovo continues, two persons arrested (Kosovo-online, KoSSev, RTK 2)
• Head of UNMIK Tanin concerned over recent incidents against non-majority communities (social media)
• Empirika: Institutions to take measures to protect Serb property (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)
• EU in Pristina concerned over incidents in Serb-populated areas (RTS)
• OSCE Mission expresses concern over incidents in Gojbulja village (social media)
• Vucic: State of emergency to be lifted on Saint George Day, May 6 (B92)
• Borrell: Covid-19 pandemic has shown essential role of journalism (N1)


• Kosovo Orders Retrial of Wartime Guerrilla Unit Commander (Balkan Insight)


• Brnabic: If numbers are not under control, restrictive measures again (Prva TV, B92)
• Contact Tracing: Europe’s Coronavirus Tech Tangle (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 4

• Public Health Institute: 11 new cases of COVID-19 (media)
• Authorities urged to instigate death of young man in quarantine centre (media)
• Kurti: Govt was brought down because they want a quick agreement to divide territories (media)
• Bajrami: Court must rule in line with people's will (Infokusi)
• Hooper: Grenell to convince EU on Kosovo-Serbia agreement (VoA, RTK)
• Vucic foresees protests and riots in Kosovo (media)
• In less than a month, Serbia imported €12.4 million worth of goods to Kosovo (Koha)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 2

• Kurti asks Court’s opinion on Thaci’s competencies to propose candidate (media)
• Thaci: Threats from Kurti’s group and others must stop at once (media)
• Hoti: Parliamentary majority will elect new government (media)
• Osmani: Peace is possible only after perpetrators are brought to justice (media)
• Spain lifts veto over Kosovo attendance at international meetings (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 30, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• LDK, NISMA reach coalition agreement (media)
• Thaci: International silence created amnesty for Serbia's crimes (media)
• Sources: Pacolli to arrive in Kosovo today (Koha)
• Prishtina Mayor calls on leaders to set aside differences (media)
• LDK leader reacts to Svecla's remarks (media)
• Abazi: Parties, especially LDK, must distance themselves from Thaci (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• New incident against Serb community in Kosovo (Radio KIM)
• SL: Passivity of police and lack of responsibility among Albanian leaders and international community concerning (Kosovo-online)
• Five new cases of Covid-19 infection in north, four persons cured (Kosovo-online)
• Vucic: We may lift the state of emergency next week; The unstable situation in Kosovo does not suit Serbia (B92, RTS, Kontakt plus radio)
• EU High Representative Borell wants Kosovo dialogue resumed soon (N1)
• Serbian Trade Minister says 16 million Euro in goods shipped to Kosovo (Blic, N1)
• “KEK will no longer drill holes without consent of Kuzmin residents” (Radio KIM)
• CoE SecGen warns against media restrictions during pandemic (N1)
• Media: Curfew in Serbia from 6 pm on Thursday, April 30 to 5 am on Saturday May 2 (B92)
• Delevic: Special Prosecution indicted five persons (Radio Kosovska Mitrovica)


• Kosovo-Serbia Land Swap Deal Risks Destabilizing the Balkans, Researchers Group Warns (
• The dialogue between two people will continue, and not two societies (KIM radio)
• Why Serbia’s President Vucic chose Richard Grenell over Angela Merkel (EurActiv)


• COVID-Related Boom Reveals Video Conferencing’s Dark Side (Balkan Insight)


• UNFPA and UN Women continue offering support to victims of gender-based violence (Radio KIM)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 30

• Covid-19: Nine new cases, 17 recoveries (media)
• Kurti and Risi discuss security situation, Covid-19 response (media)
• Svecla: Thaci travelled to Albania by disregarding state protocol (media)
• Thaci says he did not bring Pacolli, calls LVV a criminal organization (TV Dukagjini)
• Kurti responds to Thaci, invites him to a televised debate (media)
• Scenario to vote new government when court is on a day off (Koha)
• Mustafa responds to Thaci, says he will send the name of PM candidate soon (RTK)
• LDK reaches agreement for coalition with NISMA (Klan)
• Hoti: SL will have as much participation as in Kurti’s government (RTK)
• LVV says MP Etem Arifi's vote cannot be counted on (media)
• Haradinaj: I don't think Kurti plans to keep PM’s post by force (Telegrafi)
• Surroi: There will be no new government (Koha/Telegrafi)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 29, 2020

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 29, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

• LDK signs governing coalition agreement with AAK (RTK)
• Thaci another letter to Mustafa, wants name of PM candidate (Indeksonline)
• Veseli: PDK MPs won’t vote a govt of fraud, elections after pandemic (media)
• BiEPAG: Western Balkans in Times of the Global Pandemic (Koha)
• Behgjet Pacolli is still in Tirana (RTK)
• 2018 report: Amnesty for war crimes could be part of Kosovo-Serbia agreement (Koha)
• Hyseni: The matter of the new government to conclude soon (Klan, RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• NGOs and Media: Responsible institutions to protect human rights (Kosovo Online, KIM Radio, Kontakt plus radio)
• US Ambassador to Serbia: Return to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is important to Washington (Kontakt plus radio, N1)
• Djuric: We disagree on status, but we can't beat the virus without cooperation (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
• US Embassy in Pristina: Violence against minorities should be investigated and prosecuted (Kosovo-online)
• Jevtic: Violence against Serb properties must end immediately (Kosovo-online)
• Office for KiM: Burning down of family house in Cernica latest in series of attacks against Serb properties in Kosovo (TV Most)
• One person infected and five more cured of Covid-19 in Kosovo north (Kontakt plus radio)
• KP classified assault on RTV Puls owner case as minor bodily harm and destruction of property (KoSSev)
• EU - WB draft declaration: Close cooperation after crisis (N1)


• Collective amnesia for an elusive normalisation of relations (Prishtina Insight)
• Surroi: The clash between two majorities (Koha)


• Ian Bancroft: With North Kosovo the Only Obstacle is in Your Mind (Kosovo 2.0)
• Recession Looms for Western Balkans as Countries Respond to COVID-19 (


• Number of confirmed coronavirus cases drops (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 29

• Ten new cases of COVID-19, 31 recovered (media)
• Kurti: Tremendous progress against COVID-19, but we must not relax (media)
• Vitia: Relaxation of measures to be announced in coming days (RTK)
• Caretaker PM Kurti’s interview to Euronews Albania
• Mustafa: We have votes to form new government (media)
• By not making the letter for PM candidate public, Thaci is impeding the matter to reach the Constitutional Court (Koha)
• Hoti: Agreement expected tomorrow, AKR too will be part of govt (EO)
• Sources: Pacolli is in Prishtina, joins talk for government formation (Lajmi)
• Vitia speaks about Pacolli's return to Kosovo (media)
• EULEX chief slams Pacolli's claims on quarantine measures (Kallxo)