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Belgrade Media Report 23 May 2024

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Daily Media Highlights 


Thursday 23 May 2024


Vucic: Truth not one-sided, UN resolution to brand victims genocidal (Politika/RTS)
Vucic informs Cuban President of potential consequences of UNGA resolution (Tanjug)
Vucic speaks with Angolan President (RTV/Tanjug)
Vucevic: Abolition of RS is next, someone is playing with fire (Politika)
Belgrade appreciates Slovakia’s commitment to respecting international law (RTV/Tanjug)
Djuric: Serbia appeals to UN member states to oppose Srebrenica resolution (Tanjug)
Brnabic about Resolution on Srebrenica: Opening of one more hotspot in the Balkans (TV Happy)
Brnabic: Serbia sees Gabon as great friend, important partner (Tanjug)
Petkovic writes to Lajcak over Pristina’s police raid on Postal Savings Bank offices (Tanjug/RTV)
Let’s stand under single flag (Novosti)
We – The Voice of the People movement calls on citizens to vote (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina

Becirovic, Komsic meet UN SG Guterres; Guterres: It is crystal clear for UN that genocide has been committed in Srebrenica (Klix.ba)
Becirovic, Komsic continue lobbying for adoption of Resolution, meet Japan, UAE Ambassadors to UN (Klix.ba)
UK delegation led by Ambassador Reilly and Minister of State Ghani pays visit to Srebrenica Memorial Center (Vijesti.ba)
Dodik: We will suggest peaceful separation from Thursday’s session of RS government (RTRS)
Cvijanovic: Constant abuse of institutions and Constitution (RTRS)
RS parliament unanimously adopts ‘Protests Against Violation of General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H and General International Law’ (FTV)
Suljagic: Conditions for RS officials’ visit to Memorial Center in Potocari could not be ensured (FTV)
Trial of Dodik and Lukic resumes before Court of B&H (O Kanal)


Eleven Montenegrin organizations hold protest in front of government building due to announced support for Resolution on Srebrenica (ATV Banja Luka)


Rama: Britain wants more involvement in the region as we delve into the roots of the phenomenon of illegal immigration (Radio Tirana)
Cameron extends thanks to Rama: Albania, a success story, you have provided clear direction (Radio Tirana)
During his visit to Tirana, Cameron: When the Balkans are bad, Europe is bad, acknowledging Albania’s impressive progress (Radio Tirana)


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Vucic: Truth not one-sided, UN resolution to brand victims genocidal (Politika/RTS)


Addressing a panel that heard testimonies of Serb victims and witnesses of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday the truth was not one-sided and that passing a draft UN Srebrenica resolution would brand those victims as members of a genocidal nation. Vucic called on all UN General Assembly members not to adopt the draft resolution. “I am deeply touched by the testimonies of all the Serbs who came here to testify of what they went through 30 years ago,” Vucic said at the panel, hosted by the Serbian Permanent Mission to the UN at the UN headquarters in New York. “Those people are not politicians but ordinary people, and they will all feel very bad if the resolution is passed, because they are victims,” Vucic said, noting that, if passed, the resolution would brand them as members of a genocidal nation. “Serbia has never been silent, we have never been silent about the terrible events in Srebrenica – we have arrested, apprehended and extradited anyone who was individually responsible for the terrible crimes that took place in Srebrenica,” Vucic noted. A panel discussion ‘We speak because they cannot – voices that need to be heard’ was held at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, where the victims of the war in B&H presented their testimonies. Amongst those that addressed the discussion was Duska Stanic from Sanski Most, and she spoke about the horrors her family went through during the war. She and her sister, Svjetlana, were kept in a concentration camp. Duska spoke of the day when soldiers in black uniforms came to collect her and her family to take them to the camp. She was afraid and did not know what would happen to her, or where she would be taken. Vucic said that the people who spoke were not politicians but ordinary people. He pointed out that all of them will feel very bad if the resolution on Srebrenica is adopted because they are the victims and a mark will be placed on their foreheads that they are part of the genocidal people. He emphasized that he never hid that the Serbs committed terrible crimes, and that the two presidents of Serbia went to Srebrenica. He reminded that he went to bow down to the victims in Srebrenica and that he was almost lynched, and that the people who attacked him were not found. He asked if anywhere else in Europe it happened that someone attacked the Prime Minister and that no one has been held accountable for it. Vucic asked what the result of the adoption of the resolution would be and pointed out that on one side there would be celebration while on the other there would be indignation, sadness and anger. RTS commented that it will be known how far the voice of the Serbian victims was heard on Thursday after the vote on the resolution on the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica.


