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What MPs?! (Koha Ditore)

According to KTV’s editor-in-chief Adriatik Kelmendi there was only one Kosovo Albanian MP who spoke about all crimes alleged to have occurred in the Kosovo conflict and that was Ilir Deda from Vetevendosje. In his speech at the Assembly session on the establishment of specialist chambers, Deda said that crimes were not only committed against Albanians but also against other communities and absolutely all should be addressed by a Kosovo war crimes court which Pristina authorities would have to set up. According to Kelmendi, no MP has ever called for justice for non-Albanian victims. “This is of course not a popular matter and definitely not one that brings election votes and absolutely cannot be compared with 10,000 Albanians killed by Serb forces”, writes Kelmendi adding that it nevertheless shows the level of maturity of the people’s representatives at the Assembly. And while Deda’s speech deserves praise, it comes too late as the international community already formed the opinion that Kosovars were not ready to deal with human losses during the conflict and thus imposed a “new, controversial experiment”, that of the special court, says Kelmendi.  Last week’s voting of the special court, in his view, was totally insincere and not guided by some noble cause. Instead, each and every member of the Assembly vote was based on personal calculations or those of the party they represent. If the elected MPs were truly interested in the good of Kosovo and its people, they would have coordinated their actions long time ago and negotiated with international community the possibility of setting up a type of a special court which would not treat cases in a selective manner.