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UNMIK Headlines 23 October

• LDK wins back lead, leaving PDK and Vetevendosje behind (Zeri)
• Runoff elections to determine winner in most municipalities (Koha/Zeri)
• Local elections, peaceful and free of major incidents (Bota Sot)
• Thaci: Good flow of elections, yet another success (RTK)
• PM Haradinaj congratulates people and parties on elections (media)
• Vucic congratulates Serbian List for winning ten municipalities (media)
• RAEPC allocates 60 thousand numbers for Serbian operator (Epoka)

Headlines - 23.10.2017

UNMIK Headlines 22 October

CEC reports irregularity in Mitrovica south (Koha)
OSCE clarifies what documents can Kosovo Serbs use to vote (Kallxo)
Voting permitted with UNMIK-issued documents (Indeksonline)
Vetevendosje MP says voting with Serbian documents ‘scandalous’ (Zeri)

Headlines - 22.10.2017

UNMIK Headlines 21 October

• Thaci meets Peterle and Braathu, addresses people of Kosovo (RTK)
• Thaci to decree Serb judges and prosecutors on Tuesday (Lajmi)
• Haradinaj: 300 to 400 decisions within 100 days of governance (Lajmi)
• Kosovo government allocates $ 100,000 for anti-ISIS coalition (Lajmi)
• CEC to distribute ballots with RKS stamps in the north (Tribuna Channel)

Headlines - 21.10.2017

UNMIK Headlines 20 October

• All set for Sunday elections (Bota Sot)
• Veseli: Parallel structures will no longer exist in Kosovo (media)
• Lumezi calls on EULEX to investigate Hasani’s allegations (Koha Ditore)
• Delawie: Fight corruption! (Zeri)
• Court issues measure of house arrest for Sekiraqa, sentenced to 37 years (dailies)
• Putin: EU encouraged separatism by supporting Kosovo’s independence (Koha)

Headlines - 20.10.2017

UNMIK Headlines 19 October

• President Thaci complains to Quint over swearing-in of judges (Kosova Sot)
• Vetevendosje and RTK officials clash of broadcaster’s role (Koha Ditore)
• Tahiri pledges Kosovo government’s support for Presevo Valley (Koha)
• Former head of border commission suspected of “parallel activity” (Koha)
• OSCE seeks reconstruction of social housing in Plemetin (Koha)

Headlines - 19.10.2017