Vucic informs Cuban President of potential consequences of UNGA resolution (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Wednesday he had spoken by phone with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez to inform him of the potential consequences of passing a UN General Assembly resolution on Srebrenica. “A good discussion with President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, whom I informed of all potential consequences of passing the unilaterally imposed resolution on Srebrenica at the upcoming UNGA session. I noted that such a resolution was not aimed at remembrance for victims, but at jeopardizing the national interests of the Serbs and targeting Serbia as a genocidal state, which erodes peace and stability in the region and creates new tensions and divisions,” Vucic wrote in an Instagram post. He added that he had reiterated that Serbia honored all victims and was actively working on promoting peace, reconciliation, connectivity and development of friendly relations and cooperation among nations. Vucic is in New York for Thursday’s UNGA session on the Srebrenica resolution.


Vucic speaks with Angolan President (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke by phone with Angolan President Joao Lourenco on Thursday to inform him in detail of all the facts, pressures and consequences of this afternoon’s UN General Assembly vote on a Srebrenica resolution. In a post on Instagram, Vucic wrote that the discussion with his Angolan counterpart had been excellent and friendly. “I pointed out that Serbia, in defence of its freedom and its face, will fight until the last moment and that, once again, we will not yield to bigger, greater powers because we find our strength in the sanctity we are defending, in justice and truth, as well as in support from friends,” Vucic wrote. He added that he had thanked Lourenco for Angola’s history of respect and understanding for Serbia and its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Vucic also asked Lourenco to support a freedom- and justice-loving independent spirit in international politics that Serbia and African nations had always been advocating.


Vucevic: Abolition of RS is next, someone is playing with fire (Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic stated on Wednesday that it would be a big success for Serbia if most of countries would vote against Srebrenica Resolution or abstain from voting at the session of the UN General Assembly (UN GA) on Thursday. Vucevic added that this would mean that most of the world is against the resolution, is spite of possible formal adoption of it. Vucevic also assessed that the adoption of the resolution will produce consequences both for Serbia and for the entire region and he noted that “the next step will be abolition of the RS and revision of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA),” adding that “someone is playing with fire in the Western Balkans.” As for the fact that Germany is the co-sponsor of the Resolution, Vucevic said that it is impossible to explain to people in Serbia that Germany can be the co-sponsor “because that country committed the most horrible crimes in this territory in two World Wars.” Vucevic also assessed that the fact Germany and Rwanda proposed the Resolution is a nonsense by itself and he reminded that the biggest experts on genocide “absolutely said that this was not genocide.” Finally, Vucevic concluded by saying that Serbia cannot turn a blind eye or be uninterested in destiny of the RS.


Belgrade appreciates Slovakia’s commitment to respecting international law (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic spoke today with Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Serbia Michal Pavuk about the continuation of good bilateral relations, the improvement of economic cooperation and the interest of Slovak companies in further investing in Serbia.

Vucevic expressed his condemnation and regret for the recent attempt to assassinate the Prime Minister of Slovakia and wished his colleague Robert Fico a speedy recovery and return to his duties. The Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to friendly Slovakia for the principled attitude of respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as well as his concern about the position of the Serbian people and the current situation in the southern Serbian province. Vucevic emphasized that Belgrade highly appreciates Slovakia’s commitment to respecting international law and strong support for Serbia on its European path. In this context, he pointed out that Serbia remains a sincere friend and reliable partner of Slovakia, as well as that he hopes that the good political relations between the two countries will be followed by even better economic ties, as well as cooperation in all other areas. The Prime Minister and the Ambassador agreed that good bilateral relations open up additional space for improving cooperation, especially in the areas of innovation, research and development, digitization and modern technologies, industry, renewable energy sources and environmental protection. Prime Minister Vucevic and Ambassador Pavuk also discussed the special bond in the relations between the two countries, which is formed by members of the Slovak national minority in Serbia, as well as the Serbian national minority in Slovakia. Ambassador Pavuk also emphasized that a large number of Slovak companies have already invested capital in Serbia, but that there are still those who want to expand their business in our country, due to the existence of a good business climate. He added that he hopes that companies from Serbia will also invest more intensively in Slovakia. The Ambassador congratulated Prime Minister Vucevic on his election to that position and wished him success in times full of challenges.


