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The return of Albanians in north, impossible process (Zeri)

The paper reports that at least until spring next year there will be no return of Albanians in northern Mitrovica, although many of them have expressed willingness to return to their properties. Adriana Hodzic, head of the Administrative Office in northern Kosovo, said that there is no progress in this direction. According to her, the process of reconstruction of the Albaninans’ houses will not start before spring next year. While the Mayor of Mitrovica South, Agim Bahtiri, accused the northern municipality and the government of Serbia for doing ethnic cleansing in the north by not allowing Albanians to return to their homes. The Albanian representative in Kroi i Vitakut neighborhood, Nazmi Ismaili, told the paper that “the northern municipality is not allowing us to continue the process of rebuilding the houses, even though they themselves are working by building residential buildings in the Albanian neighborhood.