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Pavicevic feels offended at a mention of Serbian genocide (Koha)

Belgrade’s liaison officer in Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic, felt provoked by a statement of Kosovo’s chief negotiator in dialogue with Serbia, Edita Tahiri. As a sign of protest, Pavicevic tried to walk out of the roundtable organised to present the report titled “Civilised Monotony” about implementation of Kosovo-Serbia agreement. The report has been a joint production of BIRN Kosovo, the Center for Transparency, Research and Accountability, CRTA, from Serbia, and Internews Kosova.

“Of course, we as a country and people, can never forget this history because it is a history of genocide which Serbia committed in Kosovo and despite the fact that the public opinion was not in favour of this dialogue, we as leadership and all institutions agreed to it because we had in mind improvement of the lives of citizens”, said Tahiri in her speech. After this statement, Pavicevic stressed that if the debate will continue on this subject, we would leave. “The issue of genocide was mentions and I really cannot allow Republic of Serbia to be accused this way for no need or reason. I hope we will not speak about this or I will have to leave the conference”, said Pavicevic. However, he stayed on at the insistence of organisers.