Djuric: Serbia appeals to UN member states to oppose Srebrenica resolution (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric said on Wednesday Serbia appealed with the utmost urgency to all UN member states to strongly oppose the passage of a draft Srebrenica resolution. “With utmost urgency, the Republic of Serbia appeals to all the Member States of the United Nations to strongly oppose the adoption of the Draft Resolution ‘International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica,'” Djuric wrote in a post on the social media network X.


Brnabic about Resolution on Srebrenica: Opening of one more hotspot in the Balkans (TV Happy)


Speaker of the Serbian parliament Ana Brnabic has stated why Germany is initiating the Resolution on Srebrenica. “Is anyone asking oneself what kind of a slap against the whole world and whole history is this?”, asked Brnabic, according to whom the Resolution is erasing the 20th century and creating some new history, a new world order based on lies and disrespect of victims and rules. Brnabic also stated the Resolution violates the Dayton agreement and the Constitution of B&H: “At a moment when you have crisis hotspots all over the world, they open one more in the Balkans, which is already a powder keg (…)”, said Brnabic.


Brnabic: Serbia sees Gabon as great friend, important partner (Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday Serbia considered Gabon as its great friend and an important partner. “We are proud of the friendship with the Republic of Gabon and we remain firmly committed to further advancement and deepening of overall cooperation, and we see the country as a great friend and an important partner. I am glad we are maintaining and stepping up high-level political and diplomatic dialogue, and I will be trying to ensure that is also the case with our two parliaments,” Brnabic wrote in an Instagram post. She thanked Gabonese PM Raymond Ndonga Sima for taking the time to visit Serbia.


Petkovic writes to Lajcak over Pristina’s police raid on Postal Savings Bank offices (Tanjug/RTV)


In a letter to Brussels’s special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic informed the EU official of Pristina’s recent police raid on the offices of Serbia’s Postal Savings Bank in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. The so-called “Kosovo Police” were deliberately equipped with long weapons and full combat gear to intimidate civilians and employees before they closed the bank’s five offices, Petkovic noted in the letter, seen by Tanjug. He called on Lajcak to inform the EU member states in an authentic manner of Pristina’s destabilizing actions and the trampling of dialogue, and requested concrete steps to prevent any unilateral and violent acts by Pristina in the future. He added that the raid was a continuation of ethnically motivated violence against the Serbs and aimed at disrupting their daily lives and creating unbearable living conditions for them. He noted that the raid directly trampled the EU’s authority underfoot and was a direct attack on Lajcak’s publicly expressed expectations that he might be able to call another meeting on Pristina’s decision to ban the Serbian dinar and dinar cash operations in Kosovo and Metohija. However, through its actions, Pristina has demonstrated it does not care about talks, the positions of the EU or the lives of the Serbs, Petkovic said, noting that the raid had taken place just three days after the most recent round of the Brussels dialogue. He added that, unless Lajcak urgently informed the EU member states of all the facts in an authentic manner and clearly identified Pristina as the destabilizing factor, “Pristina’s plan of killing the dialogue will substantially be accomplished”. “That will further deteriorate the already catastrophic position of the Serbs who are under occupation and terror by Pristina,” Petkovic wrote in the letter, noting that now was the last moment to prevent Pristina from taking such unilateral and escalatory measures in the future.


Let’s stand under single flag (Novosti)


SPS issued a press statement saying that Serbia is faced with big challenges but also responsibility of all stakeholders at the political scene. SPS argued that everyone who truly care about Serb national interests must strongly support Serbia’s leadership and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic: “This is the time when we should all stand under a single flag and leave aside our political differences in order to show the entire world that we are proud people and that we are capable of defending our national interests.”


