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Die Welt: Thaci might face the trial for war crimes (Kosovapress)

The German daily, Die Welt reports that Hashim Thaci, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kosovo, might face the trial for war crimes. This paper notes that despite the fact that this powerful man is negotiating with Brussels on getting Kosovo closer to EU, he is in danger of facing the Special Court for war crimes, voted recently at Kosovo Parliament.

Die Welt stresses that it will be difficult for the former KLA commander with the nickname “Snake” to hide his tracks. Sixteen years after the end of the war, there are speculations that the former Prime Minister has ordered murder of Serbs, Roma and Albanian collaborators with Milosevic’s regime, writes this daily.

Die Welt also mentions possible trade with human organs, referring to the European Council report drafted by Dick Marty, who calls Thaci the boss of the organization of Mafiosi style, involved in serious war crimes and drug trafficking.