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Albin Kurti and the power of calmness (Tribuna)

Tirana-based publicist Armand Shkullaku argues that in its election campaign the Vetevendosje Movement is proving to be restrained and calm, it is avoiding unnecessary clashes with other political parties and it is careful not to show the slightest sign of arrogance. “Vetevendosje’s campaign is focused on modesty and humbleness before the people … Albin Kurti’s campaign is trying to find a balance between calmness and maturity on the one hand and the strong drive that characterizes Vetevendosje on the other”. Shkullaku further notes that Vetevendosje’s election strategy reminds him of the election campaign 33 years ago in France when Francois Mitterrand announced the famous slogan “la force tranquille”. “Kurti is trying to prove that he has both the force and calmness. Vetevendosje is moving toward a political maturity that will guarantee that they are capable of running the country without provoking tensions and conflicts,” Shkullaku writes.