We – The Voice of the People movement calls on citizens to vote (Beta)


Representatives of the We – The Voice of the People movement called on the citizens to cast their ballots in the coming Belgrade elections, promising they would put a stop to corruption within six months. They told a media conference that advocating election boycott means helping the incumbent government stay in power, in which case voters in Belgrade will lose 500 euros each in the coming period due to increased prices, borrowing, and other unnecessary expenses. Representatives Branko Pavlovic and Sinisa Ljepojevic called on Belgraders to vote for the movement’s electoral list in the 2 June elections for the Belgrade City Assembly. Pavlovic said the movement has a team capable of tackling corruption, “not in a day, but in six months”. “Despite the fact that irregularities are always present,” elections are the only way to “peacefully” influence the government and bring about change, said Ljepojevic.




Becirovic, Komsic meet UN SG Guterres; Guterres: It is crystal clear for UN that genocide has been committed in Srebrenica (Klix.ba)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic met on Wednesday with UN Secretary General (UN SG) Antonio Guterres, a day before vote on Srebrenica Resolution in UN General Assembly. The article noted that this is a second meeting in little over the month and the meeting was also attended by B&H Ambassador to UN, Zlatko Lagumdzija. Becirovic and Komsic thanked the Secretary General for the current support to activities and measures in a fight against denial of genocide and hate speech in B&H. Becirovic stated that it is important for the UN General Assembly to adopt the Resolution on Thursday, adding that among other things, this protects UN credibility. “This is an important civilizational step for truth and justice. The Resolution has historic importance, because in this way, the international community conveys a clear message that they will not accept genocide and ideology of denying of genocide,” said Becirovic. Guterres underlined that it is crystal clear for the UN that genocide has been committed in Srebrenica, which the highest UN courts confirmed and nobody can dispute this. The officials concluded that building of the future demands facing with the past and genocide prevention is a fundamental priority. Becirovic expressed special respect toward the countries that will support the Resolution and underlined that adoption of this Resolution leads toward true reconciliation and building of permanent peace in B&H and region.


Becirovic, Komsic continue lobbying for adoption of Resolution, meet Japan, UAE Ambassadors to UN (Klix.ba)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic met in the UN HQ in New York on Wednesday, with Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, Yamazaki Kazuyuki. On the eve of UN General Assembly vote on Srebrenica Resolution, Becirovic stated that it is important for the international community to take the side of justice and support adoption of the Resolution ‘International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica’. He underlined global importance of prevention of genocide. During the meeting officials presented legal, moral, historic and other arguments in favor of adoption of this Resolution, underlining the importance of genocide studies in educating of children and the youth. They noted that integration of this topic in the education system will provide foundations for establishing of a more just society and contribute to preservation of peace and stability in B&H and Western Balkans region. Ambassador Kazuyuki stated that Japan will vote in favor of the Resolution and Becirovic and Komsic thanked for Japan’s support to B&H. Becirovic met on Wednesday in the UN HQ in New York, with Ambassador of United Arab Emirates to UN Mohamed Abushahab. A statement issued by the B&H Presidency reads that Becirovic underlined that adoption of the Resolution would show dedication to truth and justice and at the same time pay respect to families of genocide victims, who are exposed to insults by side of those denying genocide, on a daily basis. Becirovic underlined importance of the fact that at the beginning of May, during the Summit of Organization of Islamic Countries in Gambia, 57 UN member states adopted declaration supporting the Resolution.


UK delegation led by Ambassador Reilly and Minister of State Ghani pays visit to Srebrenica Memorial Center (Vijesti.ba)


UK delegation, led by UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly and Minister of State (Minister for Europe) in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Nusrat Ghani paid a visit to Srebrenica Memorial Center- Potocari on Wednesday. Reilly and Ghani visited the exhibitions dedicated to genocide victims who were participants of ‘Death Marsh’ in July 1995 and the one showcasing personal items belonging to victims, as well as video testimonies of surviving members and their families. At the end of the visit, Minister Ghani, together with mothers laid wreaths of flowers in Potocari, paying respect to genocide victims. “Visiting Srebrenica today, I was struck not only by the horrors of the genocide but by the vital importance of acknowledging the past. The Mothers remember their losses with dignity and courage, and share their compassion for all other innocent victims of war. The UK is proud to support the Srebrenica Memorial Centre as they develop the ability to tell the story of the Srebrenica genocide and to bring all communities together. Their determination to honor victims on all sides in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region is the key to building a shared future based on the truth,” Ghani wrote on X.


