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Headlines - 20.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 19 October

• Assembly passes laws paving way for creation of Kosovo army (dailies)
• Haradinaj: Adoption of KSF laws, crucial days for our country (social media)
• Serbian List protests KSF transformation laws (media)
• Kosovo President Thaci congratulates on the army (Facebook, Epoka)
• NATO reaction after Assembly decision on KSF (RTK)
• Serbia’s first reactions on Kosovo’s army (Epoka)
• Edi Rama congratulates vote on Kosovo Army (media)
• Pacolli: We are all united when it comes to Kosovo (social media)
• Pacolli: Reports that Kosovo Serb MPs were insulted, part of propaganda (RTK)
• Hoti: Vucic telling lies to try and present Kosovo Serbs as victims (social media)
• Minister Berisha: We will change KSF name when time is right (RTK)
• Djuric expects reactions from international community on KSF bills (Zeri)
• Thaci: If someone has a better idea, I will give up on border correction (media)
• “I don’t believe in border changes, but it wouldn’t be bad for Albanians” (media)
• “Best solution for U.S., mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia” (Koha)
• Leaders: Kosovo membership at INTERPOL retains peace and security (Epoka)
• UNMIK departure would rejoice Pristina and anger Belgrade (RFE)
• House owned by Albanian in north Mitrovica attacked (Telegrafi/Klan Kosova)

Headlines - 19.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 18 October

• Assembly to discuss creation of Kosovo army today (Zeri)
• NATO’s engagement in Kosovo to be reviewed if KSF mandate is changed (DW)
• Haradinaj: Idea of partition was funded by Serbia (Koha)
• Veseli: Germany supports visa liberalisation for Kosovo (dailies)
• Limaj: We have so far gone to talks with hands in pockets (Zeri)
• Cooper calls for “great caution” on land swap idea (Koha)
• Vucic: UNMIK departure forces us to defend our people (Epoka)
• Govt aims finalization of army, visa liberalization and Interpol this year (Epoka)
• Alleged sexual violence perpetrator member of Kosovo Police (media)
• KSF Minister meets members of Serb community (Klan)
• Kosovo Police director of economic crimes, demoted (media)

Headlines - 18.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 17 October

• Haradinaj: Kosovo army to be established by end of next month (Epoka e Re)
• In Germany, Speaker Veseli lobbies for visa liberalisation and Interpol (dailies)
• Hahn hopes agreement with Serbia will lead EU five to recognise Kosovo (media)
• Vucic: I hear some insanity about Presevo and Bujanovac (RTK)
• Haradinaj asks Bahtiri to refrain from comments on Mitrovica bridge (media)
• Mitrovica bridge, topic of Bahtiri-Tanin meeting (Epoka e Re)
• Kosovo MFA rebuts reports of Lesotho revoking recognition (media)
• Haziri: I will run for party leader (Tribuna Channel, Epoka)
• PM Haradinaj commends sexual violence survivor for coming forward (media)
• IMF warns of possible fiscal crisis (RFE/Koha)
• EU disappointed with decision on import of old vehicles (Koha)
• Prime Minister’s Office keeps secret boycott of reception in New York (Koha)
• Kosovo government creates committee to treat violent extremism (Epoka)

Headlines - 17.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 16 October

• Thaci: Army is merit of all (T7, RTK)
• Pacolli: Border correction idea gaining increasing support (Klan Kosova)
• AKR dismisses Interior Minister Gashi, appoints Ekrem Mustafa (dailies)
• Opposition continues to boycott Assembly, leaving it with no quorum (Koha)
• Draft resolution on dialogue with Serbia removed from Assembly agenda (media)
• Assembly set to discuss KSF transformation bills Thursday (media)
• Serbian List: We will do the utmost to prevent creation of the army (Lajmi)
• Scott: U.S. consider Kosovo a state (RTK)
• Kosovo, topic of discussion at Belgrade Security Forum (Koha)

Headlines - 16.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 15 October

• Thaci and Vucic expected to meet on November 11 in Paris (Danas, RTK)
• Ambassador Citaku reacts to Serbian media propaganda (Facebook, RTK)
• Pacolli: Serbia is spreading fake news (Facebook, RTK)
• LDK seeks allies in ruling coalition to bring down government (Kosova Sot)
• Hoxha: We are requesting visa decision be taken this year (Zeri/EO)
• Over 120 draft laws await approval by “lazy” MPs (Koha)
• Assembly presidency to decide date for KSF transformation bill debate (Zeri)
• Ramadani: Kosovo has U.S. support on KSF transitioning process (RTK)
• Pacolli: Special ceremony for reopening of Mitrovica bridge (Zeri/Klan)
• U.S. counterterrorism official to visit Kosovo (RTK)