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UNMIK Headlines 25 October

• Thaci and Vucic to meet in Paris on 11 November (Klan Kosova)
• Palmer: Neither red lines nor agreement without Assembly’s consent (Koha)
• Haradinaj: Kosovo army with support of international partners (Koha)
• Beyer: No EU for Serbia without recognising Kosovo (Koha)
• Jevtic: This is not the time to create an army (Klan Kosova)
• Hoxhaj: We will review relations with EU if no visa liberalisation decision (Zeri)
• Pacolli condemns attack on Albanian taxi driver in Mitrovica North (media)
• Thaci’s brother accused of assault against insurance companies’ officials (dailies)

Headlines - 25.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 24 October

• Haradinaj talks alternative to Thaci’s “border correction” idea (media)
• Palmer: US to support strengthening of Kosovo statehood (Zeri)
• German MP warns against Kosovo-Serbia land swap idea (media)
• EU requests do not set Kosovo back from its army creation plan (Zeri)
• Montenegro minister: Army is internal matter of Kosovo (Zeri)
• Committee forms working group on KSF draft laws (media)
• Dacic: No Kosovo army as long as Resolution 1244 is in force (media)
• Kocijancic: EC and Serbia have different views on dialogue (Koha/Beta)
• Hoxhaj: We should use EU’s conditioning of Serbia (RTK)
• EU integration minister hints at possibility of visa liberalisation delay (Zeri)
• Vetevendosje: For 14 months, government caused more scandals than work (RTK)

Headlines - 24.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 23 October

Hahn: We support any agreement that does not set precedent (Zeri)
KSF function and constitutional mandate have not changed (Koha, Zeri)
Serbs leave KSF, Haradinaj calls on them to stay (RTK)
KSF denies reports of resignations by Serb members (Lajmi)
Hoti: Border correction idea is impeding Kosovo’s relations with EU (media)
Pacolli: Germany supports visa liberalization for Kosovo (Lajmi)
Pacolli confident on Kosovo’s INTERPOL membership (Zeri)
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Palmer visits Kosovo today (Lajmi)
Bahtiri: Meeting Rakic not pleasant, I’m more careful than Haradinaj (Klan)
PM Haradinaj dismisses deputy minister over bribe charges (media)
Parliamentary committee condemns recent attacks (Koha)

UNMIK Headlines 23 October

• Hahn: We support any agreement that does not set precedent (Zeri)
• KSF function and constitutional mandate have not changed (Koha, Zeri)
• Serbs leave KSF, Haradinaj calls on them to stay (RTK)
• KSF denies reports of resignations by Serb members (Lajmi)
• Hoti: Border correction idea is impeding Kosovo’s relations with EU (media)
• Pacolli: Germany supports visa liberalization for Kosovo (Lajmi)
• Pacolli confident on Kosovo’s INTERPOL membership (Zeri)
• U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Palmer visits Kosovo today (Lajmi)
• Bahtiri: Meeting Rakic not pleasant, I’m more careful than Haradinaj (Klan)
• PM Haradinaj dismisses deputy minister over bribe charges (media)
• Parliamentary committee condemns recent attacks (Koha)

Headlines - 23.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 22 October

• Thaci: Border correction, a historic opportunity for a peace deal (media)
• Veseli: Exchange of territories is not an option (DPA, RTK)
• Red lines in dialogue and KSF transformation irritate Serbia (Koha)
• “Correction of borders should not be issue of dialogue with Serbia” (RTK)
• LDK: Early general elections are inevitable (media)
• Kosovo leaders condemn attack on Serb pilgrims (media)
• Vetevendosje preparing draft law which would document war crimes (RTK)
• Prosecutor confirms arrest of Deputy Minister (Zeri)

Headlines - 22.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 20 October

• US support Kosovo army with limited self-defence territorial mandate (Zeri)
• Haradinaj: KSF will be just like any other army (media)
• Palmer: US have not seen any plan of Kosovo-Serbia agreement (Zeri)
• Serbian List prepares to send KSF bills to Constitutional Court (Zeri)
• Turkish FM calls for closing down of Gulen-funded schools (Koha)