Dodik: We will suggest peaceful separation from Thursday’s session of RS government (RTRS)


In statement to RTRS, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the decision on Resolution on Srebrenica in UN General Assembly signed the end of B&H and announced that during the RS Government’s session on Thursday it will be suggested to the FB&H to accept peaceful separation. “Whether all this will be accelerated or in some due time, this is a matter of the process. We chose peaceful separation and we will suggest this on Thursday at the government’s session in Srebrenica. We will make suggestion to the Federal side,” said Dodik. Dodik said that RS and FB&H are contractual sides of Dayton Peace Agreement and therefore of B&H Constitution. He noted that this is an extensive, dirty intervention of the international community, international factor. “Accent on everything was thrown by functioning of the joint institutions, which again, with their sponsorship, very much undermined, incognito working on proposing and securing support to Germany. In this regard, they are not informing B&H bodies. B&H bodies – which they insist on to have them functioning- have not made any decision.” Dodik said that the obvious example is a statement of an Ambassador to the UN, who said he has support of a Bosniak member of B&H Presidency. “All this is shameful and they are well aware of this, Americans, British, Germans and all others who interfere here, probably calculating that this is necessary to be done because Serbs will be making noise for a couple of days and then disappear,” ends Dodik.


Cvijanovic: Constant abuse of institutions and Constitution (RTRS)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic told RTRS that there is constant abuse of B&H institutions, the Constitution, constitutional procedures and everything that should be the normal sequence of things and processes within those institutions. Cvijanovic said that the way in which the Resolution on Srebrenica was submitted to the UN General Assembly, without the consent and consensus of the B&H Presidency, best shows what B&H is like and how it functions. She pointed out that it is manipulation and abuse and that it is a lie that there are no hidden intentions behind it. “If there were no such intentions, the Presidency would discuss it and take a stance… And (Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko) Komsic is lobbying and working on it, but I still maintain that this is not B&H’s position. In order for something to be a stance, it implies a consensus. If they think that RS is an integral part of B&H, then they cannot impersonate themselves and speak on behalf of B&H. If they think that the RS is not part of B&H, then they would have the right to act in that way and defend their individual interests,” Cvijanovic told RTRS. She said that things must be returned into the constitutional context and that everything that came out of that framework and caused damage in B&H must be annulled. “That is the first option, and the second is how to make decisions. Will it even be possible to make any decisions, because this is a practice that nullifies everything that the Constitution has given in order to reach a legitimate decision. It is complicated, but I think this is a certain turning point where a lot of things will unravel,” said Cvijanovic. She also said that the United Nations has been losing its authority in recent times and that the importance of this organization should not be overestimated. She pointed out that the way the resolution on Srebrenica was presented confirms that the UN has no credibility, because it is clear that this is not the position of B&H, and this is being ignored. “However, that is not the only example. Everything that is happening today related to the conflict in Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza and everything that happened before that shows the inability of the organization to adequately respond, because it is a training ground and a place where political interests collide, and not political desires to resolve. what is a political or security problem,” Cvijanovic noted. She concluded that the General Assembly is a real political training ground, unlike the UN Security Council, where permanent members can veto harmful decisions. Cvijanovic told RTRS that the Presidency did not take a unified position on the Resolution and that all lobbying by B&H Ambassador to the UN Zlatko Lagumdzija, and Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic represents a continuation of abuse of institutions of B&H and the B&H Constitution. “I do not think it will be possible to make any decisions, because this is a practice that nullifies everything that the Constitution gave in order to reach a legitimate decision. It is complicated, but I think this is a turning point where a lot of things will be unraveled in the coming period,” said Cvijanovic. She also said that the United Nations has been losing its authority in recent times and that the importance of this organization should not be overestimated. She pointed out that the way the resolution on Srebrenica was presented confirms that the UN has no credibility, because it is clear that this is not the position of B&H, and this is being ignored.


