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Haradinaj clarifies the “threatening” statement (Koha)

Daut Haradinaj, Kosovo Assembly MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), explained his controversial statement.

He said that his statement was “taken from the tail” and that he never said that he wants ethnic cleansing of Kosovo. According to him, political leaders in Belgrade want this.

“This statement was taken from the tail. There are tendencies to destabilize this country. It is better for those who boast about Serbs to tell us how did “Panda” case happen, to blame Kosovo Albanians afterword,” Haradinaj said.

“We should be careful, because it cannot be played with our nation. There is no bigger provocation than destabilization of the country. Diplomats should know this as well. They are keeping hostage a certain person. Those who are trying and who are leaders in Belgrade, should know that we do not hand over hostages anymore. No one has brought our freedom. We have won it ourselves with the help of the partners. I never said that we want ethnic cleansing of Kosovo. They want to ethnically cleanse Kosovo. If they want to play with fire, then let it be,” said MP Haradinaj.