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UNMIK Headlines 1 August

• Thaci: No one can make us discuss or agree to Kosovo’s partition (dailies)
• Haradinaj: Do not fear that Kosovo would make mistakes in dialogue (RTK)
• Kurti comments on possibility of leading dialogue with Serbia (Bota Sot)
• Janjic warns of Kosovo’s partition, calls on US and EU to intervene (Telegrafi)
• Brnabic: Situation in Kosovo must be discussed at Security Council (Klan Kosova)
• NATO ready to intervene in the event of violence in Kosovo (Koha)
• Bushati: We need to be careful not to open Pandora’s Box (Koha)
• Haradinaj: First proposal for ACSM statute, within the deadline (Epoka)
• Haradinaj says failure to approve IPA deal sends bad message to EU (Zeri)
• Government sets up team to assess Trepca mine assets (Epoka e Re)
• Gentiana Begolli elected chair of journalist association (media)
• Government of Kosovo lifts protective measures on fruits and vegetables (Koha)
• Ugljanin: We want to be involved in talks for northern Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Headlines - 01.08.2018

UNMIK Headlines 31 July

• Thaci does not comment on territorial swap reports (media)
• In Brussels, Kosovo to seek rights for Presevo Valley not unification (Zeri)
• LDK, Vetevendosje oppose PSD’s resolution on dialogue with Serbia (media)
• Hoti: Legitimate institutions created after elections to lead dialogue (media)
• Arifi: Serbia’s actions in conflict with spirit of dialogue (RFE/Klan Kosova)
• Djuric: Kosovo’s foreign minister and KSF minister cannot enter Serbia (Zeri)
• Serbian List: We’re in the opposition, it matters not where we sit (Lajmi)
• Hahn: 2025 is not far for countries that want to join EU (Kosova Sot)
• Damka to Haradinaj: Dismiss Dedaj or lose our votes in Assembly (Telegrafi)
• A decrease in number of reported human trafficking cases (Epoka)

Headlines - 31.07.2018

UNMIK Headlines 30 July

• Plan to exchange part of the north with part of Presevo Valley (Koha)
• Russian MFA dismisses reports of deal with US on Kosovo (RTK)
• Vucic: No easy agreement with Kosovo (Kosova Sot)
• Pacolli: Kosovo’s partition would imply violation of sovereignty (media)
• Ramadani: Ideas to exchange territories are mindsets of the past (media)
• Dedaj says Serbia and Turkey are witches of the Balkans (media)
• Maliqi: Opposition to support dialogue with Serbia (Epoka e Re)
• Berisha rejects possibility of a battalion for the north (Zeri/EO)
• 200 disputes could be expected over boundary line with Serbia (Zeri)
• Fajon hopes Kosovo will get visa liberalization in May 2019 (media)
• FOL: Government has fulfilled 57% of work plan (Epoka/Zeri)

Headlines - 30.07.2018

UNMIK Headlines 28 July

Opposition avoids inclusion in dialogue with Serbia (Radio Free Europe)
Fajon hopes Kosovo will get visa liberalization in May 2019 (Deutsche Welle)
Pacolli: U.S. will support Kosovo in every process (RTK)
“We don’t fear initiatives aimed at bringing down government” (Zeri)
Opposition avoids inclusion in dialogue with Serbia (Radio Free Europe)

UNMIK Headlines 27 July

• Thaci: Kosovo to take responsibility for Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)
• Presevo Valley wants to join Kosovo (dailies)
• Kurti: Ideas for partition, attempts for deception (RTK)
• US does not comment on Kosovo’s partition idea, Germany against it (Zeri)
• Opposition wants Assembly to have key role in dialogue (Koha)
• LDK insists on elections before dialogue with Serbia (Telegrafi)
• Vetevendosje presents six-point plan on dialogue with Serbia (Klan K.)
• Arifi: War is inevitable if border changes are made (Bota Sot)
• Adem Demaci, political activist and ‘Kosovo’s Mandela’, dies at 82 (dailies)

Headlines - 27.07.2018

UNMIK Headlines 26 July

• Veseli: Kosovo will emerge victorious in dialogue, we have U.S. with us (RTK)
• No concrete proposals for final agreement with Serbia (Koha)
• Kosovo Assembly to discuss dialogue with Serbia today (media)
• Vucic: Currently there is no possible solution on Kosovo (media)
• Kurti: Kosovo-Serbia dialogue measured in Mitrovica (Koha)
• Pristina-Belgrade dialogue: From technical talks to option of partition (Zeri)
• Pacolli: We have no Note Verbale revoking recognition of Kosovo (RFE)
• Kocijancic: Establishment of Association/Community takes time (Zeri)
• Vetevendosje to host debate on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Bota Sot)
• Sava Janjic writes to diplomats to halt construction of Decan-Plave road (RTK)
• Kosovo government removes protective measure on 14 products (media)