RS parliament unanimously adopts ‘Protests Against Violation of General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H and General International Law’ (FTV)


The RS parliament adopted on Wednesday a document entitled ‘Protest against the violation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) and General International Law’, as a response of the entity parliament to the Resolution on Srebrenica, which will be voted on Thursday in the UN General Assembly (UN GA). This document will be sent to the representatives of B&H, Serbia and Croatia, as well as the witness states of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), and other UN member countries. The document reads that adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica would also destabilize the entire region. RS President Milorad Dodik used this opportunity to present insults against B&H Ambassador to the UN Zlatko Lagumdzija, calling him “a ragged person who says that he is initiating it on behalf of B&H”. Dodik noted that Chairman of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic also does not speak on behalf of B&H, but rather on behalf of Muslims. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic stated: “It is our obligation to legally stand up, using legal mechanisms for the protection of the GFAP by proposing a way and contesting the actions and reference to the resolution of the Draft Resolution on the Genocide in Srebrenica as actions that represent a material violation of international law and the general agreement for peace in B&H.” PDP’s representative in the RS parliament Igor Crnadak presented an opinion that the Resolution aims to label the entire Serb people, the RS or Serbia, or all of them, as being collectively responsible. Leader of the List for Justice and Order and representative in the RS parliament Nebojsa Vukanovic noted that Dodik, with his party colleagues, keeps offending the international officials as well as Bosniaks, which he sees the reason why the Resolution on Srebrenica was initiated. According to Vukanovic, this shows that the RS leadership is actually responsible for what is happening in the UN GA. “We are hostages to a wrong, mad policy that brings us in conflict with the entire world”, remarked Vukanovic. SDA’s representative in the RS parliament Ramiz Salkic said: “If the genocide had not happened, there would have been no verdicts. If the verdicts were not denied, if the victims were not humiliated, if the war criminals were not glorified, there would be no resolutions. Resolutions are an additional incentive for catharsis and awareness, acceptance of established judicial and historical facts.”


Suljagic: Conditions for RS officials’ visit to Memorial Center in Potocari could not be ensured (FTV)


Director of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center Emir Suljagic stated on Wednesday that the conditions for the visit of RS officials to the Memorial Center in Potocari, planned for Thursday, could not be ensured, bearing in mind the views and policy of the RS government on the genocide committed against Bosniaks in Srebrenica. Suljagic published a post on the social media X, which reads: “If the President (of the RS Milorad Dodik) and the representatives of the RS government insist on paying tribute to the victims of the period 1992-1995, they can do it on the way to Srebrenica, so specifically in Srebrenica, they can lay flowers on the playground in front of the elementary school, where in April 1993 as a result of an artillery attack by the RS Army, 74 Bosniaks from Srebrenica and Podrinje were killed, and more than a hundred wounded.” Suljagic added that they can also pay tribute to the Bosniak victims in front of the warehouse of the Agricultural Cooperative in Kravica, where, as he stated, members of the Special Police Brigade of the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) killed more than 1,300 captured Bosniaks, civilians from the Srebrenica enclave. “If they are impatient and cannot wait, then they can turn in Vlasenica to Susica, where more than 8,000 people passed through the camp under the supervision of the civil and military authorities of the RS,” wrote Suljagic.


Trial of Dodik and Lukic resumes before Court of B&H (O Kanal)


A hearing in the case of RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic was held before the Court of B&H on Wednesday. Dodik and Lukic are tried for non-execution of decisions of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. On this occasion, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H completed presentation of material evidence. Judge of the Court of B&H Sena Uzunovic rejected the request of the defense for Schmidt to testify as witness in this process. The defense’s request for testimony of speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic and one more witness (Note: Name not stated) was also rejected. The court accepted the defense’s request for testimony of speaker of the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) Srebrenka Golic and RS President’s Advisor Jelena Pajic Bastinac. The defense attorneys were disputing the part of the evidence of the Prosecutor’s Office related to the correspondence between the OHR and the RS institutions. The next hearing is set to take place on 19 June. Dodik’s attorney Goran Bubic addressed media after the hearing, saying that Schmidt’s immunity is debatable “considering that he was not appointed”. Dodik noted that this shows that the Court of B&H and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H are “non-constitutional institutions formed by the will of foreigners, and which defend that will with the decision not to summon someone who amended the Criminal Code of B&H with his decision for testimony”.


