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UNMIK Headlines 13 April

• Thaci: Let us strengthen our state identity (media)
• Haliti: PDK won’t have red lines after elections (Epoka e Re)
• Opposition participates at the commission for SAA (Epoka e Re)
• Collaku travels to Strasbourg for visa liberalization process (Bota Sot)
• There is progress, but no date yet on visa liberalization for Kosovo (Koha)
• Seselj cancelled visit to Mitrovica (Zeri)
• Agency chief bans reporter from covering media event (Koha)

Headlines - 13.04.2016

UNMIK Headlines 12 April

• AAK, NISMA ready for coalition with PDK (Epoka e Re)
• PDK, LDK deny possibility of a bigger coalition (Lajmi)
• PDK too wants elections (Zeri)
• Limaj: Kosovo needs a powerful alternative (Epoka e Re)
• Closed dialogue between gov’t and opposition to continue until June (Koha)
• Changes in government will affect only three positions (Koha)
• Collaku: Decision on visa liberalization to come soon (Zeri)
• Freedom House: Kosovo’s state-building gridlocked (RTK)
• Tahiri: Serbia abused agreement for normalization (Epoka e Re)
• Seselj planning visit to Kosovo today (Kosovapress)
• Vucic: We don’t interfere in Serbian List decisions (Zeri/Klan Kosova)
• Serbian government builds settlement for Serbs in Kosovo (Koha)

Headlines - 12.04.2016

UNMIK Headlines 11 April

• Haradinaj: We are against AAK’s merger into Vetevendosje (Koha)
• Dacic: Kosovo outside UNESCO, big win for Serbia (dailies)
• Selimi: We don’t discuss UNESCO with Serbia (Zeri)
• Tahiri: Reciprocity on license plates, after elections (Zeri)
• Serbia to pay €24 thousand for damages (Zeri)
• Veseli without a rival (Zeri)

Headlines - 11.04.2016

UNMIK Headlines 9 April

• Inauguration ceremony of the President of Kosovo (dailies)
• UK delegation meets leaders of Vetevendosje and AAK (Kosovapress)
• Vetevendosje: AAK di not consult us about the date of the protest (Kosovapress)

Headlines - 09.04.2016

UNMIK Headlines 8 April

• President Thaci meets Quint representatives (RTK/Klan Kosova)
• US Deputy Assistant Secretary Hoyt to visit Kosovo today (Kosovapress)
• Reichel: Germany committed to supporting Kosovo’s development (Koha)
• Simic: Thaci to do more for communities (RTK/Klan Kosova)
• “First to be indicted by special court is Agim Ceku” (Bota Sot)
• Deda: Vetevendosje will not use tear gas in the Assembly anymore (RTK)
• Konjufca: It is time for AAK to make concessions (Telegrafi/Rrokum)
• Albania PM: Vetevendosje is a national treasure (Klan Kosova)

Headlines - 08.04.2016