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Headlines - 15.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 12 October

• Thaci: Macron strongly supports dialogue, possible border correction (TVSH)
• Pacolli: Macron said there can be no open conflict in the Balkans (Klan Kosova)
• No consensus on platform for dialogue (Koha)
• Assembly Speaker Veseli meets Quint ambassadors (social media)
• Veseli: We request recognition from the agreement with Serbia (Klan)
• Phillips: Border correction undermines Kosovo sovereignty (Zeri)
• David Philips resigns, doesn’t want to be part of Kosovo’s partition (Koha)
• Hoxhaj discusses visa liberalisation with Dutch officials (Bota S./social media)
• Kosovo becomes associated member of OIF (dailies)
• “World Bank statements, no impact on Kosova e Re project” (Koha)

Headlines - 12.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 11 October

• Thaci: AFET considers border correction possible (Facebook/media)
• Hoxhaj: Resolution on dialogue includes viewpoints of all parties (Epoka)
• LDK calls on other parties to agree on date for new elections (media)
• Thaci – Haradinaj major disagreements could lead to new elections? (Telegrafi)
• Kosovo must identify its strategic interests in dialogue (Koha)
• No agreement with Serbia this year (Zeri)
• Apostolova’s message to Kosovo leaders: Don’t give timelines on visas (media)
• PDK launches internal elections process (dailies)
• Serbs in the north protest over Association/Community (Zeri)
• At OIF conference, Pacolli calls for support to Kosovo’s Interpol bid (media)
• Government set to build new power plant, even without WB support (Koha)
• Indictment on veterans lists returned to Prosecution (Epoka)

Headlines - 11.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 10 October

• EU: Brussels agreements, base documents for Association/Community (Koha)
• Haradinaj: There will be no games with border (Zeri)
• Haradinaj: In U.S., I received messages Kosovo’s borders are fine (Telegrafi)
• Thaci: I will raise border issue at OIF conference meetings (RTK)
• Opposition refuses to go to Veseli’s meeting (media)
• Ismaili: We don’t want border correction that damages sovereignty (T7)
• PSD: “Border correction” a serious public provocation (Koha)
• Gjini: Thaci has no constitutional right to dismiss Haradinaj (Klan Kosova)
• Kuci: We’re not afraid the government will be brought down (Epoka)
• Hoxha: Visa liberalisation in final stage (Zeri)
• Kosovo report approved, Soltes mentions Kosovo’s great chance on visas (Epoka)
• Thaci requested to return veterans’ lists at point zero (Facebook/Epoka)
• Assembly committee adopts bill for trying war crimes in absentia (Klan Kosova)
• PDK to hold convention which opens internal election process (Klan)

Headlines - 10.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 9 October

• Thaci threatens Haradinaj with elections (dailies)
• Thaci: There were no more than 15,000 KLA members (Zeri)
• Collaku: Border correction eliminates threats to Kosovo statehood (Klan Kosova)
• Veseli calls opposition leaders to a meeting (Zeri)
• Alternativa: Resolution needs substantial improvements (Epoka)
• Surroi: A single person cannot redesign the borders of a state (Koha)
• Two Albanian youths physically assaulted in Novi Sad (media)
• Veseli: Dialogue, the only way of communication between nations (Epoka)
• Kosovo DPM Hoxhaj invited to event in Belgrade, waits reply (Klan Kosova)
• “I meet with internationals, they don’t understand Thaci’s actions” (Telegrafi)
• Kosovo doctor detained for two months in Serbia, released (Zeri/RTK)

Headlines - 09.10.2018

UNMIK Headlines 8 October

Stoltenberg: Kosovo and Serbia need to reach political agreement (dailies)
Game with resolutions (Koha Ditore)
Veseli calls on opposition to vote dialogue resolution (media)
Kurti: Thaci wants resolution so he can break it (media)
Pacolli: Resolution strengthens Kosovo’s position in dialogue (media)
EU countries showing reservations towards visa liberalisation for Kosovo (Zeri)