Eleven Montenegrin organizations hold protest in front of government building due to announced support for Resolution on Srebrenica (ATV Banja Luka)


ATV Banja Luka reports on a protest organized by representatives of 11 organizations from Montenegro, which is to be held on Wednesday late afternoon in front of the Montenegrin government building in Podgorica. They organized the protest due to announcement of Montenegrin authorities that they will support the proposed Resolution on Srebrenica during the upcoming UN General Assembly (UN GA) session. Protest organizers accused the government, led by Prime Minister Milojko Spajic, of not respecting the Serb victims, and they say the Montenegrin authorities must oppose the attempt of flagging Serbs as a genocidal nation. ATV reporter was in Podgorica where a few hundred citizens came to the gathering. The protest did not yet start, but people have gathered in front of the government building. The gathered citizens said decision of authorities is a betrayal, and Montenegro should vote against the proposed resolution. They emphasized that Serbs are not genocidal people and this Resolution aims to present that. One man that spoke for ATV said genocide did not happen in Srebrenica. He added that several genocides where committed over Serbs in the past, and no one wants to recognize that. Another man said Spajic came to his current post with votes of Montenegrin citizens, and if his government makes this move, then those same citizens can ask for government to be dismissed and a new one formed. He added that Montenegro should vote against the Resolution, or at least abstain from voting in the UN GA. If that does not happen, mass protests will be held across Montenegro, the man promised. ATV noted that many police officers secured the gathering on Wednesday in Podgorica, and not many politicians came to the protest. One of them spoke for ATV, leader of Slobodna Crna Gora (Free Montenegro) party Vladislav Dajkovic, and he said if Montenegro votes for the resolution on Thursday, it will be “the only country of the world that voted to declare its own people as genocidal people.” Dajkovic reminded that almost 40 percent of people living in Montenegro are Serbs. He called on all Serbs to come to the protest and show they are against this decision.


Rama: Britain wants more involvement in the region as we delve into the roots of the phenomenon of illegal immigration (Radio Tirana)


Illegal immigration, Britain’s involvement in the project for the Durres-Prishtina railway, and the progress of cooperation in the region were some of the key points discussed during the meeting between Prime Minister Edi Rama and the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain David Cameron. In his speech at the joint conference with Lord Cameron, Rama mentioned that Britain intends to be more present in the region. In this context, the head of government announced that the United Kingdom will be included in the strategic project of the Durres-Prishtina railway. Similarly, Rama declared that the international competition for the new commercial Port of Durres will soon be opened. Additionally, he mentioned that they are awaiting the final response from NATO regarding the military wing of the Port of Durres. “It is a special day because we not only have a friend from a country that is a very important ally and partner, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Lord Cameron, but also a special friend of this region and Albania,” he highlighted. Rama continued, “I am sure he will come back again. We have discussed our very good bilateral relations and their further deepening, which we have talked about both in terms of relations as two allied countries in NATO, and also in terms of bilateral relations, given Britain’s intention to be more present in our region.” “I would like to emphasize that we have discussed Britain’s involvement in a strategic project of particular importance for Albania, Kosovo, and the region, which is the Durres-Prishtina railway. This railway is a key element of the project to increase movement capacities, not only between the two countries, but also in the region and beyond,” cited Rama. Moreover, “Soon we will open the international competition for the new commercial port of Durres. We are awaiting NATO’s final answer regarding the military wing of the Port of Durres. At the same time, Kosovo will build a dry port in Pristina,” said Rama. Furthermore, the head of the government also focused on illegal immigration, for which he announced that cooperation between Britain and Albania will be intensified to address the root causes of this phenomenon. “For all these reasons, this project exceeds the interest of the two countries, and Britain has expressed interest in being involved with funding and expertise,” remarked Rama. “The Secretary is an important advocate in the transformative processes of our region. We also discussed the joint project or program for the fight against illegal human trafficking, and we are very satisfied with the results achieved. Our joint operation will continue, and the commitment to deter the flow of this traffic will be maximum in the future. This commitment is also related to our common determination to address the root causes of this phenomenon, which is linked to organized crime networks,” added the head of government Rama. Therefore, the normalization of regional relations and the process of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia has been another topic of discussion between the Rama-Cameron duo. “We discussed the progress of cooperation in the region. Cameron is a staunch supporter of these processes, and it is known that Britain has expressed a special interest in seeing the full normalization of relations and the dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia. While there have been positive steps, there is also stagnation, and the risk of regression is felt in the region. It is imperative to prevent any backward steps,” empasized Rama.


