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Headlines - 01.09.2018

UNMIK Headlines 31 August

• President Thaci meets leaders of ruling coalition parties (media)
• Mitchell and Thaci discuss agreement with Serbia (Zeri)
• Mogherini: EU in the Balkans is entering a second phase (media)
• Haziri: Presevo Valley should join Kosovo (RTK)
• Rugova: Assembly must stop initiative that threatens territorial integrity (Epoka)
• Opposition to start with protests after the extraordinary session (Zeri)
• Petrisch: The best solution will be the one coming from Kosovo and Serbia (Zeri)
• Tahiri: Assembly has historic responsibility to say NO to border changes (Epoka)
• UN Security Council will not be discussing Kosovo in September either (Zeri)

Headlines - 31.08.2018

UNMIK Headlines 30 August

• Mogherini: Difficult, but possible meetings, for an agreement (media)
• Haradinaj with opposition against Thaci (Koha)
• Thaci does not obey the Assembly (Zeri)
• Former international envoys warn EU about Kosovo’s partition (Kosova Sot)
• Vucic to meet Serb families on 9 September (Zeri)
• Edita Tahiri alarms about the ACSMM (Zeri)
• Gjetaj: Dialogue to be conditioned with shedding light on the missing (Epoka)
• Protest for dismissal of state chief prosecutor goes on (Zeri)

Headlines - 30.08.2018

UNMIK Headlines 29 August

• Merkel: Change of borders could bring consequences for the Balkans (Epoka)
• Thaci: No to exchange of territories (RTK)
• Haradinaj: There are no discussions for territories and borders (Zeri)
• AAK, NISMA join opposition for session against border “correction” (Koha)
• Rasic: Germany does not want ‘a new Syria’ within Europe (Zeri)
• Knaus: Movement of borders or people means explosion (Koha/Dnevni Avaz)
• LIBE to discuss visa liberalization today, decide tomorrow (Zeri)
• Delawie: Investigations without political interference into “fake” veterans (media)
• Another protest today in Pristina against interference in judiciary (media)
• Five people arrested in protest against visit by Serb IDPs to Gjakova (media)
• Rashit Qalaj appointed general director of Kosovo Police (media)

Headlines - 29.08.2018

UNMIK Headlines 28 August

• Thaci: I am against ethnic borders, but I am not naïve (media)
• Veseli: Kosovo will not negotiate its statehood and territorial integrity (media)
• Merkel, Trump discuss Western Balkans (Koha)
• Kocijancic: Kosovo, Serbia should be given space to reach agreement (RTK)
• Ruling coalition partners soften their position on border negotiations (Koha)
• Opposition seeks extraordinary assembly session on dialogue (Zeri)
• LDK says it won’t allow Thaci to make deals with Kosovo’s territory (Epoka)
• Vetevendosje announces protests before 7 September (Epoka)
• NATO is not informed about plan of Kosovo-Serbia negotiations (Zeri)
• Thaci replies to Kandic: Kosovo is home to all its citizens (media)
• EU could help vetting on justice (Zeri)
• Civil society to hold another protest against state chief prosecutor Lumezi (Koha)

Headlines - 28.08.2018

UNMIK Headlines 27 August

• Thaci and Vucic seek internationals’ help to reach final agreement (Epoka)
• Hahn: Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia should be supported (Zeri)
• Kurz: Kosovo - Serbia agreement, main precondition for EU membership (Epoka)
• Veseli: Kosovo’s territorial integrity is inviolable (RTK)
• Pacolli: There is no division of Kosovo (RTK)
• “Border adjustments” undoes independence and incites conflicts (Koha)
• “Kosovo must be careful from hasty options with long-term consequences” (Koha)
• Lekaj: Calls for a vote of confidence are not serious (Epoka)
• Haradinaj at an informal meeting of Balkans Prime Ministers (RTK)
• Gashi: Special court is not filing indictments due to political reasons (media)
• US Senator McCain, supporter of Kosovo’s independence, dies aged 81 (media)
• Kosovo citizens start signing online petition against partition (media)