Cameron extends thanks to Rama: Albania, a success story, you have provided clear direction (Radio Tirana)


In a joint press statement with Prime Minister Edi Rama, the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom Lord David Cameron declared today that Albania is truly a success story. Cameron stated, “It is truly a particular pleasure for me to be in Albania today. One of the reasons I wanted to come, and I’m sorry it has taken so long and that it’s a short visit, but one of those reasons is to celebrate your success.” He emphasized that, “Albania is indeed a success story, economically, in NATO success. You have also successfully done the impossible and a great job and very strong leadership in the Security Council.” Cameron thanked Rama for the clear direction he has provided to Albania. “For this, I want to thank you for your leadership. Not only because you have won more elections than I have and continue in office, but because you have given such a clear direction for where Albania wants to get to and where Albania should be in the NATO and EU sphere,” he said. Cameron stressed that the partnership with Albania is among the most fruitful and positive for the United Kingdom. “What I can say from the British perspective and speaking here on behalf of our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is that this has been, is, and will be one of the most fruitful and positive partnerships for us. For exports, for example, they have increased by 20%. We have very exciting projects, such as the railway you explained from Pristina to Durres, which will be very important, not only for Albania but also for Kosovo and the entire region,” he said. “It is indeed a very positive relationship also in terms of defense. In the field of defense, not only the partnership in NATO and the work we are doing to achieve Ukraine’s membership in NATO, but also actually for the direct support we give to each other,” Cameron emphasized. So, he added, “a partnership also in the fight against organized crime and serious crime, and we are pleased to also assist in the modernization of your judiciary. As you continue your reforms.”


During his visit to Tirana, Cameron: When the Balkans are bad, Europe is bad, acknowledging Albania’s impressive progress (Radio Tirana)


Great Britain aims to increase its presence in the Balkan region through stronger investments and partnerships. This was the message conveyed by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, David Cameron, during his brief visit to Tirana. Cameron appreciated all the developments that Albania has made in reforms crucial for the rule of law, economic development, growth, and the strengthening of security partnerships within NATO, as well as the tourism development that the country is experiencing. He believes that all these advancements will create favorable conditions for citizens, reducing the need for resorting to illegal immigration. “It is a special pleasure to be here today. One of the reasons I wanted to come is to celebrate your success, as Albania is indeed a success story economically, and you have done a great job in the Security Council. You have provided such clear direction regarding where you want Albania to reach and its place within NATO and the EU sphere. Britain is committed to being one of your most fruitful partners; exports have increased by 20%. We are also involved in the railway project from Pristina to Durres, which will be very important for the entire region. Additionally, we have a positive relationship in the field of defense and partnership within NATO. Furthermore, we are partners in the fight against organized crime and are aiding in the modernization of your judiciary as you continue your reforms,” Cameron emphasized. “When the Western Balkans is in turmoil, Europe suffers as well,” pointed out Cameron, emphasizing Britain’s strong support for the region’s EU integration. Regarding the partnership for combating illegal immigration, Cameron assessed it as extremely important and with positive results, suggesting that “other countries should take it as an example.” In the end, Cameron also spoke about the projects and investments that Great Britain will make in the region, contributing to its economic development. “The partnership in immigration has yielded positive results and should serve as an example for others. Everyone is grappling with this phenomenon, and you have demonstrated innovation, creativity, and dedication to forging strong partnerships that have yielded excellent results. The economy has flourished, and the tourism sector is thriving. When the Balkans succeeds, it benefits the entire region, and we must collaborate on projects that are crucial for both sides, strengthening our continent,” Cameron concluded.


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